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About Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1907)
KIDNEYJTROUBLE HuJirtJ Two Ytart-F.tluveJ In Tkxt Mont tit. THT SAMS Eoa. I v TTTS 1 vm-v : Peg- &fian seem,,. k.. K, ffl'f'wxA A eSK& fca'tfOl. 'iiiiiiiitif, i Tv,';,f " A BOSSES TUB B1 !..... " " PuMw kf lid ik. m ri.utr .t. ... -rtest .,, but raiwr th Sultan . .... . tnoSH Mr. C. li. Fisor, Mt writes: "I have suffered with kidney and other trouble for ten yeats past. "ljut, Alan'li I com minced lining I'eruna and continued (or tlir months. 1 have nut mttxl it since, nor have I felt fain. "I believe that I am well and I there fore give mjr liMiest cniiiineiulatioii to the curative qualitine of IVruna. Pc-ru-na for Kidney Trouble Mrs. ,eo. II. Sii.nw, Uimit, On- fSffSr' m rio. Can ., writ. : "I bad not len well for shout four b'-' ' tor years. I nad kidney trouble, and, in laci. (rk badly nearly all the time "I LI summer 1 K"t "O very bad I thought I would try I'eruna, ao I wrote to you and begun at once to take I'eruna mil Manalin "I took only two bottles of reruns and one of Manalin, and now I feel better than I have for aome time. "I feel that I'eruna and Manalin lured ie and made a different woman f me altogether. I bless the day I picked do the little book and read of your Peruna." It m (he business of the kidneys to re move from the blood all poisonous mjler- wfe. luer must be active all the time, "lee) the system suffers. There are times when the need a little a in st ance. I'eiuna la exactly the sort of a rente- ily. It tuts saved many people from disaster by rendering the kidneys ser vice at a time when they were not able lo bear their own burdens. MUCH DIAMOND SMUGGLING. la .earn to swius. "I don't, know why I alunld stnte that everjKnian and woniun, boy and lrl, should know how to swlui, and save life In the water beside," writes Montafue A. Holbein, famous swim mer, in the Technical World MaRailne. "The thlnj la so obvious. Aud yet, vkat a atrange state of affairs we see. Kvery year thousands of people lose their Uvea bathing in the sea or rowing and calling In small boats on Inke or river. And even winter brings Its tragic tale of drowning becnuse of skaters lipping through the Ice. "I have no hesitation In saying 'CwajrVy all theaa sad events might be prevented If elementary Instruction In siwIunmlDg aod llfesavlng were made cotnpiilaory In the public schols. Anil In the Old World at any rate a new era Is dawning In this matter espe clslly In Ijondnn. where the various iM-hool swimming asaoclntlons with 'hundreds of thousands of adherents are teschlng first of all "dry laud" swim ming In the play ground, and then practical Instruction in specially erect ed awlmmlng laths tinker competent Instructors engaged by the school nuthorltlcs. "Aid quite spnrt from the question rf saving one's own life or that of nn ilher, swimming opens up a new and ItlesMirable eierclse, as well as qiitncblng forever the dread of ilwi water which seems to be on the brav vat of ua who cannot swim." Maiden l.a 1 rrlnar to Eslenl freraulloua at Ml or. Although the weight of diamonda and precloua stones Imported Into the I'ulted Ktatea la never given In the othVlal reporta for New York aud for the entire country, yet some Informs' tlon on the subject Is now being pre pared by dealers In the Milden Lane dlntrlct, says the New York limes. It la said by an officer of the IHaniotid liiiKtrtera and Cutters' Association that the gems smiiKXled into this coun try are worth as much as those com ing through lawful channels. Hy keep ing careful records of weight as well as values, It Is suggested, something may le learned as to the smuggling ocrntlous. The rexrt given out several days ago ns to Imports at New Y'ork showed $11,112,371 to be the total valuation of precious stones brought Into New Y'ork In the preceding twelve uionflis. The weight of the stones when cut and polished for Jewelry, It is estimated, la not more than karats and as a karat U no larger than a small pea the entire supply would not require a packing cane of any great size. A clandestine tralnc In the IVHeers gems is known to take place, although a most elaborate system has been de vised to prevent thefts from the mines and the works, the native workmen be ing maintained In comiiounds under strict siiervlslon. Rome niotitlu ago an insjiector at the works committed suicide after It was learned that he hud been trailing !n diamonds with an unlicensed broker.. .More recently the finding of dia monds on tiunno Island, off the Afri can coast, caused much excitement. It lielng heralded at first as the discovery of new mines containing stones of quality equal to the best of the Ie- llcer mines. Investigations showed that the stones on Treasure Island, as it was then called, bad been taken from lttd leer works nnd burled In t lie sand, awaiting a time when they could I safely taken away by the thieves who try to smuggle treasure Into vari ous countries. "A lady, one day In July, visited her nhvsicliiu. The mun examined her and said : Madam, you are only a little run tiiutlu.r. name or vn.i .. Ihi .v . I . ... harem, but ' ""'..lent or to - . . ath the rlgllt of l" ,nJ over the wo,,, ffc .dJ titer, are almost no known lust.o-- ,D, from punisl,,,,,, orJerl b ' Crown of Veliki ii..i.- tbe W"de la called In n, i And n, ... .. .,itin'i mother ----- u ijd pi .. conies, not the Sultan's 'wrl,e might be imi,cluej. but the lUt- nadar-osta. or grgnd "f Bnan.-ea. The sultao'i fbl, ranks only ttUr.I In U orik'r harem, and to P' wor' over, no real lKJWpr .bstesuever. The memU.ri of tb brm " young slaves bc.o.rht m tircasea, tM.rgla, Armenia au4 lbT P"01 and practically iHiul1itl n ,na M, lUeir on the chance tUt may one day notic ttw- " apiwar. also tlat civilization Dot n"ld! Breat atrld.-s in th m'','1"enl 01 tha royal har..,n .nd that corKral ' .,111 freouent. eunuchs, called "twatlnf eunucna, still being kept for refctory Pe"011'- I'o! Rone.! oofr, 1. aiM not entirely oui of fashion, while grimmer still, tbe ter rible sack flung into the Bosphorus vcn now does Its work. It Is pite ous to learn that, notwithstanding all this, many parents wllUWt'J e" chl1 dren to supply the enormous colony which constitutes th Bre". Itut life for a Turkll iwtentats is at best troubled clfiH""'8"4"- lne fear of assassination ! feat that down. Y'ou need frequent baths, ana p.n,y of fr,Th .,r and I advise you - fof yeari ... i ih. miiliuit riifkat comfort- I ' 7 ... slept two nights ruln lD tD chamber. Tha ni nersons aware each night of the room selected Is his mother, who secretlr teta It ready, Two female slavea tl 1Ik f,ltn ful dogs, extended across the doorway, ready to spring up t tlle "ntest noise or the fuintest " 'rom tn ,T erelgn. Itut for fear of treachery even these are changed fry night, and never until the laat moment know to what part of the palics they are to be sent. to dress In the coolest, most comfort able clothes nothing stiff and formal.' "When she got home her husband asked her what the physician had said. The lady replied : "'He said I must go to the seashore, lo plenty of automoblllng, and get some new summer gowns.' j 0H6 I I ynooiifcs QOO(XXXXXX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ 8 HOSPITALITY'S OPEN DOOR. H be t'rlradlr mliu tha llobbr. Wife Tommy doesn't si-cm to afraid of polli'emen. Husband Why should he? His nurse wn a very pretty girl. lon't be a coward. The sun hates t. shine on those who are afraid of their own thadowa. la Msuils must of thi housrs sml ofTices tisv tiny window pum-it nindn of trsuslu -ut oyster li.'ll instinl of glu&s. I aillapalabla. The teacher had fnuuil a lead pencil on the flnflr of the school r-otn. I hililrrn, il.e aikcil, imiiiinz It up, ""does this belong to any of jo i?" r'or arfersl .'ConJs there w no sn wr. 'I hu a little girl timidly rsiso Iter ksnd. "Is it yours, Resale?" said the teacher -Yesm." Yu are sure of it, are you? How d you recinni it?" "I don't like to tell." "Hut ynu will hart to tell, or I can't let yon have It." 1 "I I reco'niie It, teacher, by the way it's sharpened. If It wasn't sure enough tains I'd be mighty clear of ownln' tip such a job sa Uiat." r.ssi got her psacil. Chicago Trib- UML 1 BRET HARTE'3 GRAY HAIR. 'Pale, Thin, Nervous ? Then your blood must be in very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it Ayer's Sarsa parilla. If yotudoubt, then consult your doctor. VTelnow hat he will say about this grand old family medicine. Sold for over 60 years. Tfcn H Ik SrH s-ieeflea raav Snetee swaM aS: "Ar T.ul r'.il rf u,.rt- H hiwws Ifcttl Sally ella of la l.e M) s.hillv MHllftl t ewrv. S Tr llr a4 ini ki i(Im fcj laaiag laaaUea ( Ari a rin. A a i It i-f J i' r. o.. l-..iw 9 ! viooa. 1 IP TO 'Mtit. Orl llesrrlhes ll lo Kear of Allark lijr Hnafl Aaients. I Mice, Indeiil, on my remarking the graying of his linlr, llarte told me It was due to the coutluuiil Intlucnce of fear while a rider with Yuba Hill. Severnl of his pri-di-oewsors In charge if the sMele casket having been shot, ic never mounted the stage, so he de- elard, without some apprehension of a dark glen, a Hash therefrom, a re- irt. nnd a tumble from the seat ; nnd, although he nerved himself to his new oinie ha imi iih ne coiini, they grew more uueonge ulnl with every repetl tlon. I ben it w as be had noticed that lie was growing gray ahout the teui-I'li-s. 1 reminded III in of Ills own mili tary career -of Ills liaving enluted as a volunteer In the war lietwivii the Kel lllver and Uiver Indians. To which allusion lie replied. "Yea, that was after the llumUildt bay mas sacre. I was esii.rt.'fl to the recruit ing uinivr ny inuigtiatloii and hunger; ltut although the hardships sml priva tions endured tln-n left me a fevlil.. stomach nnd Irrltalile nerves, I came to no other ha nu. Having no 1,1, l to spare. I she.1 my digestion for free dom. Y'ou ee," he continued, "I never had any sympathy with those mesa jsrk heriH-s, although their ways, and, aNve all. their point of view, were to me an lneihnu.stlhl source of amnsimnt and Interest. I cared little whether they wore their own scalps on their heads or wore the scalps of others to trim their buckskins. I only saw some reckless men ready to flht for their country, as did Hamblen, Washington, anil,- with a twinkle. -jeti Pavis-. The exercise of the gracious virtue of hospitality Is peculiar to no one class or people. All the world over the latchstrlng Is out, and the portal of the hovel opens as wide as that of the palace. N. II. Bishop, in his "Voyage of the Paper Canoe," gives two Ill stances of Southern welcome which go far to prove that cordiality Is a mat ter neither of color nor of social stand ing. One stormy evening Mr. Bishop moored bis boat on the bank of a South Carolina river and went In search of a night's lodging. He bad not gone far when he saw a native feeding a numts-r of hogs, and to him he put his ques tion. The man was ragged, shiftless- looking, and of the six-dm known as "ixior white trash." On hearing of Mr, Hlsliopa need his reply was Immedi ate. "Stranger, my cabin's close at hand. Come home with me. It's a bad night for a man to lay out In. Come with me." He led the way to a log cabin plas tered with mini and moss. There, over a stipr "f hog and hominy, the man. his wife and the traveler talked of the war. "We never could find out whnt nil the rus was ulmut," said tile host, "but when the law made every man who owned fifteen slaves exempt, my blood riz right up, and I says, 'This 'ere thing's getting to lie a rich man's qunr re and a poor man's n-lit.' After that my poor lioy was dragged off, and he waa killed." There was only one room In the enh In, nnd Mr. Bishop slept on a bed made up on the Moor. In the morning he was puzzled how to remunerate the South eruer. At lost he said, as delicately as he could : "Mr. Edge, you have treated me with great kindness, and your wife has been put to some inmnvenlcnce. Y'ou will renlly oblige me If you will accept a lit ue money, tnough it cannot pay for your hospitality." ine mun ran ins hand through his thick hair; then he said, slowly but de- cniiiiiy, ns If be represented the whole generous heart of the South: .-ranger, i nave known a white man to lie mean enough to take i stranger's money for lodging and vie tuals, but I'm not that man!" i.nrer in the voyage Mr. Bishop pt up for the night In the cabin of a -r-orgia uanty. Every attention wns paid to the guest's comfort, and In th morning be offered some money to his ine man refused It with negro host. dignity and decision. "Y'ou m n v ir', U mt. vie.. i. . , ' e. iinier? rt please for her cooking." he said "i.. nll.u , a . "in uuiiiiik nir ioou ami lodging, f, n0 iter. If I Is a cull'd man!" fnrrm of llahlt. Redd I ac thsf limn L-.. oui nna ... an ant. ...... I. M "l llaMiii. &...I 1. .. " qune amii. in- a..n Kim th- flf - ..i. . . l" ' """ ne nail IL "How so?" Haw In Maka I'laeapple f"aaa. To make pineapple etgs Souk the on tents of one-half of a tn of gelatin In water and when dissolved add a cupmi or graiei pineapple and the Juice of one lemon, a cupful of boiling wnter and a cupful of sugnr; strain and set awny to harden. As soon as the hardening procsa begins whip quickly with an egg beater and. fold in the whites of five eggs. Mold lo girshells and aerrs In any fanciful way. Clar4 El4ae. IXatrki Attorney Jerome as Id one day of a piece of suspicious evidence: "It la evident that has been tam- pared with, colored. It Is like the lad' reyort of ber physician's prt- crtitloo. Tou know?"vo. "Why, every time he'd ,i horn he'd stop n.l l,.k ,.. o i-'Hiie lisil. kers Statesman. Jary Hair He didn't read the psjht, ,j,at lished out his wst II never forme,! opinions on .w. . of the out. lopica 11'. mind wsa null. - u., didn't make a ' ,n U They would rather hs.a . . could think a lint. vT. '"ror ao Wsshlngion Star. pub- Tfc. Ll at W..M j seir-itrovi aid the critical norsnn ng -Tes.- answere,! Mr. ...... There la no limit to his a-ie nnx lis thinks he know, young woman lu 0 L. m pi.r. What has hn. .. toned person who lf. wit bouaahold gda , -fl BOWIMO TO A KINO. It Is aa Espenalv Lssorr if Girl Wt.ii (a .sow Off. More Americans, year by year, are seeking to be presented at the English court. Probably not even In the breasts of royal subjects exists such desire to curtesy to royalty as In those of the freest peopl on earth. It Isn't the royalty tbey cars a snap for, however It's the chance to dis play their beauty ud culture In costly garments. Tbe largest sum ever expended on a presentation outfit paid by an American girl It cost over $S,000. And this was sixty times aa expensive as the cheapest aole outfit that may be worn with fioprr " caslon. fi Startllmj totren tbe swellest dress ers In Englnnl. who spend large sums yearly to be jresented at the court of St James. w the record gown or tnis American elrl The court gown alone cost $7,5io. It was composed of white silk chiffon, embroidered with real seed earls and nioomtones, to repre sent lilies of the valley and white for get-me-nots. The court train trvery presentation dress must have a train wns composed of real lace, mounted over cloth of silver. The lace for tbe lingerie was spe cially made at Ilonlton for the occa- alon. The petticoat was composed or rich brocade and hand painted chiffon. This petticoat alone-It cost $140 was as elaborate at the average court gown, and yet It could be a n no one but the French maid. The cost or ine lin gerie alone wns 115ft The corsets cost $o2. The illk itoeklngs cost vi. Shoes made necessary n additional ex penditure of $S0. For bouquet for the momentous oc casion the girl paid consisted of rare exotic Jowers. procured at great trouble, a real lace handker chief, with which dulrt her chwk every time King Edward happened to look In her dlrectlf"1' '' Pld -v)-C.loves made an IK11 of 18' c,oak' f 2Te0. , Cea. WM1,r pl.llked wewrlac They are telling K"d ,tory ln F.ngllsh army olrde apropos of Gen. I.rd Wolseley'i Intense dislike of "wearing. Je Tery strict against It. and oinctr, srert careful not to offend htm when wn "nywhere txiut He went on tnur of ltll,Poeton through .n lrIga garrison whose com mander wa bard swearer, a veteran of the mutiny (jujs, whose early hablta had clung t0 dibl This commander. f course, h.,j hit troops out for Wolseley's nriftlon. and the parade was progressing satisfactorily, when the cmim.nrter fT tba bu'ler th" or.ler to sound tnt "charge." To his Intense conern.tlon the bugler blew the "retreat" TW commander could hardly restrain him-!f : nl far Tew I'urple with, nl braced hlm' f"r the a-ual outburst of profan ity. Hut hefr foU,,, nXArt,td ho caught tight of l1 'ol",'lpy'" n him and be oboe1 the oatl" Vet. a.-neno be hJ ,0 "T Teot to his feeling ..ked blankly around. "g spur, mto bla "d.rl!J'" t the unh.,.. boi'er. y:o e or iiis iitf'e nan,.1. . ..aitnl Pkurry-v ,, sir; I'v never 1 "ful un who talked too muclL "khM-nJ o! l yoU th1 the street? w,it that man Is worth l'V0 ao4 M pletlT disproves Tnr theory. now so. Alrr Kalry Llllaa. Airy, fairy Lilian, Flitting, airy Lilian, When I ask her If she loves oie Clasps ber tiny hauils above me. Laughing all she can ; SbVU not tail uie it she kv ms. Cruel UtUe Uliaa. When any passion seeks I'leasaoce in love sighs. She, looking through and through an Thoroughly to undo me, Smiling, never apeak ; So Innocent-arch, ro cunning-simple, From beei.Mth her gathered wunpl Glancing with black-beaded eyes, Till the lightning laughters dimpis Th baby rosea in her cheeks; Then away aha flies. Traylng all I can. If prayers will not tuah thee. Airy Lilian, Llk a rose-leaf I will crush the, Fairy Lilian. Alfred Tennyson. Tke Coaraa of Tea Lave. For aught that aver 1 could read. Could ever bear by tal or history, in course of true love never did run moot b ; nut, either it was different in blood. Or els nilagraffed in respect of years. Or lse It stood upon th choice of friends ; Or, If ther wer a sympathy In choice. Var, death, or sickness did lay aieg to It, Making It momentary aa a sound. Swift as a shadow, abort aa any dream; Brief aa th lightning In th collied night, That, In a spleen, unfolds both heaven and aarth, And r a man hath power to say "Be hold !" Th Jaws of darkness do devour It op ; So quick bright things com to confusion. William Bhakspeare. "Oh, at the you naught. "He's bart' -Cleveland Plain tterr . Aia J.n.Bo,?B.t U:30r .VOl" h.e. .rtr with herr ui v 'IL.. op with torsades PAVED WITH BUFFALO SKULLS. Wealth Throws Away by Earlr Bone Haulers of Kansas Prairies. Though comparatively few people know It, there was a day when Seneca street on the west side was paved w 1th ,buffulo skulls and horns, and many a horse has been snagged by the crooked horns which stuck up through the road In muddy times, says the Wichita cor respondent of the Topeka Capital. For a long time In an early day all trav elers by wagon to the west avoided this street on this account In tbe light of subsequent values this was the most expensive pavement on earth. A pair of buffalo horns and the bead of an animal of that breed will easily bring 14H). Thousands of them were thrown away lu an early day, and It happened that Seneca street waa the dumping ground for them. When tbe first aettlers struck this part of the country farming was vir tually Inipoaalble and mighty little of It was done St the start. One of tbe first things tbe newcomer learned was that he could sell buffalo horns In Ichlt and as the prairies were covered with them be loaded up his wagon with the only crop In sight and drove ln. Ev erybody did It. When Senator Ilenienway, of Indl ana, who had a claim In Harper conn ty In those days, begins to talk about his Kansas exierleuce the first thing he recounts Is that he hauled buffalo bones to Wichita. Nearly all the newcomer believed they could sell skull and horns too, so tliey brought them along with the rest of the bones. But there was no market quotations on skulls and horns, and the city authorities made the newcomers take them out of town on their return trips. Some one started dumping them at Seneca street, then a country road and section line, and everybody followed his example. It Is a lingular thing, but no old set tler seems to remember whnt was given for a load of buffalo bones In those days. About the only man who seemed to put a value on the skull and horns at that date was Father Bliss, an an cient character who lived In a queer little house which stood on the corner of 1st and Main streets. A peculiarity of the house was that It bad a curved roof like a houseboat. Father Bliss had a weakness for collecting the lar ger buffalo heads and piling them on his roof, much to the amusement of the citizens. The buffalo bones were collected here by the ton and shlpiied to New England and made Into buttons aud like arti cles. This trade followed the heavy transactions In hides and robes which wiped out the American bison. It was a commercialism w uh-o i'. cmjiunis, even his bones, for profit, but stupid a commercialism usually la, threw away the heads, which are now the most val uable. Th Tralhfal Womaa. It Is no exaggeration to say that more or less truthful woman Is looked upon with grave suspicion. What Is more, nobody believes ber. If she quite truthfully pronounces her sge to be twenty-nine everybody at once says then she must be at least thirty five, while If she should ever be cajoled In to admitting th numlier of proposals she bad ln her youth It will only con firm the popular Impression that ahs had been very lucky to catch a hus band at all. London Ladles' Field. A Similarity. "Them moiult,' remarked Farm er Cornstossel Irritably, "makes in think of them city visitors w had week before last." "How's that, Hiram?" asked his pa tient wife. "They come pretty near beln' the worst singers an' the biggest eatera I ever saw." Washington Star. la tlfl. "What has become of th maid yon thought such a prlxer "Oh, I had to let her go," rrT!ed the second fashionable woman. "After ber operation for appendicitis she thought so waa on of us." Philadel phia Ledger. Ther Isn't much in the world but work. Evan people at summer re sorts mast do a lot of rattling arouod kavw good tlm TOT BLOOD "&iiJij)ISEASlill AND SY3TEM DISORDEnElU Catarrh. Is not merely aa Inflammation of tbe tissues cf the head rtriil threat, as the symptoms tf rinjjinu noises in t!ieeur, mucous dropping back into the throat, continual hawking ami spitting, .tc, wouM rccui to Indi cate; it is a Llood disease in which the entire circulation on I the pn.ati r part of the system are involved". Catarrh Is duo to the presence cf an excess of uric cid in the blooj. The I.iver, KMneys anil Ilowcls frequently be come torpid and dull in their action and instead of carrying oil the refuse: and waste of the body, leave it to sour and form uric acid in the system. This is taken tip by the Mood and through its circulation distributed to all parts of the eystem. These impurities in the Hood irritate and inflame tbe different membranes and tissues cf the body, nad the contracting of a cold will Start the secretions and other disjustiaj aad disagreeable eymp-oms of Catarrh. As the blood goes to all parts cf the body the ca tarrhal poison affects all parts of the system. The head has a tiht, full feeling;, nose continually stopped up, pains above the eyes, sli-ht fever comes and goes, the stomach is upset and the entire system disordered and I ha4 Catarrh for bot nftaea f.d by this disease. It is a waste cf vaara, and ao. Baa eou.d bar tune to try to cure Catarrh with sprays. fclllTrieJbusVoToCV washes inhalations, etc. f.uch treatment suited. I then be ran 8. 8. B.t aod does not reach the blood, nnd can, therefore. tt&&.if&tl9Zr'3l nothinjf more than temporarily relievo taking; it a abort w kills wa cur j. the discomfort of the trouble. To curej v!.TAVAV.V.rnVtL Catarrh permanently the blood mnst be Catarrh Is a blood disease, and thoroughly purihed and thesyst"m cleansed know there Is nothing- tin earth r f nil nni.L, i I.tter forth blood tUan 8. h.b. 1 ail Polsons, and ot tie same time Nobody thinks mora of B. . a. Strengthened and built im. KnthW mnnU S. S. H. for this purpose. It attacks the disease at its head, noes down to the very bottom of the trouble and mates a complete and lastlnjf cure. S. S. S. temoves every particle of the catarrhal poison from the blood, mating this vital stream pure, fresh and healthy. Then the inflamed mem branes bein to heal, the head is loosened and cleared, the hawk in r ntiil Knlttinirr-ens. every symptom disappears, the constitution is built up and vi-orous health restored. S. 8. S. also tones up the stomach and digestion and acts as a fine tonic to the entire system. If you are suffering: with Catarrh begin tha use of S. S. 5. and write us a statement of your case and our physicians will end you literature about Catarrh, and pive you special medical ftdvic nthout charge, S. S. S. is for sale at all first class dm? Mores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. than I do. Lapeer, Kloh O fcototS). PURELY VEGETABLE OHeial Eeal. Hie policeman at th crossing grabbed the arm of tb pedestrian who was hurrj Ing across th street and brought hlm to a atandstill. "What ar jou stopping me forf de manded th pedestrian. "I'm not getting in anybody's way, am I?" "Dlvll a blf, sor." answered the offlcer. "I wanted to ak ye a question, sor that's all. Fwhat's tb scorer CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tha Signature A Haeer Esperlaaee. "We photographers," be said, "hay many a queer experience. "On day a young man came to the studio to be photographed. Instead of poa lag so as to look handsocus ss pos sible, be bunched his back aa If It was broken and twisted bis face Into a dreadful gargoyle mask. "'Here.' I said, 'what's th matter with yon? Ar you crazy? ""Go on, boss,' saldj he. Take m just as I am. Vou see, I'm trying to get out of sn engagement with a St. Jo girl, and I've written her that I've been disfigured ln an automobile acci dent, and I want to send ber this photo to ahow her bow I look." HI Malta. "Dubley aays bis motto Is, 'Live and lenrn.' " "Well, If be Isn't more successful at the former than the latter we'll be go ing to bis funeral soon." Mother will And Mrs. Wlnalnw Soothing Syrup the brat remrdv to UMlur IbalrctiUJrea Surlug tb toathluf period. ITa fasia far Complalat. Th Pacific Fur Company had picked out an eligible location on the left bank of th Columbia river aud founded th city of Astoria. "8eema to me," said a prospective set tler, "you ar asking aa awful price for your building lots.' "Iluh!" ejaculated tbe company's busi ness agent. "You may lie thankful w didn't call this town Wslderf-Asforia and charg you $J0 a day for living here.' ' SL Vitus' nnc anfl all Nirvou nisaaa ) rjarmaiiantly ruml br lr. Klloa'a !ra rv. HMir.r. Kmd fur r li K I. I.' I rial amua anil Iraaiiaa, Ur. M. u. m, ui..u a.-ch nu, ruua.,1-. Not a Total Lo. "Oh, John!" exclaimed Mrs. Young, " my canary bird's dead." "Heellyr replied her husband. "Well, you don't appear to be grieving very much." "No; you see, I can have It stuffed for my hat and so the rest of the ma terial won't cost you so much." Pall. sdelphla Press. Syrup tffigs CI. enna tiio nan ses i loviv. ll II. i -.v uauy.jjiv rm jl, pels Uiitisandllead' fflpn.1 i i . i . arues uuo 10 Loivslipoiion; Acts naturally, acts truly as a Laxative. ftirMenVomon and ChilJ-rrn-younv ana Old. Tp Act its jWpfirlalEffcet' Iways buy the Genuine whicH i f..-ii i .i t tas mo full name of Tlie Loin- pany CALIFORNIA Ra Srnun Co. bjrvvhuii it it mnnufucturprj. printed on the front of rvry pnek ., SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS, one sue only, regular prsve 50 ..r botll. T7"lT3 OAt T? COLLIE PUP JT1 VJrt OZ1jC months old. S15. O.R.B..P.O. Box 131, Portland, Ore ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING MICKS-CH ATTEN Portland Oregon D US 111 E SS C 0 LLEG L TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS eOBTUAND, OatOON A. P. ASIMSTSIONO, U.. B., PRINCIPAL Quality la our motto. W duest for aueoras. and snd aach student to s poaitloi; when eonv ptsnt many mora calls for help than w cam mast. Individual Instruction Inaure rapid prog ress. All modern methods of bookkeeping ar taught; alas rapid calculations, correspondence, commercial law, offlca work, eta. Chartier la our shorthand ear, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, buslnaaa forma and penmanship free. . N. U. Ne. 21-97 ytlt.H writing to a4vertlr plaa IT nienlla thl pa.r. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY A hoaritlnr anl day arhont fur vnuns mn and t.ova. Stsnt'ir'l, Ilrrki'lrji, I ornrll, Anihcmt ami all iam u Arcre-IIted lo asncniluial ro.ksea. The .rtnrl.l h hal y-r.' eirieiic In fortland. N.aa rmrrv atlona Dow. I'or Ulutriel raisiueue and mhr lliratur addmi J. W. HILL M. 0, Principal md Proprietor, PORTLAND. OREGON The Cooking of Pfas, like every other Preferred Stock vefeuhle (except tomatoes), should consist in just heating and seasoning. When used for salads, no cooking is required. Preferred Stock Canned Goods fat kS Waarvrar IS Smi ar irm are thoroughlf conked in the sealed can, in a manner that preservet and "brings out tne garden navor. rreierrca ioc feai are vvuconain-Krown, on e denuded timber landi which, in this particular itate, are of s peculiar aandy nature especially adapted to the growing of fine peai. 1'rcferred Stock Teai sre never large, or yellow, or "tough-ikinned. Dinntr in -vt minuttithi PREFERRED STOCK -way. Ordtr from year Gnetr. llttSSlIVTI WkalaaaUSraran 0n.SBO CSISnW V S 4. W. L. DOUGLAS S2.00 & S3.EO RHnFfi aisviN 1-aMoea sor eveRr member op T0"1"0 "TH FAMILY. AT ALL PRIOiS. 'ft $23,000 sttjpp&jxmxb in r.F.swi?i w. I. Iongu ahoe i lrwr,rn twmor nannla IT '( V r Tli Mixtion ri lh. ltht- aV!r.V "' quIlt1a. ' F I '! ' "oaw yon Into , rnrn facmrla hrorktna u. Uf M 5J!.'h',, aA Tar l.l.r for W 1 'iZ? iL.""r. S"" " -"-"n" l.Ci