The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, October 25, 1917, Image 9

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Cam p Libraries to Supply Soldiers
With Best Reading Matter
\ "
\ W'
\ \
Mr*. Thomas W att Gregory, wife of
the attorney general of the United
State*. In the uniform of the food ad­
ministration. Mr*. Woodrow Wil*on,
Mr*. Gregory and other wive* of cabi­
net member* and high government offi-
cial*, having clgned the pledge card,
are entitled to wear this uniform and
hang the official food card In the w in­
dow of their home*.
gmln warehouses o f the town, a pla«*e
>f 200.000 Inhabitants, were overflow­
ing with wheat, maize and rice, and
these supplies were constantly on dls-
plny; yet there were no riots. The
thousands outside the walls sat them­
selves down to die, while those within
i continued to transact the ordinary a f­
fairs of evcry«lay life.
During this famine parents found It
necessary to sell their daughters to
wealthy fumllles In which they became
«lave girls. Early In the period of dis­
tress girls o f ten to fifteen years o f age
brought us much us $20 each, but w hen
the suffering was most severe the cus­
tomary quotation In the slave market
was 60 cents each, while In one ln-
! stance a father Is known to have ac-
| cepted 14 cents nnd two bowls of rice
, In exchange for his child.
hen cackles, the cock crows, the goose
hisses, the duck quacks, the cat mew«,
the dog hark«, the wolf howls, the lion
roars, the bull bellows, the sparrow
chirps, the pigeon coo«, the frogcrouks,
In these times when thi-re Is n short­ the rook caw«, the monk«-y chatters,
age not only of food materials, but nl«o the elephant trumiM*ts, the camel
o f textile stuffs, the womnn who can grunts, the stag calls, the rabbit
clothe herself ami her family at n ««'reams— only when wounded, the don­
minimum ex|N>nae Is "doing her hit" key brays, the bee hums, the fly buzzes,
Just as much ns the womnn whose the grnssh<)pp<*r chirrups, the swallow-
gnrhnge can tills slowly or the ninn twitters, tin* chick p«*cpH, the hound
who makes two potatoes grow where ] buys nnd the owl hoots.
One Might While Away Idle
non«» grew hofor«*, declares Ileryl Plx-
1'erhnpM the best word for the sound
Hours Reading One of These.
on. of the Colorado State Agricultural a cricket makes Is use«] hy Tennyson.
"Not a cricket chirr’d,” he writes In
Which Is the longest poem In the
Many article« o f clothing that In or­ "In Memorlam," although the w«*r«l
world? One generally regards “ F’ara-
dinary time« would he dUcarded with­ would lit the grasshopper better per­
dlse Lo*t” as pretty lengthy, and
out a second thought may. with n lit­ haps. Tennyson prided himself on his
Thomson’s “ Seasons" and Cowper’s
tle care, be fro*h«*ned up and made to exact word for the noises mude by bird
"Task.” But these ure short compared
serve another period o f usefulness.
and beast. Thus he speaks o f the with Spenser’s “ Faerie Queene," which
Woolen goods may be satisfactorily “ moan o f dovea," th«; robin’s “ pipe."
Is easily the longest poem iu existence,
cleansed hy washing In warm water tin* woodpecker's “ laugh,” the curlew’s
even as It stands, and had he attained
with soap solution or soap hark. Soap "whistle," the Jay’s “ acritch," the par­
his ohJ«»ct nnd reached the twenty-
fmrk Is prepare«! for us«* hy l<*ttlng five rot’s "scream," the peacock’s “ squull,”
fourth b«x»k. no other i«ocm would have
cents' worth stand In two «piarts of the ocean-fowTa "shriek,” nml the
been “ in It."
water for an hour and then straining It eagle’s “ yelp.”
It Is only a quarter o f the original
Into lukewarm water In which the
plan, yet It Is ns long ns the Iliad, the
material Is to he wash«*<l. Water of • > » » » » » » » » » » » » >
t Myssey, and the Aeneld put together,
the same temperature should he used
twice ns long ns Dante's "Dlvinn Com-
for both washing nnd rinsing. rr«*ss X
Some Observations.
woolens when almost <lry, on th«* wrong
V medln." and three times as long as
►I« “ Paradise Lost" and “ Paradise Re­
aide, with a warm Iron.
Experience never makes fools >*«
gained" In one.
Most grease spots tuny he removed V of wise men.
The longest novel In the world be­
w-lth naphtha soap and warm water.
longs to Japan. Its author Is Ktong Te
Chemical or dry cleaning will remove
Bakin. It wns commenced In 1852. aud
Kr case spots hy dlss«dvlng the fat. The
published volume by volume as It came
cleaning liquid may he ether, chloro­
out over n period of fifty years. There
form. «-nrhon tetrachloride, gasoline,
are 106 volumes. 106,000 pages. 3,180,-
nnphthu or benzine. The Inst three
lines, nnd about 38,000,000 words.
«hould he used In the open air If pos-
A complete copy weighs 130 pounds.
alble. They must be used nwny from >*< enemies.
a fire or n flame o f any kind.
It Is awfully hard to get rich $
On nllka or antlns. rub the grease
Something New.
spot with 11 thin paste made o f benzine
Peru was th«' first country to add
ami carbonate o f magnesia. The ben­
In aviation to Its public
zine cvnporntes nnd the magnesia will
| school curriculum.
absorb the grease nnd can he brushed
| A new electric fan can be used on a
off. Very often «Iry Fromdi chnlk or
desk or attached to a wall without
powdered magnesia uloii«* wilt nhsorh
I changing nny of Its parts.
the grease, several applications some­
Concrete floors can be made almost
times being necessary. A warm Iron
You may have noticed that ,•«
by covering them with heavy
nnd blotting paper will remove some ?« one girl no soon«*r breaks n V
tar paper, attached hy cement.
grease spots.
X man’s henrt than another conies X Europenn factories each week mnke
►J along and bandages It up.
V about 16,000,000 pounds o f artificial
Every Bird and Beast Makes
butter with coconut oil ns a base.
Sepnrnte wind shields for each of
A Noise That’s All Its Own.
the two scats It contains features a
Chinese Docile Starvers.
new English motorcycle side car.
I f a complete list could be made of
A French scientist Is trying to pre­
tin* distinctive name« hy which the
No other race Is ns docile ns the Oh I-
noises produced hy bird« nn<! bcnHts nese In times o f famine, according to vent fogs by floating amnll quantities
are called. It would be found that there the National Oeogrnphlc Magazine. of oil on rivers to check evaporation.
Platinum deposits recently discov­
nre few duplicates. W e may Ju«lg«* thin Their resignation In the face of calam­
even by the most common, says an ex­ ity Is amazing. For Instance, In the food ered In Spain nre believed to be great­
change. The horse neigh«, the sheep shortnge o f 1906-7 n starving array of er and richer than those o f the Ural
blent«, the cow low«, the pig grunt« 300,000 peasants camped beneath the mountains, which furnish the greater
aud squeals, the turkey gobbles, the walls of the city of Tslnklangpu. The part of the world’s supply.
Woman Who Gives New Life
To Old Clothes Is Aiding
In Conservation Movement.
Allied Coantrie«’ Deficiency ia Fixed
at »00,000,000 Bushels Canada,
However, Hhowa Surplus.
W f lW W iA W ir t W ir t r t (V « W iiW « ,/>’ / ,V iV A V A * «* .V W ,»’A V V W / <
Nothin« 1» k>**l iik l<'ft nodoiie fur Ih«; nml i-lr«-iilnfl««n «if «in«* h«»«»k. On«* «b«l-
comfort nml iiiciitiil recreation of t!u< lar, It has hern figured, will furnish a
men who nr« j<r «1 *nrlny to »«*rvt* their l«>«ik, keep it in circulation until It Is
country In Ihe various (rnlnlnc cutup« worn out. repine«* It when It Is retired
nml cantonment« throuiihout the coun­ for physli-ul «tlxiitilIIty. and all the time
try. The Y. M. O. A. wu» enrly In the pay a shun* of the expense o f prop«*rly
llohl nn«l be»ld«*s It* ninny uctlvltlea, housing nml curing for these ilhrurles
provldlii« for the morn I nn«l eplr 1 1 mil In th«* various camps.
welfure of the men, It «llil till It eouhl
It Is not to be liiiiigln«'«) that the «tu-
to |irovl<lt; |»ro|>er r«*tulliiK mutter for pend«»us task of furnishing the sol-
th«'in. Hut the neeil of llbritrl«'* fur- «!l«*rs with hooks; equipping, eslahllsh
nlHheil In n more n<le<|iinte un<l wlen- Ing ami maintaining libraries, both sta­
tlfle wny was no lurtC'ly fell thill the tionary ami traveling. Is underlHk>*n
United Hint«*« icovernment requ<*«ti*d wlih, primarily, an etlucatlonnl Idea.
thi> Aliierlilill l.lhrnry nnnorUtlon to The hooks are nee«l<-d not only to pro-
undertake Ihe work.
vhle recreation for the soldiers when
At once. It «111 d«*cld**d to rnlxe n I they are off duty, hut to help eoun-
million dollar wur fuiul; not no much t«*ract evil Influences In the vlctnltiea
for the (iimiuinc of hook* un for the «•f the camps nml cantonments. Ibxik*
erection o f Niiltnlilc llhrnry building« t<« read will hell« to mnke the camps ««•
■ t every rnntnumciit; for the tratupor- wholesome ami attractive that the
tntloii of hookn mol for tlo' purpose of forces that tend to take men away
««■curing th«' service of nkllleil llhrurl- from th«*lr duty will lose, at least purt,
nn*. The first at«*p In the formation of of their charm.
the organization In chnrge of the mil­
There Is no desire <>n the part of th«*
lion dollar » n r fund wnn the np|Milnt- American l.lhrnry iiNxix-Intlon n«»r the
ment hy Hecretnry of Wur Newton I>. library war council to thrust cdura-
linker of ten nutlonnlly known men tlomil txxiks at the h«‘iids of men al­
and women to conntltute n llhrnry wur ready tlr«*«l from training uml from
flghllng ami who would «lesln* recrea­
United, nml co-operating with the tion ruther than the acquisition of
wnr aarvlca committee nre inont of knowiedg«*. The aim has been nnd will
the prominent author« of the United be to provide In nhumlunre volumes of
Hinton; prncilcally nil of the publish­ short stories nml novels of the more
er«. who have proved willing volun­ popuiur sort; and these when th«*y are
teer* ; and practically nil of tin- leading purchased, from the present fund, will
member« o f the llhrury pr««f«-H«lon. All be «elected with ull the acumen that
thene nre working In ronJun«'tl«m with come« to men whose live« have been
the llhrnry wnr council, the commu­ s|x-nt In llhrnry service. A t«*ntatlve
nion on trnlnlng ramp artlvltlea nnd list has already been prepared, and
the wnr depiirtment Itself.
that It Is tremendously democratic may
One of the henvleat Item« of expense lx* gleaned from the fact that It stnrts
nt the iH-glnnlng of 1 tie work I n the out with W. J. Abbot's "liattleflelds
erection <«f 32 cnmp-llhrnry building* nml Camp Fires" nnd Includes novel*
ut th<- various • nntonment« throughout by ii«*<»rge A«b*. ftnlzac, John Kendrick
the country. Koch hulldlng wilt lie -to Hangs, Jam«-* M. Barrie, ll«*x Bench.
hy 12*1 feet In size, one-atory high. nn<l III In In* Belloc, William Blnck, Booth
will have accommodation« for 8,000 or Tnrklngton. Meredith Nicholson, Hub­
lo, inn ) IxMik«, new«pa|N>ra nnd tnngn- ert W. Chnmliers, Hull Cain«*. Winston
xlnes. and living «pinrtcra for the «tufT. Churchill. (J. K. Chesterton. Wilkie Col­
It 1« hoped nod « xp»*«'t«*d that «-uch of lins. Irvin Cobb, Marlon Crawford,
the«e libraries will he In ehnrge of n Itb-hard I In riling Davis, Charles Dick­
trnlm-<t llhrnrlnn. In each camp It 1« ens, W’ . M. Thackeray, Conan Doyle,
plunneil to have u library h«'iuh|uarter* Lord Dunstiny, Jeffrey Fnrnol, Kdnn
with lwx»k* and periodical« for read­ l-'i-rber, Montague Glass and— but one
ing-room u*«-. together with a system could go on and make n list of prac­
o f distributing ageneli-n; affording to tically ull th«* popular American and
the «oldler« u kind of tlrst-cla«« city foreign authors and that list would
putdlc library service.
probably prove a pretty uccurate cata­
A careful nurvey o f the entire field logue of the txxiks that nre tu lx* fur­
determined thitt $1 In the nmount nec­ nished ttie American «««Idler, wherever
essary for ihe purchaae. maintenance he may he, by the llhrury wnr council.
Chester A. Moores o f Portland is in
Salem to fam iliarize himself with his
Washington, D. C.— O f thia year’s new duties as private secretary to Gov­
wheat crop, only 77,696,000 bushels, ernor Withy combe, which w ill start
or about 11.8jper cent, w ill be left for November 1.
export to the allies and neutrals after
Mrs. Harriet Callison, pioneer resi­
dent o f Lane county, died Friday morn­
are filled, unless Americans heed the ing at the fam ily residence near Pleas­
call o f the food administration and cur­ ant Hill, where she had made her home
for more than half a century.
tail their consumption.
Experts o f the bureau o f crop esti­
Over 350 men are said to be at work
mates, in calculating this year’s theo­ in the McEachem shipyards on Youngs
retical wheat surplus, have placed the Bay, an addition o f 53 employes who
consumption at 10 per cent leas than went to At tori a, Saturday to fill posi­
the normal o f 5.3 bushels, as this tions in various parts o f the industry.
year’s conditions resemble those o f
Lane county w ill be the first county
1916, when the apparent per capita
consumption was about 4.75 bushels. in the state to receive payment o f back
For the estimated population o f the taxes on Oregon & California railroad
country 103,635,000 people — the re­ grant lands under act o f congress re­
quirement on that basis is 494,830,000 vesting title to these lands in the Uni­
bushels. Seed requirements they es­ ted States government.
timate at 87,271,000 bushels.
Albany has a new industry in a
This yea r’s wheat crop, from the glove factory which is being establish­
preliminary estimates, is 659,707,000 ed there by W. G. Ross and W. J. M il­
bushels, and the total requirements is ler. The men are beginning the busi­
placed at 582,101,000 buthels, leaving ness in a small way now, but hope to
77,696,000 bushels surplus. The food develop a large glove factory.
administration estimated the allied
The Multnomah Circuit court. Judge
countries will have a deficiency o f
more than 400,000,000 bushels of Kavanaugh sitting, was affirmed by
wheat, basing their estimate on nor­ the Supreme court Thursday in the
mal requirements. They are isolated case o f the State vs. Dr. A. A. Aus-
from those markets other than Canada plund, convicted o f manslaughter in
and the United States, on which they connection with a criminal operation.
were accustomed to rely before the Justice Burnett wrote the opinion.
war. The Russian supply cannot be
Work was resumed on the ships in
got out and the Bulgarian and Rou­ the Sommarstrom yard at Columbia
manian supplies are in the hands o f City, Friday, about 120 men being em­
the Teutons.
ployed. Work is progressing rapidly
Although Great Britain. Fnarce and on the ways and buildings for the In­
Italy are vigorously administering and ternational Shipbuilding company and
economizing their food, the situation they w ill soon be able to lay down a
in wheat, according to the food admin­ keeL
istration, is one o f great difficulty and
Several Prairie City school children
Canada, figures available
here show, w ill have a possible sur­ narrowly escaped death when a bridge
plus of 120,000,000 bushels of wheat under which they had taken refuge
and that, added to the surplus o f the from a herd o f passing cattle broke
United States, w ill make less than with the weight o f the animals and
plunged some o f the stock into the
200,000,000 bushels.
John Day river. A ll the children es­
caped serious injury.
The independent apple growers out­
side o f the Rogue R iver Fruit associa­
tion in the Gold H ill district are fit­
ting up a large warehouse in Gold H ill
and w ill begin packing and shipping
Monday. The output o f their orchards
is estimated at 15,000 boxes, while the
association's output is estimated at
25,000 boxes.
Portland— Wheat— Bulk basis Port­
land for No. 1 grade:
Hard white—
Bluestem, Early Bart, Allen, Galgalus,
Martin Amber, $2.05.
Soft white—
Palouae bluestem, fortyfold, white val­
ley, Gold Coin, Russian, $2.03. W hite
Mrs. Leslie Bailey, o f Bend, charged
club— L ittle club, Jenkins club, white
with kidnaping and robbing L. A.
hybrids, Sonora, $2.01.
Red Walla—
Rawlings, an aged rancher livin g
Red Russian, red hybrids, Jones life,
near her homestead, went on trial F ri­
coppei, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3 cents
day in the Circuit court.
Mr. Raw l­
leas; No. 3 grade, 6 cents less; other
ings testified that Mrs. Bailey and her
grades handled by sample.
, 14-year-old son had tied him, searched
Flour— Patents, $10.20.
him for valuable papers and threatened
M illfeed— Spot prices:
Bran, $30
him with death before releasing him.
per ton; shorts, $33; middlings, $41;
Governor Withycombe in an address
rolled barley, $55(357; rolled oats,
at a smoker given by the Eugene Ra­
Corn— Buying prices, f. o. b. Port­ diators Wednesday night in honor o f
land; Eastern Oregon timothy, $27 per Colonel J. M. Williams, newly ap­
ton; Valley grain hay, $20; clover, pointed Adjutant General, paid tribute
to Colonel W illiams as a man qualified
$20; straw, $8.
Butter — Cubes, extra, 45@46c; for the position as an expert in m ili­
prime firsts, 44c.
Jobbing prices: tary affairs and whose influence would
Prints, extras, 48c; cartons lc extra; be o f great value to the state.
butterfat. No. 1, 52c.
In a circular letter to employes.
Eggs— Oregon ranch, current re­ State Highway Engineer Nunn has is­
ceipts, 50c; candled, 52c; selects, 55c
sued a warning against allowing over­
per dozen.
time work to go above the minimum
Poultry— Hens, large, 18c; small,
possible for the best welfare o f the
15(816c; broilers, 18<g20c; ducks, 18 state’s program. In another circular
<S20c; geese, 8@10c; turkeys, live, warning also is issued to employes
20f<; 22c; dressed, 280130c.
that the cost o f operation o f automo­
Veal— Fancy, 15(ii 16c per pound.
biles in the highway department work
Pork— Fancy, 21(8 22c per pound.
is running too high.
V egetables— Tomatoes, 50c@$1.25
Discovery o f a rich ledge o f silver
per crate; cabbage, l @ l j c p e r pound;
lettuce, 50@75c per dozen; cucum­ ore in Granite Boulder canyon in the
bers, 40(8 60c per dozen; peppers, 17(8 Greenhorn district, is reported by Otto
-21c per pound; cauliflower, $1@1.75; Simons, o f Baker.
spinach, 6(8.7c pound.
The probabilities are that the mill
Sack Vegetables— Carrots, $1.25(8. o f the Brown Lumber company at Cot­
1.50 per sack; beets, $1.50(91.75; tage Grove, which was destroyed by
turnips, $1.50.
fire a month ago, w ill be rebuilt.
Potatoes — Oregon, $1.50011.75 per
The Linn County chapter o f the Red
hundred; sweet potatoes, 3c.
Green Fruits— Peaches. 80(890c; ap­ Cross at Albany has earned $2161.95
ples, $1.10 <8 2.25; pears, $1 @ 1.75; in serving meals to dratfed men en
grapes, 75c@$1.75; casabas, 2c per route from California to American
pound; cranberries, $4.25(84.35 per Lake.
Vice President Thomas R. Marshall
Hope— 1917 crop, 35@40c per pound; w ill speak in La Grande on November
1916 crop, 20(8 24c.
| 5, under the auspices o f the M. E.
Wool — Etxra Oregon, fine, 50(860c Church.
Commercial bodies o f that
per pound; coarse, 55(860c; valley, 55 city are preparing to give Mr. Mar-
@60c; mohair, long staple, 55c.
hall a municipal reception.
Portland Union Stockyards Co.
W ith every indication that the car
October 23, 1917.
situation is becoming more
Best beef steers......... ..$ ft.7X910.10 acute in the Pacific Northwest, Public
Good beef steers......... ..
7.75(8 9.00 Service Commissioner Buchtel has
Best beef cows........... ..
7.25(8 7.85 telegraphed Chairman M iller o f the
Ordinary to g o o d ........ . .
4.00(8 6.50 commission, who w ill be in Washing­
ton soon, to take the matter up with
Best h e ife r s ...............
C a lv e s ........................ . .
7.00(8 9.50 the Interstate Commerce commission
i directly, and ascertain i f steps cannot
Stockers and fe ed ers.. . .
4.00(8. 7.25 be taken to remedy conditions.
What is believed to have been the
Prime light h o g s ........ . $15.75(816.00 wind-up o f the necessary legal prep­
Prime heavy hogs . . . . .. 15.75(816.00 aration fo r the reclamation o f the
Bulk ..........................
marsh lands o f Lower Klamath Lake
P i « » ............................ .. 14.00(814.50 has just been completed. The lumber
is now on the ground for the closing of
the gates at the railway embankment
over Klamath Straits, which w ill ulti­
E w e s ..........................
mately reclaim a tract o f over 54,000
Western lambe...........
acre* o f the richest soil in that part of
Valley lambe............... . . 13.60@14.00 the state.