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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1916)
FRIDAY, JAM'AltY ill, 1010. page porn DAILY IlOGl'K RlVKlt COl'KIKH LatestPopalar Songs 15cea. 7 for $1 postpaid Mother. My Own Venetian Rose An Old Fashioned Garden In Virginia. On the Shores ot Italy. Sooner or Later. Dearie Girl. Down Among the Sheltering: Palms. Everybody Bg with Me. I Want to Oo Back to Hichlfan. It's Tulip Time in Holland. Jane. Norway. One Wonderful Night Only You (Walts Song). Sweet Kentacky Lady. That's the Song ot Songs for Me. There's a Little Spark ot Lots Still Burning. When You're a Long Way From Home. , . ' When You Wore a Tulip. Music and Photo House PER52NdL '22 LOCAL : -f AMI SESIESTS TONIGHT " Bijou "The Broken Coin." . " Star "The Marriage ot Kitty." 4 .-. COMDk'G EVENTS Jan. 21, Friday Basketball, Presby terians ts. Baptists, under auspices Associated Boys dub. . Jan. 22, Saturday Scholarship Loan day tea at the Commercial club rooms, by the Ladies' Auxiliary. Jan. 22, Saturday The ladies of the Christian church will hold a cooked food sale at the Public Market 649 Jan. 22, Saturday Story hour at public library. Mrs. Harris story teller. HAWAILAX ISLANDS SUFFER FROM STORM Honolulu, Jan. 21. Communica tion with various points in Hawaii was being gradually restored today following the devastating storm which swept the islands for several days. It is estimated that the total damage will exceed half a million. Reports of fatalities are still very conflicting, varying from five to twenty. It is impossible to confirm these reports, however. Trespass notices, printed on cloth, at the Courier offce. NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two Issues, 25c; six Issues, 50c; one month, $1.50, when paid in advance. When not paid in ad vance, 5c per line per issue. Bert Bigelow, ot Williams creek, was a Grants Pass visitor today. Ivory cold starch, 5c. Kinney & Truax grocery. -649 J. H. Williams is on a trip to northern Caltfortnta, leaving this af ternoon. Moore Bakery Co. ibakery goods at Homing's, next to post office. 650 Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hull went to Medford this afternoon to spend Sun day with friends. ' R. A. Shaw returnc -'o Dunsmuir this afternoon after spending a tew days in the city. Bargains in ladies' and misses' coats. One-half regular price. Mrs. E. Rehkopt. 622tf Mrs. H. C. Perkins and Master Toeo Jackson spent the afternoon in Medford with friends, Clean-up crockery bargains at Kin ney & Truax. 649 Mrs. Fred Annls went to Rogue River this afternoon to be with her father, Mr. Engledew, who is quite 111. Mrs. W. W. Walker and Miss LaCosta Manguni went to Medford this morning and will sing at a lec ture to be held tonight. Fresh milk and cream, home-made candles, cigars and tobaccos, at Hom ing's, next to post office. ' 630 Mervin Jeffrey, ot Roseburg, ar rived this morning and will spend a few days with friends. He is the guest ot the M. C. H. Day family. Arrow collars at Bishop's. 403tt Mrs. C. E. Springer, and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Springer, who visited Mrs. Chas. Roberts, left this afternoon on their return to Klamat Falls. A. C. Epperly was in from Placer today and reports seven feet of pack ed snow at the head of their mining ditch, and about three feet at Placer. Solder's catsup, 20c. Kinney & Truax. 649 Mrs. Fred Fick, of Jacksonville, who spent several days with her brother, Frederick Williams, and Mrs. Williams, returned home this morn ing. Mrs. Will Pickins returned to Rose burg this morning after, spending a few days here with her father, Roe Cheshire, who has been quite ill but is now recovering. Daily papers Journal, Telegram, and Oregonian ot Portland; Call and Examiner of San Francisco, and Rogue River Courier at Homing's, next to post office. 630 Mrs. Chas. Patrick and daughter, Miss Clara, arrived this afternoon from Roseburg to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick. Mr. Patrick, who has been ill for some months, Is reported quite low. Journal Circulator a lteaidont-- J. E. Turnbull, who has charge of the circulation ot the Oregon Journal in southern Oregon, has become a resident ot Grants Pass, and will cover his territory from this center. Dance at Waldorf Dance at the Waldorf hall Satur day night. Tickets 50c. 649 Passenger Train Delayed Passenger train No. IS was delay ed two hours this morning at Wolf Creek by a wreck, caused by four empty flat cars leaving the track and tearing up the rails for a short dis tance. The only damaged was to the flat cars, whloh were demolished. Rean Special Eighteen pounds fancy white beans $1.00. Saturday only. Josephine Grocery. 649 Saturday the Day Tomorrow, from 3 to 5 o'clock, the ladles of the Auxiliary will serve tea In the rooms at the Commercial elub for the benefit ot the Scholarship Loan fund. No Invitations have been issued, but the general public ts urged to attend and aid In this worthy cause. The social committee will provide entertainment. Special Sale for Saturday Plate boll beef, per lb., 8c. Chunk boll beef, per lb., 10c Hamburg steak, 2 lb. 25c. All other kinds of meat at reason able prices. Ahlt Markets. 649 INSURANCE SCANDAL IX PORTLAND GROWS SATURDAY AT THE SPA Lessons in antique fillet work displayed at the Spa window. Classes to be , organized. All are invited to meet Mrs. Carroll. 649 The Reas on The People now so steadily patronize the STAR THEATER, making it both a fashionable and popular rendezvous, is That the management of the Star makes the comfort and plcoHure of the theater's clien tele its chief concern. The Star is the home of fea tures, booking in Grants Pass not only the great Paramount photoplays, but also the re leane of tlie Metro producing corporation. Of the Paramount output no brand Is better received than the Jesse L. Lanky subsidiary company. No better photoplays ever have been exhibited. They are Interesting, wholesome and vigorous. Tonight we have a Lasky flve reel comedy-drama, entitled "Tho Marriage of Kitty," with Fannie Ward In the lead. It Is well worth seeing. It has been recommended by the Woman's Home Companion. Also tonight an Animated Weekly, thus making six reels. Tomorrow Night - Three reels of fine comedies, Including a two-reel Keystone comedy called "A Rascal's Wolfish Ways" a two-reel western drama, "Man to Man"; and s Beauty comedy with Harry Yokes. Portland, Jan. 21. Insurance of ficials who issued big policies on the contents of empty houses may have to face a more serious penalty than losing their license. Postal authori ties today are investigating a charge that ons insurance a?ent stopped a mail carrier, represented himself to be Charles Hevland, and secured a letter containing a policy he had written on an empty house. The insurance expose was the work of Fire Marshal Jay Stevens, who is waging war on the indiscriminate writing of fire Insurance. Stevens sent several firemen In plain clothes to see how much insurance they could get on the furniture of a va cant house. They secured policies aggregating $25,000 on furniture consisting of a fireman's helmet and a grand Jury subpoena. To Hunt for llayden Dean G. H. Griffin and P. E. Everton. of the lower Rogue district, are In the city today, They state that a large searching party Is being or ganized to start into the hills at the head of Schan creek Saturday to make an exhaustive hunt for Hayden Dean, who has been lpst since Janu ary 7th. Men will be sent to all the mining cabins and camps in the re gion where there is chance of Dean having made his way. HON. E. E BLANCHARD SUNDAY NIGHT at the BAPTIST CHURCH "The Salem Legislative Lobby' Some Things Good Citizens Should Know II TWO BIG SPECIAL PROGRAMS MORNING k . . . Hopnuio Solo, MUs Manguni. Elaborate Anthem, 10 good voices. "Uwnlng by Doing," Pastor. Sen-Ire begins at It o'clock. Come. Men's class and Sunday school at 10. FOLLOW THE CROWD EVEN'INU jVftr; Male Quartette A guttd uUtnhcr. (JoMtel Solo, (tanevleve Pattlllo. Routing Anthem, 10-voiced (tuilr. Three Number by the OrvJtefttra. "The Prkw of Life," Rev. Douglas. Just One Hour at Each Service Rut Chock Full of flood Thing 3 Annual Cliorch Meeting , The annual meeting of Bethany Presbyterian church was held Thurs day night, supper being served the members of the church and congre gation in the church parlors, Mr. Westcott'8 class of boys having full charge of preparing and serving the meal, which was done In a very cre ditable manner. Officers were elect ed for the eSsuing year as follows: Elders, T. P. Cramer, Geo. R. Riddle, and R. K. Ross; deacon, Noble Best; trustee, H. C. "Bobzlen; treasurer, Geo. P. Cramer; clerk, A. E. Voorhles. Superficial mprion. "That man look as If bo hud some thing on bis mind." "YcO replied Mrs Cayenne, "hut his coiiversiilldii doesn't nound that way. lie is ii -ii:;!n. optim! illusion " -Wusliiiu't'in 't;ir Tils I li 78 TONIGHT QUINTETTE OF L EE INCHED Tho House of Quality The Broken Coin (By United PreBs Leased Wire.) . Sylvester, Ga., Jan. 21. Five ne groes, dragged from the Worth county Jail ly a mob that tricked the sheriff, were strung up to a tree near here early today. Efforts to trail the slayers b,ave failed. The mob leaders gained entrance to the Jail by pre senting a negro with his arms roped and saying they feared he would be lynched unless he were placed there in. When the sheriff consented, the mob overpowered him, dragged out the Ave cowering negroes, and rush ed them to the outskirts of the town for action by "Judge Lynch." The mob is believed to have come from Lee county, for the five negroes were accused of killing the sheriff of that county. Mining blanks, Court;- office. Legal blanks. Courier office. The Ghost Wagon vaIdeville THE THREE-REEL feature, "The Ghost Wagon," and the Vaudeville were the sensations of last night's pro gram. "The Ghost Wagon Is a re markable drama of the west;' "Tho Broken Coin" Is as full of thrills as ever, and the vaude ville clean and clevor an act that the whole family can en Joy. Tomorrow there will be a complete change of photoplays with "The Broken Coin." Prices Tonight lOo and 15c Watch for Sunday's Feature i. FRTJITDALE .1 Edward Anient spent Sunday with Howard and Elmer Berss. (Annie Nellsen and Mildred Hamil ton spent Sunday with Alice Anient. Mr. and Mrs. John Stanbrough and son, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bates, Mrs. 9. R. Green, Ntta Burke, and J. II. Harris were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Underwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hamilton. Worth and Gall Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nellsen, Ernest and Annie Nellsen and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Car penter attended the W. O. W. ban quet and entertainment In Grants Pass Thursday eventng. Oliver McEwau returned borne Saturday from his mine at Missouri Flat and on Monday began work on the Bosnia fruit ranch, which place he will have charge of for the com ing year. Mrs. John Stanbrough entertain ed the Thimble club Thursday after noon. Conversation, fancy work. music and refreshments were all I factors in passing a pleasant after noon, f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carpenter are now occupying their new house and a few neighbors gave them a house warming on Wednesday evening In the nature of a surprise. After an hour or two spent at cards, the guests Indulged In a taffy pull. INVESTIGATE RATES ON MILK AND CllKAM Washington, Jan. 21. A natloual Investigation or Interstate rates on cream and milk was announced today by the Interstate commerce commission. KLKEPY ONES IN ALBANY OPPOSE 0 O'CLOCK ITRFKW Albany, California, Jan. 21. Cltl ions who like to retire early are ask ing elimination ot Albany's nine o'clock curfew, which sounds like cross between a cow In distress and tho wailing of a lost soul. JAP IXMIPANY GETS TIUNfi-l'ACIFlO FREIGHT San Francisco, Jan. 21. San Fran Cisco shipping mou were perturbed today over the possibility of the Toyo Klsen Kalsha scouring a monopoly of the trans-Pacific f iwight trade. Wil liam II. Avery, local agent for the company, is in the east, Booking to effect an agreement with the South ern Pacific to handle all Its trans pacific freight shipped to this coast. Shipping men can see a great vol ume of business slipping away from this port It the agreement Is made. That tho railroad will look with favor on the proposal Is considered possible. APPLEGATE Mrs. Finney of Jacksonville is vis iting friends in this community. She Is the guest of Mrs. Josephine Hous ton this week. Willie Hyde spent Sundny with re latives here. Geo. Herrlott and family were Murphy visitors a few days last week. Ethel Topping has entered high school here. Sho Is boarding at Wm. Worth's. On account of the bad weather the dance at the Socialist hall was called off. However, quite a crowd of young folks gathered there and spent the evening playing games, etc. The second annual masque ball will be held at the Socialist hall February 12. The "grip" Is all the go here, as about everybody has It. Saturday Specials At the White House Cash Grocery COFFEE Our White House Special Roast, per pound Oc Our White House "Pea berry," per pound ... 20c This Is fresh roasted Coffee, and the quality Is good TEA A good basket fired Japan Ten, special M JJ.V 3 pounds for $1.00 i BACON Bacon Bellies, per pound in? Breakfast Bacon (sugar cured, and we'll slice It for you) 21c KETTLE RENDERED LARD 1-ard In 5s (fresh and sweet) ooc Lard In 10s (fresh and swoot) Jl.lio Yours for Saving the pennies The White House Grocery PLAN SUBMARINE BASES FOR COAST (ny United Press Leased Wire.) I Washington, Jan. 21. Sixteen, sub marine bases, divided .between the At lantic and the Pacific coasts, at a cost of 110,000,000 or $12,000,00(1, are Included In the administration preparedness projects, Admiral Stan ford told tho house naval committee today. The navy department already has planned for the Peart Harbor, Hawaii, base, while the first Atlantic base will be at New London, Conn. The other sites have not been select ed, hut when they are completed; the "mother" submarine 'supply ships will be abandoned. He said the gov ernment ts Justified in spending 17, 800,000 for oil tank stations and pumping lines for the navy. WANTED OLD POCKET KMVKH We bare an arrangement whereby, we can allow you a good price for your old pocket knife on the purchase price ot a new one. If your old knife , has a broken Wade, bring It In anyway. We can use It. ItOGUH RIVER HARDWARE ' l R3BB SSB3 IJOU THEATRT 4 NIGHTS, COMMENCING jP Thursday, Jan.' 27th -- And his own company, presenting tho World's Greatest Sensation The White Mahatma He calls you by nnmej tolls every fear, M,w, mid ambition BRONSKI AND ZOUROFF Creators of nil sensutlons In Barefoot and ('IunmIc Dhiu loin Formerly with Mordkln and l'nvoluwa The Famous ABOTT, THE MYSTIC . SYLVIA CARR1SH, Singer and Dancer TOM SIIOFNER, The Human Calliope Admission 15c and 2rtc 'TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Matinee SaturdayLadle Only Sunday Open to All