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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1918)
' ' ",vity , , ''"'raj-,. DAILY EDITION VOL IX., N. ALLIES ENCLOSE HIS IN POCKET BETWEEN SOUS AND HIS Yanks Take Chateau Thierry Railroad-Germans Destroy ing Ammunition and War Material Preparatory to Eracuation of The Entire Area WHh Om Frroili Army ou th Main, July IM. Tlir wrra slgii evrrywlinr ItMltty tluU tit (Jrmun ro dralmylng nuttwlal ml muni tions la Um) pocket bMwnrn MoIkmiiis and Minima, iintwriMury the lira ovaruaduu of that arra. ...... .... Tlte Uorutaiu ar having lli grmUH diffU-uliy In maintaining conuiiuiilimUimii. Thrjr mn unable to umi moat of their rllriMl lead ing rowthward, owing allied aviator ud artillery with Ilie Am rk-aa artillery, Wieh the American Army on the Marne, July Ifcl Tim allied aulvano continued UxUy to the mhiIIi ami KMttanl, Tim German ar ! ly continuing lliolr rrlrrmt, The Anwrlran took two additional town nortJi of Ilia Marne today ami took another tow In llvp HiiImhmi TOCioa. The French took another towa thorn alao, Improving poult Ions ta4 covering th enetny'a lines of eonununlmtloa. London, July 22. Tb objeot t th German counter attack In lo ex pedite thi extrication ofthelr troop from the pocket btwtn golwont nd Rhelms. Meanwhile the Ger maai at th southern nnd of tbt pocket mutt be experiencing great difficulty In getting supplies. South went of Raelm there ha - been heavy righting and the rrench have wade prone" between the Ourcq and the Marne riven. Yesterdsy they took 400 prisoner. The rrench line from the Aline and Marne drive, now rum from Breny along the Marne and Chateau Thier ry road to Rocourt then through Le ebarme and Epleds to the Marne at Chartevei. With the French Army on ' the Marne, July 12 Frederick Wllhelm the German crown prince, haa been obliged to call for help from hli enualn, Crown 'Prince Rupert. Qer ' nan dlvlilont from the army In the north hare been hurried down to protect the weetern flank of the de feated army, which haa been driven back over the Marne and ejected from Chateau Thierry by the Fran-eo-Amerlcans. Parle. July 22, Saturday. The Germane violently attacked on the right flank and sogth of the Marne." aaya the war office announcement tonight. "They have been compel ted to retreat and recrou the jrtver. "The Trench hold the entire nuthern bank of the, Marne' More than 20,000 prisoners and more . than 400 gun, have been captured." Paris. Jtly 22 If' the new dr've of the aii'ea aouth of Rhi'..ns de velop!, iht-lr "nur cracker" win he ' In full n otlo i. Berlin ui nlmlxes tbt retra; T .ay the Anurl- ' cana uffr'.i heavy lone Wahlnton, July 22. Freeh uc eeeae for the American forces be tween the Alsne and the Marne, are reported by Oenerat Perching for yesterday. He report that they are driving ahead with undiminished vigor. Over 6,000 prlioneri, more than 100 cannon and many trench mor tars and machine guns have been taken by the Americana in) the last few days. '" . With the American Army on the Marne, July 21, eunday. An at tack from Chateau Thierry to Rhlem Wan on Saturday. ; The American forcea captured Hill 193 north of Vaux and advanced more than two kilometers. Last accounts nay that they are more than hold ing their own. The German retreat began Friday under cover of a grrat smoke acrwn. Unt accounte wore that great horde of German were continuing north. There waa organised re I gl ance In only a few placet. The dis trict aouth of the Marne and eaat of Chateau Thierry le entirely clear of Uermsn. i With the American Army, July 21, Sunday. The French and Am ericana have broken through the Gorman linei northweit of Chateau Thierry. Paris, July 21, 8undny The Am erican forcea continue to make pro gress, repulsing the enemy, who li making obatlnate defense,' according to an official atateuient luued to day. t Parle, July 22. Strong counter attack -were made today, by the Germans between the Ourcy and Marne river. It waa broken by the allies, who maintained all their po sition. The enemy counter blow were delivered erven mile north weat of Chateau Thierry and four mllea north of the Ourcq river and between Rhelma and the River Marne. . The enemy' reacton la lim ited to artillery fire, which In par ticularly notable In, the region If the woods of Courton apdJtot.'. x London, July 22. The American yesterday crossed the . Marne be tween Charteves and Oland. eaat of Chateau Thierry and captured Bar- bllllon wood. The French crossed th river at Meay and CorrceV)e and and constructing foot hrldges inder neavy fire. The German are nslag KM , shell . and counter attacking violently. Th French progressed along the Marne to a maximum depth of eight mile yeeterday. The American advanced four mllea from their old position on the Marne. Pari. July 21. -The French troop entered Chateau Thierry thi morning In spite) of violent con flict continuing north and south or the Ourcy and Bourcq, river and between the Marne and Rhelm. The French continue to advance. Paris, July 22. 4ushlng In south of ftolsson, the French have crossed the Chateau Thierry railroad, north of Vlllemontolre, opposite Rutancy. With the American Army, July 22. A 2 o'clock report tay that the Germans are cllnnlnx desperate ly to the line south of Solsaont, try ing to protect their flank. The Americans are fighting at thi front, having completed the cutting of the narrow gauge railroad to Chateau Thierry. 1 The pounding process Is being continued by the allies. , FATE OF T. San Francisco. July 22. The Cal lfornla supreme court affirmed the order denying a new trial to Thomas Mooney, whose attorney lay this places hi fatw squarely up tu ' tlie governor. -' ..( . -; Washington, July ' 22. Honduras declared war on Germany today. IN GOVERNOR'S HANDS (HUNTS PAHA, JOSEPHUB COBltTT, OREOON, III CT In ILmmI of Itovirfl lllvrr Alllre Take IUO PriiN.iirrs and Seven tyf . chine (June ' t . l v j t Rome, July 22. The Italians continue to gain In the bend. of the Devoll river In Albania. Advancing troop yesterday took 100 prisoner and aeven machine gun. ' 1 AUSTRIAN MINISTRY TO Copenhagen, Jjily 22. The Aus trian ministry ks decided to re sign, according to advices from Vienna today. ' London, , July 22. The entire Austrian cabinet la reported to have resigned. gned,! 1 . . .y. eVCASCAMT list I Washington, July 22. The army casualty list for today Is 12. Nine were killed la action and 1 died , of wounds, f Seven died from disease. jorporaU JJerman' R. LoefiUn,?of Yamhill,' Ore., died of.wounda. ' ' BRITISH GAIN SOUTH OF London, July 22. The British gained further ground In the Hebu terne region and aouth of Vlllers Bretoneux, taking some prisoners. BIKMK 18 TAKEN BY OZtJCHO-SLOVAK TROOPS Amsterdam, , July 22. Moscow newspapers, report the capture of the town or filrsk oy Csecholovak forces, according to a telegram re ceived here by way of Berlin. The Soviet troops were reported In re treat. ASST. SEC. OF NAVY ROOSEVRT 1H FRANCE Waahington, July 22. The nary department announced today "the safe arrival- of Assistant Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt la France. - 01 ST DIVISION ARRIVES SAFELt IN FRANCE Portland, July 12. Cble mess ages irrtvlng In Portland Saturday and yesterday indicate without a doubt that all of tha "1st Division, which left Camp Lewis late in June for overseas, haa arrived, safely in France. Messages have arrived from officers known to have been with the troops and although the troops went, on several ships, It is thought likely all of them have arrived. GRRMAN PRISONERS HAVR CONTROL OF IRKUTSK Toklo, July 22. Advices recetv. ed here from Irkutsk are to the ef fect that former German prisoners, In the guise of internationalists, have secured control of the Soviet government of that city. This Is regarded here as changing the com jplexlon of the Russian question. . ITALIANS GAIN ALBANIA D1STR MONDAY, Jl I.V a DRAFT IN ENTRAIN FOR AMERICANLAKE CiaKAXO; IIIXT AMI STWUf-l BSIITIf FILL VACA.VtlW IX JUNK gt rTA TWO TRANSFERRED 1.0 LEAVE Council of DefeiMO tilvee llwya Ilig Senil Off at Courtlioue) Sunday Evening A large crowd of cltlaens. friends and relatives was present at the de pot this morning to bid farewell to Josephine county's July quota, which entrained for Camp Lewis. The registrants were in charge of George W. Matthews, and were as follows; Lester Lee 8parlln, William. Herbert Bull, R. F. D. No. 4. Leo Jacob Welderkehr. Wolf Creek. Frank Robert Warner, Selma. William Jamea Allen. Takllma. George W. Smith. Oallce. Lather Augiutu Armstrong. Joseph, Ore. ' George Delbwrt Van Dora, Merlin. Frits Kransa. Selma. Thomas Henry Croxton, Grants Pass. Ore. Oliver Cheater Good now. Grant Pass.. ' ' Dennis Peter Norton, Waldo. Hugh Bohannon, Gold Hill. Eugene Robert Brown,' Pro volt Harrison James If asters, . Kerby. fleorge Jv. Matthew. -Oral U Pane. Clarenes Vernon Hunt'.' of Kerbv. and Stephen Smith of Merlin': went to fill vacancies In th June quota caused by the rejecllon of two draft, ed men. "'' ' The following entrained at other points: v , . Charley ' Harry Edflell, Vancou ver, Wash. William Leonard Ridley. Seaside. Ore. i ' Claude Blsworth Moore, Salem. John Justice Carr. Vlrainla Cltr. Nev. . . -. , . Noah BJgen. of Williams, and Al lan Reed, of Leland. entrained for Camp Lewis also, having been trans ferred here from other boards. The Council of Defense entertain ed the boy Sunday evening at the courthouse, and after Ice creas and cake were served Dy the Honor Guard girls.- T. P. Cramer and D. I J. C. Smith gave short, enthusias tic speeches showing the feeling of the people of th county toward the boy leaving to join the colors. ' Tha Jov theater Invited th men to attend the evening's performance as their guests.. .. ... MAY FINISH SEASON Washington, July 22. Secretary of War (Baker and Adjutant General Crowder are considering the advis ability of extending the time of the work or fight order, as It applied to professional baseball players, In or der to permit them to complete the eaaon, . . . .'".'. 60HEHT LOuERS . PIES FOR HIDES Waahington, July 22. The gov ernment fixed the maximum price for hide today, providing for a re duction from 7 to 8 cent from the old prices.' v Wlnnemucca, Nev., July ' 22 Wlnnemucca's selective service drft and council of defense records and a law library were destroyed last 22, 1IN. UiGES fflinnsn Kliiklug Off Masmu-huM-tta (W Indicate That Kiwmy Ig Hurting Campaign of Friiclitfiiliime Washington, July, 22. The fact that a Carman submarine attacked tugs snd bsrges without warning off th Mirnachusftt eout yester day, j ta:M as lndlx'iU!i- that the aerm:.n i. r. be undtf..kiiig o bring tMr campaign nf igiiful ness i a Ami ilca. , OrlesnsI Mass.. Julr 22. A shell from a German submarine landed a mile Inland here today. Three oth er shells burled themselves In tha sands of the beach. This took place In the course of s rsld on coastwise ahlpplng. Thous ands or people had rushed to th oeacn when the rirlng began. While the shells were fired at res- sols a few miles out from shore, the U-boat raid In one resoect nnnt. ed a bombardment of the American coast. An enemy snbmarlne attacked a tow off the easternmost point of oapo Cod yesterday, sank three bargee, set n fourth snd their tug on fire and dropped four shells on the mainland. ' The action fasted an hour and waa unchallenged except for two nydro-planes from the Chatham av iation station, which circled over the U-boat causing her to submerge tor only a moment to reappear and resume firing. - The tng was the Perth Am boy. bound for Norfolk Wtth emntr coal barge. Her ewptafn was J. H. Tap- ley, who, wtta his crew, is being eared for here. The men were .with out fund nndT aaabl to proceed to Boston. ., : ; . Th craw reported that th; tow was fired upon- without warning Im mediately after . th . submarine . had been sighted two miles distant. D2AFT ORDER FOR Th following I the' tilt or the names of th registrants of Jose phine county of the class of Juno, IMS. in the order or their liability fox military service, ss determined by the local board: ' Joseph Carl . Farmer, Merlin. Dan Wellington Algel, .Williams. Harrison Efteneeaer Sowell, Ker by. Chart Hunter Nell, Wolf Creek. TJrvia 1 Vinson,' Grant Pais. ' Frank Dewey Ray, Grants Pass; William Thlee, Murphy. ' " Arbert "Arthur Tavla,' Hugo.' William Fred Pappel, ' Grants Pass. -: ' WllTord Carter Allen, GranU Pasa Hughte M. Richardson,. Wonder. Bennte Leslie Hull, Qranta Pais. 811a Albert McClung, Grants Pass Glen Webler Wllbelm, ' GranU Pass. ,. ' Thorns Joseph Fllppln, GranU Pass. . OHn Si, Knox, Grants Pass. Claode Herbert Keyte, Merlin. William Claud Almworth, Mur phy. .: Howard Allan' Fallln,' Grants Pass. Commodore Samuel . Garrett, Grants Pass. . Harold William King, Grants Pass. i. i Albert Earl Lvler. Grants Pass. ; ..Earl Emery San ford, GranU 'Pass. Keller Riley Smith, GranU Pass. Ranson Napoleon Gates, Kerby. Harold Benedict Hyde, Murphy. Orlando HUler, Grants' Pass. "Lester D. Calhoun, GranU Pass. ' Joseph Edward Qoode, Selma. Hoy Clifford Sharlow, Oallce. , Arthur Edman Williams, Kerby. ; Wallace Coleman Hayes, Selma. ' Omer 'Robinson, Grants Pass. . Ralph William Moloney. Wolf Creek. . ; Valo Royce White, Kerby. Wayne W. Winter, GranU Pass, WMOU: NTMBER ill 7. IAP COUNCIL U.S. IN SiBE ItlSttlA W IIJ, IJE AhSllWD THAT ENTENTE HAS NO AGGRES SIVE DESIGNS , IMPLIES TO f MM Relief CommUMiion Will Probably Accompany Expedition From tb ' Two CountrUs London, July 22. The Japaneae dlplomatlo council agreed today to the American proposal for Joint In tervention by Japan and th United State In Siberia,, according to a Toklo dispatch. A proclamation will be Issued as suring Russia that the entente baa no aggressive designs In Intervening In Srberla. , Probably a relief com mission will accompany the Joint expedition. Japan's reply Is bellev- d to have been sent to Waahington. TEDFJf RiiOSRET Jl OysUr Bay N.. T Jnlv " "- Jor Theodore SoosevaU. , Jr., haa been slightly wounded aad takwa to a hospital la Paris, according to a , cable msssg received hi fain. r Colonel Theoaor" Roosevelt. from bis dughtr-U-Uw. Mrs, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. Th cablegram was sent from Paris, where Mtsv Itsosovelt U la a Red Croas hospital. ' It read: "Ted woumtooV Not serionsiy. Her with me. Mat any danger. No cause for anxiety. " Major Roosevelt was cited for gallantry after having been gassed snout three weeks ago. Th news f Major Roosevwlt'a having been wotinded followed Im mediately th report from Paris that German aviators had dropped a not confirming fear of th death of Lieutenant Quenlia Roosevelt in an aerial engagement CapUin Arefai Roosevelt Is re covering from wounds. Kermlt. a fourth son, who served ss a captain in the British army In MesopoUmts, waa recently appoint ed a captain In th United State army, and is aow reported on hhv wny to Franc. . He was dcoraUd by th British with .the 'military eross for gallantry. 3PERISH.58N:i SAN DIEGO DU Washington, July Zl.--Satwy dis patches state that there ar three dead and 68 missing , frana the San Diego wreck. .,'.'''. TAIL SPIN KILLS ! TWO MORE UttTKNANTS Fort Worth. Tex.. JaiIt 22.'- Lien- tenant Robert Snyder, of Klmlra, N. Y.i'and Lleutewot Olaf . J. Tan ner, of MoorheadL httnn.. both of Carruther Field, wr killed when ; their airplane toft fn a 1.000-foot Ull spin near b today. .... .. BRITISH DESTROYER AGREES TO AID I London, July 22. Th, British destroyer "Marne" sank a German ubmarln today. I : ' " '