CONDENSICI) NEWS NOTES Join the Red Cross Roy« Oversea» need your Helj ir°?S¿.the Richard Wilson Mrs. A. B. Todd, who was quite Is Some Sailor A Chrisimas l avorite m with an abcess in one Money to loan Valley Realty (>o., Forest Grove, Oregon, I.M f Join the Red Cross today; speed of her ears, is reported improving. your Dollar on its Mission of The swellest l i n e of White Mercy. Ivory Goods ever brought to For- For Rent -Six room house in est Grove is now on exhibition at Stringtown, at $4.00 per month. Littler s I harmacy. .1 I. W. I torsion. 50-tf The First National bank can Fresh lish for Tuesdays (meat­ supply you with Thrift Stamps less day) and Fridays. Pacific to ' Christmas presents to your Market; phone 05101. children or friends. M is. W R. Ives visited her sis­ The Honor Guard girls cleared ter and other acquaintances in better than forty dollars on their Portland Saturday and Sunday. dance Saturday night and '-howed LODGE NOTES Relief Corp Election Last Thursday afternoon the Writing to his mother, Mrs. J. members of J. B. Mathews Post C . Wilson of this city, Richard | ¡N o . I I , Woman's Relief Corps, UF. ton» ii i nf> i • w /angled, t rith Wilson, who is a cook aboard the. , elected officers as follows: In >i h m in k » and U. S. S. Bagley, running out of, Mrs. J. S. Buxton, President. • p r lii"» New York, gives some interesting , T k rV make u fellow frontier how a hoy Mrs. E. E Lyons, Senior Vice narrative» of his experiences as a 1 can ru i the In i out it cers of Holbrook lodge and Forest «»f northern Idaho. The latter operator. Many changes for the President Graham was given a was not on the program and made the i hit o f the occasion. Whenever mem­ Chapter, O. E. S. stayed over Sunday, leaving Mon- better have been made at this vote of thanks for his efficient bers o f the temple think o f the celebra­ Held Another Election day for Vancouver, Wash , having big mod«*rn store in preparation management in the gathering and tion they chuckle over their unexpected placing of the exhibit. Christmas gift. for bigger business and greater 1 Five of the local firemen having enlisted in the 23d Engineers While the Shriners were feeding The locating of the state high­ efficiet cy. resigned last week, Chief Lenne- corp. way between this city and Port­ their guests there came to th«-ir hall ville went out and got eleven new loO loaves of bread. The huge six land by the state highway com­ foot Santa Claus was busy cracking ones in their places and Saturday- mission was quite fully discussed Jokes as be waddled about and took evening a new election was held, down the gifts from the Christmas and, while the route selected was j tree. In the middle o f one of his sto­ which resulted in the election of not entirely satisfactory, it was ries there entered another big, fat E. D . Stout as assistant chief, in decided to let things go as or­ Santa Claus, carrying a colossal bas­ place of Frank Saunders, resigned, ket full o f bread, and behind him were Dramatized and Produced by th«* Forest Grove Dramatic dained by the commission. three or four negroes, also carrying and C. H. Lenneville as secretary Club, from the Story by Alice Hegan Rice. President Graham, Secretary \ baskets o f bread. One o f the Shriner and treasurer, in place of Mr. Und«*r the Direction o f E. E. Fleischmann. Johnson a n d Messrs. Littler, committeemen at once inferred that Saunders. some one hail w>ut a gift of bread to Thornburgh, Scott and Benfer' be dlstribute«l and signed a receipt for Cast of C haract ers The new members taken in are the loO loaves. In a few minutes they E. D. Stout, G. H. Baldwin, Beth Emerson Mrs. Wiggs, a widow look after Forest Grove’s interests were handed arvuud to the hea«ls of Ralph Emerson, Chas. Walker, F. Her children— families, and an additional smile of Christmas joy went around everywhere W. Jones. Herbert Taylor, A. Jim, filling his father’s shoes Fred Patton with them. Wilbur Lami* Billy Vanderzanden, E. U. Cate, R ob­ When the festivities were nearly over Lora Fiske ing. The in« mbers of this com­ Asia ert Enschede, D. R. Cheney and Maud Graham mittee ask that every taxpayer in and the crowd had liegnu to disi>erse Australia a man came running in and asked the Roy Palm. Evelyn McFeeters Europena the western end of the county at­ committeemen: It was decider! to give the an- Margaret Martin Lucy Oleott ’’Did you g«*t loO loaves o f bread?” tend the budget meeting. M. C. Merrill ; nual New Year dance at I. O. O. Robert Redding “ W e did,” was the reply. Fave Templeton Miss Hazy, a neighbor “ What did you «lo with it?" | F. building on New Year’s eve— Christmas ths Same S3 Ever. Andrew Karpenstein “ Gave It away.” Chris Hazy, in h«*r care Christinas tinn>! Thnt man must be ! Dec. 31. •'Well, that was au order from the Sunday School Children a misanthrope IniliM-il in whoso brenst It was voted to take in a num- Carroll Institute. It came here by Glen Hoar Pete mistake. But It Is ail right. W e are | ber of business men as honorary Gladys Stocker Mary Green glad you gave it away, and i f you need Harley Barber members, w i t h the power to vote Tommy more let us know." And the man went Henrv Karpenstein Jack at the annual election. away, evidently fully satisfied with the John Baghy, the grocery boy Henry Karpenstein Incident.—New York Times. Mildred, a^riend of Luev’s Kathryn C ollie C H R IS TM A S D IN N E R • • • Never hee«l such «tisnial n*mi- Cook With Coal Barbara Buchanan nlarenoes. • • • Ketlo -t upon your A Maid The Hotel Laughlin will serve The Forest Grove Planing Mill Managers— prewnt hlwwlngs, of which every man Turkey Dinner on Christmas day, lias many; not on your past misfor- I >