The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 22, 1916, Image 3

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    I D o Y o u r O w n P lu m b in g ]
Hy t»uylrnf 'llr««'t from ua at w I id I m r I« p rim
ami aava tha pluntbor'a i.roflU, Writ# ua to-
«lay your i i p m I * , Wa will viva you our rork-
button« "Ulrort to you" grt«»*. f o. b rail or
l*«»at. W* actually »a v« you from 10 to 36 p*r
c*nL All B'MMla tuaranU**<J.
Northw rot haail'juarUra for U lu la r W#U-r
Hyatama an<l Fullar A Johnaon K iik I imn ,
S T A R K D A V IS C O .
212 Third S lr « t l.
Portland, O regon
To th* OUI KnliaMr- Fv«r<llriir hounn with a
record of 46 y ran of H*juar«
and la
oaaurrd of
Top Market Price*.
45-47 From St..
N e w H ouston Hotel
Four MU*rk» fn*m I'nlnn Station (?r»l»r n*-w
Rumwnnrtit. All n.iflu iw .ly dreoratad.
Kate. 50c. 75c. SI. SI 50 IVr Day.
H a z e lw o o d C o., Portland
M ake u , your next »h ipm ent o f
Cream .
E gg*. P ou ltry,
I »recced
M ealc and llld cc.
W e Can i'lca cc Y ou .
H a z e lw o o d Co., P o rtla n d
I f you rammt rom* to
Portland to ir«*t your
ry*ra lUt«|. 1 will a*nd
you rny m +thnd o f trat-
in c *»y*»a by
bv m
N ot
aa deal raid* a* parraon-
a) ocrvira but much
b*tt*r than aoititf with­
out flliMK'« mmlrsl or
trying U» fit youraelf.
Outfit a#nt on application. NTAPI.KM. tha Jew­
eler Optic Urn. »Ul Muinwin i t , Portland. Oregon
Nt wint M ycu U rt Wrilt l»f pricai l i t UippMf ta«i
T h i H. F. N o r to n C o . n m » * . on . sutn*. wi
Doable Trod Puartuf Proof Tirei
Moil«* fpr»m your old onca. lout lonif
Brand New TIKKM Writ# ua
66u WaahitucUin St.,
1‘wrtland. Ora.
A flan that i W . th . Work. NO KX PLOSION.
Itoy ten yi-ar. ulit can o n »r »t » It.
K'orcr. dradly
fuim-ft itit» th«* holes.
Nothing to get
out o f onler. A l»o k ill, ground Mjulrrala. ra t. etr.
I f nut .ati.fled your money refundeil.
A g en t,
W rite u* « lo u t It. KOKIIK PKO III <TH
MAI.gS f t » .. ► !» (.ram i avo„ tK-pt 2 . Portland. Ur.
Ever Notice?
"T h ey ’ve got one thing absolutely
"W hat Is that?"
"T h e speaking voice of the sou-
rotte. They all talk alike.” — Louis
llle Courier Journal.
More Water
lex» Horaapowcr. lex* Coit,
Moat Kill riant for Irrigation.
Minina. Fire Protection and
Domestic t’aca. Small, Liirht.
Powerful. No Valve*.
No Cylin­
ders. Drutructive High
Pump Run« on Low
Will Pump
Water and A ir Simul-
taneounly. Will Pump
boiling water. Hanrec-
onl for vertical auction
L ift of T3.f» feet. Can 1 m * Installed by Anyone.
Impo ibla to Make a Mistake. D tH vtri MOTS
Water, with far La** Horsepower, than Any
Pump Known. No Priming Required at Any
Reasonable Suction.
Write for Catalog. Price* and Testimonials
before y«»u buy.
Sth Floor T ill. A Tru.t Hid«.,
Portland. Ore.
No. 25, 1918
to advartlian, plano,
| w ™ writing
m a d e w it h
K G B aking P c ^ vder
«Copyright. UU6.)
Do you
aomatlmi-a. w ith a sudden
O f one whose p u l*»* stir
A t thought o f you and your b rave, strong
w ill
T o Mens and ro m fo rt har?
Oli I l f « o f rnv aoul, It ta la-ttar to know
T h e m la o n » In tills whin, w ide world.
N o m n tler how fur or how fre e we m ay
Or what f a 1*1» wa m ay h a v « h »»n told.
That belongs to ua. aa tha earth to the
Or itm anlrlt to fli u w ho g a v e !
And this la ua eertaln that w e are one
Aa life am i death and the grave.
I do not feel tort a In that the man
who I n old enough to have expe­
rienced Ihe tender paaalon, yet who
I n heart whole und fancy-free, la en­
tirely happy or sat-
I n fled.
It la not
natural for a man
to go through life
holding aloof from
Every man haa
a reverent, tender
yearning for won»-
ahlp. whether be
admita It or not.
It caa implanted
In hla nature with
birth. Karly mar-
rlagea for young
men tihuuld not l»e
frowned down be-
aune of the belief
* he would make a
wiser choice later on
If he tarriea
too long under the banner of single
blessedness, he will be more than apt
to think he la exercising wisdom by
lot marrying at all.
A remarkable specimen of manhood
la he who haa reached 3b without one
heart affair at least. If a roan, who
Man Must Live in the
Present— Not Past.
By Rev. W. H. B a r r a c lo u g h .
It Is of the utmost Importance
to the*man who would help his
fellow man that he live In the
present; that he keep In toueh
with his own age. It is possible
for us to live too much tn the
The ages that are gone have
made their contribution to the
world's development, to Its stun
of knowledge; hut we are wast­
ing time. If our study i f arche­
ology does nut assist us In the
solving of present day problems.
We belong to today, and It
we are to exert any Influence
upon It we must sympathize
with Its needs and catch Its
spirit of progress and throw
ourselves Into Its activities, that
we may share its achievements.
had gone gayly through the world to
that age told mo calmly, unblushlngly
that hla heart bad never yet thrilled
under a woman’s smile, I would do
my beat to keep from doubting him.
There are some things men never
will tell the exact truth about, and
their experience In romance la one
of them.
Unfortunate Is the man who belongs
to nobody and has nobody who loves
him and belongs to him only. A man
may enjoy being a rover—at home
wherever he may happen to hang up
his hat—yet he has the feeling of
always being a stranger, that there
Is no one to miss him when he goes,
no one who would be happy were he
to stay. If he Is 111 or weighed down
by grief or care there Is no loving
companion, no second self, to whisper
his hopes or fears to; no one who
cares whether he succeeds In life or
staggers along under his heavy load
end fails; no one who cares whether
he has a warm bed or sleeps out under
the cold, white light of the stars.
Parents must go from a man In the
course of time. Brothers and sisters
drift the whole wide world apart,
finding other heart ties, friendships
run their lengths and lapse, but the
wife of his bosom keeps close by his
side to the very end. The older he
grows the more Indispensable she be­
comes to him.
The man o f middle age pays him­
self a doubtful rompllment In declar
Ing himself heart-whole and fancy-
free. Should this actually be the case
he ahould hasten to repair the dam­
age at the earliest possible day. He
should not be wiser than he who has
said: "It lu not well for man to live
only trace o f his mishap Is a slight
scar by the mouth.
In another case the successful re­
uniting of the spinal cord was made
for the first time in surgery. A sol­
dier whose spinal cord had been com­
pletely severed by a shell splinter was
so treated that in a short time he was
a b le to move his lower limbs and grad­
ually recovered his sensory powers
Another wonderful operation was the
extracting of a fragment of hand gre­
nade from the heart of a Parisian ser­
geant. the cure being established bo
yond all doubt.
NOVI .VJIlUEr ,t W A N t N O n N
Y o g to K t t P o y T o p \ \
S lG M l lAfcfct/VFTeR
V J H fcN G t ° Ö Q £ : C A H . 5
F od d er.
Senator Hoar used to tell with glee
of a Southerner Just homo from New
Knglant! who aald to hitt friend: "You
know thoao little white round beans?"
"Y es.” replied the friend; "the kind
we feed to our horaea?"
"T h e very aame. Well, do you know
air, that In Poston the enlightened
citizens take those little white round
beaus, boll them for three or four
hours, mix them with molnaaen and I
know not what other ingredients, bake
them, and then— what do you suppose
they do with the beans?”
"Th ey— ”
"They eat ’em. sir,” interrupted the
first Southerner. Impressively; "hleaa
me, air, they eut ’e m !"— Christian Keg-
p. N. u.
is s im p ly d e lic io u s w h e n
K '>,
V eal, Pork,
Beef, Poultry,
Butter, E ggs &
Farm Produce
N ut C ake
Can An y Man of 1 rhirty-Five Be
heart iVhole and Fancy Free?
Marvels of Modern
War Surgery Shown
in Army Hospitals
The highest/grade o f baking powder pos­
sible to buy and your money refunded
if it fails to satisfy.
Ask your dealer.
Jaques Mfg. Co., Chicago
A W ell Painted Bam
Will Save the Cost of a New One.
See Your Paint Dealer Now
Give The Hog a Chance.
No apple grower ever goes out Into
the orchard and knocks apples off the
tree with a club when he Is marketing
his crop. He knows the public won’t
buy bruised fruit.
Hut there are still some hog ship­
pers who try to market their crops
with a club and the result hits them
in just the same place that it would
the apple raiser— the pocketbook.
It Is the club users, the kickers, and
the men In too big a hurry that send
bruised and crippled hogs to the mar­
ket. and those bruised and crippled
hogs are the cause of lower prices for
the men who put their time and their
money into them.
Hogs are slower in summer than In
winter because of the heat. Patience
is needed In their handling If the best
prices are to be secured for them, be­
cause the buyers insist that the ani­
mals must be In first-class condition
when received.
There are a number of “ don’ts” that
can be observed with profit at the
present time. Just a few of them fol­
Don't drive hogs too rapidly.
Don't be in too big a hurry to load.
Start in time.
Don't lose patience.
Don't forget that a bruised or crip­
pled hog hits the shipper s pocketbook.
Don't beat or shove the hogs because
they do not happen to move quite fast
enough to please you.
Don’t throw water on the back of
an overheated hog. Sprinkle the floor
of the car or pen instead.
Cruelty to hogs is clearly shown in
the meat of the animals after they are
prepared for market. Bruised backs
and hams do not sell so readily as the
clear meat, and future shipments from
the source of the injured animals will
suffer in consequence.
Notices have been sent out and are
posted in the various stock yards and
about the loading pens and chutes of
the railroads, urging humanity in the
treatment of live stock.
"G ive the pig a chance to become a
gentleman."— Exchange.
S Cure, While You Walk.
A lle n ’« Foot-Kune 1« it certain cure for hot,
| » « e a tin g ,c lln s ,a m i swollen, netting feet. Sold !
bv all DrugglMi. I’ riee ..V. Don't accent anv .
eutwtltute. Trial package FREE. Addles,
AUenS t>lm«ti-u. Le Hoy. N. Y.
Pretty Tea Cloth.
Something new in a cover for the
tea table Is sure to be welcome. The
pretty new cover referred tc Is made
of a loose basket-weave cloth almost
like a heavy scrim.
Through this
cloth at Intervals c f four Inches are
drawn threads to make four-inch
squares. The squares which border
the edge are filled In the corners with
a design of a small teapot outlined
against a background o f solid cross-
stitch In delft blue. Along each side
cross stitched letters are used In
words Inviting one to a cup of tea.
The edge Is finished with button­
holing, double overcasting or a small
plcoted crocheted edge In the blue.
Pure— Healthful— Economical
Gets Value.
T really believe,” said the married
i man, •'that the average bachelor
j spends more on himself than a mar
ried man spends on his whole fam ily.”
“ W ell, its worth it," replied th e '
bachelor.— London Saturday Journal.
O H .b U R fc
» >
* ll
ARC* A N G írD I
Q ° T A
A L L P lC K tO
q c > t
th m
Knows What
To Use
To Givo
H A N F O R D ’S
alsam o f M yrrh
______ A L I N I M I N T
For Cuts, Burns,
Bruises, Sprains,
Strains, Stiff Neck,
Chilblains, Lame Back,
Old Sores, Open Wounds,
and all External Iqjuries.
Made Since 1846.
Price 25c, 50c m n d $1.00
All Dealers
Granulated Eyelids,
E ye»
inflamed by expo-
*ure to Sua. Dost and I k #
quickly relieved by Marine
Eye Remedy. No Smarting,
just Eye Comfort. A *
Your Dniggi,t*s 50c per Bottle. Mnrise E j*
SalveinTube»25c. ForBeokohheEyefreeaxk
Drugguu or Murioc Eye Remedy Co., C
br C»tt*r'» Blactirg Pill*.
prl^rU. fnwh. reliable, preferred b e
\Vr«tem sbickznen tacauas tba* »• » -
taat «bare athar vaaeiaaa taJL
■ - m "
W rit» Tor booklet and trstlm oolale
1 ,
10 » - m » • ' Blatklaf P.lla f l . M
50-dot» pk»o. BUekle, P ill« 4.W
r « » any lnj«rt»r. but Cuttar*»
T h , fupertortty of Cutter product» U due to orer K
year, of ip«rlallrine In taacinM and aaruna auly.
Inaiit an Cutter':. If uooMalcab!». order dlrert.
T>.E CUTTER LABORATORY. Berkeley. Callfarmla.
l . u .
o i l f I le a . Neat, clean,
ient. cheap. U m s i A
season . M a d e o l
metal, can 't sp ill orti
o v e r ; « i d n o t s o il <
injure any thing
Guaranteed effective.
Sold b y dealers,
6 sent by express p r e ­
paid for f l .
• e.
C££S2S. 2*0 DtKolb Arm.. Brooklyn, V. T.
Poor Exchange.
“ Anuric” cures Backache, Lumbago,
Dubbleigh— At a reception this a f ­
Rheumatism. Send 10c
Dr. V. M. ternoon 1 exchanged ideas with the
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y ., for large trial famous Prof. Saduka.
Miss Keen— That explains why I
found the professor so tiresome.— Bos­
Tim e Somebody Spoke.
ton Transcript.
He (after receiving a leap-year pro- j
Dyer— Is it the kind of a play you
posal)— This is so sudden!
She— Nonsense!
You must have can take a girl to see?
Ryer— N o; it's the kind you can't
known for four years that it was com­
keep her away from.— Life.
ing.— Boston Transcript.
“ Would you call Uncle Peter m
"And is your w ife a good house­
stingy man?”
“ W ell, no; I'd merely say that he
"Oh, wonderful, mother!
She can
heat coffee perfectly with an electric had all his generous impulses under
perfect control.”— Boston Transcript.
curling iron."— Kansas City Journal.
! W W W WW W W W M
"I have seen two soldiers, with
shrapnel bullets In their brains, sit­
ting up In bed talking and laughing
with their friends. Is there no limit
to the marvels of modern surgery?"
writes an orderly In one o f the London
Quite recently a Canadian soldier,
whose lower Jaw had been partly car­
ried away by a fragment o f shell, caus­
ing terrible disfigurement, was pro­
vided with a new Jaw, built with a
piece of the wounded man’s ribs.
In another case a lieutenant in a
Highland regiment, whose lower jaw
Cause and Effect.
Harker— Your friend L&mbley is
had been almost completely blown
away, was doctorod In a marvelous rather an odd chap, isn't he?
Parker— Ye*— result of a plunge In
nmnner. The surgeon put a new floor
to tho man's mouth, actually induced the stock market a 'fe w years ago.
Harker— How's that?
two pieces of bone to grow on the
Parker— He failed to come out evon.
lower Jaw. flxed t complete artlflclal
teeth, and healed the remains of the
lips, with the result that now the
The homelier a girl is the fewer
man Is as normal as ever, and the temptations she has to dodge.
For Sufferers From Backache, Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble.
Before an Insurance Company will I is endowed with other properties, fo r
take a risk on your life the examining it preserves the kidneys in a healthy
physician w ill test the urine and re­ condition by thoroughly cleansing
port whether you are a good risk. them. Being so many times more ac­
When your kidneys get sluggish and tive than lithia, "Anu ric" clears the
clog, you suffer from backache, sick- blood and filters out those deposits o f
headache, dizzy spells, or the twinges lime-aalts which cause so much pain,
and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and and prevents dropsical conditions sucb
gout. The urine is often cloudy, full as swollen hands or feet and the bag­
of sediment: channels often get sore like appearance under the eyes. "Ai>-
and sleep is disturbed two or three I uric" is a regular insurance and life-
times a night. TBis is the time you saver for all big meat eaters and those
should consult some physician of w ide who deposit lime salts In their jotnta.
experience— such as Dr. Pierce of the Ask the druggist for “ Anuric” put up
Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, by Dr. Pierce, in 50-cent packages, or
Buffalo, N. Y. Send 10c. for large send $1.00 to Dr. Pierce for full treat­
trial package of “ Anuric.” W rite your ment by mail.
symptoms and send a sample of urine
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for th*
for test. Experience has taught Dr.
Pierce that “ Anuric" is a most power­ liver and bowels have been favorably
ful agent in dissolving uric acid, and known for nearly 50 year*.