SETTING A GOOD EXAMPLE W H E A T Cam p Libraries to Supply Soldiers With Best Reading Matter \ " nv \ W' ^ Jm* w \ \ \ Mr*. Thomas W att Gregory, wife of the attorney general of the United State*. In the uniform of the food ad­ ministration. Mr*. Woodrow Wil*on, Mr*. Gregory and other wive* of cabi­ net member* and high government offi- cial*, having clgned the pledge card, are entitled to wear this uniform and hang the official food card In the w in­ dow of their home*. gmln warehouses o f the town, a pla«*e >f 200.000 Inhabitants, were overflow­ ing with wheat, maize and rice, and these supplies were constantly on dls- plny; yet there were no riots. The thousands outside the walls sat them­ selves down to die, while those within i continued to transact the ordinary a f­ fairs of evcry«lay life. During this famine parents found It necessary to sell their daughters to wealthy fumllles In which they became «lave girls. Early In the period of dis­ tress girls o f ten to fifteen years o f age brought us much us $20 each, but w hen the suffering was most severe the cus­ tomary quotation In the slave market was 60 cents each, while In one ln- ! stance a father Is known to have ac- | cepted 14 cents nnd two bowls of rice , In exchange for his child. hen cackles, the cock crows, the goose hisses, the duck quacks, the cat mew«, the dog hark«, the wolf howls, the lion roars, the bull bellows, the sparrow chirps, the pigeon coo«, the frogcrouks, In these times when thi-re Is n short­ the rook caw«, the monk«-y chatters, age not only of food materials, but nl«o the elephant trumiM*ts, the camel o f textile stuffs, the womnn who can grunts, the stag calls, the rabbit clothe herself ami her family at n ««'reams— only when wounded, the don­ minimum ex|N>nae Is "doing her hit" key brays, the bee hums, the fly buzzes, Just as much ns the womnn whose the grnssh<)pp<*r chirrups, the swallow- gnrhnge can tills slowly or the ninn twitters, tin* chick p«*cpH, the hound who makes two potatoes grow where ] buys nnd the owl hoots. One Might While Away Idle non«» grew hofor«*, declares Ileryl Plx- 1'erhnpM the best word for the sound Hours Reading One of These. on. of the Colorado State Agricultural a cricket makes Is use«] hy Tennyson. "Not a cricket chirr’d,” he writes In college. Which Is the longest poem In the Many article« o f clothing that In or­ "In Memorlam," although the w«*r«l world? One generally regards “ F’ara- dinary time« would he dUcarded with­ would lit the grasshopper better per­ dlse Lo*t” as pretty lengthy, and out a second thought may. with n lit­ haps. Tennyson prided himself on his Thomson’s “ Seasons" and Cowper’s tle care, be fro*h«*ned up and made to exact word for the noises mude by bird "Task.” But these ure short compared serve another period o f usefulness. and beast. Thus he speaks o f the with Spenser’s “ Faerie Queene," which Woolen goods may be satisfactorily “ moan o f dovea," th«; robin’s “ pipe." Is easily the longest poem iu existence, cleansed hy washing In warm water tin* woodpecker's “ laugh,” the curlew’s even as It stands, and had he attained with soap solution or soap hark. Soap "whistle," the Jay’s “ acritch," the par­ his ohJ«»ct nnd reached the twenty- fmrk Is prepare«! for us«* hy l<*ttlng five rot’s "scream," the peacock’s “ squull,” fourth b«x»k. no other i«ocm would have cents' worth stand In two «piarts of the ocean-fowTa "shriek,” nml the been “ in It." water for an hour and then straining It eagle’s “ yelp.” It Is only a quarter o f the original Into lukewarm water In which the plan, yet It Is ns long ns the Iliad, the material Is to he wash«* » » » » » » » » » » » » > t Myssey, and the Aeneld put together, the same temperature should he used twice ns long ns Dante's "Dlvinn Com- V for both washing nnd rinsing. rr«*ss X Some Observations. V woolens when almost *« gained" In one. Most grease spots tuny he removed V of wise men. X The longest novel In the world be­ w-lth naphtha soap and warm water. longs to Japan. Its author Is Ktong Te Chemical or dry cleaning will remove Bakin. It wns commenced In 1852. aud Kr case spots hy dlss«dvlng the fat. The published volume by volume as It came cleaning liquid may he ether, chloro­ out over n period of fifty years. There form. «-nrhon tetrachloride, gasoline, are 106 volumes. 106,000 pages. 3,180,- nnphthu or benzine. The Inst three 000 lines, nnd about 38,000,000 words. «hould he used In the open air If pos- A complete copy weighs 130 pounds. alble. They must be used nwny from >*< enemies. a fire or n flame o f any kind. !•? It Is awfully hard to get rich $ On nllka or antlns. rub the grease Something New. spot with 11 thin paste made o f benzine Peru was th«' first country to add ami carbonate o f magnesia. The ben­ 'instruction In aviation to Its public zine cvnporntes nnd the magnesia will | school curriculum. absorb the grease nnd can he brushed | A new electric fan can be used on a off. Very often «Iry Fromdi chnlk or desk or attached to a wall without powdered magnesia uloii«* wilt nhsorh I changing nny of Its parts. the grease, several applications some­ Concrete floors can be made almost times being necessary. A warm Iron You may have noticed that ,•« noiseless by covering them with heavy nnd blotting paper will remove some ?« one girl no soon«*r breaks n V tar paper, attached hy cement. grease spots. X man’s henrt than another conies X Europenn factories each week mnke ►J along and bandages It up. V ^ V about 16,000,000 pounds o f artificial Every Bird and Beast Makes butter with coconut oil ns a base. Sepnrnte wind shields for each of A Noise That’s All Its Own. the two scats It contains features a Chinese Docile Starvers. new English motorcycle side car. I f a complete list could be made of A French scientist Is trying to pre­ tin* distinctive name« hy which the No other race Is ns docile ns the Oh I- noises produced hy bird« nn’ / ,V iV A V A * «* .V W ,»’A V V W / < Nothin« 1» k>**l iik l<'ft nodoiie fur Ih«; nml i-lr«-iilnfl««n «if «in«* h«»«»k. On«* «b«l- comfort nml iiiciitiil recreation of t!u< lar, It has hern figured, will furnish a men who nr« j«ik, keep it in circulation until It Is country In Ihe various (rnlnlnc cutup« worn out. repine«* It when It Is retired nml cantonment« throuiihout the coun­ for physli-ul «tlxiitilIIty. and all the time try. The Y. M. O. A. wu» enrly In the pay a shun* of the expense o f prop«*rly llohl nn«l be»ld«*s It* ninny uctlvltlea, housing nml curing for these ilhrurles provldlii« for the morn I nn«l eplr 1 1 mil In th«* various camps. welfure of the men, It «llil till It eouhl It Is not to be liiiiigln«'«) that the «tu- to |irovler r«*tulliiK mutter for pend«»us task of furnishing the sol- th«'in. Hut the neeil of llbritrl«'* fur- «!l«*rs with hooks; equipping, eslahllsh nlHheil In n more n*n United Hint«*« icovernment requ<*«ti*d wlih, primarily, an etlucatlonnl Idea. thi> Aliierlilill l.lhrnry nnnorUtlon to The hooks are nee«l<-d not only to pro- undertake Ihe work. vhle recreation for the soldiers when At once. It «111 d«*cld**d to rnlxe n I they are off duty, hut to help eoun- million dollar wur fuiul; not no much t«*ract evil Influences In the vlctnltiea for the (iimiuinc of hook* un for the «•f the camps nml cantonments. Ibxik* erection o f Niiltnlilc llhrnry building« t<« read will hell« to mnke the camps ««• ■ t every rnntnumciit; for the tratupor- wholesome ami attractive that the tntloii of hookn mol for tlo' purpose of forces that tend to take men away ««■curing th«' service of nkllleil llhrurl- from th«*lr duty will lose, at least purt, nn*. The first at«*p In the formation of of their charm. the organization In chnrge of the mil­ There Is no desire <>n the part of th«* lion dollar » n r fund wnn the np|Milnt- American l.lhrnry iiNxix-Intlon n«»r the ment hy Hecretnry of Wur Newton I>. library war council to thrust cdura- linker of ten nutlonnlly known men tlomil txxiks at the h«‘iids of men al­ and women to conntltute n llhrnry wur ready tlr«*«l from training uml from council. flghllng ami who would «lesln* recrea­ United, nml co-operating with the tion ruther than the acquisition of wnr aarvlca committee nre inont of knowiedg«*. The aim has been nnd will the prominent author« of the United be to provide In nhumlunre volumes of Hinton; prncilcally nil of the publish­ short stories nml novels of the more er«. who have proved willing volun­ popuiur sort; and these when th«*y are teer* ; and practically nil of tin- leading purchased, from the present fund, will member« o f the llhrury pr««f«-H«lon. All be «elected with ull the acumen that thene nre working In ronJun«'tl«m with come« to men whose live« have been the llhrnry wnr council, the commu­ s|x-nt In llhrnry service. A t«*ntatlve nion on trnlnlng ramp artlvltlea nnd list has already been prepared, and the wnr depiirtment Itself. that It Is tremendously democratic may One of the henvleat Item« of expense lx* gleaned from the fact that It stnrts nt the iH-glnnlng of 1 tie work I n the out with W. J. Abbot's "liattleflelds erection <«f 32 cnmp-llhrnry building* nml Camp Fires" nnd Includes novel* ut th<- various • nntonment« throughout by ii«*<»rge A«b*. ftnlzac, John Kendrick the country. Koch hulldlng wilt lie -to Hangs, Jam«-* M. Barrie, ll«*x Bench. hy 12*1 feet In size, one-atory high. nnra nnd tnngn- ert W. Chnmliers, Hull Cain«*. Winston xlnes. and living «pinrtcra for the «tufT. Churchill. (J. K. Chesterton. Wilkie Col­ It 1« hoped nod « xp»*«'t«*d that «-uch of lins. Irvin Cobb, Marlon Crawford, the«e libraries will he In ehnrge of n Itb-hard I In riling Davis, Charles Dick­ trnlm-