Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 09, 1906, Image 7

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I'm Falling
wiicu iiic niir. Ann
kind neighbor ctme to the res
cue wita a bottle of Aver'.
Hair Vigor. The htlr was
saved! In gratitude, it grew
long and heavy, and with all
the deep, rich color of early
life. Sold in all parts of the
world for sixty years.
'. j ii y u mh'h. i u
ed'teed er a frleud to um A tar's Hair Vl..r.
I dm o. and ui mm I bow have .beautiful
Hade by J. O. 4 jar Oe.. LoweU,
eia BUuMUim ef
t'nele Allea.
"What's tha um of carrying on mud
slinging csmpaign," queried Unci Allen
Pparka, "when It'a ever so much easier to
throw dut in the eytte of the voterer"
HOWAKD JE. HCRTON.-Aaaayer ri Chemist.
Ia4vllla, t'ulfirmli. Kpeeuuvn prireet Ootil,
ailver, 1- ad, II ; tioiu, Hllvur, 7.m- : Uold, Sue s Zlua or
l fl'ili t y.nl. I. Ir.it M.llll.f .nv.lupr. anil
full pnee list eent oa eiillatliiu. Coiilrut and Vm
tiire work euUulleil. lielareaoel Cuuuuate 2e
ttoual liuk.
Sara Praaldent I'alm.
Bay, DIai. what's tha aecretf
Tell nie why
Toil get along ao smoothly!
Why don't f
i "t. V'tns Ttanoe ana an TVerrona nianuaa
I nermaneiitly eured be Ir. Vllne'a tr-al
vrva Heainrer. Hand Sir FHKK S3 trial bnttU and
Ira axles, tir It 1L allla. Ld. KU Arch L, fllla,.l'a.
llaaty Conelnalon.
Tommy pauaej moment In tha work
of demolition.
"Thia la angel cake, all right," ha said.
"How do you know?" asked Johnny.
"I've found 4 f father in it." Chicago
Portland Trado Directory
Names and Addresses ia Portland at Repre
sentative Business fir me.
CKKAU HKPAHATOlUt We guarantee the U.S.
eepareior to be ih heat. Write lor tree vaieiu.
ileaeiwoud Co., t llili aud OeS.
flANOH a OIK1ANH Many Hna ln.lrum.nl. re
Vrri to ua aiM'oniii sirkni-ns or removal of huy.r
VVrlte lor deacr ptlou of panoa now oa hand,
laruia, eta. W rite today, uilberl Co., foruaud
S.SO&.OO Shoes
W.LDouglas $4 Gilt Edgs line.
cinnotDeequalledalanif price y
W. I.. I lunulas' J,.h
Wris llonwi l. ma mutt
uoiuylrte in i In. fiiiim i f
AV..I fur C'tliilo
wi.n'a an-.. Lft to 1.60. lViya' Bhoa. a3
Miaa.1' ChlMr.u a BUca. il.M to il.OO.
TrT W. I liiigla Wouira'a, Mla-a anrt
(jhlltlran'a ahorai for at.yl. rlt and waar
thry airwl uthar makaa.
If I could tako you Into my largo
factories at Brockton, Mass., and how
you how carefully W.L. DouRlaaahoea
are made, you would then understand
why they hold their shape, fit better,
wear longer, and are of greater value
than any other make.
Wh. raver you Hva, you can obtain w. u.
Douaiaa ahoaa. rlla nama and prtta l atampad
an tha b.lttom, whkh protacla youanaln.t high
prlcaa and Inlertor ah.wa. T. ta
tMfa. A" aur dealer tor W.L. Douglas shoei
and Inal.t upon having them.
fa$t Color ": ' rafa
Write tor llluatratrd Catalog o Kali Mylea.
W. L, IKHJULAS, IMpU 1J. Brockton, Masa,
P. N. U
Na. 4 5 -OS
MIKN wrlllnsj to adjaartlsara
V nienll-a thla paper.
Tea Had.
swear to you I cannot lire with
out my wife."
"You lore her soT
Well, not exactly that Tou see, shs
bas the money."
Oil Heater
tEqmIppd wit Smokcles Device)
Turn the wick as high or low as rou can there's no danger.
Carry heater from room to room. All Prta easily chined. Givee
intense heat without smoke or smell because equipped with smoke-
U-..d'.' l.i,eBlckel and lapea. Brass oil fount beauti
fully embossed. Holda 4 qrt "n1 burB"
boors. Every heater warranted. If you cannot get
beater or information from your dealer, write to
nearest sgency foe descriptive circular.
Bnalnred with Uteat tmproved bmruer. Made of
KrroURhot a-d nickel plated. A. orti.mentto
lroom whether I'brary.din.n.-ro por
room. Every lamp warranted. nte to Beareet
agency If oor aeler "
7 sirs CYtSfFAJTY
Tk laajalatlvo Barbae.
No diai,t nmny readtra hare hearrt
of the auntere dlMaItlin of Auierloa's
Sreateat llvlinj actor, Hlthard Mana
Oeld. I'erhaj)a the followlnn convt-roa-tlon,
which took place In one of I!a
ton's leadlug h'ltela. bt'ttcr llluitratea
the satlrkal nature of the player. En
tering the bnrher'a ahop one morning,
he was Iminedlately rectuculwd as UUU
ard MauMHeld by the barber.
Good uiorulug.'' aald the barber af
fably. A grunt was the only reply.
"Well, how waa thing over st the
house laat night?"
"What bouae?" answered the actor
The Hollls," said the barber.
"What do you mean, sir?"
Why, are you not Ulchard Mans
field?" the barber asked.
"Oh, no. Indeed," replied Mr. Mans
field, "I just got out of jail thla morn
ing." "What! You're not Richard Maps
field : and yog juat got out of jail this
morning! What for, pray?"
"For ansuultlng InquialtlTe barbers,"
was the rexionse.
Bad Blood
Is the cause of all humors, eruptions,
boils, pimples, scrofulous sores, ecierna
or salt rheum, as well as of rheuma
tism, catarrh and other troubles. The
greatest blood remedy for all these
troubles, proved by its unequaled
record of cures, is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or In chocolated
Ubleta known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses f 1.
Ilia Oeeapattoa.
Directory Cauvanxer What Is your
huHhand's occupation, madam?
The Iady Ob, he unmakes history.
Directory Canvasaer Unmakes his
The Lady Yes. He writes historical
Thoutan'i of wo
men sutler daily
backache, bead
ache, diszy spells,
languor, reivons
oers and a dosen
other symptoms ol
kidney trouble, hot
lay It to other
Make no mistake.
Krep the kidneys
well, and these
aches and troubles
will diFappaar.
Mrs. Anthony
Cad ret te. ?7 Me
chanic. St., Leomln later, Mass., says:
"My sight failed, I bad sharp pain in
my back , and bearing-down pains
throagh the hips. 1 was nervous, fret
ful and m serable. The urine was
greatly disordered and I began to have
tha awnllinsa of dropsy. I was running
down fast when I started using Doan's
Kidnav Fills. A wonderful change
came and after using them faithfully
for a short time I was well."
Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a bos.
Foeter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Par-ltearhlaaj Keha.
The Ol'loer You say the chauffeur
sounded his horn just as the machine
struck the man?
The Witness Yes, sir.
The Oitleer Was the victim killed
The Witness So Instantly, sir, that
he must have heard the echo of that
horn In the noit worhL
Btsts or Ohio, City or Tolido, I
l.rt-.a l lll'NTT. I
Frank J. kinky makes oath that ha Is
senior partner ol the Brmol F. J. I'himkv A
Co., dolnK huxlnr.a In the city o(Tolelo, Coun
ty and tate aloreasul, and that aaiit ttrm will
pay the sum of UN K MINDKKD lx'I.I.AKS lor
ea h anil every caae ol CsraaRH that raiinot be
eurea uy toe uaeoi uiii. st atarhh i k,
Sworn to before me a1 snbaoritieil In my
nrasetioa. this olh day ol l)eoein tier, A. I., lvni.
I .... I oary I'ublle.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and
arts directly uu tha blood and muoons surfaoea
Ol tbe system, oeml "r testimonials, tree.
F. 1. CHENEY A CO., XulaJo, O.
Bold by Pruasi.ts, 76c
UaU'a Family i'llU are tha beat
Anything to Obllajo.
Misa Jarmer I'apa aaya I mustn't see
you sny more.
Young Spoonall Well, we mustn't dis
obey puna. I'll turn the light a littis
lower at ill.
No More
Cold Rooms
If you only knew bow winrh coenfort
can be derived from a PERFECTION
Oil Heater bow simple and economical
its opcratioa, you woald not be without
it another day.
You can quickly make warm aad cosy
any cold room or hallway oo natter ia
what part of the house. You can beat
water, and do many other things with the
ami ahaolote aafety.
"What Is a practical Joker "One
that you can sell for a dullar and buy
bread with It" Judge.
Mrs. Sklunum Why are you all bid
ing from Tommy? Little Lltzle Tom
my Is the butcher come with his bllL
Philadelphia ltecord.
"That young widow says she Is go
ing to break her husband's wtlL" "I
thought she did that soon after they
were married." Baltimore American.
In New York. "Can't you think of
some unusual thing to do to-night
something we hsven't done before?"
"We might spend the evening at home."
"That man never usee money In his
campaigns." "No." auawered Senator
Sorghum, "he merely makes promises.
He uses credit Instead of cash,"
Washington Star.
The I'arsoti When I became a min
ister, I gave up playing the piano. The
Elder Then you became an expouuder
la a double sense of the word, dldu't
you? Yonknrs Statesman.
Cholly I thought ierhaps you had a
preference for Hobby Jones? Mildred
Nounensel You are Juat as welcome
here as he Is. Why, he Is the most In
sufferable bore I know. Judge.
"Why don't you get an automobile?"
"My dear sir." was tbe answer, "I
dou't need It I have a dog, three life
insurance pollclea and a boll. I have
trouble enough." Washington Star.
Cicely Why dou't you learn to
swim? Muriel There Is no one to
teach me. Cicely How atwut the boys?
Muriel Oh, they've all taught nie be
fore; different summers you kuow.
Brooklyn Life.
.Gladys (at the seashore) Are you
having as niutiy proposals as you bad
last season? Mayuie ( weurlly ) Oh,
yes, but they are all from the same
men I was engaged to luat summer.
letrolt Free I'reBS.
"But," protested the pert young
housewife, "you ought to take off some
thing for the holes In these doughnuts."
"Very well, mndam," replies the wise
baker; "I'll allow you one cent eneu
for the holes when you return them."
Chicago Dally News.
"What," asked the sweet girl grad
uate, "was the happiest moment of
your life?" "The happiest moment of
my life," answered the old bachelor,
"was when the Jeweler took back the
engagement ring and gave nie collar
buttons In exchange." Chicago News.
Mrs. Windfall Just Imagine, Hiram!
One of the sailors told me that this
boat Is now In communication with her
sister ship I I w onder what the con
versation Is about? Mr. Wludfall
Humph! Most likely each is asking
the other If her cargo Is ou straight
Buck. "I presume, sir," began the young,
man, timidly, "that you will consider It
very presumptuous for a fifty-dollar
railroad clerk to apply for your daugh
ter's hand In murrlage." "Not at all,
my boy," responded Senator Slickguy,
kindly. "I dare say your side grafts
are quite remunerative."
"Dou't you object to your husbnnd's
poker playing?" "tJoodness. uo! I like
it You see he always plays with Mr.
Jones, and Mrs, Jones and I are
friends. . If Mr. Jones wins she takes
the money away from him and divides
with me. If my husband wins 1 divide
with her. Cleveland Leader.
What's In a Name? An Irish sol
dier In a local regiment during the late
war arrived at camp late one night. He
was challenged with the usual, "Who
goes there?" After Hindering a few roo
meuts, and the challenge being rotat
ed, and thinking he might avoid pun
ishment he answered: "Kitchener." He
was Immediately knocked down with
the butt end of a rltle. While he was
n the ground ruefully rubbing his
head, the sentry exclaimed: "Why, It's
Callnghan! What did ye say It was
Kitchener for?" "Shure," came the an
swer, "when ye would do this to Kitch
ener, phwst yould ye do to Callaghanf"
A Rhapsody I'pns tha f'atakllla ml
.New lark State.
Kip's "Village of Falling Water,"
Palenvllle, lies at the base of old High
Beak, In the Catskllls, and from the
summit, looking far out over a field of
fleecy, cloud-tlped leaks, the glided
dome of the capltol at Albany tosses
back the sparkling sunlight which glis
tens In the silvery Hudson below as
though set-king to detain It In Its mad
onward rush to the pathless aea.
Side by side on the southern border
of this forest mouutalnland, rising over
4,000 feet out of the valley beneath,
stand as sturdy, silent sentinels Bound
Top and High Beak the latter so
graphically described by Cooper'a
Leatherstocklng In "Tbe Pioneers."
nalfway up the northern slope of these
twin guardians, from tbe rustic veran
da of one of tbe artistic mountain
home within tbe confines of the re
stricted residential districts of Sunset,
Santa Cms and Twilight parks, look
ing out over thick branching tree tops,
nature's color scheme presents a never
ceasing change. Beginning with early
morn, looking eastwsrd through the
clove across the valley of the Hudson
to where tbe sun grsduslly wheels bis
broad disk up from behind the bold
aky-llne of tbe Berkshire Hill of
Western Massachusetts, and through
out the midday, when the picturesque
play of thick cuiuukius clouds prevents
unceasing attraction, as their soften
ing shsdes silently creep from peak to
peak, unUL at fading eve, out through
tha glen westward sppear silhouetted
against the sky, massive banks of bias
ing Area, a dazzling prelude to the
mellow afterglow of the declining god
as be psaaes out over the threshold of
another day Four-Track News,
Boys and dogs are always trying to
give satisfaction; the trouble la, they
bars such queer tastes.
Thar ,",,,,1C1 a..,,,..
Mat .raae" la Thai Tim.
Geueral Zebulo" l'iki a explorations
of If-!!" had political coiilUetKt -
whkh uelther l'u u"r an) body
lu his day co"IJ tot say tbe Ui
view of Kevle- Although he w.
well treated by the Spaniards, bis cap
ture by them UiteusiBed tha desire of
Americans, el"llul1 lu the weat. to
drive Spain out of Mexico.' Wrlttteu
In is and published u isio, Uls re.
nort pointed out the wealth of Mexi
co's natural resources, ibowed the
weakneas of Suslu s hold on that coun
trv. and urged her expulsion by an
American army It Bonaparte should
aclse the Spanish throne, which Boua
parte did while I'lke waa writing, aud
held It for SIX jsars.
1'lke'e reiwrt sent Magee, Kemper,
Long, aud other sdveuturers from our
side of the line over into Texas and
other Darts of Mexico. More Import
ant still. It Incited Moaes Austin to get
from Ferdinand VII.'s representatives
in lS'JU permission to establish a colo-
of Americans ui lexas, which his
Steuben r. Aostin, plauted there
lu When the Mexicans soon aft
erward drove Spain out the Inevitable
conflict with l"e Americans be
wblch culuiluated In Sam Hous-
victory over Satita Anna at San
Jacinto In 1S3U, sad the establishment
of the Texas republic.
- By the annexation of Texas in 1845
the United States Inherited Texas'
boundary dispute with Mexico, and
this led to the war of 1S4C-1S48, which,
through conquest snd purchase, placed
the stars and stripes over the present
New Mexico, Arlxoua (except that
Dart below the Gila, which Gadsden
bought In 1H53), California, Nevada,
Utah, and parti, of Colorado and Wyo
ming, and pushed our territory in the
aouthweat ouward to tliel'aclflc. Willie
the American sud Mexican couimls
slouers were fixing up their peace pact
at Guadalupe Hidalgo In the opening
days of 1S4.S, Jauies W. Marshall made
bis gold discovery in the raceway of
Sutter's mill, on the American fork of
the Sacramento, which made Califor
nia knock for admission as a state be
fore the politicians had time to organ
ize It as a territory, Incited the search
which led to the gold and silver strikes
In other parts of the West, and swung
the country's center of political gravi
ty far toward the sunset
Heat Haah or Prickly Heat.
Heat Bash or I'rlckly Heat This Is
an Inflammation of the sweat glands
and appear as small papules or vesicles
more or less thlckf) wt, attended by
burning or prickling sensations. It ap
pears suddenly and without fever or
other general symptom. The causes
sre two-fold digestive disturbances
often very slight and beat Tlie treat
ment and management titnge upon the
cause. Too active treatment may do
more harm thnn good. If any medicine
Is given, It should be icld and lemon
Juice Is one of the best It should be
well diluted with water and given at a
time w hen It w 111 not Interfere with the
food or milk. If a child Is debilitated,
pale and thin, tonics may be required
before recovery Is complete. The food
should be of the projicr character and
Its digestion rendered as perfect as ob
slble. If there Is constipation, Bochelle
salts should be given at the outset
Hay Kevee.
Hay Fever. The disorder known as
hay fever, while not dangerous, la ex
tremely uncomfortable. It resembles a
violent catarrh, although It excites the
eyes and tear glands rather than the
luasal membrane. Some authorities at
Urlbute the trouble to bay, others to tbe
pollen of certain flowers notably the
golden rod a third group to tricksy
nerves and a fourth to emanations from
mice, rabbits or other animals. Owing
to the wide diversity of opinion about
the cause, there Is no uniformity In the
methods of treatment Here are a few
af the remedies; Local bleeding, aperi
ents, quinine, tonics. Iron, opium, mer
cury, digitalis, cocaine, menthol, am
monia vaxrs and sprays, besides spe
cial treatment for conjunctlvltle, rhin
itis and brifnohltls. It Is doubtful, how
ever. If any lasting results are obtained
with these things.
Comfort at A ay Cost.
The ways of tbe newly rich continue
to afford amusement both to those not
yet rich and those who have long been
so. There Is a good story, aaya Mrs.
John Lane. In a recent essay, which Is
an addition to the general fund of suck
A certain magnate was giving a din
ner. After the ledles returned to tbe
drawing-room the hostess, tinkling and
glittering with diamonds, leaned back
In a great tufted chair and shivered
slightly. A footman went In search of
bar maid.
Trancotse," aald the magnate's lady
with languid magnificence, "I fee! Chi
ly; bring me another diamond neck
lace." The Beat War.
"I was Just wondering," aald May,
shortly after her marriage to Decem
ber. "Wondering what?"
Whether It Is essler to break a
man's will before or after hla death."
"Better do It before and save the
lawyer's rskeoff." nooston Tost.
' Secretary Under what bead shall 1
put down the cost of the operstioo per
formed oo the baroness ?
Baron General repairs Translat
ed for Tales from glmpHclsslmna,
Nearly all Americans are poor talk
era. TWnk It over ao you meet as
Inter eatlnc talker once month? Art
yon not bored every or of J
by poor talkers)
There is nothing more distressing than an itching, burn-
mg skin disease, ana upon tne return oi warm wcaiucr tuuac
who are afflicted with skin troubles find the symptoms appear-
mg and know that they will be tormented through the hot
summer months. The blood is heated with humors and acrid
to the surface the skin seems to be on fire. The treatment of skm diseases witn exter
nal applications is all wrong, because they do not reach the trouble which is in the blood.
The most such treatment can be expected to do is, allay the itching and burning and cover
up the trouble for awhile, but as
All food taken into the body
the different parts. One portion
the making of blood, another for muscle,
one for bone, still another for fat, and so on.
After these different properties are ex
tracted from the food there still remains a
portion that is useless, or waste matter,
which is intended to be disposed of through
the natural channels of bodily waste, the
Liver, Kidneys aud Bowels. At this season
-f tlif vMr limi'pvpr t1ips nrcrms become
y- - , n i A cl mtipIi il
the system and are absorbed by the blood to ferment and sour, producing burning acids and
acrid humors. The blood cannot properly nourish the system while in this impure condition,
and begins to throw off these acids through the pores and glands of the skin, producing Acne,
Eczema, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum and skin diseases of every description.
ECZEMA appears usually with a slight redness of the skin, followed by pustules from
which there flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense. It
Is generally on the back, breast, arms, legs and face, though other parts of the bodymay be
afflicted. In TETTER the skin dries, cracks and bleeds, and is often very painful. The acid
in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, causing a dry, feverish, hardened condition
and giving it a leathery appearance. ACNE makes its appearance on the f ace m the form of
pimples and black-heads, and is particularly disagreeable because of its unsightly appear
ance, while PSORIASIS, a scaly disease, comes in patches on different parts of the body.
One of the worst forms of skin disease is SALT RHEUM. It discharges a watery fluid form
ing sores and producing intense itching. The head and face are the parts usually affected,
and sometimes the hair falls out and a mass of sores forms on the scalp.
These and all skin diseases are due to the same cause burning acids and humors in
tt, oti,1 nti'1 t1,; viral fluid is cleansed and made cure thev will continue. The best
treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S-, a remedy that is purely vegetable, being made en
tirely from roots, herbs and barks, and acts directly on the blood with a cleansing, healing
effect. It neutralizes the acids and purifies the blood so that the skin, instead of being
blistered and burned by the fiery fluids, is nourished by a supply of cooling, healthy blood.
It goes down into the circulation and forces out every particle of waste or foreign matter,
builds up the blood and cures all skin diseases promptly
blood; Nothing equals S. S.
general health. Write for our
We make no charge for either.
Color mora toons brighter and faster colors than any other dve. One 10c packets colore silk, wool and cotton eoually well end to
lnteTd "o iva perlect re.ull. A.k dealer, or we will send post puid al iK paiaa.e. Wfrte tor Irca booklet how la dye
bleach and mia colors. MONKUt DKUCa CO.. llnionvilla, Missouri.
Puree Court. !l.nir. all Throat
mi i.nni Trouble, hurin-. tha bnl
llile the animal In condltloe. 6.
iTumlnnPrnM-'lTt'o Ft. Inn I Wl"n
rower lully warranted, HA
t to i home
All sizes au l
i) les at lowest prices.
Write for catalog.
Portland, Orcfea.
(North lloarh) an"! Meaiittful k Book
t'aaelo every ptin hawr til the H.'lal Kill
tlon ol the "library of Ihe World's Best
literature." 4" volumes, llk l.onml, U In per
volume: -Son delivery ol set soil -r l'r month ;
eae anil books delivered tree. Particulars by
writing j. 0. k'.ILlAR A CO.,
Columbia Bltig., Portland, Ore.
Ilia Count.
"Why, I thought you told me you had
nine raacala In here," aald the visitor. "1
aee only two."
"You don't see correctly." answered the
turnkey. "The one wilh the ragged beard
la s horse tblef. The one with the smooth
face ia a bank wrecker, who robbed poor
people. He'a the other eight."
lie Hoped N'ot.
"Po you're a fugitive from Justice, are
'""Thunder, no!" exclaimed the hunted
man. turning red with Indignation. "It'a
a suburban constable that'a after me I
A Good Record.
Out of all the external reined 'es on the
market we dotil t if there i- one that has
the record of thut worl.i-renuwn. d r or -us
tilaMer-Alhock s. It has now U en in
use for sixty years, and still continues to
be aa poplar ver ,n d"i,n '
work of ieli- ving our pains and aches It
Nthereimdvweall need when suilerln
from snv form of scl.e or pain resulting
from takina-roldorover-train.
Allcock'e Plasters a e sol I y Bruggl-ts
1 1 every part ol the civil sed word.
Ae Others Sea Is.
Wedderly Miss Oldham Is certainly
a self possessed woman. Isn't she? I
Singleton Tes : snd I'm gladof It
Wedderly Olad of It! !
Singleton Tes ; at least I'm glad
that she Isn't one of my possessions.
eft Proved Remedy
for Orer SO Years.
rrtee tU aad 80
soon as u is leu ou tue uibca.se rumus.
contains, in some form, the elements necessary to sustain
is used lor
Dear Sirs My body broke out with a rash or eruption
which la spite of all efforts to oure oontinued to get worse.
The Itching, especially at night, was simply terrible, it
would almost disappear at times, only to return worse
than ever. I had tried many highly reoommended prepa
rations without benefit, and hearing of B. S. B. determined
to give It a fair trial, and was inexpressibly delighted
when a few bottles cured me entirely, removing every
blemish and pimple from my body. I shnll not fail to reo
otnmend 8. B. 8. whenever an opportunity ooours to do so.
Esoondldo, Cai L. MAKNO.
fill this dutv. and these accumulations remain
and permanently. fc. S. fc. docs not leave me icast par
ticle of the poison for future outbreaks, but entirely rids
the blood of the cause for all skin diseases.
S. S. S. tones up the system and regulates the
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels so that they will carry off
the natural waste and refuse matter through the proper
rlinrmels. instead of leavinc it to be absorbed by the
S. in the treatment of these troubles and for building up the
treatise on skin diseases and any medical advice you wish.
Wllllnar to t'utupromlaa.
"I'd like to engatre you to play your
Addle at my recejdlon to-night." said j
Mrs. Cuintip to the great violinist -f
"Veil, I can blay," answered the pro
"What do you charge?" asked the
"Vun'huntret tollars; dot's my regu
lar price," said the professor.
"Well." declared the lady. '"I can't
pny no hundred for Just a little fiddling,
but If you're a mind t' come I'll give
you fifty, and Just play half notes."
Toledo Blade.
Mothers will find Mrs. WlnsloWs Soothing
Fyruo the best remedy to Use (of their ehUUrea
during the teething period.
"peltlter hasn't been very successful
with his new pnHr, has he?"
"No, I think he ougnt to change the
name of It; ought to cull It 'Advice.'"
"'Ad vice T Why?"
"Well, nobody takes It" Philadel
phia Press.
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each bngsble acre, or one second
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annum ror ,r. av.
by actual
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Creek Csasry, Ortjos