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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1918)
Till 1UD..Y, JI NK SO, ISIS. Practice Makes Perfecv tr mm r A Mrk dn Villi know SnV. thlug about the gixxU you uamlleT If yea are teacher, do you subscribe to say pedagogical works? Do you at tend lectureet Do you MUtlj child life! 70a arc a mother do you know any thing about chemistry and dietetic and home nursing? If tou are a w riter la you know anything about the liter ary market, the fashions In storiear Ira you familiar ith the literature a the world? Do you know anything about Ufa Itself! SKW TOIHT : PER52N1L 2 LOCAL.: . (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. H words, two Issues, tie; all Issues, 60c; one month. 1.50, when paid In advance. When not paid In advance, 5c per Una per laaue.) REWARD Ii5 to party finding pair rather light bay mares, one weighing aoout isuu, ina otner , 1250; branded with laay K on , right atifle; foretopa hare been roached but grown out five or alx . Inches; should hare colt a with them. Phone or wire ma collect, Payette, Idaho. J. H. Hantgan. sheriff, Payette county. It C. A. SIDLE R, Attorney-at-Law, ref eree la bankruptcy. Maaonlc temple, Oranta Paaa, Ore. FOR SALE or trade A small com fortable house, 4 blocks from the poatofflce, on a good residence , street of this city, one-fourth acre of ground, fruit and shade trees, berries, ample room for chicken park and garden; spring of pure water. For terms address O. A. Paulseraud. 1T1 East Main St, Aahland, Ore. II WANTED Capable, educated, bus iness womsn OTer SO. who csn de vote whole or part time, tor re sponsible position In Grants Pass. 1 Experience not necessary aa wa giro Instructions. Address 100! care Courier. II Mrs. Delia Whltselt of Gold Hill, was a Granta rasa visitor today. Mrs. V. R. Walker was in town ou business today. . , Mrs. William Danofsky, of Hugo, apent Wednesday In town. tump rock salt for cattle at Par dee'a. 93 E. E. Blanchard made a trip to Jacksonville today on business. Fred A. Williams left this after noon for San Francisco to spend a few days with his brother, wno will soon leave for France. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Peterson and little daughter returned thla morn ing from Eugene, where they spent the past week. Mrs. R. J. tlest ul returned this morning from Portland, where she spent the past two weeks with her father, who Is seriously 111. Mrs. E. A. MeOrew and two chil dren arrived tbls morning from Roseburg to vtalt Mrs. McGrew's parents. Mr. and Mra. Fred Pappel. at Murphy. Mra. A. 0. Foor, of Portland, ar rived from Roseburg last evening and will be a business visitor In the city for several weeka, stopping at the Josephine. Charles E. Keyaer. of Kinsley. Kan., who spent the past week or two at Rosehnrg on businesa, arrived tbla afternoon and will spend a day or two visiting the D. J. and J. K. Manuel families. Miss Tina MrCanit arrived last night from Monterey. Cat., and will apend a month In thla city and at her old home at Wlldervllle. Miss McCann graduated this year from the Monterey high school. Lump rock salt for cattle at Par dee's. 11 Mr. and Mrs, Paul Myers, who spent the past three weeks with Mrs. Myers' parents, Mr. and Mra. Wil bur Williams, left thla afternoon re turning to Loa Angele. Ornft Men to livve Monday Word has Just been received that the 30 men of the June draft will leave for Camp Lewis on Monday, June 24 on No. 14. I IjrK Awmrtmoiit of Swim Kh At Clemens, the Rexnll store, cod KiMI In France The Vnlverslty of Oregon base hospital unit has reached France, ac cording to a card received today from Matthew Riddle, who la a member of that nnlt. Help Wanted To use up the music, wear out the floor and eat the lunch at the big Murphy dance, Saturday, June S3. )4 worth of enjoyment tor $1.50. 92 VUvl lterMPitetlvw II Mrs. A. C. Foor, of the Portland Northwest Vlavl company, will be In tha city for several weeks, located at the Josephine hotel, room S3T. Pa trons are cordially Invited to call or phone. II Kleetrio Wiring and Sitill During tha war period phone your wants to 10 Medtord. Wa will pay phone calls on all ordera received. Paul's Electric Store, Medfnrd, Ore gon. II E Mia I Oilier In War Work Miss Frankle Letchor of this city is on her way to New York, where she will enter the Y. M. C. A. war work. Mlsa Letcher hopes to be sent to France soon. Meeting Council of lefii no Regular ' meeting Friday .night June list, to make arrangements for reception for Josephine county's quota, thirty In number, which goest Monday morning. Every member be present. By order of president. A short time ago Messra. Uunnoll, Smith and Starr purchased the Mon ger group ot chrome holdings In the Williams creek district and leased them to Messra. Hotter and Fauche, who now have a crew of men de veloping the property. An excellent showing has been made, promising a considerable quantity of high grade ore. A short stretch ot road will be built to the huldlnga and the ore hauled out by auto trucks. Butter Wrappera prints-! to com ply with the law at the Courier. Courti1 War Atlas The Courier is able to supply a limited number of Its readers with a really superior war atlaa of II pages, with colored ma pa ot the countrlea at war. The pages are 15x15 Inchea and several of the maps occupy two pages There la a pro nouncing Index of place names and rive re. Thla atlaa Is sold generally at SO cents; the Courier's price la 2S cents, but the first E0 will be )ld at 20 cents. Call at ones as the liply la limited. MRS. JENNIE KEMP 10 SPEAK IN JOSEPHINE Mrs. Jtmnle Kemp, formerly, of this city, now a representative ot the United Slatea food administra tion, arrived thla morning from Portland and will give lectures throughout the county during the week. Her main address la "Over tha top at the table." Mra. Kemp will apeak after the plrnlo dinner at the Pomona grange at Dryden, Saturday. On Sunday afternoon she will give an addresa to tha people ot tha Ullnola valley at tha Kerby Grove school house. E TO BE INSTALLED Definite arrangements have been made to get a threshing machine to come to Granta Paaa to do any threshing that may be wanted done, It will be necessary for those having very small acreage to haul their grain to some common center where a thresher will bS set. Any one de airing to have his threshing done may communicate with us and we will arrange a place and time later for the threshing. , C. D. TIIOMP80N. County Agent. joy Theater TONIGHT and Friday "The Auction BlocK" lti lurch's ireatet 8(07 The life lory of a milium girls In AmorVe'e bin rltle and nialleet towns. EXT SAVE heat (OMIXO KVK.XTtt June II, Saturday Dance at Dver Creek ay Red Cross auxiliary. June II, Saturday Meeting ot Po mona grange at Dver creek. CAItl) OP TIIANKM Heartfelt appreciation la felt for tha kindnesses and services rendered by the many friends at the death of John Ritchie of Hugo, His son and daughter deeply feel the love of their neighbors. II. W. HITCHIK. MIW. OKN'KYIKVK ROOT, Placer and Quarts Mining blanks ut tha Courier. This Is your Hegiment of Marching Dollars i . siv TM It Because tiie United States is at war. Because the only safe road to Peace is Victory. Because soldiers and sailors cannot win unless the entire American people every man, woman and child refrains from everything not absolutely . necessary to health and efficiency, and thus releases labor for the pro-' duction of materials of war and the support of our army and navy. Because-every pair of shoes, every suit of clothes, every hat, every suit of underwear, etc., not necessary, used by us at home, means one less pair of shoes, one less uniform, one less overcoat, one less muffler for our boys who are fighting to make our homes safe. Because U. & Bonds, War Savings Stamps and U. S. Thrift Stamps m be purchased by the people from money saved from their income every dollar spent for an unnecessary thing is a force for evil W that dollar buys labor and materials for equipping our army navy it has a double force first it ceases to aid, the enemy second it is fighting for us in behalf of mankind. Be sure that j pennies, nickels,' dimes, quarters and dollars are enlisted in the ca of your country. An idle dollar is a SLACKER dollar, but a dot , wasted in war time is a TRAITOR dollar. Because you should not let another day go by until you have actu given up some real thing--for your country "until it hurts." The United Slates Government Offers You the Opportunity to Save end Serve You can buy a United States Thrift Stamp for 25 cento. A card is furnished on which to paste it Sixteen of these, plus a fetv cents cash will buy a War Savings Stamp. Oa January I, l V I : r cottsKMsn ft. 1 j. Bf ' v - - - wwv waiw wssai vvgtaet a v aoavuigai waawisj WU J aw! J m w , the United States Government will D6V VOU $5.00 for each itamn nnatM. an a War Saivinoa CrK&rm fki'a t'a 4 rnrnnminAA nurt1 wkn tl.. .f. start " ""-iT" - -g) wa mswww Mawv arw w f ay wissafwwHv aaHI S. J TV SlVil UIV UUI are held till January 1, 1923. A simple and secure investment yielding a good income on your money. When you do this, you become an actively la American citizen one who is saving lives by saving money. ' . ' ? ' . 'Begin JVOWEnh'st Vour Dollars in your Country's Sortiic JVKK SSTH NATIONAL WAB SAVINGS DAT (' f THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY OLDING'S GARAGE aiL)-