Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, February 21, 1908, Image 2

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    Thousands Are Sick
With tha grip, enhts, fevers, rheumatism,
neuralgia. Many mlifbt b well tf itx-jr bad
only taken Hood's Saraapsrltla, th great
biuud purifier and ncaltb-rtgulatliig medi
cine. It is a woiiik-rful preventlv as well
aa cure, Keep It In your bouse and tax It.
Never Without hood's-"! bare tatrn
H-Mi r.aii.a 7--r ttnliir end
r.. ..njuii, i it uj utiirra for 1 1 at . uiiipiaint. it
I an evrlleM irie.lif-tna ami I keep it o
hand." A. h. iiuTM. Adaiua Centra. N V.
Kidney Trouble)-"! bad si.lner tnM Ma.
A frwn.J r-'ii,iilfr..ied H"l'a aratarltla.
I tried um brtr: an.l finicl I l,ruer, UMa
llir- nmreaad ree.n-rr. 'I " HhNJ. Lvla.t
ilia- mrtwt. UuaUio. Maaa.
4 Jnundfca - "I hrl a -re e- ef
Zi'ni iTi?.; iimiCH::-iaarV..
aii't whi-n J ha.1 UKhii tlirr Mttir'a waa up
an I un inr ri J.trn Llwia, IV Alf "
Mwl, buto. Maaa.
Hood'i Saraaparllla li .rld Ttr7bere.
In the otual liquid, or In tablet form called
Saraatab. lnO Oiae On Dollar. Pre
pared only by C. I. Ucxnl Co., Lowell, Maaa,
Maarallae Hralalllr.
fra. Jnnncr Kn.lito had bn eon
(I'lli-d to alanion a eutemilatiN trip up
th Nile, in ronao.irnce of the rtnaai'ial
vrxnsmry, and waa -inc wdtljr.
"t 'roa-oilile li-ara," coiunjented bar un
feeling liunt.anJ.
The French goiernment haa adopted a
Biffliod of treating macadamized road
with bot coal lar thinned with about 10
per cent of oil. The coat la aaid to work
out at a to'i t elit trutba of a cent a
t'luar ard.
Korea la prulaMy mora reaponaire to
miaaiunary etfort thnn any oriental coun
try. A M"th.xli.t miaiionury w rite : '"It
ia my hon.nt (onvi.tiiin that had we (lie
proier miNNionary f.r. e Kon-a would be a
t'Lnatiaa batioa in live or tea jara."
Hed aeema to be the moat popular
of national colore, if flaea may be ueJ
aa criterion. Of the twenty-fie lead-
in national Maui nineteen hare red in
them. No other color i o much uaed.
Ezperlinent made by flernjan acient
wt how that butler keep bet when
preaerved with from 3 to 5 per cent of
aalt. If the proportion of an It la birher
lliao that tba reau.'ta art laa aatiafac
lory. Ukal It I Kor.
Wlfe Mitat you go to the club to
night, deur?
Iliialmiid It iHti't ahaolutelT neeca
aary, but I neeil the reat. Life.
ereaaltr 'e Aetloa.
Nan I waa aatonifthed to learn that
I.il Ililliwink bad son and married that
rvritiiiina boy. Why. alie'a a good ten
j.iiri older than be la.
I'an I know it, but it had narrowed
down to a choice between him and bia
(aiher, and ahe bad to decide quick.
tide l.lajai mm Mylaielncr
r.oraaa, tb aon of Aatra-ua and Aurora,
kad atarted out to aee the world.
"Here'a where I blow myaelf," h aald,
taking th air line rout for tb aouth.
l idding no trouble In ralaing th wind,
he haa been blowing bimaelf ertr aluc.
Chicago Tribune.
Tb Queen of Italy offered an Interna
tional cup to be preaeuted to the firat
aeronaut who aucceed in croaaing tb
Alp by bnlliMin.
HOWARD E. BrRTO. aaaayar ar1 ChrmlM.
lMulvlUe, i-'ulnrNUik hpe. ituaa prl.eat t.ol.l,
Hllr. Is ao. f I : " -I, H11r,? : l.M, ; 7.1 of
iopiMr.Vl. I vsni.lo t'a. Vi.illn nvt..je- an4
lull pru II at wnt ua ai.'ii'tln. tool ro and t'ni
n,n.wnrK inik-llwL !.!( wucat 4 arbuaei m
Lone. iank.
ii ii
aT.l.irirJatdnia I
Walla. Tw MP. 1 liree Hlep, jJV'
ete. Iiaaee eemiiteteiv taarat
aai raaraatee to luar leNaon
trf al W lllont l altlN-
Hnk airff.. I'ort.n.l llrttfio J
In the Laundry, Kl'cheA, ToUet and
Nuraerv ta a Clearuer and Punlier.
All .Imlera Hiiofclel. Htnil in.l Parlor Card
Uam "W HIZ" kto. l-iflu ( oaal Bor.I to. IMk
a. C .1.
I rrr'i fM
hi 1 1 if tt-fi kv rnm unit
Ksrrv pMi .HkiH tinai ltiifnt it the reputation
' t hii-.t win- hnttiuena tndra turn Ui
littfhi-M In 1Mb irtiitt.
ti ail aMl,-ftittr II ra-tiiAtiii it)ime. .: nt.in9
niatf aki..t run .!".. ;' t un. t nni l r it
.e,l t naf t wr I Aai T1. tf awB.,
flo-i lnva4.nla U ll. Hand i
M4 I -J
0. M. f ia'e. CO., Detroit, Miofi.
Stccl-Clad Grubber
liaiplea, Siroeia,
Cut 4 llaaalrd
CiraKber lad.
.11 pall MOKB
til llaotkora A.eaae 9 Torllaa.!, t)rewua
WMkr fl
ciirwrnc cirrrc Mr
0r tS men who Kav
put thern to the hard
est tests in th rouaS-
,i -
Get tb oriqiriol
Tower Fish Brand
mode since 1636
tATtic rwft ro rut sxi
j -o,a ro a.-a v s
r. n. u.
No. 7-Ct
'H" writln ta trtlar pi Ma
II aaaailaa thl pa ear.
teere.e -r Seaae ' Take,
llalea la ta eeaaaeet.
In the great rannllan northwest,
where the cmtwblle lldernea I sv
Ing with golden gnilu nd town n
springing up overnight, md few worn
er. have gone ' " ""lr f"rtune,
alone, says the New Vork Tribune. A
homestead grant of sere ! free
ami any "bead of family." wan or
woman, may Beirut It ui"n application
t. the Canadian government. I'sually.
. ri,e ain.ll.-ant la a man, but
J n..n!l woman eeaava to make
I 0,'r "inu"' vu iu" "-hK' ""
Oinei-utliie aid.
Mine Marie (illroy of Saskatchewan
la oue of the nnutt fainou woman et
tlera of the Wwt Wie put h lat
alii II I nit Into a t.rairle farm and Ient
aevrn reara In a hand to-hand tulde
with fortune, alttlng on her own bind
er, cutting her own grain, handllnj the
.ow In the furrow and doing atabie
durr. In l'.Ml her holding exciteu in
admiration of a young Knflj'hwan and
MIh (illroy waa Imlucwl to bund over
liN-k, tl.K'k and burn I to him for the
round ailin of $lS.ma. lo-diiy Mlea (,ll
ry Is touring Kuroi on the inxfl
of her original f'.W.
Mr. M.-tJIIrray. who mme to tlie Ca
nadian Wet twenty jear ago with alx
amull children, la another prominent
woman fnrtner of Saskatchewan. Ite
gliuiliig almost pennilifia, her 1X) acrea
of homestead have now grown to an
acre estate, and her children are
ettlol arouud her in comfort and af
fluent. Snl. mie Wertman came with her hus
band and little family from HumIs and
sMin she, too, was n widow. She st III
kept on "trying to earn bread." as ahe
auya, and sixteen yen rs after her abso
lutely pennlleaa start she at a mis as one
of the suivesxful land owners of Sas
katchewan. .
.Mrs. Kerrls Is known as the "wom
an fanner" of the I'ortuge plains. Left
with a family of yuirng children, she
has managed her farm moat sucoesa
fully lilt- the death of herhuband.
She conic from Itelfnst, Ireland, and
when she arrived In Weatern Canada
with her husband thirty-two years Rfo
they had no capital at all. She now
has an estate of 7i0 acrea and her two
sons are settled near at hand, each the
in ner of a section and a half of land
alx nit ."mi acrea.
Mrs. (irunt has a lienutiful farm on
the batik of the Canadian Klllarney,
In Southern Manitoba. Three years
ago she went there from Scotland with
her son, a young man juat out of col
lege, and her daughter. A year ago,
Juat as they were preparing for spring
seeding, the aon w-aa stricken down
with appendicitis, and In twenty-four
hours was dead. Filled wltn hatred for
the place, she derided to leave it, but
the morning after her daughfer called
to her, "Mother, mine here quick !' She
looked and saw that men, teams and
Dlowa nuletly and without a word of
explanation were beginning work on the
farm. The neighlairs had decided to
put In the season's crop for the two be
reaved women. They actuully plowed,
burrowed. eeelel and reaped the entire
crop. After that Mrs. (.rant talked no
more of going 'home." Her farm by
the shores of the Cauadlan Klllnniey
was home to her.
Many women teachers, too, are found
on the Canadian prairies, but they
never remain long lu the schools,
tliouuli they do not leave the prairies.
A Mil nf Mraterr.
Tln-re Is au uuforgetnlile story of a
gallant deed In a recent volume, "Sir
Thomas Lawrence's Letter ltag."
There wus a supreme moment during
the llattle of Waterloo when the iMike
of Wellington was left absolutely alone,
every aide do-cnnip having gone his
way, each with his message. At this
moment a stranger rsle up to the duke.
"Can I I of any use, sir?" he asked.
The duke I.M.ked at hltn an Instant,
then unhesitatingly answered:
"Yes. take this pencil note to the
commanding oIH.it." minting to a regi
ment In the thick of the battle.
The stranger tisik the note and gal
lostl away with It. lie delivered It,
but what bnpBfiicd to blui no man
know s.
The duke always declared thnt to be
one of the most gallant il.-e.ls that had
ever come under his notice. It was
done without pr.iMi-t of acknowledge
ment or reward, and neither attended
its acisinipHsliinciit,
old I lane Mousing.
An act of the time of (Jin-en Kliza
teth ordained that vagrant were to be
Htrlp-d from the middle upward and
whipis'd till the body la bloody." Four
j.en.'e each was the mugnlzed charge
made by the "whipniau" for every male
and female vagrant who passed through
his bands, tint on s-cjal occasions tli.s
sum whs e.t'e.bsl. Says the constable's
account of (Ireat Mtaughton. Huntinz
doiishire: "May, Paid In charge
taking up a d stracted woman, wat. Q
Ing her and wlilpping her next day, 8
shillings ii ieiice." After whipping (.v
ple a-ord ng to the statute tlie author
ities sometimes gave them a letter rec
oiniiiend iig I'oiistal'les and others "to
lie as char table ns the law wruiit."
The Ml ad's Ke.
It will prohably be n" to most peo
ple to bear that ruduneutary trace
of a third eye exist anion; a.l verte
brate, including an, n. In the biimau
r.i.v the th.rd eye forms part of th
1 neal gland, a ama!! mass alsmt the
a ze .f a svi In almost the very i'iir
of tlie bra n. I'o-il.ly. therefore, there
was Here n tn.it trii'n in t.ie well
k.u.wu rx.res,in. "the m.nd'i eye,"
Cull i;a i-r ginator dreaimsj of.
Xakea lllea W all.
'Jimmy got a great scheme to get
out o' a. : ! l on til.-e day,'
"How doe he work It?"
lie goes out an' washes hi fa.e. an'
the teacher think he's III an' sends hiia
home." rh'.'adelj h a Incjtjirer.
a the Parlor.
Hi word of lot delight her,
Shea anch a lorely I a a.
Ha make her life much brighter
By turning down tb gas,
Miilaaelphia I'r.si.
Fathers who think th.r bare tha
brlghteat child In the world ihouW
keep Lb thought to tbeaueivea.
ri....l fii
rroaa Wlk Tareae.
To see gorgeous display tvra
moiilal rite at their beat uu. muat visit
the Orient, where ah-.wlueaa make r
tl. ular MI to the eastern teiniier
aine.it.. There traditions are held Id
an esteem acanvly realized In the west
and have great lmirtance attached to
th.iu. To deiwrt In any parth-ular
from one of them la an augury of evlL
Thla circumspect attention to uilnu-
teat detalla and traditions waa seen in
the roeut Installation of the new Jam.
Qf Xam.n9ir9r( Irln- Kanjlt-
alnhjl. Tl.e Jam la n.t very power.
ful monarch when the reeounva of bl
miniature kingdom are considered, but
be La rich lu golden throne and the
other gauily apandagea of royalty.
Trior to th Installation the Jam, ac
cording to ancient custom, participated
1 1
.3 TtJL
"Fk a. aa t
-? ;
Till JAM Of HAWA.ilAUAa.
In a religious rite. Preaaed In a red
rot, which waa burned Immediately
afterward, he held a eocoanut In his
hand during the reading of the shas
traa, or sacred txajk of the Hindoos.
What would happen if the red robe
were not burned, or If he held an or
ange Instead of a eocoanut In tils hands,
the weatern luln.l cannot fathom, but
very likely the gxla would be offend"!
and disasters would come to him and
his people. The Jam drove In a silver
carriage, surrounded by a bright reti
nue, from his pula.v to the pulni'e of
Installation, panning under a unlipitt
arch, fashioned after two elephants
with trunks extendisl upward and Join
ed. The throne uihui which he sat
should nave ninde him proud or bis
hereditary privilege as a ruler. It was
of solid gold, with a canopy of gold
embroidery and with gold emhroi.leml
enrpet covering a generous expanse of
floor. Here with his courtiers around
him the Jam was officially Invested
w ith the right to use or abuse his t.
pie at will, after which he returned In
state to his palace.
The new Jam Is a young man of lili
eral education, which he a.-ipilnsl at
Trinity College. Kngland. While In
Knglnnd he Iws-nme nn exsrt cricketer
and for four yivirs was tlie champion
batsman of the country. Much of his
time Is still devoted to the game which
he has Introdn.-ed Into his kingdom.
Some Thins Thai llalk the lair
allr f Milliard Vaa.
The bend was no bigger thau an or
ange, the black. Iieardo.l head. pcrf'Vt-
ly proocpiil. of n man of forty or so,
"Tlie Pyaks alone.' 'a.nd the ethnolo
gist, "have the necret of taking an
adult human head and reducing It. like
this, to less than half its si7.e. Their
hoiixcs nre ornamented profusely wirh
these r.slii.s.d heads of etiemles slain
in battle. No one knows how the re
duction la n.i-oriiplUhec!. It Is a mar
velous secret that the Iiynks ref ; ie to
give up,
"Savages, degraded Ma they are be
side us, iisses a iiunils r of marvelous
aim iiniaiiiomal.le sts-reN. ine is the
making of lire by the ruKl.ing of dry
twigs, only a snvnge can do that.
"Another is the eoiitni. tlon of fl,.h
skin suits. The native, of the S.lsTl.in
.--..ist make suit of ti,i.-kln that are
softer, tln. r and far more n ntcrr..f
(tan any fabric known to us. What
could U' s, wntcrj. r.N.f M fih-k i n ?
"A third is the w, r-t of arrested
life. Tliere are ala.riginea in India
who can die teii.ia.rnrily. can ),e buried
a w-ceW or more and on lazing jilir
."ine to life again.
"live t.st blanket., tlm ,et basket,
the last cati.su and the .t ,v,.s
all made ,v savag.-s." . (irl.-nrn
Tinn s PetlKHT.1t.
Hlual llr. l),igM
IT. iMlgi.i. of Keith, h ,
an hoiH.rary nieniUT of the
waa nmdp
A1T devil
.-xieiy in i, n.ld ii
bluntne-s. A talkative
reputation f,,r
man went to
mm one nay nn.i sa d to hltn: "Is-tor
what la tlie nnifer with my tongue?"
"Just nissim' a r at," r.-iei, short
ly. On another day a sitient went to
him and complained ; have a deal
to suffer with my ry.-. doctor." wh,.re
nin he sner.sl : "Hetter suffer w:h
them than w ithouf."
Small Healer.
"Pld you ever sell your vote?" asked
the Impertinent friend.
"Never." answered Senator Sorgm
"A single vote Is of no eonseo,,M,riot'
these day. "Yotrve got to contract to
deliver them la bunchea." Waahloirton
w .
. M aeSBjW sa. 7 J .- vW 1
Jar of
Hammer blows, sreadily p
plicd, break the hardest rock.
Coughing, day after day, Jars
and tears the throat and lungs
until the healthy tissues give
....... a ... - . ... DMaeal
stops the coughing, D(1 hcls
the torn membrines-
I alwaya kae ,.,., rf"T raeaoral la
th houM. II "i ,..1.f wl.au.eer
ana ( haaa eo,.il,rof k.ra ' "
a.ed u to, ,Miaoknuw
an ahoni iir.au Mast oaaaiaaa,
hur. ft. I.
bj c a. t C .
..M '
Ulllouaneaa. r nn..,...tion retard re'
covery. Cure thh wifi Ayr' Pills.
It l.aailaa C'ect.
"Rilliwg, did yu "r convert any
body to your way of Uioking by your
street corner oratory?"
"I know of one. anyhow, and it mad
a changed nian of him."
"What i he doing doJ
"He in the insane ylutn. Ituggle
in the insane a.iim. A glimpse of the
truth wa too much for bis uioderniied
Tenderfoot I hear jou hava atarted
p a new quarti mill. ll"w ar you do
ing with it?
Mm Owner Tinriwlr, thank you.
"Mr. Spoooaniore. don't you think a
kiaa LI'S aecou.la in dura 'ion ia a great
deal too long to be um-ulile?"
"Well, that dependi entirely on the
er desirability of the kiasee."
PAtO OINTMKNT I. .ii inleed to eure any
raa ofltehin, Bhn'l. .liM(r Protruding
"ilea lu a lo 14 da, i or miutf rt-iunuea. aoa.
"tt'hj. Nettle." asld her mother,
"whut In the world tre you pounding
your doll with your father'a allpper
"necause she refuies to obey me.
mamma," replied the little miss. Tm
not going to have the neighbors saying
that I spared the iilpir and iol!ed
my child."
Tkata II ear Frleada.
Nan I could wear i small a iho as
you do if I wanted to.
Fan Yea, dear if you waatd to taka
Probable Osteoma.
Chronic Kicker What do yon uproa
would happen to your boasted fleet if it
aflnuld get into a ml battle?
I'hleginatlc Citiin O, I auppoae we'd
get licked aanie ai ve'va always been.
Any Hidden Vwl oi rwiat which may
throw a memtr nt of its normal po
sition is likely to fame a sprain, which
is really a tudilen and more or less ser
ious wrench or twlat of a ligament or
of the limn -lea controlling the liga
ments. L'ao hot wntr for bathing the
nrain; dir the lilt face and apply St.
Jacobs Oil as (or tofenew and stiffness.
Hate! tout
The new ten-dollar
Id piice haa arrived.
And we got one Id our clutches by a
squeeze ;
Ilavt you noticed that the breeches on the
turkey on th coin
Ar considerably baggy at the knees?
Houston l'ost.
The old nng wu Josglng up the bin
with the elora.
"Yes," said the old nag, "It ta rather
tough pulling then up to the parson
age, but it will be aiier coming back."
"How so?" queried the friendly
goose at the roadside.
"Why, can't yon see that after leav
ing tb parsonngi two will be luada
one?" Chicago Niwt,
We offer nn HandH Hollar Reward forany
cae .,! i .,rrh tint ruoot be cured by Ha i
Laiarrb I un
F J CHF.NKY A ro,, Toledo, 0
We, the unter.inel. bav. kn.iwn F J.
CI.eney tor ih.' la-t l.r. .rar. and t-eileve him
Irt.-. tl. h'neirab.p Iral lulvnea tranactiona
anl flnanr.a.iv al.. t. carry uul any obliga
tion made br h:- r.-m
h..lf.ai Priigglata, loledo.O
na'l'i Catarrah i mi h .ken inierna It, act
In .Hr" tlT uKn tha biisxl n l murou'a anr-la.-a
nt th ,it?n leal monlali aent free.
Pr'e M ram. tr Untie Sold t'T all lirugcat.
Take lia.i i Faiol.r fill lor Loaatlpatiuu.
Hla Pera..aal View at H.
Admiring ( on, titnent Senator, you
kr your own opinion of this currency
queation. haven't jou?
Suitor Ijtamun Ve. sir. and I sup
pose I bar answered It hundred of
time, it', nobody't bume how a man
gets hi eurrenry.
Austrian m n are provided with re
'ie chaiiiber at coo? anient locations un
i ground. ThT r eimpped with food
and convenience, fr nimei la itw of
ncTs Vru(vv1i p"onp
uio system pjjcctu ally,
nvsists ono uiovnwtnin
Kalitual constipation
ocncjicial effects buy
the Oonu.nO'
flanuUtured1 th
Syrup fngs
rntst EvrsTs is dixib.
The first newspaper In Maryland, tha
Gazette, waa Issued In 17'.'7 at Aunapo
lis, by William I'arka.
The first newspaper In North Caro
lina w as atarted at New hern by Jinai
Purl in 1711).
The first patent for tin roof on hmiaee
waa Isnued Kept. 10, SM. to K. 8. Til
den, of LyiH-hburg, Va.
The first atent for a garment-cutting
machine m Issued June Id, lsJl,
to Allen Ward, of Hunurllle, Ala.
The first patent for an odometer, a
device to measure dlMtan.e. waa laued
Nor. "O, 1S1H, to James Clark, of fow
hatan County, Va.
The flrat aucceaafully exploited mow
ing machine waa that of l ynt II. Mo
I'oruilck, of Kis-k bridge County, Va.,
Uaued June 21, 1H34.
Mtaiilaslppl was the flrat State In the
I'ulon to agitate abolishing Imprison
ment for debt and led the movement
In the great reform. Imprisonment for
debt waa abolished In that State Jan.
23. lfC.
The Savannah, the first steamship to
cross the Atlantic, was owned In and
started from Savannah, (in. It was MO
feet long and SSO totis burden. Thl
waa twenty five days In the month of
May, 1S13, In reaching I.lverixd.
The first railroad built In Kentucky
and the first completed west of the
Allegbenies was the Islington & Ohio.
It waa begun in October, KM, at the
Lexington end, and completed to frank
fort In Peeeniber. isa5. It waa laid
that distance with flat rails fuatened
to atone sleeper.
In it! 11 the Jamestown settlement
had thirty acre of corn under cultiva
tion. Ten years later the Masaachu-
elta colony had twenty acres. This
waa the beginning of the field cultiva
tion of corn In thla country. Now It
I our most universal crop, one which
In lHlkl reached the enormous figures of
2,700.000,000 bushels, valued at 11,100,-
The Thanicn freeiea over on an av
erage of three times In a centurv.
All the blood In the laxly pas.aea
through the heart In thirty-two beats.
The traffic of the waterways of thla
country Is about oue-lmlf that of the
Foreign exports and Imports equal
only 5 er cent of the interstate trude
of this country.
The dew falling In Kngland In the
course of a year la aald to be eipial to
9 Inches of rain.
The I'nlted States exports annually
21,fKX),(io tona of merchandise, valued
approximately at tl.Titf.OUO.OtiO.
The NiHwiblllty of one person's finger
tip tx-ltig Identical with that of another
la one chance In 04.(MKi.(SMi,i.ai.
r.urope has four active volcanoes,
Asia fifteen, America flfty-ali and the
Asiatic Islands no fewer than 110.
Following the course of the Panuhe
from source to mouth, one would en
counter uo less than fifty two langu
ages. Haulage by teams over roads costs
2." cents ht ton per mile; by railroad.
7 2-10; by canal. 2 1-10. aud by lakes
less than a mill.
The traffic tonnage of the Iietrolt
river la greater thnn that at any other
point in the worl.ft All the freight of
the great lakes passes through this
It Is estimated that with proper ca
nal facilities cotinis'titig navigable in
land streams this country could save
two-thirds of the money now Hjieut for
The three turbines of the I.usltnpla
contain nearly 8.i,(hi blades. These
blades are secured by the rotor," and
the wwer Is generated by the Jeta of
steafn striking tlicm.
IVad men do not bite. Plutarch.
Force can never destroy right. Rer
ryer. Kat the present and break the dish.
It Is wrong to sorrow without cens
ing. I loiner.
Poor without debt Is better than a
Prince. Turkish.
The pot boils best on your own
hearth. 1 anlsh.
'Tis sweet to play the fool In time
and place. Homer.
He la the most iiccrfti who bor
erns hlmaelf. Seneca.
IK not make unjust gains; the; are
eijual to a lose. HesiiMl.
The wore the parage the more wel
come the jiort. Krench.
It Is proper to leave modety rather
than gold to children. I'lnto.
A man's folly Is hla worat foe and
his discretion his best friend.
(.real Men's Iteeeeaf Inai,
Very I. envy are the burdens of me
of the hi.-h olll.-ca III Croat llrltaln and
leaders have been driven to curious
methods to prevent breakdown. When
Itohert I.owe was ihanTllor of the ex
chetjuer he laid down nimty fet of
iiMphnlt and got himself a pair of roller
ak.ites. That was bis niotlHsl of mas
tering a liver and the fatigues of oTW.
I'.nrl Spencer, when In Ireland, during
the darkest days i,f blaol!h-'. found rid
ing f.it and fsr the one thing to re
lieve bis aplrits of gha.ni. -,laNtone
cut don tbe trees ami translated tb
cl.iasin: Ix'td ItandulpU (.'hurcLlil
went racing.
The Raf (iaeaaed Rlaht.
They were getting a kindergarten
lcsv.n. The teacher taught them very
simple subjects. She touched a table.
"What Is this?"
"What Is this?" aha asked as she
touched the fender.
"What la thlsr Indicating a bottle.
"What is thlaT" nd she touched her
watch rbaln,
"Brass," said one small boy. snd sha
changed subject Spokesmaa-Ra.
When thellooj ia pure, Iresh an J healthy, the tkitl will Ic s.ft, etnootb
and free from Llcmishes, but when some act J humor take root ia the circu
lation its presence U manifested by a skin eruption cr disear.e. These
humors get lata the blood, generally because ci an inactive cr sluggish
condition of the mera?ers if the bojy whose duty it ii t collect and carry
off the wa.ite and rvfu'.e matter if the system. This unhealthy matter is h it
to sour and ferment and soon the circulation becomes charged with the acid
poison. The blood begins to throw c3 the humors and acids through tha
pores and glands cf the akin, producing Tczema, Acne, Tetter, Tsorlasis,
Salt Kheutn and skin eruptions cf various kinds. Eczema appears, usually
with a alight redness of the akin
Dual at aUiay uid Uiua ui-a aud Ivfuim It crUsi, iuid tlie Kchiuic' ia iiilcus.
It is generally on the back, breast, face, arrns and legs, though other parts
of the body ciav be aJfected. In Tetter tlie skin dries, cracks and bleeds;
the acid in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, which are intended
to keep it soft and pliant, causing a dry, feverish condition and giving it a
hard, leathery appearance. Acne makes its appearance on the lace in tha
form of pimples and black heads, while-
I suffered with F'-esma ftr forty n i . t. i a
raara and could flaJ t-otuioa; Tsonasis comes in scaly patches on difler
cure ma yntu I triaa 8. s. 8. I ent parts cf the body One cf the worst
uflarad iatananly wlt: tl.a itch- . , , . . , i. c i tu
in and burning; pustules would "onr.S cf Skin trouble ii Salt Rheum;
form from which tii.ra How.i a its favorite point cf attack is the scalp,
sticky fliudlcrusls waul 1 coma cn r- tit r i
tha akia aud whaa acratchad otf sometimes causing baldness, roison Oalc
thaskta was !ft aa raw as a place and Ivy are al ;o disagrecalle type cf skin
of beef. J suffered as-ony la the ri i i .i
ions- raara I was afeictad, but disease. The humor producing the trouhla
wbaaluaad S. 8.8. 1 found a par- lies dormant in the blood through th
tect car. Tbar litt ntvtr baaa , ,
any ratun tti tha trnukli
C. H. 1. VAJf S,
Stock man, Ifeb.
11 a.ll
because they do not reach the blood. S. S. S. goes down i nto the circulation!
and forces out every particle of foreign matter and restores the blood to its
normal, pure condition, thereby permanently curing every form cf skin
affection. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired seat fresj
to all who write. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
Aa Overala;af.
"I want to pay this bill.- he said at
the hotel bar, "but I think you have
made a alight error here In my favor.
I've been reading over the extras, and
I cannot find that you have charged
anything for telling me you thought II
ttihfLit ruin."
lie rtailced.
"So Borroughs owes you money.
Well. I think he'll pay you bnck some
day. but you cau't make him hurry."
"Ooirt you believe It. The . mere
sight of me walking along the street
haa made hltn hurry several times
lately." Philadelphia Press.
Mast IHreet Hour.
"How did your husband get nut of the
building after he had located the gas
leak?" asked the reporter.
"As nearly as ha could remember it
afterward," said the woman, "be. went
out through the roof."
Reeocalsed Ills Fatllac.
Woman of the House A big, strong
fellow like you ought to be willing to
work and earn his own living.
Languid Launcelot That's wot alia
me, ma'am. Me muscles ia all right, but
m will power ia all gone.
Nana Had i:aeaped flee.
"Profeaaor," said Mrs. ;aaell to th
distinguished, musician who bad been en
gaged at a high price to entertain net
gumta, "what was that lovely selectloo
you played Juat now?" j
"That, madam." he answered, glaring
at her, was so improvisation.
"Ah, yes, I remember now. I knew It
was an old favorite, but I couldn't think
of tb name of it, to save me."
"Why don't you fanners dv some
thing to improve your roads?"
"What for?" asked the old settler.
"It would Improve the value of your
"Yes; and the more value we get up,
the more taxes we might have to pay.
Washington Star.
A Kara ( oiaplalal.
"Isn't It strange,"'asks the first mnn,
that so many men, after years of ruth
less commercial practices, piracies one
might almoat say, after they have
climbed to the very pinnacle of suc
cess, should have softening of the
"It would be stranger yet. Infinitely
stranger," replied the man with the
corrugated brow, "If any of them ever
bad softening of the heart." Tuck.
Tyrns." hastily etclauned Mrs. Jymes,
you ought to be careful .how you let
I'ido eat out of your hand
"Why, there tan t a bit of danger"
aaid Mr. J vines. "He wouldn't barm a
"O. I know there"s no danger to you,'.'
Impatiently rejoined bis wife. "1 was
thinking of Kido."
Envelopes were first uaed In 1S."5!). Pe
for that titn one simply folded one's
letter together and fixed it with scaling
1 1 1 1 I C I B 1 5 S 3 1 1
Price JSC and $oc
' . v ii n v i A h n v ii y i v ii i jT
sat ajat a orvM aaiaii
a, aajrar nras-aa axta? mmHm
' H.so, mi.od aa ta.sdi
thm any Bthmf MaaaialiiMr an
mrmrlti, Bmomtmrn Ihmr AWaf fsaffi
mmmmm. tit bmttm, awe faaa, aaf
f earafwiAaw auajr He-
tP ara mt mrm
m a ' ' a
W. L Doir'tt t4 ind f 5 631 lia Shsei Cmsirt
JT" . Tl0"- W-U tVaa'aa aa aa ra
followed br pnstules from which thera
iiikct i j iiiraK cm unci lunurni
sufferer with the return of Spring. The best
treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S.
It neutralizes the acids and removes tlie
humors so that the skin instead cf being
irritated and diseased, is nourished by a
Supply cf fiesh, licillhy blood. Kxtcrnal
applications cf salves, washes, lotions, etc.,
while they soothe the itching' caused by
skin affections, can never cure the trouble)
Ills Falllnar.
"What an eiasieratiiig old ua Hewll
(us ia in th matter of borrowing
money '."
"Why, I thought he was well fixed,
t didn't supnuaa be ever had occaaion to
borrow any."
"(Jreat Scott ! lie nWan't. What I
mean is that it's exasperating to get turn
d down every time you try to borrow
ftom hiin."
Wayside I oiaaiaalaia. .
Wareham Long Wot started tb harj
times, anyway?
Tuffold Knutt We did, ye ole fooL
We wus tuflVrin' with 'em long 'for any
body else caught 'em.
That la I.AX ATiVK HKOMO yflM.NK. I.noa
for the alirnatiire of K. W. I.IMVK I ie'1 tj,a
World over lolurtt Culd in Oaa Day. 2bc.
Kelaaborl? t'aedlallly.
Mrs. Gadder (rit-ing to depart) Well,
you muat come and call on ni sum day.
lt'a your turn now.
Mra. t'hillii-on-Kearney Yes; I think
It has been my turn for the last five or
six times, haan't it? Chicago Tribune.
Iterlln authorities have passed a law
putting a tax on cats, and now when on
of them is found without the metal tag
which shows that the tax has been oaid it
Is chloroformed.
Vo aera will find Mra. Wlnalow'a S.thlm
Syrup the a. ai rtn.lr to tiaa lu ineir caUUra)
Suriug tae laatalug pefiinl.
Allealloa, otlrr Haraelorst
"How is your llaclivlor Girls' Club get
ting along?"
"It expired by limitation Dec. 31, 1!XY7.
You didn't evtiect us to keep it up thl
year, did yon 7"
Kasllr I adrraliMid.
"I love a dim, religious light," sha
"I was brought up lu Pittsburg,
too," he aald.
f'Tf . Vitna riaara aon all fccrrnna Ptaaaa
1 1 1 w jH-rmanantiy curM br Ir. Kima a uraa
rv Heainrer. m'1 ftr KliKk ltrlai b"ltU and
Inaiiaa. tr. K. IL kit... Ld.. wl rcli bu. e UUa..l'a.
The rebuilding of San J-'rancia"o haa
been hamiered greatly by the exorbitant
wage schedule. The rales exceed by a
dollar per day th maximum seal in New
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tha
CValda't Take laa Jnh.
An Inland graduate came to New
York to mek employment. Through
friend he received an offer of a place
lis shipping clerk to a certain firm. Ia
reply he wrof as follows: "I regret
that I cannot accept your kind offer of
a position shipping clerk, but tha
fact la that I am always sb k when on
the water." Suii-eta Magazine.
I B 1 1 C 8 f C E 1 1 S
B Enuilltd At Am Pries
ta aamiiad as Iwtam. Taee Wa a.tiSlala.
'itv"'J mm
7! jV.i 5?
,yi iy.ff
Wta -aTaTaw .'MS ..
.83 BntABiM lovSM- ttf f"-