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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1917)
r ill i nni iMiuin mi, ivii Nitjtnr Kent Sampl In the Josophjne County Hank window there k,re on display two fine large ibeets which are samples of what can be done on proper soil with water. These were grown by the Grants Past Beet Growing Co., and are average samples from the field. In the window at Uie Grants Pass Banking Co., are samples of Ir rigated and non-Irrigated beets both raised on the same kind of soil. These samples are a good object les son. MEN'S WOOLEN MACKINAWS MEN'S WOOLEN SHIRTS 2 MEN'S WOOLEN UNDERWEAR This is a personal invit&tion extended to YOU! Fm You We're strong on these lines: we bought early and saved you money. Actually, we offer you these lines at less than present wholesale prices. ' If you're going to need any of these fine winter garments, buy now, before this present stock is all gone. It's economy. Men's and Young Men's , Oregon City All-Wool Mackinaws $6 to $10 Southern Oregon's Lowest Prices on Flannel Shirts and Woolen Union Suits and Underwear Grants pAs PER52ML LOCAL ! Soklier Treitled This Morning One of the soldiers on the troop ! train stopping here thia morning u treated by Dr. Clement, the young man suffering from a cinder which had lodged In hit eye. Mrs. A. B. FairchUd went to Med ford Wednesday to visit her grand daughter, Mrs. Chas. Luman. Woodbury's Facial soip. Sabln has It. 63 Mrs. 8. H. Cornell and little daughter' went to Salem last night to Tlslt and will take In the state fair. i A fine selection of ladles costs Just arrived. Mrs. E. Behkopf. tf Wm. Fallin returned last night from Richmond and will spend a few days with his family. Mr. Fal lin Is with the Standard Oil com pany. Mrs. P. M. Kershaw and son, Gor don, came from Medford last night to be with Mr. Kershaw, of the Ore gon Grainte company, who is look ing after business Interests here. "Woodbury" picture free to each purchaser of Woodbury's facial soap, September 20th to 27tb at Clem ens. 63 Mrs. A. H. Lamm returned last night to Portland after spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. C. W. Cooper, her sister, Mrs, M. Dunn, and with another sister at Yreka. Cal. 8. H. Rlggs left this morning for Redfleld, 8. D., to visit his old home. He will also visit at several places in Illinois, expecting to be gone several weeks. New wool sweater costs Just fine for cool days. Mrs. E. Reh kopf. , 51tf Two cut-off men at M a day with 25c bonus per day by slaying until January 1st. 'Algoma Lumber Co., Algoma, Oregon. 67 Mrs. Clifford Jenkins and child ren returned to Medford this after noon after spending a week with Mrs. Jenkins' mother, Mrs. Chas. Hanson. C. L. Churchill, one of the man agers of the Algoma Lumber Co., was in the city ' today on . business connected with the company. Mr. Churchill, whose home Is now at Montague, was In the boot and shoe business In Grants Pass with . bis uncle, E. L. Churchill, and left here about 11 years ago. He was ac companled by his wife and daugh ter and are guests at the E. L. Churchill home. J. O. Imel, superintendent of city schools, was called to San Diego, Tuesday evening, on receipt of a telegram that his father was not ex pected, to live. This morning Mrs. Imel received a message from her husband stating that his father had passed away before he reached there. 1 1H-. Kywaler (hit of City Dr. Bywater, eye, ear, nose and throat surgeon, will be out of the eity until October 1st. 61 Meeting Tonight There will be a meeting of the Women of Woodcraft at their hall tonight. Illinois Valley Recruit John Spence, of. Kerby, enlisted on Wednesday and left the same night for Portland. He enlisted In the Infantry. ' I rxing Military Koad The Eugene Chamber of. Com merce has adopted a set of resolu tions, copies or which are being sent to other commercial bodies of Ore gon. Washington and California, urging the federal government- to assist In" the building of a Pacific coast military highway. The move ment Is In support of senate bill No. 2470. known as the Chamberlain dent bill. Dance at the Waldorf Saturday night, Maboney orches tra. 62 Miss Sue Cook and Juanlta Parker went to Medford this after noon for the week end. Examination Postponed The Boy Scouts examination which were to have been held this evening have been postponed until tomorrow (Saturday) evening at he same hour. ' The Undisputed Sensation of the Day Mont wonderful story ever filmed. Twelve thouxaml feet of Red hot action In i " THE SPOILERS " From Ilex Reach's Hook. NYh oilitlnal edition In twelve reels. Di rect from the Hellg Kindlon. A tnle of the Great Northwest, tinkling with action ami excitement On Its IttKt lap, taken off for five yc;us October 1st, Bee It at the Bijou Theatre Tonight and Saturday Your last opportunity. Don't Miss It. Doors open 7 . m., shows start 7: SO Matinee Saturday 3 p. m. Come early. Admission only Sift rents Hpeclal Matinee 10 and 20 rents Hpcdal musk', by Orchestra J. B. CALDWELL, Manager The Game of Living In these time It hinges largely on the art of KoorH'm leal HKmding- This market In prepared to co-operate with you In the task of stretching your Income to rover your needs. Iletwecn us WF. CAN' IK) IT, becanse We have lopied off all sur plus iirufita. We have selected the very IIK8T meats to he found. And we aid you In selecting Just what yon need to fill your wants. Iet us help you to play the game. Every Day Prices: Veal steak and chops I Mr to !iOe Veal stew 12 He Iteef roasts I2Hc to Ilk) Iteef steaks Iflc to 22c Dolling lieef 10c to I Be TRY Ol'B COMPOUND IT HAVK8 MONET TEMPLE MARKET Phone 134 Have Von Been the Display In the window of the City Water company's office showing what nan be done on a city lot with water at the present rates? The grower mak ing this display raised enough fresh vegetables, (corn, onions, .potatoes, poas, beets, turnips, squash, Deans, carrots, parsnips, etc.) for the fam ily use, canned 100 quarts of vege tables and sold enough fresh vege tables to pay for the water bill. The display Is well worth seeing. 6) ttvangellsla U Medford Seventeen members of the Apoa tollstic Faith Mission of Portland will conduct a series of evangelistic meetings In a large tent pitched at the corner of Holly and Sixth streets across from ths post office, begin ning this evening at 7:50 o'clock. The evangelists, travel In mission autoa and are stopping ft the Hotel Holland. A feature of the meetings Is an excellent women's quartet of singers. The band has Just finish ed a three weeks' series of meeting at Grants Pass. Medford Mall Trib une. ' The Wardrobe (leaner , At 315 North Sixth street. Phone 147. Receiving office with Peerless Clothing Co. Cleaning, pressing and repairing. We call for and deliver, tt WK WANT TO n'AVK VOl' IX 1.1 K THIS FA Mi WITH Tllr! HKHT DUKMMKIM IIKItKAHOlTH! WM CAN HO IT. IF YOV'1,1, MAY ' THK WORD. Suits, Overcoats, Shoes, Hats ad Toggery O' ALL NOItTH, THAT'H It Kill T IP AND IN Tl'NR WITH THK TIM Mi. GRANTS m&S. UMJ2QON NEW TOIHT (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 16 words, two issues, 25c; six Issues, SOo: one month. $1.50, when paid In advance. When not raid In advance, So per line per Issue.) WANTED Uox factory helpers at 13 and up. Also machine men at It a day with 25 cent bonus. Board only 75c per day. Steady employment the year round. Al goma Lumber Co., Algoma, Ore. FOR KENT or sale, four room house two blocks from post office, $j per month or sell for $600. terms, live In your own ' house. 6 room bungalow, modern, 5th and I street, ItO. J. D. Drake, phone 120-J. 83 rXK 8AI.K J3.'.0 piano and $1,000 piano player attachment, finest In city, will sell chenp or trade for something that brings sn Income. J. D. Drake. Phone 120-J. 63 TRADK Will trade my choice In come proiwrty for clean stock of merchandise, $2,500 to IS, 000. Address 1823 Courier. (3 FOR RENT Furnished Phone 222. houses, tf FOR SALE Davenport wagon, $35. Will also give bargain on now Mitchell wagon. Phone 166-J, or call at IOCS North Ninth St. 60tf CATTLE RANCH for rent 160 A. on Evans creek, 60 A. cultivated and irrigated. $150 per year, S years, $335. L. A. Launer, real estate. 62 ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER tor rent, 60c for a half day. Bush Electric store. tf JOY. THEATRE HATt'ltltAY ONLY' The rnlversal Wonder Nerlnl "LIIIKRTY" 14th Kptsode AHodernJoanofArc "Mary From America" Featuring lluth Clifford A Gold Heul Feature (X1MF.DY "That Funny Woman" GALW IIKNIIY What thc? Matinee livery Hsturday Hi AO 12.50 in cash or Groceries FKKK The MIxMy serial' will be run on Thursday Instead of Hnt urdiiy starting October 4. Oe and Utt . ; ,u SYRUPS- Golden Syrup, 5 lb. pail, 50c Golden Syrup, 10 lb. pail, 95c Carmel Syrup, half gal. can, 60c Carmel Syrup, 1 gal can, $1.10 Log Cabin, large size, $1.00 THE BASKET GROCERY 417 G St. 5T IMIKSIDFAT IIOM FROM TRir TO FUA.M'F. Portlsnd, Sept. 21. William T. Foster, president of Reed collee, U on his way back to Portland with a big collection of war plcturos and much first hand Information about conditions In France, according to word here today. He Is believed to have reached New York yesterday. He spent several weeks In Frsnce and England. ' ! GAHDKNKIW ADVIHKD TO KAVK OWN HKKD Kl l'I'LY Washington, Sept. 21. The de partment of agriculture Is urging local gardenors all over to save their own vegetable seeds for next year's gardens. It Is polntod out that the seed supply for next season Is apt to be, decidedly short and that (he holders of such a supply would get good prices for any surplus over their own needs. hoih ' DDAiNCIIARD To 'Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Blanohard, this morning, a son, who will carry the name or Sherman Loughrldga Illanchsrd. Paul classes him as an out-flelder, and lie also says that, Grandpa Loughrldge Is In a very serious con dition due to a swelling of the head, but the probability Is thai lie will soon recover, ' Joy Tonight The Cross-Eyed Submarine uGood Little Bad Boy" IV VUllgC fsUiipiIC lot and !MM A few Grants Paw pennants at I0 each, 3 for Its. ' Put ens on your ear. Iltf Havelepai at tfca Courier. . , L ' I . ....! Stop! Lock! Listen! Get your old mattresses re-iruule-good as new. so as you ran sleep Korufy. Furniture upholstered mid chad repair ing, Anto oushlons remade, tM repaired and lights put In, Hstlmate cheerfully given. R. MILLER 401 North Hlxth street, oppo slte Court Honse. Phone IMis-lt. Don't Hiss These The New Salad and Cooking Oil. We have in pints at 25c; quarts at 45c. Folgers Baking Powder, per lb. . 35c Folgeri " " 8 oz. . 15c Quaker Corn Flakes - . 8c Flavoring Extracts, 2 oz. bottle . 10c Japan Tea, fair quality . ...'25c Climax Coffee, per lb. . . . 29c Flour Is lower In pi'lt'e . The White House Grocery