The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 26, 1917, Image 1

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    (Ehe Jnrpñí droite lExprraH
Vol. 2, No. 16
Red Cross Auxiliary
Organized in Forest Grove
Teachers Selected
$1.50 per Year
Preparing to Entertain
Encampment Visitors
At a recent meeting of the
school board, the members offered
positions to Superintendent Inlow
and the following teachers and it
The Commercial Club has been
is understood all will accept:
; holding a series of meetings to ar-
High School— J. H. Pruett, range for the G. A. R. Encamp­
principal; Alice Cole, Mary Cole,
ment, June 27th, 28th and 29th,
Anna Taylor, Edna Mills, Delia
committees are at work in
Hunkins, Verna Menefee, John A.
the arrangements.
Dopp, Richard Abraham and C.
be highly satisfactory
L. Mump.
to the members of the Commercial
Grades— G . E. Richards, prin Club if everyone in the city would
cipal Central school; Etsie I^ath- consider himself, or herself, a com-
Dyke and Committee from Woman’s
The Forest Grove Re<l Cross committer*» was left to Chair­
auxiliary wuh given u big boost at man Hollis, who named the fol­
Band Music Graham, Johnson, HofT-
man, Littler.
Marsh flail last Thursday even­ lowing chairmen, who will select
ing, when four hundred men and their assistants:
women gathered to hear speakers
Civilian Relief— M r s . A. B.
After considerable investigation
explain the nature of the work Todd.
and consultation with the G A.
being done by the American Red
Military Relief— H. J. Goff.
R. veterans and a committee from
Cross and the great need» of
M e m b e r s h i p — Mrs. B. F.
th eW . R. C., it was decided to
more members and fund» by that White.
recommend that the following
Finance— Roy Hes«eltine.
rates be adopted and that all peo­
Publicity— W. C. Benfer.
ple of the city be requested to
Dr. Ralph M att»onof Portland,
Educational— E. E. Williams.
to these rates:
recently returned from the front,
was expected to address the meet ' Mrs. B. F White, who started Edena Clarke, Opal Hyde, Flor­
For single bed
It has been decided to procurq
For bed occupied by two
........... .75
ing, but wa» unable to be present I the good work in this city, report- ence Enchede, Catherine Crafsic a flag and flag pole and dedicate
and Henri Labia?, French vice 1 ed that the K. of P. lodge had re- and Floy Norton. There is one the same to the Boy Scouts in
Dinner ................. „...................... .35
consul at Portland, took his place, i (»tried seventeen memberships
recognition of their willingness to
Supper .....
explaining at considerable length and enough others had come in to
assist in any way possible during
the needs of and for the Red bring the membership up to 102.
Lend Your Hand
the encampment, and also to dem­
Cross. He gave a brief history ; including one life member, who
onstrate in a practical way that
Owing to the urgent letters re­
of the organization and told of paid $25. She read a letter from
the Commercial Club and citizens ceived by the Commercial Club
the excellent work the American the secretary of t h e Portland
Fifty-two local men and women of Forest Grove are interested in relative to the conservation of
Red Cross was doing in foreign chapter, which states that all or­
attendida meeting and enjoyed the work the Boy Scout* are do­ food supplies, both State and
fields and the necessity for re­ ganizations in Washington county
ing. This is made possible by the National, and the extreme de­
cruiting it for service in case would be auxiliary to the Port­ an excellent supper at the Christ­ action of the City Council in set- mands which will be made upon
America put soldiers in the field. land chapter, to which all mem- ian church last Monday evening, ting apart a fund for that purpose, the United States to supply the
Up to a few months ago, Oregon l»ership fees would be sent. The the meeting being called to ar­
The Boy Scouts have been re- world with food during the next
was the only state in the union Portland chapter will supply the range financial support for th Y. quested to furnish detachments
year, the Commercial Club ap-
without the Red Cross, but the locals with supplies and materials M. C A , which is trying to raise for assistance as follows:
pointed a committee to assist in
work of organization is now being for making articles needed at the $40,000 in Oregon to put workers
t .
. f f ' . „ : .
» w ’ , v " manner within their t power
" " « . 10
pushed all over the state.
The front. It was reported that Hills­ in the militarv training camps to
and moral r r
» bnrlg- ab° Ut lnt.ense crop raising
Red Cross was giving relief and boro already had 600 members look after the spiritual
l.f.v* in K* V* headquarters, L. G. A. K. (,n this community,
community. The commit-
first aid to all nations in the big and the membership committee is welfare of the boys in khaki headquarters, a n d Commercial tee consists of Professor Inlow, A.
European war and so highly-re­ instructed to boost the enroll­ The supper came first and it was Club. A' detachment of fifteen G. Hoffman, W. H. Hollis, Joe A.
a good one, served by the ladies!
spected is the organization that ment of the local auxiliary.
at the reception quarters and a Wiles and B. F. White.
of the church
Then came a crisp ’
even the “ unspeakable” Turk was
detachment of five to take charge
It is hoped that any one who
talk by B. J Simpson, who toid o r the flag during the three days
careful not to fire on a Red Cross
vacant lots or spare ground
ambulance or depot.
There is
suitable for cultivation, will notify
in Portland a branch of the Brit­
Mrs. McEldowney has kindly members of this committee. Also
duced Mr. Dillon of Portland,
ish Red Cross which is sending
consented t o a c t as Musical any one having surplus seed please
At a sp«*cial meeting of the city who wa* wiih the troops on the directress and will drill a chorus
weekly $200 worth of supplies to
notify the commhtee.
England and France.
council, all members present, held Mexican borded last fall. This for music.
speaker told of the great tempta­
The membership of the Com­
After Mr. Labbe’s address. E. Friday evening the vouncil voted
tions which beset the boys; how mercial Club at the present num­
E. Williams read the names of the Commercial Club $100.00 to­
their inactive lives in the camps bers but about 100, and a cam­
twenty-five men and w o m e n
ward defraying the expenses inci­ made them easy prey to evil- paign will be vigorously carried!
whom* names had been suggested
minded persons of both sexes, I
At a recent meeting of the
as a board of“ directors. On mo­ dent to handling the state en­ who swarmed about the soldiers ' on during this week to see if its
tion those named were elected, as campment of the G. A. R. and to lead them astray and relieve number cannot be increased to at trustees of Pacific University, R.
least 200. The Commercial Club F. Clark, at present dean of the
W. R. C „ to be held in this city them of their money.
feels that the moral support of university, was elected acting
Messrs. Wr H. Hollis, Roy lies- the last week in June.
Mr. Dillon stated that it was
seltine, A. G. Hoffman, C. A
Council also decided to give to the aim of the Y. M. C / A . to the membership is worth more president for the coming year,
Lit tier, W. W. McEldowney, W. Pacific University free water, to erect two hundred plants, includ­ than financial aid, but both are which means he will be in full
C. Benfer, J. P. Hurley, A. E. the average amount used during ing libraries, gymnasiums, etc., absolutely necessary to a success- charge after August 1st, at which
ful encampment. A committee on time President Bushnell retires.
Scott, W. J. McCready, E. E. the past three years, all in excess
near the military camps, with one new membership has been ap- The directors have decided to
Williams, H. J. Goff, W. C. Em of said average to be paid for at
merson, Mesdames B. F. White, regular rates; also electric current thousand trained workers to look pointed and also two teams on leave the presidency vacant for
after the boys. 1 his would re- finance. The amount necessary to some time, probably a year, and
C. E. Walker, Chas Hines, E. E at 4c per kilowat hour.
quire $.‘1,000.000 and it was esti- raise in addition to what the Com
Williams. Eva Abbott, John E.
Ordinance granting a franchise ma ed that Oregon should furni*h mercial Club now has will be in Dean Clark will be the actual
head of the institution. The only
Bailey, M. S Allen, A. B. Todd, to the Portland Gas & Coke com ­
the Express has heard
George Paterson, Dorothy Sey­ pany wa- given first and second would lake care of $25,000 and
The parade will be in charge of on this action are very flattering
mour and Misses Mary Farnham, reading and referred to our city
the rest of the state should raise a committee and it is hoped that to Mr. Clark, who stands well in
Manche I,angley and Marjorie attorney (E. B. Tongue of Hills the remainder.
all organizations will take an ac- the esteem of the students, faculty
boro), to be acted upon at next
An Executive Committee com­
Judge Hollis and Rev. R. E regular meeting. The franchise posed of B. J. Simpson, M. R. tive part in preparing attractive and townspeople in general,
Dunlap then made appeals for is for 25 years, is not exclusive; Johnson. John Thornburgh, W. floats, and that the very attractive Honor Guard Girls Need Potatoes
members, stating that the annual agree- that so long as the city op­ H. Hollis G. G. Paterson, H. L and pleasing fea’ ure of the child­
ren’s parade that wa* conducted
The time for securing seed po-
dues were $1 00 with a dollar ex­ erates its own light plant said
Bates and R. F. Clark was chosen
tra for those who want the Red company will not furnish gas for and these members, with Messrs. herc two years ago may be re tatoes and planting them is very
short. The girls of the Honor
Cross Magazine. Eighty names lighting purposes. The rate is to A G Hoffman, Dr. H. B. Moore, peated.
Guard request the citizens of
w e r e enrolled, in addition to be the same as in Portland— $1 00 T. E. Laacs, C. A. Littler. W P.
has been making a canvass of the forest Grove and surrounding
twelve that had'■previously en­ per 1.000 feet, with a minimum
Dyke, F. C. Taylor, W. J. Mc­ city for quarters and that work is country to help them by donating
Five Boy Scouts were charge of 50c per month.
Cready and M. J Fenenga, with nearly completed.
seed potatoes and land.
among those joining the ranks.
H. W Scott wants to sell the others to be chosen at a meeting
The Guard will give value re­
Mayor Paterson presided at the city 160 acres of land adjoining to be held at the Rogers’ library, The . Commercial
, Club
, hopes ceived
to all donators when the
meeting, which opened with the I the city’s water-shed holdings at 7:30 next Tuesday evening, will f
n°f o n e u_
matured. The potatoes
singing o f t h e “ Star-Spangled and the matter was referred to be a committee to solicit funds to ° ‘ the c,ty Wl
" l
us® a°d to help re­
Banner” by the audience, led by the Hillsboro city attorney for finance the campaign planned by
of food and re-
Thos. E. Isaacs and Mrs. F. W. Forest Grove.
the national officers.
The following were selected to orated and that the entire city
Barendrick Made Good
It is everybody’s duty to work
The Boy Scouts went through
visit the outlying churches on may act in harmony to bring in co-operation with the girls in
their flag-raising exercises while
In the prohibition oratorical Sunday May 6th, or Sunday,
th<* national air was played by contest at McMinnville last Sat­ May 13th, on the same mission: about a pleasing effect in the their endeavor. All d o n a t o r s
matter of decorations, each in- please call Mrs. Ray T. Williams,
Mrs. E. E. Williams, piano and u rd ay Miss Kdith Garrison, of
W. J. McCready, Gaston and dividual decorating his or her own phone 0343.
S. A. Walkeh, violin.
Willamette University, won first
Scoutmaster Ray T. Williams place and the $50 prize. Her o ra -! Cherry Grove; Dr. Bishop. Cor­ home as they may see fit and
All girls belonging to the Guard
presenter! sixteen Scouts with cer­ tion was “ The New Reconstruc-! nelius; VV. P. Dyke, Dilley; Rev. proper.
i must be present at Saturday’s
Daniel Staver, Gales Creek; Rev.
tificates of promotion.
An effort will be made to pro- drill at P. U. gymnasium,
| tion.”
Barber, Hillside; Rev Dunlap.
Sixteen of the directors met
Erwin Barendrick. of Pacific Laurelwood and Thatcher; B. J cure some additional lighting for
Memorial Services
the city during that time
Sunday afternoon at the office of I University, won second place and j
Simpson, Kansas City; A. Rk
Memorial services will be held
Hollis & Graham and selected the I the $10 prize with his oration on j
Below is a list of the committees
Keagy, Watts.
in the Methodist Church on Sun­
following officers:
“ Sbstituution Versus the Saloon.”
All the pastors of the city will
W. H. Hollis, Chairman.
W'alter Elsfelder, of McMinn-1 be asked to talk on this subject the committee appointed by the day, May 27th, 1917, at 3 o ’clock
Miss M . F. Farnham, Vice ville, took third place. The other! Sunday, May 6th, which has been Womans’ club, to co-operate with I p. m. A large attendance from
I the Grand Army, the Woman's
'the Commercial Club:
contests were Cecil. Tupper, of designated as army “ Y ” day.
Mrs. Dorothy Seymour, Secre­ the Eugene Bible University, and
Reception and Registration Inlow, Relief Corps and other societies
will be appreciated.
I Miss Amy Carson, of the Univer­
Carlton E. Spear, aged 73, I Dyke, Bates.
Flag and Flag Pole—Fenenga and
Will a representative of the
Roy Hesseltine, Treasurer.
sity of Oregon.
passed away at the home of his I Dyke.
Honor Guard, the Campfire
Chairman Hollis then asked
Ray T. Williams, who recently daughter, Mrs. A. G . Gibson,1 Badges Graham: Johnson and com­ Girls and the Boy Scouts kindly
Messrs. Hoffman and Littler to took an examination, in Portland, Laurelwood, last Monday a n d mittee from Woman’s Club.
call at my office ? I wish to con­
nominate an executive committee
for a commission in ^ the regular funeral services were held at the ; Grounds and Seating Sanford, Mc­ fer with them in regard to this
Cready and Bates.
of five and the committee named
army, has been notified that he Gibson home at 2 o ’clock Tues-1
Lighting and Decorating — Graham, meeting and the Department En­
E. E. Williams, H. J. Goff, W W. passed with high standing and day afternoon, Elder E. H. Em-
Johnson and Committee from Woman’s campment, to be held here June
McEldowney, Mrs. A. B. Todd
may expect to be called between
26. 27 and 28th
and Mrs. B. F. White as such
in the Hill Cemetery. Deceased (
WT J. R . Beach.
committee. The directors elect­
leaves a widow, three daughters I
ed the five named as the executive
Mr. and Mrs. John Heisler of
A trial order is all we ask; next and one son. Mr. a n d Mrs. | Musio Mrs Wilbur McEldowney.
Gales City visited their daughters
to postoffice. Ruggles Cleaning Spear came from California last, directress.
1 Parade McCready. Ray Williams, . in this city yesterday.
The naming of the other needed Works.
t t t t ó t ó r - » ■»*> «»» «
Y. M. C. A. Workers
Prepare for Service
The City Council
Contributes Money
Dean Clarke Elected
Acting President