The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, August 03, 1916, Image 6

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    Its of an audience themselves over­ him. The dancers from the hotel had later a group of officers followed. They
come by the heat and passion tha t ■warmed up to the long linos of hang were s i t In num ber tw o Itnitrunots.
hung heavy In the night air. Sylvia lug la n te rn s at the edge of the garden three c a p ta in s and a major. They be
Arnaud clapped her hands like a child. A clown climbed upon the stone gate longed to the same regiment. They ex
T he noise of the dancing and music post nml wns healing wildly, hilarious chntigt'd desultory rem arks, and from
reached the lighted room th a t facts! ly on th e heads of the crowd with lib time to tim e olio or another of them
out on the avenue. At his place by the bladder, shouting a witticism nt each laughed Only .teslco Arnaud was
window Stephen Lowe seemed plunge.!
k Be Prepared
laughing victim. But beyond a thin silent.
In his own thoughts, and the m au In
I L For
A mom ent later the seutrlea present
«lark stre a m flowed from the d a rk n e ss
evening dress who stood with his
Into the light nml from light hack Into « h I arm s aud Colonel Baatlnn entered.
clenched hand ou the table stam ped
They were grotesque fig All s i t men sprang to tln'lr feet. There
tires—hideous, pitiable. These also wns more than formal mllltni'y ««our-
“ Are you listening. Mr. I,owe?”
A HoutthotJ R tm td y
teay In that sim ultaneous m o v e m e n t
“Yes, yea. I am listening. I heard w ere figures of carnival but different
T heir eyes w ere fixed on Ids face ns ou
everything you said. Sow er w a s cash
some fear«'«! amt Inenleillnble oracle.
lered. 1 am uot surprised. Ills profes­ them. Their heads were bowed. Be­
" P ra y tie tented, gentlem en.”
sion w as his tragedy. He would have
lie took Ills place In the mlilst of
made an adm irable company promoter, seemed to shrink, to cow er closer to
beueatll the tw o tricolors drape*!
but the task of being an honest gen­
_______ A L I M I M I N r
tlem an w a s too much for him. You say animal. And many stumbled. Pres- perfunctorily «iver a m iniature and em-
bleiuattc host of the republic. “ Bring
he has committed suicide. H a v e you
In the prisoner.” he said ehnrply.
For Cuts, Burns,
come all this way to tell me of poor front of him.
Bruises, Sprains,
Sower's more or less provtdeutlal es­
A few ynrds behind the Inst line a In the brief Interval th a t folio wed the Strains, Stiff Neck,
S y l v i a O m n*y, h e r lover, R i c h a r d K a r- cape. Mr. Preston?”
■lx men relaps«-«| Into their former a t t i ­
q u h a r . Onda, h a s fa ll e n In love w i t h C a p ­
The young man crimsoned, but a n ­ spahl rode alone. A short rope w as a t ­
Chilblains, Lame Back,
t a i n A r n a u d o f t h e F o r e i g n L egion. K a r -
tached to his saddle—and to n man tude of languid Indifference. The two
g u h a r f o r c e s S o w e r to h a v e F r e s t o n ' a I O swered steadily.
Old Sores, Open Wounds,
U’a r e t u r n e d to him . S o w e r f o r c e s K a r-
who stum bled nt his horse's heels. The younger officers exchanged whispered
“You were his friend.”
d u h a r to r e s i g n his c o m m issio n . G a b r i e l le
and all External Ii\juries.
s a v e s F a r q u h a r f r o m suicid e. T o sh i e ld
A falut Ironical smile crept over rope was round his neck; his hands
A r n a u d , S y l v i a 's (lane*, F a r q u h a r p r o ­ Lowe's suffering feature».
were bound behind him, and the broken
fesses to
h a v e st o l e n w a r p l a n s .
tered. follow««*! by tw o corporals end • Made Since 1846.
R i c h a r d N a m e l e s s h e Joins t h e F o r e i g n
"I w a s Sower's p a rtn e r.” he said lluk o f a chain clanked In the sudden m an whoso bands am! feet were
Prica 25c, 50c and 91.00
I-oglon. F a r q u h a r m e e t s S y l v i a a n d G a ­
stricken stillness. Ills kepi had t»een
chained. T h e re was a short sllenc'e.
brielle. A r n a u d be co m e« a d r u n k a r d a n d quietly. “ You were F a r q u h a r ’s friend
o p i u m s m o k e r . S y l v i a b e c o m e s f r i e n d l y You chose to act with us a g a in st him
T he sergenut m ade an authoritative
" 1 t h C olonel B e s t tn n .
A rn a u d becom es
g a u u t quiet face w as visible. As
gesture, nml the man w in thrust for­
J e a lo u s of F a r q u h a r a n d Is s h o t d o w n by —of your ow n free will. T here w a s a
him. A r n a u d goes t o a d a n c i n g girl w h o compact, an understanding. T he whole
w ard am! the d«»>r cl«*se«l again, ab u t­
loves h i m f o r c o m f o r t . G a b r i e l le m e e t s
reeled and was Jerked brutally to tits
fanra n«risMry
ting out the brief glimpse of sunlit
L ow e , f o r w h o m s h e h a d sa c rific e d p o s i ­ scene tha t night w as a fan'«, a little
Ilia n S m at I p o » . A m ,
tio n a n d r e p u t a t i o n , a n d te lls h i m s h e Is play-acting with you as an unconscious knees. A w om an laughed hysterically. courtyard.
• is a iU s c a b n
f r e e f r o m him. S y l v i a m e e t s B e s t l n n be-
In sta n tly he had recovered. And In
Iba alatial suiaculuaa * lfl-
"The prisoner's n u m ber?”
1 Ind t h e m o sq u e . A r n a u d b e c o m e s 111 but actor. F a rq u h a r Intervened. He blun­
C t r r . asS k „ n lM « n M a .o ( A a isrsb u ta Vacclaadoa.
S y l v i a will n o t h e lp him , n o r I n t e r f e r e f o r dered recklessly, but be spoiled our tha t recovery, th a t quiet acceptance of
The s*Tgennt drew out a bulky doen
b< vat.laalaS N O W bv r ~ » « Pbn»< las, v a i and
F arquhar.
G a brielle , a id i n g F a r q u h a r . plans.”
a c row ning humiliation there w as a merit from betw een the buttons of Ida
pour f ia t , . It la asna »«a l iban huuat Imuran- ».
•vho is u n d e r p u n i s h m e n t . Is m i s t a k e n by
A lb r*«r« s b ra itla s . S m erlai, u* «and lu i “ lla?a
dignity, a courage th a t held the crowd a tunic.
“ You scoundrel!”
h im m in his d e li r i u m fo r S y lv ia F a r q u h a r
you baS T r s b u ta l" tal Its « of T r a b ó l a V aerina,
«• a lia fiuaa na , and S aa t»« fioaa 1 rabolS C k n k a
tellverlng a
m essage
to B e s t l n n
No. 44X'.". celled Richard Nnmeleaa
’’Yes. I am n scoundrel.” Lowe said
l ig h t finds S y lv ia w i t h h i m
He learns
T*e u i i t r s lasucatosv . e r r a n rY, cal
"God lu hea v e n —Farquhar.”*
of the F irst regiment, the Eleventh
• h a t It w a s G a b r i e l le w h o a id e d him. G a ­ simply: "but do not trouble to m urder
.................. «acciaia a m i a i naaaa a. a ao , ciiaasa
b rielle l e a v e s S y l v i a a n d go e s to F a r q u - me. T h a t would get you Into difficul­
I-owe nodded.
h a r ’s m o t h e r , w h o h a s c o m e t o A lg ie r s
“ Y'ou kuow now," he said.
"T he accusation?”
in a n e ffort to s a v e h e r son. W h il e on a ties. and It I» not necessary.”
m a r c h F a r q u h a r s a v e s F e s t l n n ' s life. A r ­ touche*! himself lightly on the chest. kuow th a t your atonem ent has come
“Cousplra«'y and m utiny on the
n a u d b r i n g s re lief t o t h e c o l u m n a t t a c k e d
Eyet inflamed by eI ¡X'-
"I have something here which will fin­ too late."
by A rabs.
sure lo See. Oakland Mind
“ Any previous record?”
T he tragic figure pass*M on: an offl
ish me off lu a month or two— less
lieml by Mertee
“ No. my colonel, t ut m arked as a
pleasantly than you would do. T hat cer on horseback rode Into the light,
. N o Smart in,
! Is why I care not a t all how much or and the crow d stirred In restless relief. d angerous ch a ra c ter.”
"We c a n ’t help our relatives,
lu.l Ere
Eye Comfort.
“ Very well, sergeant. You can stand Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine f ye
| how little you kuow. The partnership But above tha t sudden wave of move­
but th a n k heaven we can choose
Sal va in Tubes? 4c. Eor Beak e ilte t yet reenk
i Is ended—and 1 nm going out of bust- ment. ubove the clown's hnlf-asliatned back."
our friends,” is a sentim ent
T he man saluted and ref1r«d a few Druggisti or Mertee f j i Bcaedy C» , Ckkayo
j ness.” He laughed sardonically am! burst of reconquered m errim ent there
voiced by many persons. Rich­
; turned back to the window. The crowd sounded a c r y —a muffle«! wall of paces, leaving Ida prisoner alone, fac­
ard Farquhar, In great trouble,
beneath had broken up and fallen back Incredulous agony. The officer turned ing the table. Colonel Bestlnn looked
has cause to appreciate and
j on either side beneath the trees of the In his saddle. Sylvia A rnaud, In up. As tlielr eyes met the prisoner
cherish th e love of his friends
A ll f i l e # , .S e a t. t
«»e h e n « ' rat »1, c u s i e » .
j avenue, and from the distance there the fro n t row of the masques, bowed, gravely, w ithout bravado, with
for him and to loathe his kin.
cheep t «i ll ei|
I sounded a dull rhythm ic beat and the waved to him. H e did not look at her. an Instinctive «•ourtesy which became
M««)> u |
I asetsl. <«• tst>ill eetlf»
ominous ra ttle of drums. “The Legion
At «tail u#
outstretch««»! b ands were clenched, and
tafu rs e«y t h i e f .
CH A PTER XVII—Continued.
has returned,” Lowe said quietly. "Do boy Mepblstopheles t>eslde her.
the knuckl««s sto«x! out white am! pol­
!WM tap de«.##«. u#
you w a n t to see the saddest sight on
“ W hat wns that? D idn't you hear?”
1 • Mat tip es presa pe».
ished as marble. T here w as no trace
” 1 stole these.” be said. I thought earth, Mr. Preston?”
per l I*»# f 1
H e laughed.
o i emotion on the Implacable f**stures,
they would be my last. I was mis­
The young man drew nearer, re­
“ Someone falnte«]. T h a t q u e e r olil am! his voice souii*!«'«! formal an«! In­ ■ A SO LI» l u m a i . 1 SS B a is i k A va . Im a i l , « , a r .
taken apparently. Am I to thank you?” luctant yet fascinated. His hands were fury with the white wig. I believe.
“Give me a cigarette Instead.”
no longer clenched. He w as looking a t You're not frightened?”
No Permit.
“ In the ordinary course of events
Their faces were close together. The the g a u n t figure leaning negligently
“Oh. no— no!”
this case w«>ul«l go to the «'ourt at
new s.”
red glow of their cigarettes burned up a ga inst the window edge as a t some­
“Of course not. One gets accus­ O ran." be said. “ Hut 1 have r*celv*d
“ W hat * d a t? "
between them, and they looked each thing monstrous. Incredible.
tomed to th a t sort of thing here, does Instructions from General Meunler to
"In Senegal youse have to get a gov­
other In the eyes. Then a band was
“ H a v e you uo conscience— no re- one not? A run a w a y legionary! Who deal with all such offens«*« summarily. e r n m e n t p e rm it to ta k e a b a th .”
stretched out and touched F a r q u h a r ’s i morse?” he said.
cares!” He offe m l her his arm with T here have been signs of unrest In the
“ B at's de place fer me. I'm alw ays
"Oh, yes, Mr. Preston, a great deal.
with an almost feminine gentleness.
an elaborate bow. “ May we not go on le g io n . G eneral Meunler dem ands cm de outs wit' de a d m in istra tio n
Louisville F o u rie r Journal.
"Then pity my remorse. F o r God's dancing. C a rm e n ? ”
"Is there a nything I can do for you—
th a t an exam ple should t>e made.”
sake—If you know —tell me why F a r ­
when we get back? Any message?”
T he m ajor nod<l«**I
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
"Yes— I should be grateful. Will you q uha r did th a t thing—help me to un
" I t ’s essential to discipline.” he tnur- m akes
w«-ak women strong, s.rk women
go to M adam e A rnaud? Ask for her d e rsta n d .”
rnnr«««l vaguely.
well, no alcohol. Sold in ta b le 's or liquid.
The boyish passionate pleading
companion—a Miss Smith—a little
The Last Offer.
, wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvxxx
countryw om an of mine. Will you tell caused Lowe to turn a m o m e n t He
T he long low-built room w as full of
S ta rk Realism.
Does Colonel Deatinn know
smiled, and th a t fa in t glim m er of half sunshine.
her—how It happened?”
It pourod In through the
M other ( e n te rin g the n u rse ry ) —
"I promise you. Nameless.”
half-opened sh u tte rs and danced on the
Children, why do you alt a b o u t look
tence on hie own son? In case
F a r q u h a r bowed bis bead for a mo­ light falling deep Into a turgid stream w hitew ashed walls and on the long
Ing ao solem n and u n h a p p y ?
he learns, do you believe the
—revealing many sunken, forgotteu deal table with Its litter of m aps and
m ent
not play u gam e of sum«« so rt?
knowledge will a lte r the ee-
One of ’E m —We a re playing. W e ’re
"Tell her the mirage w as not so things.
documents. T he doors a t the f a r end
grown-up ladles m aking a call.—New
verlty of hie Judgment?
“ F a r q u h a r sacrificed himself,” he were throw n open, a u d tw o soldiers
splendid as the tru th .”
York Times.
The night deepened w ith the silence. said. " H e resigned because Sower w ith fixed bayonets took up their
W V X X X X V X X V XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 ’
They had forgotten tha t their hands wished It. T h a t seem s Incredible. But posts on e ither hand. A few m inutes
Might Help Some.
were still clasped together. Like chil­ Sower held the reins. T here w a s an
d n e ss, you s a y ? ”
dren they dream ed old dream s and old tragedy which he used for his own
"Yes. m other. All we girls a re go
'rod old paths. The da w n broke, and ends— the tragedy of bis father's death
Ing In for It stro n g .”
instinctively their eyes sought the and of C aptain F a r q u h a r ’s d isa p p e a r­
"W ell, I hope th a t te n d e n c y wll
w e s t Amid the golden clouds drifting ance.”
rmxlerate your re lu c ta n c e to weur ru b
Capt. T hom as A. Briggs of 170 Ma­
T he roll of dru m s w as close a t hand,
up from the horizon the night had built
tiers In wet w e a th e r,” sighed ma. —
a city of temples and palaces, domed and a w om an's note of laughter flut­ con s tr e e t had an unusually eventful der hung over tho side of the ship and Louisville C ourier Journal.
with sliver, whose pale ethereal m in a ­ tered up birdlike from the somber-flow­ life, th e Brooklyn Eagle states. The I noticed as he cam e on deck th a t he
c a p ta in adm itted, when questioned, was weary. 1 tendered him a stool.
rets and glowing cupolas reached up ing tide of sound.
th a t he m ight have had "a few expe­ He tipped his h a t and th a n k e d me.
Lowe tu rn e d back to the window.
into the translucent light of morning.
For a moment or two it brightened, the
"Yon see. Sower m iscalculated,” he rie n c e s” during th e eighty-one years L ater, th a t stool was broken Into one
slender outlines strengthening almost w e n t on. "H e was a Je w from God he had been on th is ea rth, but w h a t of thousand pieces and carried away as
to reality—then faded—and as the sun know s where, and he lost his sense of th a t?
souvenirs. Right th e re I w ant to say
rose passed wholly Into the va c a n t day. patriotism .
"I was born a t A thens. G reene coun­
H e did uot understand
th a t Jefferson Dr vis was not Ill-treat­
“ Mirage!”
this red-hot love of one's birthplace. ty, this state, S e p te m b e r 4, 1834," said
ed. as has been said, while he was in
H e did not understand the reckless
Goetz rose slowly and stiffly.
F o rt Monroe. He had e verything he
“The mirage Is gone,” he said, rie te m p e ra m e n t of the m an with whom of age I was cook on my f a th e r ’s sloop w anted and was accorded fine tr e a t ­ L ydia E. F in k h a m ’s V e g e ta ­
pointed then to something moving he w a s dealing. Are you beginning to
ble C om pound H elp ed H er.
brick-carrying trade. I cooked for five ment.
swiftly over the wide sweep of plain u nderstand, Mr. Preston?”
"A t a n o th e r tim e I was off Fort
“ Yes, I am beginning to u n d e r­ men for five years. At n in e te e n years
“Colonel D estinn’s calculated within
Monroe when General G ra nt was anx­
the hour,” he said. "T here are the sta n d ,” Preston said dully. “ And then?” of age I was c aptain of my own boat. ious to get up to City Point. T he fog
West Danby, N. Y. —**I have had
"W hen th e panic of 1857 ca m e on
“Then history repeated Itself—not
nervous trouble all my life until I took
In Incident, but In character. Robert the brick in d u stry was hard hit. I
Lydia K. l'inkham'a
said It was not safe to m ake th e trip
Sow er tried to be the honorable gen­ laid up my sloop, cam e to New York
V e g e t a b l e Com­
tlem an; he tried even, stra n g e ns It and got a position on a sldew heel tu g ­
pound f o r nervea
m ay seern, to gain F a r q u h a r ’s friend­ boat a t a salary of $30 a month. A
and for femnln trou­
T he Return.
on th e way About the tim e Sherm an
bles and it straight­
In the softly-lighted courtyard of the ship. H e failed, and th e n —you re­ few m onths la te r I owned a boat and was getting ready for his historic
ened me out ir good
Hotel de F rance a newly-imported m em ber th a t scene a t th e card tables? it was not long before 1 found myBelf m a rc h I m ade a run down th e river
shape. I work nearly
Zlgeuner Kapeile w as playing the T h a t decided him. Blood and Instinct In debt to th e e x te n t of $16,000.
when bullets broke tho glass In the
all the time, ns wo
"My first Job with th e now tug was pilothouse, but I cam e through with
w altz from H offman's “ Erzaeblun- w ere too strong. H e turned and used
!ivo on a farm and I
to tow a b a rk from Sag h a rb o r to out a aeratch. I tarried h u n d re d s of
gen.” Sylvia Arnaud. a red a n d gold his pow er.”
Lowe stepped out on to the balcony, New York W hen we got to Sag h a r ­ wounded so u th e r n e r s on my boat,
have four girls. Ido
Carmen, danced Joyously to the slow
all my sewing and
graceful strains, and her pa r tn e r smiled a n d bent fo rw a rd with his elbows on bor th e tu g ra n on a sand pile and r e m e m tx r one Instance when I asked
other w o r k w i t h
down Into her face, upturned and bril­ the rail, w atching the dense company nearly broke h e r back. Two years a m an with his leg off a t the knee If
their h e l p, so i t
liantly lovely in Its sheer ecstasy of of chausseurs force their way through later I sold th e boat with which I had th e r e was a n y th in g 1 could do for him
the restless crowd. T he clash of the cleared $18,000. T h e n I built a side- and ho said he prized above all other shows that I stand It real well. I took
The c has­ wheel Bteamer which cost me $20,000. things a t th a t tim e a drink of w ater.” the Compound when my t«'n year old
“Look a t th a t queer old lady with band w a s nlready fainter.
the w hite wig! Is she a m asque? And seurs rode now In silence, and once
' Then cam e th e war. I got a c h a r ­
A fter th e w ar Captain Briggs r e ­ daughter came and it helped me a lot.
th a t funny, gray little thing beside more the dull monotonous trend pre­ te r with the g o v e rn m e n t for my s te a m ­ tu rn e d to his up river home. He was I have also had my oldest girl ta k e it
persistently er to act as a dispatch boat and this elected an assem blym an In 1867 and nnd it did her lota of goo«J. I keep it In
her! I call them the Proprieties. W hat dom inated.
ominous. “ You know w here F a r q u h a r lasted for th r e e y e a rs and eight waa nam ed a m em ber of tho com m it­ the house all the time and recommend
are they doing here?”
"H ow should I know ?” Sylvia re­ Is?” Preston said Imperatively. “ You months. When we re ached th e east tee on com m erce anil navigation. Ho i t . ” —Mrs. D e w it t S inceba ugh , W e st
know w h a t ha s become of him ?”
tu rn e d with sudden Impatience.
shore of C h esapeake bay we learned cam e to New York in 1885 and e n ­ Danby, N. Y,
" P e rh a p s— I am not sure.”
Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil­
As they passed on Mrs. F a r q u h a r
th a t th e cables ha«i been cut by the gaged In the Ice business. For th ir ­
“ If you know remorse you must wish enemy.
tu rn e d and touched Gabrlelle on the
teen years, two te rm s u n d e r P re si­ ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen­
to atone,” Preston said hoarsely.
“One day I received o rd e rs from d e n t Cleveland, and one u n d e r P re si­ sations, all point to female d erange­
“ A scoundrel, a t the end of his d a y ’s Colonel Jam es, who was in com m and d e n t H arrison, ho was public sto re aud ments which may be overcome by Lydia
"Sylvia has Just seen us.” she said.
“ I have spoiled the evening for her. It work, has much to atone for,” wns the a t F ort Monroe, to m e e t a ship In general orde r c arm an of tho port of E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound.
This famous remedy, tho medicinal
w a s worth while coming. She tried to ab stra c te d answ er. ” 1 have chosen Hampton Roads and bring Jefferson New York. T hen ho becamo c o n tra c t­
laugh a t me with that young fool, but my atonem ent, Mr. Preston. All atone­ Oavis ashore. I had explicit orders ing c a rm a n for several big e&aturn Ingredients of which are derived from
native roots and herbs, has for forty
she couldn't. She Is beginning to be m ent Is Inadequate, but mine shall he th a t th e re should be nobody on my d istric t m a nufacturers.
afraid. If Richard dies I shall haunt made— for my greatest wrong, nt w hat­ boat excepting m yself and crew. When
Captain Briggs was never sick but years proved to be a most valuable tonic
h e r till she goes mad.”
ever cost—” He broke ofT. "T he Le­ we drew up aside th a t ship Bavls an«l once In his life, and th a t was for so and invigoratorof the female organism.
In the courtyard of the hotel two gion,” be said quietly.
his wife cam e up on deck and stood brief a period th a t he never learned Women every when, bear willing testi­
more or less intoxicated plerrota
Preston did not speak, silenced th e re for fully live m inutes, sh e with from th e a tte n d in g physician tho real mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
danced a cancan to the delirious plaud- a g a in st his wi'l 1» ilie scene beneath h e r head on hla shoulder, crying.
n a tu r e of his Illness.
To Cool a Bum
and Take
the Fire Ou
H A N F O R D ’S
Balsam of Myrrh
All Dealers
S o r e ®r-HU,aicd
E y e s * Ä