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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1918)
M'MlAY. AIMtll. Itl, 1UM. DAILY I.OCIIJ UVlUt COllUKH r Acs rrm f: FER52NAL David U von Neoiler, o f Mytun, Klleen Lewis, of Holland, la I tah, I In the city. 'Rucal t the Oxford. Mlaae Jennie nikI Anna Johnston' 1IH hlryi-ln at Cramer lln. 40 pent Hitlurdy Hi Miidford. j Lloyd Ituhlnium, of Kerliy. arrited If you Intend to have a vvgvlabUl In the i lly )vaterday, garden, net your seed thl week II. Ilartlnlt, of Orovllle, Cal.. It Id from finnier Urn. , 40 th city. ' Mri. II. It. Patrick anil children Vegetable and flower unl at roluriiDil to Udhi lmric Haturday, afti-r vUlilnn lu Urania I'na. Mlnerv ar;lii the new allk niliml. Kliiiiny Truax. 40 Mm. J. II. Campbell and four chil dren mid Kay llolllnaer li(t Friday nlilht for Doty, Wiah, Maidn lit in tat ut Rogue Itl ver lldw. Mr. and Mm. U A. Illmtln. of He- altle, who visited the former's slater, Mm. I.. C. Perdue, went to Oakland, Ore, Hitturday inoinliia. lliywood'i Kuanntred liaby bug ate at lleliner'a. 40 J. C. Caldwell left Friday nUht ri-glnterad at the Oranta Piaa. fur Vancouver. Wash to seek work Poultry rcmedlea at Cramer Tlroa. t thn ahlii yardi. M. c. (lray. of Mndford. la a Electric supplies at Rogue River Omnia Piai visitor. Hirtfware tf Garden looli at Cramer Proa. 40 C. II. WiKonrr, of Medford. ar. Dnve Double, of Wonder, la ipend tlvrd In I h cliv Hnturdny morning ln- a few daya In th city, on a bualnea trip. Mr. and Mm. A. 0. Clarke, of Special prima nn window glaaa at Glcndale. are apendlng a few daya 'li'tmrr'a. 40 hre with relative. II. D. Norton went to Portlund, Tiny a bond Clean up and paint Friday nliiht on profeaalonal bual-' nr., Ttneue niter Hardware Co. n". elli Arm Quality floor paint. 41 (Iraaa sickles at Cramer Hr'o. 40( Mr. and Mm J. II. Storey, of A. R. Mnora and wife raina In from Vreka. are reentered at the Oxford. Kerby yesterday and will no to Duna-J Max Pren-h. of Yrelia, U a Oranta mulr to seek employment. Pana vlaltor. Special price on Free aewlmt ma- tipyrK repnlred at Cramer Ttroa. chine all tlila week at IMmer'a. 4 0 Rmo Throckmorton, of Applegate It. V. Culley retnrtifd flaturdur, waa reentered at the Joaephlne to mornlng from a abort atny at Port- dnr. land. He waa accompanied home by I Prrntrh feed. 1 . 7 .' a aa-k, and hla rlaiiKhter. We have the blit line of white ahoea. piimpa. tennla hit!, and ox- ford for ill. Kinney A Truax. 40 II. II. Andemnn irrlved Pvldiy night from Portland and went to Medford Snturday. He la Introduc ing O. A C. land map. lawn mowera at Critmer Itrna. 40 A. C. Hough arrived Saturilny morning from Seattle to fin leh dol ing up hi bualnea affair prcparn tory to moving hi fntnlly to the Sound. Diiy a hnndClonn up and pnlnt tin. Alnb'tatlne at Rogue Itlver Hard wir Co. " - 4 K. A. Melett and Win. Ci-gllet left Friday night on a trip to Oinahit. Veh. (lardcn hoae nt Cramer Ho. 40 K. 8, Jonn. of the flolilon Rule coinpiiny, nVrlved Saturday morning from Glaigow, Mont., and will apend eeveral week! here. Klrarh curtain rod at llelmer'. Mr. and Mr. W. F. Power. Geo. P. Powell and Jeaale 11. Powell, of Sterling, III., were In the city Prl dny. leaving north yeaterdny morn ing. .Window ahndea In nil al.e at tint mer'. 40 Mr. and Mr. E. 0, Harrla went to Portland Friday night accompanying the body of Ml Celta Doerner. At Tortland they will be mot by Alfred Doerner, of Denver. Poultry fence nt Cramer liroi. 40 Mr. Claude Blade and young nn arrived Snturdnjr mornlngf from their home nt Sllverton, and will ipend a couple of month with Mr.. Slide' parenti, Judge and Mm. C. 0. Gil lette. Llnoloumi In print ind Inlaid it Ifelmor'. . . 40 Keep your money at home If you are building n Beaver Portland Cement which I manufactured at Gold IIIII, Oregon, and la guaran tml by (lio nmnufnctui-om to ho atrtt tly high gmta In every i-cniect. You can ibuy thla from your locnl dealer The Oregon Cement. Sewer Pipe A Til C. Beaver Portland Cement Co. ' e LOCAL ; C run r Ilroi. 40 spent I II. OiMinan, of Med ford yeterdy In the city, Hoy Dliklaon and Chin. Kcscrlch left laat nlnht for Taioina. ' f'atton'i Sunproof paint at Cra mer Ilroi. 40 Mm. lien l,ohr arrived I nut night from Run Pram-Urn and will vl.ll Mm, Andy McCarthy, Mlu Marie Edward ram In Inal nluhl from Medford to spent Hun day at noma. Charlea lloydston. of Takllma, la r'Mrk feed, V4c lb. at Cramer Hro. Mrg, Oeorge D. Young and chll.' &rvn r,trred laat night from Jack-, Uonvllle. where thev vUlted rela-l tlvea. m,,.- rt hoae for men with cuff to'i Instead of ribbed. Klnnev Truax. 40 1 Mr. Guy Smith left laat night, re-1 turning to South Rend. Waxh. She waa called here on account of the tiidden death of her fither, John Kindle. Iw-n mowera aharpened at Cra mer Hro. . 40 lltivn Hievmlct ". X. Culy of the "Meadow" luM we.k purchaaed a Chevrolet from Churchill & Maxwell. Mlutim Knglm-cr He George II. rThort. of Salt luke, rep reeontlng the (iraaaelll Chemlrul Company, U In the city for the pur poao of making an examination of the chrome deponlt of till vicinity. Fli-e Aliirm Htirill A fire alnrm wi turned In Fri day evening when in old aback near the rar ahopi wa burned. Tlio value of the building I laid to have been Might. Proai-h at IUrkeley . Rev. L. Myron Rooter will occupy the pulpit at St. John'i Preabyterlin church, norkeley, Cal., today, both morning and evening. Mr. Booxer left aouth Friday night and expect to return the latter part of the week. Rev. H. A. Carnehan of Ashland will occupy the Rethnny pulpit today. Kxcliiutgea lro(erty J. W. Ryan, of thla city, hni ex changed hla iccond hand atore build ing and stock, hla home property on Rogue River avenue and household furnishing to a Mr. Bnrnci of Wal port, Ore., for coast property. Mr. and Mr. Ryan loft Friday night for their new home at Wnlport. On Flatting Trip P. P. Farren. 8. P. attorney, ind J. W. Kaate, attorney, both of Portland, and Herman Walter, who haa been employed In ono of the ship yard, arrived Saturday morning from Portland and wont out to the Walter home' at Applegate to spend a 10-day'a vacation In fishing. Potty Tlilovlng . , Roports come from different sec tion of the city about the stealing of smnll articles. Ono man report ed yesterday that even thn aacki In which he had put tin can and rub bish In anticipation of clean-up-day hud been stolen and the rubbUh dumped out In piles. New Ford Owner List week the C. 1 Hobart com pany sold Ford enrs to C, O. Blue low, Provolt, Mark Whipple, Takll nm. Robert Klttermnn, Kerb', Geo. Allen, Waldo. F. B. McUughlln, Wolf Creek and Robert Weldmnn. r. tourlHt. John Donlson secured a FnnI truck. Atlxtilkoi II. A I, i4 H, All nuni' DM am rr'titcd to be (rear nt at ilia br regular inllng, April it. Tho having raah and vuibli-tiintli- prUea, roma and get them. Mr. it ml .tin. Raltmarah will lie i rt-unt 4 4 lluy Sim-f Aunt Jrmlinna Imkahrat flour. .' pacl;:'.;iti lor Jji. J.ij-hlne Grocery Co. 40 Mi-t'rarlien lo HMlcm . W. II. Mct'rurken, after iendliiR Ibe iMnt week with Auditor Rlgln, of the Induatrlal accident cominla- "liin, will leave today for Salem to apend week or more In the office to famlllarlie hlmaelf with detail of the work. J I In headquarter will later he at Pendleton. Hr-rUlc -Wiring Paul' Klectrlc Store, Mrdford, Ore, Order may be pi cad through power company nhV. ) W. H. WihmI Fii iii-nil hnniLiy Thn funeral of W. 8. Wood, which waa announced In Friday' Courier for Hnturdny afternoon, will be held at the (iranlta Hill cemetery thla af ternoon at 3 oYlork. General l-oxan piiat C. A. R. hiving charge. Mr, I iiili-ruiMMl r Mr. K. C. t'nderwood leave to day to Join her huaband at Seattle, where he baa been working for the paal 10 month. Mr, t'nderwood ha been prominent In the work of the Red Croaa In the aervlng or Monday noon luncheon at the Chamber of Commerce, aa well a much other public work, and he will be greatly mlaaed. I jiiI I ' Suit Cn Mi llennia Payna arrived In Grant Paaa Friday afternoon on the Crea cent City atnue and went to the S. P. nation to take the train for Myrtle Creek, where he will vlalt. He purchaaed a ticket but when the truln arrived the ult-aae wa not to be found. Chief Mclean wi notified and made an effort to lot-ate the pro perty hut could find no trace of It. Kntplra (Vmimi-nrm Iigging The Empire Lumber company, un der the direction of Z. I). Pool, nan commenced logging operation In the Swede Raaln aectlon. and a anon a poaalbln thn Swede Daaln aw mill will be In operation. Twelve men and two team went over the road to thn mill Inat week and had' to wide three to four feet of mow on the Hummlt. There will be about 30 men employed n loon as the plnnt li In complete operation. Township Maps .Showing Oregon and Califor nia Homeetcad Land, open to filing April 2ft, IBIH, 1 per townahlp. ) Plcesne give townahlp and range. ' IKH GMS 'AI18T11ACT CO., Roacburg, Oregon Oxford Cafe Special Sunday Dinner No. April 215 to 8 o'clock MKNl Creiim of Frenh Cauliflower Hind liettuce With Kgg ' Iced Celery Heart ' Spring Hitlud in Mayonnaise FVIcaNNee of Chicken With French ' Peaa ' ' Small Club Ntcwk a la matre de hotel Omelet. With New Aaparagia Tips linked Young (lilcken, Supreme Apple Sauce Prime Rib Native Heef an Ju 1oln of Htu-kllng Pig Celery drewttna (Yearn Crashed Potutoew New Cauliflower Apple I'le Hot .Mince Pi - OrHiiite SherlMt and Cnke Tea Coffee Milk Iced Ten FIFTY CF..NTS Itl.nlKHt IMa TnuUir A. U lllodgtt of Wllllaui haa purrhaaed through C, A. Wlndroul an "1-1 (" Avery tra tory and la now equipped to plow up the whole Will Ham valley. Wablo I'rople Nho - Mr a. II. C. Oaburn and Mia. K.Ira O'llrlen, of Waldo, were (hopper In the (Ity yealerday. More (ViyMe I k ninth- R. J. Davldmin, Juatya Turner and G. 8. Katon. of this county have been paid S each for bountlea on royotei whl'h they have killed re cently. I'rcMtoii I'rwk Mayor IIit A. C. Hoofer, known ai the Mayor of Preaton Peak, I In the city for a few day from hi "Hermitage" near Preaton Peak. He I reglatered It the Joaephlne. Mr. Hoofer at I tea that there wa mow to the depth of four or five feet near hi home when h came out. "Ilunlneea I (hm" The DenUon Auto company thla week aold and delivered cam to the following, a new 191 ft Chalmers to A. C. Holromb; a new Dodge to F. I Vinnlee of the Golden Rule Store; new Dodge to O. W. Thomp- , ton, Southern PicIRe engineer; a new Dodge to W. II. Farra of Apple gito; a; new Hupmoblle to Rom.ce Rratton of the Peerless Clothing company; a new Oluamomie E:x to Minnie U Tuff of tht city, and a new Regal to C. L. Hobart. making seven new car, beside several used cam sold during the week. DenUon aaya bualnea I good. JUNIOR RED CROSS SALE WAS SUCCESS At the rummage ind cooked food sale held laat Saturday, by the Jun ior 'Red Cro of the Junior High. East and Riverside schools, the fol lowing report of proceeds la given by the supervisors: Riverside. Mr. Amoa Smith, supervisor, I29. K3; Fast. Mr. O. S. B1anrhaic inner visor. $29.03; Junior High, Mi. D. B. Reynold, upervtor. $19 33: making a total of $108.13. This apeak well for the member of the Junior Red Croas. their supervisors and teachers. . . COMING KVKNTS May 3. Friday Field day cxerrUes for all the schools of the city. IKIU1M.WH KKiN PKAACK WITH llOIJiHKVIKI (iOVT. AniBterdam. Apr 20. A dispatch from Kiev via Berlin says the Rus sian natlonul commissioners on Wed nesday made a proposal to the min isterial council of Ukraine for peace negotiations and that it was ac cepted. . NEW TOD4Y (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two Issues. 25c; ill tssnes. 50o: one month, $1.50. when pild In advance. When not paid In advance, 6e per line per Isaue.) WANTED Man and wife for gen eral work around house in city. One must be good plain cook. Might consider middle aged wom an with daughter old enough to assist and wait on table. Apply California and Oregon Coast K. R. Co., Lundburg BldR. ' ' 40 JOS. MOSS AGENCY Fire insur ance, plate glaaa liability Insur ance. 204 H SUth street. . . tf INSURANCE Any kind, beat of companies. U A. Launer, real eatata. ... tf FOR SALE Team, wagon and har ness, $150, 241 West O street. In quire Pastlne Cigar store. 41 FOR SALE No. 1 stock) squash seed, 75c pound. Inquire of J. E. Hair, Grants Pass. 45 TOWNSHIP ownership map show . Ing O. & C. and deeded lands in Josephine county for sale by the JoBcphlne County Abstract Com pany, 50 cents each, t . .65 UST At the poBt otllce, a pouch purse containing about $2. Fin der please leave it Courier office, No. 661. '41 IS HACK AtJAIN Country calln tleslretl. At your Sen-Ice l)y oc Mbt Ntnttd at Josephine County Itituk corner Jitney Luke aaVaBtnOBaH SPECIAL SALE SILI DRESSES Twenty seven of 'the season's newest and most charming silk dresses placed on sale tomorrow at re markably low prices. It is impossible to describe the beauty and individuality of these garments as there are no two alike and each one represents the skill of an artist in the designing. Among the ma terials used are, Foulards, Gingham checks, Chiffon Taffetas, Satins and Crepe-de-chine. ' Many have Georgette sleeves and collars. Prices have been divided in four lots as follows: $35.00 Dresses Reduced to $27.50 $27.50 Dresses Reduded to $23.50 $?3.50 Dresses Reduced to $19.85 $16.85 Dresses Reduced to $13.45 Don't miss the opportunity to see these splen did values at your earliest convenience. The Golden Rule SUIT TO RECOVER ON CREAM IS FILED Will Scovllle baa filed ault In the circuit court to recover $260 on milk and cream aold the Josephine County Cooperative Creamery by himself and K. E. Blanchard. The complaint atates that Scovllle, be tween March 1 and April 7, aold $200 worth of cream and Blanchard sold $60 worth. Paul E. Blanchard Is attorney for the plaintiff. Corvallis. Apr. 20. The Benton county war coum-ll's. executive com mittee haa forbade the Russelltes holding a public meeting here Sun day. The leaden, when questioned, declared for non-resistance and the meeting was ordered cancelled. REMOVAL NOTICE On May 6th the assay office will be moved from the Hall building to the Schmidt building on southwest corner 8lxth and I streets. 5$ E. R. CROUCH, assayer. Water ROGUE RIVER WATER f COMPANY OF GRANTS PASS JOY. Theatre Sunday , 'Mondav 205 r Tuesday , WedVlav; 2515 Thursday Friday 25-115 ''Spreading Cowl,-VOld comedv. Billie Burke Saturdav 2010 IREE TRIMMING AfiD ' CLEAN UP DAYS S00,'l City clean-up days will be Wednes day ind Thursday. April 24th and Zoth. Burn all rubbish possible. Place cana and other refuse In al ley or other accessible place, sack ed If possible. 'Your attention 1 also called to Ordinance No. 286 requiring that all" hade trees along aidewalk be trimmed to a height of seven feet We ask that you kindly comply with same. , . C. H. DEMARAY. Mayor. BRITISH-JAP MARINES . TO BE REINFORCED London, Apr. 20. Owing to In creased anti-Japanese demonstra tions In Vladivostok where the Jap anese and British marines have land ed, it has been necessary to arrange for re-inforcementa, arcordinz to a Tsin Tain dispatch. . AII Washington, Apr. , 20. Forty-two individuals and 'sections of the Unit ed States army ambulance service have been cited by French comman ders , for bravery. Two entire sec- tlons were commended. The list has been received by the surgeon gen eral. . ' . Francis X. Bushman aud Beverly Bayne in "Under Suspicion.".... A two reel .comedy featuring Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew. .... DUnn" featuring Jane Baby" and Alice Howell in "Arms and the Girl." Sessua Ilayakwa in "The Calls of the East." A two reel Christie comedy.