Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1894-1895 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1894)
Health Officers 5peak? City, State and National Authorities report the Royal Baking Powder in , every way Superior to all others STATE CHEMIST, CALIFORNIA: The Royal fulfils all the requirements. Our tests show it has greater leavening power than any other. STATE CHEMIST, WASHINGTON; There is no question but the Royal is the strongest, purest and most wholesome baking powder in the market. . . ' IJ. S. GOV'T FOOD REPORT; Royal Baking Powder' is - - shown a pure cream of tartar powder, highest of all in leaven- - ing strength. " ,; , CANADIAN OFFICIAL TESTS; Royal Earing Powder is - commended as of higheste.xcellence, and shown to be greatest of all in leavening strength.' SAN FRANCISCO BOAKD OF HEALTH; We cordially ar j .prove and recjinunend the Rova Baking Powder. It is absolutely pure and rxealthlul, composed of the best ingredients, " of the highest strength and character. 'BOARd'of' HEALTH, SEATTLeT WASHINQTON : Finding ? aall that it is entirely $ I heartily jcQommend the RoYAf Baking. Powder for its great ? r Hlrenem puntr and whoIesoiiKness. J f BOARiT6P HEALTH, tIcOM A, AVAsHINOTON ; In oui judgment the Royal is the best and strongest baking powder before the public BOARD OF HEALTH, SPOKANE; Certainly there is no bak ing powder known to us equal to the Royal. DR. BINSWANGER, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON; It isTalso cay opinion that there exists no purer, better or stronget baking powder than the Royal. - I confidently recommend it. Do not permit the slanderous stories of inter vested parties to influence you in using any other; than Ths 1 H . -. .... Ants Wearing the Green. , . . "I onoe witnessed an interesting tut peculiar spectacle in animal life,' bnt one which I have never been able ta ac count for, remarked, Abraham, L Giv ens of Brenham, Tei " was going home inat at nightfall, oyqr a sanely road when I noticed directly in front of me what appeared to be a long line of frreeii ribbon about one-half anioch thick. I tooped to examine, it, kijd'to'niy astoa iahment found that it was a procession of ants marching three' or four'abreast in very close order, each one carrying a little piece of green leaf. The effect was ft continuous line of green without any break. I went back to ! iiud the begin ning, but as it issued from the grass at the roadside I was nnable to trace, it farther inthat direction. I then follow ed it for several rods until it entered the grass on the other side and was lost' to sight Whether it was Palm Sunday or St Patrick's day with the ants or some political jubilee they were cele brating has always remained a mystery to ma "St Louis Globe-Democrat V The recent letter from the Judge of Awards on Baking Powders at the Chi cago World's Fair exposing the falsity of the claims of a Chicago bouse that its baking powder had received the highest wara wr strength, purity, excellence, etc., is a scathing rebuke to those manu facturers of inferior bakin? powders who nave no regard tor the truth, bat habitu ally seek, in their public announce ments to deceive consumers. The Judge of Awards states that no such award was given to the Chicago- concern, and has notified it that it must cease publishing bis name in connection with its false statements. .- ,--r"--f PHYSICAL STRENGTH, dleerful spirits and .the ability to fully enjoy life, come onlv with a benltliw ooay ana mind. The young iuau w oo suners irom nerv ous debility, impaired mem ory, low sriirita irrita ble temper,, and jlhe thousand and one de rangements of ' mind ana body that result from, un natural, pernici ous habits usual ly contracted in youth, through ignorance, is thereby incapac itated to thor oughly enjoy life. He feels ,iiredr sbiffti?ss, yum niowsjj'4 111s. isieep isaisutroea "and does not re- frecl, In',,, ot, Jf should; the will 'power is weakened, morbid fears -haunt him and may result in confirmed hypochondria, or melan cholia and, finally, in softiiig of thebrain; epilepsy, ("fits"), paralysis, locomotor ataxia and even in dread insanity,' - To reach; re-claim and restore such unfortunates to health atft! happiiiess, is the aim of tlie pal)Iishers!t)f a book of It6 Daces, writtpn in r,1:un 1,t 1,o -w a --- nut. li.ii.ih language, OtvtUe nature, symptoms-and - wy wuc-iiclLiiicill, )i SUCH diseases.-' This book will'be sent sealed, in plain envelope, oij receipt of this no tice with ten ceuts in stamps, for post age. Address, World's Dispensary Med ical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. For more than a quarter of a century physicians connected rwitli this widely celebrated Institution' have ' niade the treatment of the diseases alxwe hinted at their specialty. Thousands have con sulted them by letter and received advice and medicines which have resulted iu permanent cures.') ' ' - .'. : Sufferers from premature old age, xr loss of power, will find much of Interest Im 1 1A rwtlr.artntra tiiaMinHorl 111 twa wuvty muiumicu, Ely's Cream Balm QUICKLY CURES COLWEAD jPriSTsTceTtg Applr Blm 4nVi saoh noMrif gLBo.,e6Warrott St., N , n 'fVf-JM-V isdMi SiOd Detrcle WM bare weak janes or. Attn ma, should M Hse'sOwetar Consumption, it naa eurea th ismds It has not injur- aa one. nw no pu hj wis. UistM Destooognsrrnp. toM Terrwaer. Sffe. Q rv.ii r.t 1 x 0L L. J I 1 I SI ' 11 iree', from ny adulteration, we Best, The Royal. r , A PORK, PACKER'S PALACE. ' ' s ' i '! ' ruilip D. Armrmr,; Ji- Is lluildlng the Finest Bestrtencel In Chicago. -PJjilip D. Arfoour.-Jr., bob of $lie raul tiffiillionairo pork packer, is now building What is said to bo the handsomest house In Chicago and due of the handsomest pri vate resiliences in the country. It stands on a lot 13'J feet by 00 fret in dimensions and occupies a frontago-of 65 feet on jJiipbigjin avenifo and HJO .flet on Thirty seteitll street. Ftiiif the .pavement to the 1 top of tho roof, wibft h is four stories above the street, the distance is 100 feet. Con necticut brownstone is used in the con struction on all four sides, .and the roof is covered with red tile. Tbij roof finals are Of terra cottsi to match the! tile, and the sky line is broken by numerous dormers, towers and chimneys, j The construction throughout is fireproof and resembles that common in the great office buildings in ChkagoyewYork and other cities. -All thd-tloor beams are of steol, and tho arche3 and partitions are of tue.4.,Tna architecture is of the style in vogue In the time of Francis I, and the railings, balconies and window reveals are P. D. AEMOUB, JR.'S, NEW HOME. lch in carving. There are SO rooms, which will be furnished iu a luxurious manner, and two of the most Imposing Matures 01 tne Interior are the large halls la the first and second stories, which con tain a magnificent stairway 7 feet broad. On the fourth floor Is an immense ball room, -where Chicago's Four Hundred will worship at the shrine of Terpsichore. There will be nine bathrooms, and the plumbing throughout the house will be the best that.mopey can buy....The heat ing will be done by steam controlled by an electric service. An elevator will con nect all floors, and the residence will be supplied with every modern convenience. The carriago entrance will be on the north side of the house. The stable, which is already completed, is a model in its ap points eats. It Is of brpwnstone, with a roof Cif red tile find Arj-nmnihrinMnna tnr n dftil horses.1 ""The carriage room is tiled to the very ceiling; and the heating is (Jone by steam. ; -' It Is believed that the residence will cost $500,000 when completed. Philip D. Armour, Sr., is worth ?23,00O,000 or $30, 000,000 and jirawtlcally controls the beef trade of two continents. I -'( . . Round Too Much. Pale with suppressed indignation, Al gernon MoBtab uncrossed his legs, rose stiffly and turned up his coat collar. "Glycerin McCurdy, V he howled, "yon have neon fit. to sneer at me. You have accused me of having a wheel in my head. 1 - If I have, false beauty, it is at least a wheel that has run tme tc you." . ''Ah, yes, replied tha young woman, with a pensive faraway look in her Eoull'ul eyes, "and yet' I hardly want ydufor a hub, you know. "Chicago Tribune.. . r ' ;- ' Lamb and the Scotchman - Qharles amb said he never could impress a Scotchuan with any new truth; that they all required it to be spelled .'and, explained away in old equivalent and familiar words and phrases.'.; He said he had spoken to a Scotchman: who sat next to him at din tier of a healthy book. . ' "Healthy, , sir. Healthy, did yon say?" ,. , . ' "'Yds, Wealthy." y "I dinnaoojnprqbepd.. I have heard Df, a, healthy man and of a healthy raOrning, b'nt fcever of a healthy book. " ' Helen M. Stoddard. 4 Helen M. Stoddard, nresidpnt nf t.lin tijxas W. .C, T U.,.haa been for the ast-20 years' an ai-dent advocate of woman suffrage. She was converted bv a lecture of Susan B. Anthony's. The iexas w. C. T. U. is doing a great work for suffrage under the impulse oi Mrs. Stoddard' and its other progressive leaders. WILD FIRES. The devastation and suffering caused by the Dames of the wild prairie and forest tins m the West last summer has a horri ble detail in the loss of life and" destruction of property. Men, women and children by scores choked by smoke and roasted alive: tl.eir homes destroyed and hundreds maimed and crippled. It is painful to con template, but Still iuinortam and charita. hie to make it known that St. Jacobs Oil. used according to directions, is one of the nest cures tor burns and soalds, and should he kept on hand. There Is no household that should be without the great remedy for pain, for there are none without the need of it. Little things like slight cuts anil wounds it heals and cures like magic auu uvips vue uuuee won on. Society ami Amusements In Brooklyn. I have said that the women provide dissi pation for their husbands at night That is a curious feature of Brooklyn life. It has no Ward McAllister, no Four Hundred nothing that those names imply. It is true that there nsed to be a smart set on the heights, and there are others in Clinton avenue, iu New York and Brooklyn ave nues, and on the park slope, but then no one has ever decided that one is any better than another. Instead of one crowning triumph of caste, society there is divided into church coteries as a basis, and out of these grow many sorts of little circles, each combination being reproduced over and over again beyond calculation in the same district, and in the many districts which in Brooklyn are quite as dUtinct as if they were separate cities. ' v . , .,;.. The lesser circles of which I -speak are bowling clubs, whist clubs, euchre dubs. poker clubs, literary . guilds, musical co teries, amateur-dramatic companies and dancing classes. Poker is played for small stakes in many circles in Brooklyn solelv. I trust, because it "has charms to keep the men at home; but bowling is a passion with the Brooklyn folk. Investigate what set you will, and it is almost sure- to in clude a bowling club in its ramifications and adjuncts. Juliah Kalph in Harper's. Walking Leaves and Other Things. Nature's law being almost universal so far as the protection of the weak creatures is concerned, it is not at all wonderful, per haps, that she has formed insects into per fect counterparts of flowers, leaves, sticks, etc. Some of the "walking leaves," those which' are natives of India, China and Ja pan in particular, are large, grotesque look ing creatures, their resemblance being strikingly like a bundle of yellow twigs joined together with faded, macerated leaves. The limbs of this species of insect are long, slender and very twiglike, the col oring being suited to that particular species of vegetation upon which the deceptive mimicker subsists. The "walking stick,", like the walking leaf, is also very deceptive as far as looks go. The males have small, slender bodies, the legs or arms starting from it just as smaller Muds or a tree or weed start from lursrer ones. The "walking t horn" of Java belongs to this curious order Of insects, as do also the "devil's horse" and the mantis. The "walking thorn" looks exactly like the large compound spine of ourcommon honey locust tree, even in color ana general con tour. fct. i,ouis Republic. The Satl Case of a Young Han. "W hat shall a young man do who oa general principles merely wants to be mar ried?" asks a correspondent. "While he Is desperately in love with the sex he can dis cover in himself no preference for any indi vidual. Tli is is not because his demands are great. lie asks for no impossible she merely youth, beauty and brains. Money is 01 no consequence. Position lie can give. He knows yourijj women by scores. He places himself in places of danger. There is no battery of bright eyes he hesitates to face, praying to be hopelessly pierced, yet always escapes, ms tnte he does not put to the test, or he is never tempted. While other men agonize lest they cannot win ths girl they love this young man is in mors desperate straits because he cannot And (rirl to love. His case is as deeply serious as ir it were tot tbrougn Its novelty amus ing." i Scrofula in the Neck Is a danneroUs. disagreeable and tenacious but Hood's Satsaparilla as a thorough blood purifier, ures this and all other forms of scrofula. r had a bunch on the side of ray neck as large as a hen's egg. I was advised to have it cut out, but would not consent. A friend suggested that I take Hood's Sarsaparilla, which I am glad t3 say that T tiit anA annn the hunch , Entirely Dlsap- ' peared. if I ean tmlv nraiui 11 1 Hood's Sarsaoarilla airs, jsua Billings for I know it is an jxcellent medicine. I have recommended Hood's Sarsaparilla highly in the past, and ihall continue to do so." Mbs. Elia Bill ings Red Cloud, Neb. Remember HoodVsCures Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner Ills, assist dl estion, prevent constipation. It Is sold on a guarantee by ail drug gists. It cures Incipient Consumption 9jvJ ta the best Ooiuik and Ctoud Cure wing too Fast means that children do not get proper nourishment from food. They are therefore thin, narrow-chested and weak. icott's the cream" of Cod-liver Oil and hypophosphites, supplies material for growth. It makes . sound bones, solid flesh and healthy, robust, children. Physicians, the world jover, endorse it. h; i ,1 v; J ; i r Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Prepared by Scott Bowse, M. Y, All Druggists, n & M rhfrfz V TAKE 25ctS.Vv. V-wr-v . - J 50cts. andw. f mJk I 1 1 s W I S1.00 Bottle. vl Vl I 1 1 a 1 sX, I One cent a dose.XW) Emulsion Three Leading Scientists Proclaim the Superior Value of Dr. Price's Baking Powder. Scientists are devoting closer attention to food product! Recent examinations of baking powders by Prof. Long, Dr. Haines, and Prof. Prescott, were made to determine which powder was the purest, highest in leavening strength, most efficient in service, and most economical in cost. They, decide that Dr. Price's Cream Baking IWder excels in all the essentials of an ideal preparation for household use. They write: "Chicago, March sSth, 1894. We have purchased in the open market cans of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and also of the other loading brands of baking powders, and have submitted them to chemical analysis. We find that Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is a pure cream of tartar powder, that is has a considerably greater leavening strength than any of the other baking powders we have ever tested. Prof. John H. Long, Northwestern University, Chicago. Dr. Walter S. Haines, Hush Medical College, Chicago. Prof. Albert B. Prescott, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor." HOITT'8 SCHOOL. One oi the best Schools for Boys on tm Coast is in charm of Ex-State Superintend ent Ira 0. Hoilt, Ph. D., at Burlinitaiut San Mateo county, Cat. The borse is supposed to be man's best friend, unless he happens to bet on him In s race. A HKRALD OV THK INFANT TEAK. Clip the last thirty years or more from the century, ami the segment will represent the term of the unbounded popularity of Hoatet ter's Stomach Bitters. The opening of the year 1895 will be signalized by the sptwarsuce ol a Iresh Almanac of the Bitters, in which the titea, derivation and action of this world-famotis medicine will be lucidly set forth. Everybody should read it. The calendar and astronomical caioHiauons to De lound in this brochure are always astonishingly accurate, and thestatliic Illustrations, humor aud other reading matter ncn in interest and lull ol pront. The Hosteller company 01 rittsDtirg. ra., publish it them selves. They employ more than sixty hands in the mechanical work, and more than eleven months iu the year are consumed in its prrpara tion. it can be obtained, without cost, of all druggists and country dealers, and Is printed In English, (ierman, French, Welsh, Norwcgiaa, Swedish, Holland, Bohemiau aud Spanish. She There horrid photographs don't do me justice at all He-My love, it's not justice fuu si aud in need of it's mercy. CHASING THE WALRUS. Bow Be Is Harpooned and Then Finished With Cold Lead. Arnold Pike tells of a walrus huut in Bird bay, to the north of Spitzbergea The bay was full of fast, ice, but east ward the sea was fairly open, and the hunter was rowing slowly baok to the sloop when the harpooner suddenly laid aside his glass and headed the boat for a black mass which the mirage magni fied into the size of a small house, but Which was really a walrus. "The walrus raises his bead, and we are motionless, " says Mr. Pike. "It is intensely Bun, ana toe scraping 01 a piece of ice 'along the boat seems like the roar of a railway train passing over head on some bridga Down goes the head, and we glide forward again. The Walrus is uneasy. Again and again he raises his bead and looks around with a quick motion, but we have the sun right at our back, and be never notices us. At last we are within a few feet, and with a shout of 'Voek op, gamlingl' (Wake up, old boy), which breaks the stillness like a shot, the harpooner is on his feet, his weapon clasped in both hands above his head. "As the walrus plunges into the sea the iron is hurled in his side, and with a quick twist to prevent the bead from slipping out of the same slit that it has cut in the thick hide the handle is withdrawn and thrown into the boat No. 2, who with a turn round the for ward thwart has been paying out the line, now checks it, as stroke and the 'hammelmand, ' facing forward, hang back on their oars to check the rush. Bumping and soraping the ice, we are towed along for about five minutes and then stop as the walrus comes to the surface to breatha "In the old days the lance would fin ish the business, but now it is the rifle. He is facing the boat, I sight for one of his eyes and let him have both barrels without muoh effect apparently, for away we rush for two or three minutes more, when he is up again, still facing the boat. He seems to care no more for the solid express bullets than if they were peas, but he is low this time, and as he turns to dive exposes the fatal spot at the back of his head and dies. " Milwaukee Wisconsin. ' DISEASE GERMS IN MILK. Bow They May lie Killed by Pasteurising the Fluid. The simplest war to pasteurize milk la to place it first in clean bottles. Then put the bottles into a large kettle or other metal receptacle. Pour cold water into the kettle until the water reaches tho level of. the milk in the bottles. Now close the mouth of each bottle with a plug of clean white cotton fiber. Heat the kettle and contents to 155 de grees F. Then remove from the fire and cover the whole affair snugly with a woolen cloth to keep from cooling at once. Leave half an hour, then take out the bottles and keep them in running water or in any cool place, leaving them still stopped with the plug of cotton. The flexible wooden stoppers used with some kinds of patent glass Jars would answer in place of cotton, tho objeot being to exclude air, dust aud germs. Bo careful not to heat above 155 degrees, or the milk will not taste quite right. In practice it will be found a good idea to make easier the circulation of the hot water by placing a wire frame an inch or two in height in the Icettle beneath the bottles. : Milk carefully treated ' by the above process may be warranted free from lisease germs, aud it will keep sweet ibout 24 hours. Many a milkman could ret tip a fancy trade at advanced prices m milk treated in this way. . For ship- ling milk long distances none of the nethods, except by icing, has been yet ulticicntly tested to be recommended. MiiSHachuECtts Ploughman, "Yea, it's a baril world," sinned the but loonlst, as he struck the (sir grounds with s sk'keulug thud. ON THK OCKAN. There is no place where Allcocs's Por ous Plabtbrs do not prove their value, George Augustus Sala, the well-known Knglish writer, writing of his trip across the Pacific, rays: "I especially have a pleasant remem brance of the ship's doctor a ery experi enced maritime medico indeed, who tended me most kindly during a horrible spell of uruiiuaiiisaiiusnasiuoaicastuma.provoKea by the sea fug which had swooped down on us just after we left 8an Francisco. Hut the doctor's prescriptions and the increas ing warm tli of the temperature as we neared the tropics, and in particular a eouple of Allcock's PoRot'ti Pi asters olapped on one on the chest and another between the shoulder blades soon set nie right." Bbandkkth's Pills always act uni formly. Miss Scars Pn you think George would marry me (or mymoneyr Ethel Knox It might be worth trying; how much have you gotT CATAKKU CANNOT 11 K CUBED with LOCAL they rannel reach the seat of the disease. Catsrrh ( a hlnnrl or constitutional disease, and In order to cure It you must taae internal remedies. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure Is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous sin faces. Hall's Ca tarrn Cure is not a quack medicine. It was pre forlbed by one of the best physicians In t!TlB oountiy tor years, and is a regular piexrrlption. It is lomposed of the best tonics kuown, com bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mucous surfaces. The irln( oomulnation of the two ingredleuts Is what pro v.uv,r. eih h nuiiucriiu reniuis iu curing uatarro. Send for testimonials, free. . 1. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, o. 8old by druggists; price, 76 centa, THK PUKTLANU VOCAL FOLIO Of thirty-nine selected Bone", bv mail. 50 cents. (Stamps taken.) Address Wiliy B, ALLEH Co.. 211 First St.. Portland Or CJseKuimeilneHioTe roUsli, uo dust, oo imell Tat Qbbhxa for breaafaat. R. HALL'S PULMONARY BALSAM The Best til HE for Uoughe, Colds and Uottaumptlon- ISold by all UruKBlsts. Price, 50 cents. J. K. GATES A CO., Proprietors, 417 Sansome St., 8. F. ENGRAVING II PRINTEKS SHOULD KNOW that the oldest and best Photo-engraving office In Han Fran cisco was established Jn IH77 by the Manager of the DKWKY. JSN GRAVING CO., Who has secured the latest and best Improve menls.sccret processes and a full complement of the most upproved . machinery, photo ap. Ssfff trie llghiseto. Having IF. Utcunltr ImMuti Miial.""' experience and . . . suiirrmr arusis, I HIS wneer Co. turns out the highest class of work iromptly, reliably and at uniformly moderate prices for all kinds of engraving. Publishers helped gi tup special Issues. Job printers and others ihouldsend forHamples,estlmutesand Information. i.T. BiswKV.Mauuger.ffiuMarlietat., a. P., Oat $109 FOR THE To the no.rson or club retumlatr us the luui inmber of . . ; G0LDEJ. WEST BAKING POWDER rtlncatcs on or before June 1. mm. wawtll Ive a cash prine of 1100, end to the next largest numerous oilier prills ranging from IS to 175 r usu. CLOS3KT ct DKVBftiJ, Portland, Or. ew OS. WIKSLOW'S 8Hu'? rOR OHILDRIN TIITHINQ wWatdekreilDraavlsts. Oeatoakettta. S. P. V. U. No. 677-S. F. N. U. No. 664 DON'T BORROW MALARIA! Three rtows otity. Try It. SAP OLIO HOW" TO SAVE MONEY. Buy your GKOC ERIE8 and PROVISIONS of as, and we will fave you money, We bundle the best goods and deliver free to trains or boali. We buy and sell for spot cash, and lull goods cheitoei than any other Arm in the country. Bend us your name and address, and we will mail you our new price list, which will be out soon. We offer to-day : Climax tobacco, 40 cents per nonnd Dry granulated Biigar In 100-lb. sacks for..'...8 00 1 Best coal oil per case ......;"" P "il SO Best brands of Hour per barrel a 16 1 Arbuckle's oi.ffeeper pound ' U Send ua a list of what yoa need, andwa will make you special prlc I. Address yoiirorders t? MARK L. OOHM Jt oo- u Front Street, Portland. Or. Mothers, Vives and Sisters The Olvlne Influriu-e of Home Is In tour Keeping. It U a Nncrcd Trukt. It you will lemember that ALCOHOLISM Is a dlmi so, ami will ue your loving Influence to have the I'sllrnl hike a Cure, thvie will be Nuuahlue where Morrow now dwells. THE FITTZ CURE Comes as a friend In time of need. It la Nnfe, Hrliabli'i aud a Nil re Cure. Can be taken at homo. No lots of time; no publicity. Correspondence Coufldeiillul. The Cure tiaaraiiter-4, l'rii e, SA.OU, N.J. STONE A CO., Koora 1, Flood Building, 8. F., Cal llciieral Agciits for Paclllo Coast. " WORLD'S-FAIR IIIIOIIKST AWAKD1 THE VEMZICtIIVJXl Has justly acquired the reputation of being ' The Salvntor for Invalids The-Aged. An Incomparable Aliment for the Growth and Protection of INFANTS and CHILDREN A superior nutritive in continued Fevers, And a reliable remedial agent In all gastric and enteric diseases j often In instances of consultation over patients whose digestive organs were re duced to such a low and sensitive condition that the IMPERIAL (1RANUM was the only nourishment the stomach would tolerate when LI I E aeemed depending on Its retention j And as a rOOD it would be difficult to conceive of anything more palatable. Md by DRUQQISTS. Shipping Depot. JOHN CARLB A SONS, New York. CHICKEN MISIHQ PAYS If yon use the Pttalum InrubsUra a braiders. Make money while other are wasting time hvolilorocrurs. 1 Cntslugtellsall atwut it.iuiduescrlhts every article u reded fur the, poultry business. The "ERIE" mechanically the trst wnccl. Prettiest model. we are Pacific Coast Ajrenta. Bicycle cato loirue.malled free .trivet IT mlon,iirleei, etc., AOitim wawtro. PETALUMa nWUBATOt to., Petalama.Cal. Bhahch Houhb, m a Main Bt Los Angeles. Manhood restored. I ills Ills germ and vital fores ol plants and flowerii it gives vigor, power and site to the vital organs ol man. Might Emissions, Weak memory, AtropHy, Sexual Weakness, eic. Surely cured by POLLEN ACME POLLEN ACME The mot won derful achievement in Medical Science. The only acknowl edged permanent cure guaranteed. Mew York address sii-117 Fulton St, Eay to carry In vent pocket. Price ft. bixfurlj. Sent in plain wrapper, or at all Uruggititt. . trNoaRc. Co. KATTLS. WASH FRA7FD AXLE BEST IN THE WORLD. CREASE Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually mil. ILIitlna tvn Vinvau nf .n, nth... v.....i .. ,- , " . wiiwi urniiu. r rue rum Animal una. ukt thk liKNUIMK. FOR SALE BY ORKOON AND WASHINGTON MKRCHANTSK and Dealers generally. SMOKE Sweet Virginia .PLUG CUT NEW Portland, Wal'a Walla, Spokane, via O. KAN. Railway and Oreut Northern Hallway to Montana points, Ht. Paul. Minneapolis, Omaha, Ht. Louis, Chi cago and Kast. Address WAY EAST! meareni agent. U. C. Donavan. 0n. Ait.. Portland.Or.; K.C.Hte- V.lTta 1c, Uc.tdr. Wuh . n ii i,Ti T"7' X", ?"! m.r.'"y No d ml; rock-balhiBt tiuek; fine sconuryi pal- c o.erping hiiu uiiiMigcars; Dimet-llbrarycarsi ...... t) wuiiat diccuib, unw equipment. HENRY'S ".'CARBOLIC '.' SALVE Bf The most powerful healing ointment eve, uircuvereu. HENRY'S CAitHOUC SALVE cure sores " ' " allavs burns. i " " heals pimples. . ,',,. Oiircs wounds and cuts. Ask for Henry's; lake no oiher. Be ware of counterfeits. Bold by all drutgista: 26 etantu hn "w TROUBLE." BUY , "SUPERIOR NUTRITION-7 Ht LIFE? i lit inmSedll rra, vatslogue " FHKK. CHEAPER IN THE END. - DO YOU . FEEL BAD? DOES YOUR BAOK . ache? Does every step seem a burden? Yon need MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY. A MuttrrmllU Well. Did you i'Vi r wo it buttermilk wt-llf I nit'itti it woll Hint yloltU buttt rinilk. No, tlioro uio ii liuttcrinllk wulU aliottt hrt) that I "w but 1 iv omi out in imrtlii'rti ltiiliniut oiipm. It was iimtuKiti'tl with n oriMtntfry. Thore la no ltmrkot for biitturiiiilk tlicre, nml tliu ltilmliltiintH of tlie town, wlio dim gut nil tho biittcntiilk tlioy want fur liothinif by dimply Kt''r ftr ii- uiwt totii'h it Am flint iw tho Kri'itt rutlvliiK flitifiiB lmve tirooipltiitt'd thoir wuitVhof ifolilnii bttttor tho litilkr roHidutiih in run off into tho trouuhi Hint lomi to tlui butttirniilk woll. From tlumoe it la puniK'd up to food lion, boiiiK tliHtrih tiled by a ayNtom of trougha nmoiiK tho pctiH. TIioho Iiokh re uiomly kopt to utili.o tho btittnrniilk, whioli would othorwiiui K t" wuHto, mid tho fntniiHH of tlit'wo niiituala mo fod dclloa wnnlH. Vory littlo oIhu in Kivti thiuii. Butttir niilk pork in anid to bo auporlor, tiNpo chilly whoti Rtipplonunitoi with corn, Now York UuritUL How Ntallons Have (iruwn. Hvciilllng mllmniliiiK one of our citizens rciuurkixl liow odioiiM he to consider the ride up the lower rmul 'JO jcum uo with iU lintncroim atopH. Vit in tlioxu days tin in were only IU Hlutlnni, whilu now there urn -7 If we luivo nut iiiIhhciI a few In the count, Thru the Hint station out from riilltuUlplilii win Angora, while now timt Utlie foni'lli or lift U. In those iluys ull the braking win done by liiuul. At soinu Itit ions the tins would xtop nil rlKhtuml everybody would ho li:ipiy. At ol hers the train would run iiistt!ie.Mutlu nml would have to ku hack. Thiii there would bun racket la'tweeu the engineer mid brnkeiiieii an to whoso fault it wan, niul real hard wonls would pass. With the piteiittimiil)erof Htjitlons they would luivu to eoimneiicu to hack before they left ono slat ion In order to haul tip la time for the next. Tho length of the mad Ik kIvcu at UT tnilea ami a fraction. This liiuke.t nil nvet'HKe of iiliout it Htatlon to the mile. We linve it way of eiuleiivorln ( to avoid tliiMi t I'liin wliii-h imtko ull tlie stops. Went Chester (I'n.) Uceord. COLUMBIAN PRIZE WINNERS. OONOVER PIANOS CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS WtRI QIVIN Highest Award9 At the World's Exposition for excellent manufacture, quality, 4 uniformity and volume of tone, elasticity of touch, artistic cases, materials and workman ship of highest grade. ATALOOUM ON APPLICATION MH. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. OHIOAQO. ILL. largest Manufacturers of hhps and organs in the would. rhoa, F. Oakiw, TTenry C. Pnyno, llimry V. House, Heel o vera. rva ORTHERN B PACIFIC R. R.' R U N S Pullman . Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Car3 PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FAR QO TO I GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON WINNIPEQ HELENA snd BUTTE rHOUQH ' TICKET, TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW VORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH ' For information, limn pnrrln mnm an, tleketH, cull on or write 4. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Cenl. Pass Agenl ' PORTLAND, Oil. Caveats, and Tiade-Marlii nht.ln.rf .,) .u d.. I en. uusiiiaHconuuctea lor Uasri.r. Wmwm . , . , .w .. !Oua Ornei ta Offosit( u, Patint Orr'ioi and we cn secure patent in less time Uiao thuti Seod model, drawing or photo., with descrlp-! t on. we advise, if . i.... Ir, j wm. ,m ,,u. uuu mi paienc is secured. A PAMFHLKT, " How to Obtain Patents," with cost pf same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.GNOW&CO. 1