The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, August 09, 1917, Image 7

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tra n sfe rrin g coal from cars to barges.
Hugo steel dum ping m achines now
tak e up u 50-ton cur bodily, elevate It
nnd em pty Us contents Into the barge
by tiltin g the e n tire car on tho side—a
g reat Im provem ent over the process
of unlocking a trapdoor In tho bottom
, of the car and lettin g the coal slide
T hese m achines have a
capacity of 9.000 tons each a duy.
High Speed Coal Dumper* and Llght-
Huvlng of tim e to the shipow ner
here is shown by com parison w ith
ara Simplify Work— 10,000 Tona
• urdlfT, the E nglish port w here tho
Can Be Loaded In Six*
largest tonnage of E nglish coal Is
teen Houre.
loaded for export. In loudlng a ves­
Now York.—W ur bus speeded up sel. for exam ple, the English shipper
ronllng of ships In tho p ort of Now use« n railro ad cur of ten or tw elve
York until no o th e r p o rt In th e world tons, while th e A m erican uses one of
ut tho proaont tluio I* na well equip­ fifty to ninety tons capacity, so th a t
the ( ’nrdlfT docks m ust discharge from
ped to bundle thin Im p o rtan t task.
Ho fuel huu become th e coaling of five to ten carloads to every one dis­
b ig v c h n c I n th a t enorinouM liner* like
th e Im pcriitor can have th e ir bunkers
filled to th e ir capacity of 10,000 tone
In 10 houre.
T h e reason for tho Increneed speed
la largely high-speed coal d um pers
and fuel lighter«. Euoh one of the Blow Up Their Boats in Waters
la tte r Is able to give u «hip 1,000 tons
Around the Emerald
of cool In eight hours, un achieve­
m ent due m ainly to speclul coal ele­
v ating m achinery.
Hut ahlps req u irin g 1,000 tons or
less tire In th e big m ajority, w hether
tra n s a tla n tic o r coastw ise tra d e la
considered. A n d 'I t Is not essen tial
th a t for such ships th e re should be a
loading device s e p a ra te from tho coal To Remark, "We Thought You Liked
the Irish," They Retort, "Ah, You
barg es to enable u continuous stream
of barg es to ply to an d from coal
Don't Know Ue Yet”— To
dum ping stntlons.
Cut Food Supply.
In a Single Day.
Sklbbereen, C ounty C ork.—G erm an
F o r th e av erag e vessel a to ta l of
arines hove been actively en­
.'KM) tons la usually sufficient, and this
m eans th a t a ship of th is so rt may gaged In the destru ctio n of th e Irish
d ischarge n cargo and ta k e on a new fishing fleets lu the w aters around
one all In th e course of <v single day. these coasts. Of course It Is Im possi­
W ith th e adoption of th e m odern ble to dexlguute hero tho ex act local­
lig h te r It Is an easy u iu tte r to load ities w here or the d ates w heu th e P ru s­
coal w hile th e cargo U being u n lo ad ­ sian p irates did th e ir cow ardly work.
ed and a new one tak en on. O ne m od­ Hut th e ir purpose Is plain to all th e
ern high-speed lig h ter can coal th ree w orld—to cu t off p u rt of Ire la n d 's and
E ngland’s food supply, fo r m ackerel
such ships lu an eight-hour dny.
T h is developm ent of m odern lig h t­ teem In these w uters.
ers Is equalled by b e tte r facilities for
T he su b m arin es w ere busy m any
m iles outside from K enm are In K erry
to llo w th on D ublin buy. Many fish­
ing ernft a re a t th e bottom of th e sea,
and the men who owned them and th e
ABOUT 5.000,000 DEAD
fisherm en who w orked on them ore
ruined financially.
Affixed Bomba on Boats.
New York.—F rom a carefu l
certain evening about seven
study of w hat h as been mado
o'clock the fishing fleet p u t out from
public reg ard in g ca su a ltie s In
H nttlm ore, on R altim ore bay, near
th e th ree y e a rs of w ar, It ap p e a rs
Sklbbereen. T he first num bered about
th a t about 6,000,000 co m b atan ts
eighty boats of all clusses and em ­
have lost th e ir lives and about
braced several boats from Arklow,
5.000,000 have been killed, cop-
ounty W icklow. A few hours a fte r
tu red , rep o rted m issing or so
the fleet set o u t a G erm an U-boat of
badly w ounded tb u t they can ­
the la te st p a tte rn , about 300 feet In
not re tu rn to th e fro n t.
T h is
length, appeared. The subm arlno did
ta k e s no account of th e m illions
not w aste torpedoes or shells on th e
of «lightly w ounded men.
defenseless fishing b o a ts; th e crew
T|)e tab le below gives the
sim ply placed bom bs on 13 of them
losses of all th e lighting n atio n s
and so destroyed them .
In killed nnd In men p u t out of
Only th ree m inutes w ere allow ed
th e stru g g le by d e a th , wounds,
the hapless fisherm en to get Into th e ir
sickness o r c a p tu re :
sm all b o a ts ; then nil th e ir belongings,
E N T E N T E A L L IE S .
which In tunny cases Included con­
T u ts i K illed
c a p t u r e d or
siderable sum s of money, w ere sen t to
p erm anently
th e bottom . H ad It not been fo r the
In ca p a cita ted
ap p earan ce of n Ilrltlsh p atro l, which
K ille d for nghtlUK
G i « a t B r i t a i n . . . . 300.000
caused tho subm arine to subm erge a t
F ranca
............... . . . »Ti.OoO
once. It Is c ertain th a t all th e fleet
R u s s ia
................ ...1.W O .ÜU0
I t a l y ....................... . . . 12 0.I««
would have been destroyed. Those
I t o lj f lu r n .............
th a t escaped retu rn e d to p o rt w ith an
H e r b ! « ..................
l(< » u n n n l n ___
abundance of fish, but a re not v e n tu r­
M o n to n o x r o ..
ing out agnln. so th a t In one night
S m a ll
l ’o r l u x a i
L 'n lt o d
H tu tss
th e fishing fleet of UaUlm ore h as been
S m a ll
p u t out of action by the Germ ans,
which m enns a loss of m any thousands
of pounds to th e poor fisherm en nnd
(lo r m a n y
.......... . . . 1 . 120.000
th e ir fam ilies.
Among th e fishing
A u s tr ia
.............. . . . 820.000
o fine m otorboats
T u r k e y ............... . . . 146.000
36) ».000
H u l k - a r ia ...........
belonging to th e H nltlm ore P iscato rial
schools, u m otorboat the pro p erty of
T o tn ls
fo r
b o th
Jo h n Beam ish, Sklbbereen, nnd two
m otorboats owned by Mr. C ottrell,
No Port In World as Well Equip­
ped as New York to Han­
dle Work.
charged In New York In order to m ain­
tain the sam e speed.
C arried by Steal Colliers.
Steal colliers ply betw een Hoston Crop E stim a te s in O regon and W ash­
and H am pton Iloads. a distance of 000
Many Serious Enemies Can Be
in g to n A re Low ered—Red Hpider
tulles. E ach one of th ese ships la capa
Checked by Use of Poisons.
hie of m aking a round trip every week
C auses D am age in O regon.
nnd tra n sp o rtin g 850,000 tons of coal
u year. A vessel of th e sam e tonnage,
P o rtla n d —T he hop m a rk e t is clim b­
however, carry in g a cargo of coal from
ing fa st. Only a few w eeks ago buy­ Coal T a r Treatment of 8eed Will
Cardiff to u p o rt (KM) miles away
■ally Repel Attacks of Birds
ers would not consider new hops a t any
would tn k e a week a t Cardiff to load . price. Now co n tra c ts are stro n g a t
.nd Burrowing Rodents— Spe­
Its cargo and a n o th e r week at Its dea- 11 cents. F ive hundred bales of 1917
cial Formula Is Needed.
ttnutlon to discharge It. Thus New Y akim as w ere sold on c o n tra c t a t 15
York laden ships can mnke three trip s | cents, and th e sam e price w as paid for
(From the United States Department ol
to one for a C ardiff laden vessel.
' 1000 bales of M endocinos and Sonomas. I
Huch things as th ese are w hat placea B uyers w ere freely offering 15 in both
A nim al and Insect p ests o f corn—
New York as the g re a te st port In the th e C alifo rn ia d istric ts.
p rairie dogs, ground squirrels, gophers,
world and m ukes A m erican coal op­
The m a rk e t is quoted a t 15 cents blackbirds, crows, cutw orm s, e a r
e ra to rs feel th a t th e re Is a great op­ and it is d o ubtful w h eth er any hops worms, w lreworrns. chinch bug«, g rass­
p o rtu n ity fo r ex porting American coal. | could be bought a t th a t price.
hoppers— can be effectually com bated.
Five different com panies w ithin re­
The Pacific C oast crop is not looking
F o r cut-w orm s, lum ps of poisoned
cent m ouths have established fleets of good. U n til recen tly i t w as th o u g h t bolt, m ade by m ixing ab o u t fifty
specially designed carriers on the the reduced acreag e in O regon would pounds of b ran o r corn m eal w ith two
theory th a t w ith o u r trem endous coal produce 40,000 bales.
Now some of pounds of p a rts green, six finely
supply nnd su p erio r port faculties It the d ealers believe it w ill n o t go over chopped oranges or lemons, and enough
will only be n question of time before 30.000 o r 35,000 bales.
In addition to cheap m olasses to m ake a stiff dough,
A m erica Is shipping her coal to all I the bad effects o f th e prolonged dry should be sc a tte re d along th e corn
p a rts of the globe.
Hpell and th e poor cu ltiv atio n , due to row s a t p lan tin g tim e o r as soon a i
the labor sh o rtag e, th e red spider is Injury from cutw orm s Is noticed.
causing dam age in m any sections.
T re a tin g the seed w ith coal ta r will
W ashington w ill n o t produce over usually repel a tta c k s of bird s and. In
20.000 hales o f hops th is y ear, accord­ som e cases, those of b u rrow ing rod-
ing to a u th o ritie s in th a t s ta te . The
to ta l U nited S ta te s crop may be under
B altim ore, w orth several hundred 150.000 bales, w hile a co n serv ativ e es­
tim a te of the supply needed by brew ­
pounds each.
T he p ira te s did not spare even the ers is 185,000 hales.
sm allest craft, fo r they bombed two
open boats. W ith a great ham m er
they sm ashed to h its the engine of a
little boat belonging to John Dono-
vnn of C astletow nshend and left It to
d rift about.
No lives w ere lout, hut for th a t the
H uns deserv e no thanks, for they re­
fused the fisherm en perm ission to tak e
oars Into th e ir punts.
One C ape C lear m an, resenting this
refu sal, ven tu red to rem ark to the cap­
tain of th e su b m arin e:
"I th o u g h t ye G erm ans would do
n o thing to th e Iris h —th at ye liked
“Ah, my d e a r fellow , you don’t know
th e G erm ans y et,” w as the com m and­
e r’s c u rt reply.
T he G erm ans Intim ated th a t they
hud sunk all th e K lnsale fishing boats
ns they had come along to B altim ore,
nnd th a t off D unm ore they had de­
stroyed th e W aterfo rd fishing fleet.
T hey m ade no secret of the fact, b u t
on th e co n tra ry boasted about It and
declared th a t they would have every
Irish fishing boat a t the bottom of
th e sea before n m onth. F u rth erm o re
one of th e su bm arine crew said they
Inteuded shelling villages on this
co ast shortly.
"IPs All Up Now.”
C onsternntlon and d esp n lr hav*
seized our u n fo rtu n a te flslierfolk.
" It Is all up now, sir,” said a B alti­
m ore skipper, “when they ore sinking
o u r fishing bonts.” W heu I told him
I would expose the H u n s’ d ev iltry be
Joyously ex cla im e d :
“Oh, then, do, s ir! Tell nil A m erica
th e G erm ans are th e w orst savages
on earth , and th at th is Is th e ir m ost
cow ardly blow yet. and th a t we hope
nnd tru s t th a t with the uld of o u r kith
nnd kin over th ere th e archfiends will
soon be sw ept from th e face of the
e a rth .”
Auto Turn» Turtle.
W right, K an.—I. W. S teln m ate of
M ucksvllle w as trav elin g along n road
w est of hero In his new six-cylinder
nuto and sm oking a corncob pipe,
w hen a re a r tire on the car exploded.
T he m achine turned tu rtle , burying
th e d riv er beneath. W hen S teln m ate
craw led out ho still held his pipe in
his m outh.
Bathing de Luxe for Soldiers.
F o rt O glethorpe, Go.—B ath in g de
luxe will be furnished th e m en of the
officers' tra in in g cump here by the
A m erican Ited Cross. A t the sugges­
tion of the wife of MaJ. Gen. L eonard
Wood, a big stone q u a rry Is being
converted Into n sw im m ing pool, which
will accom m odate 600 m en a t a tim e.
Nsw England Lads Mutt Fight W ith­
out Pastry, Declares Woman’s
Red Cross Starts Movement to Fit
War Victims for New
Boston.—T he w a r w elfare w ork of
(he M assach u setts W om an's T em p er­
ance union does not Include th e esta b ­
lishm ent and o p eratio n of a pie facto ry
a t Ayer, w here p a rt of th e d ra fted
arm y from New E ngland will be
train ed , Mrs. K n th erln e L. Stevenson,
p re sid e n t of th e o rganization, a n ­
“ Wo do not expect to s ta r t such a
fo cto ry ,” she said, “nor sh all we serve
th e th o u san d s of m en assem bled th e re
w ith dally nnd hourly slices of pie,
g ra tu ito u sly or on a financial basts.
T h e pie will not he a w eapon a g ain st
G erm ans tf left to th is organizatio n to
fu rn ish It In sufficiently larg e q u an ti­
tie s to re n d e r It effective."
New York.—T he lte d C ress will
s ta r t here w ithout delay a plan w here­
by men m aim ed In th e w nr nnd ordi­
nary occupations will he train ed and
fitted for new vocations.
A big building In th e business p a rt
of tho city has been tu rn ed over to
th e organization by the ce n tra l coun­
cil of the New York C hnrlty O rganiza­
tion society. T he ouly provision In
tho gift Is th a t p referen ce shall be
given to tho helping of p erm an en tly
crippled soldiers and sailo rs to become
self-supporting. T he organization on
the e n terp rise Is u n der th e direction
of Dr. E dw ard T. Devine, d irecto r of
the New York School of P hilanthropy.
T h e In vestm ent In th e electrical In­
d u strie s of th is cou n try Is equal to
th e assessed valu atio n of real pro p erty
so d Im provem ent In G re e te r New
F o r one b atta lio n to win six V ictoria
crosses In a single action Is su rely n
record, yet the L an cash ire F usiliers, on
whom the honor has been bestow ed,
have won lastin g distinction In every
b a ttle they have fo u g h t
Suicide Uncertain With "W ar Substl-
tutee,” Is Experience of Hol­
land Artlat
A m sterdam .—A P rnguo new spaper
re la te s the sto ry of an a r tis t th e re who
found It Im possible to kill him self w ith
poison or a rope, hut succeeded In hla
aim by eating a re s ta u ra n t stew . T he
new spaper's account of th e trag ed y Is
as follow s:
“T ired of life a t forty-five, tho a r ­
tis t procured a portion of a vloleut
poison and tried to poison him self
w ith 1L In vain he aw aited a fa ta l
effect, and on the follow ing dny had
th e rem ains of the vlal analyzed. It
w as a ‘w ar su b stitu te ' poison. H e then
procured a rope and hanged him self,
b u t th e rope w as mode of p ap er pulp,
an d It broke.
“T h e tw ofold failu re of h is atte m p t
a t suicide th e m an reg ard ed as a sign
of fate, and a fresh Joy In life Inspired
him .
Proceeding to a c ertain well-
know n re s ta u ra n t he ordered and con­
sum ed an alleged m eat stew . It was
a ‘w ar su b stitu te ' stew , and tw o b o o n
la te r be waa dead."
Inland E m pire C rops in F a ir Condi­
tion, D eclare In v estig ato rs.
S pokane— D. W. Twohy, presid en t
of th e Old N ational bank, accom panied
by J . K. M cCornack, m an ag er of the
Union S ecu rities company, and Thom as
F. W ren, p resid en t of th e N o rth w est
Live Stock association, have retu rn ed
from th e Palouse, L ew iston, Cam as
p ra irie and th e N ez P erce p ra irie sec­
tions. S p eaking o f conditions in these
te rrito rie s Mr. Twohy said ;
" T h e re will be less th an h a lf of last
y e a r’s crop and it w ill b rin g 75 p e r ,
cen t o f th e money received la st y e a r. !
I arriv e d a t th is conclusion a f te r con-
frences w ith m any of th e farm ers and
ban k ers of th e sections we v isited , ,
Worm Eating on Ear of Corn.
also a f te r going into a g re a t m any of
A teaspoonful of ta r is enough
th e g ra in fields and h av in g them e x ­
of corn. Mix the ta r w ith
am ined, analyzed and te ste d by Mr.
W ren and Mr. M cCornack, who are a q u a rt of boiling w ater. A fter the
m ix tu re h as cooled som ew hat b u t Is
both good farm ers.
" T h is year b rin g s out th e d an g er of still hot, s tir In the corn u n til every
the fa rm e r a tte m p tin g to handle too g rain Is coated, and then sp read It out
much land or to overw ork h is farm . to dry before planting. Corn m ay be
The b est re su lts are shown by th e pru­ im m ersed several m inutes In m oder­
d en t fa rm e r who took good care of his ately hot w ater w ithout affecting ger­
m ination. T he ta r tre a tm e n t does not
land and w orked it carefully.
" O u r conclusion is th a t th e re is no repel m ice or ground squirrels.
D estruction of corn by ground
crop failu re, b u t a sh rin k ag e in the
yield, show ing th a t th e land o f th e In ­ squirrels, p ra irie dogs, pocket gophers,
land E m pire w ill, even under adverse or mice Is best prevented by poisoning
circum stances, produce a reasonable the anim als a few days before th e corn
Is planted.
S trychnine Is th e best
c ro p ."
poison In all cases, b u t to ob tain sa tis­
facto ry re su lts a special form ula Is
needed fo r p rep arin g the poison fo r
each kind of anim al. Such fo rm u las
have been w orked out by th e b u reau of
biological survey of the d e p artm en t of
P o rtlan d — W h e a t— B luestem , $2.20 ag ricu ltu re, and special In stru ctio n s
per bushel; fortyfold, $2.15; club, will be fu rn ish ed upon application.
$2.14; red R usisan, $2.12.
P aris green and strychnine a re poisons
F lo u r— P a te n ts, $11.40.
and should not be placed w here chil­
H ay — P ro d u cers’ p rices: Tim othy, dren or dom estic anim als can get them .
E a ste rn O regon, old crop, nom inal; al­
falfa, new crop, $18@$19;
cheat, new crop, $15@16; valley oat
and vetch, new crop, $16@17.
Work Should Be Done When Plant Is
V egetables— Tom atoes, $1.25@2 per
About Three Feet High, to Avoid
c r a te ; cabbage, 1 Jc p er pound; le t­
Woodinesa In Stalks.
tuce, 35@40c p er dozen; cucum bers,
40@ 85c; peppers, 15@30c per pound;
Sw eet clover should be cut w hen It
beans, 7@ 8c; corn, 30@35c p er dozen. Is ab o u t tw o to th re e feet high, In
P o tato es— New Oregon, 3 J@ 3 |c per o rd er to avoid w oodiness In th e
stalk s. If th e p la n ts have begun to
G reen F ru its — C herries, 5@10c per stool out, cu ttin g should not be de­
pound; apricots, $1.25(0,1.50 per c ra te ; layed a day longer th a n necessary.
cantaloupes. $ 1@ 3.25; peaches, 75c@ T he crop should be cut from th ree
$1.25 p er box; w aterm elons, $1.85(0 to fo u r Inches from th e ground In
2.25 per hundred; apples, $1.75(02.50 o rd er to prev en t In ju ry to th e plan ts.
per box; rasp b erries, $1.75 per c ra te ; As sw eet clover hay cures m ore slow ­
plum s,
$1.50 @ 1 .7 5 ; loganberries, ly th a n does alfatfa, c are m ust be
$1.75; pears, $2@ 2.25; blackcaps, $2; tak en In handling so as n o t to s h a tte r
grap es. $2.50.
th e leaves. T he leaves a re th e m ost
B u tte r—Cubes, ex tra s, 40@ 40Jc per valuable p a rt of th e hay.
pound; prim e firsts, 39Jc.
E ggs — Oregon ranch, c u rre n t re­
ceipts, 36c per dozen; ranch, candled, FIRST OF CROP SAFEGUARDS
38c; selects, 39c.
P o u ltry — Hens, 15@17c per pound; Farmer 8hould Sow Nothing But Care­
fully Cleaned Seed of Strong Germ­
broilers, 20@ 21c; tu rk ey s, 18@21c;
inating Power.
ducks, old, 13@15c; young, 17@ 18Jc;
geese, old, 8@9c.
T he first of th e safeg u ard s Is good
V eal— Fancy, 15@16c p er pound.
seed. Only carefu lly cleaned seed of
P ork— Fancy, 19J@20c per pound.
Hops— 1916 crop, 8@10c p er pound; strong g erm inating q u alities should be
sown. T he grain s should be given the
co n tracts, 15c.
form aldehyde tre a tm e n t fo r sm uts,
C a ttle —
B est b eef s te e r s ................$ 8.50(0 9.00 seed po tato es should be carefu lly se­
Good b eef s te e r s ................... 7.35@ 8.00 lected end tre a te d fo r scab and o th e r
B est beef cow s..................... 5.75@ 6.75 diseases, seed com ought to be tested,
O rdinary to g o o d ................
4.00@ 5.75 pure g rass seed sown, and every p re ­
B est h e i f e r s .........................
5.75@ 6.75 caution tak en to avoid fa lla re to get
B u lls......................................« 4.50(0 6.25 a stand.
C a l v e s .................................. 8.50@ 9.25
S tockers and f e e d e r s . . . . 4.50(0 7.25
Place for Cowa Only.
H ogs—
I t la desirab le th a t th e place w here
P rim e lig h t h o g s ...............$ 15.50@ 15.60 the cowa are kept be used fo r no o th er
P rim e heavy h o g s ........... 15.40@ 15.50 purpose-
P i g s .......................„•............. 14.00@ 14.50
Bulk .................................... 15.50@ 15.55
Buttar Without Equal.
S heep—
N b a tte r can quite equal home b a t­
W estern lam b s..................$ 12.00@ 12.50 te r, If It la m ade r ig h t
V alley la m b s....................... 10.50@ 11.00
Y e a rlin g s ................................ 8.50@ 9.00
S wee tena tha Soil.
W e th e rs................................ 8.00@ 8-50
L im e aw eetens the soil aa generous
E w a a ....................................... 3.50@ 7.00 deeds aw eeten the aouL