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About The Argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1894-1895 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1894)
THE ARGUS THURSDAY,. AUi;. 2 185M. Voul taken on MilHcriliin. iiiitl fire tin cash on mibttoiijdious. llvcyou men tlior dinner wtM at OrvyrV? T. j. IVjteet. of (tHHlmi, rust Iwtiiig ut ilie count. -The District Lodge of (lood Ti'niplrtiti will beheld in Sllerivooil, Friday, Am;. Htli. A vijzilant committee inav or Kaui.u in llillsbtiro (or th" r tce- tioii (if hell I'ooctrt. T. V. Siin, the horseman of Seum Valley, spent ft fuw days in Cortland on business thin week. . Kditli t!aiTion came out from Portland Saturday and in visiting friend and relatives in tliiH cily. A lovtily rliniuM1 net of lO.'i pieces at Urcer's for 110.7"). Tea nets of the -aim goods, W pieces foi ll.oO. Geo. Hall hiii enancd to leach i term of school at Tiirdville. He will co:iniienee ahiut Septem ber d. -At the Cleveland races last '1 liurHduy, Alex beat Maud S. la ruou record on that trifk. Alex's time waf. 2:0N. 'e are in receipt of Ibn Yu quiiui Hay News a very handsome seven column folio "patent in ards" published at Newport, Ore i on. This fwbjcet for next Sunday evmiinn'u Kpworth Lenno is '"Soul attitude in svorship." The Phari see and Ilio Publican, header Minn Zulu Warren. On last Saturday eveiiiuu while in an apple, tree pickiug fruit the twelve yeilr old son of 1. B. Kver nn, of Oedar Mill, Ml and fractur ed bin loft ami. V. II. lialston lias moved in to hit new hotel nl Gaston. It has been very handsonily painted ami (b'wratml bv our fellow towtiNiium, .1. A. Cumpbell. V, II. Loliiuun, who at one timo rt'Bidod here, has been heard from at Baker City, where he did Home crooked tvork in one of the fraternnl orders. -N. I'aiselou reorts fourteen 1). M. Osbirn it (!o. binders Hold in this county tins ecason. Twelve of that number was sold by him from the Ilillslioio agency. 'I'liiUMlny of last week, Nat Kiniborlin and daughter, of Brown oipillty, Kansa, u rived here and nrjj'notf the jjui'sts of our fellow towpmniftti, C. I). Kimberlin. iJis M,ie Clark, who lias been le.'lj'jiiiij; le-ie iho, lvo years Hdh'tvd one day h' st week for a visit in Mnrslili' ld, Orison, where sins will iMinain for sonic time. Wo have been requested to jog llm memory of the K. P. boys -thoiit the visit of ll' Grand Chaneellor le xt .Momliiy ovuninjf. A good nttemlaiiee is denned ' There will he a meeting of the voters of llillsboro Hchnol district next Saturday, to provide, cily water for I he school, Also for a heating apperalns for the building ICleet i ic e'oeks are being placed in many of the larger cities on this coast. They are connected by wire with tiie U. S. obscratorv at Wash ington, I). C , and are. self corn cl ing., Y. V. V. K. S. of Iho Congre gatiohal church, gave a pink tea .social at the Orange hall, last Fri day evening, It was both pleasant and profitable. The net receipts were H W. 4 Hev. Anderson of this, city is holding a series of revival meetings at Gaston. On last Sunday there were twelve persons that received thorite of bantism as a result of his labors there. E. 0. Barnes was arrested and brought before I'eoordor Oofibins Friday morning. , lie plead guilty to a common 'drunk." win lined $2 and cosl3. Me paid the fine and was discharged. Geo. Patlerson' returned from Newport Saturday. He says that the llillsboro people are all nicely located at Nyo creek near the beach. They all enjoyed reading The Ar o Friilny evening. On last Sunday evening the six year old son, of John Pierson, living one and a half miles north of Keedville, sustained a fracture of his loft leg, caused by a wagon doubletree falling on the limb. John Willis while trimming shrubbery met with quite a painful accident Thursday of lne-t week. He cut n n artery in his thigh him) lost considerable blood before the How of blood could be stanched. ( --M. J. Wills now of North Yakima, is here visiting among friends ami old acquaintances. At dna time he w?s a prominent iiieluhaiit of this city, and was elec ted one of its first city dads incorporation. On Saturday irtst.'A. H. Gar rison captured a runaway team out near the Hoover bridge, north of town. The harness was badly broken and one of the hoieen was M'injured. He did not learn tt, 5 owners name. A drive out through the coun try revea ls the fact that harvest is well uudar way, It may be that tirpe,sar not improving much, but wlrj this large crop of wheat is jfloved, at a, fair iarioe we expect to ee time much better than they ar? I'ho first Deinoreht contest in which llillsboro talent took pari ; wan held in the Congretional , church, n. tin- city la.t r ev-1 ening. I be meeting nresided over by .1. M. Brown, was onened witliiiHong by the malo quartet, then followed tli'irenderiiig of some excellent temperance recitations by .Miss Amy Wells, Benj. Dennis and Miss Amy Patterson, after which Miss Etta Kimberlin favored the audience with an instrumental nolo. Then Il iiry Bagley. Myrtle Biy nobis and itoy Burt delivered elo: (ji: ":it tcniperanee recitations. All i be iwitations wcie handled skill fully, and in a manner that showed ih it inudi care had been taken in com.uiltin tle'in. While the judg es, who were all residents of Forest Grove, wc deciding who was en titled to the lii"iUI, Mrs Thomas who ii also of Forest Grove, ex plained the principles of Demurest contests. A collection was then taken for the benefit of local tem perance work. The judges award ed the medal to No. f, and it. ,vas presented by Dr. Tamiesie to Miss Myrtle Reynolds in a few happy remarks. Amid the congrut illa tions the audience dispersed all looking foward to the next contest which it is doped will be soon. If the thousands of protruding nails were driven down to a level with the planking a great cause for. profanity would be removed A few less than a million are slicking out all the way from an eighth of an inch to a half inch. They are a constant source of an noyanee, und a menace to life. Shoes and boots' sillier from such obstructions, and frequently tin; dresses of ladies are damaged to a coiisidarabh) extent. ;iee more we call attention to cer tain pieces of what passes for side walk. These nbniiitnnblo nails and loose planks arc a perpetual source I ot mental and oral profanity. A I limn stumps his toe, or rips his foot- j wear, and utters a big ! 1! or he thinks of a place much wann er than the climate he is accustom ed to. A rent in a ladies new dress she don't say anything only thinks strongly. Now say ar, a matter of business we would ask the proper authorities to look after this mailer at once' -The Astoria Budget kicks be eau-e some Astorian ladies have or dered punts made, to wear when tluy go wheeling. Our brother of the Budget sh aild return to the old primative dress for man in the earliest days of civilization, when a postage stamp stuck on the middle of the iVirehe ul would have sufficed for a mans full dress suit. Tin; puritanical notion that the feet of women should be eneuiubured with skii ! is out. of datt. with relined and educated people. Our Sislers dre-sed in knee pants with tight fitting stockings and a cu!-way coat. It is all right In-other' don't be loo nice. Oneofthc linest, roads from the Willamette valley out to the coast is along the Wilson river route. There is excellent fishing in Wil son river and good hunting along on the mountains. Walt Smith keeps an excellent camping place at wdiat is known is the halfway house. There is only one objection that we have heard to this route and that is the excessive charges for toll. If the toll was reasonable the travel would be doubled and the proprietor would bo the gainer by several hundred dollars. Sheriff Ooan of Columbia county, C. II. Newel of St. Helens, and John It. Beoi'lo editor of the Oregon Mist drove over from St. Helens Monday afternoon to attend! a meeting of Pliconix Bodge, No, 34, K. of P. The lat',or gentleman took t ho second and third ranks and is now a full Hedged Pythian Knight. A Knights of Pythias loodge is to be organized in St. Helens on Wednesday of next week. A number of our hovs contemplate driving over to participate in the exorcises. . Last Saturday being the reg ular time for election of officers, the following corps were elected for Hillaboro Lodge No 17, I. 0. G. T. W. 1!. Craig, G. T.; Edi h Wells. V. T; Eda Adams, S. .1. T; Q. N Allison, S; Jas. Adams, T; K. H. Mitchell, F. S; W. Curtis, M; Harry Gault, G ; and W. Garrison, S. J. M. Brown, R. 11. Mitchell, and W. Garrisson, were elected trustees fer the coming year. A family down in Flordia lost their child and failing to lind it af ter two days, put a 25 cent notice in a newspaper and next morning were surprised to see an aligatoron their steps where he had disgorged the lost child alive and then died; They sold the hide for if 5 and are exhibiting the child in dime muse ums fcr $50 a week. This story il- j lustmtes the value of advertising, Gaston now has a first class drug and medicine house. A gentlemon of Portland went out to Gaston and purchased a building and piece of ground. He immedi ately set about to improve and oc cupy the same indicating that he intends making his home in Gas Ion. Messrs. L. II. Alberts & Co. of la a f t ii ..ii , torest Grove Roller Mills are l.av;i inu an axirnnrninnrv iynoH nm if . ing an ex'raordinary good run of j custom this year. They are kept ! very busy filling orders from all over Washington county and differ enl purls of the state. They are also erecting a grain ware house for soring whb John'.otthrop'fi family of Mnintaiuditle are severely afflicted with muiupe Knd sc-atletiua. . J. II. Sowell is lilting up :i new hop house north of llillslioro. It. Spencer has put up an awhi (m t,!(, ,,., (f .j, i . , I bm S. j; Huston and family started for Newport beach on Tuesday. -Say now is the time to lix up the drain on second street before it rs two far gone. Ed Bowen, Bob Greer's clerk, starts Monday for a two weeks outing al Netarts. -W. S. Phelps, G. O. JamcR and A. M carlile visited the hill Satur day returning Monday. Look over nor busiuess'di rectory and if your inline is not in it, better call and have us put it then;. John Gault had one of his bunds scalded while atlendiu! the engine in the Independent ollice. Hev. Dick and family have gone to Gearhart Park on the Clatsop beach to spend a months vacation. W. II. Wright and son from Plarino, Colifomia, arrived here last evening mid are the guests of S. Kveritt. Rev, Sohodeld will preach in tli rs Baptist church next Sunday at 11 o'clock, ami in the evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. Drang, of Forest Grove, will occupy the pulpit at the Congrega tional church next Sunday at 11 a. in. All arc cordially invited. Miss Jennie Sawyer one of our most popular music teachers is now rusticating at the coast with !. W. Patterson's family will take charge of her music class about Sep., L'Oth. Wm. Anifuns who is always on the watch for evildoers, discovered a half crazy individual, last Tues day proiiiimiding the streets with a gun which A. mans took posses sion of. --Last Tuesday wc found Carstens and Hanau running their fteam thresher at Jas. Wilsons one and a halfmiies csust of Gieenville. Tho wheat crop as far as we can learn is very light. Postmaster -W. L. Moore of Greenville and Miss ring, of Sacraiiioi. to at the home of the 1 on. the L'lld.of July. May Pickor- were irides They married parents are now at borne in Greenville having ar rived Thursday of last week. Miss Stella Lyon will teach at Greenville this winter. We pre dict that Miss Lyon has a bright future before her as a teacher, as she is well qualified for the posi ton, and the term she has taught shows that she has many qualifica tions in that line Newberg Times. --The new phrase caused by the salary system among our county officials is "Turn-over." Tint clerks turn over the fees received from in dividuals during the day, to the. county treasurer. They check oil' the amount received as the "turn over." Miss bibbio Douhran, who has been in this city for medical treat ment, returned to her homo in Am ity Saturday. She will return in two or three weeks for another course of treatment. She is troub eld with deafness, and is under the care of Dr. Linklater, and is great ly inmroved- . Dr. M. II. J'arker, of Green ville, has completed a palatial res idence and a very handsome store building on his property in that oily. The doctor intends to put in an extensive slock ol general mer chandise. The upper story of his stun! building is used as a citv hall. W. L. Moore, the postmaster of Greenville started out on a very important mission to California just before the strike struck. He I was tied up at Ashland until '.he 20th, of July, Now this was rather a boy caught on a marriage trip than a buyout on a Pullman (Jar. Gracie Peterson, daughter of Postmaster Peterson of Buxton, is very seriously ill with diphtheria. Two and n half miles south west of Forest (J rove is the beau tiful little hamlet of Dilley nestled in a neck of the woods skirting the shimmering Tualatin river. There are two general merchandise stores and a hardeware and implement house locatud here. The latter is owned and controlled by II. E. Burchell, who is desireous of clos ing out his business that bo may take a band in the Dilley Labor Excluuife an incorporation that if properly handled he thinks would be of great benefit to the community. While there a few hours last Monday we bad the pleasure of meetinp' J. A. Johnson, John Nissen and W. R. Stevens wdio added their names to our list. We took dinner at the home of Jonas Wolf, Mrs. Wolf knows just bow to prepare a dinner to suit a hungry editor. A visit to J. P. Aplin & Son's fl'Uiring mills reveals the fact that, these gentlemen have a little fort tine here in the milling business. The mill is run by either steam 'or wnter, and is one of the handiest arranged mills in the otitic. Hisr vwnow iiuu ti ium;i th() eupm.iHion of our Mlow towns. r , .... .. ,., man and millwright, A, M. Collins Wc also had the pleasure of meet1 ing Edward Boyd and L. C. Pen nell whose names we have on our list. The latter gentleman is engi neer for the Forest Grove Roller Mills. Just, one tbinnr ninrrnd the pleasure of this visit and cast a gloom over the entire community the death Of Mrs. Dudley. We are sorry to be called upon to chronicle another accident through shore carlessnes. Yester day forenoon K. J. Millard of Dilley with a wagon load m' sand I attempted to cross the Jackson I bridge that spans the main channel j of the Inalaliu river south of town Just as hi got to the mp of the bridge the span gave way and pre cipated Mr. Hubbard w ith his team and load into the water below a distance of thirty live feet. Laftd-' iug all in the drift and wreckage below. In the fall Mr. Hubbard was bruised about the head and arms. The water at Ibis point is quite deep and he went in over his head. No doubt the water broke his fall and prevented, it is hoped, any serious injury. Mr. Hubbard and another gentleman Wt re haul ing sand for 'Adams &. Kitchen's brick yard at the Grove. The team was cut up and bruised con siderably and it is thought that one of the horses will not he worth anything ever, if it should recovers. This bridge has been known to be dangerous and out of repair sii ce the high water last spring. The only effort that, has been made to fix it win to talk about it among ollicials. When a bridge is known to be out of repair travel over it should bo prohibited, until it is put in a safe condition, and a neglect to repair the same is criminal on the part of those; who knowingly neglect their duty. This is the second bridge that has tumbled down in the last two weeks Neither of them were safe and in fant complaint had been made in regard to both of them. As much travel as there is over these bridges it stands the supervisor in hand to keep a vigilant watch over them least some more serious accident shall occur and the county will have a large bill of damages to pay. The amount of money that may ha required to cavr damages would go far toward- making all needed repairs. Last Tuesday afternoon Mr. Lincoln who resides near Glencoe bad the misfortune to have his team run away with his new binder. There was no serious break except the reel. A fier doing up six rods of fence the hinder hung up on an apple tree. The platform was bent, but no j broken.- Mr. Lincoln load ed his machine on the wagon, went to Portland Saturday in li ning and in the afternoon wasatiain at work It pays to buy direit from the fac to) y. Then no lime is lost in making repairs. N. Baiselon of llillsboro is agent for the D. M. Osborne binder. If it pays railway companies to cure their tics with a. special pre serving preperalion would it not be well lor the county court to look after the milter of preserving the stringers and piling for bridges Tics cured thiil v yi us ago and placed in railroad b idges in-e nl most as good t ' day as they were the day they were put in R. B. Gcodin and lainily, .Mrs. John Goodi n. Jennie Greer. Miss Kppeison, Mrs. Joe Downs cud son Ward, l.'.ie Miln , of this cily and Miss Ella Buck. Mrs. Kate Kennell and so i Frank' of fori I nod constitute a party of fourteen to spend the summer at NowpoM whillicr they go Tuesday. The grejil wonder of many of our readers is why it is that Forest Grove is enjoying such an excellent trade and why they arc giving such bargains. If you will but read the advertisement of Woods Daples & Thomas in this issue the whole mystery wiil ho solved at once. The Computing scales are the handiest and p 'ei'i'st piece of ma iTi'iiery introduced for giving cor rect weight. A pr r of Computing scales have been put. in by R. II. Gieer, and W. A. Laidlaw, and al- i so H. eui ting A Son. M's. . M . Dudney wile ot the Dilley merchant died at her home in that city last Sunday night, of h phoid fever. Mrs. Dud uey leaves a husband and two in fant children to mourn her demise. The carpenter work on . the baud stand is completed and the painting is well miner way. It pre sents a very neat nppcranee, and does credit to its projectors as well as to its builders. . A full attendancclif the mem bers of the Hook and Ladder Com pany is requested for the next reg ulir meeting, as some busines of importance is expected to come be fore the meeting. Many of the citizens of llills boro have resolved to set apart the first Monday iu August as the dav lor a thistle niasacree. (.Jet out your old By t lies and be ready for the slaughter. The chairman of the street committei' has a special invitation to call at our ollice and ivc will go over the town amt show him the defective it ret ts and sidewalks free of charge. Mrs. Dora Wise, Mrs. (I. A. Wchrting of this eity and Miss Mary pittenger of Portland started this morning for Tillamook and Netarts. A grand daughter of Mrs Jas. Wolf of Dillev has leen quite ill for four weeks with typhoid fever, we ore glad to Team that flic is con - viileseiiiu, , , , .. ,, . V. h, Urock and wife of tins city and N. J, Walker and wife of Forest (Jbovo will start for Netarts beach Momlav. The list of taxpayers will he' continued from welc to week until all have been published v , Oharles A. Baldwin & Co, BANKERS, 4 and 43 WaIl Street, New York. Account of Banks and Bankers received on lavoranie terms. Bonds and Investment Securities. f Dally Financial LHr Mailed on Application. , lUKKKSr-UKDKNCK SOLICITED. The close on the game law has been raised, and the sportes are now out gunning. Messrs Ilobaek & Williams have dissolved partnership. The bakerv and coniectionerv wiil be continued at the old start'l h, Warren Williams. K. C. Brown is having a new bain erected on bis premises icar the eoriu-f of Third and Washing ton. A new sidewalk and fmceare to head ed to the premises. Letters of incorporation for the condensed milk .factory bus hern prepaired and fowarded to the seo rctarv of State. The incorporators are Messrs. F. J. Bailey, .1. W. Shute, and (.' E. Deichman of llillsb no nnd F. J Alexmaver of Portland Geo. Schiilinerieii has purchas ed the property at the corner of Kail road and Fourth Street, known as the Magruder property. The house is being painted and furnish ed throughout. Geo. never does things by halves and you can rest asilired that ho will make this one of the lines t pieces of residence property iu the city. And, will. we are not authorized to say any thing farther. In another column you will find the advertisement of Pacific University and Tualatin Academy of Forest Grove. This most ex celent institution of learning is one of the oldest in the s'a'e, and from it have graduated some of the nnst classical scholars and most brillient business men to be found in. this country. As an educational insti tution it has no superior and but few equals on the Pacific coast. The college people are now erecting a most handsome and durable structure. The building is 143 feet long by 70 wide and wiil be three story in heighth besides the base ment. Every stidk of timber, every stone and every article going into its makeup is inspected thoroughly by the architect. It is safe to stay that when completed it will be one of the most substantial buildings in the state. In its construction and the furnishing of material, etc.. more than one nun reel men are emploved daily. The Magnitude of this enterprise must be seen to be fully appreciated. COURT HOUSE NEWS. Abstract of county orders drawn for July term, 1X94. Assessing and lollec'ing. . Bridges . .' Bounty County Court? Commissioners Court . . . . Circuit Court County Surveyors salary. Co. School Supt and Assts County judges salary Elections Fuel and lights Insane Inquest Janitor Paupers Prisoners Repairs on c't house, jail . Heads . . . , State cases Stationery Witnesses in-state cases. , sf263 00 22 25 35 40 304 95 (32 05 151 20 22 50 118 05 50 00 175 t.)5 7 34 G5 05 31 GO 30 00 17 00 87 97 3 HO 47 142 207 31 75 55 192 CO Total .$2,952 52 Strungr ';;mes (if Towns. The map vi tUc United States show that tho first (tiers of macy of the towns und cities nrasfc have been at a loss for lia-mci'. EvuylxKly has beard of Red Dog wiilYi ii Bet mCsii'torma, and Yuba Dtua hr.-i Ixi u uceunled a lino iu hiatorv, but vis: :s it comes to Dog Tooth of Illinois. '!. Kill of North Carolina and Fly Moviuiaia of Ulster comity, N. Y., their o.vs'evee would never be im agined nnkv.i noticed on a map or in a gazetteer. Put there are many other places with it.;'.k s jast i;s RtrikiiiK Bob town, Pa.; V.v.;; Hill, N. C; Chewiovn, Pa.; Cut Shin, Ky., and Fiddletowu, Cal., for iiiHtavce. Or if these are not sufficient there are FuHsrville, Wis.; Daddy's Cm1, Ten,:. ; C'alfkilkr, in the same state, i.i d Big Foot, iu Indiana. Ohio has a Belle Ceuti r, Iowa, a Cal liope. Indiana a Lilly Dale, Wort Vir ginia a, Litllo Wild Cat, Maryland a Maiden's Choice, South Diiltota n Min nehaha, Wyi'tniiiK u Miser, Pennsylva nia a Nazareth and Illinois a Prcttyiuan. There are otbew, such as Young Blood, Ills. ; Young Vv'omanstowri, Pa. ; Whis ky Town, Cal.; Ty Ty, Ga.; Big Neck, Ills. , and Black Jack flourishes in Mis sissippi, Kansas, Arkansas and Tennes see. To reach Bliss one has to go to Wy oming county, N. X. , und the only state that has a Bird In Hand is Pennsylva nia. New York Herald. The ltciniiclllatlon of Enemies. Our observation of the reconciliation of petwms who have once been enemies leads us to regard such a thing as usu ally nominal and : upcifieial, rather than real and heartfelt. People who have quar reled before they were ever acquainted may learn that they had been mutually mistaken and may come to like each other very much. So also slight misun derstandings between friends may be healed and forgotten. But when old ao- ! seriously fall out, while they each forego all opportunity and de- I sire for revenge, wo doubt whether the I wm.nlth of thofirst affection is often, jf evel.( entirely renewed. Thescarsof the deep wounds remain. Itisoasierto keop tho confidence of a hundred men than to regain that of oue man who has once become estranged. New York Ledger. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY WITH ITS ASSO Is one of the oldest mid best-e.jiiippeil schools of the state. Its work is characterized by breadth and thoroughness. Besides the regular colleg-' courses, w hich are equal in ex tent to those of the l)et ter class of Kastern Colleges, ii offers superior advantages for pursuing select studies. To those d esiriugto perfect themselves jn the common Eng lish branches, the Academy uresenls every opportunity. Expenses are very moderate. The fall term begins Sep tenilier, 19. 1 .94 . For catalogues and specific information duress thomas McClelland, Forest Grove Orei'on. NEWPORT LETTER. Newport. O-egon, duly 30. 1894. Editor Arocs.-.-T lie HilUboroJ colony arc nicely located. G W. Patterson's family have a very,' pleasant location in a shady nook I on hill about a quarter of a mile- mini the beach. W. II. and JI We lining's families are near Mr. J Patterson's. They have very pleas-1 ant cottages. V. N. Barrett's are: located about two hundred yards: from Nye creek it is a verv nice lit tle cottage. J. B. Vrooman's arei also on Nye creek. They have a splendid view of the ocean from j their cottage.. Prof. Sta.iley and! wife are rooming in Newport. We! think the professor is enjoying the ! coast immensely if his beaming couutiuence is a true indication, j T. E. Greear's are about two hund red yards from Nye creek. Ask! him for big fish stories. Mrs. Ford' is residing iu .Newport Newport is a very pleasant, industrious place. There were about two hundred pers ns here July 29th, from Alha-i ny. including the band. They gave us some very nice music as they left the city. We think all the Hillsboro peo are enjoying themselves immensely, yet. we need your sympathies. We heard one lady remark that she couldn't eat breakfast without warm biscuits and add, that her stove wouldn't bake them at all. Another lady said upon landing "I brought my cake pan with me." Guess some of us will have cake. The weather is verv pleasant here. . At.EM.N'. BOKX. Lucas. Oil Friday, July 2T, 1S94, to the wife of A.G Lucas ol 'llillsboro. a son, Freeman. On Monday, July HOth. nl Cornelius, to the wife of A, Kreemun a son. . Stekpi.ks. On Wednesday, August 1st. near Hillsboro, to the wife of D. 1'. Stee ples, a daughter. BUSINESS IXDKX. A. H b', u. Bailey; physician. Barrett & Adams, att'y-at-law; C. B. Brown, Dentist, see card. W. K. Brock, druggist, sea ad. EASTEKN MIliUNKK.see ad. B. W. Greer, Oroeer, see ad. Hillsboro Pharmacy, see ad, HlllsOuro Meat Market, see ad. W. Holmes, tailor; see atU 8. B. Huston, att'y-at-liv; soe ad. J. I, Knight, insurance :agi, nee ad. W. A. Laidlaw, Merchant, see ad 8. T. Linklater, physician; : .m: a-'!. J. Northrop, llilbhom House, see ad, O. R. Spencer, Bather, see ad. Soliulnierlch & Son. Sehulmcrich & Koch; butcher. J. H. Bmith, Bazar see ad, X. H. Tongue, att'y-at-law; see ad. James Phillipo, Tamiesie, M. 1). H. ITnteinahar, Jeweler, see ad. Wiley fti Dennis, City Livery, nee ad, V. V. Wood, physician; see act, W.J. Wall, music teacher; see ad. William Brothers, buggies, see ad Williams & Sewell, liverymen. Wilkes Bros, surveyors.see ad. CHURCHES. Congregational, comer Main and 5th Btreets. Preaching every Sabbath, morn ing and evening. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C. E. Sunday, 7:00 p. m. 1st Christian, Harry Wat kins, pastor Preaching Second and Fourth Sundays, n a. m, antiTtfu v. in. Sunday school. " a. in, uiiu p. m. auuuuy scuooi, 10 a. in. Prayer meeting, Thursday, eve - ening. Y. P. S. C. K. Sunday, fi:30 p. m. gue erai prayer meeting every 1 nurstuiy eve - eniim-. Leader's and Steward's meetimr the second Tuos. evening of each month- EVStS l anviuuvu v.. ..w, , ""' ' i: :f. Sunday at II a. m. Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. 'K. L. C. K. every Sunday at 7 p. m. Praver meeting every Wednesday evening at 1 :' p. 111. " Baptist Sunday SchoohlO a. 111. Prayer meeting Thursday evening, 7:30. Covnelius, 51. E. Services 1st and 3rd Sunday, 7 p. m,: 2nd and lib, 11 a. m. iiud7 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. Sunday eve - mug at (. Bunuiiy scnool, iu a. in. rraver meeting on Thursday, T p. m. Preaching at (tlencoo, 1st and 2nd Sunday of each month. D. S, Wigstead, Pastor. Forest Grove every Sunday evening at 7:30. Snndav School at 3 p. 111, Mrs. A. 8, Barker, president, soeiK, a Phronix Lodge No. 34, K. of P. 5jmeeto in Odd Pellow's hall on Men- s&iMay evening of each week. meets 1 every Saturday night on or NSfafter full moon of each month. Vrl ine(tH every '1 uesi iiv ovAnino- 111 ' Odd Fellows hall at S "o'clock. ! Hillsboro Lodge No. 6i,A.O.U.V., nieols every secona and lourtli lues day evening in the month. juetnoaist episcopal, ; mere are 70 oearing iruu trees, ana also Ujtor. Treadling every Sabbath morn- i aitterent kinds of berries, good water, ig and ev cning. Sabbath, 10 a. in. Lea-1 and will besildcheap, cash, ornartcash rneotinc every nunoay. p. in. wen- anH haian on ' SilS-i- Montezuma Lodge No. 50,1.0. 1 ,," ei. ! 0. F. meets Wednesday even-; nTuJt foUow,.? ? B, Tuality Lodge No. 6. A.l". & A.M. liher. of PortlanH. . fir. 1..,,..., gWashington Encampment No. 24. Y03rv mT; iSSr",f ' X I- O. 0, V. meets on second and J'V,', V f; Vi 1 . . .... Xfourtli Friday of each month. j 0(,'"nb,,,ll""t httvll,R i"'en p,,tcred at a llillsboro Lodge No. 17, 1. O.G. T. , Ward Robinson against Frert Belch neets in their hall Saturday 8 p. nr. fi.r abandoninif hi-. Homestead Entry No JuvenileTemple, Sundays, at 3 p.m. 9201, dated Slav lst,lS91 upon the K U of CgiKillsboro Grange No. 73, P. ol H. Nr- K- H, S. W.' of N. K and N.K. u JlLmeete 2nd and 4th Saturdavs at 12 m. S ? E-14 of Section !4. Township 8 north, TTiHshorn Keheknh T.odoe Nr. c 1 Cl Rll",?e 4 ,,V"Stl WaslllngtOU OOllllty, Ore H n w il 7lTla4i'. Vi ii I 6"' wit ' a vie" to U,e caiiMllutlon of Mid 11 O. P., meets in Odd-" ' Hall ; entry, the said parties are hereby, sum- ui,iuouiuiij OVC1UU8 1 'umiui. Washington Coul Gun Club meets in 1 Vand lock 1 S Und Thursday of each montl ntl i. 1 '"on -i t ' niu" call Ar- i III" Horsemen should Udiocs, for prices on IATK SoliuO.'.' Tualatin Academy Attention! Halt! WE DO, When fjoul.i arc offered us lor .10 eat on th i oll:ir' WE HALT and X VMINR THEM WH DON'T YOUP We liui o jUst bought another BANKRUPT STOCK Of Oregon Woolen Mills Clothing. $3,200.00 worth for $1,600.00. This stock will be sold for 1HALF m PRICEH Call early and take your choice before the BK.SPBKQ.SS are sold out Men' flnall wool suits for $7 50 5 00 8 15 2 ft Youths' 10 all wool suits lor Boys' !f5 all wool suits for Men's $" all wool pants for These goods are not Eastern shoddy they are home-made Oregon Woolen Mills Clo thing.' WE ALSO Ol-KEll 1G DOZEN Boys' $4 suits (khee pants) fr $2 85 10 dozen Jl.lo hats for 21 SO cent all wool serge, 4tt inches wide 3 SO cent all wool (Jashniere 46 inches wide 35 I4.M) all copper vrns'i hoiler i 25 $2.50 copper bottom tin wash boiler 1 15 'L. all copper tea kettle 100 100 pounds steel cut nails 2 50 Brooms! Brooms! 20 eent house brooms for 11 cents Many Other Bargains. Also Agit for th? Celebrated W. L. DOUGLAS DHOK8, Others Do, Why Don't You? Call early .and get the f.'KEAM of these BARilAlNS, Yours for Business, ! WOODS. C'APLES & THOMAS. Forest Grove, Oregon. ARGUS' BARGAINS n buy a fine ten aero lie ten aero rajThere tif wwro. There i a acres clei i slashed. This lam tan at the arous ollice ro j For sale or trade a fine 8o acre trac ! s acres of hottom land, tc rtrrpa nf rmtcrk land, good for pasture. About three acres cleared and some small improve ments Best cedar timber for posts in I the county atfto per acre. j Three lots and a house, with thirty fruit trees. Ten minutes walk from business part of town. Cheap for cash or will trade for other property. t-too v.-ill buy a handsome residence. There is a good well of water, fire place, nine rooms and a large woodshed, and a chicken yard. bout acre of land, planted to fruit trees and berries. You can have this property for $Soo. It is worth $1200. A small amount down and time given on balance. A residence and two large lots, in south i v : ""s- uauum ! Hillsboro, near the public school. The I house has six rooms, and is nearly new. will exchange for , naii trart nfaA ! !?a, For particulars call e u onlce- a mountain rnni-Ii Inm-t.,, rortianci tor sale at sis ner acre. 20 acres slashed. A considerable quantity oi i-u' jioou mr post or sningies. can 0 from the the ranch to Portland by four uiiii'i cm rum is. rtoaas goon in eitner summer ar v inter. THE ARGUS HAS 80 ACRES IN AND in ACRF TR AfTd bad cv ' . 10 1 KACTS FOR EX- i CHANGE in BANKABLE PAPER. ' nji 1 w-j-jl- lm- 1 Notice for Publication.' , rf i Land Office at Okeoon City, 1 I v .. . . . . July 24, law. I Notice is hereby iriven that, thn fi.llnw. JnB-na.nied settler has riled notice of his ! m.t,t'ltl9". to make final proof in support : ul ujs '"'"' fu .sam l'or will be ' mue. bj"k;re the Register and Receiver of 1 rAt vf,r iu 0reson City or- ! Dela B. Howabp, j H. E. No. 7978, for the S. , 8. E. J and S. i S. W. ,section 11, township 4 north, of lUllC o vsi. Blaricom, of Vernoni, Oregon, Abe Lewis of Vernonia, Or. and Charley A. Peter son, 01 mixton, ur. 18-5w. RoBKBT A. M11.LKR. Roointr. NOTICE. j IT. S. L.vno Onics, 1 1 tnoiiea to appear at ureson Citv. Oregon. inthailh day of 8eitembr. 1894, at 10 'lixk t" respond nnd furnish testl- iiiouy coiicoriniis said alleced n hail (Jon- . ' IHCUt. : ' J Hobkkt A. 1Iili.i, ItegiiUr. Petib P44UKT, Kueiver. - jja i