The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, December 20, 1917, Image 13

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Join the Red Cross
Roy« Oversea» need your Helj
ir°?S¿.the Richard Wilson
Mrs. A. B. Todd, who was quite
Is Some Sailor A Chrisimas l avorite
with an abcess in one
Money to loan Valley Realty
(>o., Forest Grove, Oregon, I.M f
Join the Red Cross today; speed of her ears, is reported improving.
your Dollar on its Mission of
The swellest l i n e of White
Ivory Goods ever brought to For-
For Rent -Six room house in est Grove is now on exhibition at
Stringtown, at $4.00 per month. Littler s I harmacy.
.1 I. W. I torsion.
The First National bank can
Fresh lish for Tuesdays (meat­ supply you with Thrift Stamps
less day) and Fridays. Pacific to ' Christmas presents to your
Market; phone 05101.
children or friends.
M is. W R. Ives visited her sis­
The Honor Guard girls cleared
ter and other acquaintances in better than forty dollars on their
Portland Saturday and Sunday.
dance Saturday night and '-howed
Relief Corp Election
Last Thursday afternoon the
Writing to his mother, Mrs. J.
members of J. B. Mathews Post
C . Wilson of this city, Richard |
¡N o . I I , Woman's Relief Corps,
UF. ton» ii i nf> i • w /angled, t rith
Wilson, who is a cook aboard the.
, elected officers as follows:
In >i
m in k »
U. S. S. Bagley, running out of,
Mrs. J. S. Buxton, President.
• p r lii"»
New York, gives some interesting , T k rV make u fellow frontier how a hoy
Mrs. E. E Lyons, Senior Vice
narrative» of his experiences as a 1
can ru i the In i <j i ;
j President.
You mu In i <i r l ii ' ( ,n that way an'
Mrs. B. E. LaMont, Junior
you m i i ¡1 'f j i r or » h a ke
Richard enlisted at Portland in P ot fear you II i : . r m nardt or a Vice President.
July and was sent to Goat Island,
driftin' w hetl f ill break
Mrs. Nettie Austin, Treasurer.
near San Francisco, for training.
Quentin Tucker, Chap-
But th <* /ampin’ jn I ’ fie w ill w riggle
Early in October he was sent to
h it knee»
I lain.
New York, where he is now locat­ An' he'll hvii'ii h it bail: ju *t at gay at
Mrs. Sam Ridgley, Conductor.
you p l‘ intc;
James R. Ramsey and lA*na M. all their patrons a nice time.
ed, when not on a cruise.
Mrs. W’m. Adler, Guard.
An' ha don't u ¡ml up an" he don’t run
Huntley of Gaston were married
On a recent dark and stormy
Ray T. Williamsof Camp Lewis
The delegates to the state en­
at Vancouver one day last week, vi.-iited his wife and parents in night ft his month,/ the Bagley was ; A n’ h it pant» 1» red an' h it eoat it campment are Mrs. Frank Crab­
hr own ;
I he neatest, up-to-date Xmas this city over Sunday, returning ordered out on a secret mission j
fie elim bt the ith k with a whark-ty- tree, Mrs. E. E. Lyons, Mrs. S. F.
I’ostCaids and Booklets, Xmas
his work Sundav evening
j and Richard got his first touch of
Deming and Mrs. Q. Tucker,with
Tags and Seals are to lx* found at
He says he cannot flo o r ah /or the brave old lum pin’ la rk ! Mesdames Ramsey, Adler, Pur­
' " aM ,,ml
,n b** fmin<l af
Thu “ Estate" gas ranges and rough water
Littler’s Pharmacy.
hot plates are famous the country describe t h e sensations h e ex­
fie i»n 't gu ile to tty lith , an' he only cell and Smith as alternates. The
Freddy Olmsted has enrolled as
over for their durability and ef­ perienced, bid everything not tied
r o t t t a dime.
new officers will be install* d Jan­
a clerk at the Anderson clothing
ficiency. See them at fiord on’s down was washed overboard. He But he i t lith e an' lim ber an' keep» uary 2d.
store and, while he does not sell
buty all the time
went to his little galley, built him j
»-bobbin* an' a-noddin' with a caper
as many goods as Charley Munk-
Woodmen Elect Officers
(¡ah's creek started to boom a good fire and held fast keeping
on’ a hop —
ers, fie thinks he will by the time
The members of the local camp
He flatters, 4-bowin’ you a thank ye when you
Monday afternoon and is now quite comfortable.
he has worked as long as Charley.
lum p him to the top.
Modern Woodmen elected of­
very h i g h for this tirm
ficers last Friday evening, the
Frank A. Gotch. retired cham­ year, being all over the lowlands pany with his supper, as some of
Ho, the lum pin' lark/ He w ill jigg le
following being chosen:
pion heavyweight wrestler of the between this city and Diiley.
his shipmates did. Since that date
an' prance.
A n’ he'll bend h it hack like h e'» doin’
J. E. Tumbleson, Consul.
world, died at noon Sunday at his
The “ White Gif s” Christmas he has been out in the ocean five
a dance;
H. G. King. Adviser.
home, Humbolt, la., of uraemic
times and is getting used to it
program will be presented Sunday
. .
W ith h it arm t 'way up an' h it legt
G. Paterson Clerk.
poisoning. He had been in failing evening, D ec. 251. by the Sunday JLust
'way down.
writing (Dec 11th) his
W . P. Potwin, Banker.
An' hit painted grin like a c irru t
health for two years.
School of the Christian church in 1 *h,P ha'[ * * * " ^
of a conv°y to
Clyde Perry, E<cort.
Mrs. Samuel Porter informs the auditorium at 7:30 p m. You 35 freighter» a n d merchantmen He tlu m t around with a whack-ty-
Robert Knox, Watchman.
¡starting across t h e
whaek —
the Express that her son, James are invited
Floyd Martin, Sentry.
L. Wilson, who enlisted in the
In th,. Southern Pacific ad. page T hwe * « 1 » c a r r i e , .i m o to r‘ rucks. Hoorah fo r the fine old lum pin' jack/
H. N. Robinson, Manager.
army more than a year ago, is .1, the return limit on , ickeLs »old hor" s' fmmamwm and other I reckon I'm old f nth toned when it
H. R . Kauffman and Q. Tucker,
com et to C h rittm a t toy».
now stationed at Fort Shafter, at Forest Grove should he j a„.!aupplief for the army in trance.
But wat there any finer thing when you
Honolulu, Hawaii, where he is a 7th, instead of Jan. 3d. The time but no soldiers.
an' me wat boytf
A . E. Scott, Auditor.
member of Company K, second has been extended since the ad
Remember him a-grinnin' from your
These officers will be installed
stationery, but for the present his
stockin’ that-a-way,
infantry. Lloyd has many friends was printed.
January 11.
address is “ U. S. S Bagley, in i l l ready to go jum pin' up an' down all
here who will be glad to know
Mrs. W. B. Potwin yesterday
care of the postmaster of New
that he is still alive and safe.
R. A M. Election
received a letter from her son,
Ho, the jum pin’ ja c k ! He would wob­
evening of last week the
I)r. C. E. Bock man, who has
He speaks very highly of the
ble h it knret
Forest Grove Chap­
for some weeks been employed in last week and left Friday for food Uncle Sam furnishes his .4n’ he'd hump h it back with attonishin'
Arch Masons,
ra te ;
a Portland shipbuilding plant, ’ Frisco. He got to 'Frisco Satur sailors, but very much appreciated j
He would jump 'way up an' would tit elected and installed officers as
was accidently hit on the head i day and was at once taken to
some cake and candy sent him for
'way down.
: follows:
with a sledge in the hands of a Goat Island, given a uniform and Thanksgiving
An' he tickled u t when he came to
C. L. Bump, High Priest.
fellow workman on Tue day of assigned to company C4, camp I).
He wa» bett o f all in old Santa't park—
O. S. Higby, King.
Commercial Club Meeting
last week and so seriously injured
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Hoorah fo r the good old jum pin' ja r k !
E. D . West, Scribe.
that he was unconscious until Elson H. Emmerson of Laurel-
The directors o f t h e Forest
— Chicago Cost.
E. Scott, Secretary.
Thursday. On Saturday he was wood died at Portland Sunday Grove Commercial club met at
L. M Graham, Treasurer.
brought to his home in this city, \ morning an i the remains were in the office of President Graham
R .'P Nixon, Captain of Ho*ts.
where he is improving slowly.
1 1erred at Mountain View ceme-j last Friday evening, heard the re-
view of the tendency to cut
Mrs. E B. White of Portland tery Tuesday, after services at the port of the president on the ex-
out wast- of food stuffs, there was
spent Sunday in this city with Advent church at I-iurelwood by | hibit made at the Land Products
no lunch served at the installation,
her mother, Mrs. Dolly Byerly, i Kev. Kay.
¡show and accepted said report,
NE Christmas clay some years but on Thursday evening of next
and her brother-in-law and sister, | The
Independent Telephone | wbich showed t h a t
there was
ago Almas temple o f the Shrlu- week the members of Holbrook
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Farmer. company has installed a complete $75.00 left after paying all ex­
ers o f Washington gave its
lodge, A. F. & A. M .f will enjoy
Other guests were Mrs. Farmer’s switchboard service at the Schultz penses of the exhibit. As the club annual dinner to the poor. It was a
their annual banquet in connec­
daughter. Miss Faye Purcival, of store, which now has four tele- had advanced that amount, it well planned affair, generously contrib­
uted to. and turned out a big success. tion with the installation of offi­
Portland, and son. Ray Purcival. phones under control of a local was voted back into the treasury. But the most notable thing at>out it
cers of Holbrook lodge and Forest
«»f northern Idaho.
The latter operator. Many changes for the President Graham was given a was not on the program and made the
hit o f the occasion. Whenever mem­ Chapter, O. E. S.
stayed over Sunday, leaving Mon- better have been made at this vote of thanks for his efficient bers o f the temple think o f the celebra­
Held Another Election
day for Vancouver, Wash , having big mod«*rn store in preparation management in the gathering and tion they chuckle over their unexpected
of the local firemen having
enlisted in the 23d Engineers
While the Shriners were feeding
efficiet cy.
resigned last week, Chief Lenne-
way between this city and Port­ their guests there came to th«-ir hall ville went out and got eleven new
loO loaves of bread. The huge six
land by the state highway com­ foot Santa Claus was busy cracking ones in their places and Saturday-
mission was quite fully discussed Jokes as be waddled about and took evening a new election was held,
down the gifts from the Christmas
and, while the route selected was j tree. In the middle o f one of his sto­ which resulted in the election of
not entirely satisfactory, it was ries there entered another big, fat E. D . Stout as assistant chief, in
decided to let things go as or­ Santa Claus, carrying a colossal bas­ place of Frank Saunders, resigned,
ket full o f bread, and behind him were
Dramatized and Produced by th«* Forest Grove Dramatic
dained by the commission.
three or four negroes, also carrying and C. H. Lenneville as secretary
Club, from the Story by Alice Hegan Rice.
President Graham, Secretary \ baskets o f bread. One o f the Shriner and treasurer, in place of Mr.
Und«*r the Direction o f E. E. Fleischmann.
Johnson a n d
Messrs. Littler, committeemen at once inferred that Saunders.
some one hail w>ut a gift of bread to
Thornburgh, Scott and Benfer' be dlstribute«l and signed a receipt for
Cast of C haract ers
The new members taken in are
the loO loaves. In a few minutes they E. D. Stout, G. H. Baldwin,
Beth Emerson
Mrs. Wiggs, a widow
look after Forest Grove’s interests were handed arvuud to the hea«ls of Ralph Emerson, Chas. Walker, F.
Her children—
families, and an additional smile of
Christmas joy went around everywhere W. Jones. Herbert Taylor, A.
Jim, filling his father’s shoes
Fred Patton
with them.
Wilbur Lami*
Vanderzanden, E. U. Cate, R ob­
When the festivities were nearly over
Lora Fiske ing. The in« mbers of this com­
ert Enschede, D. R. Cheney and
Maud Graham mittee ask that every taxpayer in and the crowd had liegnu to disi>erse
a man came running in and asked the Roy Palm.
Evelyn McFeeters
the western end of the county at­ committeemen:
It was decider! to give the an-
Margaret Martin
Lucy Oleott
’’Did you g«*t loO loaves o f bread?”
; nual New Year dance at I. O. O.
Robert Redding
“ W e did,” was the reply.
Fave Templeton
Miss Hazy, a neighbor
“ What did you «lo with it?"
| F. building on New Year’s eve—
Christmas ths Same S3 Ever.
Andrew Karpenstein
“ Gave It away.”
Chris Hazy, in h«*r care
Christinas tinn>! Thnt man must be
! Dec. 31.
•'Well, that was au order from the
Sunday School Children
a misanthrope IniliM-il in whoso brenst
It was voted to take in a num-
Carroll Institute.
It came here by
Glen Hoar
mistake. But It Is ail right. W e are | ber of business men as honorary
Gladys Stocker
Mary Green
glad you gave it away, and i f you need
Harley Barber
members, w i t h the power to vote
more let us know." And the man went
Henrv Karpenstein
the annual election.
away, evidently fully satisfied with the
John Baghy, the grocery boy
Henry Karpenstein
Incident.—New York Times.
Mildred, a^riend of Luev’s
Kathryn C ollie
• • • Never hee«l such «tisnial n*mi-
Cook With Coal
Barbara Buchanan nlarenoes. • • • Ketlo -t upon your
A Maid
The Hotel Laughlin will serve
The Forest Grove Planing Mill
prewnt hlwwlngs, of which every man
Turkey Dinner on Christmas day,
I ><tle Underwood
has laid in a supply of good fuel from 12:30 to 2 p. m., at 75c per
Stage and box-office
Ern«*st W olf tunos, of wiiii h all men have some. coal and is prepared to supply plate. Persons desiring dinner
• • • Our lif*' on It. hut your Christ­
Maud Craft
mas shall lx* merry ami your now year consumers at a reasonable price. should place their orders on or be­
a happy one. Chari«*« Pickens.
fore Saturday, Dec. 22d. Family
Order by telephone No. 02542.
parties desired.
Admission, 25c ann 35c, plus War Tax
Humphry N o. 4 hand bone
Warranty deed and mortgage mill, good as new, for $8. Pacific
Public sale bills printed at the
All Seats Reserved
Reservations at Baldwin's Confectionery
Doors o{H*n at 7:45— Curtain at 8:15
An Unexpected
Christmas Present
S tar T h e a te r
F rid a y , D ec. 21, 1917
“ Mrs. W ig g s o f th e C abbage P a tc h ”