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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1916)
PACK SIX lunv noGu: mvKn coiiUKit 81 NOAY, A1MUL 80, ltl ! i 5 i ! ! : i ! i lilt l it. Shi ;f. I .1 t -I J ! Hi i J .A 1 .Th es e ar e some of the Big Stars appearing rvrii a mm Is your theatre showing them? Metro pictures are shown at the STAR theater on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. The STAR bookings Include also the outputs of the Paramount and William . Fox producing corporations, and thus has be come known as "The Home of Features." KEEP GOING UP. ., Ona who climba a atoop'hill Idom falls, howvr laborious tha climbing way to while the man who runt down a hill, aiy though tha path, often comet to griefs Ekken. OBITUARY .1 William Sorenaoa William Sorenaon, one of the high ly respected cltisens ot Jackson county, died on April 28, 1916, at his home near Provoit He had been a resident of the Applegate about 46 years, and a oitlien or the Vnjted States since 1S5S. He was born in Denmark August 11, 1SSS, a son of Matlas and Catherine Sorenson, both natlres ot that country. .He emi grated to California in 18SS, sailing round Cape Horn In 1SS0. but settled temporarily In Chile, South America, later sailing up the coast to the Gold en Gate. He followed mining, with more or less success, and was em ployed by Tarlous mine operators un til 1859. when he moved to Oregon, settling In the old mining town of Williamsburg, situated on. Williams creek, Josephine county, mining around Williamsburg until 1871. when he moved on the farm where death overtook him on Friday. Death was attributable to an attack of la grippe, contracted In December. De ceased chose as his life companion and helpmate Mary P. Woody, a daughter of James and Elisabeth Woody, who emigrated with her par ents from Iowa in 185S. Mr. Soren son was a member of the Lutheran church, and was one of the most re spected cltlsens of his community add is mourned by his relatives and the whole community at large. His wife survives him. i BASEBALL TODAY National Brooklyn 5 IS New York . 4 17 (IS Innings.) Smith, Marqtiard, Cheney and Miller; Stroud, Anderson and Rarlden. Philadelphia - S IS Boston '. 18 Alexander and Burns; Hughes, Barnes and dowdy. Cincinnati ........ 1 f Plttsburg . S 10 Toney, Schuls. Dale and Wlngo; Mammaux and Gibson. St. Louis - 8 10 Chicago 4 0 Doak, Sallee and Snyder; Me Connell and Fisher. American New York '.. 4 IS Philadelphia ..... S 9 (10 innings.) Fisher, Cullop and Nunamaker; Meyers and Meyer. Boston 0 4 Washington 4.8 Foster and Thomas; Johnson and Ainsmlth. Cleveland ......... . 4 Detroit 5 (11 Innings.) Klepfer and O'Neill; DuBuc, Dauss and Stanage. (Chicago ... S , St. Louis .... 1 Russell and Schalk; Plank demons. .' 'AXi iX'i r J Uiniattire mil ARCH Range PR E E On May 13tb we wil! give away free to the first (three hundred) boys and girls presenting the attached coupon. filled in, at ur store, one of the min J iature Ranfe Banks, a five inch high cardboard model of the famous MONARCH Malleable . Racge ' Sematimoe. WIWs What la It called when two people are thinking of the same thing at the same time mental telepathy? Gills Sometimes: other timet Just plain embarrassment Judge. NEW TODAY 9 IS 7 7 an CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 35 words, two Issues. 25c; six issues. 50c: one month, 11.50, when paid in ! gradually redoced'Jn weight, was de- advance. When not paid In ad ' Tha Penny ef England. Most ancient of English coins, tha penny has experienced many changes in Its long history. Until the time of Edward I- when halfpennies and far things were first coined, the penny was deeply Indented with a cross, so that It could easily be broken into four parts. It was originally of sliver and was paid vance. 5c per line per Issue. WANTED By lady and little girl. 2 -or 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Phone 269-R. 735 FOR RENT Acreage on south bank of river quarter mile from Sixth - street, suitable for truck farming. C.H. Woodard. 739. based at sundry times and In 1707 was coined In copper. The copper penny continued down to 1800, when the bronze penny, as It exists today, was first introduced. , Coeoa In Weat Africa. Throughout their whole area the I Portuguese provinces of Sao Thome and Principe,- West Africa, are under cocoa cultivation to such an extent that the traveler is met on every side by the WOMAN WANTED Full time salary i "our oaor or fermenting cocoa. I Job printing of every description at the Courier office. ' 15 selling guaranteed bolsery to wearer; 25c an hour spare time.' Permanent. Experience unneces sary. International Mills, Ann St., Norristown, Pa. 734 WANTED Energetic person , to handle local sales for little Wizard Washing Tablets, washes without rubbing. A new harmless discov ery, selling rapidly. Address Box 78-R-4 Medford, Oregon. . 735 FOR RENT Furnished room close to good boarding house, or would rent whole house if preferred. Two blocks from post office, near Pres byterian church, 315 E Street. Grants Pass. 734 3 JlUtAVi v We Sell and Guarantee mnwrm TOOLS and CUTLERY ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE The Big Red Front PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Masonic Temple. Office phone 174-J, resi dence 341-R. Miss Harris. 783 INSURE your dwellings and house hold goods with L. A. Launer. tf PRIVATE AUTO SERVICE Before arranging for trip to Selma, Kerby, Holland, Waldo and Crescent City or Brookings, call Phone 2 2 8-J or 243-R. Rates reasonable. Hlller & Randall. 706tf WANTED Position In small family where work Is not to heavy. Phone 610-F-3 or write Miss Mamie Branan, care of Pardee's store, Monday. 735. WANTED TO TRADE 80-acre ranch three miles from Grants Pass, perfect water right, forty acres in bearing fruit trees, for good improved homestead where I can raise more stock. Address 825, care Courier. 735 w These Miniature range banks are unique enough to be interesting to grown-ups a well as children. They are made of tingle piece of card-board and in a minute or so can be formed into a perfect model of a MONARCH Range without either cutting or glueing. As a kitchen range in a play-house, this toy is a de light to a little girl, but it gives no more pleasure to the child than a real MONARCH Range gives to Mother. It's a fact that a MONARCH Range does give genuine pleasure to the woman who uses it. Bak ing failures are unheard of. The disagreeable dirty work connected with taking care of the ordinary range is done away with entirely. The range works so promptly and sure that it effects a big saving in time. This Coupon, properly filled In, Is good for one MONARCH Miniature Range Bank It pre sented May 13 at the store ot the Grants Pass Hardware Co. Name of parents........ Address. Name of kitchen stove now In use ... Ho.v old is it! TVStay Sitlsfactory'RinJe Come in and see tor yourself : Why a malleablo Iron top heats through quickly, so that cooking utensil need fioi be set In the holes . to Miiut up the bottom. ' llo Ihe MIRCO-rROTKfft Top needs no atova Macklng. Hvw tlie smooth nlrkle putting can be kept clean titli an ocraaloual wiping with cloth. Tlttt it Is perfectly reasonable to expert better hak ring from a range with air-tight fluea, secured r through rtvrted construction, pontlle only with malleable Iron. GRANTS PASS HARDWARE If this coupon should be lout before Wy 13, dupli cates of It may be had at our store. FIGHT IN DUBLIN. i Continued from imo l. A. A. PORTER Democratic Candidate for Nominee for SHERIFF (Paid Advertisement.) QUARTER Section in Illinois valley, close to school, R. F. D. and phone, .all bottom land, suitable for al falfa and beets, water rights, es timated million and half of merch antable timber, close to new line of railroad. Price for a short time 14,000; easy terms. John A. Dale, corner Sixth and G Sts. 735 FOR SALE Improved 160-acre stock ranch near Grants Pass, half in crop, 50 inches water; outside range; something good. , Box 60, R. 1, Rogue River, Ore. 759 BEST BUY IN OREGON 146 acres in Illinois valley, 30 acres in culti vation, good buildings, 50 acres more in pasture, stumps rotted, nearly all level and Irrigated. Price $3,000; . one-third cash. L. A. Laiinerflrai)ts Pass, Ore. 739 FOR SALE Gas stove, gas wator heater, and other household goods for sale cheap, 825 Washington boulevard. 735 The Featherweight SirAm Easily climbs a BO grade. Hoe It at 500 South Sixth Street The Needlecraft Shop First Quality ART .MATERIALS Notions and Novelties, Corsets, Toilet Articles, Japanese Goods. Royal Society Art Goods a Specialty Mrs. H. Albion edly this morning, causing the most sensational rumors, because the cab inet never meets on Saturday. Some rumors dealt with Ireland and the demand that Augustine Blrrell, chief secretary for Ireland, resign. Many believed the meeting was for the purpose of considering conscription. Rebel agents who attempted to cause outbreaks In Cork and other cities were promptly arrested. Troops left England yesterday for Ireland, and It is believed General Maxwell will be able to control the situation without further reinforcements. The first boatload of passengers from Ireland brought the best ac counts of the outbreaks. They agreed that It started at noon on Monday when 1,000 rebels wearing soft hats and carrying both old and modern rifles burst into the postofflce and ordered all employes to leave, A number of women accompanying the rebels wore green sashes and cartridge belts. A rebel flag, white and yellow, with a large harp, was thrust from an upper window of the postofflce. A policeman who re monstrated was attacked by a crowd of rioters and thrown bodily from the second floor. i Another force of revolutionists, bursting mysteriously from - public houses and shops on Sackvllle streets, moved upon St. Stephen's Green, gathering recruits aa they marched. Several policemen were shot near the park gates. A nurse wheeling a perambulator was wounded and the baby In the carriage killed by flying bullets. Other small bodies of rioters cap tured buildings occupying strategl positions, including the Gulnnoc brewery and the Royal College Surgoons, They attacked Dubl Castle but a small force of gover ment troops equipped with machl guns aulokly halted the tnarchwt insurgents.. Monday night was comparatl calm. The rebels threw tip bn cades and looted stores and h for food, One old lady, lndlg CO. At Your Service EE MOTHER! MOTOR CAR $880 f. o. b. Grants Pass. Ask for demonstration. Myers Motor Car Co. at being hllted, slapped the face of It was reported that several hundred a youthfulfrcbol sentry. ( rebels wore killed when the building Government troops began a sys- collapsed. tematlc m&ck on the rebel positions ( ' Tuesday. They quickly recaptured ! Mrs. S. Harrison will be on hand the brery and several public to demonstrate the Free tpwlnir ma. houses, f Artillery was trained on chine Mondav afternoon at HimrV Liberty fiall, headquarters of the1 rebels, I nd it crumbled into ruins. ' Letterheads at the Courier. 111 2 MIFIili inirW! III tEI i i m v . aj.. j i a rr.Tr.T7. 2 TIRE BLIGHT OF THE APPLE IS SPREAD BY APHIS , APHIS CHECKS GROWTH OF TREES i APHIS CAUSES LEAVES TO CURL APHIS DEFORMS FRUIT DESTROY APHIS WITH ''BLACK LEAF 40 I I 1 I A r ft A S .iJ 1 ' .B eSITWv . 1W1'.'.VC.VI'L'' WAwa c CuaranUed 40 Nlcotino We will furnish you with this elt active insecticide in concen i trated fofm-200 gallons of. spray from the 2-lb. can costs 12.00 1,000 gal Ions from the 10-lb. j costs 910.70. , loll t our tor. fo Ira bulletin, wit) rour tupply oli Uil40i Mnmai-tuiniMi WlaMiWUidiCl 513- t " jt,-4'. t f I,- juii.lrliTinni.LLii DEM ARAY'S Drug and Stationery Store tJ V 4. x- x v.. '-.A I. k