W AR SPEEDS UP COALING SHIPS tra n sfe rrin g coal from cars to barges. Hugo steel dum ping m achines now tak e up u 50-ton cur bodily, elevate It nnd em pty Us contents Into the barge by tiltin g the e n tire car on tho side—a g reat Im provem ent over the process of unlocking a trapdoor In tho bottom , of the car and lettin g the coal slide through. T hese m achines have a capacity of 9.000 tons each a duy. High Speed Coal Dumper* and Llght- Huvlng of tim e to the shipow ner here is shown by com parison w ith ara Simplify Work— 10,000 Tona • urdlfT, the E nglish port w here tho Can Be Loaded In Six* largest tonnage of E nglish coal Is teen Houre. loaded for export. In loudlng a ves­ Now York.—W ur bus speeded up sel. for exam ple, the English shipper ronllng of ships In tho p ort of Now use« n railro ad cur of ten or tw elve York until no o th e r p o rt In th e world tons, while th e A m erican uses one of ut tho proaont tluio I* na well equip­ fifty to ninety tons capacity, so th a t the ( ’nrdlfT docks m ust discharge from ped to bundle thin Im p o rtan t task. Ho fuel huu become th e coaling of five to ten carloads to every one dis­ b ig v c h n c I n th a t enorinouM liner* like th e Im pcriitor can have th e ir bunkers filled to th e ir capacity of 10,000 tone In 10 houre. T h e reason for tho Increneed speed la largely high-speed coal d um pers and fuel lighter«. Euoh one of the Blow Up Their Boats in Waters la tte r Is able to give u «hip 1,000 tons Around the Emerald of cool In eight hours, un achieve­ m ent due m ainly to speclul coal ele­ Isle. v ating m achinery. Hut ahlps req u irin g 1,000 tons or less tire In th e big m ajority, w hether tra n s a tla n tic o r coastw ise tra d e la considered. A n d 'I t Is not essen tial th a t for such ships th e re should be a loading device s e p a ra te from tho coal To Remark, "We Thought You Liked the Irish," They Retort, "Ah, You barg es to enable u continuous stream of barg es to ply to an d from coal Don't Know Ue Yet”— To dum ping stntlons. Cut Food Supply. In a Single Day. Sklbbereen, C ounty C ork.—G erm an F o r th e av erag e vessel a to ta l of subm arines hove been actively en­ .'KM) tons la usually sufficient, and this m eans th a t a ship of th is so rt may gaged In the destru ctio n of th e Irish d ischarge n cargo and ta k e on a new fishing fleets lu the w aters around one all In th e course of