Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, January 04, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Tl'KMDAY, JANUARY I. 1010.
imii v ifi'i.i i: nm,!i t ot J,i;
Wi Cot Thm Prom Brsill, Whsre
, : Thsy Wsre P.rtl Cultivated.
The iihvoI orange first appeared at
Bull In, llruKtl. uit u bud sport of tho
I'yrltiBUHn vnrloty of orange Laranja
electa, and was firxt propagated by a
Portuguese gardener ut Unhlu in 1823.
Tboso stutimieutM and those llmt fol
low lira made mi ilui niithorlty of A. D.
Bliuincl, physiologist uf I lio United
Slates department of agrlcttlture, ICI r
erslde, cub. who tells In the Journal
of Heredity tbo results of an expedi
tion to Itmzll made by tiliiiittlf, I'. II,
Domett and Wllsou I'npoiioe.
There nro about Mi.fioo trees growing
navel oranges at Itnliln,
Tbo navel orange was introduced
Info tbo Unit! 8tatw In 1R73 by Wll
. llnm Maunder, hart lculturUt and land
scape gardener of tho pstout ottlee
He got tbo American consul to send
blm some of the trees, wbtch bo bud
Ji'd on seedlings grown tu tbo govern
niont greenhouses. Us mint ' two to
Mrs. L. C. Tlbbctta of Klvcrslde. CaL.
and tbo others to Florida. Tbe latter
never amounted to much, but tho for
unr thrived and oro still llvlnii and
bearing fruit- All the navel orange
trees In California are their progeny.
Thew nro about acres of this
variety In thut Mtatf, and about 10.000..
00O lsixes are produced every year.
Tho nsvel orange cannot be crown
fntu seed, a It contatna no seed. It
1 tn CV.IfomlM generally budded upon
stocks from tbe Mission sweet seed
Unit orange
Short and Tumultuous Career of a
Neapolitan Fishermen. !
' In t(H7, when tbo klnudurn of Na
ples was under the grinding rule of
flpnlu. a flshermitn of Sorrento was
stung to tnudnesa by the ludlumltK
offered tils wife by Bpnubin official be
en unit she bud attempted to smuggle a
few handful of flour So furlouo wa
ho thut no toro down an edict that bnd
Juet been posted by the attthorltlc.
The whole populiitlon, Including wom
en and chlldn-n. rutlled around htm.
Forty year of Hnanlsh oppression had
utndo t heiit frantic Tbey terrified the
viceroy. resisted tlio subitum success
fully and killed msuy of tbe Hpuululi
rcnlili'iim. They secured revocation
of oppressive edicts, the abolishment
of oppressive tuxes and full pardon for
all who engaged in the Insurrection.
The fisherman, whom name whs
Mnsanlelo. whs the leader In sll this
and liocnum tboldol of tbeH-ople. He
ruled Naples for seven days, but bis
' .II.1.UHU ttiu.iim li. Iifit'ik tllPmwl lllll hl.All
Ho became dictatorial and oppressive
and was put to death by the populuce.
lletie ho In culled tbe "seven day
"We" and They.
In the sum Her towns and country dis
tricts people any we" when tbey speuk
of governmental' activity. "We" built
the court bi'iixe and K"l It done at low
ctstt. "We" ni-nnlml the IiIkIi school.
"We" pay the excuses of keeping Pris
oners hi the J it II. . ' '
hi ilm bin tHi-s piNiple say they,"
I Mi
r mnrhl'nrt that mnb-AO
raphcr to turn out more letters with less
effort in tho ordinary working day. The new
Royal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day's
work and sets the pace that pays I , ' ,
Built (or "Big Business' and its
Great Army of Expert Operators "
These, new features of the Royal add to the
sensitive fingers of the typist, the one vital thing
that the old-style typewriter subtracts spesd!
t The speed with brains behind it the all-day
speed of the expert typist in the day's work.
Errorless speed is the kind of speed that counts..
Commonsense has punctured the illusion of the
other kind. 4 ' "
Get the Facts!
8cnd for the "Royal
n. ffln fK
man" and ak for a
Or write ua direct
for our new bro
chure, -"fief far
Senile, "and book
of facts on ToucA
eh r'fiv;;:
Typing- (res
typewriter users,
't ' ' ','' ' ,, "ii i i y .V fa CasHNla
lratil'K li:VKU )l KINK, AkoIus '- iniits I'nss.
Br:7ivmrr - '''''
"Why don't 'lliuy' do thus and so?''
' People wmidcr wtn-ti the rlty govern
1 uieiit. fulls down. It Uu'l n personal
urn Iter with tin-in, The government
! Isn't tbelr government It belong to
kblnt-hiidy cIh. '
j Tlide Is ii world of difference In tbe
! two uttltmli'M. When Hie Kiie of the
'.cities (let lo saying "we" '
' titles mid i iMiiitli-M. Itii'ii tiny ui'e koIhk
' tu ch illi boiiNe and tuke poseesloii. -'
KuiiKits city Ktr.
j ' Whet the Knife 8id.
"Home folk wimt funny lutcrlpllort
. euKi'sved on their ulUtr." sobl the
Jeweler. "Tula.' woiIJIiik knives Miiuy
Weddliitf cukes u re sm b iiioiiiiluluoiis
1 slfiilrs thut a specbil knife l rvipiired
I to cut Iheiti. One of limi -month's
' brides cut bi-r cnlie with u Units that
' whs a pres'nt from lier aunt. . I uuens
' nut ninny of tliu cuests cut to rend the
: Iiim rlptloti. If tbey bud they would be
, tiilkliif utmut It yet. Tbexe knives lire
j supposed to be used for run Inn the
: bride's cuke and then In Id on the obelf
; fijr the rest of the time, but the aunt
! couldn't- dlMilnviilsh. uppureiitly. Ix
' tweeu wetbllnil uud blrthduy cakes, for
' she made us enclave on tbe knife.
i 'Muy t serve thee well and often "
I New York Press,
' Psssing of th Whale.
j The wlm lo Is priMHliitf and rapidly.
, MiMlern means of destroyluK blm have
reduced bis uuuiuers uutll. ronipara
tlvely spenklmj. only a few retnalu
Ten years ago tho whalers oieratlnK
from tbo various Newfoundland sta
tions made au onnunl catch' of 1.500.
' Today a catch of 2i)0 In a year to coo
' sldcred remarkuble. The whale will
! soon b extinct at that rate. Itoatou
' lleuli . : ' - - '
! Seisntlfle Resesren.
i "Well, what L the professor up to
nowr. ' '
"Moro acleutlfic research. Ho la con
ducting exporluienta to determine tho
! exact velocity with which a man drops
a hot potato." - Louisville Courier-
i Journal. - -' - '- -
;. , v, vHi
Just Lapse.
riokua I actually eatiRht Longbow
! tclllnV tho truth yesterday. Pokus-
Wasn't bo embarrassed? Ilokus Only
j momentarily. He Imtnedlately tried to
I lie out of It Life.
Repetition Desired. - .
no-Dearest, this kiss tells you ell I
have to say, Uuve you understood met
She Oh, please say It again.-Boston
Transcript. "
. woman nowadays In only as old ss
her t-tt li- -Mrs John l.nne.
Influence of Drsams.
If we dreamed tbe suuie tblu every
Bight It would u fleet us ss tbe objects
we see every day And If au unburn
were euro to drcum every ulgbt for
twelve hours' duration that bo was 4
king I Move be would be almost as
happy as a king who should dream
every night for twelve hours ou end
that be was au artisan-Pascal., .
Mlnins hlsnfcs. Courlc office.
to 0 minutes an hoar
by taking the "grind"
out of typewriting!
here at last fa the master
tt ar fnnmr etannir.
Jis tj
- :i";':&
' , .m,
p. II. Demurs y Guarantees to It
turn the Money If 511-o-nn ,
Does Not lUflleve I'ou
"It's a, pleasure to aell a medicine
when your customers com In after
ward and toll you how much good It
bas done thorn," aald C. II. Domaray,
the popular druitglst, to a Granta
Pass man, "and that is why I like to
sdl and recommend Mi-o-na, the
dyspepsia remedy. I have so much
faith In this article that I am going
to guarantee It la the future, and
will return tho money to any pur
chaser of Ml-o-na, whom it doea not
help. That "rosy seem rash, but my
customer have said so many good
words in its favor that I do not ex
pect to have many packages re
turned.'' ' ! h -. .. :; "-
"Anyone who has dyspepsia, whose
food does not digest well, and who
bas to take thought as to what be
can eat, and when, can leave 60
cents deposit at my store and take
home ft "box of Ml-o-na and It the
remedy does not regulate his diges
tion snd help hie dyspepsia he can
withdraw bta money." k
; Tola shows great faith in the
merit of Ml-o-na., It Is really ft most
unusual medicine and the rapid in
crease of aales since C. H. Demsrsy
Introduced it in Grants Pass shows
that it does all that It is claimed to
do relieves dyspepsia, regulates di
gestion end enables those who nse it
to est Just what they want with bo
fear of trouble after.
Operations Involved In Consolidating a
'.,... Position. .-.
In military reKrts aud accounts of
battles one often comes across tbe
phrase "cousoliibitlui; u position" with
out kuowlug Just wbut it means. : ,
. C'otiMolldiillUtf a : posltlot) meuus to
so prt'isire It that It will offer ; tbe
maximum rcxlftuuce to au uttunk ou
tho urt of the cuemy uud the maxi
mum protect luu f the troop bold
Where treadle tiuve becu enpturoil
tho first thing to be doue Is to make
thrin face tbe opposite way from that
In which they uuve faced , This ts
doue by bulldlnir loophole and over
heud covers ou the !lo exjiosml to the
enemy, which, of course, prior to the
capture was the rear of the trench.
When trenche have been partlaliy
destroyed by shell tire or mine explo
sions end then copttiiyd tbey have to
be rebuilt fui lnx the eiieiuy 'As no
commuvlcutlnK trenches exist leadluu
from tbe raptured trench to the one
the attackers came from. bey . have
to be built runiuM-tlng with this main
position In such a vtiy us to prevent
tho enemy rroui t.nklns It In the flunk.
All this work nnd any other which
may lie done to strencthen tbo cup
tors' bold Is mennt when a report
speaks of consolidating a position,
9iH)knue Spokesman-Review,
. . Winninp a Reputation.
An amusing story of how be wou tin
title oft beln: the cbumplou cocuanut
shier unions tlie clergy Is told by tbe
bishop of Chelmsford.i i
He biformed a gathering of clergy
men, says the Loudon Globe, that
when vicar of Itethnal Green be took a
party of worklugmen to Epplng forest
and was there challenged to have a
shy at the cocounuts.
Ue accepted and. paying his alxpence.
waa given seven bulls, Then some
thing bappoued which would not bap
pen again were be tu live to be as old
as Methuselah. With those seven balls
he knocked off seven cocoanuts. Ue
has lived ou the reputation of that feat
ever tdtice, and when any one asked
him to have a coconnut shy be said.
"Sou go and knock seven off with
seven balls and then I will speak to
you." '
Prlds of Ancestry.
"I've looked up your family tree."
aald tho genealogist, "but I doubt If
you will be pleased with It . Your
great-great-grandfather was " hanged
for murder: your great-grandfather
was Imprisoned for robbery; your
grandfather wua tarred uud feathered
for beuilng bis wire. That's uot a
very good record. Is Itr '
"I should say it is." replied the other
emphatically. "It shows the family
Is getting better with each genera
tion. I'm an Improvement on the en
tire bunch never been ui Jail yet Let
vie have those records I'm proud of
em." Boston Transcript.
The Psdestrisn Ssrvisns,
All Servlnn peasants are great walk
srs, A servant, given u short leave,
will think nothing of footing it to bis
home, five und twenty miles off, and
walking back after a short day Bpcnt
with bis family. It Is quite In the
ordinary way of their business for
both men and women to bo two days
on tbe road to market London Chron
icle. ; 1 v , " ' "
On Three Counts.
"No," snld tho editor, "we cannot
use j our poem."
"Why)" nnked the poet "Is It too
long?" ,. . .
"Yes," hissed the editor1 "It's too
iohg nnd too wide and too tblck."
Pt Louis Republic. . '
V'! ." ,'Just Hint. ' niV.SK
Tho Widower "TIs o bright'- little
wnn. that! The Wldow-'Tls. Indudel
'TIs only ylMtorday he was after nskln'
f he'd Iver lin n stepfather -ruck.
1 1 Classified Aidvcrtisfcg
UAH WOOD Williams Wood Yard.
; Ask for prices. - 476tf
KOH SALE Small ranch on west
Jones creek. For particulars In
quire at 312 IC street 635
Nl'KSEttY STOCK Bring, write or
phono your tree order to George
II. Parker, 403 West D street,
Grants Pass. '. Phone 285-Y. Ten
years In tbo business. 042
BERKSHIRE sows in pig to Laurel
Champion, tbo sire who outranks
all others in tbe world in the show
record of bla get P. It. Steel,
Winona Ranch, Route 1, Grants
Pass. tf
proved. kEmplre 8tate camera,
tripod, backgrounds and complete
, professional , outfit. .Trade for
.wagon, stock or farm implements.
Address W. J. Evans, Wllderville,
Oregon.. , 6(8
Elma Cornucopia .Johanna
Friend, No. 86528, II. F. H., B.
Owing to my having leased my
farm to beet growers, am offering
the best bull In this country at a
sacrifice price.' Registry papers
complete. Will also sell my stock
hogs right E. T. McKinstry, cor
ner D and Sixth streets. ' ! 625
FOR SALE Carrots already dug at
my place close to town; J. Christie,
Route 2. ' J 639
FOR SALEA Panama parrot, fair
talker, price cheap., Inquire L. H.
Hutchlngs, Gen. Del. ' 638
FOR 8ALE Maxwell runabout, In
good condition, . $100; library
table, heating stove, writing desk,
rugs, and new guitar. Mrs. C B.
Fowler, phone 345-J. 638
FOR sTus-Garage,4xTs feetf
built on skids so that it can be
easily moved. Phone 164-R. 638
FOR SALE A $50 gas range, good
as new, must be sold at once.
Make us an offer. 'Also three
burner gas plate and oven to sell.
Phone 104-R. K 63S
MOTORCYCLE, with side car, offered
In trade for land In or near Grants
Pass., Will trade In as first pay
ment. Machine is in good condi
tion and would be convenient' and
quick transportation for suburban
resident. See A. Jackson, Courier
' office. tf
EXCHANGE I have several choice
California residence' and i ranch
properties to exchange for Grants
Pass modern 'bungalow or close in
acreage. Quick action. A. N. Par
sons, v - ' 630tf
FOR RENT 240-acre farm with
buildings, on Illinois river. About
70 acres under cultivation and Ir
rigation. Joseph Fetzner, Grants
' Pass, ";":' ;: 648
WANTED A man to blast stumps
by contract or day at Ben Dim
mlck's ranch. 636
WANTED Early soed potatoes. Ad
dress W. E. Beck with. Grants
Pass, R.vF, D. 1. , , ,v 634
DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian.
Office a . Wlnetrout Implement
Building. Phone 113-J. : Resi
dence phone 30 5-R.
f'APKRHANOrNG, graining, , paint
(n. , For best work at lowest
prices phone 295-J. C. Q., Plant.
' South Park street ;
A Martyr. , ' : .
"When we! iTleil' you said
there wax liothiti;.; m rt uulilii ' do for
tne." KiiUl tho Mi !e,l dnrlina
'."Well, my 'dear." misweie.l Her bn
tmnd patiently. ''! win .thinking the
matter over T tit t!ier ilny. und It seem
el to me tlit'ie was not hunt yon hadn't
asked tne lo do fur yon. but If there Is
any little tlilna n your mind yon
Haven't mentioned yet speak, uud I
will do the, best I enn." - Chicago
News, '.'. ;.' . ' .
His Double Loss.
"I've becu robbed In that hospital!"
shouted the loony ex-pntlettt as be met
a policeman. ,
"Who robbed .von. uud what did they
tuke?" naked the policeman
. "Why, one of the orderlies took my
watch, aud ull the doetors toyle my
temperature." -Ilaltlniore American .
Vrespass notices, printed ou cloth,
i the Courier ollloe.
, , TIME CAltl , ". '
California and Oregon Coast
Eailroa'd Company ,
(The Oregon Caves Iloute)
Effective Monday, liec, 20, 1915. ;
Train i lr,
Train 3 lr.
Grants Pass
8:00 a.m.
8:15 a.m,
9:16 am.
2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Waten Creeks
, Waters Creek
Grants Pass
Train 3 Iv.
Grants Pass.,
Train 4 lr,
.Waters Creek..
, Waters Creek..
Granta Pass.
6:00 p.m.
All trains leave Grants Pass from
the corner of O and Eighth streets,
opposite the Southern Pacific depot
For all Information '-regarding
freight and passenger service call at
the office of the company, Public Ser
vice building, or phon ;.38-R tor
same. ''": '
Train wltl stop on flag at anv point
between Grants Pass and Waters
Creek. Pasaonger service every day
in the week.;
The Serious Matter of the Selection of
a 8uitable Career. ,
. Given a baHls of good character, good
health and thoroughness, the choice of
life work is the next great influence
l upon a boy. Many parents foredoom
tbelr son to failure by trying to force
blm to gratify tbelr ambitions in a call
ing for which he bas neither interest
nor ability Instead of helping him to
develop his own individuality. , ' ,j"
Tbe false idea that there Is social dis
tinction in certain professions is the
basis of many failures that might have
been successes in other callings. '
Wherever we look we see fall area,
many of whom were men of undoubted
ability, whose talents were misdirect
ed. Yon whose sons have their future
all before them can guard against
shipwreck by studying tbelr taste, di
recting tbelr abilities and discussing
with them tbe problem of their future.
If you cannot afford to see them
through a long term of training for
some profession discuss the matter
freely no that they will appreciate the
necessity of turning their interest Into
other channels unless they can work
their way through their training with
out impairment of health. Isaac Ded
ham in Mother's Magazine.
' The Clare of Light" ;"''
1 Persons who shrink from the glare
of light os distinguished from those
who shrink from light itself, suffer
from what r. Ernest Clarke calls
pbotoauglopbobla. It Is due to defi
ciency lu the pigment of tbe retina and
Is especially marked in albinos. Sir
William Crookes Invented a glass that
cuts off the Infra red as well as the
ultra violet rays, which cause the trou
ble. ... :) - .-.,. ,
.; The Medical Record sayg that an
one with a. tendency to shrink from the
glare should be careful to shade bis
eyes with a suitable cap. should work
or rend with well shaded lights; bis
desk should never face a window, and
bis apartments should be decorated lu
cool neutral tints, dull sage green be
ing the best . .'
The Zadruga of Servia.
Ttwse who know Sorvla well declare
that the economic system known as
tbo i.iurutfa baa saved tho Serbs from
tbe Ills of poverty and all thut flows
from it It is a glorified family. From
one house others grow, as the family
prows by marriage, until a little com
munity Is established on somechlng Bke
SiR-lallstle principles.. The stnresldna
ihetulmnni und his wife live In the big
gest bouse uud direct the Industries of
the satellite houses. Anxiety as to
bread and butter being eliminated, the
Servian has Income one of the gayest
of the races of mankind. London
Graphic. ' v. 'v .; - . ,
Smsll and Taste.
The sense of smell Is most nearly al
lied to that of taste. Clearing and see
Ins depend upon nerve responses to
vibrations lu the uir and tn the ether.
In, order to taste n substance It has to
be wholly or artially dissolved; In or
der lu smell. & sttbstunce It must ou
counter the olfm 'r.r organs as n va
por, au emanation, u cloud of particles
arising from odoriferous mutter.',
Sti Type.
. "My bride . Is .disappointed . arsmt
housekeeping.".', ' - '., .
"What's the trouble?!'
. "Pbe can't get n maid who will cour
tesy like they do in the uiusleul twuie
dies she goes to sM."Kaunas Cily
Journal. . ', . ": ,
., 1 -- ' '
, , . Clinging. ,
"Jones used to say be ndmlred
clinging womnu. I suppose be married
one." '' ' " "' ' ': 1 "
"Yes. she tilings on to every cent of
bis salary." Boston Transcript
Enough 8aid.
Strawber Why do you think you
will have any trouble In keeping the
engagement secret? Slngerly-I had to
tell the girl, hadn't I? . . ;
Tho envious man pities in ilenty, like
Tautalns up to the chin In 'water nd
yet thirsty. T. Adams
L. O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice
limited to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat,' Glasses fitted.
Office hours 9-12, Z-S, and on ap-
, polntment. Office phone 62; resi
dence phone 369-JV ' !
3. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D., Physician
sr.1 surgeon. City or country call!
attended day., or .night. Res.
phone 369; office phone 183.
Sixth and H. ' Tuffs Building.
J. P. TRUAX, M. D., PbyBlcian and
Surgeon. Phones; - Office 326;
residence, 824. Call. answered
at all hour. Coaarr calls at
tended to. Lundeburg flldf."
F. M, INGRAM. D. C. D. O. Mental
. Spinal, Nervcna and Chronic , Die
; eases. ,Offlce: 215 North Sixth
street.1- Hours:. 10 to 12, 3 to 6.
Other hours ; by appolntmenL
Phone 7. Res. phone J48-J. .
DR. ED BYWATER Specialist on
diseases vt eye, ; car, noe and
throat; glasses fitted. Office , hoar
9 to, 12- s. Z, to 6 p. n; Phones:
,Res., 234-J; office 257-J. Schmidt
Building, Grafts Pass. Oregon.
DR. F. D. STRICKER Diseases of
. children and general practice. Tele
phone 174-J. Office: Masonic build
log. ,,'';r:."'",r.':' .,,'' X; tf
E. C. MACY, D. M. D., flrst-claaa
dentistry. 109 8outh Sixth
street,Crants Pass. Oregon: Y .
ern dental work. ,r Marguerite H.
. Elliott, dental assistant Rooms 4
and 6, Golden Rnle . building.
Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265-JY
M. R. BRITTEN, Dentist Rooms 3
and 8, Lnndbnrg building, opposite
post office. Honrs 9 a. m. to 12
m ; 1:30 to 6 p. m. Saturdays 9
a. m. to 12 m. "
H. O. NORTON, Attorney-at-Uw.
. Practice in all Sute and, Federal
. Courts. " First National Bank Big.
COLVIG 4; WILLIAMS Attorneys-st-Law,
Grants Pass Banking Co.
Building, Granta Pass, Ore. ' '
E. S. VANDYKE, Attorney. Practice
in all courts., First National Bank
;, Bidg. '';;.'.' ,.;''''
at-Law. Office Masonic Temple.
Grants Pass, Oregon:
W, T. MILLER, . Attorn ey-at-La w.
County attorney tor Josephine
. County. Office Kchalhorn Big.
O. S. BLANCUARO, Attorney-at-Lw,
Grants Pass Banking Co. building.
Phone 270. Grants Pass, Ore.
klnda of dray age . and - transfer
, work caret ally sed promptly done.
. Phone 13 i-H. , Stand at freight
depot. A. Shade, Propr. '
r Q. 1SHAM, drayage and transfer.
, Safes, pianos and furniture moved,
peeked, shipped and stored.
Phone Clark & Holman, No. 50.
.Residence phone 18 4-R.
THE WORLD MOVES; so do we.
. Bunch. Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
16-R, ' ".'". ','';':. ';
CRYSTAL SPRINGS water, put up in
6-gallon glasa Jars and delivered
at your door, fresh, pure sanitary
Telephone 293-R and water wagon
will call. 664tt
and refreshing. Bacterial tests as
sure that this water Is pure. De
livered In five-gallon bottles, 25c.
, W. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone,
603-P 3. , 459tf.
t! RANTS PA3S Lodge No. 84, A. F.
A M Stated communica
tion! 1st and 3d Tuesdays
Visiting brethren cordially
invited. Ft W. RU3?c!l
Jf- W. M. Bdw. G. Harris,
GoV.pKN RULE LoTGB, No- 78. I.O
O F., meets every" Wed-
j ' nesday eve. In I.O.O.F.
hall. cor. tkh and H Sts.
U'Islting Odd Fellows cordially Invit
ed to he resent, W, H." Ryan, N.
jG.i Clyde Martin, Secretary.
E, R. CROUCH, asjayer, chemist,
metallurgist. Rnoins 201-303 Tsd
diicU ll' i'"ii Pts.
.' V