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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1916)
tikhdav, 'UAtwn at, iota. RULY JiOCt'K KirEll COURIER ; PAC3 TZTZZ V 444444444)) EAUTirYlNa THI CITY. A report of th city plno com nlMlon of Newark, N. J tays: "In regard to1. Improving th ap pearance of (lit city street tod public plBcwt the practical plan appeal to thi reason, the bvant ful plan to ttio heart The for mer make a man passively con touted and comfortable; tb lat ter luakea Llui actively proud of ttla city. , It (troiim-a to ardent patriotism that must exprwi ft wlf in deed. TUe charming city U loved by tbe Ditto who lle there. Practicalness with out beauty leave htm cold. The complete city moat bo beautiful. Our better natures demand bcaU' y. VucoimrlouNly w want pleasing thing for tbe eyt to rent uxtu nil about u.M AN IMPROVED VILLAGE. Clvlo Pride la Abundantly In Evident In Ramsey, N. J, Among tbe village where civic pride la abundnntly In evldviice to tbe visitor who limiMN'ta the municipal equipment la tbo borough of Ramaey, N. J- lew than au hour" ride from Now Vork city, wrltea P. W. Ocrtwn. mayor of Ramaey. lu tbo American City. It lie on the old Franklin turnpike, an im proved atate nml. built of amleolte, the direct road for motortat from New York to Tuxedo and "up tbe fate." The main biwluen atreet la clean, well Bonded and Inviting looking and ia lined with modern Htorea. Many of the thoroughfare are kept oiled, and moat of them have cement aldewalka and curb. The council niectinK are held i 7 1 I I fcK-' " ON tM WAT TO TUB BaA&UALL riaux In the Ore hotine, tbtu mnklnn It a aort of town hall. The boroiieh'a pride la tbe muulclpully owned water ytom. The rlllngo acboola are well planned and kept In good condition. One build' lug houHce all the grade from primary to alxth. It la equipped with modern aanltary rraiiBeincnt and ample tire protec tion. Ou adjoining ground stand tbe fine bfgh achool, bollt about two year ago. It contains seven clan room, a large otllo for tbo principal and the board of education, a library, an up to date auditorium, neatlng 3(10. with manual training room,' gymnaal am and toilet factlltle. Tbe entire building la ventilated by one of the modern ayatoma, with a motor In each room. ; At the aldo of the high acuoot two full abe clay coated tennia court have been built Thene are ao popular a not to Iw able to meet the demnnd for t their se. There I n flue 6neball dln ' tuond on another' slrfe f the buitdinrf Rack of the "old aclmol" la' a play Your Eastern Trip Should be arranged California ao that yow caw atop ; otfr nt 8an FrajnclBco, liberal Stopover allowed. The coat la no more for this privilege on either first or aecood ' clasa ticket. Og'den Route Train aervice la 'excellent. ThreO rfalljf transcontinental ; llmltetf trnln to Cltlcngo and the Eaat Lfttett eqntp mcnt. All ateol olwerratUm library core, throngh sleep. lug car, dining car acrvlce nnexcolled. Protected by electric automat lo block algnala. i , Overland Limited-Pacific Limited San Francisco Limited-Atlantic Express sh your local agent or write , f John M. Scott, (Jeneinl Paaafiirter. Agent, l-ortlniul, Orrfftm Southern Pacific-Union Pacific ground1 tot lh ll(tl fold, beady let off from the other ground by a privet hedge". Th ladle of thtf vUfnite have been active la imittors of civic Improvement They bnve formed a free library and litre Improved tbe atntlon ground, giving a brltrbf and welconibng touch to thtf entrance to tlie vllhtge. The board of health baa done conaldernbto work In seeing tlmt dnlrlca are kept (it 3rt (,liiMi condition and baa aUo uo ertakeu pnblldi work Iti regard lo tbe killing of iwmqultoe. Tbe work of the abiule tree fonuulMloii In af. lug for and setting ut (bade tree ou newly Improved Mwtii deserve com mendation. Electric llirhtliig ami good ixillce iMtccfloif are among the other feature of tbe uiunl(il hoiisel.ecp lug wbk'h make Huiney a Rood place ! In which to live. First Duty of a City. A city la in reality a l:lnd of appa ratua or mecbnnlam confuting of fixed place in which to live, work and be amtued, with mean of trans portation of product to anil from de- aired point. The flint duty of Ue city 1 to fur nish. a free mean of aece, belong ing to the public, 1 3 the private prop ' erty of each Individual. Such ave- I tiilA Af Mmmnnlftt'lhM In tttA dlntrlct are called roads and are widely separated, but In cltiea they are multiplied and called atreota. It muat alwaya be poaalble. and It la pftwible, for cltlien to take to the highways and reach without Inter ference the land of any other citizen, throughout the United State. Hew We Oet Our Canned Fish. Tbe fiNhing pnrtle usually stay ont from ten day to thre week. They carry ice with them, and the moment tbe flHh are Mkeu from the hook they are cleniml and put In the Ice nnd kept ibrf until they reach tbe cold atornge plant Thry are waabed aa mooii a they are litndvd aud shipped In eolrf atoraw car dlrwt to tiie. mar ket. Or'fbey uiy lie kept for tome tlniff bi'foro Hliliilnu Tbe next atep i to dip ravb flsb (our or tlvi time' frenU water until It become entirely IiUmsihI In thin het of elenr Ice It tan then be held In cot stiriiue fit tHinpernture of 4 decree below fieclntt tintll It l neeil ed for export. The nu get g freb uinilni; of ln lMfore tln'.v lire nliliH-il, They are (In-n wruini emruiey In vegetable pnN'hhiHit mpt-r and are pached In piipiT lined buxe of 373 (miiiihIh cniNicity u nd xent eiixtwnrd In tbe cold atonic iraln.-CbrlHtlan Her aid. - - . Th Mdivl KI(ohn. ; It wnt the mldtlle nue before tbe kitchen Imd been lalmnl to tin dlgulty of an eiiili!NliiMl iipiirtuieur Sttntine doing wont mi in iboHe medieval kltclleiia limcher aiantshtered anl mala there. (vbili wi-re'Kltuied and drowned a weil ha ciMtked In tbe kltch eu. Tbe futnlly liiuk-uil:ti kept hi Are there and repaired the plowa and wheel of tiie Miute. Coin began to be ued a a kitchen fuel lu CMS, though not generally for 2(X) year after. The oven did Ant come luto ne until the year 14iKi. und then It wa , the old fabloned brick oven, which persisted for hundreds f year. Tbe Move when Invented took the pfm-e or tbe separate oven Bud the flroilrtc. wnb ft bang lDflt pot1 -f Retort Courteou. "Wbatr exclaimed tbe aputater who was beglnniug to carry weitrht for age. "Do yon mean to toll me your baby la ten months old aud cant walk yetl Why. I could go If alW at tbe nVe of slg monina!" .' -Yea." rejoined the younjtf motfief, In dlgunnfiy. "and I notice yon h been going It akino ever lnee,"-indhinapi ell Star time card California tad toig6b dczst Railroad Company (The Oregon Cave Route) Effective Monday, Jan. 10, 181. Train 1 Ir. Grant Paaa 7:00 a.m. Arrive Water Creek 8:00 a.m. Train 2 If. Water Crek....8:15 a.m. A r Uvea Grant Pai :lla.m. Train I Iv, Oranta Paaa 2:00 p.m. Arrive Water Creek......3:00 p.m. Train 4 Ir. Wafer Creek....5:00 p.m. Arrive orant Faa........6:00 p.m. Ou Sunday! train No. l and 2 are canceled. , All train leave Grant Pais from the corner of U and Eighth atreet, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all Information regarding freight and paaaonger service call at the office of the company, Public Ser vice building, or phone 138-R for aamo. , Train will atop on flag at any point between Grant Paaa and Water Creek. Paatenger service every day In tbe week. XOTICE To All Who May De Co-Verned: After thla Hth day of March, 1916, I will poaltlvely not be responsible for any debts contracted by , Mrs. Molly Jones. 700. J. M. JONES. A. L Head of Union Pacific Rail read vi!y : injKrtd. Political Cards (Paid Advertisements) EUGENE t. COBTJRN Republican Candidate for Nominee for County Clerk . Present Incturibeni . ECLTJS POLLOCK Republican Candidate for 7- Nominee for ; Assessor Present Incumbent DR. J. 0. SMITH Republican . Candidate for . ; Nominee for State' Senator A, E. VOORHIES Republican Candidate for , Nominee for Representative J. A. WHARTON Republican Candidate for , jNommee ior ; County Clerk Republican Candidate for Nominee' for, .v'V' :- Sheriff ' Present Incumbent , GEO E. LUNDbTJRG Republican Candidate for ; v Nominee for State Senator HOMER WHITE j Republican Candidate' for Nominee tor Sheriff '' ..V, Prinuuic, May 1ft, 1010 Iff 1 '. l.:xr'l v. ' j 1 - A ':' "i. " w " 1 1 " 1 t"'1""1 ' i'iri n.,..,.... J ; .-. j POit iiliL 40 ACRES 4 Mi miles from Grants Paaa, no Improvements, for sale at f 40 pef Acre. -Under ditch sur vey. Address No. 2415 car . Courier. 667tf FOR 0ALE Six-room plastered house, close Id, lot 100x100, good hade. Address No. 2413, care Courier. S7tf INFORMATION LANDS. Oregon- California Land Grant Lands. Three maps, showing all tracts In Douglas, Josephine a&d Cnrry and Jackson counties, with general de scription and status of said lands, for f 1.50 for each map. Township ownership plats, 2-lncn per mile, of Coos and Josephine counties, showing government,' private and grant lands, at 75c per township; other counties In preparation. I ; sell tbe Anderson maps you know theta. M. J. Anderson, Grants Pa, Ore. j 701 MRS. BURTON'S spring stock of mil linery has just arrived and tbe public is cordially Invited to call and inspect 11. 407 N. Cth 8t 764 FOR 8ALE80 acre, alfalfa and beet land, at bargain price.- Ad dress Grave Creek Ranch, Leland, Oregon. 708 100x150 on B St., Jo 00; 100x100 on B St., $500-. ,77x100, with modern cottage, on R SC, $2,000; 100x100 on A St., 500; 100x100 on A St., $600; 50x133 on A St, $500. Each . parcel of land Is high and dry and Is a bargain. For particulars ad dress No. 365, care Courier. 708 ANGEL CAKES supplied for any oc casion, 50c each. Phone 190-J. 83 BLUB PRINT plats of Grants Pass tor sale at Courier office. $1.50. 93 A SNAP for aome one. For casbTlf sold in the next two months, four acres, house, fruit, guaranteed well over fifty feet deep, cased and pnmp, one mile east of the beet sugaf factory on Pacific highway. John Ross, Box 93, R. P. D. No. 3. Grants Pass. " 715 REGISTERED BERKSHIRES. Hol stelns and Percherons. High class young stuff for sale at all times. Individuality, breeding, produc tion. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch. Route 1. 692tf FOR SALE One lot with six-room house, north side, good location; $500. Or , two lots with two houses, $800. See Joseph Moss, 204 North Sixth street 692tf FOR SALE Very high-class regis- tered Guernsey bulls, nearly ready for service. Prices rlgM, Leonard Orchards Company, River Banks Farm. v 696tf FOR SALE One five-passenger auto mobile, electrio lights, In good con dition. F. B. Olding. 702 U-SUL-FERTILIZER PASTE The residue produced In the manufac ture ot lime-sulphur solution. Con tains calcium sulphite. . Price per barrel, $1. Elsmann Products Co., South Grants Pass. 724 FORD Five, passenger, 1915 model, in good condition, thoroughly over hauled, shock -absorbed and fully equipped, for sale. Address No. , 531, care Courier.' '.. - 703 PLACER CLAIM,- 20 acres, pans coarse and fine gold, hear Gallce; cabin, piping and giant ready for ' work; good ditch and watef. A bargain. Particulars, Box 74, Mer lin, Ore. I " . ' ' , 700 80 ACRES patented land, about four miles from Grants Pass, above Frultdale. Red loam, suitable for walnuts, fruit trees. Has about 340,000 feet timber; large quan- . tlty firewood. Good county road, down grade. Cost $1,200; will sell this week for $500. Particu lars, Box 74, Merlin. ' 700 FOR SALE Team, weight about I 2,100; harness, hack, plow and harrow, all in good condition. A bargain. K, Hammerba'cher. R. F. D No. 2. ' , 7.23 GET ONE OF THESE Two lotB, West C strceti $100 each;" one lot, Washington boulevard. $300. Own er. Address 538, care Courier. 703 FOR 8ALE One 12-inch Wesco office electric fan and one No. 23 visible Fox typewriter. Both ma- ' chines practically1 new and guar anteed. Cheap for quick sale. Ad dress P. O. Box 657. City. 703 FOR SALE One touring car, elec trio lights, demountable rlniB, etc. Best ot condition. Cheap for quick sale. , Address Box 860, Grant Pass; Oregon. 708 BARGAIN 80 acres', $1,200 for next 30 day. 60 acre timber, 7 acre cleared, one mile" from city limits, road. $600 down, terms on balance. J. T. Morrison. Phone 02-F-12. 709 2 HOUSES and lots each 60x100, facing good road four bocks from depot. $550 takes them both. See Cbaa. Morrison, 622 L st. 703 FOR 8ALB Good milch cow. ln . quire Manuel V Hestbn, or phone 296-L. ' 700 FOR SALE: Four lots on G street. : Close 5n. Size of each, 50x190. A teautlful borne site. All good soil and fencecf. For a quick sale, $350 cash. See Cbas. Morrison, 622 L street. . 704 $35 BUYS clean tent house with fly and floor., Practically new, 14x20. Phone 48-T or call at 625 North Sixth Street -699tf FOR SALE Six-room . house, bath. toilet, electric lights, lot 185x125, on paved atreet $1,200; easy terms. Isaac Best. ; 703 FOR SALE Good work horse, will be sold cheap. Inquire of Isaac Bestr ... 703 FOR SALE Year-old fall-blood Jer sey heifer, also 18-months-old Hol steln helfef. Inquire of of address Ivan Livingston, at Conrlemiffice. TO EXCHAXGK TO TRADES tot California residence property, 160 acres two miles from Wolf Creek, 20 acres ia cultivation, 4-room house. L. A. Launer. 702 FOR TRADE Portland property to trade for Grants Pass property. Address No. 536, care Courier. 699 TO LEASE PALACE HOTEL, Grants Pass, to lease for term pf years; furniture for sale. Retiring on account of 111 hn.ltV City. 603 TO RENT FOR RENT One four-room, one three-room modern apartment, and singfd rooms. Dean Apartments, 515 North Sixth street 700 WANTED WANTED to hear from owner of ' gpod ranch for sale. Send cash price and description. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 4 - . 710 SINGLE man, over 20, with good ref erence, to go on the' road. Only men of first-class habits need apply. Call room1 2, Grants Pass ' hotel, from 8 to 10 a. m. or' from 1 to 3 p. m. Experience linneces- ' sary. "'- V,.:- 1 v , s 700 . ASSAVERS E. R. CROUCH, Assayed chemist, metallurgist Roms 201-203 Pad dock Building. Oranta Pass.. ; , . MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up In 5-gallon glass Jar and delivered at your doer, fresh,- pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon ; will call.. :,':.',,,-',' PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing! Bacterial tests as sure thki this water Is pure. De ' livered In five-gallon bottles. t. Beckwth. Oi'der by phone, ' 602-F-S, -459tf BREED ; to type and brains. .The pure bred Percheron stallion, "Harley" .will stand Friday and Saturday during ' season at Brownie's Livery, Grants Pass. , Terms: $15, Insure with foal. C. S. Etnler, owner, t Tit CONTRACTORS D. A. FITZGERALD Contractor and builder. Plans and specifications a specialty. Houses built while you wait. Phone 117-J. ; 708 AUTO SERVICE PRIVATE AUTO aervice leaves Jose- phine hotel dally for Kerby, Hol land and Waldo. Marve Jordan, phone S3 2-J, or Oldlng's garage, phone 45-R. 709 FOR JlTNEYf taxi and country ser vice phone 262-R, or see Ross Bailey. Cars for hire by the hour. , 720 i Credit Rating Bureau. t The incrcbiitit.i' luiicaii of the Uttilo tii (ra. cbnuiber of commerce hns decided to : estublbdt u credit mtlnif Imreun.' The plmi'cnlN for all nioi" CiantH Inforinlnii (he iithcw of those who do ftot-pay ami of bow eprtnln cuatomerst pn.v. th'n rtvoidlnu inul uc couutt; cud eiTcctlns a nuvlnp of con sliierable money to tbe merebnnts of tbe city. tuttiCtisti U O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practic limited to disease Of th eye, eaJ, nose and throat. Glasse flttedV Office hoars 9-12, 3-5, and on ad- , pointment Office phone 62; resi dence pftotf Itt-Jj 3. LOUGHRIDGE', M. D., Physician and surgeon. City or country1 call attended day or Bight Red. phone 369; office phone 182 Sixth and H. Toffs Building. J. P. TRCAX, M. D., PhysicUn and Surgeon. Phones: Office, 82S; residence, 324. Call answered at all hour. Country, calls at tended to. Lundeturg Bldg. DR. ED BY WATER Specialist on disease of eye, ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office hovrt: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phones: Re. 234-J; Office. 257-J. Schmidt Building', Grants Pass, Oregotu DR. P. D. STRICKER Diseases of chfldren And general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Masonic build ing. tt. A. A. WITHAM, M. D., Physklam and Surgeon. Office! Hall Building, corner Sixth and1 f streets Phone 116, day or night Hours: 4 a. ni. to 4 p. m. DR. H. WARREN NICE, Osteopathia Physician, Chronic and nervons diseases specialty. Rooms 1 and t, Lundbnrg boilding, phone 149-R. Residence Colonial 1 hotel, phone 167-j. : . 712 DEjrnsTs E. C, MACY. D. M. D.. Flrst-clasa dentistry. 109 South Sixth street. Grants Pass, Oregon.' BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work Marguerite H. Elliott, dental assistant , Room 4 and 5, Golden Rule building. Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265-J. ATTORNEYS H D. NORTON, , Attonuy-at-Law. Practice in all Sute and Federal CourU. First National Bank Big. COLVIG t -Vv-ILLIAMS Attorneys- at-Law, Grant Pas Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice . In all court. First National Bank ; Building. :. '' . EDWARD H. RICHARD. Attorney-at-Law. ; Offlc Masonic Temple, ; Grants Pass,-Oregon. , W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law County Attorney for Josephine ; Couhty. Ofllcs: Scnallhorn Bldg. iO. S. BLANCH ARD, Attorney-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-e,-law, practice in - state and federal court. Rooms t aid i, over Golden Rule1 (tore.' : . MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VI6LIN INSTRUCTION Franco Belgtan school of violin playing. E. R. Lawrence, '215 I street - DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds ot drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone lji-R. Stand at frleght depot A; Shade, Propr. F. G. Iaham, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped' and stored. Phone Clarke ft Hoiman, No. 60. Residence phone 124-R. ; THE WORLD MOVES; so do w. Bunch Bros.- Transfer Co, Phone 15-R.:" ' :.'.' yV j . , LODGES ..-w ' v; GRANTS PASS Lodge No. ti, A. F. A. M. Stated! ' Commanlca (ion 1st and Sd Tuesdays. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A. K. Cass, W. M. Ed. G. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE. NO. 78, 1.O. f" i nesday eve In I.O.O.F. N' : hall, cor. 6th and H. Sts. Visiting Odd Peilows cordially Invit ed to be present. I. V. Howell, N. G.. Clyde Martin, Secretary. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, 1 Office In Winetrout Implement Building. Phone 113-J. Resi dence phone 305-R. " DE(X)1UT0R8 ASi PALVfKUS PAPERHANOING, .aralnlng, paint ing. For the best work nt lowest pftcos phone 295-jf. C O, Ptant South Park street , ' ,