I D o Y o u r O w n P lu m b in g ] Hy t»uylrnf 'llr««'t from ua at w I id I m r I« p rim ami aava tha pluntbor'a i.roflU, Writ# ua to- «lay your i i p m I * , Wa will viva you our rork- button« "Ulrort to you" grt«»*. f o. b rail or l*«»at. W* actually »a v« you from 10 to 36 p*r c*nL All B'MMla tuaranU**, V eal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, E ggs & Farm Produce N ut C ake Can An y Man of 1 rhirty-Five Be heart iVhole and Fancy Free? Marvels of Modern War Surgery Shown in Army Hospitals The highest/grade o f baking powder pos­ sible to buy and your money refunded if it fails to satisfy. Ask your dealer. Jaques Mfg. Co., Chicago A W ell Painted Bam Will Save the Cost of a New One. l See Your Paint Dealer Now Give The Hog a Chance. No apple grower ever goes out Into the orchard and knocks apples off the tree with a club when he Is marketing his crop. He knows the public won’t buy bruised fruit. Hut there are still some hog ship­ pers who try to market their crops with a club and the result hits them in just the same place that it would the apple raiser— the pocketbook. It Is the club users, the kickers, and the men In too big a hurry that send bruised and crippled hogs to the mar­ ket. and those bruised and crippled hogs are the cause of lower prices for the men who put their time and their money into them. Hogs are slower in summer than In winter because of the heat. Patience is needed In their handling If the best prices are to be secured for them, be­ cause the buyers insist that the ani­ mals must be In first-class condition when received. There are a number of “ don’ts” that can be observed with profit at the present time. Just a few of them fol­ low: Don't drive hogs too rapidly. Don't be in too big a hurry to load. Start in time. Don't lose patience. Don't forget that a bruised or crip­ pled hog hits the shipper s pocketbook. Don't beat or shove the hogs because they do not happen to move quite fast enough to please you. Don’t throw water on the back of an overheated hog. Sprinkle the floor of the car or pen instead. Cruelty to hogs is clearly shown in the meat of the animals after they are prepared for market. Bruised backs and hams do not sell so readily as the clear meat, and future shipments from the source of the injured animals will suffer in consequence. Notices have been sent out and are posted in the various stock yards and about the loading pens and chutes of the railroads, urging humanity in the treatment of live stock. "G ive the pig a chance to become a gentleman."— Exchange. S Cure, While You Walk. A lle n ’« Foot-Kune 1« it certain cure for hot, | » « e a tin g ,c lln s ,a m i swollen, netting feet. Sold ! bv all DrugglMi. I’ riee ..V. Don't accent anv . eutwtltute. Trial package FREE. Addles, AUenS t>lm«ti-u. Le Hoy. N. Y. ___ Pretty Tea Cloth. Something new in a cover for the tea table Is sure to be welcome. The pretty new cover referred tc Is made of a loose basket-weave cloth almost like a heavy scrim. Through this cloth at Intervals c f four Inches are drawn threads to make four-inch squares. The squares which border the edge are filled In the corners with a design of a small teapot outlined against a background o f solid cross- stitch In delft blue. Along each side cross stitched letters are used In words Inviting one to a cup of tea. The edge Is finished with button­ holing, double overcasting or a small plcoted crocheted edge In the blue. Pure— Healthful— Economical Gets Value. T really believe,” said the married i man, •'that the average bachelor j spends more on himself than a mar ried man spends on his whole fam ily.” “ W ell, its worth it," replied th e ' bachelor.— London Saturday Journal. O H .b U R fc » > * ll ARC* A N G írD I Q ° T A VH.AC.tr A L L P lC K tO q c > t th m Mother Knows What To Use To Givo Quick Relief H A N F O R D ’S B alsam o f M yrrh ______ A L I N I M I N T For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Strains, Stiff Neck, Chilblains, Lame Back, Old Sores, Open Wounds, and all External Iqjuries. Made Since 1846. Price 25c, 50c m n d $1.00 All Dealers Q Granulated Eyelids, E ye» inflamed by expo- ___ *ure to Sua. Dost and I k # quickly relieved by Marine Eye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. A * Your Dniggi,t*s 50c per Bottle. Mnrise E j* SalveinTube»25c. ForBeokohheEyefreeaxk Drugguu or Murioc Eye Remedy Co., C BLACK LOSSES SORELY PREVENTE1 br C»tt*r'» Blactirg Pill*. Lau prl^rU. fnwh. reliable, preferred b e \Vr«tem sbickznen tacauas tba* »• » - v aan taat «bare athar vaaeiaaa taJL ? ■ - m " W rit» Tor booklet and trstlm oolale 9 P 1 , 10 » - m » • ' Blatklaf P.lla f l . M 50-dot» pk»o. BUekle, P ill« 4.W r « » any lnj«rt»r. but Cuttar*» T h , fupertortty of Cutter product» U due to orer K year, of ip«rlallrine In taacinM and aaruna auly. Inaiit an Cutter':. If uooMalcab!». order dlrert. T>.E CUTTER LABORATORY. Berkeley. Callfarmla. DAISY FLY KILLER l . u . o i l f I le a . Neat, clean, ient. cheap. U m s i A season . M a d e o l metal, can 't sp ill orti o v e r ; « i d n o t s o il < injure any thing Guaranteed effective. Sold b y dealers, 6 sent by express p r e ­ paid for f l . • e. am C££S2S. 2*0 DtKolb Arm.. Brooklyn, V. T. Poor Exchange. “ Anuric” cures Backache, Lumbago, Dubbleigh— At a reception this a f ­ Rheumatism. Send 10c Dr. V. M. ternoon 1 exchanged ideas with the Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y ., for large trial famous Prof. Saduka. package. Miss Keen— That explains why I found the professor so tiresome.— Bos­ Tim e Somebody Spoke. ton Transcript. He (after receiving a leap-year pro- j Dyer— Is it the kind of a play you posal)— This is so sudden! She— Nonsense! You must have can take a girl to see? Ryer— N o; it's the kind you can't known for four years that it was com­ keep her away from.— Life. ing.— Boston Transcript. - and sleep is disturbed two or three I uric" is a regular insurance and life- times a night. TBis is the time you saver for all big meat eaters and those should consult some physician of w ide who deposit lime salts In their jotnta. experience— such as Dr. Pierce of the Ask the druggist for “ Anuric” put up Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, by Dr. Pierce, in 50-cent packages, or Buffalo, N. Y. Send 10c. for large send $1.00 to Dr. Pierce for full treat­ trial package of “ Anuric.” W rite your ment by mail. symptoms and send a sample of urine Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for th* for test. Experience has taught Dr. Pierce that “ Anuric" is a most power­ liver and bowels have been favorably ful agent in dissolving uric acid, and known for nearly 50 year*.