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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1916)
MONDAY, MARCH 0, 1010. DAILY 1IOGUB RIVER COURIER PAGE THBE3 POii SALE TO RENT PWYSICIA58 Classified Advertising 4- y IHOOSE a friend like you would your tmokh' tobacco Don't have one that ain't wuth keepln' always and that you won't grow to like better evVy day. Jj PIPE4 of VELVET! A jovial, kindly companion, whose mellow friendliness has brightened many a trying hour for m A steady, commbnsense friend, this slow burning pipe of VELVET how often some ; knotty problem has been solved with its aid. HoW .nm Itinis -has VELVET'S cheer Inspired us to "try again!" Hbnc$t,Vtru8ty pipe of VELVET, Nature made you a hearty, kindly friend. And two years have you spent J in bringing your fragrance, mellowness and flavor to its full perfection. - : Old friend, pipe of VELVET, here! wishing ourselves many of you !- 'J7'1'-. 10c Th 6c MeUWlned Bags Oaa Pound Glass Humidors mm SPECIAL ENVOY REPORTS Washington, Mar. 6. President Wilson and Colonel House, h la per sonal envoy to Europe, breakfasted togetlher today while Houae report ed on bta tour of the belligerent coun tries It la understood the president and his close friend conferred with re Kard to conditions In the warring na tions, and that House made an In formal report ot his observations In London, Paris, and Berlin. Later House will confer with the cablnot and make a more detailed re port. , House lived up to the characteriza tion European editors gave him that of a "Sphinx In a felt hat' He re fused to say anything with regard to his trip or International affairs, but denied ho would establish his resi dence In Washington. Iouse prob ably will go to New York tomorrow or Wednesday. ' '.' ; t ., '; ROCKEFELLER'S MONEY 1 . LOOKS GOOD TO MRS. THRESH Oakland, ' Cnl., Mar.. 6.-Mrs. llermls J. ThrcBh, divorcee, admitted today having written a leap year pro. posal of marriage to John D. Rocke feller Sr., telling 1ilm she "loved him tor the money he bad made,'!.,,, 1 nnnr i sun a a rt u rrn t'UHIUlHUMAnWIo ; . Portland, Mar. 6. Today's mar ket quotations were: Waeat Club, 94 099; bluestem, 1.01 1.05. .Oats No. 1 white feed, 25.25 26. Barley Feed, 29. Hogs- Best live, 8.30. Prime steers, 7.70 3 7.90; fancy cows, '66.80; best calves, 8 8.50. Spring lambs,. 9. , . Butter City creamery, 82; coun try, 25.. , . '", ' Eggs Selected local extras, 18 Mi if 20. '.. Hens, It;' broilers, 17; goose, 1011. . " Copper, 28 to. v HTATK DEPARTMENT ' I . GETS COPIES OP ORDERS , ' Washington, Mar. 6. The state department today received appendices and photographic copies of the al jlcgod British admiralty orders direct ing armod merchant ships to attaok submarines. ' ' i 1 -The documents were forwarded to : Washington- 'by Germany, as reasons for Iho Teutonic campaign of torpe 1 doing armed ships without warning. ' The appendices and photographic 'o-Milcs of alleged British admiralty orders have not yet been studied by Ee?rotary Lansing and he refused to express an opinion on them. CynguWi SCHOONER THOMAS WAND IX TROUBLE TS STORM Seattle, Mar. 6. Caught in a gale, the lumber-laden schooner Thomas Wand, owned by the Win. Olson S. S, Company of San FranclBco, which left ! Eagle Harbor Sunday for San Pedro, Is reported breaking up off Tatooah Island. ' The steamship Admiral Dewey, of the Admiral tine, has put a line aboard and Is towing the Wand toward the straits. ; - .' ... Part of the schooner's deckload ia overboard and two ot her three masts are lost. The Dewey , is 'in. wireless communication with, the portwar- dena' office In Seattle. -, - , , - The gale is blowing 60 miles an hour outside Cape Flattery and has been raging Blnce Sunday. IJIVUHTIUATW KAI'IAWIUM OX DESTROYED TREBLB San Dlogo, Mar. 6. The, findings of the naval Investigation 'board, com posed of LleutenantB Glassford, Willis and McClure, In the matter of the ex plosion which occurred Saturday on board the United States destroyer Preble will foe reviewed today hy Ad mlral Wlnslow, commander of the , Taclflo fleet. The Investigation will also be concluded today. , ; , . I , Coxswain Robert GrosBert was fa tally injured, dying Saturday night, and three seamen were seriously tu mod when gasoline fumes exploded In the bilges of the Preble. ' , 40 ACRES 4 Vt miles from Grants Pass, no Improvements, for sale at 140 per acre. Under ditch sur vey. Address No. 2415, care Courier. ' 6671 I HAVE tour vigorous S. C. Brown Leghorn cockerels to sell at $1.50 each. They are from LIgh. scoring egg-laying strain. Nothing better Jn tbe state. Theo, P. Cramer, Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 364-Y. Day-old chicks $12.60 per 100. Eggs, $1 per setting of 15. 656tf FOR SALE Six-room plastered house, close In, lot 100x100, good shade. Address No. 2413, care Courier. 657tf MORE BERKSHIRES were exhibited at tbe Panama-PadBo exposition than all other breeds of swine put together. Get a start in the most popular breed. F. S. Steel, Wi nona ranch, R. 1, Grants Pass, Ore. 661tf 195 EGGS per ben is the average for my entire flock of breeders. Mated to 200-egg strain O. A. C. cockerels. Chicks $12.50 per 100. Eggs $1 a setting. Geo. P. Cramer. 691 FOR SALE 26 acres bottom land near Grants Pass, all under fine irrigation system. Inquire 2501 Courier. 694 INFORMATION LANDS. Oregon- California Land Grant Lands. Three-maps, showing all tracts in Douglas, Josephine and Curry and Jackson counties, with general de scription and status of said lands, for 1.50 for each map. Township ownership plats, 2-Inch per mile, of Coos and Josephine counties, showing government, private and grant lands, at 75c per township; other counties In preparation. I sell the Anderson maps yon know them. M. J. Anderson, Grants ,Pass, Ore. 701 MRS. BURTON'S spring stock of mil Ilnery has juat arrived and tbe public is cordially Invited to call and inspect It 407 N. 6th St 704 HOMESTEAD 160 acres, close in, 14 acres in cultivation, improve ments worth $1,600; $300 takes it. Address No. 346, care Courier. 687 NEW MODERN HOUSE Furnished, gas fitted, stationary wash tubs, garage. Close to business district $2,000, It taken at once. No. 353, care Courier. 687 FOR SALE 80 acres, alfalfa and ' beet land, at bargain price.' Also ' 10-horsepower electric motor, al most new, 75 . per cent actual value. Address Grave Creek Ranch, Leland, Oregon. . 708 146 ACRES in Illinois valley for sale at a ibargaln It taken at once. Ad dress owner, L. S. Morrison, Placer, Ore. ' 687 ONE H. P. Electric motor and 3 h. p. electric motor for sale cheap. ; In i Quire Courier office. , 688 100x150 on B St.. $500! 100x100 en B St., $500; 77x100, with, modern cottage, on B St., $2,000; 100x100 . on A St., $500; 100x100 on A St., $600; 50x133 on A St.,, $5,00., Each parcel ot land is high' and dry and is a bargain. For particulars ad dress No. 865, care Courier.'. 708 BUTTERMILK for hog feed for sale to the highest bidder at the Rogue Valley creamery. . 688 FOR SALE Milch cows. Inquire of ; "Mrs,; Ben Dimmlck, one-halt mile west of town. ' r' V91 FOR SALE Modern home, .' six grooms, plastered, cement walks, ( iehade, lawn, ; pantry,-. closet , bath and all conveniences. - Close In. $1,500 for quick ' sale. Terms. Phdne 101-L. 1 ; .- .-' 687 FOR , SALE Cheap, 160-acre relin- qulahment,! team, wagon, harness, yearling colt, 7 head ' of ' cattle. ' Make an offer. . Address No. 891, care Courier. ' 691 FOR SALE 40 acres, about four miles from , city. First-class im provements. Price $35 per acre. Jos. Moss. ,. - v 686tf FOR SALE Two lots, Railroad ad dition, on corner, two blocks from saBh and door factory, cost $300. No reasonable offer refused, need cash. L. F. Grimm, 756 Vanderbllt street, Portland, Ore. i 687 TO LEASE PALACE HOTEL, . Grants Pass, to lease tor term of years; furniture for sale. Retiring on account ot 111 health. Address W, S. Wood, . City. .. '608 SUB-SOIL plow for rent, 50c per day or 2.50 per week. Inquire of Ross Bailey. . 8ltf TOR RENT Modern nve-rooni bun galow, fully furnished. Inquire Mrs. Arthur Dennlson, 615 H street. ' 688 FOR RENT Five-room furnished bouse. Apply 654 North Third street. 687 WANTED WANTED Married man . on farm about tour miles from Merlin. No objections to one or two children. Wages 335, without board. P. O. Box 72, Merlin. 687 TEAM WORK done, 60c per hour. Inquire 928 D street, or address N. G. Johnston, City. 690 WANTED to hear from owner ot . good ranch for sale. Send cash price and description. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 710 WANTED General house work by experienced glrL Apply 715 North Seventh street 687 LOST LOST Saturday, February 26, sliver chain and pendant Finder please phone 278-R, or return to Helen Fifleld. 686 AUTO SERVICE PRIVATE AUTO service leaves Jose phine hotel dally for Kerby, Hol land and Waldo. Marve Jordan, phone 332-J, or Oldlng's garage, phone 45-R. - 709 ASSAYERS . K. CROUCH, Asaayer, chemist metallurgist Roms 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass. CONTRACTORS D. A. FITZGERALD Contractor and builder. Plans and specifications a specialty. Houses built while you wait Phone 117-J. 708 DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGING, graining, palnt- lngJ I For the best work at lowest prices pbone 295-J. ; C. G. Plant South Park street' -.,; - w " -ABSTRACTS ABSTRACTS When buying ' prop erty, or loaning money, protect yourself by insisting on an authen tic ' wbetract We make. them. Grants Pass Abstract 'Co., W. E. Hanson, manager, Albert building, opposite post office. Phone 226-J. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, Office, in Winetrout Implement Building. Phone 11S-J. Resi dence phone 305-R. - " - TIME CARD California and Oregon Coast ' sauroad uoiapany -(The Oregoa Caves Ronte) Effective Monday, Deo. 20, 1915. Train 1 It. Grants Pass 7:00 Arrires Raters Cmk$ :00 a.m. Train 1 It. Waters Creek.8:ll a.m. ArriTea Grants Pats 9:16 a.m. Train t It.' Grant Passu3:00 p.m. Arrives Waters Creek-.!: 00 p.m. Train a IT. waters Greek S :00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pass 6:00 . On Sundays trains No, 1 and S are canceled, :, . - All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and. Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all Information regardlnx freight and passenger -service call at tbe ofTioe of the company; Public Ser vice building, or phone 138-R for sante; 1 " ", , . Train will stop on flag at any point between Grunts Pass and ' Waters Creek. : Passenger service every day In the week ' , In No Hurry. , A ""Too many people," said a clergy man, "regard their religion as did the little boy lu the jam closet Ills moth er pounced on him suddenly. He stood on tiptoe, ladling Jam with both hands from the jam pot to his mouth. " 'Oh, Jacky r his motbor cried, 'And only Inst night you prayed to be made a salutr "His face, an expressionless mask of Jam, turned toward her. 1 1 : : ' : " 'Yes, but not till after I'm dead.' he explained." : . .. . 4 .... . f ,' ' . . ." Dticcndtd From the Cruiidtr. , Tbe ToiiuTopn. a Puluira desert tribe, whoso members wear "cita so contin ually that near relatives are said not to recwrnlfce each other If lh pm-ment In question happenx to be reiuuved. are direct (loHceiiuiuiu i.f a nutj if i ru sndcrs who ere the way to eniUer JerUHnletn and Me cn. Detroit Free Pre , . ' . j , L. O. CLEMENT, Vi, D. Practica ( limited to diseases of the eye, ear. nose and throat Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, and on ap pointment Office pbone 62; resi dence pbone S59-J. ' 8. LOUGHRIDOE. M. D.. PhTBleUn and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Res. phone 369; . office phone 113 Sixth and1 H. Tuffs Building. . P. TRUAX, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office, , 326; residence, 324. , Calls answered at all hoars. Country calls at tended to. Lnndebnrg Bldg. DR. ED BYWATER Specialist oa diseases ot eye, ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office hours: 9 to 12 s. m., 1 to 5 p. m. Phones: Res. 2S4-J; Office. 257-J. Schmidt Ballding, Grants Pass, Oregon. DR. F. D. STRICKER Diseases ot children and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Uasonle build ing, tf. A. A. WITH AM, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office: Hall Building, corner Sixth and I streets. Phone 116. Honrs: 9 a, m. to 4 p. m. DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D., First-class dentistry. 109 K South Sixtn street. Grant Pass, Oregon. . , BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliott dental assistant Room 4 and 5, Golden Rule building; Grants Pass, Ore. Pbone 265-J. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON. Attorn.T-at-Law. Practice In all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Big. COLVIG & WILLIAMS Attorneyt- at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon.'- E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In all courts. First National Bank Building. , EDWARD . H. RICHARD, Attorney- at-Law. Offic) Masonie Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. ,Y,, W.' T.: MILLER, , Attorney-at-Lav County . attorney for Josephine county. Office: Schallhorn Bldg.' O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Uw, Grants Pass Backing Co, halldlng. Phoae 2 70., Grants Pass, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-law, pracUces la state and federal conrta. Rooms 2 and 3, over Golden Role store. 7 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franco Belgian, school of violin playing. ' E. R, Lawrence, 215 I street' .. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of .drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done, v Phone 132-R. Stand at frleght depot.' Ai Shade, Propr. : ' . - F. G. Isham, drayage and. transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped ' and " stored. Phone Clarke ft Holman, No, 50. . Residence phone 12 4-R, THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 15-R. ' ' - ... . v-; MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up in 5-gallon glass jars and delivered at your door, freeh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. ' PURE MOUNTAIN WATinil Tlo.t. . and refreshing. Bacterial tests as sure that this water is pure.' De- , livered In - five-gallon botOes. W. E. Beck with. . Order by phone, ', 602-F-3.' ' 459U LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. J4, A. F. A.- M. . Stated . Commsntca tlons 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Visiting brethern cordially invited. A. K. Cass, W. M. Ed. O. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78. 1.O. O. F., meets every Wed- J needay eve in, I.O.O.F. ball, cor. 6th and H. Sta. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially Invit ed to be present I. V. Howell, N. G Clyde Martin, Secretary. Oregon mlnlr.f laws. 40e. Courlet