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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1920)
tiUÜÖ V'<»h. X«, \<». liti. c;-. W HOLE M.MBEK *3H4M* • f ('ll libili» ire klll««l in t old I1I< mh I I in ring liisinl Attack Made by Niitioiuilist» Imtidon, Feb 13. Tim Armenian national delegation received a mel ange slating that during recent at tacks by the nationalist forces on IMarasji anti Hintab, In Asia Minor, about. 2,00*1 Armenian civilians were murdered In cold blood. - ■'■‘Il ' Mt. President Holds Conference With Representatives of The Brotherhoods, and Makes Proposal lovdtog mands of The Maintenance EmployW IC<*H<dUtlon Would K<i|uire Open Ad* vcrtlMng and I Hilding of Former German Shijis Washington, Feb. 13. Senator WAN THE HEAD OF THE Ashurst, Arizona, democrat, intro- ALI-Kl HSIAN GOVERNMENT duced a concurrent resolution direct IM SIBERIA ing the Shipping Board not to sell 30 former German liners which the board plane to sell at auction Mon flay, except through regular public biddlbg after three months advertis ing*, and then only if proper offers are received. William Randolph Committee Acted HeanM, as a taxpayer. applied for the Revolutionary injunction here against the shipping Quickly. Fearing That an Attempt at Itswtie Would Be .Made board to prevent the auction Monday. The board is to show cause Monday. Washington, Feb. 13. An "unal- tlon better if he saw the representa the railroad tives personally.. terable" decision in controversy was made by the presi- Denying on behalf of the railroad dent in his conference wfth Ute rep administration the di«mands of the Niall'«* That Nliota ilrrt* Fired While ' resenlatlves of the brotherhoods, brotherhoods and other Ex-Nervicc Mon Were standing In railway ’ The {«resident said the government's unions for wage advan es ranging Idne Marking Time IpOilcy was "based on justice to all from 5 to 40 tier cent. Director Gen I interests." The decision was not an- eral Hines terminated the conference non need at the White House. Offi with the laizor l<*aders Wednesday Montesano, Wiuth., Fob. 13 Thos. London, Feb. 13.—-News of the cials said it was a decision contain and announ^fid the reference of the Ashland. Feb. 13 It now being C. Mor gun, 19 year old. resident of execution of .Admiral Kolchak, for ing a proposal. It Is assumed that whole matter to the president. definitely settled that Hillah T«sm- mer head of the All-Russian govern Raymond, Washington, testified that Mr Hine« said be had been unable ple will stage a Shrine « eremonlal at I It ts a counter proposition. The con ment, is officially confirmed. He he was In the I. W. W. hull when Eugene, active preparations are al ference lasted 15 minutes. The pres to reach any agreement with the and one of bis ministers, M. Pepel- the shootlug happened, and saw ready under way an to di-tailH at ident. in a wheel chair, read a state unions concerning the disi>o«ition of iavev, were shot at lrkutusk Febru there Uriti Smith, Mike Sheehan, tending the big event. Certain of (he ment. The proposal is to be put up the wage problem "in view of the ary 7, at i o'clock in the morning. to the railroad employes today. It early termination of government con Ray Backer. James McInerney und major committees have already been The revolution committee decided at The president's trol.” and that he was laying before appointed, the executive, classifica was announced. Elmer Smith, defendants. Mverpool, Feb. 13.—Names of 2 o'clock to shoot them and acted proposal is not ext»ected to stop the Mr. WilHon the wage demands and tion including G. W. Dunn. J. H. Ful liners quickly, fearing attempts at reecue. This teutUnony was given by the ler, F. D. Wagner, T. H. Simpson and strike of maintenance of way em- the arguments of the employes, to- several large Cunard ocean It has not been explained how they wltneaH upon the resitliving of the C. W. Mims, also Stuart SaunderH, | ployes called for Tuesday. g««ther with his own reasons for re sunk by enemy submarines during trial of the I I defendants charged ex-officio as potentate of th«* local or it is Relieved the president may jecting the appeals for increased pay. the war are tirlie perpetuated in new fell into the hands of the revolution ary committee. with the Armistice day murders, to ganization. In a way the ceremonial I have adopted the Hines suggestion, The general opinion in administra vessels now under construction, it day, after the holiday vacation of will be in conjunction with the Scot telling the men that with the return tion circles was that Mr. Wilson is announced by the Cunard Com Roads in Good Shape ■■ yesterday. tish Hite "bodies «if Oregon which al«» ¡of the roads to private ownership an would sustain Mr. Hines and appeal The highways throughout Jose- Morgan testified thul legion mem- meet at Eugene, lull Insofar as a|»e-| impartial tribunal for consideration to the unions to submit their de pany. The com|»any has nearly 500,- ben In the paradv hud halted and clflc work is concerned, the tw<»; of demands would be created, If in mands to the arbitration tribunals of I 000 tons of passenger ships DOW phine county are now in good condi- Be- tion. though rough in spots, were marking Urne when tin- first events will be distinctly separate., creased pay is granted. the roads the railroa«!« after they are returned building. tween the Josephine and the Doug- shots were fired into their ranks. lM»th an to «letali and date. The would seek an increase in freight to private ownership on March 1. Of the vessels whose names are las county line the only bad piece of The first shots came from op|>o«lte Srolllsh Rite degrees will lie confer rates, meaning increased cost of liv- The Pentling railroad legislation given none will approach the size of road is the three mile stretch over The soldiers had red on Friday, March b the I W W. hall provides for wage adjustment boards 5. , and tlie ing. Hints« claimed. the 'Mauretania or Aquitania, but Sexton mountain. This is rough and made no at tompt to go toward« the Shrine ceremonial will follow on Sat It was saitl at the White House for the settlement of such disputes, they will 'be big liners of the inter- cut with ruts, but is passable, Be- hall at the time, ho said Morgan urday, *Murch 6. The chief <l»*ligbtfu) that the president had been giving and it is not unlikely that the presi m«Miiate type, ranging from 520 to yond that there are now four and was found hiding in an Ice . host in soi lul event of the gathering will b»- ithe railroad situation serious thought dent will untlertake to bring about a 600 feet in length. They will have one-half miles of macadam, and five the I W W. hall, and at first was til«« traditional banquet, a composite I for several days and that it was his siieedv creation of this machinery spacious accommodation for passen mimed as a defendant merger as far uh the two organizn- own suggestion that he see the union for the immediate submission of the gers, and will also be able to carry 1 miles of pavement from Wolf Creek to Grave Creek. It is all pavement men. He was understood to have union demands after th«* government lions are con<»«rned, large quantities of cargo. from Grants Pass to the Jackson Si'veral special cars will lie re- felt that he could handle the situa- relinquishes control. There are four ships of the 600- county line, but from the line to senetl for those tusking the trip foot class, the Franconia, the 1-aco- Gold Hill gravel has been placed on north from this terminal and inter nia. the Scythia, and the Samaria. the road, making it slow traveling, mediate points, as Medford. Jackson ' There is only one vessel under t-on- This stretch will be paved before the ville, Granta Pass and Itos««l>urg are ' struction in the 550-foot class, the season is far advanced. liberally represented on «Hillah Tem Tiburnia. a name which appears for ple's roster. The start from, Ash- : the first time among the company's land will be on Friday evening, j ships. The 520-foot class comprises Mar h 5. Shrine cohorts will as- seven vessels, the 'Alaunia. Ardania. sembie at 1 p. m . (Satunluy, March Tokio, Fell. 13.--«Plans tor tile According to information received i Aurania, Ansonia, Ascaria, Albania <lau toll 6, a business meeting being prelim-' opening of direct lines of sailing ves- today. Major Albert Smith, well and Antonia. Of these (he first five tlon the other day that in the world inary. The parade will lie Hi 3 p. i seis between Chile and Japan nti« war the Jews had furnished Stto.OOO known army aviator, started on a are the names of vessels lost in the m., th»* first section at 4, and lien-1 are being made by leading business | war. and the Antonia appears for the soldiers to tin- various armle* This, quet event at 6 o’clock sharp. The men of the two nations. With this flight Tuesday front San Diego. Cal., first time. lie said, was alunit 7 per cent of the second section, affording the grand j object in view a shipping firm to be that will take him over the snow- whole number of Jews, a proportion Seattle, Wash., Feb. 13.—Seattle’s finale, occurs at k o'clo k. The old capitalized at over »1,000,000, is be capped mountain ranges of Oregon «•quailed by few and surpassed only, water-borue foreign commerce refrain. "We won't go home till ing promoted with the intention to and Washington and land him in Se- ho !>ellove<l bv the French. The amounted to approximately »750,- morning." will probably be-llt»*rally j buy or build six sailing vessels, each Jews had lost so,(mo dead and ha<l at tie. He wxll follow the usual aerial 1 000,000 in value during 1019, or observed. of abolit 5,000 tons, and to l«e «quit about 200.000 casualties. route along the Pacific coast. over »2.000,000 a day. according to l»e«l with auxiliary engines. But what had the Jews fought figure« compiled here by A. A. He is making the flight north in a I Francisco Rivas, minister of Chile he asked. Even In the advanced Paysse, port warden. The -bulk of to Japan, bus been encouraging the singie-sc ■seated ' British Sopwith scout-1 hl -hly civilized ciuntries of the West {the goods was carried in ships fly- project since ho readied this country ing ma. hiue. ■ His initial trip to Ore-1 he ontiniied. a huge wave of antl- ing the American flag. Mr. Paysse two years ago. Seinltlsm was welling up; in th«* new gon this year is a sure sign that ’ said. I The lancoln club banquet at Med- Japan is one of the principal eon- countries that had arisen In the East For many years heretofore, ac i sinners of Chtliau nitrates, and Im spring is about due and it is thought i ' ford last night was attended by the moat criminal passions were let cording to Mr. Paysse's figures, the that in a very short time local resi- ! about a dozen republicans from ports a great deal of cop|«er and iron loose against the Jews. In this dark largest percentage of foreign com Grants Pass, the attendance being I orca and other raw materials abun dents will again be craning their picture there was on«1 bright HPot, On the other hand, necks and watching the maneuvers near the 300 mark, taxing the seat merce handled through the (Port of Ijondon. Feb. 13. Th«* supreme dant in Chile th»* 'British declaration In favor of a ing capacity of the dining room at Seattle has been In British or Jap- there is understood to be a groat de Jewish national home 1n Palestine council has agreed on a note to Jugo of the forest patrol planes. the Medford hotel. The chief ad anese bottoms. Last year’s foreign slav la regarding Fiume «viti h ft is mand in Chile for Japanese cotton Major Smith, who will have com-■ dress of the evening was delivered trade here, representing the peak of | goods, glass wares. porcelains and intimated, plainly Informs the Jugo slavs that Home agreement must lie .oilier prodnets: but their exportation mnnd of one wing of the aerial for-1 by Bishop Hughes. his subject being America's war effort, reached a to reached soon If quiet is to he ex- I to Chile is hampered by higli freight estrv patrols to be established in ! the life and character of Abraham tal of »790,000,000. California, Oregon. Washington, Ida Lincoln. It was a most masterly pected in the Adrlatie. rn-mier X'lt- I rail's. ho. Montana and Wyoming, begin address, the bishop 'being a scholarly tl of Italy, Is reported satisfied with Japan is now assiduously engaged the note. in extending her trade to the South ning about May 1, is making the' and ixilished ora tot, and jte so Pacific Islands, the Straits Settle flight to Seattle to complete ar brought out the high lights of the rangements for the coming work.— Lincoln character that all who heard ll«*|H«irl ng for Arizona Man— ments and other places and it has him have even a higher appreciation Grants Pass is becoming famous been suggested that the proposed Roseburg News. than ever of "Honest Abe." Prof. Rome. Fob. 13. Wagnerian opera not alone for Its climate but also for lines of sailing vessels could be out Vining simke of Theodore Roosevelt, has returned to the stage of the Coe- the excellence of its artisans. Win. lined for this (purpose. Have«, the shoe repair man, and Col. Washburn tore the hide who ROAIHIOl NF. TO NELL tnnzl theater in 'Rome without a pro Captain D. I. Piper, of the U. 8. FRI IT. NOT BOOZ.E from the democratic «areas«, expos army, has been in the city today in test. "Die Walklire'' was advertised with two helpers is busy all the time, I ing its skeleton to the public gaze. the interests of the army essay con us (he second offering in a season «ays he received a pair of shoes front 1 The San Francisco, Feb. 13.—A pro- Various other speakers were intro test which is now claiming the at which opened with Mascagbi's "Iris." Globe, Aria., to be repaired. je t has lieen evolved to make use of duced for brief remarks. E. L. Co tention of the schools of the country, No criticism of the plnn to produce shoes came from an old customer the abandoned road houses which burn spoke for the Grants Pass dele thousands of the students working the German o|>era appeared In the who spent a few months here last I line'the main highways throughout gation, as did also Fred A. Williams, with the hope of obtaining one of the press Tim theater was crowded and yea«'. California and to turn them into fruit of the public service commission. no objectors interfered with a per prizes offered. Following interviews stands where ranchers can place which the captain had with the local formance which the press of Rome their products on displny to be sold school heads, he stated that the romniMidetl highly. Portland, Feb. 13. The circuit to the motorists who pass the places county and the city superintendents "It Is a strange coincidence that had given their approval of the es appointed Hector Mountal, where they were formerly tempted Richard Wagner again walked ncros« court » to stop for liquid refreshments. The say contest, the principal conditions the singe of the Gostanzl at the same I tesen nips, adminls- of Ernest friend plan will be taken up at once by the of whi h are published elsewhere in time Austrian children came Into of the missing man's estate. trator automobile association and steps will the Courier today. Captain Pi|>er Italy 'by the thoiisantls to wcaue the and authorized the posting of a »1,- lie made to interest the ranchers in visited both the city high schools, hunger anti privations of their un Ottawa, Feb. 13.—Canada has giv 000 reward to be paid from the es the project. and gave information regarding the happy countr.v,” one of the Rome en Great illritain nptice that it ob tate for information ns to the wheje- Washington. Feb. 13.—The contest, and a number of the stu At many places already the chil- papers commented. For many months Wagnerian jects to any change in the league almuts of Descant pa. It is thought dren of the ranchers may be found "navy’s most pressing need" is the dents from the junior and the senior must:' has been used at concerts in covenant preventing the Dominion Descamps may I k * the man. portions lining many of the highways peddling establishment of a naval base in Cal high schools can tie expected to en fruits and flowers to autoists, but no ifornia, Secretary of the Navy Dan- ter the contest with enthusiasm. Rome and other Italian cities, es from being a full-fledged member, of whose body wore found in Sul- set place of business has ever been iels said, tentatively accepting front Captain Piper left this afternoon pecially In Milan and Bologna, with ind having a vote tn the assembly, Descamps provided. The plan is expected to the delegation from Alameda, Call for Medford, where he will spur up out objections from the press or the and protesting against accept an e of livun Gulch Saturday. 'lie I.enroot reservation. fornia, a deed for a base site there. further interest in the contest there. meet with instant favor. was a wealthy Beaverton rancher. public PERPETUATE NAMES OF JAPAN IS OUT AF1ER NAVY’S GREATEST NEED IS BASE ON WEST COAST