Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1908)
n 1 r Q.OQ io- I I 1 1 IU I ulDljlj On account of the recent big fire next door to my store my entire stock of goods was carried into the street and dumped on the ground, thinking store would surely burn. Store and goods all saved, but goods are slightly .damaged by dirt and mixed up. I will conduct a BIG FIRE SALE until I OdDe (M Rfly EQBttDre Stock OF SHiKiDeSp OSdflllDDpeirSp Men OMttoaouE HDry (EdD(D)(tfIp MaittSp Caps, veirals Don't forget the first dance of SDrincr to be held at the Hills- boro Hall. March 21st Walk- er's orchestra. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS IN THK CIKCt'lT COURT OF 111 K feTATK CgK r.KM ... run naatunuivti tllk KKKIO IllVeStUMIUl lOlUpaUV l.tlulled, a corpurallou, I'miniiU, VS L. II. I.h;ritble, Ague.'. tlghlhliw. Win. J. LUIIIIHI, juw A. i.lglitnipe, Abigail H, 11 1 Mil, Margaret I.. l.lKbtlil(M), Miaatl K. Hart, II. U. I'Iiiumi, Jiucl I H., Mm. I haw J lllaar, F. II i.nk Mrs. J. M. W. Clark. Harrv V. s. rleuuell, Mrs. J. II. Harris, Crowe no .. uaav, Allrtt', !, Helen ( , Mil. ill ns-f. I aura fncu..i. .,,,. i. ( bake, Anna u. ( nauiiM-riaiu, HtMiry K. i uw, A. r . riuwr, riittniHa It Crowe, liaurKti F Crown, Laura C;, Mr. Mm. W. Iiigrsiiain, Maul-la cruwe, Miu. W. liigraham, Jr.. Lucy li.gra kain, l. '. liiKrahaui, il. K. Ilmraliaiu, St V. liigrabeui, II II. liiKraliam, hlllotl Inarahain, ueau-r rowe, John !. Ii. im. il, IIii.i.nicI . r Jau.-l ru-iihill. Ilooer liif, Knialxili Aver Ill, II. Ii, Mayu, sua Mrs. i. ('. Freeman, . . l eiidauts. To to delendenia above oaiuel IN THK NAMK OK THK 4TATK OK OKKliOS. You ere hereby require.! to appear and an. wr Ihe eoiiiplalm Uled agalnat you !u the above eulltled court ami caux on or before l lit 2Mb day of March, 111, iLal belug Ilia tuna dxrd by tba ouurl lor you to appear and auawer herein, and mora than tlx week a lr..iu the tlrat publication of tula suuimnui, and If ynu lull to appear aud answer, plalntiA will ap.y lo tha court for Ilia rallef demanded In the complaint, lo.wll:tliat tha court may determine and decree Ibatlba claims ol tha defendant are void and of uo enect; that tba plalutlil la the abwlute owner of the real proriy dewnlied In lb num. plaint herein; Ibat tba dcfeii.laiiia be rrmiired lo execute a deed ol uld real property lo plain till and fa! II ui aoto do within leh ilay.alier the reudlllou of the decree herein, aald il.-.T-e.i,i tend aaaud for a ouureyance thereof; and for such otber and further relief aa the court may deem Just In the premlxa. Tbla aumniona la published once a week lr is successive week! by order oljthe.llon. J. W. Uoodin Judge or Hie C ounty Court or Hashing, too, Oreiion, Haled January aim, km, directing the II rat publication lo be made on the 7tb day of February, lis, aud the laat publication ou tna aim day of March, Usui. First publication February "lb, lues. 1. r, MKIMJWICK, Attorney for I'laimifr. Lord Lovelace Race Record 2:10 AT A IBQE A(CDSD-FD(CE A car of Utah Land Plaster at a reduction. First come, first served. A liberal discount on Groceries and Hardware. Yours for Bargains, K1ED)(CE9 Beaverttawn dDiregoDira C. E A Skeleton Causes Sensation. Away back in 1876, when Dr. O. R. Farra was a young physician in Corvallis, he frit the need of a skel eton in his Mutlk-s and ordered one from old Missouri. The frame of a lite tiegro was sent him, but on amount of the bad and crumbling condition f the bones near the joints, the doctor never wired the sUl.ton toother. It was kept about the woodshed for a n'umler f vcats, but the family became tir ed ot having the grewsome speci men around, and the tloctor con cluded to bury it. A box was hastily made and all that remained tue unfortunate 1,1.1 . 1 .. . . "'vc was- consigned to eaith. The circumstances had leen for gotten and it was suspected that the man would always rest in peace, but last Monday while spading for u garden, a Corvallis man exhum ed the remains. The news spread like wild fire, 1-irgc numU-rs of people went to view the upoctade. the coroner and district attorney were summoned, and it was thought that some tnys' terious disappearance of bygone years were soon to I accounted for, but I)r, lura was met 011 the' streets, the matter was explained and all went home disappointed. -Corvallis Republican. The business man who adver tises not only helps hiinselt but his town as well. Here is ih 9 I o 1 Notice of Final Settlement. Notice la hereby inven tlmt tim nti, lor. sinned administratrix with the will an nexed of the estate of (imidi'iiz laiciuu -uetHcher. Deceased. Iiuh thin .v il,l in the county court of U'uNliim'i.oi County, Urt'uoii. her tiiml atvount and report at inch adininiotratrix in r-Hi.l eH- tate, and the game has been get for Unit hearing and settlement before nubi court at me uourt iiouho in llillnlioro, Ore- gin, on Momhty, Mar. Zi, ltios, at 10 o'clock a. 111. of sui.l dav. Dated Feb. Ill, I'.KW. ANNA KLIZ AliKTIl I.l'KTSCHKK, Adiuinixisatrix with the will annexed of the cut iite of (iaudunz i.iiciiii Luetscher. deceuHO.1. M. U. UL'Air. Attorney for estate. First pub. Feb. 21, last. March Was the Litest, either tn t- ter or pacer, on the North I'.uilie Circuit in 1906, and was aim the largest money winner of any horse either trotter or pacer, in said ear, pacing two races a week in everv week throughout the entire circuit and losing only two heats, and is considered by expert horsen len tn be one of the leading pacers in America. He not onlv comes from a racing family, but is without question, the greatest racing pacer ever bred in Oregon; he is the only norse. either trotter or parer, m lide ueni Dretl, raised and raced in Oregon lo the record ot 2: l o. Alter bcrtig three days three nights in a car, he was taken out of the car and immediately started in a race where he forced "Sherlock Holmes" to pace to the record time of 2:06 in order to beat him. He is not only a horse of remarkable speed and gameness, but is so con sistent and reliable that he has never made but one break in a rac ing career of three years; his dispo sition is such that any child or woman can drive him. He is sired by "Lovelace." one of the greatest three year old trot ters in America in 1894, he lieing bv "Kgotist," he being by "Klec tioneer," the greatest of all trotting sires living or dead. "Lord Love- Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby adven. that L. K Hull, has tiy an order of the county court, of the statu of Oregon, for the county of Washington been duly an- iiointetl as Administrator of the estate of W. T. Aldridgo, Deceased, and has duly Qualified as such Administrator. Now therefore all iersons haviiur claims against said estate, are hereby notilied and required to present t lie same, with proper vouchers, to the said Administrator, at the ollice of the Coun ty Clerk, for Washington rountv Ore gon, in tho city of Uillsboro in Wash ington county, Oregon, within six mouths from the date of this notice. Dated ut ilillshoro Oregon this -1st day 01 reliruary A D 1!HW. . L. r. HALL, Administrator of aul.l oatutn. First pub. Feb. 21, lust March 'JO. laces dam is "Maggie, a full sis ter to ''Kosie'C." 2:16. the dam of "Prince Direct," record, 2:07 single, and 2:o5'4 double. "Maggie" is the dam of "Lord Lovelace," 2:10, contending horse in a race 2:06; "Portia Knight," 2:16'.', contender in a race 2.12. "Hen Holt," record to a wagon, 2:18, trial, 2:1 1. "Mag gie" is sired by "Duroc Prince," second dam, "Fraukie" byJ"Oregon Pathfinder," sire of the dam of "Altao," 2:0934', and "Patlimont," 2:00 ,'4, the sire of "Pathmark," 2:11. "Lord Lovelace" will make a short season at the home barn of K. Ii. Tongue, in Uillsboro, Oregon, terms, $45.00 for the season. ww Bra John W. Cault. John VV. Gault died at his tome in Spokane Wednesday, March u, at 4:45 a. m., after a lingering ill ness of several months. He was born in Missouri 64 years ago and crossed the plains in 1854. lie lought in the civil war, being Corporal in Company B. First Ore gon Volunteers. He lived in this city lor a number of years. The greater part of his life was spent in Yamhill county where his best en ergies have been expended. He was a carpenter by trade and many of the homes and business houses of this city will stand as monuments of his labors. Mr. Oault was a man of highest integrity and had the respect of all who kuew him and in the history of this county his name will t re garded as that of an honored pio neer. He was a member of the Workmen and Degree of Honor. Hesides the devoted wile he leaves a brother. I). M. C. Gault. post master of Cottage Grove, and a sis ter, Mrs. H. J. Humphreys, for merly of Uillsboro but now ol Ore Ron City. He was buried at Spokane. ujyi ftiarcn 13. The vy.e nas tne sympathy of a large circle of friends of this city in this her great loss. McMinnville Register. Candidates' Announcements. Toil COUNTY CLICK K, t "? tlnn ol county Cler of W. .),",' jeci m tDe ni.lnrwmi-nt ol t he rennl,i,,.. nri. Z.'!?!,' U' 'T .hel'1 1,1 "1 '"'' V April' 7 IVt", nl If lri,., i wm giv, mv umlivl. l-'t it W. I). 8MITU. FX) M'ilOOI. St'ritRINTENDSIIT. elected to.rV;,. , 'u , ",' nt for M. C. CASK. . It e as Fri socrowmg manager of the of Commerce, : Show me Tom Richirdson, 1 ortland Chamber put it the other fljv newspaper, and I can tell at glance w nethet the town is a live and wnie awake or dead one, w heth er it s stores are modern and up-to- oaie or onsoicte. l-.ugeue Guard. Ui-mcmlxT tho Sprinpr Dance at Ilillslmro Hall, March 21st Walker's ftuir-pioce orchestra will furnish the music. I rocure your field and garden seeds and onion sets from 11 II. rrufrlfor ?prinS Planting. Re liable brands. TOR COUNTY ASHKNSOK. ' I hereby announce mvsolf as a candi ditto More the I'l inmries f,,r tho 1 mil l,; : """""'e'l an.l elected in thV ' ,,. , ' """""Hue cons stencv 't!"''t fear or favor, an.l f.,p Vl.2 best .meres, ol Washington foty' 'JI. WlbCOX. K COtNTV CI.KHK. 1 Hereby aniiuuncn myself iHii.ii.ui,. i,,r tie Clerk of WaHhinui k siiKKirr. I hereby announce myself as candi date for the Dominution of sheriff of Washington county, Oregon, subject to the endorsement of the republican pri mary election to be held April 17, l'.KM. If elected I prom if e to carefully and economically tnnanct the affairs of the ollice, and givs its business ray entire attention. J. (J. KUKATI.I. rOR COOSTT TRBAHCRBR. I hereby announce myself as a candi date lor the oHice ol county treasurer of Washington county, Oregon, subject to the endorsement ol the republican pri mary election, April 17. l!KW, and if nominated ana elected, I will give the olhce the same careful attention it has received at my hands in the past. V. M. JACKSON. FOR SIIKKIKK. To the voters of Washington Count I hereby announce myself as a cant date for the ollice of Sheriff of this Coun ty, subject to the endorsement ol the liepubhcan party at the primary elec lion, 10 tie nel.l on April 17, 1M08. II I am nominated and elected I will during uiy terra of ollice, faithfully and impartially uiscnarge me UUlie tliereol, and give to the people of this County an etlicient and at the same time an econo mical administration. 1 further state that I will give the business of that ollice piy personal at leniion, ami every man square deal. GEO. O. HANCOCK. as a UiMiiih. ollice of County Kl t? the endorse, , ',,f , publican Primary election , , aid County, on April 17, phis 1 If tilnaliia.l 1 . n,..".i . 1 I"0"1""' careful ....... oiiiiiiiBlration of t that olhce, etlicient service lerformance of duty K. J ernno- e affairs o and faithful RODMAN. 1 roa siiKRirr. 1 IierellV nn.. mvanlf B ranrll I . , , hiimt: . 1 dHte for Mierilf of Washington County, "ncm. at the Ri'Pub"cn J'nmary nominating election, nl announce that ill secure the republican nomination 101 HheritT of Washington County, ami m elected that I will K've said oilice all my time and porwnal attention and will endeavor to giv d etlicient adminis tration of the HfT tirs of iaid ollice and iwrform all of t tie duties thereof in a convientln,,, mnnner. iated thin February 12th, ltKW. F. T. KANE. H COCXTY AHNI.NSOR. 1 nereuv ann, 1, ii .., "i wii as a 1 p,, Assessor of W.i i:' , K-n. sui,j,Ht to ti . lieimbliean ... 7 " " " ir . ",v,a 01 mis The New 1908 Model bicycles are hummers Ii. Loe Sears has them on display at his store. Not TEA, 1 in 1000 whn Schilling s Best wants the money. Onkni Seed. Fancv stooW bol v-., W i ""la UlUUV 1 ei Danvers, for sale by J. A. ANDERSOV. I?eaverton, Ore. nmarv !... 1 7th, l'.ios " o April ii i . 4 "m nominated and my term of r.m.. quare ileal and g1K service, C. K elected give I will all a UldCll.MAN. rtlR CllCKTV RK. oltl.KH. I herehv inn.n,nrt. Ute lor V "" "" 1" " 1 nn.U. I'onrl. - " . ..."''"' ""I nnirr o W aslnr.utn tv. subject to the end of v nun- "r-ment of the re. a.,1 . ' ' 1 m nolliinii . . cimr. i ,r tlce the rlosr ,...i in, 1 promise to give the of. hasre.-el.ed .1,7 " n"-nt,n it tobs.kto the Vel'tre ofo leT,n all time,. C"'Ue county at IIIKI.AM). r.R o.fxrv a.-ixok. i hiii raniii.tnto ... v uiinu Assessor the nimiiint;,,r, "o lilt i: FOR COTNTY COHMIBSIO.MKB. I wish to announce to the republican voters ol Washington County that I am a candidate for the nomination of Coun ty eoinmissiiiner st the primary' nomi nating elertin to bo held in the County Washington, gtate of Oregon, the lth day of Aurii i.kW. If I am nomi nated and elects ( I will during my term of ollice honestly laithfnlly, conscien tiously and; imnir'tially preform all dut ies pretaininu to ,i,l ollice. JOHN McCLARAN. roR siiKRiri'. I hereby announce raysell as candi date for the Kenublican nomination for '""'IT at ihe c'tninir pr7 't,,.tion- I am nonunat-d and elected, I pledge myself to eenn i-.i and etficient man agement of afTalrf 0f the office and im- i eniorcement ol tne laws. C. It. BUCHANAN. aaja FOR COBOSIR. I hereby nI10nc ot ""',; ' for the nornih.tion of County Cor- oner, subject in .h. renublicau primary PlBetiontohehelJAprdnth. If nom nate.1 and elected I will do my duty to tbe best of niy ability, 'vt'r I0"1" the interest o the county as well as all rases commg under mJ.c"rf,R0VN. FOR COCNTT TRKA9URRR I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination of County Treasurer of Washington county, subject to the endorsement of the republican primar ies to be held April 17, 1!H)M, and I here by pledge myself that it elected I will give strict attention to the duties of the ollice anil turn all interest collected on county funds into the county treasury II. . KINO. Pnirv Trecinct. fob district attorniy. In submitting my name to tha elect ors of the Kifth Judicial District for consideration for the ollice of District Attorney of said District, I desire to say that if I am nominated and elected, I will, during my term of ollice, honestly, vigorously and impartially perform all theollicial duties iertaining to said of flee, without fear or favor, endeavoring always to accord to every individual, Ir respective of party, politics or personal ities, a square deal under the law, keep ing always uppermost in my mind the interests of the taxpayers of said Dis trict and tHate. K. H. TONGUE. FOR COl'MTY COMMISSION". I hereby announce myself as candi date for the nomination of county com missioner for Washington county, Ore gon, subject to the endorsement of the republican primary election to be held April 17. II nominated and will be my earnest endeavor to do my duty anil serve the people in all parts of the county justly and to the best, of my ability, and and at the same time to look to the lest interests of tha tax payers and welfare of this county. A. II. TODD. FOR COUXTT CI.IRK. I hereby announce myself as a candi date lor the Republican nomination for County Clerk, at the Primary Election, April 17th, ltsm. If I am nominated and elected I will conduct the ollice effi ciently and economically. J. W. BAILEY. OKOROe A. OORK ESTATK. t NOTICE OF BALK OF KF.AL F.8TATK BY Al). MINI8TKATIUX. Notice Is hereby given tbat the underilsmtl, administratrix of the estate ofUcorxeA. (itira, decerned, bj virtue of n order or tbe County Court of WasbUigtoo County, Oregon, mavle ami entered on the Itth dy ol February, UK'S, will, from and alter tbe 23rd day of Msrcb, A. P., 10OS, at her residence at Tualatin In the County of Washington, Slate of Oreaon, oral the otitis of her attorney, W. A. Cleland, Hooim Wi-SM Chamber or Commerce Building, In the City of Portland, Multnomah County, Oreiton. Mill at private sale, and will continue to sell until told, the following described real estate belonxlns to the estate of said Oeorr A. Gore, deceased, and Itusted In said Washington County. Oregon, to-wit: Beg. attheoenterofftec. 22, T. 2 8. K. 1 W. W. M., thence W. 87.50 en. ; thence 8. 40 rh.; thence E. 2V.7Scb.; theuce N. 21 cleg. E. Is.MI ch. ; thence N. 22. AO ch. more or lew, lo the place of beginning, containing 142 acres, more or loss, N. W. M N. W. H 9c. 2". T. 2 8. K 1 W. Vf. M. containing 40 acres. N. E. X W. y; Sec. 27, T. 2 8. K. 1 W. W. II. , containing 40 acres. Also. beg. 20 ch. N. of sec. corner on 8. line of Hoc. 27, T. 2, 8. R. I W. VM., thence N. 17. Mcb.; thence N. S3 deg. E. .75cb.; thence 8. 19.75ch.; tbenos W. 4.2Sch.; to the place of beginning, containing 7.91 acres, more or leas, Tbe terms of tale, ten, (10) per cent to accom pany bid and as a forfeit lu cae of refusal to eomplet the purchase; balance caah oncouflr. mallon of sale, all salee lo be made subject to oonflrmatlou by the County Court of Waahlng. ton County, Oregon. (iRACE H. KOIIINSON, Administratrix of the estate ol lieorge A. (lore, deceased. First pub. Feb. 21, last March 20. freiiiCrs f it Wore tel Estate AND AUCTIONEER. Ollice south of Court House, Main Money to Loan. st IN THE COUNTY COl'RT OF THE BTATK OF OKEOON FOR WASHINGTON COl'NTV. In tbe matter of the estate of llatll.ta Sand stone deceased: Notice to whom It may concern: Notice la bereby given tbat I bave been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Matilda gandatono de ceased: all persona having claims aualnst said estate shall present them properly vended to me at the ollice of Tbos H Tongue and E H Tongue II II laboro Oregon or at the ollice of Brnnauah and Bronaugh H03 Fenton Building Portland Oregon within tlx months from the date of Ihe Brtt publicaUon of this notice, tow 11 within six months from February 28, lvus. CHA9. U. BANKSTONK, Administrator. First pub. Feb. 28 last, March it. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I, the un dersigned, have been by the County Cotfrt of Washington Cotintv, Oregon, appointed ndininii-triitrix of the estate of Edward D. Kerr, deceused, and have duly qualified as such inlmiiiistratrix. All persons having claims against faid estate arej hereby required to pie sent the same to me with proper vouchers lit the law ollice of M. l'.uilev ltuuip in llillshnrn, Wnshingtun county, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated nt IlillslHiro, Oregon, this March 1H08. IDA ki:i:i:, AdminiHtratrix of the Kstate ol Edward D. Kerr, deceased, M. J1A1I.EY I'.l'Ml', Attorney lor tho estate. First pub. March 20, last, April 17. Executor' Notice of Final Settle ment. Notice Is bereby given by Ihe undersigned It- eeutnroflhe Last Will and Testameulof Vt ll. Ham Jaralesoo, Deceased, tbat the County Court of tbe State ot Oregon, for Washington County, has appointed Ihe 23rd day of Marcb, Ittifta the day, and the Court House at Hlllaboro, Wash. Ingum County, Oregon, as Ihe place for hearing hjectloni to ths final account of tbe Executor herein, filed In aald Court on the 17th day of February, l'JOS, and for ths flnal settlement ol aid Estate. Hated at Htlliooro, Oregon, this 17th day of February, IMS, ;ames b. jamikson. Executor, , B. TONOVE, Attorney. First pub. Feb. 21, last. March 20. Wanted. To Trade Portland lota for Uillsboro lots. Inquire at tV-ia tfPina 1 The Three P's Tluck, Push and Persever ance are all essential to financial success. A system atic system of saving is of equal importance;-and this often has its bepinninp; with the opening of a little sav ings account. Possibly you would like to talk with us about the matter. . . . J. W. Shute Banker Hillsboro