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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1917)
TAGE TWO CAILT SUtitS &ITCK C0CRT3I - e MUMY, HKI'TKMIINU til, lOir L'll ME M C Ft t ilefjuiar Prices PoUiahed Dally Eroepi BatyrdaJ A. & VOORHIBS. Paa. ud Propr. BINJ. C SHELDON, Editor 3 Quaker lra Flake... Jtae a Pound Ground Chocolate 70 ' I IVund Knyal linking Powder 40c 4 Dla. V, Jelly Powder ......We 1 i pint 'luitde ONKop....: ' 8 Mjththoui (1Mr ..UAo : Bntarad at the PiMtofflot, QnaUFMa. , Or, a om) plaaa mail natter. - ADVERTISING RATES Loql w&ersJBAlcoIuaka. par Una lt etder. sr llae....- a : DAU.T COURIER My mall a carrier, par rx....t.00 By nail or earrier. oar KKnth.. .SO WEEKLY COURIER By nalL par yaar .1180 MXHBBR 8tata Editorial AaaoetaUwa. Oragoft Dally Newapaper Pub. Asea. ' Audit Bureau of Olrculatloa. ' FRIDAY, SKITEMUKB 81, 1IT . ORXGOX WmATHKB f Weather .tomorrow: Fair, aootherly winds. MONET WELL SPENT Three or four hundred citlxena of Grants Pass and Josephine county kave contributed their little mites to the army T. M. C. -A. work. They will toe Interested in knowing how . and for what their money is being . tpent , Camp Lewis at American Lake Is one of It cantonments for the new : national army. It la typical of all. When tne recruits, now arriving toy the thousands dally, reach that camp, the one connecting link be ' tween their new army life and their home life recently left behind Is the army T. M. C. A. The sign of the T. M. v. A. red triangle means that ' within the walla of that building a friendly welcome and helping hand awaits every new soldier, and that everyioing in toe ouuaiug m ui ,'. disposal for his free use, with no don'ts and no dues. These buildings are thoroughly equipped and efficiently manned. Tons upon tons of writing paper, en velopes, books and magazines laid ont where they can be easily uct'd. means for recreation, self improve ment and rest, are abundant and satisfying. Education classes ' are instituted for those who desire them. . Healthy recreation for those who wish it. It Is the nearest thing to home which the enlisted men will find In the army. In 87 days, at Fort Douglas near Salt Lake City, 29,021 letters were written and mailed at the T. M. C. A. 'building. During one month, 41,753 letters were written at Camp ' Arcadia near Los Angeles. It Is costing the T. M. C. A. a thousand dollars a day for letter writing ma- '-. terials in the western department alone. The helpfulness and pleasure of this service Is not confined to the ' soldiers themselves. It Is carried Into the homes of the relatives and friends left behind who receive these most welcome letters. One of the army Y. M. C. A. sec retaries at Camp Kearny thug de crlbes In "Work" an evening , a ' bors: "With the rest of the hungry mob four of us secretaries Jammed through the door of the mew lent and stampeded for placed. I nt be tween on Irish carpenter and a llln du laborer. The Irish carpenter re marked about RPltlnn the Minn piece of meat the morning before and ., aald he was going to carve his In- , uiais in ii lor ineniincaiion pur poses. After the hasty, noisy and ,' hearty breakfast we arranged our & .... .. V 1 r " 1 iH. T iui i. ro. v. n. icuii ijuiivii rbb a repetition of breakfast. In the f ternoon a man asked for a Bible. ' The print waa so small he couldn't read It. After I had read him four ; chapters from the book of Jeremiah Ttc Best Line f Ccfee, til grades ISO, JMc, SSc, 80c, 88c. 4(H, 45c, 54K-, . KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY .: QCAXTTT FIRST " ha proceeded to tell me hla Ufa his tory. . "That night I wrote a love letter for a Mexican who dictated It. 1 addressed 14 letters for men too Il literate to do it 'themselves. I read a letter from a man's wife which he couldn't make out himself and at V 10 o'clock I broke off a conversation with a man who had deserted his wife In Oklahoma and who was mak ing plans to accompany his son to France, 'In order to be with my boy,' aa he put It. After our even ing devotionala I rolled into my bank and dropped off to aleep with the phonograph playing, 1 Wish I Dwelt in Marble Halls.'" CARD OF THANKS We wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to our friends and neighbors who during the sickness and death of our loved one, assisted us by loving words of sympathy, acts of kindness and the many beau tiful floral offerings. MARY A. OAKES. ESTELLE M. OAKES. IWKD RICHARDS At Kerby. Ore., Satur day, September 15, W. M. Rich ards, for many years a resident of this section. The funeral was held on Monday. A more extended notice will be found in the Kerby items, else where In this issue. COMING EVENTS 4 Sept. 22, Saturday Pomona Orange at Williams. Sept. 22, Saturday Children's story hour at the public library at 10:30 a. m. Mrs. George Soran son will tel the stories'. Sept. 29-30, Saturday and Sunday C. E. district convention at Ash land. Oct. 4, Thursday Grants Pass Irri gation District bond election. Tilling ths Pull Man. Dentist Which tooth is it that trou bles you, Sam? Pnllinnn Porter Low er Five, sab. Boston Trnnaerlpt THE UNIVERSAL CAR WIIKrtKVKIt Fonl cnni hare idoncoml, Forl wrvirn tins kept Mce. It In (lie fmtor which HlrciiKtlii-ns the wrminnl rclntion he tween Kortl owners and the Coin (nny. To get the liCMt idhmIIiIc kit vice from yur Kord enr, hrlnn It here when It needs attention mid Kt the In-neflt of Kkrd KiipervlHliin tliroUKhouU We use the genuine Ford part and Rive you (lie bene fit of the reioiliir slumlord Ford price. Tourlntt Car W.inO, Itunnlinut Hedan MM, 'oelet S.Kin, ' Town Car all f. rt. b. Detroit. On display and for sale by C. L.!H0BART 0. ORAXT I'AHH, OHKOX -rirz RIP I. tt roil. CATARRH mi KAY ram ar au oau eToace Tuata so Ja boo PORTLAND PHYSICIAN IS GOING TO FRANCE Washington, Sept. 21. Dr. Chas. r. Moore, of Portland, Ore., one of the leading pediatric specialists of the Pacific coast, with a group of IS nurses who have had special training In chltdrens' diseases and social welfare work, I to be sent to France to reinforce the Infant wel fare unit now at work there. The expedition Is under the direction of and Is being financed by the Ameri can Red Cross. What , kind of a meal would twelve ears of sweet corn make? ;tsi Corn meal, of course! THKKK IAY I IK ' OKKATKIt HAKDSHII'S THAN TO HK OHI.KiKO TO i WITHOl'T (JOOO WIIO!.KKfIK MKAT l-Olt KVKX OXK MKAI., HIT VK t'AX'T THIXK OK AXV JIST OKK HAXII. IMXT IM IT! IT ISN'T XM KHSAKV! VB SKI.Ii THK 1 1 KMT K MKAT! CITY MARKET Phone 82 for Quick Delivery -mm. ll I,, L j. lh.. iiiii I iliiti.WTO' GRANTS PASS' WORK IN LIBRARY CAMPAIGN HELD AS MODEL FOR OTHER OREGON CITIES The work of the (irantu Pans war library ruinnilttee Is beln used by the state campaign headquarters an ! aa example for the committees of other cities to follow. The chairman of the loial com mittee is this morning In receipt of the followtiiK letter from Wm. U. Brewster, state director: "Many thanks Indeed for your two letters of the 19th, and (or the draft which Mr. Cuoklngham ad vises me he has already received. "It seems to me thut Urania Pass has done more than Its share. "I aid sending to every commit tee over the Btate for their help and guidance a statement signed by yourself which I have culled from your newspaper articles, letters to me and editorials. I have titled the statement: "flow Grants Pass Handl ed its CampnlKn.' I have no ques tion that you will have no objection to my thus using your name. "W'lth very great appreciation and personal thanks to every mem ber of your committee, I am, Yours very faithfully, WW. Li. BREWSTBR. State Director." The names of the tiranls Pass donors whose generosity mnde pos sible the marked success won by this city are as follows: A. E. Presley, J. D. MacVI'nr, Kathryn MacVlcar, Mrs. W. J. Long, Mrs. John Taylor, II. J. Douglns, 1. McCarty, Mrs. Blovtor, Mrs. Joslo Jenkins, Mrs. K. Firth. Mrs. Vlnu Opdycke, Mrs. J. II. Bralton, Geo. W. Kearns, Mrs. 'Anne E. Hooth, C. A. 'Krlcksnn, Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Jas. Smith, Mrs. O. O. Carrol, J. T.' Oil more, Minnie J. Reymers, Valusku Truux, Ted Cramer, ('. K. Tyson, J. M.iHtin, Mrs. M. K. Moore, Herman Horning, W. P. Qulnlan, N. F. Leh man, C. A. Sldler, Jas. Martin, Mrs. C. H. Dsmaray, A. 11. Cornell and family, Melville T. Who, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, 8mlth, Mrs. F. P. Chlldnrs, Mrs. N. K. Townsnnd, Mrs, Marie Truax, MIbs Alice Horning. Mrs. H. Youngblood, 'Mrs. .la in cm Hood, Olitdys Hood, Nellie ). Mil ler, Lulu B. Feldmaler, Mrs. lsen borger, Carl Isnnberger,' 'Mrs. H. Croxton, V. H. Christie, A. Williams, P. T. Itlrehiird, (1. II. Hliepurd, Mrs. F. Oosnnll, Mrs. Kgger, A. F. Knox, I . A. Dyer, Mrs, J. I). Kl.lnnbaiigh, F. II. Ingrsin, Ut Orandu llukery, Mtn. Drukn, Sun Cook, Miss 'Minnie li. Tuffs, Charlie Hoxle, Mr, and Mrs. C. II. Woodward, Mrs. C. P. Ferrln, "i-. a ud Mrs. D. II. Reynolds, 'Mrs. Prank llraniwell, II, llalllday, Paul K. ICIrknr, KMnlln Cutlnr, Kvn Cof feiibnrry, C. (1. (Illlntln llert llurnes, C. K. Monro, Nohln T. Host, A. A, WItham, J, F, Wglfersimrger, 'Mrs. K. K. 'AtchliiHon, Mr. and Mrs. A. rirunken, R. W. Rogers. Mrs. K. C. Htelger, J. L. Chrlstlleb, Mrs. Alice 8. ChrlHtlleb, Mrs. I.. A, Heath, Mrs. K. H. Balslgor, Mrs. M. Luckott, Alta Cutlor, Jos FeUner, Mis. A'nle 1i. Hncnck, 'Maude F. ""rnes, W, K. Nockwlth, If, C. Bod rlen, llonl, M. Collins, T. K. Wood. Clyde Martin. Ush B. Nlble Mm, J. Wood, 8. W. Phillips, O. 8. Bar ton, Mrs. O. 8. Qnodnow, Mrs. Al bert Anderson, J. H. Relmer, Mrs, We Have Just the Suit You Want GOLLEGIAN Clothes make it possible for every man and young man to be well dressed Thero'3 more real value per dollar in them than in any other line of dothingthat's why we sell them. ADLER Collegian Clothes The now atylea for Fall and Winter which w are now showing have that wiapplncaa thnt marks ull Collegian C10thethut individuality that lifta them oat of tit; "ordinnry" c!as. You can buy otw w these ouiis nr overcoat with tha positive knowldr,t t'.-.nt it is correct in lt-l and fabric, and that you nre getting the grcutost possible value for the price. PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. Iterlha It. Rhepard. Mrn. K. T. Mc Klnstry, (Mrs. A, A. Wliiiam. Mrs. J. Swurtz, Mrs. M. 0. Hturievsiit. Mrs. C. M. rfnilth, Mrs. Geo. Cramer, Cells Dopruer. K. (1. HarrlH, Mrs 3. A. Car)', Mrs. A. 'McFarlnnd. Amos Myers, It. J. Denial, Mrs, W. F. Oloeckner, D. J. Manuel. C. A. WItham. Mrs. Sam Williams. C. I.. Hobart, P. 8. Peterson. F. W, Streets. Mrs, V""' Thrasher, 1 W.'RIrhard son, F. O. Wilcox, liis Malra, M. J. Peterson, Mrs. B. A. Falrchlid. Mrs. A. R. Falrchlid. 'Mrs. 8. M. lonard. Mrs. II. R. Faitblon. Mrs. J. W. Ilcs ton, Carrie Ryan, Mrs. M. M. Spen cer, Mr. Harmon, l.uke Lilly. Mrs. Luke Lilly, C. F. Burke, F. W. Hug gerth. 'Mrs. 8. K. Kasdorff. Mrs. A. M. Heston, Mrs. J, Uonsi'h, Mrs. Kdyth Rowoll. Mrs. J. R. Gunning, Clans Schmidt. Mrs. Kvensnn, Mrs. Roy Kenyon, Mrs. M. K. Taylor, Mrs. Stephen Jewell, 'Mrs. Anderson. S. M. Ixonard, W. P. Counts, Mrs. l.eland, Geo. Gross, Philip Helgier, K. R. Crouch. Grants Psss Hard ware Co.. C. P. Wise, llert R. F.l llott. P. A. Sihsllhorn. Theo. P. Cramer, Arthur P. Cramer, F. I.. Vannlce, C. 8. Adair, II. T. Harper. Mrs Frank Mashbnrn Wm. Hayes. Dr. B. C. Macy, J. M. Johnston, Gene vieve Patlllo, R. U Bartlett, U. A. Tate, B, O. Holman, Klhel Wllker son. John Summers. II. L. Btnnnker, J. T. ChausHe, Clius. FuJIe, Mrs. O. O. Bunch, T. M. Renshnw, I,. B. Hull, W. R. McCracken, A. F Vnorhlos, tulse Bush. A. 8. Cnulant, .lolin Dubnin, Mrs. Hone Jravlln, 'Mr. I. C, Smith, Mrs. W R. McCracken. J. J. Moss, .Mrs. It. A l.ellumii, C. F. Bnrki, Mrs V.. C. I'Wn.i, Mrs Viola Flanagan, M. F. Graham, Mrs, Homer Wilson, Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mrs. O. Cohurn, 'Mrs. P. II. Wlck hnm, Mrs. C. A. Wlnetroiit, Mrs. F. M. lluyler, '.Mrs. I . A. Hunt. Mm. Maggie Henth, Mrs. M. H. Durbln. Mrs. U C. Pordun, Mrs. II. N. Starr, Airs. L. A. Scholl, Mrs, Jack T. Smith, Mrs. O. V, flnliln, Mrs, O. 8. Blanchsrd, 'Mrs. N. (I. Clark, Mrs. Bort li. Klllotl, Mrs. L. 0. Clement. Mrs. J. K. tlalr, .Mary L. Con, Alice K. Allen, Mrs. Hnrah Clnvenger, Mrs. Henry Taylor, C. II. Niemann, N. F. Macduff, Mrs. A. L. Wilde, Mrs. Wolko, Kmma B. Macy, Mrs. G. W, Winetroul, Mrs. Dora Cleve land, Mrs. 8. loughrldgo, Joseph Pollock, Llllliin 8, Grllltn, Hnnrlettn Henry, Mrs. Grace Kdgerton, Mrs. H. J. Nator, Mrs. N. F, Clements, Mn. J. W. Deal, Mrs. R. W. (Hurkn, Mrs. Z. fl. Pool, Mrs. Can 1 1 mi Heath, Mrs. J. Ijiwrnnce, Mrs. A. B, Pratt, Mnndn Gnyetiy, 'A. flliado, '.Mrs, A. N. Par sons. II. II. Allyn, 10. II. Harhnck, F. M. 1','arnc.Ht, Margaret Itaymond, MIhs Anna Relschl, Mrs. B. A. Williams, We Received a Carload of Fords Last Week, They ore ull sold. We expect another car load mxC week If you want a Ford let us hnve your order hr soon an possible bo that we may know how to ansifrn them. Price $420.70, Grants Pass C.,,L,HOBART CO. J Mrs. Uxile Ruth. J. U. Uogue. W. A. Fern, T. 11. Cornell, F. U. Itopor, J. V. Siliuildl. Letcher A Hon. J. T. Ilogan. M. Clyde Morrow, R. 8. Han sell, y. M. lluyler, Geo. C. Hablu. tleo. Drnnlson, Sam II. Baker, Doo L. Calvert. C. 1.. Hayos. I. II. Her limn. Joe Wharton, Ulllo A. Iewla, Amos F. Williams, It. K. Harkutl, Geo. K. Iunduurg. Klhelyn liartlelt, lliiurrt Wilken, Hurry K. Clark, II. I). Norton, IVarlo Voungbloud, lar Jorle Union, K. T. Luddtiii, Ms Clemens, Scott Perry. Bullish WII-. Hams, Smile Cletuuger, Charlla Firth, Fled William. A. C. II, nigh, Mr. Wlckham, Carl Wllilauis. SV. 0. Hale. It. W. Clarke, Uiirence Wlvland, M. R, llrltton, L. P. Sabln. A. N. Wise, Will Smith. Geo. 8oimion, J, It. Harvey, J, K. l'eieron. T. Welsh, Paul lllain hard, James, T. White, Geo. W. Lewis, Mrs. I'. A, Delleosault, Mrs. Coffman. 8. A. Douglas, Mrs. P, W. Hershhergor, Benf C. Sheldon, Kd Hawkins, K. S, Van Dyke. II. C. Hauge, Mrs. C. H, Moore, Mrs, A. V. ll.iunard. J. F. Ruddy. W. W. Walker, Clar D. Calhnun. Inland J. Sparks. F, ll Oldlllg. Lawrence rndnrwnnd, W. 8. Maxwell. K. L. Cohurn, Kelus olv lock, Mrs. J. M. Tellierow..lis. Les tor Cnburn, Mrs. Lyons. I,. K. Wads worth, L. 'M. Bonier. Mrs. W. C. Hale, Mrs. W. II. Paillllo, Mary B, Wood, Mrs. W. IC, Peterson, Mrs. Wv 1 A. Sharp, Mrs. A. Mnllory, Mrs. ()o. Parker. C. A. IjiuerHlrom. Mrs. John Denlsnn, John Hampshire, T. M, Stott, Mra. M. Clemens, Mrs. A. lyncher, Jr., Mrs. J. A. Whurton, Miss Blsle Hull, Donald J. Calvert. K. K. Iilanrhard. C. I'. Nutilng. Alma Wolke, K. L. CM it r III II . Lewis Stlnn-v baugh, I. A. uolile. F. M. I.elnnd. A, II. Gunnnll. M. II. Slilun, Mrs. A lie llacnu, Deal Wilkin. Mrs. Jane Sim mons, 0. S. Futon. R, K. Rosa, II. T. Hull, J. M. Ilrnnscombe, A. G, Hood. V. D. Mlhllls. K. Hammer bacher, Douglas Wnnd. A. D. Heed, Mrs. Adella MeCall, Mrs. II. Dlm- inlck, Uthrop Bros, J. Christy. W. W. Ciinby, C. K. Wnstou. L. Upson. A. M. Kdgerly, Gen. Ree bach. Mrs. H. M. Weston, Mrs. I. M. llraniwell, Mrs. J. A. Neely, W. V. DuArinonJ, Mrs. I). C. Annls. Mrs, A. M. Haiiimiind, C. N. Gllimin. I.. O. Adiuiis. F. 8. Ireland, K. V. Smith, A. C. Holcomb, It. K. Bralton, Geo, R. Riddle, Mrs, , C. Neiis. W, 1). Fry, Mr. On J. K. Manuel. Claud Alnsworth, Fnink JuUer, W, J. Sto vail, John HaiiHon. Klix. K, Culvert. Mrs. C. K. MrUinn, Mrs. .1. Mis Cholka, Mrs. A. Itladon. 'Mr. K, Frlokson, Mrs. B, F. Kenyon. I.. O, Clement, 'Mrs. Howard, Circulars Supplement News paper Advertising. We Make a Study of I lie Attention Compelling Kind ami Print Thuiu Quickly.