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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1916)
PAGE FOUR DAILT ROGUE RIVKR CWIUKIt THURSDAY, FKIUU'ARY IT, 1010. PER52NdL L. H. Hutchinson left last night tor McMinnville, H. E. Gale returned to his Merlin ranch last night D. W. MltcheU, of Merlin, waa in the city Wednesday. H. A. Schell came down from Med ford this morning. Mrs. A. M. Hammond went to Hugo this morning to visit with ber sister. A Morelli arrived this morning from Seattle, expecting to remain in this section. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff D. Wimer, of Holland, made a trip to Rogue River this morning. Mrs. O. B. Stewart, of Evans val ley, returned this morning from a visit at Corrallls, Miss Myrtle Lee returned last night from Ashland, where she visited her grandmother. Mrs. C. E. Rusk and young son arrived this afternoon from North Yakima to remain. H. C. Stoddard, of California Oregon Power company's Medford office, was in the city Wednesday, j Phil Abrahams, who spent a few days In the city with the J. D. Stine baugh family left this morning on bis return to Skagway, Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gaynor ar rived last night from Breedsvllle. Mich., and will visit the .Britton, Howard and Summers families. " Bargains in ladies" and misses' coats. One-halt regular price. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. 622tf Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Arrasmith and daughter, and R. E. Arrasmith, of Stockton, Cat., arrived last night and will visit Mrs. Arrasmith's mother, Mrs. .Ames, and her sister, Mrs. G. B. Ward. Mrs. R. I. Helm returned this af ternoon from Albany, Ore., where she went a few weeks ago on ac count of the illness and death of her father. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. C. N. Bryan, of Albany, and her sister, Mrs. M. J. Sickle, of Colusa, Cal., who will spend a few days here. NOTICE All members of the W. C. T. U., and all friends of prohibition are Invited to meet J. Sanger Fox, secretary of the prohibition state committee, for! a short conference at Mrs. Graham's clark Holman, Undertakers residence, 636 North Sixth street,) Licensed embalmers. Phone 50 Friday, 6:15 p m. 1 A.J. GREEN, 672 Chairman Co. Committee. TESTING OF SEEDS IS RECOMMENDED I desire to call the attention of the farmers of Josephine county to j the fact that the agricultural college ' Is ready and desirous of testing seeds that may be sent In. There Is ways more or less loss from germina- tlon and this gives an opportunity to et seeds tested free. Send to G. R. Hyslop, Corvallls, Oregon. D. THOMPSON, County Agriculturist. Mijou TONIGHT Francis Ford and Grace Cunard in i(Vf f 19 u 88 'ne "terary portion ot tne airair: civ. KltlV 111 IJanPfir 8 "Defense relatl veto Bhort suit," At- President Wilson on his Investlga aainj iu iuugvi tornev Fred Williams: " 'PH.- tons there. A Thrilling Kplwxle of The Broken Coin Two-Reel Comedy Knockout "the Hie Rich" One-Reel Comedy 'Muscles and Merriment' 0 Universal Reels 0 Prices 10c and 15c iS LOCAL Serious Operatlo A letter from WIneberrjr, Ore., states that Mrs. W. V. Baughn, form erly of this city, underwent a serious operation at the Springfield hospital on February 8, and is yet Quite 111 at the hospital. Englcwood Italiy, Telephone 22S Pure ruilk from healthy cows. 67tf Attends Assessors' Meeting Eclus Pollock, county assessor, is attending the meeting of the assess ors of the state at Salem this week He was upon the program Wednes day for an address upon the "Assess ment of fruit lands and orchards." Modem House For sale, sacrifice. Inquire Bart 673 lett's store. To Reside in Grants Pass D. Schwenk, of Carroll, la., father of J. S. Schwenk, of this city, arrived this morning to make Grants Pass his home. He was accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. J. Fraser, and two children, whom he met at San Fran cisco. Mrs. Fraxer and children have just arrived from Hamilton, province of Victoria, Australia, after an un eventful voyage of 21 days. Beautiful Hot u res Tonight Will Steel's lecture on Crater lake and the stereopttcon views he shows will be a treat to everyone who has seen the wonderful lake, and will be a greater treat to those who have not seen it. See them tonight at the Guild hall, 25c. Miss Russell's col lection of southern Oregon pictures also. 672 Fred Wilcox Released tTea wticox was brought before ; Judge Gillette for hearing upon the Well informed persons recalled re complaint of failure to support his 'ports this week of a plot to blow up wife and baby Wednesday afternoon, the battleship Kentucky at Vera he having been brought back from the north by the sheriff last week After the hearing the judge ordered that he be released from custody, but that he pay over to his wife $13 dur ing that period, or 50 cents for each working day of the time. , t J j 673 ' Dance Saturday Night At Waldorf Kail. Tickets 50c. sir. Austin Here Monday j reajy have been smuggled across the George Austin, chief beet cnltu re border Into Mexico, while the con expert for the people who are build- sptrators expect to slip across in lng the sugar factory here, will arrive small parties from a number of from Salt Lake city next Monday, ' points. and In the afternoon will address the 1 Los Angeles. El Paso. San Antonio citizens interested in the subject at , the Commercial club rooms, the hour ot the meeting being 3 o'clock. Tues- day afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock, he al-j"1 "Peak to the people of Wilder - vI,le t the school house. Wednes - a7 "d Thursday he will be in the Medford district. Box Social at W. O. W. Hall Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, cards and dancing. Boxes distributed by number no auction. Admission 50 cents. 672 Wldst Team Pays Penalty Captain Ernest Lister's team paid the penalty for its lack of whist- auegea urltl8n violations or inter- the mask ball and stayed over Sun playing knowledge Wednesday nisht j national law. The wording of the day visiting relatives here. , when it banqueted the winning team j rel,leBt' doalllS largely with British Mrs. Ralph Plttok was a Sunday ;at the home of Mrs. Gray, at Fourthconn8catlon oi ma,l8 howed that visitor at her mother's,"1 Mrs. Wm. and D streets. The repast was both j 8wedeA ,s extremely Irritated. (Jordan. , bounteous and of the highest quality, I No action has been taken, because : Herman Walter soldi some "beef meeting the absolute approval of the j tne administration does not desire ( cattle to Dunnlngton of Jacksonville ;25 epicureans present. Novel 8ou-to nSage in a British controversy . last week. , venlr menus had been prepared for ' wn,,e the German-American situation the occasion, and with M. L. Op- dycke as chief "roastmaster," the fol- lowimr tut nf "maatm" haA hann utA i torney Fred Williams; " 'Prepared I ness' relative to duplicate whist," City Treasurer Geo. Jester; "Jour nalism vs. duplicate whist," Wilford Allen1; "Relation of surgery to a bad hand," Senator J. C. Smith; "Why I am always on the losing side, ex Mayor McKlnstry. CARD OF THANKS We wlah to thank the friends and neighbors and G. A. R. for their kind ness and sympathy during the sick ness and death of our father. D.J. LAWTON. W. W. LAWTON. H. C. LAWTON. B. M. LAWTON. MRS. IRWIN McCURDY. . Old papers, 5c per 'bundle, at the Courier office. Old papers, for starting fires. So CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. (Continued from Page 1 ) the congregational singing and doubt less contribute solo numbers. To members of the young people's societies nothing need be said with regard to the attractiveness of the program features. The gcueral pub lic is tendered a cordial welcome to any and all services. The evening addresses and the union services on Sunday should bo attended by every one, tor they will have a scope tar beyond the bounds of Christian En deavor activity. They should bring inspiration and enlightenment to many a person who has not been closely in touch with the work of the young people. In tact, the convention as an entirety will be an object lesson in concentrated, consecrated Chris tian effort. PLAN KAN UPRISING IN U, S Washington, Feb. 17. With cumu lative evidence for several days In dicating that all 1 not wil! smith nf the Rio Grande, the war department today sent to General Funston. bor der commander, unofficial informa tlon about plans for a now Mexican uprlstng, alleged to fee maturing in the United States. The department information, con tained in private letters, declared that the conspiracy had reached a de finite stage. This word, forwarded for what It might be worth, was not regarded as entirely Improbable. Taken with reports to the state department that the new Carranza regime is tottering, the Information, it is thought, may mean that plotters within this conn- trr are olannlnir a conn. Cruas, and thus to embroil the United States in war. Whether there is any connection between the two alleged plots Is not known. While the death of General Huerta removed the backbone of an alleged uprising conspiracy, Justice department agents have not failed to keep their eyes on other men, who with the ex-dictator mlKht be Inter ested in overthrowing the present Mexican regime. According to the information, munitions to further the uprising al-' and New Orleans are said to be the principal points of rendezvous for the plotters, who Include many clentificos and a few Vllllstas. j ! SUGGEST JOINT NEUTRAL PROTEST (By United Press Leased Wire) Washington, Feb. 17. Sweden to- day requested the United States to "tart a Jlnt protest against 18 unsettled. Moreover, probably no act,on wlu lbe taken unt11 tne latter iBterminated or untu colonel House returns from Europe and reports to COLLEGE ROMANCE FINDS WAX TO DIVORCE COURTS (By United Press Leased Wire.). Salem, Feb. 17. (A college rom ance appears to have sagged in the center and dissolved to the tune of crashing crockery, according to the suit for divorce filed today by A, Merle Scott against Oertrude L. Scott, They were married at Corvallls Feb ruary 27, 1913, while the groom was a student at the Oregon Agricultural college. He maintains that she bounced a fruit jar off of his eyoprow and that the crash of dishes disturb ed his mental poise and he was un able to" apply himself to his studies. He further alleges that she dared one of his fellow students to bite her neck, all of which tended to promote discord in the family and finally, It Is said, that thoy separated. T LUSITAN1A CASE (By United Tress Leased Wire.) Washington, Fob. 17. Further and apparently Interminable negotia tions over submarine warfare con fronted the United States government today with the Luaitanla settlement blocked, temporarily at least, and the diplomatic situation generally tangled. The administration will not accept the Lusltanla settlement now in its hands until the effect of the Teuton decree announcing Its Intention to attack armed enemy merchant vessols Is determined. Germany may postpone operation of this decree pending negotiations over It. Ambassador von Bernstorff was ex pected today at the state department to be told that written assurances are wanted that the decree will not apply to passenger liners armed tor defensive purposes, and that the government does not dare to proceed with the Lusltanla settlement until Germany's course toward merchant ships la unequivocally defined. I German embassy officials profess- if? lurp',M. ' the PP the Lusttanta case, and thought this might have a bad effect on Gorman "b,lc 0D- They were confident. However, inai uermany win willingly give further assurances against at- tacks upon passenger liners. Meanwhile, the administration plans to exert presaure upon the al lies to Induce them to comply with the American general note seeking disarmament of merchant vessels. APPLE GATE Mrs. Page, of Elgin, Oregon, ar rived Sunday to visit her daughter, Miss Lillian Page, our primary teacher. Wm. Cameron, who has been serl- 0l'B'y 'll w"h heart trouble, la much improved. His daughter, Mrs. Maud Kubll Is helping rare for him. Harold and Willie Hyde visited re latives here and attended tho mas querade. Mrs. M. E. Topping spent Sunday with her daughter, Ethel, who Is at tending high school here. Dorn On Friday, February 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowden, a daughter A large crowd attended the mask ball at the Socialist hall Saturday n,Kht- ThoM receiving prizes for me best sustained characters were Mrs. Emma Miller as "Goddess of Liberty," and John Herrlott as "Uncle Josh": for the best costumes, Fred Vincent as "Uncle Sam," and Miss Rita Bingham as "Pocahontas." The school girls' basketball team will give a dance at the Socialist hall :Saturday n,KM. February 26 Aiues Agee, or steamboat, accom panied by Wood Jeter, passed A A . . ... mrougn Appiegate Tuesday with a bunch of beef cattle, taking them to the upper Appiegate. Those from Murphy that attended the mask ball were Fred Brockley, Frank Hill, Dan Osborn, Lester Dar nellle, Walter Beaglo, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Sparlln and Mr. and Mrs. Tay lor of Fort Jones. Cal., who are vlslt- ing with the Snarllns. Mr. and Mrs. H. H Pernoll, of Grants Pass, came out Saturday for PLEASANT GROVE The people of Pleasant Grove are enjoying the beautiful sunshine. Gus Llnd was a Grants Pass visitor Monday. Miss Mae McCalllster has been the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Geo. Brit ton, of Wlldervllle, for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Schmidt and son, Carl, were Sunday guests of C. E. Mies at River Banks. Grandma McCalllster is now visit ing her son, W. T. McCalllster, and family. Our Sunday school Is flourishing, there being a goodly number present Sunday. Rev. J. L. Green passed through our vicinity Sunday. Mrs., A. E. McClellan has returned to Medford after visiting a few days at home. Mr. Schmidt's farm Is being rapid ly Improved, there bolng a numbor'of men employed grubbing and slashing. Nomination petitions at the Courier office. PS 0 ACTION Typ writer Agency "Corona Folding T)wwrltr" (Call for demonstration) Demaray's Stationery Store CONSIDER ASIATIC EXCLUSION BILL Washington. Feb. 17.Tho house immigration committee began con slderatlon today of bills by ltaker and Hayes of California to exclude all Asiatic laborers from this coun try and to require registration of all Chinese and Japanese now here. Chairman Burnett said the state department had advised him tt would not object to the measures, provided they did not interfere with existing treaties. f COMING EVENTS 4 Feb. 17, Thursday Miss Russell's southern Oregon picture and Will Steel's IllUBtrattd lecture on Crater lake, Guild hall, auspices of Society of . Arts and Crafts. Feb. 18. Friday Meeting of the Josephine County Legislative Club "for Women, at tho court house, at 2:30 p. m. J. D. Mleklo. on "Dairy and Food Laws." Feb. 18, Friday J. D. Mkkle. slate dairy and food commissioner, speaks to Josephine County legis lative Club for Women, 2:30 p. m. Feb. 18, Friday H. C. Seymour at Grants Pass, high school, 9:15; East school, 10:80; Central school, 1:15 p. m.; Riverside school, 3:80 p. m. Feb. 18, 19, 20, Friday-Sunday State C. E. convention In Grants Pass. Feb. 23, Wednesday Music club concert, Italian evening, commer cial club rooms. Feb. 26 and 27, Saturday and Sunday, Col. T. W. Scott, of Seattle, Wash., provincial officer of Washington, Oregon and Idaho for the Salva tion Army, will be hore. Feb, 26, Saturday Local teachers' Institute at Kerby. Feb. 29, Tuesday Topsy-Turvy party at Presbyterian church. (THCAGO I-OMC'E HUNT FOR It)IKO.V PLOTTERM Chicago, Fob. 17. In a raid on a house on the south side police arrest ed Fritz Schoenfeld, assistant chef of the University club, whnro lnt week's "poison banquet" was held. Schoenfeld said ho had Information which would help the authorities to locate the poison plotters, but he denied that ho himself Is nn anarch ist. Keen Kutter tools and cutlery at tho Rogue River Hardware. 660tf Mining blanks, Courl?" office STAR t. TONIGHT One of the World's Charlotte "Out of Darkness" More Than 300 Scenes. Recommended by the Woman's Homo Compruiion. First performance 7 :80. Prices 10c and 15o, IIIIUIONH CAMION IWI'F.ll 8i:co.M MiKtrrs iwukm:s OIL 8UTI.IK TWO ZEPPELINS LOST IN LATE London, Feb. 17. Tho Germans lost two Zcppollua In their last raid on England. Earl Kltchvnr declared today In the house oi lords. The Itorlln war office admitted the Zeppelin L-19 had been lost, and re ports said the L-20 also had failed to return ttf her base. NATIONAL OHANtJK KIIOW ON AT HAN ItEHNAItDINO &n Bernardino, Cal., Feb. 17. Sun Uornardtno looked like a carnival city today, with tho opening of tho National Orange show only a few hours away. Thousand ot visitors arrived. The great exhibit begins to- uU-ht. when 10.000 lights will be witched on to Illuminate five million of California's choicest oranges and lemons, artistically arranged. AMI 8KMKNT8 TONIGHT liljou "The Broken Coin." (iulld IUI1 , Crater Uk Lecture. Htar "Out of Darkness." NEW TODAY CLASS I FI ED ADRATES?--2S words two Issues, 25c; six Issues, 60c; one month, $1.50, when paid In advance. When not paid In ad vance, 6c per line per Issue. MONEYTOWANn Improved farm lands. V. A. Clements, room 2-3, Golden Rulo building. 677 FOR SALE One farm team, harness and wagon. One 12 h. p. steam engine and saw outfit. Three cows. Inquire of C. A. Wlnetrout. 877 Some Coming Attractions at the STAR THEATRE lllam lie Nvt In "The Case of Becky." I-ou-Tellegen In "The Ex. plorer." Gernldlne Farrar In "Car. men." Ethel llAirytnore, In "The Final Judgment." and FRI. Greatest Actresses Walker RAID