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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1916)
I'llIIUV, JAMAICY 7, HUM. " Fijian Cannlbale, ; FlJIno rfiiiiilliilj worhlp Matawaloo, ' a god wliu eight stomach, who la be lloTml to be always eating. Tbo reindeer ha lawn known to pull 200 pound Ht ten in I U an hour for twelve tiouri. -. " . Eys of Celt. Eels have been irovldel by iinture will) an apparatus to protect their evee which la Ilka a mlr of spectacle. Odd, to Say the Lat Illck-Tbl mutch wou't light Hike-That' runny. It lit all right t minute ago.-Mlchljian Gargoyle. . ' ' On the Contrary. '"Ptroet inunlcluii U-mJ a laxy lift." i "Not ao. It In one long dully grind." Baltimore American, ' , Wlfey'a Weekneme. I "la your wife outspoken?" ' "She's nminlly out, and when aba's out aha'e usually speaking." I ' "' Take Veor Choice. J The optliulnt docnu't bare to dlo but , once, but the pessimist la burled all ' very dny.-Ki?bung. j ' The Oolng Qut j "Welcome tbe coming, speed the go-, log guest," la tbe correct quotation. Tartlng gueat" la wrong. , , J . Potaltt ElUra. . ! Tbe Belgian are looked upon aa tbe greatest otato eat ere In the world, and ( tbe IrUb come aecond. ; . . - Oenlua. Genius at flrvt la little more than a ' great capacity for receiving discipline. -George Eliot. , , . , Saturn. v (Uturus luiut'xt iiitH.n la 2,002 tnllea In diameter. llbtly mitnllor tbn our ownt ' v, ' Manila Hemp. ; - j Compared with common bemp tbe .' Dreaaiug atrain or jiamia ncmp u in tbe ratio of four . to three. ' . Slam. ". Slam, eutalde of Bangkok, la tnoatly jungle, and Ha tank and timber trade la the moat Important Industry. The Walrua. . A walrua when alx moutba of age will eat fifty pound of freab flab to a ay. v-.-v - - ,i 'Hew to Work It. ."I wbtb I could get my wife to come borne, but aho'll atlc-k and atick till the last dance la over." Til tell you bow to do It" , "Just dunce three timet In succession with tbo pretty youug girl la tbe bright red drcu, aud aho'll tnke you borne In a burry,-Detroit Free Press. ' Persistent ' Dobson What Unci Wiritlii remind you oft ' .. . , . f.. ,. Hnbaon-Well every tluu I meet Bliruiu he remlinlH nip of n Httlo debt I'rf owed Uiiu over a year Wall SI reef Journal Envelops. 5o per package, 20o pel 100. Courier Office. '.:'- ANDmi7 Pot marViina tVio4 m.t.M. ; - ' ' rapher to turn out mors letters with less effort in the oixiinary workirigf day. 'The new Royal Master-Model "lO" epeeds up the day's work and sets the pace that pays! ; Built hr "Big Business" and it Great Army of Expert Operator These new features of the Royal add to the sensitive fingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-style typewriter subtracts -speed! The speed with brains behind it the all-day speed of the expert typist in the day's work. Errorless speed is the kind of speed that counts. Commonsense has punctured the illusion of the other kind. .. - . '' Get the Facte t tknd for the "Royal man", and aik for a Dt MO NITRATION. Or write ui direct for our nw bra chure, "Belter Sptee,"nd book of facta on JbncJ. 7pngmfTtO typewriter tuera, K l ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY :wofK- ::.vka-c.t lUKr,, 'Aia." itnp rw. Mosquitoes n Bagdad, A round the world electrical engineer tolla thla atory; "Wo run up to Hiigdad to put over a llltlo deal tvltb the pnaha, a former government uilMul who bud boon prominent In i lie dny of Abdul Humid, Ill pulucu won InfuHtod with mosqui toes, and wo hud to plan to give blur relief. .. "He lived In (he unuiil Moorlan bouse, with liltfli walls, lint roof with parapets, few window and open court The old pnnhn looked exactly n t bo bud Junt etepped out of a Broad wit y mtttilcal coinoUy with hla ahlnliig Milk robed, turbun aud red ehoee with up tiirncd,toe. ,' "In the pulme garden wae a atream with a full of about ten foot It would develop about ono-fourtb bonM'powcr. Wo built a water mill, equlppod It with a dynnino. wired the palace and tartod up aome glxnntlc electric fana Tbeae fana cooled tbe air and alao blew through the room a narcotic eufflelently powerful to couae the moiqultoea to fall In a coma. All that reinulnod wna for the aervauta to go around and a weep Uiora up In fllea to bo detroyed."-0. T. Hadley In World Outlook, ' i '. Her Little Muvtako. ' Deilrooa of buying a camera, a cer tain fair young lady lnapect4 tbe tbek of a local shopkeeper. "la Ibla a good our aba aaked aa aba picked op a dainty little machine. "What la It called- "Thot'a tbe Oclvcdore." aald tbe nuudsome youug ahopman olltcly, . Thore wua a chilly alienee. Then the youiii; lady drew Uerrtelf coldly erwx, Oxcd blni with uu by Hture and HMked auUn: "ICr-uml tun you momiueud the UclvV"-Uiinliu AnwtTi. ' SulpHurlo Aeid Burnt. Itnnm from Kitlphuhc uilil are euxll cured Juat ivrueuiber linn plain wa, ter-lot of li-uiu-i 1 iHiiiivil ou the victim or n oih!trli- ncld ait blent at uueo, nwt'ta ihrottina the party into ihi nater If poxfiihle. Thla ncld on the "Uu 'feel 1ll;c tliv With water qiiliUly uidled til great 'iiaiitlty till ueld In ivmicied iiuimU'HM. .Men have tut'ii titmie-l . with It lepeateJIy w ith out harm thnau'i a UiioKlede of thin proHr antidote If not treated prompt ly the inoxt boi rllile dlHUurenieuti re aulL The police department or Curia exhlblu wax tiuurc of fucex of vie tlma of the foreign practice of throw ing thla acid In ono'a face. A prompt treatment of water would bnve ren derel the ncld liarmlea. Floating a Lean. : "1 want to ace If 1 can't borrow a Uttlo money from tbe Drokora and Stokers' bank." "Wolir . "What aort of man la the president of It 7 la be one of tlivso fellow who are tmprcaxed by a runty eult. or does bo think n umu h a good rlak who af fci'tn loud vcata and gay . pntKT'-' nttubmah Pom . Mlmnt blanki, Courlc- office. "SPEEDUP!" to 0 minate$ an hoar by taking the "grind" oat of typewriting t St. . .a. - vr am-$. ''JLl '- -tin daily noons Planting Nut. In pliintliiir walnutH. hli'kory nuta or acorn the nut xliould be kept uulMt from the time they nr gtitbcrcd until they germinate If tuy are allow h! to dry out their vitality In dextryed. any n writer In the rami and Home. A Kd wuy to b indle lint Intended for jiluntltig to Ktrutlfy them, hi la done by alternately placing a layer of iiinlMt nand aiid a layer of nut In a box. Iiolnjj ciiiTful that tbe nuiWUo not toii'ii one another The box can be kept In tbe it liar or hurled In the ground, a preferred. The followiti aprlng tho nut xhoiild be planted In tbe mirxery rowor where the tree ar to atamf. 8alt and Freah Watar Fith, WJien a crawllxh or n troit la put luto alt water It die. When a jelly dli I pur into frenh water It. too. doe Thla I due to a familiar quail ty of liquid known a onmoaln. A freah water creature la full of liquid of a lower apcclflc gravity than tbe eult water; couavquently when placed lu alt water thl draw the Interior lltjuida out and leave the creature ihrlveled. On the contrary, when the alt water crcnture Jelly llb. for In tance 1 placed In freb wuter the ally U(juld In It tlHauex draw tbe freib water to them, and tbe creature a well until It la' auffocated. - New York World. Braill'a Big Meteorite. After lying In a lad of rot for many year tbe lurgeut meteorite lu any mu seum waa Dually landed In Rio de Ja neiro by Dr. Orvllle Derby, It la more tbau M-ven feet long, aluiuat ttva feet In width, and It weight wben It fell waa about 12.000 pouuda. It waa Brut discovered In 1784. and tbe following year an attempt waa made to convey It to the town of Dnhla by means of a truck built for the purtxme. It took the men three dnya to load IL aud eighty oxen drtiKited It a dlatcmce of IJ10O foe t to the bed of a atreutu near by, where they bad to abandon It. There , it t lay for about twenty-Qve year, wben Mr Mornay. an Kiisllah man. came upon It. " Honey Drop Are Detieioue. ' Pour two iahtcpoouful of atralned bouey into a cupful of boiling water and add two cupful of Miliar and two tobleMpoonful of butter, (toil slowly nntil alrup droppluit from a fork taken out of the hot lliiuld leave line thread behind It. Tour the bolliu alrup over the white of two egg that have bceu bcatcu to a miff froth and udd a teuxKotiful of almond ex tract. Now lien t until It la cold and Just aa atlff aa you can bundle und drop lu spoonfuls on a buttered pau or a abeet of paraffin paper. A nut meat pressed Into tbe top of eub drop tuiike the candy evea ulcer. Delinea tor . 1 . : Offielal Precedence In Franc. Tbe wive of otitgolu); Freucb min ister auffcr n lox of dljnilty tbrousii their hiis;iudV departure from office, for they must itniform to the rule of precedence carefully dctlned by the protocol It I enacted that the wlvw of Heuator and 0cintle must riae If the wife of n cabinet inlulfter entew n room where they art- waicd. and they inuct remain xtaudlng until miidutue la mlnistreM- tlnd n neat. Mlnlntent wive hov stinllar deference to the premier'' wife, who in her turn must rise to n:ilnte the wife of the president of the cllamber or or the president of the entc. The lat named rank in the official hierarchy next to the bontw of tbo Myce.- London Chronicle. The Soprano Yielded. Mmc Roue wa the leading soprano of Oaata'a opera troup. One night be ing indisposed, with a queenly air. she aoughctbe manager aud anldbe could uot alng. . "Vy, my dear Mad-dam Row. eet eea Impossible.' You are ae leading so prano of ce trouixf, n'est ce pas. and ve cannot get nloug without ce leading lady.", , ' '' Rose (book her bead. "Well. It's no uso. 1 am sick and I ennuot sins, posi tively." "Ah, no, mml-dmu, tat ees true. You cannot alng positively." Then with a charming nod he added, "but you can sing superlatively." She sang. . NOBODY SPARED Kidney Trouble Attack GranU Paea Men and Women, Old and Young. Kidney ilia seise young and old.' Often come with little warning. Children suffer in their early years Can't control tbe kidney secretions.- .. '';' Girls are languid, nervous, suffer pain. Women worry, can't do dally work, . Men have lame and aching backs. If you have any form of kidney ills You must reach the cause the kidneys. ', . Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys '. "V '. ''."".-'' ' Have brought relief to Grants Pass people. L i "' ! Grants Pass testimony proves it. Mrs J. Boeech, 706 S. Fifth St. Grants Pass, says: "We have used Doan's Kidney Pills in our family both here and In Indiana. One of us was troubled by the back and kidneys a great deal. Doan's Kidney Pills was the beat medicine that had ever been tried. Thoy have always . helped quickly and substantially;" - ' " ' Frlce 60o,i at 'all 1 dealers. '' Don't simply aak for a kidney remedy get Doaa's Kidney , Pills tho same that Mrs. Boeach. recommend Foster-Mil burn Co;, Props., Buffalo, N. Y. v niVKii n uum OTvHwwaMaBnaaaRBaaeaaBMBBviRiiSBSMMaaaRa Classified Advcr&iog VOii HALF. ilLAD WOOU Williams Wood Yard. Ak for prices. : 475tf NUItSEItY STOCK Bring, writo or pbone your trc- orders to Qoorge II. Parker, 403 Wct D street. Grants Pa. Phono 285-Y. Ten years in the biisines. 42 BERKSHIRE mows in pig to Laurel ' Champion, iho sire' who outranks all others In the world In the show record of his get. V. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1, Grants '.'Pass.":-, ..'' tf FOR SALE) OK TRADE 8x10 Im proved Empire . State camera, tripod, backgrounds and complete professional outfit. ; Trade for wagon,' stock or farm Implements. Address W. J. Evans, Wllderville, Oregon. ' ' '. 648 FOR SALE Carrots already dug at my place close to town. J, Christie, Route 2. . 639 FOR SALE A Panata parrot, fair ," talker, price cheap. Inquire L. H. Hutchlngs, Gen. Del. V 638 FOR SALE Maxwell runabout, In good condition, - $100; library ' table, beating stove, writing desk, rugs, and new guitar.' Mrs. C. B. Fowler, phone 845-J. ' : 638 FOR SALE Garage, 14x18 feet, built on skids so that it can be easily moved. Pbone 164-R. ., 638 FOR SALE A $50 gas range, good as new, must be sold at once. Make us ' an offer. " Also three " burner gas plate and oven to sell Phone 104-R. ? 638 FOR SALE New 1916 model Ford body and wind shield. Inquire of Ross Bailey. - 640 WILL SELL or trade extra good vio lin and case. Cost $50, and is nearly new, Inquire of Ross Bailey. - v 640 TO EXCHANGE MOTORCYCLE, with side car, offered In trade for land in or near Grants Pass. Will trade in as first pay ment. Machine Is in good condi tion and would be convenient and quick transportation for suburban resident See A. Jackson, Courier office. -..' . tf EXCHANGE I have several choice ; California residence and ranch properties to exchange for Grants Pass modern bungalow or close In acreage. Quick action. A. N. Par sons. ' 630tt TO RENT FOR RENT 240-acre farm with buildings, on Illinois river. About 70 acres under cultivation and Ir rigation. ' Joseph Fetxner, Grants ' Pass. ' ' ".' ' . . 648 FOR RENT A modern house, furn ished or. unfurnished. , Phone 128-R. 634tf FOR RENT Five-room house, with barn and two acres of ground, $9 per month. Apply to Joseph Moss, 204 North Sixth street. 642 WANTED WANTED Work in restaurant, hotel or family without children, by young lady of experience. Address No. 2290, care Courier. ' 640 WANTED Girl or middle-aged wo man for general house work in small family. Telephone 143-J. 37 - " VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J... BESTUL, Veterinarian. ; Office In'- Wlnetront .' Implement " Building. ' ' Phone 113-J. Resi dence phone 806-R. , ; 1ECOR,TORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGING, graining, paint ing. . For tbe beef work at lowest 1 prices phone 295-J. C. O. Plant, South Park street. The King I Deail, Uon Live th King. VA l;lo;n :t!i!icr of l.i'iilw Xl". ui' I'mKi' a,Vs h!s !:t'i wa i!t:jn:i:eed by th ciiptiilii of l!n bo l.v-;:ai'd fiimCu win (low of 'the siatc iiiianitient and that, "I'UMnst III st:iIT of r.U( above hi iieud. be bwl-'e It In tin 'center and. throwing the !eie awonu the crowd. c.c:ilimd In a buid vo!ee. i.e rol est niortl' ,Tlic kin-,' 1 H(ail"i Then selx luu ntiotber staff be tlourlslicd It lu the air. shunt lug. VIVe le rol" CLonit live the klu:'!" The pbrnse wa used In nnnoupelnv lh death of other French hill! ; and for t lie lust time t the death of Loul Will. ' It la often quot ed to HlKtilfy the qulcknctc with which olllclal authority und popular udmlia tloti aw traimferred from a dead ruler to it llvlni one. - v ..' ; Oregon mlalr.g laws. Pf. Courier TIME CARD California and Oregon Coast Ilailroad Company ". (The Oregon Caves lioufe) Effective MondayDec 20, 1915. Train 1 Ir. Grant Paa.7:00 a-m. Arrives Waters- Creek.8: 00 a.nx. Train 2 lv. Waters Creek8:15 a-m. Arrives Grants Paas..:16 a-m. Train S lr. Grants Paas....2:00 p.m. Arrlvea Water Creek 8:00 p.m. Train 4 It. Waters Creek.6:00 p.m. Arrlvea Grant Pass 4:00 p.m. All train lav Qranta Pass from tbe corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. Vnr all information reeardlnK froleht and nojigeneer aervice call at the office of tbe company, Public Ser vice building, or pnon -s-n tor same. Train will stop on flag at any point between Grants Pass and Waters Creek. Passenger service every day In tbe week. ; STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The regular annual meeting of. tbe stockholders of the ; Grants Pass Banking company will be held In the banking rooms of said bank . on Thursday, January 13, 1916, at 10 o'clock a, m., for the purpose of elect ing a board of directors for the fol lowing year and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. MARSHALL HOOPER, 637 . , Secretary. ',- Cooking Cuckoo. How many cuckoo could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook CUckoo? ''.','.',',- ''". ''. Ecuador.' Ecuador baa a timbered area of SX). 000 square mile. . The total area of tbe republic la 11H.IKK) square miles. Cre Examination.' , Cross examination Is the art of get ting the trut Ir out of a witness even though the t.rnth Is not lu bim. ;- - Raitina. . . ' ut sit tlie dilwl fruit noue DerbaDa equaln the raislu lu food value and ease of digestion . "The Lady ot the Lake." Walter Scott's raniotis rouiantlc nov el in rime. "The ldy r the Lake." was wrltteu In ln ' Man'a Troubles. Funny. Isn't It. that two-thirds of a tuau's troubles all wear petticoats? Londou 'TeieKraph Curiou Echo. , There la uu extraordinary echo In the catbednil ut Pisa. U you slug two notes there is no reverberatlou. but If you slug tbnv rbey are takeu up. swelled and proloueed iuto a beautiful harmony. . - ' :' ' : ., ,' Accomplished. Towne His wire 1 very accom plished. She can cook or play a piano with tbe same facility.' Browne-Why. that is an accomplishment. I never beard of any one cooking a piano. ExcbauKe. 'j;' .. ' : Sorry She Spoke. Ma nin oi tto'her vMnir -Tin sure Al bert .will, lie' a' ureal artist; he's always palntlni:., Albert, dear, where did you get Hint pretty red palitlV Albert Off your dresslua table, mamma. Lou dou Auwer. No D.ifftrenca Thtre. ' ' . "Yes." said the prince, who married Cinderella, "my j wife bus the smallest foot In the kingdom." "VesT . - ' ' - ' "But she can put It down as hard as anybody." Louisville Courier-Journal. Located. :! "Fred. dear. I feel it In my bones that you are sln- take me to tbe theater ionlKht." -,'! "Which bone, darllnirr " "I'm not mire, but 1 thtuk It's my wlshlMine.' London Mall. f' ' Easily Settled. ' ' v.''; "It's burulnu lu the rourth story, chief, but the stream cau only reach the second." 1 . VTben we must wait until the lire gets down to the second, story ."Mu nich MeKtrendorrer Rluetter. . 1 Concino. , i ' Conscience l uot nu Indicator of what I 'right. That Is tbe province of wisdom based on knovyledne. Con science I the divine Imperative lm pelllnr us to ii what we believe td be right. ' , ' ' 1-1 -I t"l 'H 1-M IRRITABILITY. An irritable man Ilea Ilk a T - hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, tormenting himtalf ,with hi own prickle. E. P; Hood. , PACE THUE3 PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of the eyo, ear, nose and throat. Giass fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, and on ap pointment Office pbone 62; resi dence phone 359-J, S. LOUGH RIDGE, M. D., Physician and surgeon. City or country call attended day or , night Re, phone 3(9; office phone , 183 Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. ; J. P. TRUAX, if. D., Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office, 825; residence, 324. Calls . answered at all hours. Country - calls at tended to. Lundeburg Bldg. ' , F. H. INGRAM, D. C, D. O. Men tal, Spinal, Nervous and Chronic Diseases.' Office, 215 North Sixth ; street Honrs: 10 to 12, to 5. Other hours - by , appointment Pbone 7. Rea. phone, 248-J. DR. ED BTWATER Specialist oa disease of eye, ' ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted.; Office hoars: 9 to 12 a. m.r 2 to 6 p. m. Phone: Res. 234-J; Office, 257-J. Schmidt Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. DR. P. D.-STRICKER Diseases of children and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Masonic build . lng. ; .v.' :"tf. DENTISTS E. C. MACT, D. M. D.. Flrst-clae dentistry. 109 South , Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon. ' BERT R. ELUOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work.' Marguerite H. ' Elliot, dental assistant . Rooms 4 and 5, Golden . Rule building, Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265 . . mTr. BRITTEN, Dentist Rooms 2 and 3, Lundburg building, opposite post office. Hours; 9 a. m. to 13 m.; 1:30 to 5 p.- m. Saturdays 9 su m. to 12 m. . ATTORNEYS H. . D. NORTON, 'Attonuy-at-Law. - Practice in all State and Federal "Courts.' First National Bank Big. COLVIG & WILUAMS Attorneya . at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. ".' Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. - n . r- .T r-m . .1 n . . cj. o. v Aii ui&l, Aiiorney. rraciice ; in all court. First National Bank Building. .' ,..; -': ' ; EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Office Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. ' ' W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law County attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. BLANCH ARD, Attorney-at-Law, grants Pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. DRAY AGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All ' kinds of dray age and transfer . work carefully and promptly done. Phone 132-R. Stand at frieght depot A. Shade, Propr. ' F. G. Isham, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phone Clarke & Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 16-R. --'.:;''":' MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put np Jn 5-gallon glass jars and delivered & at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 2 93-R and water wagon will call. . ; ., , --'. ."'. PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing., Bacterial test as sure that this water Is pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles, 26c. W. E. Beck with. Order "by phone, 602-F-3. '.''.,.' " . 453tf IX)IXiES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. M. Stated Communica tions 1st and 34 Tuesdays. Visiting brethern cordially invited.'' A. K. Cass, W.,M. Ed. . O. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE. NO. 78. 1.O. O. F., meets every Wed , ' nesday eve In I.O.O.F. M,X hall, cor. 6th and H. St8. Visiting Odd Fellow cordially Invit ed to toe present. W. H. Ryan, N. G., Clyde Martin, Secretary. ASSATERS '- : . E. R. CROUCH, Assayerchemlst", metallurgist., - Roms 801-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass. Location notice. Conrlr offlre. .fA.'l