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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1918)
'LI IV 1 I r DAILY EDITION VOU VIII., Mm INI. HE MIDDLETON IS KILLED AUTO THICK ClUHiIKH INTO PAJiSENUER TRAIN AT KAN. (CHOI'S C'ROHalNO ik eatss mow escape Track Mmaaliod and Carried Along oath radii Track for A boat fifty Fee avld l.awrenoc Mlddleton, aoa of Mr. and Mn. J. T. Middletnn, waa Inatantly killed Monday night when the Ford truck he was driving itruek the engine on train No. S4. at a dangerous rrowilng a mile or more west of Merlin a few minutes aftrr ' T o'clock. Jack Dearie, a lad or about years was riding with Mid dteton and waa considerably brulaed. When taken to his home on South Park street after the accident he teemed to be In a aerlous condition but this morning he la suffering only from brulsea and shock. Appearances Indicate that Middle ton did not hear the approaching train, which waa In a cut and on a down grade. The crossing la at the bottom of a sleep pitch and at- a aharp turn and It la Imposalble for aavnn in mm train anitrnsohln from the south. It Is reported th,t!,0 tM ' Pfe,Bc b'nw' "d the truck struck the rear of the ten- j itr the front nf the flrmt ear anil I waa carried along the track for 4i or 0"" " of -" 4 SI feet, being badly wrecked. 0f l: Al h,d bMn '"0 ,0 Mlddleton'a akull waa crushed a..,"'-'-11 ' boaea broken and he was found 1rj"VM comm,UM wmun M pMI lag near the track but about 40 feet 41 hou, from the crowing. - Young learns Th bodlM ."wraa late crawled out from the wreckage and r " bX the wonder Is thst he also was not n"r ,MM- Although Sheriff txlltexl. Claris 8tudbaker of Cowllta county. Young Mlddleton. who with his Marshal Hull of Kelso and Prose brother haa conducted the Para-cuUn" Attorney .; Deloo Spauldlng. mount Cydery alnce January t, has tn n ,,um- been driving to Hells gate every dlavte-ly. have made a thorough night knd returning In the morning " their belonging, no meant, with the Aubury fishing boats, the ' Identtflcatloa it the victims nor fishermen and the catch ,of Ash. Toung' Jack went down for the rlda anil r.tnm hnma with his father and brother, who are Ashing. committed was a favorite night David Lawrence Mlddleton waa camping ground for tourists, born near TTuntavllle. Ala., August Heslde the woman's body, was an IS, 1M, and Mm to Oregon with old rusty revolver, containing one his parent In 1101. .He waa an In- loaded shell and blanks. A rifle itustrloita young man of good hablta also was found In the tent, but neith and with a younger brother waa r of these weapons bad beeu used building up a good bustneM. The to commit the crime. Several peo funeral will be held Wednesday af- pie claim they have seen the woman tornoon at 1:10 at Clark 4t Hoi man and children In an automobile with chapel. Iter. B. A. rinch of the Bap- a man and a dog Saturday after tlst church conducting the service, noon. Member's of a road gang, who Tnternment will he at the Oranlta pass the spot every day, also say the Hill cemetery. , Prllr camped there Saturday. There rninnTDAiMi' IhUUf IIAMIM II " AMD SETO INJURED Texarkana, Ark., May SI. A northbound troop train waa wreck ad near Garland City thla morning. Th ngln and four coaches wer overturned. No soldiers are report ed killed although II wr merely Injured. Th nglnr and fireman war both killed. The cause of th wreck Is not known. . V1 USE WOULD DEPRIVE : DISTILLERIES OF GRAIN ' Wushlngton, May 21. The house today tentatively agreed to amend ment of the food production bill making an $11,000,000 appropria tion unavailable unless th president Issues a proclamation prohibiting th us of fooda tor th manufacture of Intostcanta. IIS. OFFICIALS UNCOVER PLOT (iermaaa Airrea to Furalh Mnry aad Ammunition fur Slaa PW (prising Washington, Max SI. The United Btalea has ba partly responsible (or th recent arrests of th Irlah leaders la England. Evldene of plotting bitwNn German and 'Irlah agent In th Ualted State for the uprising plot Id Ireland was uncover ed bjr government officiate. BIdd Fl leaden la lb United States hr been In touch with the OermaDi, who agreed to furnish the money for the rebellion In Ireland. (t li poealbl that rma and ammu nition were to be Mint to Ireland by ubmarlnea. There waa alio eorae discussion of the eh a area of tending Oermaa aoldlera from the United State to Ireland. The Germane planned this nprla Ing to come about the aam time that the German troopa would reach the channel porta by their - great drive. They believed that England would be thrown Into inch a- atate of confualon by the German vlctorle that Ireland could be freed entirely from the British. musnER 11,1 AH MIDI Kelto, Waib., May XO. Within 100 feet of the Pacific highway and ;lwo ntlleo from here, there were ""X ' mnroeivr wenuiy ro found. ,.. The spot where the crime was were no algns of a struggle about th tent and It waa apparent ; the three had been slain while they slept. : , MOONKY WILL BK RK- 1 HKNTENCKI TO HAXO San Francisco, May SI. Judge Orlffln today denied th motion for th removal-of the death sentenre standing against Thomas J. Mooney. and on May S8 will be resentenced to hang. ' '; MHJ.ION MEJf WILL f REGISTER SAY8.CROWDHR .Washington, May 11. Estimates made by Adjutant Oenerat Crowder Indicate that thro quarters of a mil lion men will be obtained for ' the army by the registration June 5. Mr. Crowder thinks that .there will be at least a million men register. ' ; SENATE AD1W Ht'GE Hl'M TO NAVAL, APPROPRIATION Washington, May 21. Carrying a total of tl.S87.090.000. or $202, 840,000 more than provided by the house, the naval appropriation bill was completed today by the senate naval commutes and will be report ed In the senate ttday. ' OKAJrra pam, Josephines oocsrrr. STARVATION THREATENING 1 GERMANS AMERICAN OFFICIALS RELIEVE FOOD SITUATION MOMT SKIt KK'S BVCR mmw is reported Morale of PopwIaUoa Low on Ac coaat of Uuagor Bread Ration Sooa to ll (Vt Washington, May 11 Offlclale be lieve that the food altuatioa la Ger many la now the most critical since th war began. Information Indi cate that further reductions In ra tions will be necessary until harvest. Correspondents learn that famine la likely to prove an ally of th en tente. The morale of th population of the central power I low, due to hunger. Witnesses declared that two pris oners of war were murdered by fel low workers In Vienna, who at a part of their bod lea. It la reported that people often faint on the city streets from hunger. .. Washington, Msy II. Announce ment that the bread ration Is to "be reduced on Juae IS has caused grave apprehension throughout Germany. An official dispatch today from Swft serland aays that even th govern ment press hss adopted a tone no less pessimistic than that of th so cialistic papers, which fortee a great diminishing of th physical aad gen eral fore which help la supporting the hardahlpa of th fourth year of the war. ' "The government la taking a step (Continued on Pago Four) GaWOft a a a a car? to '-mfi ...V i r j.CJ o c3 TUESDAY, MAY BOTH ' BRITISH AND FKKNtll IMPROVK ItmiTIONJJ SY UO. CAL ATTACKS ntmsofD Allied Artnfcw Not Pmaiittlng; tier- ta Kajojr Paaca at Aay Poind London, May SI. la abarp opera tlons around Locrs, Prencb troops made an advance on a front of more thaa two mile and captured over 400 prisoner, according to Field Marshal Halg'a report last night. 'uondon. May II. Northwest of Merville, la the Flanders salient, th British Improved tblr positions and took SO prisoners and six machine guns and crushed a counter attack. Th French In local attacks be tween Mount Rouge and Kemmel have greatly Improved their posi tion. Bethune, one of th German ob jective In th Flanders drive. Is bow a mass of rulna aa a result of th constant shelling toy th Oer- London. May SI. Two German alrplao of a new large type wer forced to land In the North tea. The pilots ver reaeued by Swedsh ships. 'With th British Army. In France, May St. Th French troopa .who are fighting alongside the British, kav carried another of their whirl wind attack to tuceeaafol conclu- (Continued on Pag Four) Hfff Oaf aWanWJT UatWat allfwM4 i oTUMpctUMbl a a a a a orboon. U MAKE ADVICE AND TAKE GE WIS id i wo I oennto vou.M o SI, lla. OF Mil BALK Nativ of Praaaia ArrwHed la Klam ath Ut Activities May Loa HI Amaricaa CHIaeaahlp Portland. May tl. Federal at torneys today began tult to cancel th eltlMnshlp ot Carl Swslgln, an I. W. W. and a native of Prussia. It Is charged that Swelgln waa not attached to the principle of th American constitution when natura lised and that n obtained his cltl senshlp through fraud tad deoelt 8w1gln waa arrested at Klamath Palls last aummer and served sli months In th Klamath county Jail for hi connection with th I. W. W. activities. - H la now under arrest for opposing tb draft act. WATER POWER TO SIP PLY MOSCOW WITH FXBCTRICITY Moscow, Apr. H. (Correspon dsncs) Electricity sufficient to sup ply all the Industrie of Petrograd and to light and give power for th needs of th entire northern district Is to be generated from the falls of th Neva, Yolkor, Bvlr, Narora and other rivers, according to plaaa be ing worked out by th national eco nomic council. For Petrograd alone a special atatlon will b built on th Volkov with a capacity of 0, 000 '.volta. , i U.LLUit LUu.,10 II IS COT CI IBS ... Dublin. May 21. John Dillon, na tionalist leader, la an Interview with th Associated Preea correspondent, emphasised the difference between hla party and the Sinn Fein move ment, he aaya, la bound to end In disaster. 1 a . a Contributed by Frank Godwin. CITIZENSHIP WHOLE NIMIIEB Mr 10 h L 10 LEADER RED Ot'TLYlXCJ DISTRICTS HAVE RX- SPONDKD MORE FREELY SO FAB THAN CITY STJITEEOTDSD Orwat Batfafaotloa oa Part of Taaaa "Swaia Aa To tike Oeaoral Josephine county haa been alive aad awak to vry call th country haa given. Th present Red Crow drlv ha been no exception and the county baa th distinction of h.1. th first to go over the top. . Tie members of th teams hav giva th drlv nrecedenca everything els and lesser affair of Business hav been neglected. Many offlcea la Grant Pass hav dosed all day. Official report will be given at the team supper tonight Th re turns are still Indefinite as several teams hav only Incomnlete ranaeta. There Is, however, gra poaaiDfl. ty ror Josaphia county to xed her fS.000 quoU br S1.000 - Ewt capUin haa reported "mora thaa th JOSEPH! CROSS DIE quoU," and haa expressed great satlsfsctloa aa to the attitude of tk people. , , "Tke people ot th country dis tricts hav don batter so far than th city districts says Sam Baker. general chairman of th drtv, "They have been well organised and given . until it hurt.". . , , . , , L The following la aa extract from tne telegram aent to Mr. Bakr from H. L. Corbett, sUt chairman of th Red Cross campaign. "Josaohlna county is th first to put her cam paign over the top. W hava wired , your success to Washington and - through ua th American Red -Cros extends to the people of your coua-- ty their heartfelt thanks, and their assurance that such act of patrto- tlsm will cheer the heart of our sol- ' dlers In France." Reports from every county In Ore gon are encouraging and there ia no doubt but that Oregon's gift to the nation will outreach the task ot . 1600,000. set for it to rain. Any on who haa not bee solicit- ed for their share la th drive will help the. committee If they will bring their contribution to some member of the teams. 15 AEROPLATiES AKE DESTROYED BY HE Saa Francisco, May. 81. Fifteen airplanes nnder construction, a great deal of dry spruce and Irish linen waa destroyed by fire in the Fowler Aeroplane Corporation plant today, . The damage IS estimated at $750,000. I, , V ..1 FRED A:MAMS IS STILL LEADING Portland; May 21 Fred A. Wil- ' llams of Josephine county,. Is report ed at 2:30 todav as leading Fran Miller for the" nomination as mem-' ber of the, public service commissioa by about 200, with six counties yet to hear from. It Is. expected that these counties will give Miller the larger vote. ' Thomas F. Ryan, of Clackamas . county. Is leading O. P. Hoff, of Multnomah county, for nomination for state treasurer by about 40 votes, with five counties missing.