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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1918)
V' r A- \A . S) ^ .£/_ Ite s i Vol. 3 d ro n e AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 25. 1918 . / S~) [/x O - A / ¿-AJCA- u XtHTBS No. 16 Farm Labor Specialist Visits Forest Grove Patriotic Leaguers Hold Big Meeting Saturday afternoon more than Following a good dinner at the one hundred bUHinuna and pro- Michigan House, three dozen fes-oonal men and furmer*, mern- members of the Forest Grove J>erH and friend* of the Patriotic Comm icial club last Thursday l^euKue of Washington county, night adjourned to Masonic hall met ut th e Commercial club and listened to Oscar R. Baldwin, room* in Hillsboro for the purpose a former Forest Grove citizen.but <ff perfecting a more thoroughgo now engaged in he ping Uncle ing and efficient organization Sam solve the farm labor prob The meeting followed a farmer*’ lem. J. W. Brewer, farm labor meeting, called by County Agent specialist for Oregon, was expect Jamison to plan for needed farm ed to make a speech, but he was help and discuss the farm wage not able to be present and so he question. Nothing much wa* ac- sent his next best man, Mr. Bald comp'ished at the fanner*’ meet win, who made it clear that there ing except to agree that the fed is going to be a shortage of farm eral farm specialist's office at labor and that it is to the interest Portland should be called upon to (of the town dwellers to do all they HUpply young men and boy* dur ; can to relieve the shortage. Mr. ing onion weeding and berry pick Baldwin suggested that business ing. houses close several days a week B. J. Simpson, president of the during harvest, releasing prop’ie league, presided at its session tors and clerks for harvest work. and, after the meeting was well He also suggested that the city under wav, suggested that, as the council pass an ordinance against officer* had been elected in the idlers, so that those who would first place by a few delegates, he rather play cards or pool than thought they should step aside j f.()1 Theodore Roosevelt urging to greater efforts the men of the shipyards at Chester. Pa. 2 —British dress work wifi have to either work or and allow this more representa ing station under tire on the west front. 3—Type of the hangar* that are being built In this country and France leave the town. In some Eastern tive gathering to elect permanent for America's great air lleet. Oregon towns the licenses of pool officers. He tendered his resigna halls have been fixed at $100 per tion as president atid Vice Presi month, to discourage them. dent C. E. Well* followed euit. The bureau represented by Mr. Old Soldier Buried CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Baldwin On motion, the resignations were is registering all young accepted and Mr. Simpson was Funeral services for John W’ men between 16 and 21 years and a>ked to appoint a committee of H. Adkins, who died at hie Gales M. T Sherett returned Sunday to be able to supply berry five to nominate new officers. Creek home last Thur day morn evening to Garibaldi, after a visit j expects and fruit pickers to those apply- Mr. Simpson appointed M. Mc ing, were held at the Gab-s Creek I^st Tuesday noon.while Frank with Mrs. Sherrett. ! Donald of Orenco, Mr. McAdoo church Saturday afternoon and Crabtree, jr.. and wife of Laurel Peter Vanoudenhagen of Ver- ing for help of this kind. of Sherwood, Mr. Peterson of the remains we e interred in the 'and the latter smother, Mrs. John boort has bought from Gordon & At this same meeting the jnem- of the club were asked to ex Buxton, Mr. Graham of Forest Gales Creek cemetery. The fun of Dayton, were in Gordon a stylish rain-proof bug- ! here press an opinion as to whether or Grove and Harry Bagley of Hills eral was largely attended, old Galanders Portland. th e Crabtree home gy, not they wanted a county fair boro as such committee. After a settlers and veterans of the Civil cought from a chimney. Miss to the Erickson garage, K. held this year. On motion of W. conference, the committee recoin war turning out in large numbers. Dolores fire Crabtree, aged 20. and of Go mended C. B. Buchanan of Cor Rev. Sias of Thatcher conducted her blind grandfather, John Gal , P. building, for your auto re C. Benfer that no fair be held (be nelius a a president, J o h n A. the services. In accordance with anders, aged 84. were at home i P.a,rs* acce-sortes, tires, gas and cause of the war), six voted for the motion and s e v e n voted Thornburgh of this city as vice the wishes of deceased, no flowers alone and when Miss Crabtree j01 president and W Mahon of Hills were p’aced on the casket, sh-af discovered the fire, she called some i Carl Stribich, who had an op- against it. This motion was later boro as secretary. Mr Buchanan 1 wheat and barley being used in neighbors by telephone and then eration for appendicitis several 1 laid on the table, as less than half those present showed, by failure asked that Mr. Thornburgh be stead. told her grandfather the house week* ago, is improving slowly at j to vote at all, that they didn’t made president and he be given Decedent was born near Boons- was afire. The news so shocked the local hospital. ; know they wanted a fair second place and this w:n agree boro,Howard county,Mo.,May 20, Grandpa Galanders t h a t his The pride in the furniture we or not. whether The fair directors will try able to the committee. The mem 1845, and came to Forest Grove granddaughter to carry him wj|j remajn wjth the purchaser j to arrange a meeting of delegates bers then elected the officers as in May, 1884, where he lived for from the house. had While the neigh- ton aftpr the price is forgotten, ; from the various commercial bod- suggested by Mr Buchanan. several years, moving to Gales were saving the contents of Claude E. Smith, j ies and granges of the county to A resolution which pledged the Creek in 1890, where he resided bore the first floor of the residence, . just what the sentiment Mr. Galanders suffered a stroke Cheaply - made furniture will 1 ascertain members to do all in their power un il his death. the holding of a fair. to back up the administration in He is survived by the following of apoplexy and passed away shame you as long as it lasts. is rezarding The meeting be held at|the the war and to assist in every children: Mrs. Julia Hoare, Sea- , The house was entirely consumed, | Duy the kind of which you feel court hou*e, in will Hillsboro, Satur possible way in the stamping out view. Wash.; Mrs. M O. Mc with all household goods and proud. Claude Smith sells it. of sedition in the county was then Farland. Kalisp' ll, Mont.; J. J clothing above the first floor ex -1 Miss Amy Pechin, principal of day, May 25th.* passed by a unanimous vote; also Adkins, Gales Creek; J W. Ad ceptthe clothes the members of the Lincoln school, Friday even- After the meeting, the members a resolution asking that all per kins, The Dulles, Or., Mr*. Min the family wore. ing entei tained at games and re- of the old fair board held a meet sons de-iring to raise funds by the nie Blodgett, Seattle, Wash.; C. An attempt was made at once fie-hments a number of her pupils, ing at the Rogers library and circulation of petitions first s.cure M. Adkins, serving the colors at to get in telephonic communica-1 the party being given at the elected the following directors and officers: the < nd< r ement of the League’s Seattle; Mrs. Lena Guest, Staples, tion with Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree, Pechin home, M i n n .______________ officer*. E. Wescott, president; H. but they were not located in The April meeting of the For- F. A. Wilson, With a rising vote of thank* to vice president;, Portland until about 5 o clock in est Grove Brotherhood will be Mrs. C. A. first Brodersen, the retiring officers, the meeting second the evening. 1 heir home-coming ^eld next Tuesday evening, April adjourned. was indeed a sad one, with Mrs. 30, at 6:30, at the Congregational vice presides ;C. A. Littler, treas Judging from the temper of a Crabtree’s father dead and the church. Supper, followed by a urer; R. W. Reder, secretary. These officers, with G. M. Little- majority of the men at the meet- house and home destroyed. The hales, N. A. Frost, N. C. Jamison, ing, it will not be very healthy for Having heard that the United , house and contents wvre insured I business meeting. A. E. Scott, C. A. Brodersen and pacifists, slackers or others who States government was looking for for $1,000. Frank Crabtree is a I L I B E R T Y LOAN M O T H E R attempt to spread Hun propa a location *'in or near Portland” son'of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.! GOOSE R H Y M E S Mrs Dorothy Seymour, form the board of directors. ganda in this county during the for a hospital to take care of Crabtree of this city and a brother j soldiers in need of rehabilitating to Will Crabtree, living a short Sing a song of pennies. war. Still Buying Liberty Bonds For pennies now rank high; treatment, President Hoffman of distance north of this city. About I Five Woman’s Club Meeting and twenty pennies At noon today Forest Grove’s the Commercial club Monday ev a year ago he lost two hop houses A thrift stamp will buy. Fifty members of the Forest ening quota of $80,850.00 of Liberty called together such of the fire. Sixteen stamps of thrift Grove Woman’s club and a few directors as could he reached by from Bonds had been oversubscribed The body of Mr. Galanders was Will buy a little bond visitors met Monday afternoon at phone and a message was sent to shipped $32,050.00, total being $113,- his home at Dayton, i And bonds will give short shift 900.00. As the the home of Mrs. J. C. Buchanan Col. L. P. Mauss of Vancouver, where the to funeral the drive lasts until To Hans and Fritz beyond. held this anti enjoyed a very interesting who has the quest for a site in afternoon. Deceased was May 6th, the oversubscription has suffered j and instructive program. will probably reach 50 per cent. charge. The message stated that two strokes of apoplexy before, Buy Baby Bunting A baby bond for hunting Many of the eastern states have Miss Barbara Buchanan read a Foiest Grove desired to be con one years ago and an Submarine and Zeppelin paper on antique furniture, pre sidered as offering a site and other fourteen fallen short of their expectancy, ten years ago. Before they hunt the Babykln. so it is well that the west exceed pared by her mother, Miss Kath asked for specification as to re its quota. erine Davis played a violin solo quirements. No reply has so far The finals in the Washington See saw. Marjorie Daw, and Miss Smith gave a piano been received, but, as military County annual spelling contest Prussia shall have a new master. There is a rumor prevalent that red tape is plentiful and hard to w’ill be held solo Hillsboro next Sat His name will be Democracy three prominent Washington coun Miss Anna Karagozian, an Ar unwind, a reply may yet be re urday, a n d in pupils Which spells a Junker disaster. ty w ho have men have been taken to Port menian girl, a senior in the Port ceived. maintained an average of 98 per i land by federal officials on a land high school, was present, on President Hoffman a l s o ap cent in the local contests held | Sing, sing, what shall we sing? charge having violated the pro request of Mrs. Hurley, to give a pointed a committee, consisting of during the past year will compete Let every one open his own purse hibition of law. The rumor could string. practical demonstration of how A. E. Scott, H. E. Inlow and C. for county honors. An average of Martha Newland. not be confirmed. Oriental rugs are made and how A. Littler, to confer with the 100 per cent in the finals is re to tell the difference between rugs Masonic committee which seeks a warded by a diploma of honor. YOUR D U T Y AND W H Y made in various sec; ions of Tur location for a Masonic home. NOTICE! • key. She used four of Mrs. Hur “We are fighting this war for the A twelve-year-old son of W. L. You can’t get any better rugs ley’s rugs as examples of the art Practically all the business Parson* of Dilley was painfully next generation as well as this. We and made her talk very interest than we sell, no matter where you injured are dedicating the life blood of this in this city Tuesday even houses of Forest Grove will ing. Miss Karagozian has lost send; nor can you get them ing, when his bicycle collided with nation that our children and our close on Friday, May 3d, from cheaper, q u a l i t y considered. children’s children MAY ENJOY THE various relatives in recent massa an auto driven by Tony Caman- Claude E. Smith. 2:30 to p. m., on account of BLESSINGS OF IJRERTY—OTHERS cres and gave graphic recitals of The lad suffered a nasty IN THIS COUNTRY WILL GIVE Pacific 5 University’s what her people have suffered at Notwithstanding the shortage anda. May Day cut over t he left ear and his wheel BLOOD: YOU GIVE YOUR exercises. Do your trading the hands of the Turks. in of binder twine, Goff Bros, are was badly damaged. Witnesses THEIR MONEY.” state that the auto was on the advertising that they will fill all the morning. —George W. Wlckersham. Fortner Public sale bills printed at the U. S. Attorney General. wrong side of the street. orders filed by May 1. Express office. Burning of Home Causes Sudden Death Commercial Club Would Bring Business 0 t^ —