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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1918)
paci roiR DAILY RlVaiR OOt'KlKH Till IIAHAY. H'SK III, IBIII. PER52N1L LOCAL i M J.B.Coffee Why? Best Coffee at any price You can make more cups of pood coffee with less M. J. B. than with any other coffee. Ground just right to make the best cup of coffee. Blended from the finest flavored coffees grown in the world. Thoroughly aged before it is roasted. Quality never changes. It's the most economical. It goes further. Vacuum Packed by Spec ial Process to Preserve its strength and flavor. It Reaches Yea Fresh I'.VEiir Can Guaranteed niCIPAL BATHHOUSE TO BE OPENED FRIDAY The municipal bathhouse at the city park will be formally opened on Friday, June 14th at 1 o'clock. Mr. J. L. Myer will be the superinten dent for this season and will manage the bathhouse along the same lines' a Id former years. Season tickets,! parts of which are unhsed, will be good . for this season. Tickets will be Issued on the same basis as In other seasons, namely, $1.00 for a 20-puach ticket and SO cents for a half ticket. 3 i It and towels will V ranttxA t th ftamA nrlre. The board walk to the water ana tne float will be pot In shape as soon as possible. Patrons art urged to e - wrcue every precaution w btuio u ddents. ' BATHHOUSE COMMITTEE, By Theo. P. Cramer, Sec'y. Mrs. O. B. Thombltnson, of Kerby, la In town today. Detroit Vapor Oil Stove Works like gas Costs one cent per hour for each burner to operate Rogue River Hareware Geo. R. Kiddle. Mgr. S3: Ml Max Wilklna made a business trip to Medford this afternoon. P. B. Wlckham left this morning; for Portland on a busiues trii. Mr. P. McQuat, of Rogu River, was Granla Pass visitor yesterday. Fisher scratch food. $4 75 per 100 lbs at Cramer Bros. 5 Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Johnson and children, of Holland, 'were In town yesterday. Misa Alda Heer. of Ashland, la spending the week with Miss Essie Nipper. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Pas. returned this morning from Portland, where they spent several weeks. Mr. Ira Binns and baby went to Portland today to spend a few daya with relatives. Mr. R. E. Boyer and Mrs. O. 8. Webster, of Rogue River, were In town on business today. Ed. Hannunt and Clay Ramsey went to Wolf Creek last night, where they -expect to do some proa pectins. Mr. and Mr. Vandenberg. of Paint Beach, 3. D., arrived this morning, and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. II. Carner. Mr. Mary A. Babcock and four children left last night for Clovls, New Mexico, to be with Mrs. Bab cock's parent. Mr. Babcock la now in Franc with the 18th englneera. Tom Fllppln, who had his arm broken recently at the River Banka farm, left last night for Portland, where he will remain a few weeka. C. O. Thompson and Noel Bullock left this morning for Horhbrook. where they will spend the day on business. Scratch food. $4.75 sack. Cramer Bros. s Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Gatvln left last night for Portland. They will go to Rock way and later to Seaside. Mr. Galrin has been on the sick list for a couple of weeks, and Is taking a much needed rest. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Black and two children, spent a few days here with relatives, and left this morning by automobile for San Francisco. They will later go to Nevada, where Mr. Black has business Interests. Mrs. Cora Smith returned last night from Washington. D. C. where she haa been with her daughter. Misa Ora Wlllson. who left here dur ing the winter and Is now chief die clerk In the reclamation bramh of the quartermasters department and IS In charge of a force of 1 sten ographer and clerks. Mr. and Mrs. Darius E. Wells ar rived this morning from Plumas county, Cat. expecting to remain In definitely. Mr. Wells Is a quart! mill man, and has been for some time connected with the En sets cop per mine. They started from home by automobile, but had a breakdown In northern California and had to leave their car for repairs. j Archbishop ChriBtie. of Portland, of the arch-diocese and his secre- i tary, DeLormler, also of Portland, I were In the city the first of the week. They arrived Sunday night and on Tuesday administered con firmation at St. Ann's church after the 10 o'clock mass to a class of 20 which had been prepared by Father VIen, the local pastor since his assignment to the parish about two months ago; the church was beautifully decorated with roses and sweet peas and the singing by the choir very Impressive; many dona : tions were received from parishion ers and well wishers. I The archbishop expressed himself a helnor ereatlv Dleased with the outlook for the parish under the j present pastor and looks forward to the day when the local parish will enjoy a greatly Increased number of parishioners and will be rated an Important and prosperous one. While autolng through the valley the archblshon repeatedly called at tentlon to the scenic beauty and the magnificent location for a thriving .city and predicted for Grants Pass and the surrounding districts a .bright future through the operation of the mines and the securing of water for Irrigation, and especially 'when the present worlds conflict has been brought to a successful conclusion by the United States and ,her allies. In which he urged all to exert themselves to the very utmost In any and every way that will be of assistance to the government. New triHr tilrl - Misa Ruth Vllesler haa aocepled a position In the oflli-e of Or. I,. O. Clemeut. A l,rgtt Asunrtment Swim Kaps at Clemens, the Rexall Store. 9.7 tlub Will Mtv The Past Noble Grand Club will meet Friday afternoon at I: SO at the I. O. O. F. hall. A full attend ance Is desired. Miuimi Undergoing IUuU The Presbyterian manse i under going repairs and Is at present being repainted. Returns Front Trip ' C. S. Noble returned a few days ago from an automobile trip to Pow er, Ore., going by way of Myrtle Creek and Randon. IUdn Opened Tomorrow Blda for the construction of the Gold Hill Irrigation project will be open tomorrow at 7:30 p. m. All bids will be received - at the office of the board of directors at Gold Hill. Two Carloada Turned IWk The people of Grant Pasa hare turned back two carloads of flour which will be aent to Washington. One carload will be sent today and the other a little later. Electric Wiring and Hui During the war period phone your want to 90 Medford. We will pay phone calls on all orders received. Paul' Electric Store. Medford. Ore gon. 9 lYewltyterian Pk-nlr Friday afternoon and evening is picnic time for Bethany Presbyter Ian church people, not only members but members of the congregation and friends. A picnic supper will be enjoyed at Riverside, park. The KhorteM Night But chock full of hilarity. That's June 22 at Murphy. Music, lunch. floor, and moonshine, for $ 1.B0. Derorate for King Day Every member of Gen. tagan W. R. C. will remember that tomorrow, June 14. Is Flag day, and It is both ritual requirement and patriotic duty that 'every house be decorated with a flag or bunting. Engraving Price lucre Prices for engraved cards have been Increased about 25 per rent, but the Courier will accept ordere at present prices until June 15, after which date the advanced rate will be charged. 85 HpecUI Meeting Friday A special meeting of the Jose phine council of defense will be held Friday evening, June 14, at the courthouse at 8 p. m. Urgent business. Every member Is Expect ed to be present. Lieutenant Hanler In Ohio Lieutenant Vernon Banter, for some month stationed at Camp Lewis with the national army, Is now, at Camp Perry, Ohio, attending a six weeks' training school In small arms. His brother, Loren, has Just made his second trip overseas. ImimrUnt Mesaage Friday- All members of the Council of Defense are urged to be present at the meeting at the courthouse Fri day evening. A speaker will he present. He will talk on a matter of national Importance. Fred A Williams, president. James Browne Enlists A call has been received for two men from Josephine county for lim ited military service. James K Browne was taken as one and will act as clerk In the aeronautics de partment. The second man has not yet been secured. The two men will leave June 18 for Vancouver bar ranks. Government Party Visit Coast- Henry Hlller has Just returned from a U-days' automobile trip, on which he had as passengers, Dr, Day, Justice Orugen and Mining Engineer Gausmell, government rep resentatives who are on a western trip securing chrome data. They went to Crescent City and up the coast to Coos bay, then to Roseburg, where the government men took the train for Seattle. They made many side trips. Mr. Oausnell Is expected to return to Grants Pass later. COMING HEX IIK.M'H'H KamoiM Hlory "THE Al'tTIOK IIMK K" . JfKW TOD4.T I CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 15 words, two Issue. lie; sit Issue. 5ic; one month, $1.50, when paid In advance. When not paid la advance. 6c per line per Issue.! SECOND-HAND FORD for sale or trade for rattle. Union Junk Co. 91 WASTE MERCHANTS -Dealer In all kinds, ol scrap. Union Junk Co. 10 $80 TAKES a good light truck In good running order, or will trade for good: work horse. - Inquire, at Red Front! barn. Grants Pas. Or. 90 IiOST Bar pin. with design In blue enamel. Finder please leave with No. 964 rare Courier. 8 FOR SALE Two sows and 10 pigs.! pig 12 week old, weaned. F. M. Rathbun, Murphy. Ore., phone 106, Applegate line. Kh IjOST Buckskin driving glove. Fin der please return to No. 9(8, care Courier. 88 FOR 8A LE Wood" or "coke attacfT- ment to gas stove with colls for heating water. Also a wood heater. Call tomorrow forenoon, 710 North Sixth, phone 10-R. 83 FOR RENT Eight-room modern bungalow, 848 North Sixth street, hone 364-R. 90 (RASH FIRE NOTICE Ordinance No. 752 of the ordin ances of the City of Grants Pass, re lating to the cutting and destruction of grass, notice whereof has recently been published In the columns of this paper, among other things pro vides that If (he property owner or person In possession thereof elects to burn the grass upon any premises such burning shall be done upon no tice previously given to the chief of the Are department personally, and at such time and In such manner asi he shall prescribe and under his su pervision, and, not otherwise. The observance hereof Is necessary for the protection of property, and the ordinance provides a penalty for fail ure to complr. Permits can be ob tained at the city hall. A. K. CASS, 87 Fire Chief. Former Grants Pas Boy Dl Word was received here today of the death at Portland, June 7, of Merle Nlday. The young man de sired to enlist and underwent an operation for hernia hti.l varicose veins, and while the operation was reported as successful, the young man died a few days after. Toting Nlday was horn In Grants Pass and lived here until about six years ago, when he moved to Portland. COMING EVENTS June 14, Friday National Flag day. June 17, Monday rAnnugl school meeting school district No. 7. at Junior high school at 10 a. m. MADGE KENNEDY wd Ut rye and her amlla la Edgar ftrdwyn's Htagr. 8uw "Nearly Married" The story of an almost bride and a not-quit bridegroom The story of a roadlutuno wtinre I hey Boihing but rhlrkm E FOR ill CARRIERS The I'. S. t-lvlt service commlin.lon: announces that a clerk-farrier rum ination will be held at Grants Psss, I Ore., on July IS. to establish an eli gible register from which selection may be made to flit vacancies as , they may occur In the positions of I clerk or carrier In the Grants Pass, NOTICES The Kwaune Hot Company wn! one hundred rutolT sMn, bend and rlrrular rm mew. rip saw men, rlral nuwhlne men, talloff iiMn. tlrup men, car linuter", etc., to work nlgiita. Shift slant at A p. na. aad continue until I :)IO a. m. Eight hour, (hie half hour for lonch. chance to work during the rooler part of the day and early even ing. Flint shift star at p. m. Hand?, Juan lath. For furl heir particular re the Ewauna Box Company Klamath Falls, Oregon P-A-G-E SOUTHERN OREGON'S GREATEST PLACE OF AMUSEMENT .MKDFOKD. One Night, June 1 7 . The Comntock-Elllott Co, prenftnt THE SMARTEST AND I1RIGIITK8T OF ALL MUSICAL COMKDIKH sOH,BOY" with JOSEPH STANLEY Absolutely original all star cast direct from two years In Now York, six months In Boston, seven months In Chicago, four weeks In San Francisco. r FORTY PRETTY GIRLS SMART SWAGGER COSTUMES NEWEST DANCES JOLLIEST TUNES niGOEUT MIMICAL COMEDY HIT l TWENTY-FIVE YEARS PRICES 932.00, H1.BO, f.0O, 7c, 50c -War Tax Added Mall and I'hoiio order novr For seat reservation and Sieclal train see Horning nt the Shark Joy Theater Till ItHPAY and FRIDAY To Hhows M and Wild p. m AdmlMliMt WV mmI I He Ore.. postoOlre. Age limit, 18 to 4., on date of examination, llolh men and women will be admitted l (his examination. Application blanks and full In formation may be obtained from Donald J. Calvert, local secretary, U. 8. civil service examiners, at the Grants Pass, Ore., poslolTIre, or to the secretary, Eleventh. I'. S. Civil Service District. 303 I'osloftVe lll.liC.. Seattle. Wssh. Putter Wrapper printed to com ply with the law at the Cornier.