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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1919)
PAGE FOUR Happy Old Age THE \BSOI I 1'1 I A si LENT MOTOR IMi GREAT IND SWEETNESS OF TONE RECOMMENDS THE Of oouree youth is the great time for happiness. but old age has its compensations, too. provided age represents the declining years of a well-spent life. - PURITAN But to be happy in old age there must be a good competency secured during the productive year« of life. We all must grow old. There la no avoiding it, but there is a way of avoiding a pennyless. ppverty-etricken old age. That's why we urge people to start a savings account which sdll be a friend In need aa you travel along, and a great comforter during your declining years. TO MH I Its or IIE 414.Y FIXE MUSIC C Even the violin, cello, and piano are reproduced ou the In listening to reproduc Puritan with unbelievable perfection lions on aiPurltan machine, you forget that you are merely list Every In ening to a phonograph. flection of tone. every word of the song, reaches you unmarred. undim med. us though you were listening to the singer himself. Every note of the instruments played is reproduc ed with wonderful clearness amt sw eetness. No machine can compare with the Puritan for playing children's re cords, recitations and speeches fer the Puritan is exceptionally dear In expression. The Puritan is In a class by itself. It can be compared to nu other ma chine, for no other machine is built with the long horn chamber which makes the Puritan's music so much superior in sweetness of tone, clear ness of expression and richness of volume, The Puritan plays all makes of disc records perfectly. anti without extra attachments. THE FIRST NATIONAbBANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON A Clothes Investment It is economy to order, and get all- wool clothes made as von want them and made right by GEO. S. CALHOUN Exclusive local dealer «03 G Stn-et Overcoats, Suits Shoes, Furnishings Pl RITAN WITH THE HUE SEEN l\li HEARD STANTON ROWELL Peerless Clothing Co. 507 G Str.M'1 Cash Clothiers ERSONAL AND LOCAL Nirs, and Mrs. Iluroid tiffins and baby arrived laal night from Dorris, and will be here several weeks. Irook on ths Inside cover of pew phono directory. Now Year's poet cards, Clemens, the Rexall store. Mrs Ethel Burroughs arrived day from I'ldio. Cal., aud leaves the morning for Crescent City 19 20 vest pocket diaries, Clemens, the Hexall store Hay by Day books at Clemens, t lis 11 Rexall store. Willard storage battery service 17tf station. 3 14 North Sixth 8t Rev J D Boyd, who spent Christ mas here with his wife, who is visit ing her ;>arenis. Mr. and Mrs W. .1 Vernon, and her sister. Mrs ('has. It Drake, returned to Portlund last night Mrs Boyd will remain over New Years laiok on the Inside cover of the new phon« directory. 55 «40.000 cash was paid by Mary Pickford for the screen rigtits to the play "Daddy ixiug Legs," at thu Ore- gun Sunday. Monday nnd Tuesday.56 PrinciiMl Gaston. of tile high school faculty, will leave tomorrow for Portland, to attend the meeting of the state teachers association. Look ou the Inside cover of the r»5 new phone directory. The first 7 reel picture ever made by Mary Pickford Is “Daddy l.onu 56 Ix'XH.” Strikes are common enough but this orphan's great prune strike In "Daddy Ming Legs" takes tin" smd wiches and cider. Oregon Sundav, Monday and Tuesday. 56 .Mrs. J. L. Green and son. .Jesse. and .Mrs turned to Roseburg last night after arrived this afternoon front Ever- Mrs. GorllMctie Inviti* You— visiting in Grants Pass. ett, Wash . to remain. To a New Years eve dancing |>ar- ty at the Waldorf hall next Wednes- day. Dunce tickets SI. plus war t.ix; extra ladles and spectators 26c. 53tf IT STARTS TOMORROW The Event of the Season MARY PICKFORD IN Daddy Long Legs Judy Abbot^was an orphan. She ^ht her was moine. found t/ a ty Griw who W her to There the namelesswas d>nslerwd , § ' b,^ faced P*1 liille lrec*le -' Cir.ce the/ ' en the Wl driven into For food Tbe^na^ron found JJnem the/ made her wear plain ^m^harn^g ' j all the other little ' |MWi' MB ■. ! f o / f URNITURE IISHKÍL Even (I mhik I i you may buy uiih |>h<re nt a Cline it 1« well to furnish your houae by plan. More money 1s wasted <>“ “ !»••«’ '»»'Khl here and one there, on a "hit and miss" busla thu" "«> Improper val...... it Is a pleasure to us to h«h» >ou work out furnishing plans, to keep you in mind and udvla« "f bargaRis or savings In the working of those plans Plan with us on your ho'»« furnishing needs aud we will save you many dollars ) * Wt TURK A HOUSE INTO A HOME ” R ugs , U noliuhs , R ahgis , W au P ama , S cw / hg M achine l Hoos/rtf H olmans F urniture S tore OPPOSITE THE BAND STAND PnONf 50 60S G STREET. G rants P ass . O ugoh a />r Woineu C«>mv Out---- I NEW TODAY WANTED Leading soprano singer for choir work. Address No. 2266 care Courier 4Hlf ED 'A car of super- Another car will ar- i unary 15th. Oregotl •r Pipe A- Tile Co. JOS. MOSS AOBNCY Fire ante, plate glaas liability ance. 204 W Slstb street Intuir- Insur- tf lower FOR SALE Our windmill, and 6000-gullon tank, at a bar- gain. Address 1*. O. Box 633. 56 Grants Pass, ore. e T IN ill HALE One s-munths-old Chea ter White male hog, JOO pounds. Address Luther Robinson. R<l. 4 5» FOR S4LE A few fine 8. C. White Mighorn thockreis, «4 m h; also a few good breeding hens. K. ilarnmerliacher, phone 606-F-Ï3, Rd. No. 2. 5» FOR SALE 13 hens and one roos ter. all from excellent strain Phone 243-V. 55 W ANTED Work In hotel or restau rant, or aa cook or assistant in camp. Address Mrs. S.. 416 Hogue River Ave., Grants Pass IOWA CREAM SEPARATOR “me a" off^in bouWy¿' Special for January Only trustee 1° se™1 her to a>llf’êe -H he'd and ^dua,ed al the Her'Daddy repaid. <* $10 Down $5 Per Month l^s* Jud/ became famous. Then òhe fou.nd EASY TO TURN EASY TO WASH £ EASY TO EASY TO HUY Mary Pickford Proves That Siu- Is a Great ami Wonderful Actress as Judy Abbott—Don’t, for any reason miss seeing the beautiful story THE DOVE STORY OF AN ORPHAN Pilli-ES ADULT« 35c CHILDREN 15c M n in And joln thè American I e to thelr favorite paslinie. Vn UH »ee a good clean fighi us Avoid the Hush— take your husbund Inaisi thal To avoid the crowds attending the you lo thè opera house performance of "Daddy Long M-vs" night. tomorrow night at the Oregon. .Man ager Ilarcke advises people to take New Dodge Cur 4<lde<|— advantage of the matinee tomorrow You can now have a Dodge ride 2:45; doors open at 2 30. 54 at a Ford price, as we have added a new Dodge car to our service Sooner I-'roe for Children I nd< r 12— Taxi, phone 263-R. 55 The local Elka, having given the children of the city a Christmas treat last Wednesday afternoon when they Murphy New "Wagon saw Big Bill Hart in with bells 54 Tracks." the management Of the Oregon Theatre feels that they owe the children a treat also, All chll- at the opera dren under 12 will be admitted free 55 Monday afternoon at 2 p. nt. to see a special performance of "Daddy P re-in v entorj Sale— Long Legs'* with Mary Pickford. The Hat Shop has reduced the Manager Harcke will be assisted by price» on all fall and winter mil- Mr. and Mrs J. L Schwenk, opera llnery. ■ t; tor and cashier respectively and Mrs Catherine Calvert, assistant organist 4ttent Inn IBHiekah»— In showing the children a good The special meeting announced for time 5« Monday night hai hero can< oiled Hy order of Noble Grand 54 Tickets on Sale Now— At Horning’» Shark for the boxing Secare Your Senia Early— mutch Tuesday night at t he opera For the fight nt the opera house. • 55 December 3bth unknown twelve years old fo declare « „ a sink The matron fed them a|| -¿aaBs. f For ever rnrs. Hellie nea$ Slicceanor to Mr». E. ItHikoiif bearci Just life .wdh lheir hair m a At Bargain Prices I Judy and her ^5^of apple jack Fell Then' *t’en ALL WINTER HATS P TO AVOID THE CROWDH SUNDAY NIGHT, ATTEND OUR MATINEE TOMORROW AT 2:45 PERFORMANCES MATINEE St 15 NIGHTS, 7 and M: 10 C. A. Winetrout The Implement Man 4