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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1916)
( w . -r (Sforo? Voi. 1, No. 4 1 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY, OCT. 19. 1916 Wife SEWER SYSTEM A Young Called by Death IS AN ORPHAN cxunss $1.50 per Year Washington County Mrs. John Peabody of Haines Veterans Celebrate was shopping in Forest Grove i A pretty home wedding took Saturday. Soldiers of the Mexican, Civil S O C IA L N O T E S notes AND p e r s o n a l s At 2 o’clock last Monday after at noon, Monday, Oct. 16, The latest Columbia records of and Spanish-American wars, with noon Mrs. Alice Belle I^aMont, place at the home of Mrs. E. Dye, when the new songs on sale at Littler’s their wives, to the number of 175, Councilmen McCreudy, Todd, wife|of Harley B. I,aMont, pass . Miss Helen L. Bishop and Mr. Pharmacy. met at Cornelius last Thursday Johnnon and Mertz were in their ed away at the home of her! George H. Shaffer were united in to hold the semi-annual reunion seats when Mayor Paterson cal parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. marriage. Miss Bishop has been Roy Hesseltine of the First and picnic of the Washington led the meetinx to order last Walker, in this city, at the age in the west but a short time, com National Bank had business in County Veterans’ Association. In Portland today. Friday night and Councilman of nineteen years. ing originally from Lynn, Mass. point of and interest Coon c a m e in later. E. B. Deceased was bom in Portland Mr. Shaffer has been a resident of A son was born Tuesday to Mr. it was the attendance moi>t important Tongue of Hillsboro, city attorn and Mrs. Henry Kranz, living on ing of the kind held in three gather Portland for many years, having years. ey, was present and, after a con July 9th, 1897, and, with her come from Albany, N. Y. Rev. the Stringtown road Memorial services for the ference with that gentleman, the parents, came to Forest Grove in R. L. Putnam of the Christian The Rebekah lodges of Wash members passing away since three city duds decided to take no action 1900. Here she attended the church officiated. Rev Putnam ington county will hold a district last meeting were held at the the on the acceptance or rejection of public schools and grew to wom is a recent arrival in Forest Grove, convention at Gaston on Satur- E. church in the forenoon, with M. a the sewer system. this autumn wedding was his day, Nov. 4 good program, which opened with hood, was courted by and mar and City Engineer Kirkwood re- an first. The young c o u p l e will The Ladies' Aid society of the singing of “Nearer, My God, ported that all the repairs ordered ried Harley I^aMont on March locate in Portland, where they M. E. Church was entertained the to Thee.” Rev. Crozier then of by himself and the consulting en 12th, this year. Early in Sep- have many well-wishing friends. yesterday afternoon by Mr s . fered a prayer, after which the gineer, Mr Koon, had not been James Andrus. names and records of the deceased A very pleasant time was en- Mrs. R. C. Hill gave a Silver members were read. made; he had caused the sewer Rev. Cro- ! joyed Saturday night when Tom Tea at her residence last Friday zier then delivered a tal on lateruls one and four to be which Todd and Glenn Hoar entertained for the benefit of the Congrega- was in the nature of an k eulogy. opened in ten places and found their many friends at an invita tional Workers’ Society. fully half of the joints leaking audience sang “Shall We tion dance at the K. of P. hall. Glen Wagner is now Frank The badly, so badly in fact that when Meet at the River?” and Presi The Newberg boys were present Gordon’s right-hand man in the dent Butler a hose was turned into the open and Walkers’ orchestra played. hardware store, Leslie Doane hav address. delivered the closing ditch, practically all the water All enjoyed themselves. found its way inside the sewer, ing resigned to take a traveling Practically everybody in the via the leaking joints. crowd had brought a basket of job with a wholesale house. George Rasmusen entertained a Sherman Elliott, brother to one lunch, and to this the ladies of the number of his college friends last The “Workers” class of the M. of th>* contractors, was present Cornelius Civic League added hot Tuesday evening at a most de E. Sunday School gave James and stated that he was still work coffee and other refreshments, lightful stag party at his home A Andrus a surprise party at his making a very ing on the repair» and changes palatable dinner bountiful feast was the first thing home near Eddy last evening ordered, but had no orders to on the progitm, beginning at 7 twenty of the class members at- Ior an* -V take up and relay the leaking After lunch there came another o’clock. This was pronounced one tending. pipes in laterals one and four. good including the ad of the greatest feasts yet As 0 .’ A. Crowell, a well-known dress of program, The light committee recom welcome by Mayor Sholes, those present were all Gamma banker of Almond, Wis., accom mended the installation of a saw the response by President J. T. Sigma men, the time was *pent in panied by his family, visited a tlT1 . . , , Oswald dust burning apparatus at (he relating humorous incidents that the home of M. R. Johnson a few er* a v°cal. solo by light plant, saying there would be had occurred in connection with days this week. Mrs. Crowell and _ _n ^a noted singer), a solo by a saving from $1.00 to $3.00 per E. F. Sias, an address by Dr. J. Gamma Sigma events and Mr. Johnson are cousins. day by burning sawdust, instead tember she was stricken with former E. Hall of Portland, department much hearty laughter was the re of cordwood. Committee given appendicitis and on Sept. 19th sult. The apple cider was simply Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bryant commander for Oregon; another now have two boys in the Hills solo by Mr. Olson, power to go ahead one by Prof. great. Many toasts were drunk The library board asked the an effort was made to save her during the banquet, the first be boro hospital—Forest, a g e d 8, Lester Mobery and one Chest city to construct a small brick by an operation, but the com ing to the health of the host and who was operated on Saturday er Linkenfelder, a vocal by solo by appendicitis and hernia; and room at the library for a frost plaint had made such inroads on others to “Old Gamma Sigma,” for Mrs. Carruthers a whistling solo ^ vict?r' ^ « a8efl 4 1 0 1U- who an proof toilet. Referred to pur her health that she did not wno had an *P- nov rally The ine Waitress” waitress and ana “Old -«a P. r. U.” u. pendicili8 operation a haa week ago by Peter Vanoudenhagen, 7 a talk chasing committee, with power to and days be-1 The rest of the evening was spent Saturday Roth do:n„ ni(.p|v by C. A- Williams, adjutant gen- on Oct. 14th, two act. .r in singing and playing “500.” i,atUrday- Botn are d0,ng nice,y* eral; talk and solo by by H. A. Ham- fore her death, another opera Council then adjourued to Mr. Russell Morgan also sang a The Gleaners’ class of the Chris- ilton and short talks by B. F. Pike Tuesday, Oct. 24, at which time tion was performed. This, also, number his delightful songs, tian church held a very pleasant and J. T. Hendershot. it is safe to say there will be a failed to bring relief and the un Mr Irvin of Barendrick presiding at social at the church last evening, j The next metting of the associ- lot more talk about the sewer, fortunate woman passed away the piano. At a late hour the party There were twenty-five present, atj0n will be held in this city the which nobody seems to want. broke up and the merry college including members of the class first Thursday in May. Monday. men left, feeling that they had and invited friends. The even Mrs. LaMont was one of the indeed one of the most de ing was spent in playing games; An Entertainment of .Merit most popular young women of lightful spent v e n i n g s yet. Those and banqueting. Every moment i The recital given in Marsh hall the city and her funeral, which present, e beside the hosts, were: was a continual round of pleasure, last Friday evening was attended In the neighborhood of two was held from the residence of Vercie Bellinger. Russell Morgan, The class intends holding other by a small number of music-lovers. evenings in the future from The violin selections by Prof. hundred patrons of the Forest Mr. and Mrs. Walker at 10 Irvin Barendrick, Francis Wade, social time to time, as they can be con William Wallace Graham of the Orlando Romig, Tommy Fowler Grove schools gathered at the : o’clock yesterday forenoon, was and veniently arranged. Ben Willard. college Conservatory of Music high school Tuesday evening, on |one of the largest held in this The faculty of the Conservatory were the best features of the even invitation of the Parent Teachers’ city in many years. Rev. 0. H. There was a jol y celebration at of Music at Pacific University of ing’s entertainment. He proved association, to get acquainted Holmes, D. D., preached the fu- the Congregational church yester- fers a course of lectures on musi that he was an artist of rare abil with the new teachers and renew neral sermon and there was sing- ^ay, when Mrs. W. B. Coon and cal appreciation, to be given once ity on the violin and the audience bv members or of the the Conirre-!«?r helpers served a her dinner to at each 7:30 month, on Tuesday evenings this part of the program friendship with those who are not imr ing by members Mmgre Mrg. C. 0 Roe and helpers, o’clock, the first meeting enjoyed as a real treat. The last violin so new. (There are no ‘o'd’ teach gational church choir.^ The re- por ^wo months these two squads ers in Forest Grove, you know.) mains were interred in Forest had waged a contest to see which to be held next Tuesday evening number on the program was worth at Marsh hall. Anyone is eligible the whole evening to hear and the Members of the school board cemetory. could bring the most members to to this course, as it is planned not audience sa t as if spellbound and of the faculty stood in line at j View for music students, but also while he rendered this most ex- the entrance and gave all comers In addition to her husband and the Working Society and Mrs. only those who have no technical quisite Viennese waltz, “ Liebes- ‘¿ ft ban for the glad hand and in the rooms parents, deceased is survived by knowledge were members of the reception : a brother, Fred Moore, of San (quet. At first it looked like a charged. of music. No fee is j leid,” by Kreisler, the wonderfully notes of the waltz seeming committee to introduce patrons Francisco. | vegetarian feed, but after having The famous Gamma Sifcma de sweet to grow more beautiful as the and teachers. A f t e r al l had ran cisco. _______ a little fun out of it, the losers bating society of P. U. held an hearers became more familiar shaken hands, the party repaired Acknowledgment of Appreciation served their victors with a real with its rhythm. unusually interesting debate last to the auditorium, where Presi The undersigned desire to make sure-enough dinner, A fine mus- when they debated the Miss H e l e n Calbreath, the dent Littler of the Parent-Teach public acknowledgment of their and literary program was a evening question, “Resolved, That Wood- pianist and accompanist, also dis ers’ association stated the object 1 appreciation of the many acts of ical row Wilson Should be Re-elected.” played ¡skill on the piano. Miss of the meeting (as stated above) kindness and words of consola part of the celebration. The affirmative side was upheld Evelene Calbreath, mezzo soprano, and announced the numbers on tion tendered them by their many Rodolf-Johnson ,. . . , | by Webb and Bernards; the neg- sang some most beautiful songs, the program. ! friends during the illness and after ative and Ras- tho’ her voice did not seem adapt- The first was a vocal solo by • the death of their wife and daugh- home of the bride’s parents, Mr. ( musen by Both Bellinger sides were well pre- ed to the hall. A larger and bet- Prof Thomas, who so pleased the ;, Alice Belle LaMont. Espec- and Mrs. C. N. Johnson, east of sented, giving a fairly clear ter adapted hall would undoubt- audience that he was recalled. , ¡ally do they wish to thank those Dilley. occurred the marriage of parjson of he claims of the com-j re- edly done her voice fuller Miss Bagstadof Pacific Univer who tendered the use of their M m Caroline Johnson to Mr. publicam> a n d th e democrats, • justice, have for she has a beautiful sity followed with an excellent automobiles for the funeral. voice of such that a small interesting as f c pÎÆ , Ä Ü making the debate reading. Rev. Cecil Tapper of Eugene per well as instructive. The decision auditorium does power Harley B. LaMont. not allow it full formed the marriage service. Mrs. Wilbur McEldowney’s Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Walker. freedom. of the judges was in favor of the contribution was two solos, both Mr. and Mrs. Byron LaMont. The young people received a affirmative. ¡large number of beautiful and An announcement received by remarkably well rendered. Football Schedule valuable presents, including $150 E. S. Sparks a few days ago, from Miss Emma Craft’s violin solo in money from the bride’s father, was so good that she was recalled. Next Saturday the Pacific foot $500 and $50 . -, respectively, from iVe. x * Robinson, a former Pacific United States Senator George * . —. . ^ I ! nHToreifxr student, o tn /io n t m im o t the n o nouro The closing number was a song ball team plays the Vancouver Joe University gives news and Charles Boles of Portland, by the High School double quar Athletic Club team at Vancouver, i uncles to the bride. of his recent marriage to Miss E. Chamberlain hal been secured tet and made such a hit that a The following is the present sched- I for an address at Marsh Hall, Pa Dorothy Phillips, the wedding second number was necessary to ule of games to follow: October, Mr. and Mrs. Rodolf expect to taking place at Germantown, cific University, on Saturday ev this evening for California, Penn. Mr. Robinson, while at ening of this week. The Senator satisfy the audience. 28th—Mt. Angel at St. Benedict;! leave where groom is engaged in’ P. U. was a very prominent ath has lots of admiring friends in After the program, everybody November 4th—Chemawa Indian farming. the The b e s t wishes of lete and for some time was the Washington county and will, no went to the domestic science de School, at Forest Grove (the first hundreds of Washington county champion half-mile runner on the doubt, draw a big crowd. Need partment, in. the basement, where game on the local field); Nov. 11th people follow them to their new Pacific coast. Mr. and Mrs. Rob less to say, he is supporting Pres tea and cookies were served to all. —Willamette, at Salem; Nov. home. ____ inson, the latter an eastern girl ident Wilson and his policies. The affair was very enjoyable 30th—U. of O. Freshman team, and will, no doubt, do much to at Forest Grove. Albany college Mrs. Andrew Youngstrom left and unknown to people here, will The meeting is called for 8 bring teachers, pupils and patrons will also probably p l a y here, yesterday for her home at Wood make their home in Baltimore, o’clock, so try to be in time to get together in perfect understanding though the date has not yet been land, Wash . after a visit with Maryland, where the groom has a a seat. There will be good music. Mrs. Nellie Ives. position. fixed. Ladies, especially, are invited. —something very desirable. Patrons and Teachers Get Acquainted Senator Chamberlain Here Saturday Night