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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1918)
t luberilty of Ore Ml,r."rj DAILY EDITION ', IS; m Tin mm BOTTLE IP SB . FRENCH SAY OFFENSIVE B uueniE ccat nr. adiuio .SB CROWD AND BUM iww 1 iml 1 mi ui nnmo wra jptt ru -; 16,000 Prisoners Taken ia Again Surprises Hess- -New British Gab-French Capture German Positions in Brilliant Charge Paris, Sept. 17. Th American northwest of Verdun have apparently auataliiad all and mora than they at templed. Tiiey advanced over the Bioat difficult ground and displayed a fine feat of a nut. The Oermana re bottled up near the Argonn for at. . . Prisoners taken In the allied drive of yesterdsy and today now number 16,000. The Americana and French are both progressing moat eatlafart orlly today. Paris. 8pt. J7 The successful de velopment of the French offensive In the Champagne region la reported over the entire field. The attack be tween the River fiulppe and the Ar gonne foreit, formidable German po Itlona on a depth of over three miles, were brilliantly carried out. The French raptured Butt Du Mesnlt, Butte Du Sousln, Rntte TnTTahitre and the villages of Tahure, Rlpont, Kouvroy, Cernay-En-Dormoja and flervel-MeUlcourt and took over 7,000 prlaonera. The renewed at tack today la progressing well des pite unfavorable weather condltlona. The Americana surprised the enemy toy apeed aud pushed him ateadlly northward. London. Sept. 27. The Brltlstf at- MANY CITIES RAISE Portland, 8opt. 27. Fifty cltle and town of Oregon scattered throughout all section have tilled hAi n.uita inmjt nt thnm ftnlna over QUOTH SLOW by a. much 600 per cent. Every., Chrnun Dr,mwell of th, JoM. where report, .how the state rapid y')hne coun,y dr,ye rcporU tht op gaining on allotment. Jackaonvllle tQ thi n)0rnng pny U2150 ,,, went over Inst night In a readjust- ,)een raUed ,n thU collnty, 0ur quota mont of tha quota of thl. town. Can- . ,ng ,154 2g0 hRvng recently becn by had a aplondld meeting last night. 'rut ,0 tne-,attr flglirei TWi ,cft , doubling It quota at the time and balftnce of l4,m yet t0 be ra,Bed going over strong. Chaa. Schnabel, Thllg far t m peopU hRve bouRh, represented tha apeaker bureau and bon(g ,n thg COMnty lTnM the ba reported that the gathering was onoi )() abirrlbe(,i thg coimty wn of the most enthualastlc which he had nQt hg ab,9 ,Q Hg0 over the top rlelted. There wa little need of wUb ,h( rMt of ln, ,ute tomorrww urglag, people lmply got up and one nigbt after the other ralsod their lubscrlp-i , tlon until the town' quota had been doubled, according to.John L. e-j J ridge, atate director of organisation. , v CA8UAITY LIST , The following town. hav. tholr quota: Estacada, Mollala, Wll- The following casualtle are re aonvllle, North Bond, Unglol, Yon- ported by the commanding general of colla, Arlington, Canyon City, Isee.ithe American expeditionary forcea Hitter. Jacksonville, Lakevlew, Fre-lfor today: mont, Plueh, New Pine Creek, Sliver Uke, Waldoport, Silota, Elk City. Nashville, Otis, Rosolodge, Sliedd, Mill City, Sllverton, Bay City, Til lamook, Umatilla, North Powder, DuFur, Banks, Gaston, Cornelius, Amlly, Dayton, Wddlo, Alborson, Mo alcr, Milwaukee, Bandy, Rainier, Breeio, Brooking, Sutherlln, Con don, SHI vies, Granlto,' Hood River, Hay Creek, .Paisley, iFleet Wood, iRort Jtopk, Gooae Lnke, (Newport, Toledo, Orton, Eddyville, Taft, Nor ton, Brownsville, ..Brognn, St. Paul, Wheetor, Cloverdale, Conklln, Sum mervllle, Holt Lake, Tygh Valley, Beaverton, Forest Orove, North Plains, Carlton, Ooble, Austin and Drewsey, The following town have subscrib ed 75 per cent of their quotas: Sump ter, Oregon City, Knappa, Westport, Deer Island, Redmond, LftPine, Rose- Two Days-American Speed tacked on a wide frout aouth of the Sonaeo river thla morning. The flrat repona maicaie aatiaractory pro gress. The Beniee la a amall atream paralleling the Scarpa river on the south. The attack la probably made for the purpose of driving a wedge between Donal and Cambral. Hrltlsh Headquarter. In Franca, Kept. 27. Airplane are reported to be playing a very active part In the attack launched by the iDrltlah today. The Canadian are a mile weat of Dourlon Wood. London, Sept. 27. The Brltlah to day advanced to within throe mllea of Cambral, and took between 5,000 and 6.000 prlioner. The thruat la viewed aa a atrong effort to take Cambral. With . tb ,.Amrlcaa. .Army" , In Franca, 8pt. 17. The enemy In creased the artillery fire thla morn ing, but waa unable to force back the American. Rain made the roada virtually Impaasable for artillery and Increased the difficulties of transport ing cannon and supplies. London, Sept. 17. Lieutenant General von Stein, the Prussian war minister, la reported to have re- sinned. ilmrt. Prairie City, Lawen, Talent, Central Point,' Madraa, Eugene, Cot tage Orove, Florence, Coburn, Cor vallla, Warrenton, Wanna, Scapoose. Held, Bend, Myrtle Creek, John Day, Burns, Fields, Ashland, Gold Hill, jMetollus, Junction City, Springfield, 'Creswell, Albany, Lebanon, Harris (burg, Nyssa, Snaka River. Independ ence, Enterprise. flclo, Halsey, Jor dan Valley, Monitor and Union. Killed In action - 171 Mlealng In action 126 Wounded severely 146 Died of wound 119 Died of accident . 13 Died of disease .... 21 Wounded, degree undetermined.. 3 Wounded slightly B Total -....604 Killed In action George Hall, Sheridan, Ore. ' 1 ' . liOTTKIlY 8KITHMUER 80 J. Washington, Sept. 27. Mon day, September 30, has been let by General Crowdor for the na tional drnft lottery, to arrange order for liability , for ervlce In the army ' "a OBAirw paw, jownmn ooo TKLI OF nOHT WITH OKIOIA.NS -Jl IKJK HTKVKNH M.I KM KF FWTIVK I'LKA MM BAYONETED 3 MS The "Yellow Ifemoa" Arrive on ek-f indole Time flwechea Made at l'rk and at I ted Owns LHnnrr The Yellow Demon and It party of orator are here today and have holped Grant Paaa and Josephine county In tha final kirk to go over the tpp In tha Fourth Liberty loan. f he speaker were heard twice. The first meeting was held In the Railroad park, and during the Red Cross luncheon Sargeant H. L. White and Judge John JI. Stevenson were again presented. . Tha car left for Roseburg at 1:20 m. Trior to ita departure arrange ment were made by Frank C. Bra in- well and Fred A. W'llllama for a atop at Olendala, where a atraet meeting waa held of half an hour's duration. Sargeant White, a member of the (4th Canadlana, la easily ona of the best soldier speaker who ha been heard In Oregon. He (pent two year In tha trenches, and hi body I cov ered with tear from ihrapnel and bayonets. Ha tells of three Germans whom he bayoneted, and dramatic ally racltea many Incident that are Illustrative of tha thing the boya from Josephine county are going through on tha western front. The sargeant tell of the spirit of the American troop and their utter dis regard of tha danger they are fac ing. When 8argeant Whlta was sail ing from Liverpool on the Metta Gamma, tha flrat contingent of Am erican were anchoring In tha river Mercy. They wlg'wagced: "Canadlana, have you left any ;lrls In London for us?" (Continued on Page 2) HWS1IEIUS By E. A. Batchelor. , , Paris, Sopt. 27. Tha Y. M. C. A. man told the story with tear In bla eyes and a break In his voice. He said that it was the saddest, thing that he aver had encountered, which meant much. He had been a long time In France, so death and suffer ing were no stranger to him.. But when be spoke of the sergeant and the private that they had found dead beside their machine gun ho couldn't control his emotion. It seems that the sergeant and the private had been caught In a pocket. The Oermnns, In force, were in front of them. There was a barrage be hind which made It Impossible for them to rejoin their company, ao they stayed and roughed It out, fought In a manner that made one proud to be of tha nme race. When they found them there was a pile' of empty shells several Inches high around tha gun and not a single round of unexpended ammunition, re mained. The two bad held off a whole company of iBoche machine gunners tor several hour. ' The enomy had been around a bend In the road, a scant 50 yards away, and hadn't been able to ad vance because of the brisk fire of the' lone American gun manned by the sergeant and the private. The sergeant had been evidently CAUGHT BETWEEN II H rrr, orhoom. fuii.av, bwthmukh 27, ibis. open in VAt DKVILLK, 8IDK8HOW, WUhrX . OK IXMtTtXK, AXD MAXY OTlt. THE It ATTRACTIONS IW HIS Ml MiUESH UMMtiful Artitlr Ftmad al lied On nauf iModag mt Might i III Tlme for Vouii and otd . The Red. Crosa carnival Is on In full blast. All morning a fore of men were at work erecting place for tha side show, tha great rande- for the side shows, tha great vande turas to ba staged. These will be held In tha street In front of the courthouse, whera there will also be a "bucket target." a fortune wheel, and the kaiser's "bean." which ku been ao arranged that 'bis Satanic Majesty face the bravo crowds by thrusting hi aald "baan" through a hole In tha wall. Tha order of the evening will be, "swat the kaiser and gat .4 elgar.'l- After- baying Liberty bonds to help pot down Ptusslanlsm you will no doubt too In tha right kind of a mood to awat the kaiser. so go and take a few well-aimed shots at him with tha baseballs. "Give the kaiser hail it will help the Bed Crow." Then for the bearded, beetle-brow ed men, tbera will be the "Last Chance House," whera a veritable depot of wet gooda will ba found and by stretching your Imagination a lit tle yon can easily fancy yourself in tha famou healths resort of Horn brook. Just think of such bliss; and toesldea there may be fair ladies to draw tha great elixir of Ufa from tha kegs for yon. But you must draw on your Imagination to some extent to gat the -full" effect. In the evening after the carnival ha bad It first run of wild splendor thero will be music In the courthouse (Continue on page 2.) WE MEET HEROIC DEATH pointing the gua and the private h d been feeding it. Their only protec tion had been a little ridge where tthel dirt had been thrown up beside the road . The undergrowth Just behind Stem had been cut to ribbons toy the Boche bullet and the trees near when thq enemy had been were srarrod ty Yankee flrev Jt had been the bottet kind of a fight and the had been winning against the ter rlble odds until a shell burst rlsdit on them and killed them Doth. Whether It was a Boche ahelt or one of aur own. nobody ever will know. Both ldea had? been firing Into that part of the wood..., What evtr the source of toe shell, ft had done tta work oulckfy and tboN ougniy, for the men were badly tora. Death probablr bad come Instantan eously. They bad gone -whrte the. 'joy of battle waa sttU upon tbem. It waa a glorious death tout a aad one because a few minutes nfter the hell landed, the Boehe bad been obliged to retire. 'Another half an hour, and the heroic pair would have been safe. But they had not died In vain. The company that they had held at bay carried back to the Ger man lines a story of American hero Ism that will do much to convince the Boche that tha men from across the sea are going to decide the war, H III I BULGARIANS W TO ARRANGE PEACE TEIS Hijh (Eckb, Wiii Assert Sa:ca cf Arcs Fcr Paria, Sept. 27. General DEa- perey, commanding tha allied armies In Macedonia: ba aotlfled the French government that a high Bul garian official presented hlmse'f In behalf of General TOredow. com manding the Bulgarian army, and asking a suspension of arms for 48 hour to permit the arrival of two authorised delegate from the Bul garian government, tha minister of finance and the general of tba stvoad army who are-on theliv-way to French headquarters, with the assent of King Ferdinand, to arranga the conditions of an armffetice and - tha eventual terns of poaea. Aa the Bulgarian rwauest miaht be a rose to adlow for taa recuperating of their fonces. D'Eapwey declined to grant the armistice ttt proteased to receive dot)- qnallffed government delegate. . . London. 8ept. ' 2T. TBe' " British government hss recWved froas sn of ficial' autnorised scarce, ant applica tion from' Bulftarlai for an armistice. London, Sept. 2.T. Oermaar in- tends to send a mlemn uratest t Bulgarla. against Premier-KallnoBrtr aniTwar material.' The Serbian request for an arnrtstlca according reporU from Berlna throurt the Gor man newspaper. . Cermasry demands that tha premier ko Immediately ots mlssed aad cour martltsad' for leh treason. London, Septs SO. Th BriMsh troops- have cwpCured Stramltast. In Bulgaria. j Paris, Sept. tl Tko French com mander ' in JCsaedonia mnnrta that ACCTSED Or fcEDITfOVS, VT TEtUXCEra, 1ALLOWED FREEDOM Charles f-atjulu. f TUlettwho waa held here la .'Jail pending; the arrlvafl or.ueputy -ut. 8. ttarhhal W. B. Tlch- ettor. was ta-oughb before U- S. Con nafsslouer L ft. tadidle this morning uad walvted examinntlnn tha Roseburra -"RevleW He, waa Dertait, ted to nun on bisowm recognizance. ana. . . iiue uuffpancen. atj whQ.'ft he is aileg , led to iare. maaV and sf which John Veatchj was: ttt, comrtnlning witness, were set fortaj in the complaint as follows: On July Vim 8 'at Tiller. Oreson. he Ikvoned. Aha aapport of the ImJ periaj. .. CetYnan- government, with rcrhfeh tho . United Statee W how at iwar, by aaylng: "I would wot believe any of tte damned rot about th Germany 'toeing brutal." i "I aeai that more of the Amerlsans have b!n killed. Well there will be many i&ore of them kilted, you bet." . WUson should have dona aa he said and kept us out of war after the Oewakna warned the Americana to keen; off the boats." f IXTLUENZA HOLDIVO . TP OCTOBEH ARMT DRAFT Washington, Sept. 27. Because of epidemic of Spanish influenza In army camps. Provost MarshaljGnn- erat Crowder tonight canceled calls for the entrapment between October T and 11 of 143,000 draft registrant. ' -f CHILI SHOWS FIGHT ' -f f ; 8antlga. Chill. SeDt. 87. .Th Chilean B-nvernmptit h . VIUCICU T -f the naval authorities to occupy -f with armed forces all Interned uerman snip m Chilean har- 4 borai - a al WHOLH NUMBER M74. cf Kc2 cl Ciirii MFcr Fcrtr-E;ii Ihzrj tha Bulgarians, bare asked, for a. meetlnc to arraoc tha condition, of an armistice a rut eventual peace. Tha French, commander replied, rafualnc to aaspend operation, bat aaylng ha would received! Qualified dlmi nt tba Bavarian gorernmeat..1 London, Sep. 27. Premier Mall- no af Bulgaria, has made an offer of an armistice to tha aUea, according to a. Berlin message, which states I that, tha pranler'a offer waa made without the support of other mem brs of tha cablaet ar Kins. Ferdi nand ' Tha BerUr message sirs tba- offer crested great dlssatikfacUoa In Bul garta and strong Military ' meajarea. ibara been taken to support the Bul- garisa frossL A ooaater movement !gmlnst tha action f tha premier has 'been sat afoot, aceardina ds-a Usga froi,.eg, ,Tbhj .would seam laaieitfe that ravolatioa la In. progreaa tar Bnlgaria. Londaa, Sept.. 27. The SerMan aatered fshtlb and captured other lm- portant; points. Besides many nrhton- u,ea,raIrJ entereiT Kochaoa, 20 mile northeast of fthtlb. and 14 from the 'Bulgarian- border. mite Pads. SepU. 27. U U understood that ao Instructions i regarding tha Bulgarian application for an armuw " tlcewlll be-gtvaa stllltarr commas-' der until atf opportunity is had for a ooasulttan between- Franca. Eng. laad. the United States. Italy and tha other allies. Jn tba meantime the operations In the south continue. OEDERE0.K For lumber manufacturers of Ore gon and Washington have Just ac cepted an order for 28,000.000 feet of select common lumber to ba used at 10 of the country's toiggest car building plant on argent government aiders, says the Portland Telegram. This bustnes, secured through the Washington, . C, office of the West Coast Lumbermen's association, will be distributed among the mills by 1 the fir production board. Dwlght H. Darla, "Washington representative of . tha association, and an expert on car material. Is In the northwest district to assist mill in getting the move ment under way promptly. ' Most of this order originally was placed with mills In the south, but .. delay In making deliveries caused the railroad authorities to reconsider the award and place it' with the west coast mill. ... TWO U. 8. VESSELS ARE LOST IN HURRICANE San Diego, Cel., Sept. 27. Two Uned State shipping board vessel on their maiden trip were sunk, a fleet of other craft was badly .hat- tered, the city of La Pas was partly destroyed and the floating equipment of the United States coal depot at Plchaliqul damaged to the extent of .1 thnimnnda nf itnllan Anrtn t.,ifln - -J . i w m v hurricane that raged off the Lower , California and northwest coast of Mexico September 17. Thl wa the news brouiht to thla nnrt nrt h long dverdne fishing launch.