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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1916)
DAILY EDITION VOI VI., No. 12. GIUXTO PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THUWDAY, FKWlUARY 17, lOlfl. WHOLE NUMBER 1072. No Other Town in the World the Size of Grants Pass Has a Paper With Full Leased Wi re Telegraph Service. 1ANY TURKS CAPTURED By suns From 30,000 to 100,000 Prisoners, With Many Guns, Fall Into the Hands of the Grand Duke at Erzerura London, Feb. 17. Between 80,. OOO and 100,000 Turks, together with many guns, foil Into Russian hands when Grand Duke Nicholas' tones t'iiurtHl the Important Turkish Ar menian city of Krzerum, said uuoltl tilttl Petrograd messages today, The garrison that withstood thel onslaughts of Nicholas men for dot. ral days It estimated to havo been 100, OOu, while the modem fort flanking the city mounted more than 1,000 gum. There U nothing, however, to In dicate how many escaped. The fart that the city fell within five day after storming operations started makes it possible thnl the captures were large. Moreover, the ordinary exits from the city were few. Then, too, the city was surrounded and heavy snows made the highways Impassable, so that it is believed that thousands failed to escape. . Inasmuch as many ot the captured gun were modern Krupps, they may prove to 'b of great value In further Slav operations. The city Is believed to have been aflame when the Russians entered, but whether ony of the jnoaques or government buildings were saved Is unknown. Petrograd, Feb. II. Petrograd nave Itself over to rejoicing today and crowds In the streots made holi day over tho fall of Erzerum before Grand Duke Nicholas' forces. Flags decorated houses and public, build ings. In the dimly llghtod Kazan cathe dral throngs chanted the To Deura, while others massed outside in the anow, prayed for the grand duke and hailed him as the national hero. Tho capture ot Erzorum, the first Important Muscovite victory since the Tetreat from the Carpathians, nearly a year ago, stirred the city to new patriotism, while the newspapers de clared it the prelude to Russian clear ing of. Russian Poland and Oaltcla before summer. Details of the capture are lacking, though It Is reported that the Turks are moving westward, abandoning part of their artillery. This may mean that most of the garrlBon es caped front the beleaguered city dur ing or after the Ave days' attack of the grand duke's men. Experts now believe that the Turks must abandon their proposed cam- palgn against Egypt, Inasmuch as the British forces, soon to be heavily reinforced, we only HO mllos from Bagdad, whllo the Slavs are heading westward through Armenia. With these two forces thus near to form ing a formidable alliance, It Is thought the Turks will scarcely risk a drive against the Sues canal. FALL OF ERZERUM CA18E8 BUTMP LV MARKS I . London, Fob. 17. The Russian capture of Erzerum caused a record slump In the rates on German marks, naid an . Amsterdam dispatch today. NO MORE HAMULI NO AT CALIFORNIA RESORTS Santa Monica, Cal., Feb. 17. A sudden rush of piety overwhelmed Santa Monica, Ocenn Park and Venlco today. The piety wns personified In a sqund of sleuths from the district Attorney's offleo. All gambling games wcro cloned up, and even rolling tho Ivories for cigars banned. ' CONGRESS TOLD IT CAH TAKE TITLE TO 0.4 C. Washington, Feb. 17. The house public lands committee today took up the Oregon and California land grant bills, involving disposition of 2.800, 000 acres of land In western Oregon, with a view to framing legislation under the supreme court decision giv ing congress sis months within which to provide a method for such disposi tion. Representatives of the Interior, agriculture and justlre departments testified. II. W. Williams, of the Justice de partment, telling of his Oregon In vestigations, said that he found few actual settlors on the property, and that the land was highly valuable for timber only, lie considered that con gress Is empowered to take tbo title to the lands again and to dispose of them as It sees fit, allowing the Ore gon and California railroad $2.50 an acre. Me advised that the govern ment sell the land for what It can got, but in a manner to insure its de velopment. No further hearings have been fixed. MISSISSIPPI RIVER FLOODS MANY TOWNS Notches, Miss., Feb. 17. With the federal steamer La Fourche standing by, rescuers In small boats sought today to take to safety several hun dred persons locked In by flood waters at Newellton, La. The situation there, Increasingly dangerous for the past three days, became so serious last night that tele phone calls were sent here for aid. The report was that around 1,000 persons were marooned and that there had been three deaths, while the city had virtually no facilities for taking off the atranded. Thousands ot acres ot farm land are under water, while a now town, Ostrla, Ijl., has been added to the list of submerged places. Houses have (been swept away at many places, livestock has perished, and there are fears that there may be a number ot casualties unless the situation la relieved at an early mo ment . ASTORIA HOT AFTER NEW NAVAL BASE Astoria,, Feb. 17. The sentiment favoring a strong naval fbase for As toria was at fever heat today after a monster mass meeting In the As toria theater last night. Able speak ers harangued the crowd and urged that every possible means he used to Induce the government to make the entrance of the Columbia as Impreg nable as Gibraltar. SHOE HiniNO PLACE OF DIAMOND IS MISSINO Santa Monica, Cal., Feb. 17. Somewhore in the sunny southland there roams a tramp today with a diamond ring worth $160, Mrs. A. D. Brown hid the gem In an old shoe. Then came the wander er, and the maid gave him the old shoe. , Diamond adieu. L AT Amsterdam, Fob. 17. Five thous and Russians were killed, and several thousand wounded, In the last three days of battling before Erzorum, Turkish Armenia, said Constantinople dispatches today. The Constantinople ofTlclat state ment, did not mention the Russian capture of the city, though It told of Russian frontal attacks which took no Bdcoitnt of loss of llfo. WHS RUSSIANS OST 5000 III ERZERUM SENATE GETS REPORT ON President Sends Data on Con ditions in Southern Re public in Response to Res olution by Senator Fall Washington, Feb. 17. Replying to the Fall resolution asking tacts sur rounding the recognition of General Carranza's de facto Mexican govern ment. President. Wilson today sent to the senate tho desired report In it he answered attacks upon his policy, admitted the present Mexican govern ment Is military rather than con stitutional, but counseled continuance ot the present course as the best tor the time being. At the same time,' he prophecied the establishment of a constitutional government will supplant the present conditions. Between 1913 and 1915, Inclusive. 76 Americans were killed in Mexico, the report said, as compared with 47 In the previous three years, during which time there was "less domestic strife" In Mexico. . Twenty American civilians and 16 soldiers were killed by Mexicans on American soil during the 1)13 ;to 1915 elusive period. The president explained he had recognized Carranza In preference to Villa because the regime ot the latter seemed toibe disintegrating, while the Carranzlstas had undisputed posses sion of three-quarters of Mexico. ,, Carranza, the report added, now controls all but a very tew sections of the alwaya-bandit-lnfested coun try. He is doing extremely well un dor the circumstances In protecting Americans, the president held. ' The chief executive admitted that there are many bandits who can not be suppressed immediately, and that sporadle outrages may be expected tor some time. "Reasonably adequate protection Is being afforded, however.' said the message. .-, The senate ordered the report print; ed as a publlo document In form it Is simply the president's letter trans mitting the report ot Secretary ot State Lansing, answering Senator Fall's questions and also giving vari ous documents and reports already made public. The president said he approved Lansing's findings. Washington, Feb. 17. Great Bri tain must pledge that her liners will not fire upon German submarines he fore Germany will Instruct her un dersea commanders not to attack armed merchant ships without warn ing. This is Germany's counter proposal In answer to America's ob jection to the Teuton decree propos ing such unwarned attacks, It be came known after an informal con ference today between Ambassador von Bernstorft and Secretary ot State Lansing. Germany and America, It was learned, are agreed upon the Lusl tanla settlement, except that the United Statoa considers future sub marine questions, as well as those of the past, must be cared for. i , Lansing is understood to have In slBtod upon adherence to the previous ly proclaimed 'American stand for the right of merchant vessels to arm for, defensive purposes. ' ! Bernstorft Indicated that he must ask his home government for In I GERMMIY MAKES COUNTER PROPOSAL HI SUBL1AR1KE WARFARE PROTEST USE 200 IU1E 1 FACTORY BUILD K - ' E D. Gilman, in Charge of Work of Construction, Says About 6 Months Will Be Required to Complete Plant M. D. Gilman, E. G. Breeze and wife, Stanford Darger and W. O. Sharpe arrived in the city this morn ing from Salt Lake city, Utah, and are stopping at the Josephine while becoming permanently located as re sidents J Grants Pass. The gentle men are to he connected with the building of the new sugar factory, being employes of the Dyer company, the contractors. Mr. Gilman states that this will ibe the 15th sugar fac tory upon which he has worked for the Dyer company. ' He says that he expects Messrs. Nlbley and Austin will arrive within a day or two, and that aa soon as the corners for the factory are marked out that the work of construction can commence. Mr. Gilman is field superintendent for the contractors, and will have charge of the Grants Pass building construction. He says that It sow requires about six months in.' which to complete a sugar factory, and that he can have the one here ready in ample time for the first beets to ar rive September 1. He etatee that the steel and machinery, all of spe cial design, will arrive from the fac tory ready to put in place, but that the other materials, brick, lime, ce ment, gTavel, lumber, etc, will he obtained locally. For a factory ot the capacity of the one here, he es timated that about a million brick would1 he required. About two hun dred men will be given employment during the construction period, all of whom must be obtained locally except thet tew brought from other work to have charge here. Stanford Darger, who arrived: with Mr. Oil man, will be assistant to the latter gentleman; Mr. Breeze has the title of commercial agent, and will be In charge of the office work during con struction; Mr. Shope is field man ager, and will have charge of the heavy derrjek work In the erection ot the hulldlng and machinery. Chas. Staack, timekeeper, also arrived with the party from Utah. structions (before meeting American terms .and he does not expect to see the secretary before next week. The Austrian decree tor attacks, given out by the department today, was similar to Germany's orders. MYSTERIOUS JOnX DOE GETS YEAR IN PEN Portland, Feb. 17. Percy Camp bell, the "mysterious John Doe,' whose real Identity was not known for a month after he tried to hold up Agent J. D. Stewart at Multnomah station December 21, was taken to Salem today to begin serving one year In the penitentiary, Campbell was allowed to plead guilty to a charge ot attempted .bur glary and take the light sentence. "lu the language of the street," said Judge McGinn, "it's time you were taking a tumble to yourself; yon will probably be killed the next time you attempt such a thing. I'll take off my hat to the man who shot you." ' . ;. , STS ARE Chicago, Feb. 17. An anarchist plot, extending from San Francisco to New York, and aimed against the government, is under federal investi gation, authorities admitted today. Only word from Attorney General Gregory is awaited, it Is understood. before government officials make raids on anarchist groups In San Francisco, Chicago, New York and Pittsburg, where plotters are report ed to have arranged to terrorize offi cials and damage federal buildings. Evidence of this alleged plan ot terrorism is said to have been pro duced today In a conference between United States District Attorney Clyne and Justice' Department Agent Cl&baugh from facts gleaned In con nection with the alleged "poison ban quet" plot of Jean Crones. The national scope of the plot Is admitted. Hatched in New York, the conspiracy was financed by blackmail, levied against financiers In many parts of the country. Authorities be lieve they can get further documen tary evidence from the hands of at least a dozen well known anarchist leaders. "With one swoop we can break up the conspiracy," an official said, "and we are now merely awaiting word from Washington before going ahead. Plans of government buildings in the possession ot some ot Crones' asso ciates gave us the first clue to the situation and onr later discoveries have borne out the original clue." It is stated that the conspiracy statute Invoked against the late Gen eral Huerta would he used, along with the Blackmail laws to punish the alleged conspirators. The presumably incendiary fire at the city hall yesterday is regarded as one phase of the situation. IMS LOST IH COLLAPSED HOUSE Mexia, Texas, Feb. 17. Nine bodies had been taken today from the ruins -of the collapsed opera house here, three' persons were Injured and 3100,000 damage had been wrought as the result ot a fire that followed the collapse. The building caved In last night during an art show. A gas explosion followed, spreading flames to several other buildings. Superintendent ot Schools Welsner and his wife were among the dead. ., OLIVA TO RE TRIED ON CHARGE OF DIGAMY San Jose, Cal., Feb. 17. August R. Oliva must stand trial on Febru ary 23 on a charge of bigamy. This date waa set for his examination to day when he was arraigned in supe rior court. His ball of 35,000, which was furnished when he was released yesterday, will stand. Neither of Ollva's wives appeared in court. Mrs. Camilla Ollva, wife No. 1, who has divorce proceedings pending against him, is the complaining witness. F L0R1MER Oil TRIAL Chicago, Feb. 17. Former United State Senator William Lorlmer, ac cused of hank wrecking, won the first fight In his trial hero today when three Indictments charging embezzle ment and conspiracy to loot a halt a dozen Illinois banks were construct ed as his counsel asked. "I am not saying anything about the probabilities of acquittal," said Lorhner. "Let the verdict dectde that." , . . Friends of Lorlmor say that he seeks only vindication In the trial. VESTGATD ORMER SENATOR coin CHR1STIAT Delegates From Over the State Will Meet fa Grants Pass Friday for Serica to CoYerPericd cf Three Days This evening the vanguard of dele gates from various parts of the state will begin to arrive for the twenty- fifth annual convention of the Ore gon Christian Endeavor union, which for three days will have possession of the Presbyterian church, the con vention headquarters. The dele-' gates will find the church beautifully decorated with pennants and festoons of the state and national colors, the C. E. insignia in the store windows and a hearty welcome In the hearts of the people. The program Is now practically complete, and omitting business and routine work, the high lights of the sessions will be as follows: ' Friday Afternoon Devotional services, led by Dr. W. P. White. Vocal duet. Miss Genevieve Pattillo , and Mrs. Louise Clarke. County, and district confer- ence.'v-'"-"'!,'i ''Vi'''; ' ' ; V Friday Evening Song service, led by Jas Mc Callum. . Vocal solo, Mrs. Bert Barnes. Addresses of welcome by Chairman W. M. Trimble and others. Response by State President E. E. Felke. Opening address, "Efficiency," 3:00. 3:45. 7:30. 7:45. 8:00. Rev. C. T. Hurd. 9:45. Campfire meeting, in charge of State Secretary H. H. Rott mann. Saturday Morning 8:30. Devotional services, led by Dr. White. Conferences, led by H. H. Rottman", E. E. Felke, Paul' Brown, and I. R. Carrlck. Street meeting at noon. Saturday Afternoon 1:45. Devotional services, led by Dr. White. ; Vocal solo, Mrs. Francis Fauvre. - : Discussion ot problems before the city and country societies, led by Paul Brown and H. H. Rottmann. Adjourn for recreation and 3:30. 4:30. sight-seeing. ' Saturday Evening 6:15. Banquet at Hotel Oxford tor delegates and members of the young people's union, with Rev. C. T. Hurd toastmaater. Song service at the churoh. Vocal selection by High School quartette. Address, "Efficient Soul Winners," Paul Brown. ' Campfire meeting, led by H. H. Rottmann. Sunday Morning Sunrise prayer meeting. 7:45. 8:00. 9:00. 7:00. Regular Sunday school and church services. Sunday Afternoon 3:45. Song service. Anthem by double quartette. Address, "The Call tor Lead ers," Paul Brown. Sunday Evening Union young people's meeting. Union church services, with 4:30. 6:30. 7:45. Paul Drown and Rev. O. T. Hurd in the pulpit. Vocal solo by Mrs. A. N. Par sons. In the absence of Harold Humbert, who at a late hour found it Impos sible to keep the engagement, the young people have secured Jas. Mc Callttm, ot Eugene, who will direct ENDEAVOR (Continued on Page 4.) ... ' V :