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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1918)
WORLD M IN G S OF CURRENT WEEK AUSTRIAN DRIVE IS CHECKED NOTED SINN FEINER TAKEN MONTANA FORESTS ABLAZE W ashington B elie'cs Offensive is To O’Leary. President of Vmerlcan T ruth Karlv S ta rt Believed to Portend Much Damage Town la Threatened. Society, Hiding st Sara, Wash. Offset Internal D istrust. • W ashington, D. C. — W ith p racti Jerem iah A. O’Leary, president of cally all reports Tuesday indicating the American Truth Society, sought th at the A ustrian drive had been since May 7 in every corner of the checked, officers here discussed the United S ta tes following his indictm ent Resume Most Important situation w ith an increasing a ir of for spying and treason under the es optim ism . pionage act, in New York, und his Daily News Items. In some quarters it is believed th at subsequent sensational escape on the these operations may have a decided effect upon the situation on the w est eve of his tria l for publishing seditious ern front. articles, was arrested last Thursday There is a strong feeling th a t if the A ustrian drive breaks down the Ita l night a few miles from Cortland. Affiliations with the Sinn Fein or ians wil! launch a counter offensive on ganization and publication of attack s a large scale. In th at event officials are certain on the U nited States governm ent in Events of Noted People, Governments th at Germany would rush divisions of his m agazine known as “ B ull,” not to her troops to aid her ally because of and Pacific N orthwest and Other the effect an Italian success would mention an incendiary letter to Presi Things W orth Knowing. have upon the already turbulent in ter dent Wilson ami other acts of alleged nal situation in A ustria. treason and sedition, are charged up to Some officers are confident th at the O ’Leary. lack of success for the A ustrians now Turkish troops have occupied Tabriz, H is arrest, which took place a t Sara, disclosed already has resulted in a n e x t to Teheran the largest city in W ash., on th e Columbia river, was shifting of the German forces on the Persia, according to a Turkish official w estern front in preparation to rush effected in dram atic manner only a fte r statem en t dated June 14. Several divisions to the Italian front to prop th ree shots had been tired. governm ent agents and u |x>sse of men Six subm arines built for the Chilean up weak spots in case of a counter in civilian dress were in the arrestin g governm ent in the United S tates a r drive. rived Sunday a t the port of Ballenita. While there is any doubt in the party, and secrecy shrouded th eir Ecuador. They left an A tlantic port minds of the German leaders as to the movements in order th at no possible in the U nited S tates May 25. progress of events in Italy a consider interference m ight result to thw art able force of German shock troops will his retu rn to the Fast. All new crops have been ordered If the prisoner was brought to P o rt be kept out of the w estern front fight requisitioned by the Hungarian gov land it was only to catch a train. ing and held a t points in Germany ernm ent, according to a report from Secret service operatives and other Budapest. All flour m ills have been where they can be hastened to Italy if officers of Portland who have l»een needed. Some officers say the lull in put underjgovernm ent supervision. the w est may be due in p a rt a t least seeking O’Leary since May 21, when The entire estate in this country of to the fact th a t the Germans feel it an urg en t appeal went out from Chief DeWoody, of New York, were not ad Mrs. Lily Busch, widow of Adolphus necessary to aw ait developments. vised o f the capture, and it was made Busch, late m illionaire brewer, of St. There are indications th a t the blow Louis, has been taken over by the gov was struck more in an effort to offset known by telegraph from New York ernm ent under the alien property law. internal disturbances in A ustria-H un only a fte r the prisoner was h alf way across the continent on his way to the Major General Leonard Wood lost gary than because a prepared plan had E astern city. his fight to go to France in command been worked out. O ’L eary ’s arrest was effected a t a o f troops, tem porarily a t least, when little chicken ranch, afte r he had been orders were issued Wednesday re in hiding in Portland several weeks. assigning him to train'troops at Camp He had appeared there as a man who Funston. Kansas. “ knew the business.” Eleven men were in the posse which Award of the French cross of w ar to closed in on him, probably as large a P riv ate W. J. Guyton as the first Nation-W ide Blow H its W ar Order U nited S tates Secret service squad as Am erican soldier to be killed on Ger Plot to O btain Illegal Commis has“operated together a t one tim e in man soil, is announced by General P er this p art of the country in years. shing. Guyton belonged to the Amer sions — Government Acts. ican force operating in the Vosges. Brief COMPILED FOR YOU U. S. MAKES GRAFT RAIDS EVERYWHERE Missoula, Mont. With acorea of fires. Home covering large arena and blazing unchecked, others small ami yet w ithin control, burning in dry for eats of W estern Montana anti N orthern Idaho, the fire situation in the te rri tory embraced w ithin d istrict No. 1 of the Forest service is the most acute th a t it has ever been a t this tim e of the year, forestry officials declare. Indications point to a fire season worst» than th a t o f 1917, they said, since it iB s ta rtin g fully a month e a r lier. More than 500 men are fighting fires in the national forests of this d istrict, 150 of them enguged in un effort to save the town of Essex, in the Flat- head forest, on the G reat N orthern railw ay. One hundred others are fighting a fire near Belton, at the west end of Glacier National Park. Two hundred and fifty men are still fighting the fire on Marble creek, neur the St. Joe forest in N orthern Idaho, where thousands of acres of valuable privately owned tnnl>er land are !>eing burned over. The blaze was declared to he the w orst in the district. O ther fires were reported on Canyon Ferry Gulch, at the west end of Hell- gate canyon, in the Helena forest; on Deep creek, in the I s j I o fo rest; in the B itter Root m ountains and in the Cab inet forest. RUSS-SLAV FACTION ASKS AID OF ALLIES Formal Appeal Made to America to Send Expedition to Halt lluns Cadets Send Message. AUSTRIANS START GREAT OFFENSIVE Drive Extends From Plateau of Asiago to Sea in Italy. RESISTANCE STRONG Advance Into Defensive Area Draws Sm ashing Blowrs From Defend ers Attack Seems Failure. Rome.—The A ustrians began a great offensive at 7 o'clock Huturduy m orn ing on the front from the Asiago 1’lateuu to the sea. This announcem ent was made In the cham ber of deputies by Prem ier Or lando, who added: "Our troops are everyw here re sist ing m agnificently. "N early tho whole of our front Is engaged, as the o f f e n s i v e extends with extrem e violence from Astlco to the llrenta, from the H renta to the 1‘lavn and along tho I'lave everywhere, In volving the Astlco Plateau, the Mount Urappa sector anil tho Plalu.” The Italian and allied arm ies are bravely sustaining the weight of the A ustrian forces which are attacking ulong the front of the Italian th eater from t h e northw est of t h e Asiago plutuau eastw ard to the Plave river und thence ulong th at stream to where It Joins t h e h e a d w a t e r s or t h e Adri atic sea, a front of nearly 100 tnllee. The A ustrians arc striving to dr bouch from th« m ountain passes and cross the Plave riv er and gain the Venetian plains. In the Initial struggl the enemy succeeded In capturing severul front line positions In the m ountain region from tho B ritish und also In crossing the Plave. Counter s 'ta rk s , however, have re stored all the positions In the moun tains. Including territo ry to a depth of 1000 yards along a 2500-yard front raptured from the British. At last accounts the allied troops everywhere were strongly holding tho enem y and King Victor Em m anuel's men were gallsntly striv in g to throw back the Invaders across the Plave. The Italian s have taken more than 3000 A ustrian prisoners, among them 89 officers. Tho Vienna war office announces th at up to noon Sunday m o r e than 10,000 Italian, English and f r a n t i s I- dlers and a considerable num ber of guns had b e e n captured. W ashington, I). C. — An appeal to the ITnited S tates and the allies to sent! an expeditionary force to Russia to repel the German invaders, forw ard ed by the central com m ittee of the Cadet party in Russia, was tran sm itted to the S tate departm ent Wednesday by the Russian embassy. I t is asked th a t the expedition, if Because of an unprecedented short W ashington, D. C. — A nation-wide sent, be put under international control age of w ater in the Okanogan reclam a conspiracy between m anufacturers and to guarantee the rig h ts of Russia. tion project in N orthern W ashington, contractors’ agents in W ashington to The Cadet party, as it is popularly th e departm ent of the Interior has solicit governm ent w ar orders under called, is composed of the C onstitu asked congress for an appropriation of an agreem ent to pay commissions ille tional Democrats who were first in $125,000 to pump w ater from a dis gally to the agents was disclosed Tues Six Billions More in Bonds Likely in power a fte r the overthrow of the Ro tance. day by the departm ent of Ju stice. October — Blocks of $750,000,000 manoff dynasty. It was removed from Sim ultaneously w ith the announce power by the Bolsheviki. The senate by a vote of 51 to 11 for Sale Every Two Weeks. The United States has not defined adopted a house resolution authorizing m ent, raids were made on hundreds of m anufacturers the erecfion in a public park in W ash business offices of its a ttitu d e toward the allied desire W ashington, D. C.—The govern for jo in t action from the E ast, al ington, D. C., of a statu e of Jam es throughout the U nited S tates in Buchanan. Senators opposing the search of papers showing the scope of m en t’s financial program for the next though it is understood the governm ent resolution attacked the loyalty of the the illegal practice, and four Boston four months was disclosed Monday by j holds th a t it would l»e inopportune to business men were indicted in W ash form er President. McAdoo’s announcement a ttem p t to check the Germ ans in Rus ington on charges of acting as contin Secretary sia, unless it is shown the Russian W hat is claimed to be the world’s gent agents. th a t in preparation for the fourth lib people wish it and th at the move would record production o f m arketable pota Even before the resu lts o f the raid erty loan, to be floated probably in Oc not be misunderstood. toes on one acre, 49,531 pounds, or 825 were fully reported here, officials indi The message of the C onstitutional CREW 15 DAYS IN OPEN BOAT bushels, has been made on an acre cated th a t they had evidence th a t tober, about $6,000,000,000 certifi Democrats declares the situation in cates of indebtedness will be issued. tra c t o f land near Kanab, in the south scores, perhaps hundreds, of contracts eastern section of U tah, ju st a few have been made w ith m anufacturers They will be offered in blocks of $750,- Russia can t>e am eliorated by the ac Schooner Crescent, W ith Copra Cargo, tive aid of the allies. The advance of m iles from the Arizona state line. Burns in Mid-Ocean. who were under pledge to tu rn over to 000,000 each every two weeks begin the German arm ies, it is declared, E. P. Fry, a GouIding”Creek, Mont., contract commission agents in W ash ning June 25. otherw ise cannot be halted. San Francisco.—A fter having been farm er, has been sentenced to serve ington, New York and elsew here a The appearance of a strong allied 15 days at sea In a 24-foot boat, the Every National bank and tru s t com six months in jail on his confession percentage of th eir profits. pany is asked to assist the governm ent force in the East, it is declared, will crew of the burned schooner Crescent, Officials said the m anufacturers by'subscribing 5 per cent of its gross have a decisive liearing on the issues 12 men, with Captain T. Olson and his th a t he sold seed w heat he obtained from the county to assist him in spring were led to en ter into the agreem ents resources monthly. wife, calmly tied th e ir craft up at a of the war. planting. F ry was arrested on com by assurances of the agents th a t they If an expedition is sent it is asked pier here late Sunday and climbed The certificates will bear 4J per cent p lain t of his father, who knew of the had speeial influence w ith arm y offi in terest like those preceding the third th a t every means be taken to safe stiffly up a ladder to shore and safety. The crew had pulled at the oars cers or others in charge of lettin g con liberty loan, and will have varying guard Russian interests and rights. act. steadily since the burning Crescent trac ts and under th re a t to use th a t in m aturity periods, none exceeding four I t has been pointed out th a t there A movement is afoot in Germany fluence against the m anufacturers. was abandoned at 3 a. in. June 1. Cap are insurmounable obstacles in the tain Olson navigated, and Mrs. Olson l months. for the organization of strik es because This developm ent led to investiga In addition, an undeterm ined quan way of the placing of allied and Am er had portioned out th e ir food stores o f the decreased bread ration, says a tion of the relations between ce rtair tity perhaps $2,000,000,000 of tax ican troops in Russia proper, save in with such precision th a t two days’ full dispatch to the C entral News from arm y officers and these agents. Al Am sterdam . The situation, it is said, though there is no definite indication certificates will be issued during the the small sectors on the A rctic ocean rations yet remained. Not a craft was sighted. Captain Ol is so serious th a t Socialist trade unions th at these officers are knowingly in summer for use in paying taxes a year where the B ritish anil French flags are son reported, from th e tim e they set now seen. have considered it necessary to warn volved in the conspiracies, Secretary ! from now.” Technically th a t is a p a rt of the ter- out In the small boat until they were the workers, but the la tte r have taken Baker is m aking a thorough investiga ;i The announcement of this program indicated th a t the fourth liberty loan fito ry now under the jurisdiction of well Inside the Uolden Gate. This w e b no notice of the warning. tion in co-operation w ith the depart- w j]| for a t |east | 6 (000,000,000, the General Foch in his capacity of corn- considered the more rem arkable by A rrested in Bethlehem, Pa., on a m ent of Justice, and authorized the exact amount depending on govern- mander-in-chief of all the allied and the seufarlng men who took charge of the party, because a steam ship which charge of violating the trading-w ith- statem en t th a t he would go to the bot ment expenditures in the n ex t few American troops. arrived here June 9 reported th at It the-enem y act by conspiring to sm ug tom of any suspicious case. If he desires to risk s ta rtin g a cam had sighted the still sm ouldering hulk months. S ecretary Daniels is keeping in close gle a m ysterious m essage into Den The treasury already has estim ated paign a t such a rem ote point, it is said 400 miles off shore on June 2, and had The these roughly a t about $12,000,000,000 th a t he may use Americans for th is kept a sharp lookout for survivors. m ark, Charles Strangeland, a widely- touch w ith the investigation. known political economist and until re situation has been called to the a tte n between July 1 and next Jan u ary 1. The Crescent, a five-masted wooden purpose in his discretion. cently second secretary of the A m er tion o f P resident Wilson. The o th er avenue of approach by an vessel of 1443 tons, left Sidney, Aus The sale of certificates under the ican embassy in London, was held in plan in effect during the p ast year arm y to European Russia would be by tralia, March 23, for Han Francisco with copra. A small fire which broke $10,000 bail by the Federal authorities. Secretary Baker Favors Exile. am ounts virtually to borrowing in ad- way of Siberia, and unless the allies out In the galley at 8:30 p. m. May 31 W ashington, D. C.— Sentences rang- are w illing to turn th a t task over to vance from hanks on projected popular The capture of Jerem iah O’Leary, defied the efforts of the ship's com Irish-A m erican leader, under indict ing from 18 months to 20 years im- w ar loans or tax collections, and per- iJapan alone, which it is feared the pany to quench It, and seven hours m ent in New York, on a chicken ranch prisonm ent imposed by courts-m artial j iodically refunding these short-term Russians would resent, th ere is no later Captain Olson ordered the ship near Portland, Or., will be followed on 12 so-called conscientious objectors obligations in long-term liberty bonds, transportation available for the plac abandoned. soon by a rrest of a num ber of other who refused m ilitary service a t C am p1 Depositary banks make 2 i per cent ing in Siberia of the numerous A m eri Irish a g itato rs in the U nited S tates on Upham, New York, and Camp Gordon, net, the difference between th e 4J per can and allied army th a t would be re P aris B olsters Defenses. charges of treason or espionage. The Ga., were approved Monday by S ecre-, cent interest paid by the governm ent quired for a successful campaign. Paris.—General Gulllaum at, who has governm ent has considerable undis tary Baker. Most of the men objected and the 2 per cent collected for de- been tran sferred from th e post of com- New S ta r Loses Brilliance. closed evidence against O’Leary and to fighting against Germany or Aus posits. mander-ln-chlef of the nl led operations tria, becasue they have relativ es his companions, it is said. The future financial program was Pasadena, Cal.— Astronomers a t the in the B alkans to th a t of m ilitary gov W illiam G. Russell, of Lubbock, there. In approving the findings of announced at this tim e to enable banks Mount Wilson solar observatory, near ernor in Paris. In succession to General Secretary McAdoo has here, were of the opinion Wednesday Dubail, has arrived here from Halonlkl Tex., was found guilty of the m urder the courts, the first of the kind to to prepare. o f C harles Qualey and sentenced to reach the departm ent, Mr. B aker w ent w ritten a letter to the presidents of th a t the new sta r which appeared Sat- and has taken up his new duties—th e 10 years in the state penitentiary. on record as favoring the retu rn of each of the 7500 National banks and unlay n ig h t in the constellation Aquilla preparation of the defenses of P aris In R ussell is a banker and cattle man of such men ‘‘to the countries of th eir 20,000 state institutions, explaining and rapidly grew in brilliance, reached co-operation with the newly organized defense committee. These defensive Lubbock. preference,” a fte r the war. the plan. its maximum luminosity early Tues measures, P rem ier Clemenceau ex day. The spectroscope indicated it plained, are of a precautionary nature, Ivan Bradbury, a 14 year-old boy, of Labor Corps is Formed. Yankee Troops in Alsace. had dimmed slightly. A t its brightest, for the safeguarding of the capital. B aker Or., by reaching Nadie and P aris — The U nited S tates Army M anley S trayer, daughter and son of W ith the American Army in France it was said, the new sta r was exceeded S e n a to r V/. H. S trayer, with a raft corps has been organized to relieve — I t now is perm issible to announce in brilliance by possibly but one fixed Dutch Helped Boche, Charge. a fte r they had gone beyond their depth able-bodied men engaged behind the th a t American soldiers are occupying Sirius. London.—The direct charge th a t the in a slough w here they were bathing, lines, and m ake them available for sectors on the b attlefro n t in Alsace. Dutch governm ent sheltered a German sav ed the lives of both children. Berlin, la., is No More. front-line service. The corps num bers They first entered those positions vessel at a Dutch port to save her from Berlin, la .— Berlin, la., will be no being captured by the B ritish is made S arah B ernhardt, th e actress, has 30,000 persons and is composed of May 21. The Germans have made a raid on more. As a re su lt of a m eeting here In a B ritish dispatch which has Just arriv ed in S eattle to re s t before her Italians, Portuguese, Chinese and A f engagem ent a t Camp Lewis, Tacoma, ricans. There also are 4000 women in the American fro n t in Alsace. The of the mayor and the city council it been made public. The ship was the n ex t week. A ccording to h e r m anager the personnel. The new plan entails attack was preceded by a b rief a r was decided to notify the postoffice Maria, 4000 tons, which entered tho of Tandjong Prlok, Java, Dutch sh e will stop in the city during the the m ilitarizing o f these evilians on tillery and machine gun barrage. officials in W ashington th a t the c iti harbor E ast Indies, In May, 1916. She was week and m ake th e 120 m iles to the the basis o f 250 to a company, sim ilar The American casualties were zens here have changed the name of flying the German m ercantile flag, but cam p and back dally by autom obile. to the B ritish arm y service corps. light. the town to Lincoln. Is believed to have been a cruiser. TO FLOAT FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN SOON