"IW ------- --------------- - The Mertz family will move NOTKS A N _______ D PERSONALS pern Tht‘!ilxpre'**p r,inUbuli‘;r1 wraM with non'poisonous ink. within a day or two t > a nice cot -1 Rnitful Glasses, Dr. Simones. I Mr. Mstiox, salesman for M. A dandy line of litrlicH' house «Smith 61 Co., Omaha, Nubr., dresses and aprons at Anderson's, j wus in the city Friday. Juke Conger was badly hurt M'*s Marcia Thatcher has sc­ one day this week at the saw mill cured work at the Martin & For- when his le«s were caught N bes green house« east of thit ci ty tween two logs. He is now recov-1 Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and mK- Natureopath. Office at A St. & Money to loan Valley Realty 1st Ave. N. Phone 676. Co,, Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf Rev. Father Campiiell of St- Those little readers in the Fx- Anthony's parish, who was at pr es are money-makers for the [Columbia University the past wtek, returned to this city Satur- C. B Kittredge, a O. A. R. day. v.-t,.ra... a,»l • iri.nd „1 the editor, curKl Dr. Se- or tins paper, wie in town Wed- moms’ Classes, nesday, calling on the Purling-; Mr. and Mrs L L Hollinger, li ini family, wootn Mr. Kittredge form er residents of this city, now knew bad. at Hawley, Minn. living on a f.e rn near Vancouv< r. We deliver ice ere.,m to any visited at t he home of the latter’s part of the city I ell it to phone | ■. . „ V1„ u/ -. . . ... 632. OttlceSh arer. 26 tf . 1 V* r.." W™‘. U ‘ l * ' 1, ln tl" A soldier couple ran in Tuesday *' .p’.'!* A1^.1 ° ' ", W .< . afternoon and were mumed in jmaTcJ NLAC at LlUlt*r “ 1 h,ir' the M. K. parsonage The bride-j Mrs. N. A Frost of HU shorn groom was Jam e Webb • of » •* As- j waH thtf cl cj y M(,v was ,n in the y Thurs,|ay. I toria, and the bride was Miss Lo- Frogt (.xp<.cta lo move to Watts rita Cables of Pot Hand, a former toon -............... an(J is OIM, "f 0 t in. con mi tee md,!e,,t ,, thU county. helping with' the Wo u «hool Mr. 'md Mrs. J. A Parker and I fujr daughter, Orpha, drove to Bay! ‘ Yellow Aberdeen turnip City last week and are visiting $1 50 per pound, at the Pacific there with Mr. and Mrs B. J Market 19 tf Simpson and family, former resi­ O. C. Corbin and «iaughte* ,Mr» dent, of this citv. P J Turner of Lincoln, Nebr., Co lo the Erickson garage, K. vi-iled last Thursday with Mr. of P. building, fo your auto re- and Mrs S. L. Show just ea-t of P|iirs, accessories tires, gas and j thiH d t y . Mw. Show an(1 thi H. V Grub of WaiUburg.Wash., v ' U° s hav ng been neighbors in A „ . .. , , . Nebra ka a numb* r of years a (#. A. R. veteran, attended the; „ , . .. , r..M ,, - , . . . , , Miss Beal rice Brown of Dilley Encampment and visi'ed here in i . . . . . . . . .. f , , , . ,, hel l the lucky number which the home of his niece, Mrs Sap- , „ j n ... ’ . , drew the Red Cross quilt at pington. He is greatly pleased., . e „ 7 . , . | Lapies & Co. store Saturday with the atientions shown him at ^ . . , , , Order your winter s supply of the Kncimpmcnt. Mr. Grub wa coal now of th e Forest Grove bugler in the I t Oregon Cavalry. Planing Mill; phone 0232 30- 1 f At Portland he met six comrades Mr. and Mr- O. M. Sanford whom he had nor seen since they accompanied Portland friends on parted at the mustering out in a ti ip up the Co'umhia highway 1866. last Sunday. See the Round Oak wood and Johnny Maihi ws, ihe painter, coal range, with or without gas visited friends in Ponlarid Sun­ plate attachment, at the Gordon day. Hardware Store. George G. Hancock, real es­ A tine assortment of NuBone tate. farm loans and fire in s t­ and College Gi I corsets and nov­ elty waists a t Mrs. Richards’ ance, new Anderson block. 50 Novelty Shop, Pacific avenue. While at A >to ia last week. YV Miss Pearl Plum, a teacher at C. Benfer met Dr C K. Hawk *, The Dalles school, visited her formerly of thw city, but now a aunt, Mrs. Win. Langley, this physician in a spruce camp 11 week mile’ out of Astoria. Dr. H iwke Picnic packages, paper plates, -tarted in a lieutenant, but ha- paper napkins, p a p e r towels, recently been promoied to a cap Thermos bottles, in f »ct every­ tamey Mrs. Hawke and daugh­ thing for your outing at Liltler’a ter, Helen, are at the camp, but Pharmacy. Ed. Langley of^Santa Ana, Cali., Malcolm, lie econd son. is work is visiting at the h >me of Mrs. mg in a Portland bank. Dr Ward is con inuing his Wm Dingley this week, pr.iCi ice and is prepared toati’-wei Willis Goff and n for North Dakota where she N. A. FROST, Co. School Supt. . They are slightly smaller than the will spend three months. There n , , , .- • . . . , • , , , , Public sale bills print« d at the last. The design is a rectangle of was a pleasant social hour and a Express office. good program, and an appetizing J prank Jom^ bnX maker at the white bordered wi t h red and cros ed by four blue stripes. 'inch was served. ..nn.ia.is^. i, loi.i condenser, i» laid ..„ up with blood Framed Columbia highway | poisoning in on» of his fingeis. scenes at the Book Sto-e. Mr., and M r s . B. S. French Notice o f Sheriff's Sale and little son, Earl, and Miss ; Loui e Freeman started for a va­ Notice is hereby given that by virtue Ben Heesaeker, in charge of the of an execution, judgment order, de­ cation at the coast Monday. cree and order o f sale, issued out o f m: cadam work between Forest Grove and Banks, expect? to fin 1 In oihe. types ol motors—the and under the seal o f the Circiiit ish ihe work for 1918 by the first T-heari and L head types—gaso Court o f Washington County, Oregon, of next week, the fund by that |hn e's exploded in a side chamber to me directed and dated July 30, 1918, lime lieing exhausted. In the I—the force or impube mu-t trav upon a judgment rendered and entered neighborhood o ten thousand “ I a short distance at an ang e to in said Court on J u l y 19, 1918, dollar'will have heen expended, ,ea,’K ihe piston head, lhusit in favor o f George Kieni, plaintiff, and and anoi her year will see the road s,rik'* a glancing blow. It has against Chancey Barney, Bessie V. completed between th«- two places, the same inefT*ctiveneS' of a blow Barney and East Side Slabwood Com­ The matter of hauling is a big delivered on the edge of a nail- pany. a corporation, defendants, for matter, as Hie trucks can vet the b<>ad. It is this difference in the sum o f $700.00, with jr.terest at the rock to the roads at a small per motors that makes po-sible low rate o f 7 per cent per annum from ! Chevrolet gasoline consumption January 1, 1917, and the sum o f $75.00 cent, of the cost by teaming. attorney’s fees and the costs and dis­ About $9.000 will be spent on It means all the diffe-ence in the bursements herein taxed at $18.50 and world in your pocket-book And the North Plains road, and about the costs o f and upon said writ, and $10,000 on the Banks, Forest it explains why people who have commanding me to make sale o f the a respect for money select the Grove route. CHEVROLET, entirely a S i d C ' foilowing-described real property, to- Ft eight« on the S. P. being fr0m the iniial low price of the wit; A ll o f Lot numbered Thirty-two (32) higher this vear than last has cut CHEVROLET. If t hi s differ into road affairs, a car now cost ipnce rmans anything to you, a in the BRUGGER TR A C T , containing ing $34 43 as attains’ $10 p< r last demonstration of any CHEVRO- 10 acres, more or less, and situated in eas. n The truck« whl be u«ed LET model will prdVe its gen- section 17. T. 1 N. R. 1 W. o f the W ill on all future work, and this will .uineness. And the demon-tration Mer., according to the duly recorded mean a considerable saving is gladly yours any time you re­ plat o f said BRUGGER TR A C T, said Laurel will furnish the roek for quest it. JOE WILES, Distrib­ land being in Washington County, Ore­ the Hillsboro laurel work. Hills­ utor for Washington and Colum­ gon. boro Atgus. 1 will, on Saturday, August 31, 1918. bia Counties | Macadam and Rock Work Being Rushed PRESIDENT W ILS O N ’S A P P E A L Produce More Food GREAT TRACTOR and IMPLEMENT DEMONSTRATION PORTLAND, OREGON Septem ber 5, 6, 7, 1918 On the Cotton, Rutpg and Phoenix Ranches at 10 o ’ clock A. M., at the south door o f the Court house, in Hillsboro, Ore­ gon, sell at public auction (subject to redemption) to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named de­ fendants, and each o f them had on June 12, 1915, the date o f the mortgage herein foreclosed, or since said date had in and to the above described real property, or any part thereof, to satis­ fy said execution, judgment order and decree, interest, costs and accruing Cv.«»«. Dated this August 1, 1918. GEO. A L E X A N D E R , Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore­ gon. H. T. B A G LE Y , Attorney. First pub. Aug. 1; last, Aug. 29. r Y o u ’l l find more tobacco sat­ isfaction in the condensed R eal G ravely Chewing Plug than in a piece of ordi­ nary tobacco. DR. H. C. FORTNER Successor to DR. H. W. V O LLM E R thick I l M I__ m O FFIC E In First National Bank Building Telehones Residence 332 a Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch -on t/ worth it G r a v e ly la tto r o m a c h to n f e r it coste m o m o re to ehe w tita n o r d in a r y p b tg P. B. Gravai? Tobacco Company Dan villa, Virginia Office 333 D. & M. B. B UM P Attorneys at Law Loans and Real Estate D. D. BUMP, Residence Forest Grove. Phone 444 J M. B. BUMP, Residence Hillsboro Offices— H I L LS BO RO N .H O F F M A N Attorney At Law Patent Office Business Solicited Forest Grove, - Oregon