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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1918)
FAGB TWO DAILY ROGl-K RTVBa COV1UKH M NIHV, AI'llll. 111. 1IH THE UNIVERSAL CAR We have several Second-Hand Fords at bargain prices C. L Hobart Co. i "Gcts-ll" Drcps Thsn tojha! Goodnight to Con Painf-Coma Feel Off With "Getg-It". Jy, girls, you can laugh at tight shoes, or damp, corn-pulling weather, big bumpy corn, calluses a the sales of jrour feet, corns be tween the toes, bard and soft corns, . AB Off With This Fierce Cera Now-. 'Gete-if kkUciG." If yon will Just touch the com or callus with a few drops of "Geta-It." What a blessed relief It gives to corn DalnsI You won't limp sny more; you can enjoy the dance every minute. Then to see how that corn or callus will come right off complete, like a banana peel and without the least pain, is Just won derful. 'Gets-It' Is the biggest seller among corn removers in the world today, simply because it is so won derfully simple snd always works. Be sure you get 'Gets-It,' Jets-It," the guaranteed, money back corn-remover, the only sure way, costs but a trifle at any drug store, U'rdbyE.Lawrence&Co.,Chlcago,Ill. ' Sold in Grants Pasa and recommended- as the world's best corn remedy by George C. cabin. At the Churches Baptist Church All the members ot the church and friends of the congregation 'as well as the general public are cor dially Invited to help make this a red letter day at the Baptist church. Sunday school at 10 o'clock, Paul Klrker, superintendent. Suitable classes tor everybody. At 11 a. m., the new pastor of the church, Rev. B. A. Finch, will preach on "Faith and Works." The young people's meeting will occur at 7 p. m. At 8 p. m.. Ret, W. C. Driver will preach on "The LordBhlp of Christ," and I the pastor will baptize a number of people. The public Is cordially In vited to see the Baptismal service. ! The evangelistic meetings under .the auspices of this church will be con tinned throughout this week. YOUR DUTY AND WHY "We are fighting this war for the next generation as well as this. We are dedicating the life blood of this nation that our children and our children's children MAY ENJOY THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY OTHERS IN THIS COUNTRY WILL . GIVE THEIR BLOOD: YOU GIVE YOCR MONEY." George W. Wlckersham, Former U. S. Attorney General. - "All that our soldiers need Is a still better rear organization." George Clemenceau, former Premier of France, Jan. 14, 1916. It Is up to you to provide that by buying Liberty londs. Butter Wrappers printed to com' ply with the law at the Courier. Editor Tells How D.D.D. Cured His Eczema Clergyman and Banker Also Write IT, O. tlotrhWus, Editor Echo, Prophetts town. 111. : liememlx'r mine was eczema of fifteen years' standing. Now I am com- fletely healed, after 4 bnttlps of I). Tt. I. have seen a cam ot 25 years' standing cared. I have seen my own doctor cured of barber's itch, which he could not cure himself, F. it. Tesar, Banker, ITopklnton, la. : I treated with three doctors for six months. They did me no good ; my face and scalp were full of the disease. I applied D. I. D. Besult my face Is as smooth as a baby's. Rev. L. I. Downln, I'antnr 6th Av. Pres byterian Church, Bonnoke, Va. : For three J rears I suffered, intensely so, 1 have at art found relief in D. D. I). I am no longer tortured completely cured. 1 have no hesitancy In acknowledging the great virtues of this specific. Druggists are glad to recommend this Soothing, cooling liquid. - Come to ns and we will tell you more about this remarkable remedy. Your money bark unless the first bottle relieves yon. l. I). 1). Hoap keeps your skin healthy. Ask about K. M. Clemens, Druggist Newman M. E. Churth Preaching by the pastor at 11 a, m., and 8 p. m. At the morning ser vice there will be a solo by Mrs. Guy Knapp, at the evening service, there will be an anthem by the choir. Sun day school at 10 a. m., Sam H. Baker, superintendent. Intermerll ate and Epworth Leagues at 7 p. m. A cordial Invitation to all. Melville T. Wire, pastor. Church ot Christ Today Is to be a historical day for the church here. We urge every member to be In attendance at each service. Bible school, under the su- perlntendency of Dr. E. C. Macy, at 10 o'clock. Communion and preach Ing at 11, subject, "Playing Square." Junior at 3. ' C. E. at 7. Evening serrlce at 8, subject, "Getting Bear Ing." Remember the every-mem- ber canvass In the afternoon. C. R. Drake, minister. St, Lukes Episcopal Sunday school at 9:50 a. m., evn Ing prayer and sermon at 8 p. m.. Rev. p. K. Hammond of Ashland In charge. Strangers and visitors cor dially welcomed. Catholic Church Masses on Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m Rev. Father J. O. Vlen. First Church of Christ Scientist Christian Science services are held every Sunday, in the W. O. W. hall, at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet ings at 8 o'clock. The subject for today is "Doctrine of Atonement." The reading room is open from 2 to 4 p. m. daily except Sundays and holidays. The public! Is cordially In vited to attend the services and to visit the reading room. Chinese Alarm Clock Effective. Tho first lype of nlnrm clock In vented Is still In use by the Chinese. It constat of a piece of slow-burning Joss stick, cut to the proper lenjtlli lighted and put between (he slepper' toes. It Is probably the inont wffwilvi' device of the kind known, for when the appointed hour arrives the alwner does not roll over und wall for the clock to give a second alarm ; be get right tip. EFFICIENCY Last evvnlug t I I bad my shoes shlned By a little fellow In One ot the hotels And he took more pains Than some women take In polishing Triolr silver. He worked Hard And the sweat Sood out on His forehead while he SiilneU and shlned. Several times I thought ho' Had finished But each time He put on More polish and More steam And kept right at It. Of course He was working For the tip- Increasing bia Own salary As It were And he got It. All of which Is not at all Like the fellow Who thinks he Is worth more Money than he Gets and does No more Than, he Is paid for. There Is only One way To convince The boas SaSBBBBSBSSaSBBu That he Is Not paying a Large enough - Salary and that Is to do more Than you are Paid for. Dragging Tempo. Profiteer "That's Just like those iniiHtclnns. I hired him by the hour, ii nd see how slowly he plays." Punch. . A BADGE OF HONOR A Liberty Loan button Is a badge of honor. Hightfully obtained It marks the wearer as one who has performed a distinct, definite serrlce to the Country. Not all can tight, not all can work directly for the Government; but In buying a Liberty Loan Bond, or War parings Stamps, every American ren ders some service to the nation. It has been put within the reach and power of every citizen to aid the United States financially : It Is a noor American who withholds support from the Government, from our soldiers and sailors fronting death on battlefields and oceans. Iron crosses to German soldiers, and diamond nrrlarl affhinnail 'tween Turkish and German sovereigns may be but the honors of atrocity. But a Liberty Loan button, simple as It Is, signifies a patriotic duty done and is an Insignia of honor. - Our classified ads bring results. "PROTECT OUR SOLDIERS WITH LIBERTY BONDS" Message of United State Senator McNary to Peo ple of Oregon Money Is needed to support and protect our soldiery now fighting In a foreign land and the prompt pur ehaaa by the American people of Liberty Bonds will supply the funds. Much of the money here tofore obtained by the govsrnment through the sale of Liberty Bonds to Its oitliens has bean espended In ths preparation of war. Now our resources and our savings must be devoted to a considerable ex tent In providing for the SAfety, comfort snd assistance of our heroes on European battlslleld. Three thousand miles of ocean, In tervene and this long lane must be mad cafe for our soldiers. Ships we must have In ever Increasing numbers. Without tonnage the full measure of eur elaborate and mili tary relief organisation must re main Inoperative, Without money w onnt build the ship; without the snip w oannot win th war. With sadnes w antlolpat th re turn of thousands of eur soldier wounded snd crippled wh must be rehabilitated or mad capable through vocational education for ash? support General hospital In whloh physical reconstruction work and vocational training can be un dertaken must be constructed. This require money. A great army I going forward to face th Are of battle snd American dollar will be fortheomlnn for their wel fare If we all perform eur duty and buy liberally of these Liberty Bonds. CHAS. U McNARY, United States Senator. Car Troubles? Tell them to the Fashion Garage Expert Repairing Vulcanizing Acetylene Welding Dealer Overland Cars J. F. BURKE Largest Hens' Eggs. TV largest hens' eggs lire produced In Manchuria, those welching one-sixth of a pound being common. Everything for the Auto C. L. HOBART CO. Why We Are at War With Germany Democracy VersusJAulocracji It Is commonly said that this war Is one In which America was forced to take purt In order to "make the world safe for democracy." What does the phrase, tnwin? The theories and arts of the Ger man military autocracy definitely deny the right of the people of a slate to rule themselves. The German people. In spite of forms of government that make a pretense of popular control, have no such actual control over their governor as exists In d iiiocrtitleully organized nations. In those natlona the governors can be removed by a vote of the people In a general elec tion; In Germany the people have not this power. The arletoerary of Germany under stand this difference, snd are afraid of the spread of democracy In Ger many. The whole, much admired "effi ciency" of Germany Is primarily due . to a desperate and constant effort by Germany's rulers to divert the German people from thoughts of self govern ment, by offering them material pros perity. And the rulers have suc ceeded. One of, the causes of this war was the necessity, by still fur ther "glorious acquisitions of terri tory," to hush the murmuring of political discontent In Germany. Vic tory In war, every so often, Is a nec essity of the German system. "It la for social as much as for national and political reason that we must fix our minds Incessantly upon war." "Success Is necessary to gain Influ ence over the masses," wrote Bern hardt; and General Von Biasing, Just before his death, wrote a "Political Testament," since largely circulated In Germany, In which he argued for the retention of Belgium, became, unlet If .were annexed, th prutiga of tht military autocracy would receive a fatal blnto. Are we are the Allies then fight ing to impose upon Oermany a dif ferent system; Is that the meaning of "making the world safe for democ racy?" . Ellhu Root says that American democratic Ideals Include "liberty not for themselves alone but for all who are oppressed." Lloyd George assert that If all countries had been demo cratically organized, this war would not have taken place; that this war will determine not merely Interna tional Millions, hut will effect the lives of peoples within their furs na tions, for K"nei ut Ions to come; that this war la to end In "Internatlonnl democracy," I. e., In lllxrty, equal ity, mid fraternity, heftre nations, great and smiill. General Fmuts, for merly a soldier against Great Britain In South Africa, says that the essence of this war Is the question whether governments should be founded on military might or on "principles of equity, Justice, fairness and equality." Various writer have depicted this war as a tett of democracy, to de termine whether democracy can ad Just Itself to an emergency so that by sheer efficiency tt shall at least equal the efficiency of a military autocracy, aad assert that on this ground alone the future government of all the na tion of th world la at stake. Will Crook, the British labor leader, says this war "Is a people' war. We are all In It, the man at the village pump and In the fields, th blacksmith, the car penter and Jelner, the shipwright, and the man of leisure. We are standing together because tee ore fighting for liberty ." Yes, this war Is on In which Ideals of government, of Individual liberty, of civilization W'f are In conflict. Democracy Is lined up against autoc racy. The war Is In absolute fact a war ot Ideal. But we are not fight ing to impose our Ideal upon any nation. What we are fighting for. In "making the world safe for democ racy," Is to prevent a military autoc racy front impoiing itt authority and ill idealt upon ui. We are resoy to keep on minding our own hnslness and to let other nations do '.lie snrne. A military autocracy that propones to conquer the world must be de feated, to the point where It renounces meddling with other nations, great nr small, or there I no peace In the world. That 1 the Issue at stake, and ' in It rests our safety and tbe safety of the world. This Is the firth of a series of tn articles by ProfenHor Uougliiss Adams, executive head of the his tory department, Inland Stanford Junior University. The Liberty loan general execu tive board will furnish Information regarding authority for the above quotations. THIS 8IMCR IWNATKI II V THK California-Oregon Power Company