Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1908)
This Advertisement Am It trrmt In Ulna. I ,.. ... ium it 1 1 remarked tbe denior Of ll x-l i srirlll a to remind you of ' ,',.,. ..w(lt ,.m to be armind wbel k i m-ia uiijuu puriner, Apme irlvir, and a rwrve, ai.uiiaib mid dl- ireaUve tonic. N.itUnj tlae It. no otber hmt ao k'j1 record, no other will do you to much g'J. It cure. Scrofula 16 Year H.d'a Par.ara- rii.a lia. rored urn i.r wf-ful. allh ani.di I bae I,. -ii lr-.ui.l. -I f .r l y.r. Mr lilllu lurftii-r id i-rtfu! iwllinrf on her n-ea an I H "! Nar-al-anPa a!- enre.l ber." tint. (t. Moitkin, Aiiiiamlale. l Dyspepsia - " I ww tn.uiiled f.r moi.tfi. wuh ajid rould nd rat anted." "Well." tbe nmraliier. "It ! b.-t:er to be u!i'tit alien wanted thai t.i I) jirescut wb.u you re not waut ed." Kew ni'O id Kuroi have had " tr:kmf rift than the Itrr. Ih-. l!.hop labrera of tha rMuib IC'form-d church, wbo we educated lb- 'artiiic uri..' hut embraced the I'roteaiant faith aattM . ana was aM.n inirv linr I u k it atradilr until I naa curad." L ia McWmtLia. A Hi., I. Hheumatlm"l "aa ae.erelf affllrled wuh rt.ei.iuaiinn. rur khit- badly awull.n. HH.1'a rarsai arilia h-lL-d n.a after Mher riieillrinea failed and It baa lelirt defied IT Iifa." Jsnaia Kim-mbm. Middle liruva. X. . Hood Haraaiarllla la aold everywhere. In tbe uaual liquid, or In tablet form called Sarsataba. I'M iHieca One Dollar. Pre pared only by C I. Hood Co., Lowell, Una. . 2 Uaau iau.-i aad he-me a rniuniaa-v rule " i.itirai. t.ali. leal. Mms Iiora I'aia, Jack told ma tha at her diy that you wouldn't believe ha bad mrtne.r enough to auppnrt ma nnleaa lie allowed it to you. Una ha dona it? Trmlent l'apa Yen. dear. He proved It by Ihe tealiinony of the rock. , Habitual il Constipation Al 1 ( lay 00 pormntHtWt m crcome y rnprr pciMxial plants witft trie osvistaiuo otln'oii truly ben'irnil IntoTiti? rpmuily, Jyru n f7g nml fJuirojSitina, wfut fi 'tiililos one to orm r'j;ulnr uiuits daily .so tlmt assistuiKv tu nu tut ainy lit rulunOy rliSjHMiil witri wlim 110 lotij'vr rnvdinl a ttirbi'stof rcttwrlifS.wKtTt rwjairpd, arpto ussisi rinturp and not to Sujijiliint Xe riutur. fil juiutums, wfiicK must di'jX'ml ultt matply uimmi iiroHr oourtsKmnt, pnijHT ('foi fs.ucnl riKt living gctn'rully. uy the 'nuiutf California FlO SriilI Co. ONL SOLO BY ALL LEADINC DRUCCISTS law wvkiI), ituiur pi ue &0f p Uotlia tar. when he returned to lead the Kn fel.ral party after the revolution In 1W. ( arlaaa Akaal It Mamma io to iltp now or the ol Una will ret you. Robbie Will they coru right In ben after nit-T Slamma Yea, they will Indeed. Robbie Tbeu Ml atay awake, 'rauiM I want to at what gobllna look Ilka. l'blladeliibla ITeaa. PllfS CliRFD IM 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OISTVKNT la fiia-anieed to eura anr raa ol In hiiia. Blind ilae.lmr I'rotrnding f iwa In a lo H dajt or muuey rctuauaa. ua. Hla Klek. "What la he mad about T" "You know he klrked last night be rauae he hud tint been given a large bull In which to make bia aiiwh." "Yea; Wfll?" "We nrlutid it 'lager ball."' Houa- ton I'oat Saaka Inle Your 5 hoe a. Allen'a Fool Ke. It euren painful, iwollen imarlinr. iwealluir leei. 3ianea new anoeaeaav ild bv all Imiifuliita and ahoe Hturea. I'on' accept any nutmlllnle. hample I Kfc.h. AddrvM A. 8. UlluateO, Hiif, .. 1 . Ida I.lakta Hletorr. Tli a cacklinir of tbe feeae bad aaved Rome. 'How mortifying!" eiclaimed the Ro- mana. "t'oatenty will get lue impression that we averted destruction by following the advice of tha Btreet corner oratora . The biatorians however, have been care ful to place tha credit where it properly belong. Beallerlaai liaibla. "Children make Ufa lola brighter and happier." "Yea," aiiowerei Sir. Slrltm Rarker. "If It weren't for children we wouldn't have uny pxciih for going to the clr cna In summer nor for fooling with rue- cluinli'Hl toya during tha bolidnya." Wuabliigton Slur. 2- " " ALt OIlOL 3 PIH i ts r. AcgclublePrrparilinnrnr.s similaiiirrtthtFoodarKdiiia tinfiilie Siomichs aniUiiwls J IVomofps DitesffonTrrrfuf rtiss and ResiXonialns wJlm Opiimi.Morphtne norMuixaL Not Narcotic. Snipr it OH DtSUtZUVWJt jUx.Smim e jatt4 Vaaaiab WW Sunr. hGyvmi kit Anerfprt rVmr dv forf mtoi lion , Sour StnnvKh.I)larrtit Worms jConviilsions.rfvcnsB ni-ss and Loss of Sleep. FaxS'inaat Sijnaiart at NEW YORK. L For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of t IV I -. rw . J I amK- V. " : .T X .A.r-'. t- ae aarv When butter will not gather the difficulty can be) traced uaually to ad ranceij la-iatlon or too low a tempera ture nt The milk from ona cow long In lactation la auuVlent to a whole churning. Tba Tlmsainy of auch milk rendera aeparatlon of but ter fata alow and luua-rf t It often napiwua during the winter monthe that butter, or cream, rather, will break or aeparate Into itnall purtlclea, wblch re- fune to adhere or gather. In "pita r coaling. The only remedy la to raise the teninerature of tbe whole niaaa up to the proper degree. In thl work the dairy thermometer la almow inaia- pensable. aa It will aave uiucn time and worry. If the churn la a reroiY ing one and the cream Jut breaka Into minute partb'lea, refusing to gather, then add warm wuter to that uaed In rlnalug the butter until It reaches atwut 64 degrees. The butter particles will generally adhere after a few revolu tlona of the churn. Trouble of this kind ran be avoided. Refore attempt ing to churn the cream shrnild be test ed until tu degrees Is reached in win ter, and should be smooth and Telvety tid bave the reijulred degree of acid ity. If thla degree of warmtn la not imparted to cream by the temperature of the room In which It la kept, then It can be raised to the right degree by setting the cream Jar or enn In a larger one contalnlug warm water- Field and Farm. l.'faM-ajrfE aii . . . . ... nara. Tbe Inner d.., of the barn ahouU me ao arranl thit th'T 'n cUM of themselves; u,;, ..artU-uiarly n-ea- f ((,. ,. ;K. granary or other ro..m, Hller th talmala outfht not to enter. .4, aiaipla contrlvn. Is to fasten a e'-ht to the door, to Uiat 't will c!, readl!y of ltlf. war store, aj.rlng binges which answer th desired fan" f,,r neu,r' d.wrs, but the weight Pune to be preferrei) f,,r llgiiter 1i A sim ple arrangllent 1( to have the black amlth nmke boles it lutfr''al 1,1 flBt strip of Iron .(.at It may be screwed to the dour near the top- II""k ' chalD In the bole in t(le ,Dd of this strip, run It through a pulley (obtainable a.t 1 hardware itore fr 1 few ceDta) fasten ed to tie fra,,,, of the iMr or the Jamb, aa It Is popularly known, and on tne ' :f U r I I t 5 "if rrn I riF-CU8I50 DOOB. Hark far I)ehorln. In the construction of this rack for dehorning, there are three alll pieces 4 feet long and 4 In. x 4 In. Thee are mortised Inches each aide of the cen ter for the posts. Four of these pouts are S ft. 4 In. long, and the two others ft. 8 In. long. Three cap pieces 8 In. 4 In., and 4 ft. 2 In. long, nre mor tised to fit over the tops of the posts. The stanchions In front are bolted ut the bottom between a 2 In. x 4 In. piece, and the sill, leaving n spaie up and own In front five Inches wide. Two and a half feet from the bottom of the stanchion cut a place for the animal's neck. The lever, which can be made of wagon tire. Is 3 feet (1 In. long. A "Sr Inch hole Is punched In the top of the ver, a second hole l.l1 Inches from the top hole, and a third hole 11 lnchi's Use For Over Thirty Years uwiranterd under tTwTootTa rasa Eiact Copy of Wrapper, qOAOTfllllfl IBsM. n laRUn fTT. CIZK Hor ar all CC J' j "anaiaaw eancn. ron tvraiy OIStaa S H(lfl AT ALL eancn. ron tvrsv MrN. aova. omih, missi ano cmilosinj CaaV Onugtmm mmknm mnrf mm Mm mm T.ti mmn'm 9U.AO. t.i.Utlmnd . mhmm reai mnv othm tnmnwt mcturmr In thm Smt aeoerf. taeiaae Ihmv hold ihml "FVJ mhmpm, ftf baitmr., mm mi- aatae, mnH B,l aea 0 malar vatua Ihmn mnyothmrr . sAoara Ut titm avor'af (a-atar. al W. L. Doug'u $4 nd SS G.ll itgs Shoes Canncl Be Equated At An; PHc P 1 I If II ' rmt r1l'1 eletiWIwrt, hlaiX m.l'l flIl ' t T " MM t.f I )it Wot -1 I. ,11ft fins l Highest Quality 'More Converts Every Year Every day in every year that comes, more house wives are giving up their exorbitant priced Baking Powders and turning to K C, the honest and reliable, which has stood so wcl the test of years. They are Finding out that KG BAKING POWDER costs one third the price of powder any where near K C quality, and makes better, purer, more healthful baking. e" M4cTrr- -r.i L "UaO" 1 23 Ounces for 23 Cents Perfect Results rack. from the second bole. The uper bole Is for Uie attachment of two iron straps one on encn side, which are fastened to the left hand stanchion. From the lower hole two pltnvs of Iron 14 Inches long go to the right hand stanchion. Winter Work oa Farma. s One of the greatest needs on the Average Southern farm nowadays Is more work in winter, r.ver since i could remember. It has seemed to uie that life on the common Georgia farm is too much of a happy-go-lucky style. To get results in anything, one has to keep everlastingly at It. so to eak. For years I have heard staid old fnnii- ers discussing fU plowing ami spring plowing, but I have seen too little or It In actual observation, writes J. l M.. In the Southern Cultivator. There used to be an Idea, which Is till prevalent, comvrnlng reoti'ta from fall and winter plowing. Some ar gued It was Injurious to plow deep in the fall, others that It was ahaurd to plow In the springtime to nny great depth. The truth of t lie matter is that good plowing at any time when the soil Is in good condition is s good thing to do. 1 mially In the spring the sub soli Is too wet to plow, and when it U turned up or broken In this condi tion damaging results ure likely to occur. other end fumen a piece of Iron of the desired weight. Usually window weights ar used for thla purr'. lut they iliould nt be to heavy, for a light door, that they will cause the door to close too quickly. The Illustration show tu Idea plainly. Settlaa; Trees la Winter. Fruit and miie trees may be set any time during the winter If the soil I In projier condition for the work, aays a rejairt hy the Oklahoma Station. The condition of tbe soli at the time tree are set ha more to do with the success or failure 0t the trees than does tho season of setting. If the land Is In good i-oiidliiiiii In Die fall, and the trees can lie obtained. It Is Is'tter to set them tlieti Minn to wait ami run the risk of not having the soli In g'Md condition later m. The land should be In a thor ough state of cultivation and Bhould lie moist eriotijh to work well when the trees are et. If they are In gixid con dition there is no need of watering them. Trees et la the fall may be a little difficult to protect from rabbits, but they are nna!ly In tictter condition to start growth in the spring than those that have bon bit-led n all winter. There are it iviny poor trees sold In the fall as h thM-"ng. n'1'1 loT reason fnM setting usually gives better results than sing setting. Hoot to Kill a Pirn. The pig should 1-e thrown nil Its bni-k. and held until stuck. One man should stand astride the tssly. with his feet close against Its sides and take hold of tlie front leg. In this way the hog can be easily inntnilled. Another per son should do the sticking. A narrow, straight Mailed knife, eight Inches long, should lie Inserted In the hog's tbpsit, after making an Incision through the skin. Jut in front of the breast tsttie. The point of the knife should t-e directed toward the rent of the tnll and held exactly In line lth the baoklaine. When the knife bus been run Info the thront six or eli:lit Inch... the depth dei-cinling on the size of the lKg. It should 1-e given a ipii -k turn to jinc side nil. I withdrawn. Th- arteries that are to be nit rim i'os. together. Jiit Inside of the breast Ism.., and will Uith 1 it h.-n the kmf.- Is turned, provided It Is slinq, ,, ,t!, sld.-s of the in, Int. A p!j killed In tlil way will die In a very few mliiuti-. and will hieisl out thorotiirhlv. Ti Meaaora land. To measure an acre, fie a ring at pac, end of a rofe. the distance .'tl Just sixty six feet ttwen thetn ; tie a pleie of i-oiori.1 .loth exactly n tMe mldd of th.s. One acre of ground will ! f uir times the leng'h and two and a half times the width, or the equal of Id r-sla one way and 10 nls the other, making the full acre Y) square Psls Keep the rope dry. o f will not stretch. A r.I Is Mi, in,.a feet. An acre Is 4u s.juare yarJa, or iXM) square feL Vtelaht ofTlma Per Baahel. In connect loii with a very thorougk study of the quality of various kinds of lime used for agricultural purposes In New Jersey, L. A. Vorhees, of the New Jersey Station, made careful estimates of the weight ja-r bushel or the different materials. Ilia results show "that the weight of stone lime i-r bushel (heats-d meas ure l. Is quite variable and without any constant relation to the analysis of the samples. The average weight per bushel of the twelve uiagneslan limes was ninety seven pounds, and that of the six 'marble' limes win 11 pounds." The weight per bushel of seven oyster shell limes examined varied from thirty-nine to seventy-five pounds, av eraging fifty-one and a half sninds. The prepared or so-called "agricul tural" lime examined were still mor variable in weight. Feed for tlreedlna Animals. It Is linsirtant that hrci-dlng animal have laxative fi-ods when fliey are put upon dry fee.l after being taken from the pasture. Jn,.i nrticli-s as oil meal, flaxseed inenl. etc., should enter large ly Into the ration. When animals are changed from pasture to dry feeding there is a ti-:nleui-y to constipation, and steps must tie taken to have the how els move freely, or there Is danger of serious troiiW. n case the above ar ticles do not have the desired effect, i:psom salts or raw lins-ed oil must be used. Why Refer to Doctors Because ue make medicines for them. We give them the formula for Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Sold for over 60 years. " AT.r- Charrr Paetaral la a ramartr thai ahauld ba la aver? noma. I a.e u.ed a gral Saal af It far hard ewaah. eaa eoloa. ens I eao what a aplanilia ni.dlelne It la. I ran Bol recennneail It tea ilil J." ataaa X. Coaaa. lijae ear, ataee. A"" flu 1. 0. Are. Oa., LaereU. aViao aianufaalarara ml ifers SAtUPAKILU. PILLS. All VWOt. Ayer'e Pills greatly aid th Chorry favciorai in Dreaaina up coia. ! In lleeinlmlns Waal l.nnda On King Kami formerly a barren sand heap. r:ing alsive the sea be tween Tasmani and Australia, ncel dent has given a suggestive lesson In the use of cert 1 1 11 grasses for reclaim ing arid wasten, few years ago a shipwreck cast on shore some mat-tres.- with yellow flowerel lover, a few mmsIs tx k root, caus ii g it larg- arej to liwume covered wlrh rli li ver lure. The power of clo ver an,) otlier letutnlnoiis plant to fer till7e p,M,r at. .ii through their nitrogen. ator.:i.g l.a-erla Is well known. Tl Hea.naa for I'rnnlnc 'i -'f realms fir pruning trei- ale to m-.i.'y .(),. v!C,,r of the tree; to pr-idiM. l,i-..,.r ntl,i ts-tter fruit ; to keep the tie.. n ni!ltia;palile shape and ''-: " !. it g the habit of the tr-e fr.isn fru t to product Ions, or vice v-T.a ; i,, r."M..n. siit'us or Injured loir's; to f j. harvesting and ,i-"i ' - ; to f i. itate tillage, and to traia t s. :i.e d-sir.d form. 1 1-1.1 nf Mnnaela. ' gr..nn oititinuously on th .f M a Mo tcr.s matt I hey and four t at the N....V If. I,, -,i to .T,'"" plants of mat,?..', .,,..,.... ,n, hrf.rl.1 fur. ff'-rn 44, ia to H.i plant lr are suggested AJ iru;.er atauJa, f -r f.,ur ye irs yielded ! i! ". "Hitalnltig one ton of dry - "n land under rotation '"I tli rv four tons if root. ' of dry matter per a-Te York Cornell exrlment nips iit, "i cnrr.its ) 40-crethe 'l it- r r h- Kaplalaetl Mnehnalanllr. "When I am busily engaged in think ing," remarked the doctor, "all tbe noises on earth can't disturb me." "My atari!" exclaimed the professor. In bis astronomical way. "Do the wheels in your bead make so much racket aa all that?" How to Make, Your Milch Cows Mora Profi labia. Write Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oak land, Cal., for "Successful Dairying," being valuable information on tbe most profitable selection of cows, their feed ing and care, the handling of milk to yield the highest price product and the protection and preservation of these products from deteriortion; with arti cles on diseases of cows and recipes for their cure. The bcok is free. A post card request only is necessary. Flallrrlaar Comparison. "Isn't be a cute little darling?" tsla the fond mother, proudly exhibiting the cherub. "Tes," answered ber bachelor brother. "Ilea funnier than ona of these mechan ical toya. Toil don't have to wind bi car Meallrln lba Son I. Midlclue and religion, which are loo frequently regar-l.d as mutually an i tagotilstic, should be iiiutuuliy comple mentary. There are luany diseases in which the medicine of the soul la a lMiwerful adjuvant in the treatment of tbe body. Ilrltlsh Medical Journal. C nnnarel Ilia Mint. "Well, what are you doing there?" asked the lady, addressing a tramp wbo had lust climbed a tree in time t- ea- esna a aiv.j. "Madam.' replied the hobo. "It wa my Intentioa to ask for a baud-out, but In the lutereat of humanity I now quest that you give any surplus food you may have on baud to uiy caulue friend down there." . !' Tlaaa far TriaiaaT. "Manda up!" commanded the footpad. "Get out o" my way !" thundered tha other man, scowling at him and striding on. "I baiu't got no time to fool with you. I'm doin' a ninety suile walkin" atuot." laa't Thla Aaafall There once was a girl named Mary, Whose mother baked excellent doiigtiuu.e. On day the girl married A man with a bare-lip. Let'a lean up against tb deep river. Dtnvar Post. Modern, ar Mat al All. Geoffrey Could you be happy la a mod rat little cottage, darling? Gwendolen Not unless it is on of those lovely dreams in concrete, dear. Chicago Tribune. Not Mar lault. Tom The average woman teem to lead an aimless life. Jack Well, It's her misfortune rath er than her fault that she it unable to throw straight. THOS. GALE. OF ALASKA MEMBER ORU CONGRESS Wel Known on the Pacific Slope. Mi Washington Address b 1 3 1 2 9th St, N. W., Washington, D. C Nat Oataaalblf. "I bave always bad a curioaity te know what horse meat tastes like," said to reg ular ruatomer. "Have you any?" "Not aa such," emphatically responded tha butcher. Tba nlrninc llrlllaher. The cold, self-contained Britisher I mostly a dreadful fiction, and In situa tions that seem to him at all emotional he grows at snlffiy weepful as any mat inee uilaa. Sydney (X. 3. W.) Bulletin. Illppaphna)rs Hippophagy being In low water In these later days, somebody bns set him self to allow wsat an exceedingly re Ss?ctable history attaches to the prac tice. Among the ancients, espe daily In China, eating borse flesh was general, and It was only killed in Kurope by a Papal decree of Gregory lit., though why horse flesh Should have been In terdicted doet not apjiear. It was only the famine caused by Napoleon's In vasion that revived the practice In Ger many, where It has survied ever since. London Glola. Thlaa-s that Mad Helped Him. Importer Senator, I have beard that yon got your start in life by selling newspapers. Senator . I.ntsmnn Not quite correct. my boy. The fact is but this i confiden tial, you know that I got my start by buying on or two orwspaiieni. Infuraaatlen. "Paw, what i the 'great white plagua' the paper talk about?" asked Johnny. "A big inowatorm, my eon," anawered hi father, wearily resuming th task of trying to find bia front sidewalk. t aatljr t orn tort. "Do you offer your wife comfort when she weeps?" "When she doesn't weep too often; It usually takes a new dress to comfort her." Houston Post. Only One "BROMO QUININE." That la I.AXATIVK HKOMil yUSISK. book tor the miniature of H. '. "iKuVK. I'aed 111 Wurld oter lo Cure a ( old in una l'ay. c. Ol Conraa Mel. "Do you keep a servaut?" "No." "Can't you afford to?" "Yes, but thnt't got nothing to do with It." Houston Post. Mo Aen will find Mr. Wlntlow-s Rnnthln Syrup tha b at remedy to uaa lot tbeir uliiidma auriug in teatmug pariua. No Hand for Frnetlsna. Grandfather (carving the turkey) , Tommy, what part will you have? Young Grandson Well, they'a six of u her, grandpa, hut I don't want no mora'n my ahare. I'll leave it to you. rTft St. Vitna raaea ana all ftrrrnaa fte-asea I 0 pe'manantly rtir-fl hy lir. Kllne'a wr-at rrvrt Heaiurar. s-na for KkKK t'itrlai bottle aisj treat I aa. Lit. H. IL k. 1 1 jr. LaL. tul Arch BU, l'blla..f a. 1"! rV'."AiUiUttiiHVI .n .v Al.tltlitHt ''4 i,' 1 It V i L w al mm i vm j f r .stsfr"s'a.c!: :.,'a , C if.; r-'-r-"--''. CONGRESSMAN TMOS. CALC Hon. Tboa. Cale, wbo was elected to oongrett from Alaska, it well known on tha Pacific tlope, where be hat resided. Hit Washington address is 1312 9th 6t. N. W., Washington, D. C. Wanhmrton, D. C Peruna Drug Co., Columbus, O lio. Gentlemen: I can cheerfully recommend Peruna as a very efficient remedy for Coughs and Colds. Thomas Cale Hon. C. Mtnip, congreabman from Virginia, writes: "I bave used yonr valuable remedy, Peruna, with benefi cial results, and can unhesitatingly rec ommend your remedy as an invigorat ing tome and an effective and permanent cure for catarrh." Man-a-lin the Ideal Laxative QV Mule J Team BORAX Sample, Booklet. Pnrnlar t'ard (Jama "WHIZ,' Hie. I'aclllc OH-1 llorai ( n . tiaklanil, al. UXSONI J60 ffaV.ISai Taia Ua Tnana ill.. Mr. rAmplfiA-ly tsocbk Sk M at ar mars tat laa f .tai w l'rf Vni llltMtn, l nein-r J Hii-aeh Wlitj , I'nrtlnn.t. Ilrt-rtm J - 1-S i I Nnlnral sflatak. Mra. Gaiwell (making a call) Ah, I tea you bar here a volume of poem. I'm ashamed to confess it, Mr. Ilighinua, but I never could appreciate blank verse. Mr. Higbnma Why r that' a cat alogue, Mr. Gaswell. How't Thfs? W offerOne Hundred folium Reward for any i u .ii. v.uiiui vm i urvQ oy ua.i a i Catarrh Cure. F J. CH FNE Y 4 CO., Toledo, O ' We. th nndersiitned, have kn iwn K. J. I Cheney for the lam l'i tear., and believe him parfeetly honorable In all bulNne.H tran.aetieiia and flnaneially able to carry out any obliga- lloa made br hl Him. WALMMi. KINNAN A MARVIV, , W Dr.i((aii. loledn.O ' rlalri raiarrah Cura la sken Imernaii. ...t. i Ini directly upon tha blond an I mueoua sur fa.sia ol the lystern. Teatimnnlal. aenl free. Pnee 76 rant, per bottle Hold hy all Iriif lata. Take kla.l1 Family Pill lor Cooailpaimu. 1 zjm mm nt,pttr1f v ami rH (i: it y.Fvrry' rc in m cIhm hy l ham. avclr. Ptrincr havecotiftilrnctj In titrin hrt ium iUry know tliey can relied n(r on, lon't e pert ttiftit with cliea eni yotir auro ty lie in buying twril'. riit out by ronclrntioti4l ' !! 1 If Hat WurtU houe. for IWH 1- khh. AlrM I M.FiHf 4i..,iVTifir,MM. Mist A r urn Oou't you really bo ll eve la dreainfi? Mint O'BuIl lo. 1diIm.J! n pupr fttloim anil txhltlMi It'a a lml hIk'u when you MIev to them, for It al ray brings you bad luk. I'hllatlt'l rlla IYfM. DOYOUKNCW mm WEATHER COMFORT AND PROTECTION afforded by o I ''Adas- Slicker? Clean -Light Durable rrr Guaranteed -yXr.Vi'dterproof Everywhere I Ml' m. in. QrTblTDlDtO TED AND XfMmjJLP W icept open ini in rr J3Y IMPURITIES IN'TIIE 'BLOOD I Whenever a sore refuses to lical It la because the blood ii not nnr mA healthy, as it should be, but ii infected with poisonous perms or some ol J blood taint which lias corrupted and polluted the circulation. Those most usually aiiiictca wua on sons arc persons who cave reached or passed mid dle life. The vitality of the Mood and strength of the system have naturally begun to decline, and the poisonous penns which have accumulated because of a sluggish and Inactive condition of the system, or some hereditary taint which has hitherto been hel 1 ia check, now force an outlet on the face, arms, legs or other part of the body. The place grows red and an-jry, festers and eats into the sun-oundinj tissue unt.l it becomes a chronic and stubborn wleer, fed and bept open by the impurities with which the blood is saturated. Nothing is more trying and disagreeable than a stubborn, non-healing sore. The very fact that it resists ordinary remedies and treatments is good "reason tor suspicion; the Mtnc germ-producing cancerous ulcers is back of every old sore, and especially is this true if the trouble is an inherited one. Washes, salves, nor indeed anything else, applied directly to tho sore, can doany permanent good ; neither will rcmov I wti affllcnul with lira en my , . ' i . face of four year' etandinrr. It the Sore With caustic plasters or the wae aartiaUrirapl at first but it surgeon's knife make a lasting cure. If fradually frrsw larger a ad woraa " . . , ... .. . . n erary way iimil I berama every pa-tide of the diseased flesh Were "haictana11 The " all akerl nwa7 another sore Would come, be i ma but'tbaaora continued cause the troulile is in the bloo-1, and the BLOOD CANNOT BE CUT AWAY. alarmed aeyera treated lo a-row worn. I aaw B. ii. 8. ad and after t.ktno- It a wall I waa The cure must come by a thorough clenns completely cr.d. My blooa l. of the blood. In S. S. S. will be found affect of fl. S. 8., and tuora baa not a remedy for Sores and ulcers of every kind, been, any alrrn ol tha aura aiuca Tr. is nn unentitled Llnod t.urifie r that- Slmplaa. Stroniraat, Eaalaa Haadl.d Clraboer Mad. V.II pall MORB aaJ LARGER STlAirS wi.l. LESS EPESB than aay atkar. Wrrai In. IMwlatr.a Clrral.r tmi Prkaa JOHN S. BEALL, Manafacarei 121 liawtkora V, Oratfoa C. Gee Wo 1 hm wll known rllah CHINESE Root and Rcrb DOCTOR I f Otnrly nt I i...rl a.a.,1 k.a i,.(i ii ,. e-rt'-l n ta ! Intt in 1 1. WMflii fen WoBfitw fn Mfrrurv. PttfM or Drut lir4 M Cura ItV.lawauat Hnaa aat lan U ttV .1 taana. t t L. A . M - a. a any alrrn of tha aura aluca It it an tinentitlcd 1j1oo1 t.urifif r rine tlnf M.rrury. ra.aona nr Drm Utad Me fitrea I. S. S. cured K. linefjualli cl Lilool punuer one lUat niiHaut Oner at loo, mr Without d.a AiHol a Kmta TnOS.OWZN goes directly into the circulation and '-jea '.rri, A.n,n, i.fc waat union, unio. t-romtitlr cleanses it cf all roisoni and H..,n,h i.,.-r. h,m.. i, i,- . i tTnmptly cleanses it cf a'.l poisom and taints. It gets down t j V.:i very lottfTti of the trouble and forces out every trace of im purity ami makes a complete and lasting cure. S. S. S. changes the quality of tha Hood so that instead of f ceding the diseased parts with impurities, it nourishes the irritated, inflamed flesh with healthy blood. ITien the Sore begins to heal, new Cesh is formed, all pain and inflammation leaves, the place scabs over, and when S. S. S. has purified the blood tha ore is permanently cured. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. Write for our special book on sores and ulcers and any other medical advktj PQU desire. We toake no charge for the book or advice. THC SWIFT SPCCiriC CO., A TLANTA, CAm PURELY VEGETABLE A SURE CANCER CURE Jaat Rcctv(4 frem Pekin. (aina-Saf. ! aim if ciiaoie. IF TOH ARF AM.HT Mi l -TT Ir'LT br.l.Aka Ah). liA.Si.MKit H CONSULTATION l-lvl'.lt tf ynm caannt rail, writ for ..aiptm hl.naaji4 alffnaa iei'm.- i" .I', id i I r r H I H ll lliM Hi . Cor,.n. Fl. nn laaa. Uratioa lala . N. U. No. -oa yilKN writ II manilnn titlna to ad.ertlaar pi 1 PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color mora roods brlchtar and faster colors than any othar dya. On 10c packara color all k, wool and cotton eouallv well Jr1Kf Pr15:, '"auiU. Amu deaiar, or wi wUi tand pvt pa.J at J Oe a pacVar a. Wnt for irVa booklai aaw to dya, bleached mix coiara. UONROE DRUG COVaf CAUiic y , liiiouk