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About Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1908)
REV.TROUTMAN SENDS BEST WISHES FOR PE-RU-NA Rev. George A. E. Troutman, Washington, Mo., Writes, "My Wife and I Are Strong Believers in Pe-ru-na." ' Catarrh and La Crlpp. RT. Geo. A. E. Troutman, Ml. WMhlnton, Mo., wrlUs 'My wife and I are strong belieYsr la f uruaa. ,' E7fZS 1 sua a n ft ay .ky - -s-r-7 31 .ftr OsofitzA EImutmax J! v EPIDEMIC OF GRIP IS SWEEP.NG COUNTRY Tens of Thousands of Cases of Thit Pestiferous Disease Are Blnf Reported. SUFFERERS IN MANY CITIES. Business la Many Places la Dlsor- ganlsed on Account Prostratlone from ThU Ailment trouble.! with a pvulirir apartmoJIe aflection of Ihc tlirodl. It would seise ino suddenly ami for a few minutes I would he unalle to speak audibly, and my breuth would be ideally interfered with. I would be obliged to jtap breath. "i finally' concluded that it was some catarrhal affection which protbly ex cite.) the spastu. It interfered with iny vocation aa a preacher, attacking tut occasionally in the pulpit. 1 1 "I had heHrd so much about Feruna ..!. l.l... f ,l......lnA.l u a matin rrmruj mat a ntwiwiuru ' . - 1 I f . ...LI.... . I . . . . I . ... mM i disappeared. I feel Hire that greatly benefited me. Siraiiatrrim. piaredieh f,-"''y.7)' rty'l '' ftaptist pastor. Hox 228, Orantxhnnr, "'' fJ"' Wis., writes that from the use of Tern- r lro,,bl' hd' diM Jtytf- I'eruna haa gre ( wa oured of a bad case of catarrh when nothing else that I tried had any affect. My wifo waa cured from a ae vera com of la grippe, and we feel that the leaat we can do ia to gratefully ac knowledge the merit of Peruna. "My wife jolne me in eending be t wiihee for your mccees." Throat Trouble. Rev. II. W. Tate, fC'O Lincoln Aven ue, Walnut II 1 1 IH, Cincinnati, Ohio, na he ia perfectly well, entirely cured of chronic diarrhea and catarrh. Peruna in Tablef form. For twe year Dr. Ilartman and hll aealetant have incessantly laliored to crrate Peruna In tablet form, and their atrenuoiif I a horn have jutt been crown ed with lUf-cegi. Ptople who object to liquid medicinea can now tecure Peru na Tabletf, which represent thn meli- cinal ingredientR of Peruna. Each tab let is equivalent to one average duae of Peruna. writee: "For several years I have been Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna Almanac for 1908 Mil aTaerPT'B RfMvli arc the bt k nown And th iiKNit rrllihliiMaieotifi airown. Every parknitelia iMihLnd it th rputntlon of a houn wh bualutaM laVuUaUUs r blgtatWl LU U UaUl. BY MAIL UtlONI 2SI Willi. Tm fti'D. Thm tllvn, ft. Dun eomplrb-lr Uafbt aoa faarmntc4 u foar Iranuaa Prof Wiu w iuon, li iiir- m-ic . I'orllwlnl. Orygoo - mm mmmmim Iml tnnl ll HUM ml 14 JT jrVaj t I'JIriZ to tk ftpiUit. li routM. CHlrl piftia. ni-tny If X JT.' -3- ' nraifiN mwt frill .lrii'ti-iii. tri'rc ami liru.iif ftjfc a. J 'il'A ' A Vlawar imai lafaluabl la all. Hand tur It. y'v!;,' ' tl D. aa CO.. D,. aakHt , feOlV&J C. Gee WomW CHINESE Root and Herb DOCTOR WdXA(jCaU fwTrn-diM. Ilf ctadr of rt. mnd in th. red !( wundwr No Mrrurv, Potvont f Drug UH H C ur IViIHmi( Operation, or Without th Atd of Knit H ajuarttritfati ! t'urat (wtiarth. Awtlimav Lunaj, .nirnaai. hhroiniatl iam. Nrwiiiiee, Nrvnia iHMillily. I' h, I.Ivmt. hulnetr lniit lNi nlnolt Mwohuwl, mail WMhrtaai anil All I'rlvait bimm- A SURE CANCER CURE Vnt Recttvcd from Prklnf. (hlna-Safa, Sura ndRcliahla. If TOT" RF AKI H-TKIV IK1TT PELlT I'KIVd Ahk. IiaSi.KKoI 8. COMMCUTATIO.-N I'lvnit IT raaj a.aot oall, writ fortvirptna blank and elrea lar 1 ii I.m 4 rrni In tn . .T.1.F0 "it-11" I'liisfREiiridnNnro. Kill km at . Car. Morrin, Portlaaa, Oraaoai riaaa ftlf,ntloa TMa Parar. I I INii(1 for a KIIKN Tira onll(a Trial to America . Ira.Mif fitnt atir. Tlia fnill ttriwar. an1 wa .III mall lk t iMIniil hn. In actalt-af PalK-lomi Apple and a Tin of IUnnrllrftPM- fli KR. Twn f lha hi-t fiMiia aver IntroH'iced. haul all er thaen'in-fiiie-t qiMlllT Ivltcluua Applaai.l.l lat atv. lalHi. If va barn oiilf a ti er or planu t u dn iI ihla naiier. Trlla a I abmit fr He liow to rtlant.ciiUleale. prune, enray. nark, market, rlftnilar Erlr fl 00 a ir. mr'l two hw fi ull tnrliid'l fre ut will tukt tpatlai offer If Jutt tlila a-L TRI miT-CROWEK, las 354. St. Jawpn, kuaarl Bend ennr pa ner three m nthg FHKKnn trial, after aklr. 1 will awl, J r jMitoauiporbacviuaaaubaurtbar. Kama To.n ato . An epidemic of la grippe aeema to b sweeping over the country, and teua or. thousande of people are suffering frotx the disease. Pittsburg reports the wore visitation In Its history. The buslnesi of the city le disorganized on account of the large uuiuber of people who havi been suddenly forced to remain absent from tbelr places of employment Factories and mills, offices and store are affected seriously. There Is a notable uniformity In thi symptoms of the present epidemic which appear, to affect principally tht bronchial passuges. Bronchitis am! pneumonia are Ita moat common accora panlments, and It aggravatee fully S( per cent of the tuberculosis cases. Thoot nioat Injuriously affected are person) who before the attack were badly rut down In their general health. In the! cane j pneumonia quickly develops while the heart brain and other or fans become affected. In Philadelphia an epidemic of grlppi la aweeplng the city and whole faml Ilea are prostrated by It. Pneumonia In many cases Is followed cloae upon lti heels, and last week many persons died of that disease. Doctors are scarcely able to keep up with the demands made ujHin tbem. Baltimore, too, la experi encing an unusual amount of alclcneaa. Other cities where grippe hae made Its appearance are Boston, Chicago, On cinnati, Cleveland. Denver, Milwaukee and New Tork, and reports from these place Indicate that the health authori ties fear that the outbreak 1 only at the beginning. Health Commissioner Evans, of Chicago, has Issued a warn ing to the people, urging tbem to get plenty of freeb air uud to exercise In the open as much aa poaalhle. Chicago knows the danger of grippe, for It has been frequently vi.lted by the disease. In 1800 that city had 100,000 grippe suf ferers and 112 deatha directly resulted. In 1899 over 300 persons died from the disease, and since the first appearance of the malady the city has paid a tribute of 2,208 Uvea. f In New York, where the dtsea'se Is now gaining a atrong foothold, sixty eight deaths resulted last week and there are many cases scattered about the city. Boston Is the worst sufferer on the Atlantic seaboard. There are nearly 1OO.0IIO case there and sixty deaths have resulted. Cincinnati has 2,000 casea and the disease seems to be epi demic In form. The oiien winter Is held responsible for the spread of the disease. Where It originated no one seems to know. It travels with wonderful rapidity. In 1880, when the grippe appeared in Tlru lent form all over the country. It was tracked back to Europe and thence to Hong Kong In China. The germs of the present epidemic may have coiu from the same source. TniAlH-SAlOOX FIGHT. A Hot Coat-tOn for Control In t jr.tional Capital. wrr.u" crt:4u"J"prv--'ted b tb. is. hate bepi" w Pll"uu . f,ol . nuii"' - -i peirnarnt r r . i, . . , .i ...i-" llOVJ is j our DIOOQ I I Old S.TT rra..). Most of the old maxima si 111 hold If yoa lack strength, are nervoui, ban .good." obaerved the random couveraa no appetite, dont sleep well, get ttratt tlonallat. u me bat on-' ..Jry. Z::."-,at.o,,wbu.b have z:r ,b't c: Hon wave that r-wntly -1't wrlou. tlo,,. (lf . or)fttIllzeJMby Intents wkHi bave been made mow sn,r;;:'t p-lblll latlon l tb. h"'" ,h "'J Indicatl,,,,. would ld t0."'"!. Th. belief entertalneiltbat the pn I'lbltlon element. bent on dr v , liquor out of th co''try P"-""' the moral effect srk fa ment would ba I" fur,h",. tb Pru"'u" ","TPn'"t. , at.. l ha nn neiore iiiui"3 . i altuatlnn who are to lk at both Mes without having their view warp' br preJiMipaiatbl.: Has tne prou... rlon n.i. Its flood, and will i eo.ti.... ,i. aet In: or will the wave nn without serloua Inter ruptlon until It !" nn"rtPd en' 'Ire coinitrv Into Imd of no licensed WHh fiii. micstlon In mind the work frs on one slue will rut forth efforts to make the capital t the I'nlted States a tiim,..rn, catiilal. while those on the other hope that by downing the movement her the wny be paved for reaction from the results recently brought alKtiit in several of the Mates, Ieclully those of Hie south. The chnnces seem to lie agninsi u drastic leelslatlun on the subject by Congress this winter. Possibly more at tention might be given to the subject If the Republicans and Democrats aum l have so much to think about In the na ture of p.illtlcs pertaining to Presiden tial ranitidines next yenr. And If actlor. la staved off the "antla" figure on s reversal of sentiment that will not re quire them to worry so much In the fu Mire. But there la another side to the antl prohibition propaganda now In progresp here which deals with the subject wholly apart from the local Isaue In volved. The attempt Is being made tf Impress upon Congress the magnltud of the whole prohibit Ion question wlft the argument flint If prohibition pro hlblted the government system of tax at Ion would have to be revised, Inaa much as two-thirds of the government'. Income Ii now derived from Interna revenue taxes. Mill, tour blood Is in bad condition. Yoa cannot be strong without pure, rub blood. Hood s 8ariaparllla makes good, rich blood and keeps It good. Oyappela " Fur sla moo it mr sys tem w vul of order wltO draipaia and luipnre bluud. Spent lot ut niuri.f In vain, but flood SanapsriUa curatl be." Jim. at. lata. Unitott. t:b. Had No Appetite - " I was troubled with d;pr!n and lii uo ai im t uu a faJut (mIiuk aftrr eatint;. My conailtuiion ..a all run down, but IIwhI a haraapanll. haa fully rrli.v-d u." . a browa. buldervill.. Wtaknea-"1 blca th day I heard of HooJ xuprltl. aa il urrd nievf eatrema waa.aaaa after (rip. built my buabuid up aft.r pneumonia, an J aurr-d -lrni. ami biutxl poiaouiua; in our children. ' Mas. M. A. UsLWukTM, boa a. EnibrMvllla. fa. Hood's Sar-aparilla la sold everywhere. In toe usual liquid, or In tablet form called Sarsataba. 100 Doses One Dollar. Pre pared only by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Maes. Ei.ccrr.ferl. "Is It true, colonel, that your recent losara In Wall afreet bave coiniwllej you ta I'll your auloninliiln?" "Naw that's a ridicutona ami unmitl ga'rd faUeh.iod. All I've hid to do has teen to rut down my consumption of gaa ellae a few gallohs a day." A. I ... I. Xewpoo (wearily) It must be tlint to get up, my dear. Mrs, Newpoi' strike 0? Newpop No. but the baby has fallei asleep. Chlciigo News, 770SGfVDS, or The New Orleana haul,. 1 1 .l..k ni Did you bear the clocl trfct , i.-io.o,,) ,,,. A battle between Tommy Burna and Itoche waa arranged to take place lo Dub in on St. Patrick's day. The Washington State football eleven defeated that of St. Iouis university by 'be score of 11 to 0, at Spokane, Wash. The Coney Island Jocke l'l,,h Its plant -sr. . afaatV,''ww,''$t?iil A Pr.aal.r. gee the man and woman entering the great dry goods emporium. The man looks very sad. The woman looks supremely happy. Why does the man look sad? Ha II going In to buy something. Why doea the woman look happy I Fot thm aame eoaaon. J mice. MIX THIS YOURSELF rjvtS RECIPE TOR SIMPLE HOME-MADE KIDNEY CURE. "Yes," areeJ the man w ho had JuM returned from au International tlon. "For Inataintf, a world's fair x cbsnge la no robbery. It's worst." Kansas City Times, Probably Ua.ta.4 RUkl. Flashy Youth 1 wiab I knew what t..:is tyx.rr;r!t:r ;'rl e b'l.vii who just went out. I suapevt it waar-aome-thlng fur me. Department Store Salesgirl (sizing biro op) I think it's quits likely. But bought a ateel hatpin. On One "BROMO QL'IMNE." Tbat Is tAXATiVR BKOMo vtl'IM.N K. Look lot lha inn.iure il W. UKuVk'. Lied (lie Wurld ov ar lu tur. a Cold In out Day. Jm. Hut Job. Profiting by a temporary dearth of vis itors in front of his co-e, the wild man of Borneo in the dime niuaeuui pulled o3 bit grizxly, tousled wig and wiped his close ly croppej bead. "Be Jarge !" be muttered, "tbla naycher fakln' is ha-ard w urruk !" Chicago Tribune. n Dan that druff rrnmpt Arrrptaneo. Mrs. l eti lii rleijli na the caller Is de parting) You ninut come and take dia ner with us some dav, Mrs. (Jwimnles. Caller (ith alaerity) I'll be delleht "ounc-ed that Improvementa In ed, Mrs. Feti-herleigh. When shall ) now under way will cost at least IlOndm come 7 RMEU1WATI 8M CAN NOT BE RUBBED AWAY It Is perfectly natural to nib the spot that hurts, nnd when tlie mnsclea C3, joints and hones are tUrobbin r au.l twitching witU the pains of! umatiatu the su3crcr it apt t turn to the liniment bottle, or tome other nerves Khcu Tl til a a i at Aiiere win d oair a dozen Smiths In the major leagues next season, the Amer icans having four players of this nam and the Nationals two. Elmer Collins, the I.ynn hlpyrl rider continues to add to his already enviable record In Taris, and ia hailed by the frenchmen aa the coming world's cham-bion. Cincinnati has seventeen men, asked for waivers on Provided all the.. i... ... M . . .... . " n v turiirfi iini'a wn ,he eaicrnai application, ia an cllon to pet relief front Vic Zisr ise, by prolucinn net manager nfh. iV-i. . , ' ,r" tountcr-lmutioa on the flesh. Sucli treatment xviU quiet the Ja tcmp twenty-two ZmIJ, ,fl W ,.W"1 h"V rarily. butcan have no direct curative etWt !, rH.l t." ZT.TJTT . n.,rl"J",1" ' him in eaptur - . . ,, . . - , . . V f--juac , -na aet-onu ii iv ik ion berth noes not reacu tae t:ooi. where the cause i l.icatcl. than sVin deep it is t ooted and grounJed in the blxd nnd cart only be critics seem lnelir.e.t .. t.-n. .i... ..- .. reached by constitutional treatmcnt-IT CANXOT 111, RVCDKD AWAY, best of the big deal wUh X,V YA" Rheumatism is due ta art excess cf n nri.Hn ',.. 1,1, .r t,t i.ii,... i- , . 10 w or- The the accumulation in the aratem f rof,, TZun. " . .V.-T - Tl. 7. I ii.L.V' "Ta.r,- ' oeca- . - - - ---j --w u.v.. ujiiiui uvrniiii iv - ui.ii.-r i.i-e n ine race th ... ...j .,o.v, w.ui ttina jviunryi, nave l.lllCil la carry ThiSinave neici ror th past few rear. refiiaa at, ft..e J .. ...1..4 . . . . 1 1 ' rr . 1 ... . I ' -icuuicrcninciu.1 tl t:ie, Mrtns Iommy Ryan believes that th. , . unc acid hich is ahsorbed into the blooil and diributeltia'.l parts cf the 'fighters of to-day are to 7'?.,? body, and Rheumatism, pets possession o( the system. The nehes and pains middleweight ranks. M. has ,7,, i are only fymptoms, and though they may be scattered cr relieved for a time ,,,n of 'h" "heavies." they r IliAaa- 111' by aurface treatment, they will reappear ot the f.rst exposure to cold or ,ow ,h "sndard of scrapper, like If dampness, or after on attack of indigestion cr other irre-ularitr. Rheuma-' barker. Corhett, Met ov and vi. tismcan never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated i,nm"" 'n beir active ring days srith irritatinr;, pain-produclnfj- urio acid poison. The disease will shift! """s'"". the Intercolle.i.t rh ...... ,Uumviuiiiiiuc u jjim w jomi, eeitiinj cn tae nerves, causing Inflammation an 1 swellinpr and auch terrible pains that the nervous eystem ' Al nay be barred from amnion repreaenting th. .. ...... .. ,. ,ympie ,.m " "cr Fnauercu, i:ie i.eaun umlcrmincj, and rcthars the ra'.ient becomes ,1'",m, sn Amerh an eitir.n u deforrneU and crippled for l.fe. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the 1 !o1 anj V" Nirn ln Australia and oon.e, ,, renoratea the circulation by neutralizing the aciils ard exptUin- c'.l foreiffa ' , L"m r"lin "" ,,",t whi, h sffeota rnn matter Jionitheiy.tem. It waims and invigorates the blood to that instead' '?,hT ""1 ,'nni" Murray, the two' Irish cf a weak, sour stream. const.intW detvi. I V"1"" ho tn" ,0 repre-ent An,.., I PURELY je, -..j i " - i .: , ''. m iiv rliiu uu i rnniiMi p tti ifcr in t i -- a WlUB' ar lf nar-fie4t r.i..l j nH 1 4t..t I 1 I - " VEGETABLE ... , r-preaent Anier- ) order that thai u. . a.-tiv. tr.inin. I. .kl ... ' Pf In na nounsuca ty Ticli, IiealUi-suslaininn yr.,.n j "Tmpir g,me, jn of both rurifyins and tonic rrorertie I v?'k L.,.h'.,! ",d"B. 'h,'" to New tf ,k. ..L. -. .... en-m. nana - 'n, rraf( 1 a I . , . . i " neci.1. in every case or Kheu. would be held . A . T S a. aa.aa. aa.,fta II. .11 -a -it. .. .' 11 1 - . ' suaiiauii a h v imi is, it ai' w l - - ta . ea.1aa.ea4. Vi viuvi i.i iiit imi mr innrni rtiir is , 1 ns i iaa . 1 t ... made entirely cf rurifvinir, healin? extracts and juices cf roots, herbs and! Till bar rh.r - .k. ""n - brother, from Rl,-mmatim 'l...t.1- a. -I ' V"T - " - --- - - - . . . . - ....-. ,aiui;iq tiniaj tryinir to rub a blood disease away, but be in the use cf S. S. S. and write, More thnpw men In New York Cltj a re woraiur-Q laiprara luionjuunn. Portlaatr lypographlcal Union contem platea th, oriamaatiun of a mutual au society. The entire nvmhenihip of Minneapolli Cicarnukera' I'nion No. 77, is said to bt employs.. Ist rtr the membership of the Brit lab Anulgnmnted Society of Engineers in creased 11,78'.'. Twentr-oue new unions ot horseshoe n have bem organiied in Massacbusetti during tb lat year. A new union of mattress makers, car pet layert, nhaJe ha liters aud draperymet haa beea organized in Huston, Mass. Heat tit Central Lalmr I'nion la warn Ing union workingrnen to give the coaai 'erritory a wide berth fort the present. There h no sui-h thing aa organiied la Dor In Porto Kico to amount to an influ ence for the betterment of the masses. Common latwrers In France are pale 10 to 50 cents a dny. High grade me Panics are paid from $1 to $1.10 a day All the stockholders of the I'nion Lam ber Company, recently organiied at Mem phis, Teiin., are picmhera of ths Carpen 'era i'nion. Granite cutters of the Twin Cities hav formed a union embracing practically ev 'ry memher of the craft In Minneapolii snd St. IV, , Minn. There are only three engravera of abort hand in Kngland. lives at Bath. H has sneK,ied to hi two Ixindon fellow workers the propriety of a trade union. Kfforta are being made in Brooklyn N. Y., to hrim shout S consolidation ot the Sh. Workers' Council and the mem hers of the Boot and Shoe Workers of merica. Cenmia reports show that wages among hoemakers of Ii country have been 'teadily ln.-rrsAi"- Brw-kton (Mass.) thoenmkers are the highest paid In th s-orld, It in all'g"'- Tliere are two unlona of brick and Miihliiig mnterial handlers In Brooklyn. V V.. and thev have been at war with -a'h other, f.iforts to bring about con 'olidation ill he made. The fniteil States Bureau of Immigra i'in is preparing to enforce the alien con-Irai-t law m,ire rigonmsly than before, an they View of keeping out .ue ,., nsny iin.l.-ornhle xW- The .ocjptiea tint arnliated with the 'nierican r,,.rn t ion of I-abor have a iieniUrahip of about !., making ths ' -nemliership of all the labor societies of he Stales, in the aggregate, about '..iiiiiiii arpetitoiV I'nion In Madiaon, Wia., iss reentered a splendid Increase in the st a..a,n- f rom a memnersnip or lu t Man-h, th union now haa 317. All iiernhera ha i s hd the eight-hour day ths ut sea,on for the first time. The C-orgia federation of !ahor rans 'd considerable surprise recently when t went on record, at a meeting of the ei tcutive eomroit'ee, deprecating tht reduc "n in railroad rates and fares through egislation, and oppo'n fufber leglala lon of this kind. It Is contended that ahor conditions in the South have been litiirlieJ bj egilation which caused the hortening of hours, and thereby a redue l"n In the wsc. ss well aa causing a umber of workmen to be laid off. Inexpensive Mixture ef flarrnlMa Veg etable Ingredients Said to Over, coma Kidney and Bladder Trouble Promptly. . Here la a simple home-made mixture aa given by an eminent authority on Kidney diseases, who makes the state ment in a New Yirk daily newspaper, that it will telieve almost any caae of Kidney trouble if taken before the stage of Bright 'a disease. He states that such symptoms aa lame back, pdn In the side, frequent desire to urinate, es pecially at night: painful and diroolored urination, are readily overcome. Here ia the teclpe; try it: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Karg n, one ounce; Compound Syrup Barsaparilie, three ounce. Take a teasponlul after each meal and at bedtime. A well-known phyalclan ia authority that these ingredients are all harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in a bottle. This mixture haa a peculiar healing and soothing effect up on the entire Kidney and Urinary trnctnre, and often overcomes the worst forms of Rheumatism in just little while. This mixture is said to remove all bleod disorders and cure the Kheu- mat ism by forcing the Kidneys to niter and attain from the biooa ana synem Ii urlo acid and foul, decompwed waste matter, whirh cauea the afflic tions. Try it if you aien't well. Save the prescription. Pom. I love the gentle aunsbine, And I love tbe new-mown hay, And beefsteak (rare) and maidene fair, June and tht joyful jay. Pot I bate a cassowary. And I loathe arithmetic; And diamond atuda and evening duda And parsnips make me sick I Cleveland Leader. I'ncle. Allen. "Talking of short measure," said fnrli Allen Sparks, "there are lota of peoplt that never seem to have got their shan when the milk of human kinduess wai banded around." St. Titus' Par, re ana all hrrrnna Dts-saea perroanantly cure.1 br l(r. Klines urrat arva Heaiorer. hai'd ft.r r lie P. t-' I rial Dome ana trajuiaa. Lit. H. U.a.llje, Ld. Ml a-rcli bu. H.Ua..l'a, The metric system bas been Introduced In Denmark by a luw ot March, 1'.mj7. Tbe law provides that the old weights and measures may be used for a period of five years in conjunction the new. How ever, all government and local authorities may use th old system for ouly two years to come. There Is one thins that uill cure ft Ayfr'n Hair. .Vinr, It 1 a rcsular sca!p-medlcine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy sca!p becomes healthy. The dandruff disap pears, had to disappear. A healthy scelp means a great deal to you healthy hair, no dan eruptions. The beat kind of a testimonial "aijtd for over any years." J MeaebrJ . O vr Co ., s .Visa njauuiauturera ef & J SSAPABILLi. AT Mr, sr sir. i enaant, ill I us auus a lui Tins) legal 1 ithli kit 1 Ws wilt pines In your hand, on srpmvsf. the lat ent sulhoni v and rinoe on I h. aulijet-t. baod pet al fiirtwr oiler enalilina yim to .nsmine lb. work without coat or oOha-.tion lo pur. haaax 816.0i ri'lma aokl. If you ara aMliahetl with th. book, wo h.v. a very trileree'inif nropoaition fur your eon. aiiieratinn. Pel it c !! r but ing to , No. 1 il.n- rock UKig--. F.ntll. W ajahmg-ton. Mo tiers will find Mr. Wlna1ows Rvthtnt Syrup the b si ratnnlr to uj lor ibsir vllUOl4 tuiiug lbs Ivsthlug purlotl. The hands of the housewife w ill be kept soft and whito and free from all chap, redness or roughness If borax lr used. Not Yet. Mrs. Do Style I suppose your daugh ter la to bave her eouiing out ball verj soon. Isn't she? Mrs. Koae Quyek O, dear, no I M' daughter has another year at acbool be fore becoming a dllltnute, and will not make her debrla until next season. Judge. PILfS CLRFD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMKNT la guaranteed to enre any eaa ot Itrhlng. Blind. Jleeillng or Protrurlluf files In to U oaya or money refunded. 6oc Deiertaa It. "He saved Mis Uglamog from drowning and his friends think be bould bave tbe Carnegie here medal." "That wasn't a very heroic act" "But he's going to marry her." "Oh, that's different I" Houston Post Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury. as merenry will snrelv (teat ro? the aenae of smell and ompletely derange th w hole avRtem w hen entering Itthrough the mueousaurfsee. Btirh articles should uaver be uaed ei'-epion pres. enptlons from reputable piivaieisns, aa th (la an ana they will do la ten fold to the good tnu ran poaalbly derive from them. Hall'. Catarrh Curs manufactured by f. I. Cheney A Co., Tolaao. tl., contains no mercury, snd la taken Internally, acting directly noon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of th. system. In buying Hi I's Catarrh nrs h. snrs you get the jen- olns. Ills tsksn Internally and made In Tol- r. Ohio, by r. J. Cucney a Co. lestimooiala free. Pold By prngetsts. rriee. 7se, per bottle. Tak uall'a Family Fills for couatlpatloo. rraetlrat. Sound practical advice given by a misanthrope: If ever you should be at tacked by night, never shout "Mur der I" for no one will bother about you Yell "Fire !" and everybody will be out of doors In a Jiffy. Th National Red Cross Society baa be- "n. . -i, i . ... - .naiirn for new memher. xx about your case and our physicians will cive von anr information o' a.. ,h. .... M"n,rce. Cincinnati. ";.., ! ...ii..,iB hianks ar bein aviitlcsuoairencf charge an4 will send our rcial treatise on Rhcumatiaro. ' it is run by three s",' ri,T- -ndjnt out in large number. Tb national THU SWIFT XPrnnr m ATIAHT rA I mk rr' Pron f'im.'!!'i. "ho 4f Psseaej mor thaa 10,(-IO members, J7lX 9Mt T SnCIFlG CO., ATLANTA, CV abir annual rrat i, $o ' lth,"b ! "it It I. DoH to greatly enlarge this Jwabershlp. Truth and Quality appeal to the Well Informed ln every walk of Ufa and are essential to per manent success and creditable stand ing. Accordingly, It la not claimed that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna Is the only remedy of known value, but one of many reasons why it is the best of personal and family laxatives la the fact that It cleanses, sweetens and relieves the Internal organs on which It acta without any debilitating after effects and without having to Increase the quantity from time to time It acts pleasantly and naturally and truly aa a laxative, and Ita component parts ara known to and approved by physicians, as It Is frea from all objectionable substances. To get Its beneficial effects always purchase (he genuine manufactured by the Cali fornia Flf Syrup Co, only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Saeeeeded. "Did she marry her husband to re form him?" "I guess so, and she reformed him, all right" "Why, he drinks like a fish!" "I know It, but he didn't use to be fore she married hltu." Houston Poet To Break In New Shoe. Alwava shake In Allen's Foot-Kaae. a nr.. iter ft CUrea hot. SWeatlllK. acllllltf. swollen feet Cures corns, Ingrowing: nails snd bunions. At til dru girt sis snd stioe siert-s, c. Ionl accept but su oa i ii ii i c painpie ni.i teo it tA, Address tlltma.Oluutod, Lm Hot, S. V. Na. Ileal Notes. Mrs. Tacht (superciliously) My husband tins a beautiful yacht I don't suppoKg your hustmnd can afford aucb luxury yet? Mrs. Nacht No, the best he can do la to bold the mortgnge on the one your husband baa.- Tbe Bohemian. 10 CLNTS FOR A 50 CENT CAME Th.f ran be played ty ell (be family, als n II utlreltd book of interest I all ia th heme or farm and amplc of '20-MlJlt.TtAM" BORAX It for 10c 'd dealer's neme. Address Psiif clasri Boras t , Oakland, t al. MADE FOR SERVICE IN THE ROUCHFST WEATHtR AND GUAR AN TEED ABSOLUTELY VATRPR00F W PflMMFF I V'l 1 1 I LIV ' ci irimc 35 This trade mark ond the word Tower on the button distln auiih this hiah grade tilt ker from .tie! Just ta good , brand w Yi;rA ferzrXi vis . rw t 4 TOWff CO P. N. U. No. 4-OS It; II KM writing to .d y.rtla.r pl.M tf tu.n'l-.a tills paper. BySpSBB?ayTaaeaaBajaBa;aBHe aai, s m i ' I as til i Jr.esJa SLsL V..-r-... ifl. I. f.'.'l V x iA WW 'Hie Kind Yoa lUivo Alwnya Uoii-ht has borne tli ulirnn- .. ' -1 . . . 11 K - I . . . I . .. . . . tttio ut Vlius, sa. l irillicr, UI1U Jill's UCfll Iliads IIUtltT iterHonal tuiprrvislou lor over iU rears. Allow no n to dfot-lve you in this. Countorffiu, Imitation nnd Just-as-pootl" are but Experiment, itnd oiiilaiisrcr tlio lieu-ltl. of Cblldren i;xifiioiito OKuinst lixperiuitiiU What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless dubstltute for Castor Oil, Tarf Rorie, Drops aud Noothinir (Syrups. It is I'lensnnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other JSnrcotlo substance. Its aee is ita guarantee. It destroys Worm) and allays 1 evei lulmeis. It cures IHarrhu a liml W lint Colic. It relieves '1'eethlntr Troulile. cureM Constipation and Flatulency.. It asitiiiiilates the) I'txxl, rt-iilateei tbe Htomaeh antl Itowrls, Klvlntr healthy nixl natural bleep. Tbe Children's l'unacea Tbe Jlotlu r'a I'rit inl. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of j AT AW WW aAsasaTJK? m AT J W AT . r vtW S. f - r In Use For Over 30 Years. TMf CMTAUft MMMMf, tf MUMAV TrT. NCWVOMM OtTT. tlUW' "tii m ill st. I rV TTfc A" A aXm .1 I r I SJ rS V . Xj. 1 sTi HOIS AT ALL -wicra, ron tvti as CM sir si or TwrrasAii v utn, nova, women, Miasca and cmiloben. tiCS V. L. Ooualmn mmkma mnii a.'fa mrs -v; i iHM'aStf.Ail A? on..a . .1 1 taiA4 w.uu h.'u mi mm m - fnaea f eir mlhmm mmnutmotuw In thm mUtr mro-ld. hmnmumm ,hmr hoM (eiae "Tri mhmmm. tit sare, mmmf Iwpmr. mnd fa-fV "r ol print mr rmlum Ihmn mny mlhmr m? . w aceaa In thm mrmrlil tm.rtmm. ti H W. L Douglas $4 and SS Gilt Itgt Shoes Cannot Be Equsl'cd At Anj Pries a"i-Zhr. acTTi.r,'1. 1.'!?. aW', t0lsriam anrl arlee Is sl-.rr.fed on holli.m. Xr. e . .tltxt.. uuma Latuof Irea to anf aU4reaa. V. l l.let.A, Urarkus, AiaaaT Guaranteed Pure and Wholesome 1UU saW aaAUalle W ff Mid avoid failures ia yocr J J baking if ycu uso (( M f BAK8M 4 (f4iit; 23 uaces 'or 23 Ccnta V ,oucu ' CTe 3 TUC economy. You cannot y l ??aOY& 5016 every time or have your fry jv5j5 food dainty, tasty and whole- T tljjijjt' some If you pay ic3 or y j fNjJIjJHJy.' accept a substitute. V c-.caa. .urarf' . TV ... , e S Ji;-ies I.V-. C. Ci,.Uke, O