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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1916)
TUUItilDAV, gKPTEMIMCll 14, 1914 DAILT ROGUE lUVfcU COURIER PAG3 TKKTX. Elks Will Play lull New , Edison Cylinder Records FOR HKPTKMMCH , Just a few samples from tbt list: "Ars You From Dlxlef" "Don't Illtt the Hand That's Feeding You." "8ho Bang Aloha To Me." 'When Irish Kyea Ar 8mlllng." .'ko hong, Letty." "ilaby 8hoea." , Also some more Hawaiian Instrumental t Records, Chil dren's Records, Vaudeville Sketches, Uanjo Records, eto. Music and Photo House Bum ton ItoweU, Prop. STAR TONIGHT PAItAMOlNT PHOTOPLAYS Victor Moore Mid Anita King in "The Race" i AMI 8KMKNTS TONIGHT 4 llljou "A Child of the Psrls 8treeta." 4 j (iUr ' V "The Race." . Hawthorna and Dueling.. . It has been thought by ni'wtof Haw t home's biographers thnt hla theory of eral department, at his office, corner the fatality of arts was founded large- 0 nnd gmi, atreets. by noon, the ly upon a tragic experience of his own ,8Ul innUnU Ul every mlner and life. In the belief .that a young lady . whom ho well knew bad lieiMi Insulted i . , , ' ' .... ., he challenged the supihwmI offender to ,n ,nl lblo undertaking send In a duel, but was prevented from car- jlholr exhibits promptly. The time is rylng out hla purpose by his friends, .opportune to show the public that Pierce and Cllley. who allowed him Josephine county Is one of the great tlmt tho supposed Insult was entirely st nPi,j9 for mno development in mythical. A few years later Cllley was this eountry. himself challenged by a political en- i emy, and the fnct that Hawthorne had boeu willing to tight a duel is said to have perHiinilcil hliu not to decline, ami his opiKinent killed him.-From V.rt klne'a "Leading American Novelists." NKW TODAY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 ! words, two Issues, 25c; six Issues,; 60c; one month, 11.50, when paid In ' Francisco, Sept. 14. If the advance. When not paid In advance, allies overthrow the central powers, 5o per line per Isbub.) 'Constantinople will become the pos- Foil BALK-104-J. (ins range. Inquire 851 8AL15SMKN WANTED To suit our splendid line of fruit and orna mental trees. Good terms. Good ii,lin.v r'.nnrl iiriisnectu. Cash . advanced on orders. Albany Nur- series, First National Rank Bldg., Albany, Oregon. 864 FOR SALIC or exchange for cattle, hogs or goats One good work mnre, single harness and buggy. 'the olh(,r Ros that Constantinople one set good buck harness. Also ( Rnd the inr(anrioR will Ibecome Rus young pigs' for snlo. Phono ,,Hn lerrtory he 0d. 003-F-2, G. A. Hamilton. 854, This stntement from Itchas Is slgnl- FOR 8ALK Clarinet and case fur 10. B flat, f arney, four Hugs and rollers. A bargain. Phone 603-F-2. 854 WANTED Lumber pliers at the Frank P. Doe Lumber company's yard. 850 MIDDLK-AGKD LADY wishes posi tion as housekeeper, or work In a private family. Moderate wages. Phone 260-L. . 850 FOR SALE 100 pounds of rho donite, unpolished. A street. Inquire at 507 854 THREES-ROOM HOUSE for rent furnished. ' Rent very reasonable. Close In. Inquire W. K, Dean, 615 11 street. 854 e Soil nnd Guarantee miiKtmm TOOLS and CUTLERY KOGUE RIVKIt HARIlWAItK The BU Red Front . J I IT V urn v ttt : PERSONAL Fred Dodge arrived this morning fi-ntn flM Illll Gordon Bradford loft tbla morning for Corvallla to attend college. Mra. Frank. Nomballli loft laat night (or Portland to apend several days visiting. R. Thole, of Murphy, left this morn ing for Kennett, whore be will re naln for tome time. Bargains to wash waists. Mrs. Rehkopr. 838tf Win Hold Ollkey loft this morning for Salem to attend Willamette unl- veralty. Miss Dolly nock, of Glandule, Is spending the day with Mrs. Harry Hull and baby, Ted" Cramer went to Corvallis this morning to resume his work at 0. A. C. j Lynn Snbln loft this morning for O. A. C. to enter that Institution for the coming year. ' W. C. Cornutt left today for his home at Canyonvlllo after spending a few liny In the city. MIm Florence Duell went to Oak land. Oregon, this morning to teach school at that place. Mrs. M. U Opdycke left this after noon for Ashland to spend a couple of daya at the G. A. R. and W. R. C. encampment. T. B, Iiacey left this afternoon for Merlin to spend several days attend ing to business affairs. F. 8. Dramwell and son, Arthur, loft this morning for Glendale to look after buslnesa matters, i N. F. Macduff, J. n. Hoffman and J. K. Peterson .returned last night from a trip to Holland. Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Peterson left this morning for Med ford. j Miss Lydla White returned last night from a several months' trip to Minnesota and Pennsylvania, Corsets, prices up to 11.50, on sale now at $1.00. Mrs. Rebkopf. 8S8tf .iMrs, J. 8. Bailey arrived this morn ing from Ashland to join her hus band, who Is spending several days here attending to bualness matters. . Notice to Kvtilttltore-f ! Miners and others who Intend to exhibit ores and minerals at the ap proaching Josephine county fair will I kindly send their exhibits to C. L. i.Mangum. superintendent of the mln- RUSSIA HAS EYE ON session of Russia, an agreement to th effect having 1oen signed by tho entente rulers,' according to M. M. Itchas, member of the Russian duma, who Is here today. Ho stated that with this prize In store the Russians, "t their munitions have been successfully solved, are more than ever determined to carry the war to an overwhelming entente victory. ' 'Russia has the solemn promise of flcant, aa he waa a member of the commission sent by the czar to con fer with the other entente govern ments regarding matters of vital Im portance. TAN10PLE Bijou Theatre A I). W. GRIFFITH 'A Child of the Paris Streets' In Five Acts With Three Grcut Htait , - MAE MARSH Nli' In "The Ilti'th of a Natl on" Tully Marshall & Robt. Harron Another cf Thus lUg Triangle Production l LOCAL I'm Nolde Grands' (1ul The Pant Noble Grand' club will meet with Mm. Geo. R. Dickinson, 408 North Third street, Friday. Sep tember IB. Knglewood Dairy The best milk, creamand Ice cream. Phone 222. tf HUtry Hour to lie lUwumed The etory hour for children, a re gular department of the public library work, will he resumed on Sat urday morning, September 18, after a short vacation. All children are asked to come. The hour Is 10:80 On next Saturday Mrs. George Sorsn son will tell three abort stories, "The Two Brothers." "The Jar of Rose mary," and "The King's Servant." )iirfl Knlurday Night At tho Waldorf hall. 850 The Martin lehmt Four generations of Martjns, with a Jamea of each generation, met in I family reunion at Rogue River last Friday afternoon.- There wero pre sent of the Martins Great Grandfather Jamea Martin, Grandfather and Mrs. James Martin with their three sons and six daughters, the' first time the whole family had been together for ten years, and there was little Jamea. A. T. Lewis, of this city, was on hand and made aeveral excellent picture of various family groups. Tell Your Neighbor It your neighbor is not a sub scriber to the Dally Courier, you can render him a service iby mentioning tho Courier Bargain Day. , 843 Store Not to Ooeo Fiilr Week The merchants of the city hsve de cided that the beat Interesta of all concerned will be served by keeping the places or business open during the' three, days of the county fair. There had beon some discussion as to the closing of the. stores on one or two afternoons that clerks and othera could attend the fair. It was feared that this might Inconvenience many visitors from outside who might wish to do shopping while here to attend the fair. It was also argued that the opeu stores made place In which visitors could congregate and find resting places, hence the decision to keep them open to the public. Price to lie Increased On January 1 the yearly price of the Dally Courier .will be $6. This raise is made necessary on account of the Increase of more than 100 per cent In the price of print paper. Bar gain day subscriptions will be re ceived on the 18th, Monday, at the 34 rate. No subscriptions will be allowed to remain on the books If more than two months In arrears. Those will be discontinued on the 18th. ll llnltlcMiiike Killed Two big rattlesnakes were killed north of town during the past week. Tho first one was killed on Sunday Just below the old Wheeler barn by Robert Ingalls, Dwlght Flndley, who Is visiting here, and another boy. The hoys had chased the anake into a dlgger-squlrrel hole tho preceding day, and finding It still there Sun day, proceeded to dispatch It with a twenty-two rlflo. The snake mea sured three feet two Inches and car ried ten rattles. The second snake, almost as large ns the first, and hav ing nine rattles and a "button," was discovered In the Toad sjbout one-half nille from the first snake by Percy Scovill as the latter was returning from school Tuesday evening. N The reptile Immediately prepared to fight, but was quickly killed with stones. It Is unusual for rattlers to be mov ing so late In the season. Drama The Elks lodge will play a game of baseball at the Medford ball park next Sunday, at 2:80 'o'clock. : The game Is for the championship of the Elk club. A large delegation will attend from here.' Women of Woodcraft Will Meet- Regular meeting of , Women of Woodcraft will be held Friday even ing at Woodman hall, and all mem bers are requested to take a lunch. A special surprise Is in store for all. Went to Med ford Ex-Governor Oswald West was a passenger on train No. 13 this morn ing en route to Medford. He Is till ed to speak at the Presbyterian church at that place on "Oregon Really Dry." To Ifolb've ghoi-MKe In order to relieve the car short age In Oregon, the Southern Pacific compauy la sending large numbers of empty cars to this state. Tuesday night about 150 cars were sent north and laat night over 100 were sent through. Today several trains of "emptlea" were taken north. The principal sufferers from the car short- (age were the lumber men and fruit growers. Stock Knlrred by Monday- Notice has been given that all stock that is to be entered in . the fair must be at the fair ground not later than Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. As a- largenumber of ex hibits are expected, an early entry would be appreciated by the com mittee. The animals are required by law to be tested for tuberculosis. which takes 24 hours. Kpt-elal Premium for Fair- Several donationa have been re ceived from different firms too late to be published with the special premium list. These are: Two spice boxes, each containing 17 different articles, from J. A. Folger company, of San Francisco; one gallon Tea Garden syrup, one gallon Magnolia brand molasses and one Jar mince meat from Pacific Coast Syrup com pany, of Portland, two sacks white loaf flour from Balfour-Guthrie, of Portland. These will be given as prizes on worthy exhibits not listed. POINOEXTER'S LEAD E Seattle, Sept. 14. Milea Potndex- ter's predicted lead of 10,000 over Congressman Will E. Humphrey In the contest for United States senator more than materialized today, when returns from 2,046 precincts ou of 2.443 In the state, showed: Polndexter, 85,256; Humphrey, 74,826. In King county the race was nip and tuck. The count in 392 pre cincts of 416 gave Polndexter 30, 883 and Humphrey 30,828. McBrlde led Hartley, his next clos est contender for governor on the republican ballot, by more than 10, 000 In 1.808 state precincts outside of King county. Here the count stood In 328 precincts out of 416: McBrlde, 27,893: Hartley, 21,454. Dan Landon was reported a danger ous rival against John F. Miller for congress from the Seattle-Kltsap dis trict, although Miller had a lead of 1,200 In 350 precincts. In Kitsap county, It was reported, Landon fol lowed Whitney, the favorite, closely. PATENT FIX1VR IS 20 CENTS nAHRFIi HIGHER Portland, Sept. 14. Patent flour advanced 20 cents a 'barrel In the Portland market today, making the rate 16. 60 for standard brands. A further Increase Is expected. Job printing of every description it the Courier office. B5! Where everybody goes Thai everybody knows MOR 10.000 Tho llig tangli this lime, la with William Collier ' of "No-Good Guy" and Keystone fame, In " Willie's Wabbly Ways" Two Acts A Tluw. H. luce Comexly ITodured by l. W. Grlflltlt and Tho. H. Ince, the two greatest directors In the world, this should be an anusunlly attractive progi'inn, 1 '. Coffee -.' atviu viimv Our J. P. ad Red Star Brands. There are coze letter J. PARDEE 202 South 6th St. Phone 281; SCHOOL Pens, Pencils, Tablets and other School Supplier. Demaray's LDRIMER FAILS TO "COME Chicago, Sept. 14. Former United States Senator William Lorimer has fallen down in bis "come back" race for congress, Incomplete returns early today from yesterday's state prim aries showing he has lost to Arthur W. Fulton in the republican congres sional race In the Sixth district by about a thousand rotes. "I admit defeat. It Is the fortune of the game," said Lorimer. "I have nothing to say, nothing to charge. I only wish that I had won." James R. Mann, republican leader in the national house, swamped his preaoher opponent, Rev. M. P. Boyn ton, in the Second congressional dis trict by a plurality of about 15,000. In the gubernatorial race, Govern or Dunne, democrat, and Colonel Frank O. Lowden, republican, were easy winners.' Late returns early today Indicate that Dunne's plurality throughout the state will be around 90,000. He defeated Wm. Brinton, of Dixon, the Roger Sullivan entry. Dunne's land slide vote has swept the entire state house ticket to victory with the pos sible exception of Lieutenant Governor O'Hara, who Is running be hind Henry W. Hutman, the Sullivan candidate. ' Lowden won the republican nomin ation for ' governor at an estimated plurality of 100,000. Rough estimates of the total vote in Illinois Indicate that more than 640,000 ballots were cast, 400,000 of which were by republicans and 240.000 by democrats. Approxim ately 38,000 women cast votes In the primaries. The reason for the light vote was because women were allow ed to vote mostly for local offices only. . , Last returns indicate that Dunne's state vote will be atwut 153,000 and Lowden'a 220,000. ' E Paris, Sept. 14. Continuing their advance west of the Vardar, the Ser bians carried Bulgarian trenches. be tween Kovll and Vctrenlk, making progress also In the direction of Kait- matchlon, it was officially announced today. Northwest of Ostrovo lake the Seribe carried a height west of Hill 1500 after violent fighting, the ad vance guard reaching Solkes Mal- kanldy. The Bulgarians suffered heavily. , On the allies' right wing, from the Vardar to the Struma, Intermittent cannonading continued yesterday, but there were no Infantry actions, except patrol engagements. . ', French artillery has drawn a ring of fire three-quarters of the way around Peronne, which Is almost en tirely cut off from communication with the rest of the German front. 1 Dispatches from the Somme battle' field today said the great eastward push of General Foch'a men In the last 48 hours has placed all roads from Peronne within range of French guns. On three sides the French have surrounded the city with Incessant streams of shell fire. Supplies can be brought Into the city only under cover of night, along r?sds entering from the east. SERBS CAPTUR TENCHES SS' Cote Book for the grade and the High School now on sale. . : . Drug aid Stationery Stcre AT BILLINGS' TRIAL San Francisco, Sept. 14- "Tour , honor, this is the first of the men we believe to toe conspiring against the accused. We demand his with drawal." : Maxwell McNutt, chief counsel for Warren K. Billings, on trial for mur der in connection with, the prepared ness parade bomb explosion, today pointed to A. M. Kramer, detective, put on the witness stand by Deputy District Attorney Brennan, and made his demand. Brennan clamored to have Kramer heard. .'.."' - This was the first real sensation of the Billings trial and It raised a point that was the subject of argument when court recessed for noon. , In the tense court room McNutt and Brennan hotly contested their. point. , . "Gentlemen." warned Judge Dunne, "the jury can not listen to your quar reling." ''... Neither lawyer would yield; and the judge ordered the Jury removed. Warren K. Billings' past may never be bared In the present trial. ' For npon this issue the first determined clash between prosecution and de fense has arisen. The Introduction of Billings' past into the present case is vital to tho prosecution, argued Brennan. for this record, he said, will show . Bil lings' "peculiar skill" in the con struction of bombs and In plotting the explosion of them. It the prosecution is not allowed to Introduce the more remote past. It will try to introduce Billings' car eer in Sacramento and other dyna mite incidents as evidence. Job printing of every description at the Courier office. IMPORTANT ; ANNOUNCEMENT Thos. H. Ince Producer of "CIVILIZATION" Presents , Supported by Clara Williams, J. Frank Burke, Fanny Mldg ley and an all-star cast. In In six acts Next FRIDAY and SATURDAY STAR Theatre (No advance In prices) BOORS SENSATION George Beban "The Italian" IS! r' ' i i t ft