Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1920)
> PAUK FOLK EVERY FARMER as well as every business mail, should have a Whv« Because: Your money is safer in the hank than anywhere else. Paying hills by check is simple and con venient. Tt gives you a better standing in business. Money in the bank strengthens your credit. The bank does all the bookkeeping. Your bank book is a record of your business. The nation's need Is greater production of This bank can help the firmer along that line. foodstuffs Hill '111 ui*rn»E THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK S» S I f * OF SOI THERN OREGON* MFMBES Barcalo Wrenches ANGLE CRESCENT 22 PATTERN. SIZES 4. «. N. 1» AND 12-IN EVERY PART Gt ARAN- TEEI». Rogue River Hardware Co. I ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Clothes You Call Old Somewhere a round your ho tie you may have an old suit of clothes, perhaps you have di»carde«l it, it may be in the «mulshed dr out in the garage, at least »»hen Jon find it, you have found something worth having cleaned, pressed and rejMdred. Somewhere up in Garage Row, The Wardrobe Cleaner* are wait- ing for that old suit of clothes. If you can't find the place at 315 North 6th Street Phone 147 and we will find You Overcoats, Suits Shoes, Furnishings FOR MEN-AT Peerless Clothing Co Cash Clothiers OREGON TONI«.HT— TOMORROW MATINEE AND MORT Alice Brady PER52N/1L Mrs. M. À Fail- ìiiid wild im um * i K Guwl Mu*<<—: Aud a good time at the Waldorf River this afternoon to visit friends. II \i Gorham, of the Winona dis hall Friday night. »I trict. was In town today. Hemstitching neatly done. Mrs They Are Guaranteed l,uncturv-pr«M>f Nellie Neaa. SStf You can drive fearlessly along fur Postmaster Guild, of Merlin, was thousands of miies without dread of I punctures. an«i for this tire Insur- tn the city this afternoon. Willard storage battery service you pay nothing It's part of station. 314 North Sixth St ,7li|the Gale« Half-Sole Tire Service M rs. B A. Williams returned last Guarantee. -Ole's Tire Sltop, 306 night from Everett, Wash.. where North Sixth. 95 she spent several weeks with rela- tives. Another lairge Olli'— Mr. and Mrs. H. S Donnell return Large eggs are becoming common ed a few days ago front a trip to I ata in the Rogue river valley. Quo re Angeles anil Santa Crus, They spent port ed by G. B Bristow. laid by u several days with Miss Edith llan Black .Minorca hen. measured Sail 4 nard and returned to their canyon inches in circumference. home this morning. E. A. Smith and family returned You Can't Dodge— from Selma today where they visited We have smashed prices. A Chev-1 the »R. L Hammer family, ami will rolel ride at Ford price. For It’s the! leave tonight for their home at Hood climate Palace Taxi, phone 22-J. tf ! River They are returning home from a trip to Southern California. K HammerSacher is again at his Map* of the t ans llittli««»,— The county court has re el veil work in the First Nationul bank.) having returned earlier in the week . blue prints with the routes a# out from a visit at his old home In St. lined by the engineers for the Caves During his stay there his highway, with estimates of the <*osts Piaui, It mother was taken suddenly 111 with | of the various proposed routes pneumonia and died the following ■indicates that the route as finally selected by the federal authorities day. was the shortest and the least »■»- Hearts Are Trump*-— pensive of the alternative rout«*« over At the Valentine dan ing party ! ' which survey# were run. The blue 94 ' print is accompanied by detailed fig Friday night ures showing the costs as estimated •fash’’ llcndricks Improting— Cassius Hendricks who was ser- from the surveys, as well as the orig lonely ill anti was transferred from inal estimates which were made prior to the surveys. his home near Waldo to the Ntoun- tain View hospital seven weks ago, is We'll All I’lay PoMoffl«-«-— rapidly convalescing, having gained At the Valentine dancing party, 30 pounds in weight. Dr. Billick Friday night. 94 sa«s that with a little training Cash may be able to challenge the winner Medford luotie* Herr— of the main event of the boxing con A delegation of Medford ladies. in test to lie held by the American lx»- . , . ,. , ... I eluding Mesdames J. B. Andrews. W gion, at the opera house February 26. „ j E. Tu my and F. E Merrick, was in No Murphy Dan«-«'— |the city Thursday, having come from Owing to th«» flu situation Murphy (-the Ja<-kson county metropolis to In- will indefinitely i»»st|Hine all danc vestlgate the army supply store that [ ing. 95 I# conducted here by the municipal-1 itv. Many Medford people ar«» coin-! NEW TODAY ing to Grants Pass to trade at the SEE G. P. JESTER Tor life insur army store, and the ladies yesterday ance—Penn Mutual Life. 59tf were inquiring a# to the method# for the establishment of such an Institu DRY SLAB WOOD »3.50 per tier de tion. probably with the thowsfit n« livered. Also few loads of good having one tn Medford barnyard fertilizer. F. I.. Boat, phone 379-R. 97 Like Magic— FOR SALE 160 acres 5 miles from Grants Pass, down river. 60 acres clgnred at $50 an acres, 100 acres at $25 an acre. Churchill & Galbraith, 609 Vi G street. 95 l-'OR SALE O b » Chevrolet touring car run 2000 miles. E. -L. Chur h- 111. 95 WANTED Small vertical boiler. Suitable for dairy. To stand 60 pounds pressure. Must be in good shape. K. M. <’. Neill. 'Ardencraig Farm, Grants Pass, Oregon. 96 FOR SALE "Three Barred Rock cockerels, best known laying strain, medium dark, well marked, »3 each. Pure bred eggs for hatching. »1 per setting. Mrs. Robert Neilson. Rd. 3. phone 603- F-l 1. hX)R SALE Good fir wood, a tier delivered. Phone Dickinson & Daws, Wilderville. 99 Vi INTEL Mi n on ranch for general work. C. P. Kuhnhardt, Box xx, Merlin, Ore. 93 Ff)R SALE Young cow. Price $30, if taken at once. M. B. Bradford, Sló D street. Phone 212-Y. 93 RALE Thoroughbred Barred Rock co kerela. Geo. A. Hamilton. Phone 603-F-2. 93 WANTED Girl to do generarliouse- work. Apply 630 North Second street. 1 l>i«l you ever hear a fine violin solo reprodiK r<1 on a The Better Half” Story of a twin sister who takes the place of an ungrateful wife Mack Kennett'* Comrdy Her Screen Idol” With IXHiD STERLING and IXM'ISE FAZENDA Spring Underwear mr$. Mlle IW Siicc’tMmor to Mr*. K. Itehkopf We have some beautiful bedroom suites and boudoir furnish ings at attractive price* right now’. There is more real solid comfort tn boudoir furniture than In any other you may buy. It makes a beautiful gift. Il I# worth buying for yourself We solicit your Inspection of this showing worth your while •• WE TURN A HOUSE INTO A HOME M H olmans F urniture S tore OPPOSITE THE BAND STAND P hons 50 «■■ 60S G S treet , G rants P ass . Oy.ox — Select Your Pattern Today (¿et (lie Spring < qurwtion Mil I »flirt* »ri I) niMdr to your nHWmrr by « mi I um I. You will be surprised charmed -by the power of phonograph to reproduce music with such wonderful curacy and with such a depth and richness of tone. Music nnd Photo Honsr 507 G Htreet The gjirmenl« will I m - dclKvred to suit pair con«. nli ni r and the price, ne well as the <pu«lity of style, fit ami service ««ill please you completely. Fifteen year* local dealer CEO. S. CALHOUN You can deliver to us your old IP' tires, tread-worn, rut-worn, jabbed I ' "Tl and cut. and we will return to von i < hurt-hill Re-enter»« lt< »1 ISlat brand new tires made over size, guar I E. •$,. Churchill is again In the anteed pun'-ture-proof, with fresh real estate business During U h * pawl new side-walls and non-skid tread year or two he has devoted his time Not a square Inch of your old tire to his vineyard and the automobile devote will be exposed. Ole's Tire Shop. 95 business. ''»ut now he in st of his Attention to real estate, working the auto und traps business ns a side line Mr. Churchill ha# bls office with E 1,. Galbraith, «09 <) street, with whom he is associated tn u part of the busi nei -2 iniinil|i Ill The Sales and Show Room and the Service Station of the Buick Agency is now established at 308-310 North Sixth Street. phonograph? If not, come in and let ns play your favorite selection for you on one of our new Puri tans. It will be wwll /?u6i. L inoliums R anci s , W au P apin , S sw / ng M ach / npì & HootUAS Puritan STANTON ROWELL 1 LOCAIL Mr. W. W. Phillips will have charge of the Service Station. A large assortment of Buick parts will be carried in stock. Best of attention will be given to Buick owners and an invitation is extended to all prospec tive car purchasers to call and see us.