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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1918)
SOME RAILROADS FACE RUIN OF H O T WEEK Ten Thousand Miles o f Lines Bankruptcy, Is Report. Near Washington, I). C.— Because of the railroad administration's attitude to ward the short Hue railroads of the country, 10,000 miles of lines belong ing to smaller companies are now on the verge of bankruptcy and threaten to suspend operations, representatives of the short lines told the senate In terstate commerce committee Monday. They urged an amendment to pro vent relinquishment of short lines while control of competing trunk lines Is retained. O stars of Freedom’s banner bright Hen H. King, of Dallas, Tex., mem That clustered shine in field of blue. her of the executive committee of the American Short Line association, said From faint, far depths of heaven's height Events o f Noted People, Governments the operating Income of his road, the First Stage o f Austrian Offensive on Gulf, Texas & Western railroad, has Your constellated fires you drew! been reduced about 50 per cent since and Pacific Northweat and Other 100-Mile Line Ends in Total Fail From starry ways of ages down the government took control of rail You bring the light of old renown! ure Enemy Loss I ho ,ooo. Thinga Worth Knowing. roads because much of the freight shipments which formerly passed over Greece first your dawn bright radiance that line are now being routed over knew government-controlled roads which When Freedom’s star rose o’er the Charles J. McCarthy was Tuesday- compete with that one. Rome.— On the Plave river front deep, inaugurated as governor of the terri from the Montello to the Adriatic, the tory of Hawaii, succeeding Lucius E. And Athens’ glory full orbed grew defeated Austro Hungarians aro re- Plnkham. When Parthenon crowned the Acrop crosslng the river In disorder, says olis steep. the Italian official statement Issued President Wilson will deliver a The fame of Greece then brightly shone Fourth of July address at Mount Ver Sunday. The enemy Is being closely With splendor since through ages non, Va.. In .connection with a cele pursued by the Italian troops. known. bration in which representatives of Washington Relieves Teuton Plans Are allied nations will participate. But kindled by Promethean fire Upset Germans Kush Troops Italian Army Headquarters In North Discontinuance of instruction in Ger ern Italy — From Montello to the sea O’er other lands rose Freedom's to Aid Austria. man at the University of Denver was the enemy has been defeated and stars. announced Wednesday. During the forced by the Italians to recross the Unquenched by blood, they still aspire second semester of this year only 50 Plave river In disorder. Washington, D. C.—Germany's en Where far beyond the old world students enrolled In the German class tire offensive programme may have The first phase of the Austrian o f bars es. been upset. In the opinion of somo fensive has ended In failure— In de They rose above the new world bright Clarence Young of the American officers here, by the crushing defeat feat. The culmination of what was And blent as one their kindred light aviation forces, while making a flight, of the Austrians along the Plave river. Intended to bn the crushing of Italy O fficial reports reaching Washing between the Jaws of the Austrian was compelled to descend within the Long may these stars undimmed still Austrian lines His comrades have ton bear out the picture of the Aus pincers Is the rout of the Invaders. shine With their bucks to the swollen assured headquarters he was not in trian disaster given In press accounts from Italy, although the full extent of Plave the Austrians for several days In Freedom’s glorious galaxy! jured. the Italian success Is not yet apparent. punt had been trying to ward o ff the Long may our land still be the shrine Representatives of civic organiza It Is regarded as certain, however, vicious counterattacks of tho Ital To all the world of Liberty, Now tions o f Washington, Oregon and that the central powers have been ians and savo the situation. Whose statue stands at Freedom's Idaho, at a conference in Seattle Mon dealt a blow that will further shake they are endeavoring and still under gates day, adopted a plan <>f organization for the morale of their people and prob- great pressure, to ford the stream and zone industrial commission of the ubly will compel the German high reuch safety on the eastern bank. And for the coming millions waits! war industries board. From the Montello plateau to the command to make a complete read — H. T. SuJJuth in New Yorl( World. Adriatic sea tho enemy Is In retreat. justment of its plans In Frsnce. Mexican sisal growers have entered Secretary Baker showed the signif Already his losses ure estimated at into an agreement with the food ad icance attached here to the defeat of 180,00(1 nu'ii nnd the chances of his ' fuel employed, for anthracite coni from ministration to sell in this country the Austrians when he dispatched a escape without additional heavy casu Wilkesbarre region was floated down 500.000 bales of this year's sisal crop telegram to the American ambassador alties aud men made prisoner seem at a price 3 cent- .i pound below that at Rome for transmission to the Ital remote. the Susquehanna and hauled In wagons received last year. I>argo numbers of the pontoon ian minister of war. from Harris’ Ferry (Harrisburg) to Coal dealers and distributors are , Mr. Bakers message was sent be- bridges that the Austrians threw this point. Tills was the first use of ?*H‘ ,,‘‘<T*’ tary had received addl- across the Plave have been swept such coal, on such a scnle. and for in prohibited In a fuel administration away by the now torrential stream, 4 ° na th« ,,al,a" front dustrial purposes.” Evidence o f the order from adding to ihc price of coal showing that the retirement was n and on ail the sectors of the 33 mile they now have on hand the freight large force o f workmen employed Is disorganized rout. There is no doubt front where they gained edges of the found in a meat bill, dated February 7 rate Increases on this commodity here now that the victory will prove Venetlnn plateau they are being soro- which became effective Tuesday. 1781. for lot) head of beef cnttle tc to bo one of tho most decisive in char ly harassed by the fire of the Italian • guns and rifles and by the machine supply the artificers and others at The Dublin police have seized 40,- acter of the whole war. Army officers agreed with the view gun fir*» and bombs of tho allied avl- Carlisle, Pa., Claims to Have Had Washingtonburg, at the “ Continental 000 rounds of ammunition found in a consignment of grain In the Smith expressed by Mr. Baker that the de- ators who have done such notable exe Within Its Limits a Station of Im works near Carlisle.” cution since the attempted drive was The contention Is that this military field market. . I t is believed the con-j feat could not help but Influence great started. portance That Antedates the Nation signment formed a part of a cargo of j ly the course of events in France. It post was the first place In the United al Capital by Many Years— Made Monster preparations had been tnado arms and ammunition landed on the is regarded as vital from the German ; States to be named for Washington northern coast some time ago. First Move for American Liberty. point of view that the Italian front be by tho Austrians for what was to be and that Its existence antedates bj made secure before German designs In the death blow to King Victor Em A Washington dispatch says the en France can be prosecuted to their full manuel's men. A R LISLE , Pa., claims to have years Washington. D. C. Thousands upon thousands o f men. When General Washington was It tente allies are earnestly seeking a so est development. had within its limits the first lution of the Russion problem— one While there Is imminent danger that many of them brought from the Rus Carlisle during the whisky rebellion place (Washingtonburg) In the that will assist President Wilson in the Austro-Hungarian government may sian and Roumanian fronts, and guns United States to be named for he, with Alexander Hamilton, wor the execution of his pledge to "stand collapse. Germany cannot devote her and stores In tremendous quantities shiped In the “ Old Presbyterian Meet George Washington and to have the behind Russia” — and latest reports self wholly to the task she has under had been parceled among the various oldest meeting house west of the Sus ing House” on the public square In from Europe Indicate that progress is taken of forcing victory In the west commanders for the drive over a bat quehanna, wherein the germ of Ameri Carlisle, and It was In this identical being made. before American man power can swing tle arc of virtually 100 miles, running meeting house, on July 12. 1774, a year from the Aslngo plateau to the I’ iave can liberty was conceived. the scales finally against her. Lloyd George, in discussing the war For this reason, both at the war and then to the sea. Access to hidden records and facts before the Mecklenburg declaration, a situation Monday In the house of com Aiding the Italians in the mountains long buried in state archives is re public meeting o f patriotic citizen? mons, referred to the amazing organi department and In the diplomatic cir were British and French armies. Ter- cles, there was much speculation as gathered from the town and surround writing history and a lately discovered zation which was bringing American to the moves to support Austria al rltory taken In the mountains was al “ Uncompleted Paper” by the late ing country, condemned the act o f thf troops to France. "Enough Americans." ready taken by the German high com most as quickly regained and the en Christian P. Humrich, Esq., discloses British parliament Hnd urged vigorou? he added, "have arrived to satisfy the mand. There is little doubt that re emy held in check. the fact that on the present site of the measures to correct the wrong. Col. allies and to disappoint and ultimately ports of large German troop move- Along tho Plave. especially on the United States Indian school at Car John Montgomery was the presiding defeat our foes.” rnents to Italy are well founded, as It Montello plateau, tho gatoway to the lisle in prerevolutionary times was an officer. James Wilson was present and American troops on the Marne front is believed the situation must be re Venetian plains from the northeast, establishment o f “ recognized impor was appointed one of the members of Monday night captured the northwest stored there at all costs unless the and at several points farther south, tance, and o f great historical interest,” the committee to meet with other com ern part of Belleu Wood. The Am eri whole German Influence is to fall of where tho Austrians succeeded In crossing the river, the Italians every mittees to take action, lie was Inter a cans cleared this strategic position of its own weight. known as Washingtonburg. where imposed such strength against No record is found In state or coun member o f the Continental congress, n all Germans, captured some prisoners the enemy that he was unable to en U-Boat Sinks Troopship. signer of the Declaration and a justice and took five machine guns. The ty of its existence, but research shows large hlH gains nnd then, with re Washington, D. C.— A troopship re that it was quite an important place o f the Supreme court. Wing's history Americans are now in complete posses turning from Europe was torpedoed doubled efforts, forced him to com sion of the woods. states, “ and when In the Continental and more than a suburb of Carlisle. and sunk by a U-boat 700 miles off mence the retrograde movement which It was a national and not a state es- congress he received instructions from More than 700 men of draft age were the Delaware capes on June 18. Three has developed into disordered flight. his constituents in Cumberland county rounded up by the New York police in boats carrying 67 members of the to advocate an entire separation from the Brownsville district of Brooklyn crew are unaccounted for. There were Hoard to Fix Streetcar Fares. the mother country. This was prob Tuesday and questioned concerning no troops aboard. Washington, D. C. — Tho national Reports indicate that the submarine war labor hoard announced Sunday ably the first utterance of that sent! their registration cards. The raid was prompted by local draft officers, who was not seen until after the torpedo that after the hearings beginning Mon inent of the country." were disappointed in the registration struck the Bhlp. Tho crew took to day It will adopt a definite policy on Bancroft's Tribute to Wilson. of June 4. the boats after the vessel settled and the question of the ability of street Bancroft says of Wilson : “ He was ar it was futile to use the guns. The railway companies to pay wage In The accusation that Alonza Sargent, U-boat appeared on the surface and ardent patriot, like many other eml creases to employes without Increas nent men of that day— not at first engineer of the empty troop train fired 19 shots Into the ship. ing fares. The board will also deter which crashed Into the Hagenbeck- The crew of 148 got away from the mine a minimum wage rate based on avowedly in favor of severance from Wallace circus sleepers near Gary, vessel in seven boats, four of which the Increased cost of living. the mother country, but he desired It Ind„ causing the death of 85 persons, "It Is the Intention of the board that when he received definite instruction was asleep at his throttle, was made have been landed. The total rescued so far is given as 81 men. Tw o boat It will adopt a definite policy on the from his constituents.” Tuesday by J. McFadden, attorney for loads arrived by steamer at New question of ability to pay on the basis Bellman, writing o f the potency ol the Michigan Central railway. York; one by steamer at Hampton of facts and arguments presented at this meeting held in the “ Old Meeting Roads, and one by sailing vessel at their hearing, which will bo an open A proclamation issued Tuesday de House” on July 12, 1774 says: “ The Bermuda. one.” clares the seaport of Tralee, County influence, therefore, o f the meeting, ot Says the announcement: "T h e for Kerry, Ireland, to be a special military o f subsequent Instructions to which II area. This means the same system of mulation of such a policy, whatever It Spanish Ship Is Held Up. gave rise, seems to have determined martial law has been applied to Tralee happens to be, will bo a matter of Madrid.— The captain of the Spanish great Importance to tho cities of the the action of Pennsylvania In that as has been enforced In the County great crisis which men even like John Clare. Permits w ill be necessary for sailing vessel Joaqulma reports that country generally, but especially to Dickinson were too timid or too cow persons to enter the prescribed dis his ship, which sailed from Cuba, was those cities whero wage controversies trict. held up by a submarine, which de exist between tho street railway eor- ardly to meet.” poratlons and their operatives. Coun The vote o f James Wilson deter The Austrians have been able to clined to examine tho ship's papers. sel representing these companies, as The vessel was sunk and the crew mined the vote o f Pennsylvania. Had make virtually no progress against the well as counsel for tho respective mu Pennsylvania failed to accept the reso British forces holding an important was afloat for five days, being rescued nicipalities and tho employes’ organi o ff the coast of Africa. The vessel lution we today would he under an section o f the line on the Italian front, which picked them up landed all at zations will be heard upon the point.” says a Ixtndon dispatch Thursday. other flag. Gibraltar except the captain. A dis Philadelphia may be considered “ The James Wilson. Drenching rains on the Flathead patch from Paris May 22 said that the Motor Mail Service Pays. birthplace o f American liberty,” but Joaqulma had been found abandoned. tnblishment, for “ Col. Flower, Commis Its conception In the “ Old Presbyterian reservation, Montana, have saved a Washington, D. C.— Motor mall serv sary-General of Military Stores,” re Meeting House,” In Carlisle, Cumber probable wheat crop o f 2,000,000 bush Huns Sink 614,000 Tons. ice, showing a surplus of $200,000 for els just as farmers were gettin g ready quests that lie might have “ Carpenters, land county, Pennsylvania, made ft Amsterdam.— Ship tonnage sunk by to turn stock into their fields, accord- German submarines In the month of the first six months of Its operation, Fnrrlers, Gun Smiths, Tinmen,- Sad possible to bo bom. warrants Immediate legislation for ing'to reports. May amounted to 614,000 gross tons, road construction that w ill extend tho dlers and Shoemakers” for work at The Scoteh-Irlsh part In the Revolu this place. Only five minutes were required for according to an official statement Is service throughout tho United States, tionary war and the events preceding sued at Berlin. Tho claim also was Coal Used Industrially. it Is becoming more apparent nnd Im passage Thursday by the senate o f the made that, in addition, badly damaged James I. Blakslee, assistant postmas Dr. Charles F. Himes o f Dickinson portant, and the actions taken lr. the annual general pension bill, carrying ships with a tonnage of 56,000 were ter general Monday told the house college w rites: "It was, too, an up-to- Presbyterian meeting houses through $220,000,000, the largest pension taken to ports of tho entente allies In postofflce committee considering a resolution authorizing tho postofflce date, or rather, away-ahead-of-date, out Pennsylvania are vital to historic measure by $12,000,000 in the govern April, besides the losses already an department to build highways as a ment’s history. establishment, at least in regard to recital. nounced for that month. part of a national system. Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. Big Defeat Suffered All Along Piave River Front. COMPILED FOR YOU ITALY PRESSES MOVE AUSTRIAN ROUT IS BLOW TO GERMANY MILITARY POST THAT WAS NAMED FOR WASHINGTON C