(Ehe Jnrpñí droite lExprraH AN IN D E PEN D E N T W EEKLY NEWSPAPER FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 26. 1917 Vol. 2, No. 16 Red Cross Auxiliary Organized in Forest Grove Teachers Selected $1.50 per Year Preparing to Entertain Encampment Visitors At a recent meeting of the school board, the members offered positions to Superintendent Inlow and the following teachers and it The Commercial Club has been is understood all will accept: ; holding a series of meetings to ar- High School— J. H. Pruett, range for the G. A. R. Encamp­ principal; Alice Cole, Mary Cole, ment, June 27th, 28th and 29th, Anna Taylor, Edna Mills, Delia and committees are at work in Hunkins, Verna Menefee, John A. making the arrangements. Dopp, Richard Abraham and C. It would be highly satisfactory L. Mump. to the members of the Commercial Grades— G . E. Richards, prin Club if everyone in the city would cipal Central school; Etsie I^ath- consider himself, or herself, a com- Dyke and Committee from Woman’s The Forest Grove Re «»» « Y. M. C. A. Workers Prepare for Service „r The City Council Contributes Money Dean Clarke Elected Acting President ! - ..............— - — j j j