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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1916)
"v r AGS TWO. DAILY ROGUE RIVER COURIER MOMUY, MAIKH It, 1010. Daily Bogue River Courier. Am Independent Republican Nawa Pavpar. United Praaa Lwm4 Wir Takr-apa Barrio '' "- i VX '(bt Thh W I WE. HAVE IT T U W A In Small Cans A. E. T0OBHIC8, Pub. aid Pro. WILFORD ALLEN. Editor . Entered at the Grant Pan, Ore ton,' Pot office at' second-class mall attsjrv'- SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year 15.80 tlx Months .. 1.00 Three Months One Month t 1.50 BO Parable la Advance MONDAY, MARCH 13, ' 1116. .' OREGON WEATHER 4 . . Fair tonight and Tuesday; f light frost Interior ' and f portion tonight; winds. ' i; . '-' " ' KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality First land may yet resolve itself into real .press bulletin, may be of interest to intervention. It will at least call to Un household: west !the attenUon of the powers that be , " WIWB IN m Dt VMM ness. If we can have so much trouble o. A. salt solution, say the C. domeatlo science specialists. THE ARTERIES OP INDUSTRY. Three hundred acres have ' been signed up for planting to sugar beets ! In the Williams and Applegate valleys above Provolt. This acreage will un doubtedly be Increased before the season is over.' The land to be plant ed at this distance from the factory, and where the haul must be alto gether by wagon or truck, will ne cessarily be of the very best quality for the production of beets. There is no better soil In the west than that In the district mentioned. A rea sonable estimate, . therefore, would place' the tonnage of beets to come from the valleys above Provolt at not less than 4,500 tons. For beets along the Mexican border with a tew Colored clothing should not be boil "greasers," what would happen lt'ed' Boiling water, lye, soda, strong. the country should become involved !cept tne ",llde8t k,nd- 8n0U,d be .. .. P of stain removing agencies, ex in a real scrap? Lucie Sam better avoldedi After WMhlnf the slothe, arm himself and be ready to back np'ihould be hung in the shade and his bluff with the goods. Ironed on the wrong side, It possible. C. D. THOMPSON, County Agent. Ashland voted a bond issue to bring mineral waters into its beautl-. ful park, "but unfortunately It has be- j come involved. In a scandal that takes; away all the glory of the accomplish ment 5,000 BRITISH KILLED . AT KIT-EL-AMARA COUNTY AGENT'S NOTES J Last week I spoke of the necessity of beginning a general clean-up. I wish to emnhaslze the Importance of coming from this excessive distance tnla work now ' It ls impossible to the factory, people have agreed to i eradicate fruit pests unless the breed- absorb 50 cents per ton upon the in g places of those pests are destroy haul, just as they have agreed to ab sorb all the rail haul for beets mar keted at railroad points. To make it profitable for the farmers at these Berlin, Mar. IS. Five thousand British were killed or wounded in an unsuccessful attempt to relieve the beleaguered garrison of Kut-el-Amara, the Constantinople com munique today declared. The an nouncement reported ' the fighting around Felahle, southeast of the city. ' - J 4 J j. t . u vn I eu. Alia, sgmu, u in wuriu nunc it for not other reason than improve ment In the looks. The law requires all prunings and cuttings to be burned. distant points to produce beets, they "It shall be unlawful lor any per son, firm or corporation owning or operating any nursery, fruit orchard of any kind, hop yards, flower gar dens, or ornamental trees to throw must therefore reduce the expense of hauling to the . lowest possible figure. : This means better , roads. J Representatives of a' company' that (any cuttings or prunings from any contracts to haul by -motor trucks fruit trees, nursery stock, orna- have already Investigated the prob lem, and are ready to contract for hauling the beets from the loading stations to be established, the con tract price to be most reasonable providing the roads will permit the hauling of the maximum loads at the Man and Flight. Mathematicians have calculated that man la tpo heavy ever to be sustained in air by the power of his own mus cles, no matter how large the wings are which he fastens to hia body. The weight limit Is probably approached i by the largest birds, such as the Aus tralian crane, which still Dies, although it welgha about twenty pounds. The ostrich loDg ago gave up all hope of winging its way through the air. An aeroplane can be built, say the experts, which will sustain a man and use but three' horsepower, but as the best ath letes can exert only a maximum of about two horsepower for fifteen sec onds at a time be will always be de pendent on a machine. mental trees, or bop vines Into any public road, highway, lane, field, or other enclosure, or into any water course of any kind; but shall destroy Bucb cuttings or prunings with Are within thirty days from the time such cuttings or prunings are made." Since so mnch snravln? is being maximum speed. The trncka which done ln,8 week let me aga,n rem,nd It la proposed to use on this haul are yon of the necessity for thorough supposed to run at eight miles per hour with a maximum load of nine tons of beets in truck and trailer, and the minimum figure which the "own ers propose Is based upon the max imum of speed and tonnage. If the roads are bad, the rate is Increased, for it Is the farmer who always has to adjust matters so 'that the other fellow makes his required profit. There are numerous culverts, uncov ered irrigation ditches, weak bridges, ruts, etc., in the road between Grants Pass and Provolt that will have to be fixed or the beet growers will pay the penalty. The estimate given above of 4,500 tons of beets Is for the district above Provolt alone. From Provolt to Granta Pass there will be a constantly Increasing ton nage. The saving of 25 cents per ion upoii I" 10 UUU1 WVU1U UU VI i road repairing. But the repairing; will have to be done before the pro-! ducer can make the saving. Here is something that every citizen is inter-1 ested in. Let's back up the county court in furthering needed road work. The highways are our industrial ar teries, and unless traffic can flow through them smoothly and rapidly, industry is going to suffer. spraying and sufficient pressure. Cover everything thoroughly with spray and use not less than 200 pounds pressure. I have been asked, "If I am going to omit any spray, which one would you advise to be omitted?" If you are going to attempt to produce fruit free from fungus, you can not, with any degree of certainty, omit any of the sprays that are intended to con trol fungus. If you attempt to con trol fungus with less than four or five times spraying, you may be dis appointed with results. ' I have had many favorable com ments on the County Agent's Notes during the past two weeks. These are not written for praise or enter tainment, but strictly for business, and friendly adverse criticism will be appreciated Just as much as praise,. The following, from the O. A. C. Without Grease and Without Water A Delicious Pot Roast From the "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Windsor Kettle (Malt Adjantabl Rail) Place the kettle empty over a low flame. In the heated kettle, sear the roast on all sides; then turn the fire down to a mere flicker. When half done turn the meat over. Thus cheaper cuts of meat may be made as palatable as more expensive cuts. The "Wear-Ever" Windsor Kettle may be used for many purposes every day in the year. CIIp tho Coupon - get your Kettle today for only tVIAR IVgft Tho four-quart Wlndaor Kettle which rftarly lit (or 11.10 1 offorod (or a llmlttd time at the paolal price so you can (or vouraair. If you do not already know, the difference between "Wear-Ever" and other kinds or aluminum and enameled utenalla. Get the kettle at the epeolal price, on or before March SI. UK. and you will understand why ao many women prefer "Wwr-Iitr" to other cooking wares. Fill out the coupon bring it to us today! Rogue River Hdw. II. eua-i!rt fulfill A',,',' HP 1 AVrA $1.0?-- mm II. or In .n)M..jt IT'iMl lr K..MU, wm.i ff tUy ommmh the tulip.. I! i.'Im ll (lurch a.. t5S ikm w mwh 'Wear-Ever Coupo Y will ihlt euupun nn.l r vat "WKur-Kvor" fuur-quurt Wine Hi nmuUrly for l.0. prtnirtM iwrwn at tur uu or bWur Uareh a the coupon yvur name, und vniy una katiie l le Da aula a sua ta liiMil K IUVKU IIAIIHW 27r?T .7,7"'". iiyZ'lljL " WV'lVT SLIfiGSBy HEIR CASE REVERSED WALDO PORTLAND MARKETS S1 niw a Coffee Sckillint'i W ' We grind it for you, not to save you work; but to give you evenly ground coffee, with prac tically no chaff. We pack it into airtight tins to make-sure you get all the fine flavor of Schilling's Best. A farewell dance was slven as a surprise at the home of J. M. Clemens (Thursday evening, March 9. The! evening was enjoyably spent In I London, Mar. 13. Teddy Sllngsby, danclnsr until mldnlirht. when re-1 flre-year-old American boy, today lOBt freshments wera served, after which hlB famous fight for the Sllngsby mil- dtndng was, resumed until a late lions. Reversing a lower court, the nour, Xnoa, preMnt wer, Mp ,nd court ot appeals ruled he was not the Mrs. M. Ackerlll. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. legitimate child of Charles Henry .Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Reynard Sllngsby and Mrs. Dorothy Clemens. Mesdames R, J. White. Lulu Morgan Warner Sllngsby. of San jutter, Minnie Masters, Frances Francisco. Therefore, the child hss Honglan, Jack Eggcrs, Misses Ruby no right to fully inherit the Rev. glagle, Helen and Maud Mathney, vnanes Biingsoys estate. Kay.Klncald, Pearl Un, Lenna and The so-called "Sllngsby case" at- Bessie Albright. Messrs. Robt. Hbnck. tracted widespread attention both in Wayne Wlmer, Bert Eggers, Victor ureat Britain ana America. and Jim Woodbury, Ous and Aldon The lower court tuled In favor of Clemens, Sam Egger. Frank Harris. Teddy's claim to the estate on the jack Ferren, Alvln Rlchey, Floyd ground that he bore a close resem-(Duley and Charley Vsss. The guests blance to Lieut. Sllngsby, and there- then took their departure, after as fore must be his son. A peculiarly 'surlng their hostess of having spent shaped ear and Jaw were the chief a very pleasant evening. points of resemblance noted. The court of appeals maintained the lower tribunal laid too much We money back it to give you utter security in buying. Schilling's Best Our neighbors in Medford have enacted ah ordinance to prohibit the tooting of locomotives within cer tain districts and periods, and even an auto driver has this week been fined $5 for blowing his horn. The hunt for Villa may assume considerable proportions before the dark-bued villain is captured or shot ! to death. Perhaps the excursion of the American troops into the south- "None Are so Blind as those who do not want to see," but even their eyes are opened ' when they hear of the staying qualities of LOWE BROS. PAINTS Some owners paint for looks, some to4preserve the building, some to make a salo and some becauso the neighbors do. ' LOWE BROS. HIGH STANDARD Ont OXE (R.1IK OF PA1XT Runaiilne dub The Sunshlna Fnncv Work fluh nf Biresi vn . . rroiuoianc., ...owing WaI(I heM ,tB , t to outweigh strong evidence tend- tne home of Mr Cea B, on ing to prove Teddy was not Lieut. Thur(ldflv ftfterBnon ... lingsby's son. ternoon was spent with fancv work and conversation. A post card show- San Francisco. Mar. 13. The Brit-jer was given Mrs. Slagle In honor of ish court decision, whereby Teddy jier birthday anniversary. After a Sllngsby loses his claim to the Slings- short business session, dainty refresh, by millions, caused much comment ments of sandwiches, cake and coffee here today, where the famous caseiWere BerVed to the following ladles: practically originated. Mesdames C. A. Moore, J. T. Logan, The child's claim to the estate was j. A. Dysert, R. J. White, Ray Cooke, contested by brothers of Lieut. Milton Ackerlll, Cella Slagle, Lulu Charles H.. R. Sllngsby. The brothers , RUer, J. C. Rlchey, and the Misses demanded that the Rev. Charles P. ' Peari j,,, Ruby Slagle, Grace Dysert Slingsby's wealth be given to them. BnA Master Gerald White. They asserted that tho lloutenant and i - I his wife, .Mrs. Dorothy Sllngsby, hod pANflKH FROM RAI1IE8 . no right to the property, . because ( IX CALIFORNIA VAST Teddy was not their real offspring,! , jbut a changeling obtained from Santa Sacramento, Mar. 13 That at Rosa. Under the will, Lieut. Sllngsby eMt 30,ooo coyotes were shot or could not have the millions unless he, poisoned In Lassen and Modoo conn jhad a child. The cash was bequeath- ties during the outbreak of rabies ed to the child and not to the parents. was the statement today of Sanitary ir tnere was no orspring, the otner Unnncntor Ross, unon returning from Portland, Mar. 13. Today's msr- ket quotations were: Wheat Club, 88 85; bluostem,' 9SO1.04. Oats No, 1 white feed, 24 25.26. Barley Feed, 28.60. Hogs Rest live, 9. Prime steers, 8.10; fsncy cows, 7; best calves, 8. Spring lambs, 9.25. Butter City creamery, 35; coun try. SM32. Eggs Selected local extras, 18 ft tZ0. , Kens, 17; broilers, 20 22; geese, 10011. Copper. 28 H. brothers got the property. Is JiiNt what each ono of yon should have, for none but the ric h can afford poor pnint. PORTLAND POLICE PIT nAX OX WITCH HAZEL very Grants Pass Hardware Co. At Your Service Portland, Mar, 13 Tho prohibi tion ban is on witch hazel today. Bo cause Warren Veatch, an eastern Orepon fnrmer, got drunk on witch I hazel, a druggist wan arrested for .selling It without demanding an affi davit from Veatch. ' the scene. lie says the outbreak has subsided so that danger Is past. Old papers, for starling fires, Co per bundle. Courier office. Oregon rnlnlne laws. 40c. Co'trlet Legs! blanks. Courier of!) re. TRY SMI LI NO. 8oowllng and growling will make a man old . Mon.y and fams at ths b.t are beguiling. Oen't be tutploloui and stlflsh and cold) . m -Try smiling. -slohn Es'.n Cooks. PRESERVK YOVIt EGGS WITH SILICATE OF SODA (WATER GLASS) Eggs are cheaper now than they have been for many a day. And right now is the time to lay In a stock of tbem. Silicate of Soda covers them like glass, and Is therefore a sura per servatlve. Full and simple directions with each package. Pints 20c, Quart 40c Half Gallons CO Full Gallon $1.00 This can not be sent by parcel . . poat CLEMENS Sells Drugs , The Rexall Store 23 years at tho old stand 21 steps from First National Bank i J. M, TETHEROW Sheet Metal Works Hydraulic and Irrigating l'lpo Galvanized Iron Tanks Matcri '.: and Workmanship t Gnarnnteed ' .