The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, August 29, 1918, Image 5

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The Mertz family will move
NOTKS A N _______
r,inUbuli‘;r1 wraM
with non'poisonous ink.
within a day or two t > a nice cot -1
Rnitful Glasses, Dr. Simones. I Mr. Mstiox, salesman for M.
A dandy line of litrlicH' house
«Smith 61 Co., Omaha, Nubr.,
dresses and aprons at Anderson's, j wus in the city Friday.
Juke Conger was badly hurt
M'*s Marcia Thatcher has sc­
one day this week at the saw mill cured work at the Martin & For-
when his le«s were caught N bes green house« east of thit ci ty
tween two logs. He is now recov-1 Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and
Natureopath. Office at A St. &
Money to loan Valley Realty 1st Ave. N. Phone 676.
Co,, Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf
Rev. Father Campiiell of St-
Those little readers in the Fx- Anthony's parish, who was at
pr es are money-makers for the [Columbia University the past
wtek, returned to this city Satur-
C. B Kittredge, a O. A. R. day.
v.-t,.ra... a,»l • iri.nd „1 the editor,
Dr. Se-
or tins paper, wie in town Wed- moms’ Classes,
nesday, calling on the Purling-; Mr. and Mrs L L Hollinger,
li ini family, wootn Mr. Kittredge form er residents of this city, now
knew bad. at Hawley, Minn.
living on a f.e rn near Vancouv< r.
We deliver ice ere.,m to any visited at t he home of the latter’s
part of the city
I ell it to phone | ■. . „ V1„
u/ -. . . ...
632. OttlceSh arer.
26 tf
. 1 V* r.." W™‘. U ‘ l * ' 1, ln tl"
A soldier couple ran in Tuesday *' .p’.'!* A1^.1 ° ' ", W .< .
afternoon and were mumed in jmaTcJ NLAC at LlUlt*r “ 1 h,ir'
the M. K. parsonage The bride-j Mrs. N. A Frost of HU shorn
groom was Jam e Webb • of » •*
As- j waH
thtf cl
cj y
was ,n
in the
y Thurs,|ay.
toria, and the bride was Miss Lo- Frogt (.xp<.cta lo move to Watts
rita Cables of Pot Hand, a former toon -...............
an(J is OIM, "f
0 t in. con mi tee
md,!e,,t ,, thU county.
helping with' the Wo u «hool
Mr. 'md Mrs. J. A Parker and I fujr
daughter, Orpha, drove to Bay! ‘ Yellow Aberdeen turnip
City last week and are visiting $1 50 per pound, at the Pacific
there with Mr. and Mrs B. J Market
19 tf
Simpson and family, former resi­
O. C. Corbin and «iaughte* ,Mr»
dent, of this citv.
P J Turner of Lincoln, Nebr.,
Co lo the Erickson garage, K. vi-iled last Thursday with Mr.
of P. building, fo your auto re- and Mrs S. L. Show just ea-t of
P|iirs, accessories tires, gas and j thiH d t y . Mw. Show an(1 thi
H. V Grub of WaiUburg.Wash., v ' U° s hav ng been neighbors in
A „
, , . Nebra ka a numb* r of years
a (#. A. R. veteran, attended the;
„ , .
, r..M
. . . , ,
Miss Beal rice Brown of Dilley
Encampment and visi'ed here in i . . . . .
. .
.. f
, ,
hel l the lucky number which
the home of his niece, Mrs Sap- ,
„ j n
, drew the Red Cross quilt at
pington. He is greatly pleased., . e „
| Lapies & Co. store Saturday
with the atientions shown him at
^ .
, ,
Order your winter s supply of
the Kncimpmcnt. Mr. Grub wa coal now of th e Forest Grove
bugler in the I t Oregon Cavalry. Planing Mill; phone 0232 30- 1 f
At Portland he met six comrades
Mr. and Mr- O. M. Sanford
whom he had nor seen since they accompanied Portland friends on
parted at the mustering out in a ti ip up the Co'umhia highway
last Sunday.
See the Round Oak wood and
Johnny Maihi ws, ihe painter,
coal range, with or without gas visited friends in Ponlarid Sun­
plate attachment, at the Gordon
Hardware Store.
George G. Hancock, real es­
A tine assortment of NuBone
farm loans and fire in s t­
and College Gi I corsets and nov­
elty waists a t Mrs. Richards’ ance, new Anderson block. 50
Novelty Shop, Pacific avenue.
While at A >to ia last week. YV
Miss Pearl Plum, a teacher at C. Benfer met Dr C K. Hawk *,
The Dalles school, visited her formerly of thw city, but now a
aunt, Mrs. Win. Langley, this physician in a spruce camp 11
mile’ out of Astoria. Dr. H iwke
Picnic packages, paper plates, -tarted in a lieutenant, but ha-
paper napkins, p a p e r towels, recently been promoied to a cap
Thermos bottles, in f »ct every­ tamey
Mrs. Hawke and daugh­
thing for your outing at Liltler’a
ter, Helen, are at the camp, but
Ed. Langley of^Santa Ana, Cali., Malcolm, lie econd son. is work
is visiting at the h >me of Mrs. mg in a Portland bank.
Dr Ward is con inuing his
Wm Dingley this week,
pr.iCi ice and is prepared toati’-wei
Willis Goff and <f(mily to o k calls both day and night Office
Mrs. Dingley and her guests to houis, from 9 to 11 a. in. and 2 o
Soda Springs, Sunday The guests 4 p. m.
A. B. Capita, the merchant,
thought the trip great and enjoyed
the timber.
spent Sunday in Sheridan.
Buy your groceries, fish, veg­
Miss**» Lizzie and Jennie Arm-
etables and second-hand house si rone lelt today for a two weeks’
hold good < of the Economy store
Dodge bldg , cor. 3d street and stay at Newport and a week’s
vi»it with Mrs. C. A. Luce at
Pacific avenue.
Remember, friends, you must Eddvville, Ore.
pay in advance to get the Express
People who purchase their
at one dollar per year. The reg monuments of Lewis & Co , Hills
ular price is $1 60. * We pay you boro, save the commission usually
50c to collect fiom yourself.
paid to agents, as this firm deals
Miss Manche Langley, who has directly with the customers. All
been trave ing with the Chautau­ monuments guaranteed satisfac
30 tf
qua this summer will return homy tory
Mr. and Mrs. J E. Farmer re­
the last of the week and will be
Friday from Portland,
at her law office next week.
Mrs. Adolph Ellers and daugh­ where the former has h«en quite
ter of Port I md were guests at the ill. Mr. Farmer is greatly im
home of the form «r’s grandfather, proved, and he and Mrs. F irmer
L. E. Smith, the last of th** week. left yesterday for Newport, where
th *y will remain for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. DeShazer of Dil­
Mr. Schroil, the auto and gar
ley were in the city Saturday
age man, met with an accident on
limber Hill last Sunday evening,
Go to F A. Moore’s store, cor­
which his car left the road and
ner Pacific Avenue and Third
street, for up-to date hair cuts turned over. Mr Sehndl was ser­
and shaves Also ice cream, cold iously bruised about the face and
drinks and lunches. Phone 181 head.
The Misses Eva Tucker and
Last week we had agents in the
Bertha Aydelott return d Friday field soliciting new readers. Re
from Boise, Idaho, where they had suits, 70 more readers than a
week ago.
been visiting relatives.
tage situated not far from the 1
laundry. This move is made in ‘
the interest of the h -alth of Mrs. j
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Mertz, who does not feel sufficient­
ly strong to care for a house so
Fruit» and Vegetables in Season
laige as the one soon to be vacat­
ed. The editor of the Express
will occupy the big Mertz house
P H O N E 70 1
on College Way.
South Main Street
Forest Grove, Ore
S L Show, living about a mile
east of town, brought to this of
fice this week two of the finest
A House Party
peaches we have ever seen. They
Prof Inlow and family have re­
measuied a plurnp ten inches in Sept. 6th and 7th eighth grade pupils
who have conditions in one or two sub­ turned from a seven-weeks' so­
ciicumference and the color of jects can w jile on these subjects at the
them surpassed the glow of the Co. Supt. ’s office on presentation o f a journ at the coast. During last
pleasant home was
statement from their parents or teach­ week thei
hou se party. A
Mr. and Mrs. E Iwin English
amount o f study on the subject to be giu.idfather,
I* ft Tuesday morning for their taken since the last examination.
auntie, from Cottage Grove,
hone at Marshall. Minn. They
as did al«o a si-ter and her
have been gues s in the home of
Friday-— Arithmetic
Writing, His­
and th.»ir ion, from Yak-
tory, Agriculture and Spelling.
Mr and Mis. il. N. Robinson.
Saturday — Physiology, Language, I ima. The lady has sung with
Little Miss Craee Ritchie has Geography, Civil Gov’ t and Reading.
|gn-at acceptability in Forest
been slaying with her grand­ Teachers who have certificates in
| Grove and she gave much pleas­
mother at Cornelius for a few force in cither states can secure per­
ure by singing at the time of the
mits until the regular examination in
December. Others who have suitable present visit. The family must
Mrs. McKay Honored
recommendations esn secure permits to have a music d trend, for Mrs. In-
The R o y a I Neighbors enter­ teach until the regular examination by low herself sings, to the great
tained last Friday evening, after taking a special examination.
pleasure of all who hear.
A .sp ec ia l examination for permits
the regular me ting, in honor of
wilt be held at the Co. Supt.’s office in
The buttons for the Fourth
Mr«. At McKay, who will leave Hillsboro, Sept. 6 and 7.
Loan drive are arriving.
so<>n for North Dakota where she
N. A. FROST, Co. School Supt. .
slightly smaller than the
will spend three months. There
n , ,
, .-
• . . .
, •
, , ,
Public sale bills print« d at the last. The design is a rectangle of
was a pleasant social hour and a Express office.
good program, and an appetizing J prank Jom^ bnX maker at the white bordered wi t h red and
cros ed by four blue stripes.
'inch was served.^.
i, loi.i
condenser, i»
laid ..„
up with blood
Framed Columbia highway
| poisoning in on» of his fingeis.
scenes at the Book Sto-e.
Mr., and M r s . B. S. French
Notice o f Sheriff's Sale
and little son, Earl, and Miss
; Loui e Freeman started for a va­ Notice is hereby given that by virtue
Ben Heesaeker, in charge of the
of an execution, judgment order, de­
cation at the coast Monday.
cree and order o f sale, issued out o f
m: cadam work between Forest
Grove and Banks, expect? to fin 1 In oihe. types ol motors—the and under the seal o f the Circiiit
ish ihe work for 1918 by the first T-heari and L head types—gaso Court o f Washington County, Oregon,
of next week, the fund by that |hn e's exploded in a side chamber to me directed and dated July 30, 1918,
lime lieing exhausted.
In the I—the force or impube mu-t trav upon a judgment rendered and entered
neighborhood o ten thousand “ I a short distance at an ang e to in said Court on J u l y 19, 1918,
dollar'will have heen expended, ,ea,’K ihe piston head, lhusit in favor o f George Kieni, plaintiff, and
and anoi her year will see the road s,rik'* a glancing blow. It has against Chancey Barney, Bessie V.
completed between th«- two places, the same inefT*ctiveneS' of a blow Barney and East Side Slabwood Com­
The matter of hauling is a big delivered on the edge of a nail- pany. a corporation, defendants, for
matter, as Hie trucks can vet the b<>ad. It is this difference in the sum o f $700.00, with jr.terest at the
rock to the roads at a small per motors that makes po-sible low rate o f 7 per cent per annum from
! Chevrolet gasoline consumption January 1, 1917, and the sum o f $75.00
cent, of the cost by teaming.
attorney’s fees and the costs and dis­
About $9.000 will be spent on It means all the diffe-ence in the bursements herein taxed at $18.50 and
the North Plains road, and about
the costs o f and upon said writ, and
$10,000 on the Banks, Forest it explains why people who have commanding me to make sale o f the
Grove route.
CHEVROLET, entirely a S i d C ' foilowing-described real property, to-
Ft eight« on the S. P. being fr0m the iniial low price of the wit;
A ll o f Lot numbered Thirty-two (32)
higher this vear than last has cut CHEVROLET. If t hi s differ
into road affairs, a car now cost ipnce rmans anything to you, a in the BRUGGER TR A C T , containing
ing $34 43 as attains’ $10 p< r last demonstration of any CHEVRO- 10 acres, more or less, and situated in
eas. n The truck« whl be u«ed LET model will prdVe its gen- section 17. T. 1 N. R. 1 W. o f the W ill
on all future work, and this will .uineness. And the demon-tration Mer., according to the duly recorded
mean a considerable saving is gladly yours any time you re­ plat o f said BRUGGER TR A C T, said
Laurel will furnish the roek for quest it. JOE WILES, Distrib­ land being in Washington County, Ore­
the Hillsboro laurel work. Hills­ utor for Washington and Colum­ gon.
boro Atgus.
1 will, on Saturday, August 31, 1918.
bia Counties
| Macadam and Rock
Work Being Rushed
Produce More Food
Septem ber 5, 6, 7, 1918
On the Cotton, Rutpg and Phoenix Ranches
at 10 o ’ clock A. M., at the south door
o f the Court house, in Hillsboro, Ore­
gon, sell at public auction (subject to
redemption) to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, all the right, title and
interest which the within named de­
fendants, and each o f them had on
June 12, 1915, the date o f the mortgage
herein foreclosed, or since said date
had in and to the above described real
property, or any part thereof, to satis­
fy said execution, judgment order and
decree, interest, costs and accruing
Dated this August 1, 1918.
GEO. A L E X A N D E R ,
Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore­
H. T. B A G LE Y , Attorney.
First pub. Aug. 1; last, Aug. 29.
Y o u ’l l
find more tobacco sat­
isfaction in the condensed
R eal G ravely Chewing Plug
than in a
piece of ordi­
nary tobacco.
Successor to
l M I__
In First National Bank Building
Residence 332
Peyton Brand
Real Gravely
Chewing Plug
10c a pouch -on t/ worth it
G r a v e ly la tto r o m a c h to n f e r it coste
m o m o re to ehe w tita n o r d in a r y p b tg
P. B. Gravai? Tobacco Company
Dan villa, Virginia
Office 333
D. & M. B. B UM P
Attorneys at Law
Loans and Real Estate
Forest Grove.
Phone 444
Residence Hillsboro
Offices— H I L LS BO RO
N .H O F F M A N
Attorney At Law
Patent Office Business Solicited
Forest Grove,