Its of an audience themselves over­ him. The dancers from the hotel had later a group of officers followed. They come by the heat and passion tha t ■warmed up to the long linos of hang were s i t In num ber tw o Itnitrunots. hung heavy In the night air. Sylvia lug la n te rn s at the edge of the garden three c a p ta in s and a major. They be Arnaud clapped her hands like a child. A clown climbed upon the stone gate longed to the same regiment. They ex T he noise of the dancing and music post nml wns healing wildly, hilarious chntigt'd desultory rem arks, and from reached the lighted room th a t facts! ly on th e heads of the crowd with lib time to tim e olio or another of them out on the avenue. At his place by the bladder, shouting a witticism nt each laughed Only .teslco Arnaud was window Stephen Lowe seemed plunge.! k Be Prepared Prepara laughing victim. But beyond a thin silent. In his own thoughts, and the m au In I L For A mom ent later the seutrlea present «lark stre a m flowed from the d a rk n e ss evening dress who stood with his Accidex Into the light nml from light hack Into « h I arm s aud Colonel Baatlnn entered. clenched hand ou the table stam ped darkness. They were grotesque fig All s i t men sprang to tln'lr feet. There Impatleutly. tires—hideous, pitiable. These also wns more than formal mllltni'y ««our- “ Are you listening. Mr. I,owe?” A HoutthotJ R tm td y teay In that sim ultaneous m o v e m e n t “Yes, yea. I am listening. I heard w ere figures of carnival but different T heir eyes w ere fixed on Ids face ns ou They m arched four deep a hundred of everything you said. Sow er w a s cash some fear«'«! amt Inenleillnble oracle. lered. 1 am uot surprised. Ills profes­ them. Their heads were bowed. Be­ " P ra y tie tented, gentlem en.” neath the flan* of lights eacb man sion w as his tragedy. He would have lie took Ills place In the mlilst of made an adm irable company promoter, seemed to shrink, to cow er closer to them beueatll the tw o tricolors drape*! his neighbor, like a herded terrified but the task of being an honest gen­ _______ A L I M I M I N r tlem an w a s too much for him. You say animal. And many stumbled. Pres- perfunctorily «iver a m iniature and em- bleiuattc host of the republic. “ Bring tou's h ands tightened ou the rails lu he has committed suicide. H a v e you In the prisoner.” he said ehnrply. For Cuts, Burns, come all this way to tell me of poor front of him. SYNOPSIS. The sentries repented the order, and "P o o r devils!” Bruises, Sprains, —17— Sower's more or less provtdeutlal es­ A few ynrds behind the Inst line a In the brief Interval th a t folio wed the Strains, Stiff Neck, S y l v i a O m n*y, h e r lover, R i c h a r d K a r- cape. Mr. Preston?” ■lx men relaps«-«| Into their former a t t i ­ q u h a r . Onda, h a s fa ll e n In love w i t h C a p ­ The young man crimsoned, but a n ­ spahl rode alone. A short rope w as a t ­ Chilblains, Lame Back, t a i n A r n a u d o f t h e F o r e i g n L egion. K a r - tached to his saddle—and to n man tude of languid Indifference. The two g u h a r f o r c e s S o w e r to h a v e F r e s t o n ' a I O swered steadily. Old Sores, Open Wounds, U’a r e t u r n e d to him . S o w e r f o r c e s K a r- who stum bled nt his horse's heels. The younger officers exchanged whispered “You were his friend.” d u h a r to r e s i g n his c o m m issio n . G a b r i e l le comments, und one of them laughed. and all External Ii\juries. s a v e s F a r q u h a r f r o m suicid e. T o sh i e ld A falut Ironical smile crept over rope was round his neck; his hands The d«s»r o|>enetl amt n sergeant en- A r n a u d , S y l v i a 's (lane*, F a r q u h a r p r o ­ Lowe's suffering feature». were bound behind him, and the broken fesses to h a v e st o l e n w a r p l a n s . As tered. follow««*! by tw o corporals end • Made Since 1846. R i c h a r d N a m e l e s s h e Joins t h e F o r e i g n "I w a s Sower's p a rtn e r.” he said lluk o f a chain clanked In the sudden m an whoso bands am! feet were Prica 25c, 50c and 91.00 I-oglon. F a r q u h a r m e e t s S y l v i a a n d G a ­ stricken stillness. Ills kepi had t»een chained. T h e re was a short sllenc'e. brielle. A r n a u d be co m e« a d r u n k a r d a n d quietly. “ You were F a r q u h a r ’s friend knocked off. and every line In Unit o p i u m s m o k e r . S y l v i a b e c o m e s f r i e n d l y You chose to act with us a g a in st him T he sergenut m ade an authoritative " 1 t h C olonel B e s t tn n . A rn a u d becom es g a u u t quiet face w as visible. As gesture, nml the man w in thrust for­ J e a lo u s of F a r q u h a r a n d Is s h o t d o w n by —of your ow n free will. T here w a s a though blinded by the sudden light, tie him. A r n a u d goes t o a d a n c i n g girl w h o compact, an understanding. T he whole w ard am! the d«»>r cl«*se«l again, ab u t­ loves h i m f o r c o m f o r t . G a b r i e l le m e e t s reeled and was Jerked brutally to tits Is fanra n«risMry ting out the brief glimpse of sunlit L ow e , f o r w h o m s h e h a d sa c rific e d p o s i ­ scene tha t night w as a fan'«, a little Ilia n S m at I p o » . A m , tio n a n d r e p u t a t i o n , a n d te lls h i m s h e Is play-acting with you as an unconscious knees. A w om an laughed hysterically. courtyard. • is a iU s c a b n -4 f r e e f r o m him. S y l v i a m e e t s B e s t l n n be- In sta n tly he had recovered. And In Iba alatial suiaculuaa * lfl- "The prisoner's n u m ber?” 1 Ind t h e m o sq u e . A r n a u d b e c o m e s 111 but actor. F a rq u h a r Intervened. He blun­ C t r r . asS k „ n lM « n M a .o ( A a isrsb u ta Vacclaadoa. S y l v i a will n o t h e lp him , n o r I n t e r f e r e f o r dered recklessly, but be spoiled our tha t recovery, th a t quiet acceptance of The s*Tgennt drew out a bulky doen b< vat.laalaS N O W bv r ~ » « Pbn»< las, v a i and F arquhar. G a brielle , a id i n g F a r q u h a r . plans.” a c row ning humiliation there w as a merit from betw een the buttons of Ida pour f ia t , . It la asna »«a l iban huuat Imuran- ». •vho is u n d e r p u n i s h m e n t . Is m i s t a k e n by A lb r*«r« s b ra itla s . S m erlai, u* «and lu i “ lla?a dignity, a courage th a t held the crowd a tunic. “ You scoundrel!” h im m in his d e li r i u m fo r S y lv ia F a r q u h a r you baS T r s b u ta l" tal Its « of T r a b ó l a V aerina, «• a lia fiuaa na , and S aa t»« fioaa 1 rabolS C k n k a moment longer In aw estruck stleuc«. tellverlng a m essage to B e s t l n n at No. 44X'.". celled Richard Nnmeleaa ’’Yes. I am n scoundrel.” Lowe said l ig h t finds S y lv ia w i t h h i m He learns T*e u i i t r s lasucatosv . e r r a n rY, cal "God lu hea v e n —Farquhar.”* of the F irst regiment, the Eleventh • h a t It w a s G a b r i e l le w h o a id e d him. G a ­ simply: "but do not trouble to m urder .................. «acciaia a m i a i naaaa a. a ao , ciiaasa b rielle l e a v e s S y l v i a a n d go e s to F a r q u - me. T h a t would get you Into difficul­ I-owe nodded. company." h a r ’s m o t h e r , w h o h a s c o m e t o A lg ie r s “ Y'ou kuow now," he said. "You "T he accusation?” He in a n e ffort to s a v e h e r son. W h il e on a ties. and It I» not necessary.” m a r c h F a r q u h a r s a v e s F e s t l n n ' s life. A r ­ touche*! himself lightly on the chest. kuow th a t your atonem ent has come “Cousplra«'y and m utiny on the n a u d b r i n g s re lief t o t h e c o l u m n a t t a c k e d Eyet inflamed by eI ¡X'- "I have something here which will fin­ too late." Held." by A rabs. sure lo See. Oakland Mind “ Any previous record?” T he tragic figure pass*M on: an offl ish me off lu a month or two— less lieml by Mertee “ No. my colonel, t ut m arked as a pleasantly than you would do. T hat cer on horseback rode Into the light, . N o Smart in, ! Is why I care not a t all how much or and the crow d stirred In restless relief. d angerous ch a ra c ter.” "We c a n ’t help our relatives, J lu.l Ere I juat Eye Comfort. T, “ Very well, sergeant. You can stand Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine f ye | how little you kuow. The partnership But above tha t sudden wave of move­ but th a n k heaven we can choose Sal va in Tubes? 4c. Eor Beak e ilte t yet reenk i Is ended—and 1 nm going out of bust- ment. ubove the clown's hnlf-asliatned back." our friends,” is a sentim ent T he man saluted and ref1r«d a few Druggisti or Mertee f j i Bcaedy C» , Ckkayo j ness.” He laughed sardonically am! burst of reconquered m errim ent there voiced by many persons. Rich­ ; turned back to the window. The crowd sounded a c r y —a muffle«! wall of paces, leaving Ida prisoner alone, fac­ ard Farquhar, In great trouble, beneath had broken up and fallen back Incredulous agony. The officer turned ing the table. Colonel Bestlnn looked has cause to appreciate and DAISY F IT KILLER XSi j on either side beneath the trees of the In his saddle. Sylvia A rnaud, In up. As tlielr eyes met the prisoner cherish th e love of his friends A ll f i l e # , .S e a t. t «»e h e n « ' rat »1, c u s i e » . j avenue, and from the distance there the fro n t row of the masques, bowed, gravely, w ithout bravado, with for him and to loathe his kin. cheep t «i ll ei| I sounded a dull rhythm ic beat and the waved to him. H e did not look at her. an Instinctive «•ourtesy which became ssss'tn M««)> u | him strangely well. Colonel D eetlnn’s I asetsl. <«• tst>ill eetlf» aud she glance«] Impatiently a t the ominous ra ttle of drums. “The Legion • J « M il • At «tail u# outstretch««»! b ands were clenched, and tafu rs e«y t h i e f . CH A PTER XVII—Continued. has returned,” Lowe said quietly. "Do boy Mepblstopheles t>eslde her. CtMliSlStd erteti«**. the knuckl««s sto«x! out white am! pol­ !WM tap de«.##«. u# you w a n t to see the saddest sight on “ W hat wns that? D idn't you hear?” 1 • Mat tip es presa pe». ished as marble. T here w as no trace ” 1 stole these.” be said. I thought earth, Mr. Preston?” per l I*»# f 1 H e laughed. o i emotion on the Implacable f**stures, they would be my last. I was mis­ The young man drew nearer, re­ “ Someone falnte«]. T h a t q u e e r olil am! his voice souii*!«'«! formal an«! In­ ■ A SO LI» l u m a i . 1 SS B a is i k A va . Im a i l , « , a r . taken apparently. Am I to thank you?” luctant yet fascinated. His hands were fury with the white wig. I believe. different. “Give me a cigarette Instead.” no longer clenched. He w as looking a t You're not frightened?” No Permit. “ In the ordinary course of events Their faces were close together. The the g a u n t figure leaning negligently “Oh. no— no!” this case w«>ul«l go to the «'ourt at "H orn's Interesting new s.” red glow of their cigarettes burned up a ga inst the window edge as a t some­ “Of course not. One gets accus­ O ran." be said. “ Hut 1 have r*celv*d “ W hat * d a t? " between them, and they looked each thing monstrous. Incredible. tomed to th a t sort of thing here, does Instructions from General Meunler to "In Senegal youse have to get a gov­ other In the eyes. Then a band was “ H a v e you uo conscience— no re- one not? A run a w a y legionary! Who deal with all such offens«*« summarily. e r n m e n t p e rm it to ta k e a b a th .” stretched out and touched F a r q u h a r ’s i morse?” he said. cares!” He offe m l her his arm with T here have been signs of unrest In the “ B at's de place fer me. I'm alw ays "Oh, yes, Mr. Preston, a great deal. with an almost feminine gentleness. an elaborate bow. “ May we not go on le g io n . G eneral Meunler dem ands cm de outs wit' de a d m in istra tio n Louisville F o u rie r Journal. "Then pity my remorse. F o r God's dancing. C a rm e n ? ” "Is there a nything I can do for you— th a t an exam ple should t>e made.” sake—If you know —tell me why F a r ­ when we get back? Any message?” T he m ajor nodavlB climbed down the rope lad­ Capt. T hom as A. Briggs of 170 Ma­ T he roll of dru m s w as close a t hand, up from the horizon the night had built tiers In wet w e a th e r,” sighed ma. — a city of temples and palaces, domed and a w om an's note of laughter flut­ con s tr e e t had an unusually eventful der hung over tho side of the ship and Louisville C ourier Journal. with sliver, whose pale ethereal m in a ­ tered up birdlike from the somber-flow­ life, th e Brooklyn Eagle states. The I noticed as he cam e on deck th a t he c a p ta in adm itted, when questioned, was weary. 1 tendered him a stool. rets and glowing cupolas reached up ing tide of sound. th a t he m ight have had "a few expe­ He tipped his h a t and th a n k e d me. Lowe tu rn e d back to the window. into the translucent light of morning. For a moment or two it brightened, the "Yon see. Sower m iscalculated,” he rie n c e s” during th e eighty-one years L ater, th a t stool was broken Into one slender outlines strengthening almost w e n t on. "H e was a Je w from God he had been on th is ea rth, but w h a t of thousand pieces and carried away as to reality—then faded—and as the sun know s where, and he lost his sense of th a t? souvenirs. Right th e re I w ant to say rose passed wholly Into the va c a n t day. patriotism . "I was born a t A thens. G reene coun­ H e did uot understand th a t Jefferson Dr vis was not Ill-treat­ “ Mirage!” this red-hot love of one's birthplace. ty, this state, S e p te m b e r 4, 1834," said ed. as has been said, while he was in Captain Briggs. “ W hen fourteen years H e did not understand the reckless Goetz rose slowly and stiffly. F o rt Monroe. He had e verything he “The mirage Is gone,” he said, rie te m p e ra m e n t of the m an with whom of age I was cook on my f a th e r ’s sloop w anted and was accorded fine tr e a t ­ L ydia E. F in k h a m ’s V e g e ta ­ Superior, which was engaged In the pointed then to something moving he w a s dealing. Are you beginning to ble C om pound H elp ed H er. brick-carrying trade. I cooked for five ment. swiftly over the wide sweep of plain u nderstand, Mr. Preston?” "A t a n o th e r tim e I was off Fort “ Yes, I am beginning to u n d e r­ men for five years. At n in e te e n years “Colonel D estinn’s calculated within Monroe when General G ra nt was anx­ the hour,” he said. "T here are the sta n d ,” Preston said dully. “ And then?” of age I was c aptain of my own boat. ious to get up to City Point. T he fog West Danby, N. Y. —**I have had "W hen th e panic of 1857 ca m e on chasseurs. “Then history repeated Itself—not nervous trouble all my life until I took was so thick th a t a n o th e r boat captain In Incident, but In character. Robert the brick in d u stry was hard hit. I Lydia K. l'inkham'a said It was not safe to m ake th e trip Sow er tried to be the honorable gen­ laid up my sloop, cam e to New York CH A PTER XVIII. V e g e t a b l e Com­ because of th e m in e s I m ade the trip tlem an; he tried even, stra n g e ns It and got a position on a sldew heel tu g ­ pound f o r nervea all right and ne v e r once sh u t off steam m ay seern, to gain F a r q u h a r ’s friend­ boat a t a salary of $30 a month. A and for femnln trou­ T he Return. on th e way About the tim e Sherm an bles and it straight­ In the softly-lighted courtyard of the ship. H e failed, and th e n —you re­ few m onths la te r I owned a boat and was getting ready for his historic ened me out ir good Hotel de F rance a newly-imported m em ber th a t scene a t th e card tables? it was not long before 1 found myBelf m a rc h I m ade a run down th e river shape. I work nearly Zlgeuner Kapeile w as playing the T h a t decided him. Blood and Instinct In debt to th e e x te n t of $16,000. when bullets broke tho glass In the all the time, ns wo "My first Job with th e now tug was pilothouse, but I cam e through with w altz from H offman's “ Erzaeblun- w ere too strong. H e turned and used !ivo on a farm and I to tow a b a rk from Sag h a rb o r to out a aeratch. I tarried h u n d re d s of gen.” Sylvia Arnaud. a red a n d gold his pow er.” Lowe stepped out on to the balcony, New York W hen we got to Sag h a r ­ wounded so u th e r n e r s on my boat, have four girls. Ido Carmen, danced Joyously to the slow all my sewing and graceful strains, and her pa r tn e r smiled a n d bent fo rw a rd with his elbows on bor th e tu g ra n on a sand pile and r e m e m tx r one Instance when I asked other w o r k w i t h down Into her face, upturned and bril­ the rail, w atching the dense company nearly broke h e r back. Two years a m an with his leg off a t the knee If their h e l p, so i t liantly lovely in Its sheer ecstasy of of chausseurs force their way through later I sold th e boat with which I had th e r e was a n y th in g 1 could do for him the restless crowd. T he clash of the cleared $18,000. T h e n I built a side- and ho said he prized above all other shows that I stand It real well. I took living. The c has­ wheel Bteamer which cost me $20,000. things a t th a t tim e a drink of w ater.” the Compound when my t«'n year old “Look a t th a t queer old lady with band w a s nlready fainter. the w hite wig! Is she a m asque? And seurs rode now In silence, and once ' Then cam e th e war. I got a c h a r ­ A fter th e w ar Captain Briggs r e ­ daughter came and it helped me a lot. th a t funny, gray little thing beside more the dull monotonous trend pre­ te r with the g o v e rn m e n t for my s te a m ­ tu rn e d to his up river home. He was I have also had my oldest girl ta k e it strangely, persistently er to act as a dispatch boat and this elected an assem blym an In 1867 and nnd it did her lota of goo«J. I keep it In her! I call them the Proprieties. W hat dom inated. ominous. “ You know w here F a r q u h a r lasted for th r e e y e a rs and eight waa nam ed a m em ber of tho com m it­ the house all the time and recommend are they doing here?” "H ow should I know ?” Sylvia re­ Is?” Preston said Imperatively. “ You months. When we re ached th e east tee on com m erce anil navigation. Ho i t . ” —Mrs. D e w it t S inceba ugh , W e st know w h a t ha s become of him ?” tu rn e d with sudden Impatience. shore of C h esapeake bay we learned cam e to New York in 1885 and e n ­ Danby, N. Y, " P e rh a p s— I am not sure.” Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil­ As they passed on Mrs. F a r q u h a r th a t th e cables ha«i been cut by the gaged In the Ice business. For th ir ­ “ If you know remorse you must wish enemy. tu rn e d and touched Gabrlelle on the teen years, two te rm s u n d e r P re si­ ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen­ to atone,” Preston said hoarsely. arm. “One day I received o rd e rs from d e n t Cleveland, and one u n d e r P re si­ sations, all point to female d erange­ “ A scoundrel, a t the end of his d a y ’s Colonel Jam es, who was in com m and d e n t H arrison, ho was public sto re aud ments which may be overcome by Lydia "Sylvia has Just seen us.” she said. “ I have spoiled the evening for her. It work, has much to atone for,” wns the a t F ort Monroe, to m e e t a ship In general orde r c arm an of tho port of E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. This famous remedy, tho medicinal w a s worth while coming. She tried to ab stra c te d answ er. ” 1 have chosen Hampton Roads and bring Jefferson New York. T hen ho becamo c o n tra c t­ laugh a t me with that young fool, but my atonem ent, Mr. Preston. All atone­ Oavis ashore. I had explicit orders ing c a rm a n for several big e&aturn Ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty she couldn't. She Is beginning to be m ent Is Inadequate, but mine shall he th a t th e re should be nobody on my d istric t m a nufacturers. afraid. If Richard dies I shall haunt made— for my greatest wrong, nt w hat­ boat excepting m yself and crew. When Captain Briggs was never sick but years proved to be a most valuable tonic h e r till she goes mad.” ever cost—” He broke ofT. "T he Le­ we drew up aside th a t ship Bavls an«l once In his life, and th a t was for so and invigoratorof the female organism. In the courtyard of the hotel two gion,” be said quietly. his wife cam e up on deck and stood brief a period th a t he never learned Women every when, bear willing testi­ more or less intoxicated plerrota Preston did not speak, silenced th e re for fully live m inutes, sh e with from th e a tte n d in g physician tho real mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound danced a cancan to the delirious plaud- a g a in st his wi'l 1» ilie scene beneath h e r head on hla shoulder, crying. n a tu r e of his Illness. To Cool a Bum and Take the Fire Ou H A N F O R D ’S Balsam of Myrrh All Dealers TYPHOID S o r e ®r-HU,aicd E y e s * Ä UVED IN EVENTFUL TIMES WOMAN HAD NERVOUS TROUBLE