Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1907)
fiillsfccro Independent D. W. HATH, Fcblishei. OFF'ICI At, COUSTV PAPEK. ON 1joLI.AU pi:a ykabin advance rotrd at tli Poelofflce at Hllle tore, 0"" for transmission thrrrnfn tha maJl r j eecond-clajs mall matte. OflVUi of Washington County. Rertiblican In Politics. 4,'jcivriaixb lurks: DiUy, 80 cent u int h, single column, (or (oar Inter tions ; rending notices, on cent word evli tnwrtlnu (nothing lee than 15 centKj ; cards, one Inch, 1 a moiiLti : 1L' cards, $5 a rear, paya ble quarterly, (notice and resolution Ire to u.ivertimng lodges). PROFESSIONAL CARDS. O. F. SHELDON, Attorney - at - Law and Notary Office Over V linum's Store, Second St. Isfiil;,' five wars courts of .M il l 'iuu. coart. In the Will practice in any E. . TONGUE A T T U KN E, T-AT-LA W Hilliboro, Oregon. Office: Kcvum 3. 4 and 6. Morgan Blk. W. N. BARRETT A TTOH N KY-ATLA W Hillsboro, Oregon. Offlce: OMral Ulix k, Rooms C and 7, DENTON BOWMAN ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW Hillsboro, Oregon, Office, in Union ltlk., with 8. B. Huston THOS. H. TONGUE JR. A T'l'i IK N K Y-AT-LA W NOTAKY PUBLIC Jifice: knoiiiH ,t, nnJ 5, Morgan Bloc! Hillsboro, Oregon. Portland and fleturn, 80c From now until further notice round trip tickeU from Hillsboro to Portland and return. wUl Le aok! at bS cenU. good on any Saturday train, and returning, on and 8aturUay, Sunday or MonJav train. WM. McMURBAY; O. P. A. Perhap you need a bracer aomething that wUl give you ener ey life and ambition. A suggest- Hon try I. W. iiarper way. Sold by F. E. Cornelius. Ha Fired the Stick. "I have fired the walking-stick I've carried over 40 years, on ac count of a sore that resisted every kind of treatment, until I tried T..-V1n' Arnica Salve: that has eVUVe k -.11,1 th nr and tnaue me a hacov man" writes John Carrctt. nf North Mill. N. C. Guaranteed for Piles. Burns, etc., by all drug gists. 5f- , Removal Sale Beginning with tomorrow (Saturday) Mrs. Imogens Bath will make special prices on her atock and make a aaving to those who purchase now. On July 1 she must vacate the store she now occu pies to make room (or a double trick. Here are a (ew prices : Ladies' Tailored Skirts at a aaving of one-third ; llO skirts lor 7j $9 skirts for 160; $7 skirts lor 14.75. A few Jackets and Brilliantine Dust ers at half price. Good Gingham Aprons, with bio at 40c. Boys' Waists, in small, 2.ric. - Children's Sandals, $1.15. A splendid line of Trimmed Hats, Shirt Waists and Outside Skirts. All will go at greatly reduced prices. j MRS. IMOGENK BATH, One door east Tualatin Hotel. A Fortunate Texan. Mr. E. W. Goodloe, of 107 St. Louis St., Dallas, Tex. says: "Iu the past year I have become ac quainted with Dr. King's New Life Pill3, and no laxative I have ever before tried so effectually disposes oi malaria and billiousness." They don't grind nor gripe. 25c at all drug stores. Buys Farni for Sale nituatel 3 miles south of j acref s tarry ; M acres under plow, tab. nd Umber, tioo.1 o. uter, good frame AIAkK 11.. BUMP, ATTOK.NHY-AT-I.AW. Notary Public and UIU.SHOKO, Collections. ORB. JOHN M. WALL. Alloriiey-nt-Law, Office upstairs, Ilailey Morgan Blk. HOTIl 'l'HONKS. ' HILLSBORO, OREGON. 11." Scho! uuee in a 1 liriu . itli living house of S rooms, good frame bam, gran ary and oilier necessary buildings, goal No. 1 fen .-e. lioodT-aore orchard with till varieties ut fruit. Fur farther particulars inquire of A. E. KlU'dl K. llillfdale, It. No. 2. Tree Delivery fy.u vt Fish. Game and a.j - .11 rafts in r . ,1 W.havein"erilt,d Hillslwro. a new$(Dcdttle in Prices and altogether with our de- ltvnviynmak"tb,!iH,1U' nncuUr market. Corwin & Heidcl. 1 s-e-0-Aje..I3k WHY It is to your advanta to keep an ac- couutulth $ J. AW S1IUTIS, llAXKE". 1 III J-SnOHO, OUEGON'. nJUSJ Ult tr"'K. careful, safe, literal orompt, accurate, and " - iuHtitutioii. r Progrewiye, ap-to-daU bank In Hccaus; It is a growing, active, every particular. Ktff !!S Your account will bo appreciated b tbs batik, and your mv"w,v txrests will always Iw-carefully coosidered- ni.lii This bank has an excellent fire-i...i ult and a , burgular-proof safe iu which to put yoor funds and pawrs 4 BfCtJUSi Kvery J,uollor always a welcome visitor at the bank. , In- modern RCdllS T,''', bauk ,tl"li) tl,e needs of it cmtomers, and properly ' care ol tliem whether their business r8e or A Rfti3lli? 11 (',H a L''l"i've banking bugiuM and conseciuentlr, no- s )KXy Vlka wrve yuu letter. ' I KCCJUSf 1' ' 8 lM','"'0,, lo make goo.1 iuyestiuent 'ur vou, si ' j-' 'f'- '' " ' "T-ii I ta j ir lisnr'-g wi eraliy. to collect anU gen- OCCJUSC Its dfiilimta with all ciiHtouiers ars absolutely, and it is al " - . v" aiiu iu BO Vine. Because we do not believe you can axk (or butter treatment than this bank will itive vou, an 1 we therefore ak you to write to ur call upon J. W, bhute, I'ri'td.hMil or A. 'J. PhuU, I aaluei. $1,900 Hillsboro; corner, blink, large nearly new house; fenced, and will make an ideal home; three-minutes walk to the postofllce, one to the depot ; $1,000 down, balance on time. This place la worth 12,500 ; own r non-reei- dent. For particulars inquire at The Independent office. . T. LINKLATER, M. B. C M. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Hillsboro, Oregon. Office, npnuir, over The Dtdta Drug Store. othVo hour 8 to 12; 1 to 6, and in the evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. J. P. TAMIES1E, M. D. S. P. R. It. SURGEON Hillsboro, Oregon. RMcm e ninirr Tlilril anil Main; ones op tlrulr InUh tlruic ulnre; hours, S.SUIal'iei. 1 la kuiI 7 to i . in. 'Ii'lephmis la nmasncs from Ih It U111K xiiir. All rails promptly aus wsrstl l 1 or mi; In. r. A. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hillsboro, Oregon. Offlcp; Morenn Tlalley block, up stairs, rooms 1L 13 and 15. Realdence 8. W. cor. H;iso I.lne and Second its. Dotb 'pliotios. F. J. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON Hillsboro, Oregon. The Magic No. 3. Number three is a wonderful mascot for Geo. II. F.arris, of Cedar Grove, Me., according to a letter which reads: "After suffering much with liver and kidney trou ble, and becoming greatly discour aged by the failure to find relief, I tried Electric Bitters, and as a re sult I am a well man today. The first bottle relieved and three bot tles completed the cure." Guaran teed best on earth for stomach, liv er and kidney troubles, by all drug gists. 50c. The Weekly Oregon lan and The Hills ooro Independent, both one year (or $2. Nursery Slock ORDER OF Peterson & Yates. Cornelius, Oregon -Tgr qi 'y a w "w w ,w-W'w-a--w w w w w SEP Oregon Shotline and union Pacific Three Trains to the East Daily ThrmiKliU'ii-'uiHii ntHnMan) fttid tourlKt iltn. liiv i'tly to wMiiHlm, t'tiirBKo, SKkii: tourtnt 11 i vrn finity to kinw t'ltv; thiouKti Fiilliimu ti.urixt ftlreiiluv Pr (Krw-nally (Hiit r1iiofi) WHfkly to i hicatfo ami Khiiwh 'lty- r eUn.nir t liair rnrn w ttt 1 w 1 1 y to Kutt dully, ' 70 HOURS PORTLAND to CHICAGO No Cdsdk of Cars 70 llKMA IK TOR rblrHKo Pi Til a ml Kiwelal a ratl.l H IIiikUid AUaTitia- H:I6 p m la Hunt. I nil ton 81. i'aul Kaul Mall S: l. p ui Tia aolran T1MK pM'IIKIiI I.K8 , fnim Porliaiiil. nr. kilt Lata, iwnvtr, r l Worth. Omaha. Kan Lritv. Hi. Loula. t.'hl- oaso sua KaM salt Laka, Deuvar. Kt. Worth. Omaha, Kan wit'itr. "I. Louis, t'hl cafo and Eaal Walla Walla. Lswlitou ttpukana. W al lara, Full niao, MltiDfapolla, Ht. Haul, IMiliilli, Miiwau Sea, ( hie n anil Kaat AKKI K KKOMI 6 o0p Ul 7.15 p m H 00 p ID For limb lulormallon ak or writs Tour ru llt'tr afenl. or ; General Passenger Agent, The Oregon Railway ami Navigation Co., Portland, Oregon T.P. GOODIN, Contractor and Builder I am prepared to furnish plans and estimates on any kind of a build- .k in -uiiigiuii ouiuy. fnone 28x4, or aauresa R. F. D. I. T. P. COODIN, Hillsboro. Or umoc- moi anlialley block, up- atalra Willi K. A. Ilallpy. Residence, n. k. roriiir ThlrJ and Oak eta. A. li. HA1LUY, M. D., PHVSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ilill .lxiro, Oregon. OIr ovit I'm from f.Mi t.i 1.' 1 third linn. 11. fall, pri'inpuy hon. : ' Puis mora. Offloa hoora 1 Ui a. noil 7 in . KcaManr "n r t'liy alrctrle llabl plaol. ucn.lf.l dar or Bllit. Hotb cpos-oa EW0TT DR0S. Central Meal Market Fresh Mets and Groceries. Ojioosiie the Shute Bank Your Trado Solicited. KURATLI BROS. Hillsbcra Real Estate AND AUCTIONEER. Office south ol Court House, Main Money to Loan. t. Dr. B. P. Shepherd, (Sii.vpmMir to Dr. A. Hums.) At his rooms "Tor City P.skery every Tuclav, I huiialiiy ami Saturday. . .... .. . Preeldmil titi(..nii ColWe o( Oetepathy Profoasor of Tliix.ry and Trac ce. Kx-Msni. C'al. t-'Ute Hoard o jj aa m IreJ WALNUTS A 6PECIALTV. ImporteoTrees grown on con tract direct from France. Hard iest varieties. fc& THE DELIA DRUB EE Hillsboro, Oregon. Prompt, Accurate Service Our tjooils conform to the "Pure Food and Drug Law." REAL ESTATE. City and Country ana Montana. For f y roiMrllcN iu OrcRoii, Washington, Uaho UKr Valley land. "neai ,a" K. L. Cnte is bettor rquippnl to nmko i,ui(t fil,iPS of Hills boro property than any other real estali aler , the state IstnECAUSK, .Mr.CaleM'orda.nlomcp,,,!,. pxtPI1svry 1 f 4 ai a w est. ami inures many "H Ct V " - inquiries ror rami property, dally 2nd BLCAU8K, Mr. Cale's IIIIKhoro olli,0 u , fhar.e of rt live young man. vho has In IV,,, any 'V" - cl "Jfi? 'r Washlnpton county and known the di strict tl,o ' I 3rd BECAUSE, The two ollices workl,i-i i" m-trs an cffectlre sales ortallo.. ...leh 1 'none but the Brave Deserve the Fair" ) I But whether you be brsve or tint- k id, you will get nothing but (sir treatment here. We are in busi- f nees to make Mends and to keep P tbem. We can only do tbis by f giving the people llu'ir inom's T.oith rig-bt aloiiK, by ofluriiig the (reshest goods, by prompt an L polite service, and by clmrtiin f ouly reasonable ricfs. We know r that you will tie satiatb-d aitli what we sell, with the price we j sell at, and with our selling inetli- k obj. rr . - t LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A half dozen Carnegie hero med als have been found in pawn shops. This will le a revelation to people who have wondered what a hero medal could possibly be good for. Fire Crackerat Fire Crackers, Torpedoes, Cap-Piatola and CapH, Canes and Ammunition. Flags, Kiiiin, Red, White and lilue Ribbon, Pa pur Parachutes and Kites, Roman Cand flu, Sky Rockets, Pin Wheels, at Mrs. Hutu's. Fine assortment o( fire works. A Frt'Ui'li conjurer many years agn during u p.-rfoiuiauce at the court of asked the queeu through tiu Inlii pri tiT if ahe would tasle a kIhxk of wiuo. Ou her refusal the con jurrr, with siiuulated auger, emptied tin- Kins ' over her, aud the contents droppml In the shape of a roee Into her iiiiiJeHty'a lap. The court fuuctlouarlos vviti! ao liullgimn; nt this proceeding 1 1 li 1 1 tlioy Jtiinpid up from their seats, liislHtpil upon tho queen leaving the itpnrtiiuMit uiul charged the performer with hl;;h trtnMon. The unfortunate in 1111 lunl to bo prnte'teil hy the native troops from the fury of the populace nml rns cninpelhil to leave the capital Ix.r.iru (in vlirt'ak. All rwail lend to llilllr July I. (aft OH OII of tllCIII lll lloil't ktop llll tll you II nd the Itic tVlebrnlion. S. S. BARNES, HKAI.F.R IX Real Estate Found : Purse containing a sum ol money. Owner can have the same by calling at this ollico, proving property, and puying (or this notice. Inde Lantls liou;lit, soltl jhkI ex changed, limi.aes for nolo ami tojrent. See mo before closing n deal. OHice in Lyon build ing, opposite Hotfl Tualatin. The Oregon lan and pendent, one year, 82 Do You Want IXSTKCCTIVF KSTINO your friend to temember vol bina or bcr a present of a forever? If yon do, make I PARKER ,1' FOUNTAIN PEN Prices It. BO to HO.- Letaa put one aaide for yon. These are the pena yon tee advertised in the magaiinea. Ws warrant them aa well as Um maacr. Hillsboro Pharmacy For a Good Square Ueal -t,o TO The City Restaurant None better in Hillsboro. Everything neat, clean arnup to date. l. c. Mccracken, Prop. "Correct English -Hoca to use it." A Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Usecl" English. JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER. Editor. PARTIAL CONTCNTM Course in Grammer. How to Increase One's Vocabulary. The Art ol Conversation. Shall and Will ; Should and Won 1 1 ; . How to l'e Them. Prounciations (Century I'ictionary) Correct English In the Home. Correct F.nglmu in tne School. What to Say and What Not to Say. Course in letter Writing and Punct uation. Twenty Daily Drills, liuniness English lor the Hun incus Man. Compound Words; How to Write Them. Studies in English Literature. AUIVrS WANTKI) tl.00 a Ye?r. 10 cents Tor sample mi Correct English Kvaiisioii, III BICYCLE SHOP BICYCLES, GUNvS, UMBREL LAS AND SEWING MA CHINES REPAIRED Agents for Bicycles. Call in be fore buyiug or getting wotk done elsewhere. HAND SAWS FILED AND PET F. R. DAILEYf Manager Schenette Row, west of ftchulmerick's store on Main St. R. L. CATE, 226 Stark St., Portland, Ore. -:; r'.'S wliat vry woman , ,,,.r. .,rf""t complexion. ; .. t'.Nl r"l. sinuoth, frash, i.i tli i hri-k that ik-notae . .ii It mi. I btlna Uautf ,i i r 'i.i lin k It: it will ratala j ' Ml.n alrrailr poaaaas It; I en ,.u I.i suecmafully : i I' - r ua tj. of atathar and . . I :i t .lv'il.i-l.n't srsue. Just v l: . Tour druelt wUl 'i .it I a tmiile. All druaV I: o I" ilrtinav . The Publisher's Claims Sustained United Stateb Court or Claims The Pulill-hera . Wk,..-. I-. Dictloaary am-v t hat l -1, In fn. l.l l- p,,p. ar t iiliri.lire. laiinawblv n..1,11 detail, and taxt l nrk M-d Ineierr l-art. with tlm purpimor adapting it to nie. t iu- laravr linn '?,,"' nu'"KUluta ul suui her eeitera- are nf IIm oolnlon that lh.. .n...,i.. mat clrlir anl a.viiralelf dwrilr, tlie H!r!f. J1 ' 'nipll-lM-.l ami the rami It thai haalavn rra tw.1. Th I. ...... ...... as U now atauas has tn thoroimhlr re ........ nm mrietiti in averr rt, an.t ta a.lm,ral,l u.lapte.1 to ui.wt the Urver ami aaietvr leMiiiivna nia f a seiieraiM whM h Uanmnila n.r of .piHr iihihlnMwl kmrnlnlutt t,.n any seun.tum that the w.irl.l havr cnolii,e. ""'"'M'u ,'M1 VT.!",m nrVttvm 'i that we rvfer u"?i:vl':.!7J,::v:,Ttr.,,!;:rtlt CHaHList). aoTT. cjaa . Lawrfiik wlluix JoHl 1.41 STANTON J Tin I m i HAMAD U. llliHHir. SUMMONS. IS THE flKCflT COIKT OF TUB STATE OF OKtUOS OB WAiiUlXliTOS COt'STV. CHARLES A. WVMAN, Plalstiff, vs. L'aroliDS A. UJ I. Iiaoutni. and William at. LaM, ( harlas K. Uitd ao4 Julie Waaler Lsdd, kaecuu.r., of lha Laal W Ul aud Taalaasul of W. a. Uil.t, itecraaed, t arollna A. Udd, Wllllaia K. l.add, and Cliarlea K. Ladd. a, Uuaurra uu drr lha Uat will aa.) laautuwnt of W. I. Ladd, fur John Wsalcy Ladd, ( arollna A. Ladd, Wll llaia M. Ladd, Mary A. Udd. bis wit. C'barlaa k. Ladd. aarab 11. Ild. bia wife. Johu Waaley Ladd. Pais P. Ladd. bis wits, llrluu Ladd Cur hrlt, Carullue Amsa Udd frail, Frederick B. frail, bar buahaod, i. C. Aiu.worib. Alice U. Aiiuaorih, biawifa, Harry B. Aluaaortb, Anus Aiuawursa, but wits. Uwmice Auiawonb, Mah al Aiu.worib Maa, Maya, bar bua. baud, Margaret rotloo Aluawortb, widow, palar (Kauuyl Aluawortb Mursaa. farcy f. Moiaaa, bar bufhaud. Maud Aluawortb. Bal Aluawortb, HVniu-a A. Hakar, Amanda lioteouib. widow. William Wayue llolwiuib. t'albarlua tlulrumb. bl alfa. Joba Uolmaib, Llllie Holconib, widow, Uluula Halcomb, Margie Halntead, Jjbo Hal lead, bar bnalud. A. I.. Hulcomb. Knima Holconib, bla wila, Joba Flynn, Harry Holuouib Flynn, tdua riyni Halle Wllauo, Jacob Wllaoo, her hubaud, Oram lluicoaab, A I lea Holconb bla wlta, Frau k llolooiob, Maud Uolcomu, bis wlla, t'barlaa llolcomb, Emma Uoleomb, his wile, Jacob Aulraui, Joaepb Autram, and P. M. Walker, Uafeudaala. To John Waalay tdd, sxecator of lbs last will and tciiaiueul ol W. K. Ladd, dacaaaed, John Wanlvr Udd, iwla it. lld. bla wlla, t ar ollue Amea ladd f rait, Fnxiarlck B. frail, bar biibai.d, Harry H. Aituwortb. Amna Aluawortb. bia wile, laUy iFatuir) Alnawortb Morgan, far cy T. Morgan, bar huahaud, Hernire A. Hakar, William Wayue llolcomb. t'aitiarlua Huloomb hla wlfe, John Huloomb, Llllie llolcomb, Mm. uia llolcomb, Maggls llalalead, Joba llalatead, her buabaud, John Fljun, Harry Holuouib Flyuu, Edua Flynn, Jacob Autreiu, Joaepb An. iram, and f. M. Walkary of lbs abore named oafeudauta: In the Name of tbs State of Oregon: You aie heieby required to appear and aaawer lbs com -plalul beialn on or before tbs laat day of lbs tiros peraurlbed In the order fur publication of till, luminous, to wilt on or before lbs expira tion ol six weeks uext from and after Ibe dale of the lire! publication of this summoua, lbs Hral publication Uiereof being on June?, 17, and If you fall ao to appear aud anawer, the plalutlrj will apply to Ibe court fur the relief demanded iuaald complaint, lowlt: Ibal plalullB bare aMecree of aaid court adjudging that you, and each of you, bare no mum, right, 111 la, claim or tntereat Iu or to lbs following described real aa. tate annate in Washington County, Oregon, to- ' nil: fartaof st'Cliona and &, in T. 'J 8. B. W. Will. Mar., eoolalulug tisl acrea, mora or laM, known aatba Donation Laud Claim of Frauds M. Walker and wife, aud particularly deecrlbed a. rollows, to wll: The W aal ball of Ibe Weal half of Section 4. and the Norlb half of Ibe Norlb Ka.t uuarler, aud Lou 1. , , and S, of Seoliou 4, Towntblv aud Kauge aforcaald, and Ibal lilaiutlH la thsowuar In fee eimple, aud la pue amialon ol aald real estate, and that said da. fcntlaau, and each of luein, be forerer barred Iniiu claiming or aaaertluf any rlgbl, lieu, title, or intereel In or to aald Crew- Iwa. or any part I hereof, and for lucb other aud further reilel aa to lha court may aaem aquil. able. Tlilt aummuns Ir aarred upon you by publication. In The Hillaboro Independent by outer of Hon. J. W. (ioodlu, County Judge of Waahlngtou County. Oregon, wbiob order waa made and dated on June , 1M7. W. N. BAHRK1T, Attorney lor flaluliff. Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. Notice l hereby given that, by virtue of a II cenae aud order of aale duly mails and enured hy ibe County Court of W aahluKtou County, Or axon, on June &, 1UUT, llcentl. g me to sail, at private aala, Air i ah In haud, all the Interval of Hutua K. Norman, an Innans paraon. In and to lha hereinafter dewrllied real saiale, 1 will, from and alter Monday, July S, ItriT, proceed to sail al private aalu, lor caau Iu band, lo lbs high em bidder, all the right, title and lulereat of aald Kulua E. Norman, the same being an uudtvtike onr. third Intereat, In and (o a tract of laud Iu Waahliiglou Couuly, Orvgun, deecrlbed a: Ciiuiuien. lug at a polul luohalua Boutb of Ibe N. W. corner ol solomon Klchaniann I). L. C, In Hetllou II T. i 8. K 1 W. Will, alar., Iheuce South .; N) eha. to the 8. W. Corner of 8eclioa II, Ibenca Kat 20 W aba. lo apualon aeclloullue, thence Norlb Uil. Ml che. lo Iba 8. IC corner of Henry Knlllela IU-a're Iract, thence Weal Ml. IS eha lo the place of begluulug, containing an acres, mora or leaa, aad lying aud being Iu See- lion II, T. 2 8. K. 1 W. Will. Mer. 8aid laud will be oifered lor aale In two Irakis. Iialed al Hillahoni, Oregon, Ihia June 7, 1W7. ITHKI. NORMAN, liuanllan ef lbs I'erwn and Eaute or Kufua E. Norman, an luaana person. BKNTON BOWMAN, Atty. for Guardian. f - Administratrix' Notice. Notice la hereby given Ibal I, tbs uuderalgnail, bare been by Ibe County Court of Waablugloa Couuiyr Oregon, duly appointed administratrix, wilb Will auneted, of lbs eeiate of Oandeus Luclua Luetacher, deceased, slid have duly qualified aa aurb adulnlatratrlx. A I peraoo. baviug claluia against aald ealate are hereby required to preaeul lbs same to me with proper vouchera, at the law oAlce of M. B. Bumi, lllllaborn, Olegno, wllbla six month from dele hereof. Hillsboro, Oregon, Jane 7ih, 1C. ANNA r.LIZABK.TH LLKT8CHKR, Aduilnlalrajrii, with lbs will snnsied. ot Ibe estate ol (iandena Lucius LuaUcbar, de ceased. M. B. Bump, Attorney for lbs Kalale. FOK A Good Meal iO TO- The Home Stylel Restaurant Main Street, between Third ami Fourth Tht aJiuee rtfm to WKHsTtlfS INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE Short Order Meals on Sunday MRS. I. HlJMKE, Propr. GRAND PRI7T (Iba hl-lu. -.i .t tu. w t.;;; BET THE LATEST ANO BEST ; Foe. -fll he int ma f n owe vcmtn povM, arnf rr. Q. AC.MERRIAM CO, "oexMUitas, -WINOFIILO, MAaa. I nnrtn I rtaNTB4e j KILL the COUCH wd CURE the LUNC8 WITH Dr. Kind's Nor Discovery mo afniiniio ' Purr ULI1M .,r..T."'" iMn ai ila.,7..- . . "ee otuwaTantiwire UUARANTEJSD OR MOVP"e."tWWJlin Z U M JJ ID.