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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1918)
'ihv California and Oregci. Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD EffertlvcDftcember 1, 1217. Tuesday, Thuraday. Saturday Train 1 Iv. Train 2 Ir. Grant Pass.. 1:00 p. in Water Crock 3:00 p. in. Ail irnina aivi iiranr. i'... rrAtii the corner of Q and Eighth atreet. opposite the Southern Pacific dejjm. I For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call ai the office of the company, Lundburv building, or phone 131 (or same. FRUITDALE Krneht Ncllaon, Mr. P. Sliitiery and Mr. and Mrs. Fred lloper nl t,nlel the Red Croiis dance lit the court house Wednesday nlKhl. Mr. liewellyn Is Qjilte Niicresnrul In his trapping operations ftlonq the creek. s " ' ' j The George A. Hninllton family DOmbs OF THE VAN LOONS 5 " i .a. hA r(Uk.r TXMkrT Tun Km, in the rsunssi. rro - S.&SION' &V ntsr EON'T do TO WAR IT VVUt DO THGf- A 1-OT Of 0,000 MID I AM ' WPM ABoyT" - i I AM HApM ABmjV. . . . W-' IV4 iviimv im lev,, V AW.' ,rfl f burr M ' L The Typewriter That Completes the Modern . . Business Organization. The Royal Typewriter Is 'necessary to make a big business organisation complete. It, waa invented and is designed and built to meet the typewriter needs of the business world today. It is the finishing touch to that office efficiency which the ag gressive business organization must have. It fits exactly into the nigh standard of organization, of per sonnel and of equipment that the live business house must main tain. . It rounds out the effectiveness, the sureness, the exactness, the specialized ability of the organization. It ends excessive repairs, because it is built for long life and for the finest work. It is bought with the confident knowledge that it will not have to be "traded-out" after one or two years of use. And this very quality of excellence is what makes the work done on the ROYAL stand alone as an exhibit of superiority. The precise harmonv of all moving parts, the swift and sure me chanical response, the perfect presswork all these enable the typist to do more work, to do it betterand to do it with lees ef fort, i Compare the work. Get the facta. Know the ROYAL. Put it to the deciding test of actual results in your own office, under your own working conditions. The user of but one ROYAL en voys the same advantage as the organization which requires a hundred and more. . Telephone or write us now, and a representative will call. A , demonstration does not place you under the slightest obli gation. Let the R07AL prove itself to you and for you. Then, come to your own conclusion. HI MIITEB CI Ml IIIC. Factory: Hartford, Conn. Main Office: 364-366 Broadway, New York. Seattle: 1217 Fourth Ave. Ilmiu-lic audi Ajcrnrku the World Ov ' CHICHESTER S PILLS 14 lr A si, '' frn l-.. .-' iemT HfgV rim n H- Wild aiaiitc tstlal Uliaf RiUarai, M nr wtt.a mw MltinaiaSal.hM,tMnllilkU SOtD BY DfttGGISIS VXRYHiJUS took dinnor with Mr. and Mrs.; Fred Carpenter In (Irants Pass Sun-1 day. . i Mrs. John I.. Stanbrough and Mrs. Fred Roper called on the new neigh bors, Mrs. Rylnuton. Mrs. Faraua- hnrson. Mr. Hasen and Mr. ding Thursday afternoon. The Rev. Mr. Adama will hold acr- SEEPS Ovii a qiuritt ccnlury -nBMnm ithcrccctgnwrd 'J "Buckeye" SEED HEADQUARTERS Diamond Poultry Foodi Bet Supplm . Prtificn ef tht Northwnt it our jutrintrt of tcloty i Service 'to You. s 9 -r jjiJA for Gbtojtotm victu al the grange hall at 2:30 3;in- o r-e w i p r-w - d3r o I UMEZE .Mr. lluxcn bad the misfortune to,' , Up while crossing a atlle and broke .Svee Woman From Surgeon Knle a rib.. He la Improving ranldlv. Jan. 7. 1918. "Mr wife has been Mr. and Mra. Bylngton celebrated their 16th wedding anniversary, also.wltb her. They said ahe had appen- Mr, nylngton'a birthday. February d would have to h.e" an 24, Mrs. Charlie Peterson and daush-irTne." ir, nein, viBiiea .Mra. A. W. Bates I Tuesday afternoon. Mr .nri i- ii - t . muuo auu Mr. and Mr. Fred Roper motored Red-!down t0 A'lneralg Sunday return Ing to m 6 o'clock supper at, the Jone' home. IX)MIXa EVENTS March 2, Saturday Meeting or the In the rooms. Ladles -Auxiliary at 3 'p. m Chamber of Commerce This la Red Letter day. :.:rc!i 4, Monday Service flag Ue.: I atlon. W. O. W. hall, 8 p. m. ?ach 3, Tuesday County conven tion by state food administration. .March 5, Tuesday Hobo social by women, of Uethany chinch nr the Dobzlcn home., March 8 and 9, Friday and Saturday High school opera "Rob White" opci.a house, benefit Red Cross. Mar: 15,v Friday Supper given by the ladles of the Baptist church. very alck and I have had two doctor. "perauon. -oince ane negan taking .rriTuc7ii i. .... ..i .i ' T belUve will her.-' r Jan. 16, 1918. "My 'w!fe la doing tine. She la able to sing thl morn- ln nd ounda good to me. I nSK It nil In QTITi owe it all to STUMEZE.1' G. W. 'GILL, Ryan, Okla., ii your aiomacn nurts, If yon have gaa, sour belching or food. dy- DODaia. lndlaestinn. eatarrh nr lha I atomach. go now to your druggist uu i it uumo ui oiu.Mc.iE.. me master prescription for stomach ilia. It la guaranteed. - " " ""' HI Opinion. Dwtor Entnn, n former president of Madison university," wn beloved by Uie students. One duy a student who had fcpoken In debute asked lilin whnt lie thoitght of the effort, The doctor look ed nr him and then' wild slowly, "Ed ward. If you would tiluck a few fenth ers from the wings :if your'TTrmalnn tlon and stick them In the tall of j our Judgment, yon would imike butler speeches." Chrlstlnn Register.'i rhicilx tlil,Mll pi. KSf you. tli Courier There roK SALE O. 4 & ORXNT LANDS Blue print pitta showing land In Josephine county, fl.iO. Address , A. t. VoorblM, Orants Paw. t ' tf DEALERS In bora, mules, cattle, wagon, backa, buggies, harness and saddlee. Wa bar a j variety or all klnda at all times. If you bar anytbing to Mil or exchange, or If you want to buy, coma and aaa ui. W will treat you right. All our lira took la put out under guarantee. Red Front Food and Bala Stable, Comer Sixth and K itreete. Timmonf, Prop. Pboae J33-J. lStf FOR 8 ALE Good modern bouae, clote In, nortb aide. Inquire No. 2333. care Courier. 2Stf FOR SALE Recleancd seed wbeat; Little Club, 2.1 S; Jenkins Club, $2.26; Waablngton Hybrid No. 143, 12.50; Marquis. 12.50; also Beardless Barley. Whit Oate. Al falfa Seed and all Orasses and Clo ven. Ralph Waldo Elden, Cen tral Point. (ttf FOR RENT OR BALE Irrigated farm plenty of water during the whole season. Inquire Jo. Fetx ner, 755 Nortb Eighth street, tf PURE BRED Rhode Island Red let ting egga, fl for 13, on sale at The Rochdale." 01 QUALITY WHITE LEGHORN 3 Hatching egga and -baby chicks -the kind that lay and pay book your order early now. K. Ham merbacber. Phone 606-F-23. R. F, D. No. 2. 07 HYDRAULIC PIPE for Bale 2,500 feet 10-Inch riveted. First clas condition. Suitable for irrigation or mining. See 8am H. Baker. 7 FOr. SALE At a ::.'.?.: z "ft r ?! '-3 :'.'? -ij-w " u-i. ': t fV-rr-'rv fa - . ' c'.'..r; t.: 3 single harneuea; 1 burro well broke to ride or drive; 4 good sad dlee, alao 1 electric piano,' good a new, at Brownie' Livery. Roy Hlgglns, owner: .101 TO KKVT TREUONT ROOMS Now under managmant of Mrs. L. C. Arm atrong; 28 clean room at 36c .and 50c; special rate by week or month; also light housekeep ing room. . Would Ilka your pat ronage. , 40tf rLK.MSMtL) kuums Large, com fortable and convtently located 411 C atreet. , 86tf HOTEL OXFORD ROOMS for rent Large, well furnished, ateam heat, hot water, bath, and all ho tel privilege. Very moderate . weekly . and monthly rates. ,,S7tf faanvT "' ri.r'nLhkrf nZZtZZ Z , cottage. Mra. G. P. Jester, 215 C street. phone 16 8-R. r"8tf PARTLY FTRN1SHED cottage for rent, JO feet from pavement, alao unfurnished cottage on pavement. 18 per month. Inquire A. E Voor- hles. 92tf DRAYAGB AND TRANSFER I COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All klnda of drarage and tranarn work carefully and prompUy-done Phone 18 W., Stand : at frelgbi depot. A. Shade, Prop. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transt; .- Rnlfl. nlnnn.'tn' rnVniiiiM' ,,. Wi packed, shipped and stored, Pbo A I ( wars ana .loiman, ivo. 6U. Ke: dence phone 124-RV. THE WORLD' MO"VEfc; so'do We , Bunch , Pro. Transfer Co. Phon-397-R. . PHOTO STI DIO THE PICTURE MILL open daily . . a. m. to 5 p. m. For Sunday sit ting call Mill 283-R or residency 14W. 78U Is no real reason for Father to be overjoyed v WANTED WANTED Men for taw mill sag logging eampa. Mill and raasta will operate throughout the win ter. Steady work. Oood cona tion. For full particular wrtCa . Weed Lumber Company, Weed. Cal. ttf WANTED Junk", old iron, rakwa. acr. rag, auto tire, old aatav mohllei, copper, brass, alnc, least, bide, pelta, fur. The beit prtea In town for everything In we ll ne. Colon Junk Co. Phone M. U STENOGRAPHER First elaa. - aire employment. , Caa give beat of reference. Addrei P. O. Ban 395, or rail Court House 212 -- tween hour a. m. and 5 a. am. " 91 WORK WANTED by man and wife-. man experienced In ranch and ev en ard work; wife wishes cookings can give best of reference. AeV dress No. 308, care Courier. lew WANTED A couple of men flat- wood chopping. Inquire at 411 Weat L street. in WANTED House aod bridge penter for ahlpyard work. Write Coo Bay Shipbuilding Cat, Marsh field, Oregon, fo partic ulars, m DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING of all klnda. , Laura Rowley, 220 C street. MUSICAL INHTRUCTIO J. S. MACitURRAT. teacher of ( culture and singing. Lesson j gtvaa at home of pupil If requeeted. aVaV dren 71 Lea Bt. ' llltf . PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, M.D.-PraJei ' limited to dlaeaaea of the eye, mx. nose and throat. Glass. frtfctC noe and tbroaL Glasses fltiei. OlBce bonr Ml, 2-5. or oa aavv polnUneatf Office phone, 62; rataV denee phone U9-J. ' , 8. LOl'GHRIDGE, M. D.. PbyslelM and anrgeon. City or country call . attended day or tight Realdeate phone "69; office phone , li. Sixth and H Turf Butldlnx '. A. A. WITHAM, M. D.. Physlciaa aae orgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner -8Uth and I atreeU. Phonea: CV . Ilea, 111;' residence. 28J-J. Haw I a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. J. O. NIDLEY Physician aad anrgeon. Lnndbur- Bulldlag. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Oa. . Health Officer. Officer hours, t 12 a. m, 'I to S p. m. Pkesaa 310-J. ' IStt DENTISTS E. C. MACT. D. If. D. Flrrt-etaee .. denUaUy. 10M Booth SbU street. Grants Paaa. Oregon. ATTORNEYS. H.' D. Norton, Attornay-at-tov. PracUce In all Bute and Federal Courts. Flrit National J)ank BUav OOLVIO 4b WILLIAMS Attonavav at-Law Grants Puss Banklna; Oa. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Praetlt In all courts. First National Building. DURHAM ft RJCHABJO, Attorney. at-Law. Office Maiinle Tempi. Grants Pass Oregon. O. S. BLANCHARD.Attorney-at-Law Golden Rule Building. PnoM 270. Grants Pass, Oregon."1: B LANCH A RD A . BLANCHARD. Aa torneys, Albert block. Phoava . . - 236-J. Practice In all courts; lane hoard attorneys. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Office In Wlnetrout Impleraeat Bid?. Pbne 113-J. Resldeaee Thone 305-R. " ' " ' ARE. PvMk